. Sleepless iNigliis -ror mnr a able to stees, be ttuawtaf r atari CnntOwiWH tor twe dare. av strengta at lira ed." x. a burrs. Clauaneo, V. C. "I nave Mi.ee uaXT a part si bottle f Falntfs Oefary Oora aooad, end K has aedrely relieved me g( atasptasaassa, boa which I have suffered (tmuj. km- laithuv, Fauna, la rttB(XB70MipoBa4 sfeotoes seen and refmalnf twep. A payw'tan preaCTipuoa it MM contain One aannfifl drug Like uotti- Inf tM N guaranteed core nr eteepfcaav M It dvectkwe r taltnftilty toUowwt SLa 8tx lor 5.s. Drujnnsti WKUSj ,fft"T", CO., Burluia'tua. V t mm IP J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liverj Stable. i I have received TWO MORK CAR LOADS of Horses and Males, which were Relcoted bj mo individually with groat care. Id making mj purchases I deal onlj with reliable men, and got nothing ut good and sound stock. Will take pleasure in showing you through my Stables and Yards. oad Street, -New Berne, N. C. eug27dwif INSEY -rrv . ' For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. " Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH wt rll'H Ef.fY..TVYi JLJJ.C? gJUCH. W JUUl&UX DMii nnci Dili a I III lI lllli (uA- Utti. j -IS JJNaUESTIONABLY THE IT IllOa. Ll IdaAliClllliw It brewed; from the finest Pale; Canada 1 l57Barley,-liti and ! .Laazer Hopsnd !Uililrcoi& its TONIC and-Jtff: TBITIyE.clmauties.v,, Tbe.ihtgb repuvtuoa- enjoy ea at a i - tl )MPANT!la::dae.to-the fact that only the FINEST AHD BEST MATERIALS tre ; used 'and that the greatest SKUL aid OAtt 7 are exercised 'during its manufacture. "'Jy dwtf - ' . ' Xi'lvUb' lUlU aiUtUWl alVllf alvlmi At. V " 'YtrtkaittHlniNMrmiulm tckalcwttimnn. IMuumo- eiBee, be five Mttet 1 sand Painrrs venmj UMapouao. wumm hh Paine's Celery Compound quickly tfotou ud atntutlMB twiBrfrve, whan miuiea or weaunea py nrwun. .mm Umm, or ihoefc. It euro DerrjwniM, head ache. dvspepHUL, ilcnlrn wlanclaMia, and otoer diaurdun of tba aerrou 7ua. Tones up the Shattered Nerves " Par two rwt I was a wflerrr tram Benoaa detain? , and I thank tiud and (M toowiw of Um rahiawe reakwly. that Fata Celery Com pound i-ttred ate. Let any one write te me for arivtoa" tfaoaus W Booroa, atauilurd, uiua. school, KINSEY, Principal. t C b d I la , . ' At rN virvil i nncD ncc LtlULII ULL - t -a. - ' . a -TW"t- n 1VJ. S ' ' VH WW W oy tnc & tuv.ua a UuXUaUi THE JOURNAL. li:t man ixnr to l3 nrn "fiU IS Id" Ym, farewell 1 (travail forever, Taoa tbveelf bast Axed Mr doom; Bade hope iwntm bio omi wuher, Never nor foe aae te blooaa. CaforrivlBf then aae called ee, Did at Ihoa ifW My forftre ? Far the wretch who wile enthralled Thoa 4idt aaam aloa to Short th spaa which tisM aalk (i?aa To eomplata thy low 'aoay, Br aaaUow4 paaifcoiia driraa, Sooa thy heart was taufht to stray , Ud for M that faalinf tandar. Which ta wall thy Tarsa eaa show, Froaa asy arais why didst than wander, My andaarmaBts, why forego ? Wrapt In dreams of joy abiding. Oa thy breast mj head hath lain. In thy love and traih confiding. Blue I cannot know again. When tby heart by me "glanced over," Firet diaplay the guilty stain. Would theae eyes bad closed forever. Ne'er to weep thy crimes again. But by Heaven's recording spirit. May that wish forgotten be; Life, though now a load, I'd bear it. Fer the love Ie borne to thee. Ia w boae lovely featares Ut me. All my weakness hereconfeea, While tbt itruggling teara permit me, All bar father' I can trace. LI is. wboee image never leave me, W'boao remembraoce yet I prtzs. Wby thiy bitiervat feeling give ma. Still to love where I deapise With regret and aorrow rather. When our ohild'a H rat accent dj, I ahall teach her to say ' Father," But his guilt ahe De er ahali know Whilat to morrow and to-morrow, Wake me to a widowed bed, lo another's arm no sorrow Wilt thou feel ? No tear will ahed ? For the world's applause I sought Dot, When I tore myself from thee, Of its praise or blame I thought not. What's its praise or blame to me ? He in whom my soul delighted. From his heart my image drove, With contempt my truth requited, And preferred a wanton's love. Thou art proud, but mark me, Byrou, I've a soul proud as thine own, Loat to love, but bard as iron. When despite on me is thrown. But, farewell ! I'll not upbraid tbee, Never, never wish thee ill. Wretched tbo' thy crimes have made me, If thou oanst be happy still. A Scene at a Ball Figbt. A few years ago, the inhabitants of Seville read, with surprise, in the advertisements of an approach ing boll-fight, this nnosaal notice: "When the third ball shall have attacked the picadors and receives three pairs of banderillaa, a young peasant, by whom it has been brought np, will appear in tbe circus. lie win approach the bull, caress it, and after removing the banderillaa, one after another, will lie down between its horns." The announcement of so singular a feat attracted an immense crowd to tbe amphitheatre, l'he third ball appeared, an animal with splendid horns, and vary brave; it slew four horses, received tbe banuenllas, and became furious. Then, contrary to custom, all tbe torreros retired from the ring, leaving the ball stamping about, and shaking the bloody darts that hnng from his neck. All At once a long whistle was heard. The boll paused and listened. It was re peated. The bull approached the barrier and a young man leaped Into the ring, calling the ball by his name, "Mosquito r' Tbe animal knew" "its master, came to caress him 'and 'was appeased. The peanut' -gate It his h.qd to ,bck, s.-witb, the other began W icratcb ttbvfalund the ears an operation Mcfc 'seemed to afford the brute much, ; pleasure. Be then gently removed the banderillaa which an aoyed the neck, of Mosquito, made him , go down on his knees, and placed his bead between his horns. The grateful bull seemed to listen with pleasure to a pastoral melody sung by the master. The admira tion of the multitude, hitherto suppressed by surprise, burst forth with -Andalnslan violence, . and shook the building. Hearing-this frenzied.' : applause, which bad ac companied -all his sufferings, the bull, -tiir their under a-charm, ap peared to wake and.return to reali ty It ; suddealy ; fosei, 'bellowing, and ; thepeasjant liled to escape. But lfc was- too-late The animal, as thouzQ tftlrioua at being be trayed, tossed hs yoriBjfman into the air, receivd hini again on its horn's, gored bun, trampled on him, and ernshed him .to nieces, in SDite of thaCEbtta'of the tomros. ' The performance) .W! 'ospended a phenorasnonirin. Bpato-Htad ! the nornuoa puotw tiuittea the circus 1U UCUUD..,- Iaoiifl wWtfi is nuranleed to brtoff ton atlflfafUmenulU. otta caaaof falioie a return. ,tvt pttrelase :rloa. j Oa this safe plan,, yew eaa dhj irom r aarerusea IftuggW bottle of, 'Dr. KlBg'tBTew Jla- eavarr jot tjoammpusa. U ta guaranteaa to bruitf relief lft.evfr case. ' when used for to -sirexitlou af ;:Tlxreav; Lungs os unest,Bacai aa w&mimpuoar.iw!ainnkauon of Lorir)i,. -Broidtltia; Arthma Waoeninit Oon fkp;jrt.,tu JtJalpleasant and agreeable to taata. serf ectly aafe. and can alvsTab deprtuded upon; Trial hot uea zrea at & . jjuay a, whoiesaie ana retail araffguit: f .Bee per acwen, awwrl inane curad bm f auuguam Ik at aoa iltei had baua treated in wn.1 aid aa-camrf Mnmia of Mercury and Potash. S. B. aut uy cared ti Biuua tamM, kut Muetrd la Baaaaftaoan flicfi mua cauatnl b v Ui(- poibrHtae aiana . uft-V B.i V ELL. am Sd'A miae, N I Scrofula developed oa ftiy daubcar eweihii aod JUtjaaalierDei.ii e rv u, r in Bj-a, ura. and tae rceolt ne wood.Vui aud ;d cure prjaipL 8 A DaAKM"N'l Oocjjd, Tena. SaTrr frFacirit- m euurt-h a vrcaDif rrmeay and U tbe oau uji-diciac wtiit, iHnuaiit'D:: cuit Scrofula. Blood H-ai.ir ii. r and i ouLaiDuiu Bkwd Pouon. S,ml fur boot- ,n Bio,id ami skm Dweaae. aiaiied frr. TU tfirr brtc iTk Co , Dra-cr S. A,, 6 For Old and Young. rU1 liver PtUa art as ktaly tfea etkUa. aa aelaeata fan. a la ar tallraa M aare, aa ( Ute luruua ana. nil's Pills , give t the weak ataaerh, bow ta, htdasa end bladder. T I beau ! erajeaa (hair atro trtcnlna; .llil ! ara derfnl, r.u.lun mam tu pr j Ceriu Itoatr f uuctlona aa In f uulb. Sold Everywhere. Office. 44 Murray SL. New York, 44 Murray su, New MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. OdIt aT-caiilsie Hygtfm of Mroiory TVattniac . I-oar Hk I.rarned to mne reaatnaj. IHisiai WHodrrtntf rurfil. Ettt fhild anI adult grenily bnrtftpd Grwt tailucemuuta t C-nrrwr-,. .o.lr-ncti i 'Usmi. PniamotuA, wtlh opmnn 'f r. ?n 4. Ilnm Ttanf, the) T'rl.l Uitif.1 Si.', i .1 i ! Vi .,1 Ik m.Hta, DanleH-reenleHt Thiniiiit, i;i aE'- fti 7 u. J.M. Huc'UIr. I . !...! i... .i i .,.f,M iMrvrV, S Y . Id. Iar.l I Ma . W tor, Jii.l. t.th.n, Juil.ah I' BataiBata, n1 "ill r, ent y I 1 1 1 b i t , ' A 1.1 A 1.1 I, Oity Property For Sale. I'urtuant t- p. wcr m n in riMi' fx ecuted to nu I v H U 'lton nii.i i f e . dated Mav '-sih. l"s7. ho I itvurtlril in book No U. punt' 11,1 3t n.l fM.", 1 will sell at Public An lion hi th L"'ii rt House in Newborn, "ii M.milny the Ul day of April, A 1 1S-'J. ut l'J o'clock, midday : The lot of Unl an. I improve ments at the eouUo'Ufl i rin r of ( raven and Broad street, in tin 1'itv 'f New bern, where the ltn Alexander 11 II ul ton resided, beini; put ..f lot No M Also, part of lot No. 4 7 ad lining the above lot of lund, and frotilinn on llroid street. For fuller ill m refer to said mortgage. Terms CikIi 1 1 . A II L ATIN, f'7 td M 'rtK ii.V The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW i'HICKH, And wonders, How is it that I can sell so much lower than anv one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the caah, and WORK FOB SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Berne, N. 0. NEW BERNE AND PAMlICO LINE. The Steamer TAIIOMA, A hendaomnly constructed freight and pas senger boat, having ben placed on this route, IS prepared lo reuuur superior Berviw 00 ana rrom ail point on lower weuse niver nd Pamlico connty, and New Berne. For the present tbe following schedule will be in operation: Baturday atSIX A. M. for ilaybnro, stopping at Clubfoot, Adams au i buiuus ireeus Vandamere and stonewall. Leayee Haybero every Monday in ' I hars- day at BIX A . M.. stopping at Btonewall, Vandamere. Smiths. Adams and (Jlubfooi Creeks, anlvlng at ew nerne jionaayana Thurs lay evenings. Kxoeuent passenger accommoaation, am Die frelarht aollltieg. Freight receipted tor n 1 received dally by mtico. D. I.lna. and everv Information given. u a, Asuuu, Agem, vhuubiuviv, C. H. FOWLEH. " Stonewall. FOWLEB 4 COWET.L, Agents Bayboro. GEORGE A. HUSSEY. H0V4dWtf General Manager. Round Knob Hotel, W. J. SPRAGTJK, Prop'r. ROUND KNOB. N. C. Moat Picturesque Scenery In Western North Carolina. POINTS OF INTEREST NEAR BY:; Old Fort, St. Beraard Mountain Catawba Falls.. Mod Cut. awannanoe Tunnel ...Distant 5 Miles. ... 1 ... " 5 ... - " 1 8 Pinnacle of the blue Ridge.-. " b Potato Too .'. " 7 Toe River, One trout Cshlug - 8 Bricuree' iron Bprmes t KeUr's Iron Spring " U " tlltoheU' Peak, the Grave of Prof. Mitchell . , the mgneai point east oi tae ttocny ' ' Mountains, nine miles. Tare eeol dry atmosphere: ao foes: Ucht aewe. xraina stop at me aoor, apn p Open all the rear. Terms reasonable by month or week. aiodwtj Notice. Go to the Oaston House Barber Shop lor aa.asy shave and a Rood hair cat. Shaving 10 eta.; hair cutting; 20o, Paor,W, H. 8HEPAED, . . . Proprietor, EilORY PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK uwi kjlb . a. c. askaa a eravaa Kra. aalweea roUocJ and Broad an-ldawi P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOUNEY AT LAW. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. Will practice In the Ctouotlea of Craven. Car- j La t brue lor baiuiuore, I'L' ES tereu Joswa. Unalow and Pamlico. i' . .-a 1 1 tii a V. i ci P M I'nivsd Htatea Conn at Nw Bern, and j TL., , A u.n f le.oui s. b-C rr.iiJll ilIU iluill 1 .d.lrfUOrr rs.n.a. ,1 OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms Sou Ik Front street, fourtiort wt8t of Craven. Mtn-ant:.e Uw nnJ iVuvoain 't lea, T l3itfr . 'Utftlt atiJ aV'.vl Robert Hancock, Jr., i TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancock Jruj? store, i next door to Hotel Altrt. Open from 9 a m. to 4 p. . Will give I prompt attention lo all ma r i i".m ' inK to Juetic' oouru i--' Kf HUMPHREYS' rs. mx: Cloth & Co.d e."J."f 1. I'.'. " 'k Mt'l tdttr. V Kevem.t unHstion lui'.jn r t in in. n , a . ,., ,.( , i 1 r I olic. I i-! h.MU t t diarrhea or t luklun r .: , llv iiu-n , l.t.ini I ii- v I ulltthn. olt lir.iiu li.i . Numliila. 'I iHitii.n tie l... ll. n, h- M. k iu...l.. 'i Homeopathic t1Plla. h'lNMlS MlIIIrt tl atiititrt'BM'a "r Painful Period - V flllfB, UW I'l-'fu-sJ pHn.Hli rtH!I. t'oiltth hifft- ii t tlrea! I alt Ithetmi. I i" ' Kn. , u, Hhfiitnalitni. Rtmuumin l .i i ffr and Ague. t - Maia. h Ptl. Hlioi. ..r ltlrf.1 ng Catarrh. lntliin'a. "1 .n ' H -i.1 W hMlttff t'Otlath. ...lent I - it.t (rnrral lfhHn ,rti- Hlhlalarv Ih.f.at- rim ItfhllllV I (Mr 1 (Ml KHOlnary UrahnrM. etrme H-.l Uliwaaei OI inff fiari. raipnati-'n Spec i f i c s . 1 ly hritiitiat t "! imwlpa l hi n-c i t of - Ullll liaaiB MaVimi-NklO. lUUIulluaSl. H.. ll of the above niedicmvH Hre lor hIm t the dnii dtoren of K. S IhitTy nd K Iterry, Middle street. New Heme, N . ('. $500 Reward! f uii .it i ii I . it y ( pHl. sn k hf n.tif 1 1 nlit;tHt !n -hm: i h t tun nr pimiiu-nr". i i uii' 1 ' r W. t h W est o irnriah i I 1 t-r IV w 1 1 i'ii il'rt'rllntis ft i hti.it. , .(, - v 1 1 It . 1 art iu r; ft; ft -,t I . h A vi i fa I i t m vi' sa t Irtlfti t tMi. I m r ' ( i h ntiitTilnu .to nii,;nr roHtnl pills l..r .( t. all ilrutfniNi.it. hewart w( ri .u n tc r ft-: I . ll 1 Mr. 1 1 at liMiK. 'I'll ft V t' n u l IH man u fHC ! ii r , d nlv I'V J"HN C. W KHU Ul., VV . Ma, I 8nii Ht , Chl'HKo. 111. Sol.i by Ii. N. DlTFY.druRKHt, New IWne. N. C. apU4 tlwly nwfV9L J III ll III V.W'H laUaUaSaaaiaUUiJiatiaw THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT Or ORDER. If you desire to purchase ft sewing machine, nak nurao-r-nt at vour placo for trms and prices. If you cannot And onr ag-cut, write ll i roc t to n raireat address to you below namoil NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE B.ORANCE,MASS. CHICSSO 28 UNION KyUrKt,N.Y.- usLini. an ANT& r5A TEX, I LL. ST LOUIVM0. -a. ! i ' PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS LOW f .LM, HIGH ABM, $20 FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL IN TOUR 0W HOUSE BEFORE TOU PUT ONE CENT, runt-Aim maenma dm witwHin eir-thradlnc ahattle. b aotaelea vaf I Isjh t-raaxilDir, b the finest set ef attach BBeata, b a velTet-llaed caae. Don t pay rent. m Sfia. aut Mnd for circular. Remember. ara ruaraate oar machine equal to say high-priced whine on tb atarket. aaareu The C A. WOOD CO., 17 B. 10th Bt Philadelphia, Pa. John Williams Permanently located onoorner of Broad A I .I... A-mt and repair all kind, of Clotblng at Low rncn. -A apeviauiiy is uibub ihuimuuii Ladles7. Dressee. Batislactlon gnaran ft.- aag Sldtf mm r - V ABM, J $28 i t The II. C. Freight; LinB OolJ Jlulcktr 15, Imoi, tbla llnewiU irauitie it.eir regular SEMI-WEEKLY TKITS Bmriis; Baltimore and New Berne Ljavlu8 ba ujuore lor New hern W ED- -'ajsi'.i l , bai L Rii. 1 at BIX r. M. o rr,u-, 6lu p.U6 I.L.J si. .Soski.i ,1 1 l-i a BtlL- Ooti Ut-vi ion. .i 1. out v'l Nr. . '.- r :. a . . ... : . I Iw, F.t I 8 A Ss' ,i i . s A u itnr. IK ,. Mill' I I HI LK AN I I K. tAbit.i.i l'bi- 1 OrtilULiit it I i . , ! . 1. 1 1 r 1 1 Ii i lei , 1 : t EAGLtr and VESPEfi i Ut" llt'ii ii r An 'M . 1 ill IW 11 MUMiii i ll A l . , l u lilt 'rt. K. lUllfi. RM , illu r I,, l 1 j'-. J l . J N ' M ,-. I I. I. ''I1' M, r w a i ii ii i . , CAN I 1 1 I . tl. i h r.o i L Oj Afl.i . .. v I - . s Y A K i J , -. N Ai'iit, : i.... N. Ii K U OLy OOKliNION Steamsnip Gompany. ;si.Ml-Wl-.I.Kl.Y LINK. h' Old DominUi, ........ i , i uir pn' ula .ml Kn.orli. U.le, Houie, via All.,,,,.r. mntt 'A he.ira It e anal. Putt orfolk, llaltlmore, !Sc lorU, . lrl.lil, Bo.toi.. I'm, l.lenl.,, lid W asliliiKlun II j . And all points. North. i;luJt auj WuHt in and hHot II Ksi, i I.I.I A h Irwt:, until (urtnt-r iml : Steamer MiNiEO. Cap L. Santhgata. EE ami Steamer NEWBEhiSE, CapL fntcliett, 8ll tri. 111 .Surlu.li - . for New Ml'MlAI.S Re i i.inif cilou N- r. k. Berne. via W : ,, ., nd KRIIiAYS. iimKiiia , wllh llin Mleiuinr' 1. 1 ii -. K. ( o.,(ur KitiBiiiii Iimi.i n i all oilier "ur"l", will aun trim, hW uL ,,. , to. mikh.i.i mt ii M:K tor New ,.,k ' i- , " . '" for haitlniore. ( .,!,. . . lolpllia. .vi a M I . , , 1 s st'ftrner -i..,. f.,r t'hila i l"r liOKUiu , i use i.ur patron, 1 i"t tue pant ti.Hr.ii.lee we cau 1 :' v. in do lor O l). M. . ( pjQf. anu l'rovidHi,re llur unl.rii.i; ell.irt : . , itnd our a;un,ni .. r.'. i-! tun iteii j , him. ir u , tut Jder an ii:i.:,( is B t,. u hem in tliclntuie. Older all k.iu,:b . ;.r. . folk. Va. I'aaKfiiKera fltl'l .1 il tatuo, comfort i . hi ii-sj ami alien- tl,.. i tticer. atiie riHiam. huJ ei , tlou Wlli lie tin iu r K Ii. KuChKTH. Agent. MIHSRd, CI ..j'Ki'l ..('. x ll K.N KR A' r.ti. .Norfink. V. ff. H' HTANi-I.KU, ice I rt-B irr . .New York City, TUB NEUSE I TRENT &IVEB Steamboat Company. Will ran tbe foUowlr. SobednJ on and artat Januarv lat. 1887. 8teamer Trent Will leave evry Monday and Thursday nnorning at HU o . lorR for timith aod Adam t eetks lllnl nil lntrmer11ol ml.l. returning aame ilaj . ' STEAMERS. Steamer Klneton. Will leave Now Berne for Jilnaton on Tna. day andjiriday at 12 o'clock, M. B4urn ff'Jj" Ies8 K'"lon on Hondaya and rnuradara: Touching at all Intermediate Landing on Neuge Hiver. J. J. DlB08WAYat "swbera. W. F. Stawlt. Klnstos. ' - Jt D. 8. BAaaus, Poiioksniie. W. E. WARD. Agent at rreatoa. M. 0. Bkith. Jolly uld Flaia,, J. B. BAKa, Quaker Bridge. ebTdaw Klnaton. IV ? ; K FOR MEN ONLY. Permanent a , or fajlint . r wvam - l I mwvai. so. mwTAUa. m. Tr-

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