Daily OURNAL VOL. VIL-NO. 300. NEW BERNE. N. C. SUNDAY. MARCH 17, 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS.'! BUSINESS LOCALS. rpBE DETROIT FREE PRESS with X (jiui" new Berne ikin wui be offered for sal by Noma Nana at JorapiX offioe. Ha will alao take eub aeripUou to MBsaetioa with tha New fitru JOUEXAL ror ui rraa rraaa. OHOKINQ TOBACCO. Two-ounce a rv i i a Tomooo, and a poatal cara lor oo. Four-ounoa package and a atamped en velope for 10c. At Dan., -i mxlS tf Broad straet. FINEST BEEF avar brought to New Barna. Hotel Albert building, by 0. B. Dtjgas. FOR SALE A cood buainees; well established; beet location in city. Addrasa V. T. W., P. 0. Box 414 New Barna, N. C. n14 lw A CONSIGNMENT of CRAB GRASS XX HAY for aala by Geo. Allkn & Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN, jut received and for aala by James Redmond. FERTILIZERS for Trucker and for Cotton Planter, at Geo. Allen & Co. JAMES REDMOND. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, baa just re ceived a good assortment of Native Winea and Brandies, and also come of tha famous California Wina known aa tha "Angelica," made from the famous and dalicioua Angelioa Grape. This Grape ia only successfully cultivated in tha Southern part of California; it ia a very delicate grapa and require cer tain oonditiona of climate to bring it to excellence, which oonditiona are only mat in that paradiae of tha United Stata. Hia native North. Carolina Winea and Brand lea from the v in tag of Garrett & Co. and J. Wharton Green ara of very superior quality and are vary pure. fe2 lm PLOUGHS, Cultivator and Harrow at very low prioaa. Geo. Allen A Co. JUSf RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for aala by James Redmond. ONE Thousand Roll Wall Paper at very low prioea. Geo. Allen & Co. 1)URE WINES AND LIQUORS for Medioinal and other use for sale by James Redmond. James S. Clabkson, or Iowa, baa been confirmed as first Assist ant Postmaster General. The Governor ol the province of West Prussia suggests tbat Chinese laborers be employed to do farm work. A Berlin dispatch says tbat Henry M. Stanley is making his way towards the east coast oi Africa. Gbover Cleveland was an nonnoed as one of the speakers at the St. Patrick's banquet at Del moaico's last night. Mrs. Krzywoszynski preferred John Jwinginjynsky to her hnsband because the latter name, la easier to pronounce and more pleasant to the ' It now appears that the reported collision between the Nipsic and the Volga in Samoan waters was not true. Everything is quiet at Samoa. ' Walter Blaine has been made legal advfser of the Department of State. , Who supposes for a moment '. that James G. Blaine will ever ask . advice of Walter T The persistant politician and place hunter from North Carolina ' makes himself felt in the, corridors : of the Washington hotels, with old time Tim- and vigor. Wilmington -Messenger. , I- - ;- XSBae3f irr aaSBE . MAKY ' messages of sympathy have been.sent to Mrs. Dawson, of '.Charleston, and among them is the following from ex-President Cleve land: , I am shocked by the death of jour hnsband, and I sadly tender you my heartfelt sympathy and condolence.' "Oh, Christian, the God wnom you serve js so excellent , that no good can be added to Him; and. so ; infinite that no good ' can be diminished In ' Him. He makes itafpy," and jet is' hot the. less - happy f he shows mercy to the fail, . and yet remains full of mercy."! - . I if the coarse of a sermon recent ly delivered, Dr. McOosh said: : H have , for most of my life, been student of philosophy. I have been c ailed to stndy all its systems, ancient and modern. Kone of them ccu'J make np for the want of the Bible.' However important in enlarging and establishing the mind, they cannot give peace and stability to the soul." Nowhere In the world is our Christ represented as slow to heed the cry of distress, or as pre occupied with the vast concerns of His twofold kingdom ; never too weary, though resting at the well, to seek far the lost, and open to them fountains of neverfailing refreshment. "Jesus ChriBt Is the same, yesterday, today, and for ever. Advocate of Holiness. Life is the time for doing. The world is a great workshop, in whieh there is uo room tor drones. God himself worked as the great Master builder. All creatures fulfill their needful functions, from the angel that by mns God's praise to the insect that floats in the air. There is plenty to do ; evil to put down ) good to build op ; doubters to be directed ; prodigals to be won back; sinners to be sought. F. B. Mayer. -1 -i.Xt HL L J-LU The World says: "The Pennsyl vania Railroad Company has secured possession of 5,0G0 feet of shore front on New York Bay. It has also purchased a large section of continuous nronertv. These immense accessions have been made with such systematic secrecy tbat The World is able to announce today for the first time that a rail road terminal is to be constructed on the property, and with facilities ample to insure its being one oi the largest in the world." LOCAL NEWS. L. J. Taylor is erecting a handsome dwelling near the depot. Subscribe to the bonus fund and at tend tbe meeting on Monday evening. Tne schooner Henrietta, Capt. Sorogga, arrived at the railroad depot yesterday evening from Baltimore with a cargo of lime. Regular prayermeetinx this morning at 0:30 o'clock at the office of G. N. Ives, market dock. All men are invited to attend. Remember the meeting at the Board of Tri.de room on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. If we are going to "hustle" let's get about it. Dugan, tbe Western beef man at Hotel Albert, has added mutton to his stall. About five hundred pounds of the beef went oS yesterday. Tbe schooner Convoy, Capt. Davis, of Beaufort, took out a large boiler from Crabtree & Co 'a shops for Dey Bros, yesterday. A boiler and engine from the same shop are aboard a flat boat at tha foot of Craven etreet for Blank's shingle mill. , -'l ;-'n The Mattie Hilea Heajd From. The schooner Mattie . Hilea, Capt. Dan Roberts, which left here about the first of February, arrived at Antigua after being out fifteen day. She left Antigua for Mont Seratt where her cargo will be diposad of. She la ex pected to return during the coming week. - Our Deputy Sheriff. The people of Craven county are to be congratulated upon the selec tion by Sheriff Lane of J. W. Biddle, Esq., for Deputy Sheriff. Mr. Biddle was for many years on the board of county commissioners; he is a high-toned gentleman; polite and kind to everybody, and has firmness to dis charge the duties of the office, Personal. Jadge Shipp and Solicitor Allen 'passed down last night to hold Carteret court. We are glad to tee Hia Honor looking so wail. .,. . Tboa. E. Oilman, Esq.; ' Onflow ' faithful representative ia the General Assembly, arrived last Bight from Not- folk and is much improved In health Messrs. P., ,fl, Pelletier .Clement Manly, MDeW.. Stevenson and H. B. Bryan left foe Carteret 8uperiorCoart last night. v., i , , , , ', J -1 , ' ' A fioriacia Haai'e Clear VUloft. ,! -'"v'Hew You Crrr, April 4M888. 1 -Mr. A. K. Bawkea Dear Sir; Your patent eye-glasses received seme time since, and am very much gratified at tbe wonaerrui cnange tbat baa oome over my eyesight since1 I have discarded my old glasses and am: now wearing yours. , - -, - , AtAXaJiMn .AQAJt, Secretary Stationers Board of Trade of JNew lora- CJity ' All eyes- fitted and fit (raaranteed by' I. S. Puffy, New Berne. N. O. jl2dlm T. X. 0, A, Convention, The annual convention of tha Young Meat Christian Association will con vene In Wilmington on Thursday, March 21st. Mr. W. P. M. Bryan, President of tha Association In this city, has credentials for tha delegates who will attend from tha Association. Tha Moat Important Act. Tha moat important act of the Gene ral Aseambly affecting this section of the Bute was that to prevent discrimination against the A. & N. C. R. by other railroad in tha State. Governor Fowle promised the people of New Berne that if tha General As sembly would give him the law he would see that flagrant discriminations such as have taxed our people almost beyond enduranoe, and diverted a large part of our trade, should be oor reeled. We do not know whether the remedy provided ia ecomplete or not, but we do know, and the Governor know, that a remedy is needed. If it is sufficient were feel confident tbat the Governor will exert every effort in his power to correct the evils of which we have so long com plained. That Thousand Dollars. We are told that we have got to hustle to raise that thousand dollars to offsr as a bonus to have a factory started. Tbat is true. This is a hustling age. There must be hustling to succeed in any en terprise that ia worth having. But we want to explain a little about that thou sand dollars. A number of available sites have been offered free to any one w ho will erect factories thereon. These offer alone when they become known will attract tbe attention of capitalists. But in order to hurry the thing along it is proposed to raise a thousand dollars be given as a bonus to the first one tbat will aocept an offer for a aite and build a faotory thereon with not less than $30,000 capital. It is not giving a thousand dollars simply for the purpose of trying an expedient. The thousand is to be given for the $20,000. For the sake of such a factory it ought not to require so much hustling to raise a thousand dollars. -Let all hands chip in. A furniture factory ith $20,000 capital would employ at least fifty hands. These hands would be paid at least three hundred dollars per weak and as muoh more would be paid out for lumbar. Six hundred dol lars a week: twenty-five hundred par month; thirty thousand per year, and almost every dollar of it would go into the trade of the city. Church Service Today. Baptist Church Rev. H. W. Battle, pastor. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 , m. Sunday souool at 8 p. m. There ill be service at this church every night during the week, at whioh tha pastor will be assisted by Rev. J. 8. Dill of Goldsboro. All are invited to attend. Presbyterian Church Rv. L.C.Vass, D., pastor. Services at 11 a. nr. and 4:15 p. m. Sabbath school and pastor's Bible class at 3:15 p. m. Strangers visiting New Bern, and the citizens generally, ara invited to attend these public seryioes on the Sabbath, and tha prayer meeting on Thursday night. Christ Church V. W.Shield, Rector. 2d Sunday in Lent. 8 a. m. Holy Com munion; 9 80 a. m. mission Sunday sohool; 11 a.m. morning prayer and ser mon; 4 p.m. Sunday sohool at church; 7 p. m. evening prayer and sermon. All people will be welcomed to the service of this church. Ushers at the doors. Catholio Churoh Morning service at 11 o'clock : mass, sermou on God's mercy to sinners. Evening servioe at 7:80 o'olock. Vespers, some explanations on the second commandment, benedic tion. Methodist Church Rev. L. W. Craw ford, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. The pews are free. Ushers are alwayi at the door to receive stran ger. All persons are cordially invited to worship with the congregation Men' prayer meetiag at 9 a. m. San day, sohool at 8 p.m., J. K. Willi Svperintendent. Bishop O. C. Petty will preach at St, Peter's A. M. E. Zion Cburoh en Qaeen street this ; evening at 1 o'olock. The nubile are cordially invited. Y. M. u. A.Bervioe or song ana braver this afternoon at five o'olock for a blessing on the state convention which meets ia Wilmington on the 21st Inst. , Leader. Capt. N. W. Jonee. All man ara cordially invited to attend. KKBXT'WUS. ', We desire to say to our citlaens tbat for years we have, been selling J)r King' Kaw Discovery for - ConsamBtlbn. Dr. King's New tLife Pills, Backlen'S Arnica eatvs ana ainipo ouhib, ana uava never handled remedies tha seU as Well or that have given: such' universal, satisfaction We do not hesitate to guarantee them every Durchase trice if satisfactory results do not follow their use. . - These remedies have won their' att)0pnlarlty ptuel on their merite: -For al by E. N. Dully, whole sale and retail druggbW Prioe per dosen I botties, $8.00 . J, ' Ja23 ly NORTH CAR0L1M t,S. I'roni the Mate. Tapers. Scotland Neck Democrat We learn that on Wednesday mgbt f Ut week aosoe one went into the tieid of Mr J. B. House, near Palaivra, auJ burned aeveral stacks of foJdor. Wt aote that a new Catholic church io built in Halifax. Elizabeth City News Wot k t: been resumed on tbe buiJdica and ground of the Albemarle Park Aarooiaiion. and the'chairman of tbe diret -:ors say that things will now move until toe ground are finished Aootrur raocaily at tempt to burn Koch's bakery w as made 8.30 o click Testfrday morninii; This makes the fourth time the attempt ha been made on ibe same building not being content w ith hav in all eady urned Mr Koch out ti e Both Underwood an l lioJfrev are pu.tioii in ry kilns There are a number of strangers in town, some of them looking for investments liround has been broken-fur the new Kuubb s creek mill. The town boundaries hae bsen xtended and the anli thanked. Ot course some are glad and s nne mad. Wingion Sentuiel They ?ay th.it Mr. E. Reeves of Surry c un' u to be U.S. Marshal far thisdinlri t t.i nuc ceed Col Uivul Settle A new post- fBce has just beeu r .uibl .1 iu Koc k - nxham ouutv au.l its nmie is Splashy." Th- Seniinrl rrn-n to earn of th erttical illness cf Mr- 1 11 Pegram, on Liberty street. She is Buf fering from a cauoer an.l ( rAprcta of recovery are urif.ivoml 1 We are nformed thut Mr Cicero 1 ue will m-un beein the erection of :i c!. m n 1 furru ture factory in Winstor. i.ear hiacoun try residence just north of ih citv imits. Ths buildniji; w II ! , .".0x130 set and two stones m IimIii A egro girl inyAtrriouslv ,1 isappeared rorn the tieigiilHirho. .1 . 1 Mrvin church, this county, ub nit ten days ago and has not since been heard of The condition of Rev W 11 Uoiduit, who recently experienced a inr.ilytio stroke at Rockingham. Richmond county, his so improved durinc the last week an to permit his removal to Winston, the home of his daught r Mrs .Vshcraft State revenue ngint Vandeford made a raid on the .hstiUerv of Mr eo. W. Smith, ricir Kern, rsville. Tuesday night an I f,.un.l irregularities. in consequence of which ho seized everything belonging to the disiillery bout 40 barren of y. -hiskev. cuiim er ble beer, stock, wsgons, etc Smith skippsd. Salisbury Herald' Wo have to an nounce with humiliation and regret that the effort to procure e!t ctric lights for Salisbury bin failed, for tho want of proper encouragement. Rowan county possesses a man of giant strength n the person of A. r. Ilwnry Rice, of Woodland Not long since he cut down black walnut tree and got it ready for the mill, and took up one of the logs, 12 feet long, and carried it and placed upon the saw carriage. The log squared 13 inches, and made 150 feet of umber. Mr. II. C. Trott sawed the lumber for Mr. Rice, and the remark able display of strength was witnessed by seyfral persons. The Knitting Mill is progressing rapidly. The engine to be shipped on tho 231 and the other machinery a few days later. Samples of yarns are coming in fast. About fifty women and children ore needed to begin work in April One of the most remarkable freaks of nature we have ever seen is tbe skin of a white raccoon now in the possession of Mr. Rob't W. Price. The coon was killed by a citizen of Gold LIi.l township on New Year s While the men em ployed at the Kirk 'a Mountain quarries were eating their dinner Monday, a strange noise was heard in the air over bead, which was found to be the ring ing of a bell worn by a buzzard that was flying near them. The bell was of ordinary size and .could be heard (lis tinctly for some distance. Tarboro Soutnerner: All hope of maintaining tbe graded school by taxa tion ha gone for at least two years, thanks to a Legislature which knew more about the needs of this communi ty than the community itself. Still the sohool should continue, but its con tinuance and excellence depend now solely upon private contributions. Thursday afternoon Alex. Boyd, living near the W. & W. depot, died suddenly from heart disease. For several days he had complained of a pain in his side. Just before he died be wanted a lamp lit; everything was dark ha said. A few minutes later he was a corpse. In some sections the negroes are still leaving for Arkansas, Here, none have left, and are not likely to go. Just be fore the Goldsboro a trouble, soma of the agents had been here trying to in duce them to leave, but the Edgecombe darkey isn't built that way. Notene went. Ihree fires in tbe countv last week. The first occurred at the farm of J L. Coker, just beyond Princeville. After one o'clock in the morning, a two room out house about fifteen or twenty feet from the dwelling, was discovered to be on fire. Loss about $300 The second fire was on the plantation of N. B. Killebrew, of No. 11 township, near M'Eendre, Friday just before day; his stables were discovered' burning, and the fire well under way Oae brood mare was burned with the build ing. He also lost about twenty five barrels or corn, toe barn which was near by was saved. Tbe lose ia esti mated at 81.000. Tbe third was on Robert Pitt's farm, No. 10 township, known as the OBy Atkinson farm. His barn.' stables and residence .were all consumed. 8unday morning, near Scotland Neck, about a o'olock Gilbert Leggett had his residence and contents all consumed. The fire was of mcen diary origin. Tbe lose was not reported . but, as there was no insurance the loss U very heavy to Mr n Leggett. T3 LEASE REMEMBER tbat I need L money aa well aa the rest of man kind, and if yon owe me- please y me. . - j, v. WHrnr. A Brilliant Reception On Thursday evening, regardlets of the wind which was whistling and tbe rain which was copiously falhog, a large number of ladies and gentlemen assembled at the hospitable mansion of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea A. Bryan to pay their retpms and offer their oongraiu , latiana to Mr. and Mr. Charles S. Bryan, who bad just reached borne after an extended bridal tour Tbe guests were received by the bride and groom in an exceedingly graceful aad becoming manner. Tbe bride was at tired in her wedding dress; around hr neck she wore a magnificent chain of diamonds. A bountiful collation of , delicacies was served, and a moat pleasant and enjoyable evening was pent by all present. In the parlor and on tbe festive board were quantities of beautiful tlowars; they seamed to be some of the rarest and choicest that grew. The hands of fair women had arranged them with exquisite usta. and tbe rooms were filled with their odor. Augusta, her former home, could not have extended more hearty good wishts to the bride, than were extended to her in her new home by the people of New bsm. X Did you ever have a blinding sick headache and feel as if you would jutt like to be "any where, anywhere out of the world?" Well, if you will only lake Laxador you will be happy again Settlement of a long dispute i'hjsi cians have at last oome to the conclusion tbat the best medicine for teething chil dren is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup I.lst of .otters postotlico Remaining in the at N Marne. Craven countv, N C . M r. h 17th, l"Sa Mrs. Sarah Antford, Mon man. Annia Carman. I.ee Alice Dudley, Arry Davis, Fitzgerald. S H. Oriswold, nk' i Lap I hi i In in l"h.H. I. l.i 1 Mc Donell . Alvania Canada Jesse t'aualv. Klla Moseley, Mary Owens. 1' I) Sykes, jr., Leo Southerlaiid , I laasia Taylor, Nancy J White. iallo' A White, Sallie Whitney, Mrs Mnllie lnsley. care of gchr. Fljing Scud. Persons calling for above letterH. will say advertised, and give date of list The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. M. MaM.y P M 1 he llovernor or ftlissouri has become jealous of the attention given to out laws, but he still continues to recom mend the famous I)r Hull's ough Syrup for coughs and colds. The proprietors of Salvation Oil. the greatest cure on earth for pain, will pay a large reward if any certificate published by them is found not genu ine. It costs only 25 cents a bottle. Ask Your Retailer for tho JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE . OU THE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Heeds. .JAMES MEANS 4 STTOT3 Sit light and ityUsh. It flu liken stocking-, and RFOI IKKS . WO" BKMKIMJ IN.-r!-1 ing perfectly esjy the first time it la worn. It wlH tutlsrfy th mot lorn. JAMF.MMKAN4 SHOE Is absolutely thn lr shoe of Its prlre which na PTpr been placed cx- tensJvsiy on th market in wtiicn aoraniuty Is consliierpd brfom mere out- want Ast fbrth Jampf feeans$3Sho fbrB ippear- ance. J. MEANS A Full Hdci of die ( O., Boptoo. c ihor for snlo bt Howard & Jones. Pure Corn iVhiskey. I have on hand a lot of Pure Corn Whiskey for Medicinal pur noses. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale aad Retail Grocer, FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET, Un23dwtf NEW BERNE. N C To the Vholesale Trade Select your SHOES from a Half Mil lion Dollar stock and SAVE TWENTY FIVE PER CENT. J. F. IVES New Berne, N C, Manufacturers' Agent $3 State Agency for Colgan's Lubri eating Balls. febUS dwim Wanted, TEN TONS of OLD CAST IRON SCRAP. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. Maroh 14 dlw Life Size Portraits. Ufa Size Portraits, in Oil or Crayon, made from any kind of email picture by Mi8 AURORA MACE. (3. Satisfastion guaranteed. Apply at her residence, Johnson etreet.. ' feb2 Amlf a N Jt " I J, a2S 4X asa-a.. IJ BSBaaata' Ba. For Rent, A House on tut Front street cot- taming live rootna and kitchen Apply to maijjw J AS 11 HOWARD. For Rent, I'Ae licg on Johnson the Acaiemy tiriec street, opposite Seven rooms. Apply to tt-'-1 J lm r M S1MM0N8. To Let, I' W 11.1 IS twetli il.ii., The house .' is aim. rah. v felt in New J t h u?e 1 !.t I cellar k.; ., n Ur.' v ar I w, u: i ;, y d I'v ooek, be l f streets, to r.:s, and :i want long hoarding o'J iisiern, i uihouses. tr,;.' garden U ihK.KVH Barringfo Baxter, A. A. BATTLES" i":-: CALF SHOE. I. I- l( s t lit u it i: i n i it. i i n. ..t 1 1 era. C LOT HlNi DRV GOODS aud OTIO8 1 'K i ' mrl'Mw y AGENCY t"CH t . 1 M h H , . N v l . CORN! CORN! CORN! 50.0U0 Bushels yoi? Sale W. P. BURRUS CO., OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND GRAIN DEALERS, Mahrkt D..CK, NKVV I5I.KNK. N. (:. f" (Consign us ynur produce, rrw iA'it ''Special Notice." ALL I'KKnuNS nVVIMJ State and County Taxes ara hereby notified to mike immediate payment of the same I shall proceed to collect by distress on and after March the 10th, isf'J. DA NIK! STIM.SON, Sheriff, dtf March 1st. 100 Barrels Potatoes, Genuine EARLY ROSE SEED, "Maine Stock," For sale by IT. Ulleli, WHOLESALE OROCEK, MIDIiLE STREET, NEW BEBNE. '8. C !"'r" '' 11 t. i,. ii., v ; '' ' ' '. .:"! ' ll R f 1s i.l I -i s tor - i M : ; , Toh"" 1 .,. .1 ..,., ., .iii.I.- Mnr lr.. I Ih ..hit I.. !..,. 1- Ino mi i h. i..K, i s, M1P "" '" '"' " "' fa. I J. E. SMITH, ftgt. DEALER 111 , Mens. Boys and Children's Clothing; jy'sClothine;, Si 50 np. Men1, J3.C0 no. Also, a full line of ' v BOOTS A1TD SHOESr- t Women's Shoes, 75o. pp. line of -i Also a f a U DRY GOODS; 3T Call and see them. H marldwtf