n . mm. ... - OL. Vn.--NO.304,: NEW BERNE. N. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 22. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTSJ Z U IZt Hw 3 LOCALS. T 1.C '.V r3 far decoratieas, boJ nets. i U' u4 nn:l. or fibril dai(iu f.r ia purpose faraiahed M abort i, by learteg orders wish Sam. U.ia i&a kiddie etreet. tt2Jtt CHICAGO BEEF, end also woi fine caU'estail beef uCbaa.E.IUleoa'e Mall oa Saturday morning. leaarSJ It. lEICAGO BEET. the beet quality, kept ob hsad and toti et Hi ud 10 cesu pr tosnl at my WU Mlu cof ar of Soavh front and Middle Sts. A f r lot jat rcit Ua niirbt. ' . it: 23 11 T J.H.TBOaUe. i?C3 8iXK-Cow with TOPf calf. , llll . W. T, BcutCa & Co. POPULAR BOOKS FOB SALE. 8m list oa fourth pgs of Joouul. 0e book.Mrt.M; a, ll.W; V I J 60; it, 1475. . mai20 If . ; VXMk Nna. HAYING arranged rate vita the Express the fine Western beef at .'" Hotel Albert will ba aoll at Hi eta. par ' pound. . Portar Boaaa ataak 15 cU rpas DETROIT FEES FRE33 with " JL ".fQaadNew Berne letter will b offered foreal by Nama Nana at J Oces it offloa. Ba wilt alao teka eub 1 ecriptiooa in connection with tba Naw Baraa JoCaJUL for too Fraa Praaa. SMOKING TOBACCO. Twooonce packsge. Old Desnloion Smoking ' Tobacco, and a postal card for jo. ' Four-oonce package and a atamped eo ' velope for 10a, At Dill's, - maris tf Broad atraal. ... A CONSIGNMENT of CBABOBAS8 ilTHAYforealeby ' Oao. Amu & Co. Ili PORTED FRENCH BRANDY-AND HOLLAND GM, just raoaiTad and for aala by amis Redkohd. I FERTILIZERS for Traokara and. for Oottoa Plantera, at . ... . j , Qco. Allen ft Co. REDMOND. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, baa juat ra- eelred a good aaaortmant of Native - Wines and Brandiee, and alao aomaof the famous California Win known aa ' the "Angelica," made from the faroone and dalickma Angelioa Grape. Thia . . Grape ia only aaooeeafnUy cultivated in the Southern part of California; It is a - very dalioata grape and require cer tain condition of climtte to bring it to " excellence, whloh condition are only . met ia that . paradise tf the United .States. His native North Carolina Winaa and. Braadiee from the vintagea ' of Garrett ft Co. and J. Wharton Green - are of rery superior quality and are very pure. fel lm PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for . M adioioal and other usra for sale ,'by Jaa-ta Rrdmond. T)LOUGHS CulliTtor and Harrows A at very low prioee. t k : v r; .-. Oko. A LLEM ft Co. JUST' RECEIVED Another lot of i GARRETT'S COGNAO BRANDY for sale by - James Redmond. NE Thousand Rolls Wall Paper at J Terjr low prioea. ..' t; Qio. Amur ft Co. A thousand ship " builders are on - a strike at Belfast. ABHXYILLX is to have a iree V mall delivery system. ,Whitblaw Esid, editor New York Tribune, has been appointed Minister to Franco. Thb fall river strike continues, both "parties "exhibiting equal de termination not to yield. Gqy, Lee, of Virginia, accom -panted by Gen Joseph R. Axder son, has gone on week's pleasuro trip to Florida. KT -'jTt ymy - The skilllul cook 'may not know nnoh about Shakespeare and Mil ton. but she is well up on Brown ing. Merchant Traveller.": Tna reportthat- Miss Mary "Anderson . has become in tane is false.- She is staffering from over work and has cancelled berBoston and California dateevrj Why can't some reformer per na'a the ..-brutal and; jealous to. I : zt$ of the' land 1 to - reverse the c: .':r cf their procedure and shoo! ILt.nscIves first, then theif wives Detroit Free Press. : I.x Teesidest? Jeff. DAvis has i ; 1 1 c a a letter to Dr. J. William 3 cf Atlanta," in which he de Hi a statement recently made t Confederate officials intended . . i c f church and State. - .; i r ;tci that Col. Ingcrso: 3 for securing the ao- Kerr. . Ta Col. Ingeno! uf nrifs are even mote :M r- !' i ciatakeso tur.-"3i talicgof .ar (it r.c-'.lcrscf .bot a c:; ; n t") ci rava c;rn:;t:o-a.'' Fira -., r then a - dcablirg of salaries. The I next card will to Seaatort fori lifd. Wilmington Star." I Thksb U too great a tendency nowadara to ran after the man with mone, . Ia charchnd is Stat it U too 8j to boy populari ty and the heat places. .Men aro rated too mach by their bank ao- conata. Raleigh Christian Ad to- Kabsas cittzeas aro peUtionitrg . - , , . .muvru.D. iuo ijucuiug i tbieres. Id riewoi the fact that B high order, bat that it was tbey do it any way nearly every extremely hamoroas wae thor timo tLT catch on, it seems hardl.T oughly tasted by hearty and RtMuin n .nmhv nn K u I Dp books with a statute permission. Thb twentieth international con vention of the Yonng Men's Chris tian Association of North America ill be heM in Philadelphia May 8 and 13. Reduced railroad fares ill Uinoi... oni if i. 1 u vv a eav. wei vs aw ai v a xvv tvu that nearly all the associations en titled to representation will send delegates. A bad case of rocking a train with apples occurred on the A. T. & O. Road between Charlotte and Statesville. Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller, Das tor of the First rreabvtarian . v nhnrrh nf Charlnfta Via du a. passenger, was badly cut in the tace and on the wrist by flying frag ments of glass. Charlotte News. ONBol the sharpest of Mr. Mil. era points was mat "rich people, who nave large incomes, are always frAA trail pf " Tr. ia a nitv fKot 1r ..w . " . M V.V .UN. .Ull I urn -j j . j j j I luuici uiu uut put a uibuiuuu eugo on thia noint bv citino" th nimu t t r . , , . I tT J i n UiiAeiHAnr 1tli-.e- TaL. I va w tii x iccjiucui luui tuu. tlvliU I Wanamaker. John Sherman. J at DnnU Whltola- ViA tk. ' , . .V1.., i. mvihit avviu Oaava tuo ennsvlvama iron kings, who are well known to be free traders, down to the last man. Commercial Advertiser. LOCAL NEWS. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wm. Sultam War I war I Thi Progressive Farmer. J. B. Thomas Chicago beef. C. E. Nelson Chicago beef. L. H. CCTLXR Hardware, etc Sam. Radcliff Flowers, etc Gto. W. 8TOCKKLL Co Road carta. Farmers from the country complain of being behind in their farm erofk. The M. E. Church Working Society is preparing for a Japanese wedding enter tainment to be held- about the 3d of April. w. , xrersonai. Joshua Dean, Esq., of Pamlico, wie in the city yesterday. Deputy Sheriff H. A. Jarman of One- : . .. .. tow, bin the city. John S. Long, Esq., returned last night from , Baltimore where he fully I sustained his well-earned reputation as lecturer, ia an address before a large! and intelligent audience. Vanca Male and Female AcademT. irv vi. AUP VUUILU(UVSUIt7AS V4 vaajoaj va waaaev school will ba held on the 19th, 80th and Slat of June. Bon. Kemp P. Battle of Chapel Hill will deliver he address. Dr. Battle will find a generous, hosoi thU .nl In thaPollnrViTnia section table people in the PollockaTnie section, a.d we assure our friends there that the Doctor wu give mem an aaoresai rilled with good, bard sense and pracU- oa suggesuoua. m uuiw awn .1 - - TTT-. . Vl on such occasions and know whereof! nv " - : - v a Rl.iMUi tnr Untn Rnnnl , . ' a u.Ha l ihli U.n from Sander's store presente the necessity ef . ...,.-t..t hAim Rnnnil. White a vvuiui a aa iwwmvm a a awvv - - ' "v , WAX river,: aaortneaa vnj ana Aiew Berne. The government dredge boat now ia Bogue Sound and will soon have it Open for a boat to Morebead City. I 0. 8." Bryan, F. Ulrich and E. B. ButSedimcultyiat.achin.NewBeriHackbu is lack of sufficient water in tne new Berneand Beaufort canal. 7- h... rnr ! TAira nrffsul tba i .li. .v, v.-. " " - - m a t... .w;..-.i-j. -.v.. QU WO AlBTfJ KUVUt SvVBVi UVAtZWIv wAASSV 1 I will never be made navigable for even i;tik Arft auamara natil the srovara. . ment owns the canal , and takes it ith the improvements of Harwlows and Clubfoot creeks. It is an impor r-.nt link in the chain of inland naviira c-.v. v v 4 ire Kovernraeu.. u,UJg.i..i.I...; f-r f-e ronte rnectiosel by Cur corres- a s - &a it U maJe navigable. Shipsiag Xswa. - The steamer Aaaieof the LCD. ae arrived yeaterday eveaiag and wJl aaa at 4 a "clock this aftaraooa. The Vesper f. this line will arrive toeoor- raw. The steaasr Tahoma arrived yester day aftemooa and will sait tomorrow morning at T20v The steamer Manteo of the 0. D. line ill aaO for Norfolk thia morning at jetlxk. wu Md hId large aa andleaoe aa the play merited. There) was no nretantion. to anTthin of repeated outbursts of applaase. There was great variety consisting ia sing ing, danoing and onmio aoting. The parformaaoe on a suspended wire by a young lady waa vary good. Thia troupe ill an rely pleaae. The enooree were numerous and deserving. ABPindid Showing. The floancial atetement of the East Carolina Fish, Game, Oyster sad Indus trial Association makes a splendid bowing for the Association. The build ing and grounds with improvements we notice are put down at $8,825.78. This is entirely too low. The property is cheap at $10,000, and whin the ceme tery road is completed its value will be considerably increased. Before the next Fair is opensd another building will be erect d Kcia,,y for ije "hibi filh' yrte" and game. The Association ia deter mined to work op to a perfect exhibit of all the material resources of East b T ' untn 0M Ti,itini. lh Ftir can see the whole of the East in a nut shell MM . . ..... iM oaDywu cryins; piteousiy, But the nurse bad a bottle of Dr. Bull s Baby Syrup at hand, and the little fel- low was soon comfortable. At drug- B o fatal More penom die every year from in- . . - . , awenwon w proper saniwry precauuons i iusmi a-w ivu eu wevvw a wuii a v vi iiw( than no ah n hart a aaananM.fah- a anti-bilious medicine, Laxador is sxcel- lent and it only ooata 25 cents. Asnnal Meeting of the Fair Assocla tion. New Berks, N. 0., March 19, 1889. The annual meeting of the etockhold era of the E. C. F. O. Q. & I. Associa tion was called to order in the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association at 8 o clock p. m. by President Wm. Dunn. Stock roll was called. 81 shares being represented, the President declared the meeting opened for the transaction of business. T. A. Green moved that M. P. Holly, col., be heard. Carried, The Secretary read the following communication from M. P. Holly and others To the Officers and Members of the E. a F. O. G. & I. Association: We, the officers and members of the Eastern North Carolina Colored Industrial, Fruit, Stock Fair Association, do here by agree to give you 20 per cent of all the gate money received, also allow $15.00 per night for the electric lighta. wa further auraa ta keen evarvthinff in I r r - m I irood order and nav for. all damages with privilege or right of grounds for lMI?n ' J?"?fslVlu" vtpVesident- W 1 7 LawVen. ' Vice-fteeldent, W. W. Lawrence, Beo- J ". irnnrn. v 5 o t r. ft"::S- C- B1' j. n. rner,iunueirjaner. flwa etiAlAH Ok a AASMMsiwUatiAst wxwsasi xM ujubsvu wow; vvaaiixfjuasiVtawAvaa weeaej referred to the Board of Directors with power to act. The President, Beoretary sad Treas arer maae weir annual reports I awst. 1autiMxi JfflnJL9M A frits satl Htl sh. IngyW being the next in order, on motion of E. H. Meadows, Wm. Dunn was unanimously elected by aoclama HOJ,ttir".,u''"l . . -- fi - oreUrj ,nd Treasurer be M-alscted by acclamation .Carried. ThelPreai- "?,p""w"u " , n'mZZmZHte the enraina I" -fJ . . - I term. E. H. Meadows. E. R. Joaee and J. IA. Richardson were -elected as Vioe- Preaidenta. -. ' 1 B. 11. UrSV. J. A. MeadOWS. UOO w. . . r.. w t nnwn. n n CnKarta Qeo. Headeraon.O.H.' Qnlon and Alex. I Millar-, tha nrnunit RnaM nf Direntnra. . - r-. . -; V 1 r; V W r is I fl v .- o p wiin.m. tiected as Board of Managers, I r M.ni. mnA ,t t.it Ibe made Chairman and member ex nfflnln of tha Board or Manaeara. Ja . --- . . - - Iried. offerea the following: i.r -D-. S. Nnnn RanlTd. That the stockholders en Morse the action of the Directors their imrcbase or tne ewctno.nani I.. . i.i .i in tneT c? ao u wHa?u "lu u"f U,, - v , ; VM.; it - l Hoved It Chaa. Eaiaenstein, that the - Association do not issue aeaaon tickets v. I to our next Fair to env one except 1 w&uuiuetl luu ueis .aiuiuoa. , R,n fiffored . tha fo lowinir amend ment: And to members of all corn Imittees. After xnuoh discuaaion amendment was accepted and the mo tion waa adopted as amended. T. A. Qreea moved that the time of holding our next Fair be -decided by the stockholders at a special meeting to be bald the Bret week in October next Amendment iftered by H. 8 Nunn that the Directors fix thetimsof tpeoial meeting. The amendment wm carried . Qoaetioa on the uuticnas amtnded waa aaopwa. 8. H. Gray mOTfd that ICO copies of the Constitution and By Laws b print ed and distributed amooj ibe eteck halders. Adopted. E U Meadow imroductJ Mj W. A. Blount who maJe . rue rmiai kg on vasuooesssful farming. Gen. Jos. B. Back waa introduced by H 8. Nunn, w bo miJe iome appropri ate remarks. The following arm cj mem to the By Laws was adopted by a unacimoua vote: That at the written requen of ten (10) stockholders, the President shall call a special mretirjg after givicg teu (10) days notice to all tiockhoideis Moved that special ibacka to C Reixenstain for services rendertnl the Association be eiprt-petd ly arising vote. Carried J. W. Waters clfertl the following resolution which was adapted Resolved, i'bat a vote of thanks be tendered the efflcer. tiirrctors. Man agers, and various coimitten for t eir efficient and untiring etforts in bring ing about the success that attended our last Fair, and eepernliy to ihe ladies are we indebted for he Completeness of our exhibit aid their kindntks m pro moting the mtertsis of the Asuociation. A tote of than to is aUo offered to the press of the Mate, at Jare fur to them e owe much, and e hepe in this feeble way to in some mea uro express an appreciation of the fmors uliown us A vote of thanks to the oung Mens Christian Association for the use of their rooms was, on motion, adopted. E. II. Meadows moved that when we adjourn, we adjourn to meet at the call of the Pident. Carried Un motion the Directors were re quested to see on what terms they can buy the block immediately west of the Fair grounds and if the city would at low the closing the street between the two blocks. The thanks of tho Association was tendered the editors of the 1 a 1 1 v Joi it NAL. Moved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Joi unm On motion the meeting adjourned Joe K. Wilms, Sec'y. -AOKTH CAROLINA NF.HS. From tho State I'nprrs. ttemel LleraM, ntt tountv: ttu are glad to know that the farmers aro not hauling out as much fertilizers as for merly. Mr. Thos Whitehurst and Miss Virginia Thomas were married on Sunday, Hev. E. L. 1'ell offlcifUing. The good wife of Mr. J. II. Whitehurst died on Wednesday night. She was sick only a day or so before her death. A good woman has been called from our midst. OneofMr. J II. Ward's little boys died quite sudden Wednes day. He was taken sick Tuesday night and died Wednesday morning. Henderson Gold Leaf: liev. H Scott preached two interesting sermons at the Presbyteriatf church Sunday and Sunday night, lie had attentive congregations to hear him each time Some one eays that if the farmers who have horses io pastures with barb ire, will plow a furrow or two around the pasture, inside the fence, the danger ill not be half so great as without. The stock will be able to distinguish the line at night and thus avoid 'beinc horribly mangled and perhaps killed. The meetings are still going on at the Metho dist Protestant church. The services I nralt- tit.iiJd .nj inin...i i 1 " u.. '-,. i . ... , . inr tvia riniH i.of ia ihri7QH s start a subscription with $10,000 for a ootton factory ,,Ai,leCUizeD; Tb,,8uit of Corne h . E. Henrvaeainst L. M. Welch. Wal lace W. Robbins. Pinknev Rollins. (1 M. Roberts, Virginia Swepson, execu Fall. T of Neuse Manufasturing Co.; which has eneaired the attention of the I " Superior oourt since Monday, termi nated yesterday arter a bard fought contest in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. She recovers sixty acres of land, part of the Sulphur Springs tract, valued at about $6,000iand damages amounting to $4,200. An appeal from the verdict will be taken to the so maiha Mnft htf tha AAfnnrlanta ' Jthe auperior courtyesterday afternoon T. J. Wright and David Bwatzell, the honie thiTM were gentenced b JadK6 Qllmer to fl yeBrg jmpri8onme'nt eah tin the penitentiary, with hard labor Newton Enterprise: Mr. Noah Barrin ger says the hens are laying fifty per cent better since Harrison's inaugura tion There are few towns in North Carolina that can boast of more factory whmtlea than Newton. At noon the shriek of industry peals forth in some I part of the town, ana tne salute is an I nd re-answered from every 1 Other Quarter Of , the town. Messrs. anr.. cn K. flnUhed their new factorv bnildin and . I will begin receiving the machinery for 1 iB "h0K llm'C 'L ,oon be ww 7'7 W" I The sawmill of Mr. J. P. RabbinCald - 1 wll county waa burned on Monday '" 1 " "" " : .V wars itoatvnoa, Tfca Inaa knite neT- I Eliatbeth Citv News: Miss Moll ia I Woodly, a sister of Mrs. Jerry .Waters, u leo. ner nana oaugni in ioe macninery l. rut-n. ..j ... 'f Z&ZZtLTTAuIuu'dZr hurtv Surgical aid -was rendered by Dr. Wood. A heayy wind storm passed over thia aeotion Thursday night, to knocking down a few signs, fences and a. .uw uuiwb v. umi a iivih uv I fishermen below aav that a aood menv - 1 seta were carried away and the catch the 1 for. the next few days will probably be mall. Mr. William Stsgsr was de tected ia the act of setting fire to Koch 's batery Thursday moraiaa and h now ia jail. He admits his guilt aa to thia tnaunce, bet demea having doao to be fore. He will be tried at tne next term of the Superior Coart, which convenes In thia city oa Monday. 'Washington Gssette: The organiza tion know a as the Farmer's Alliance seems to be progressing considerably in this section. It was with much re gret that we learned of the death of Mr. At Short, which sad event occurred at Smyrna, Delaware, three weeks ago. Mr. Short was an employee of the Cl j de Steamship line at thia place for some time. A party of surveyors were in town this week taking levels, etc. They were rather non-committal, but we learned tneir work was in the interest of the Norfolk Southern Railroad We regret to announce the serious ill nessof our friend and neighbor, Mr. W. W. lxrdon, who is wrestling with rheumatism and other ailments. Married, at the residence of the bride's oucle, Mr. F. Dinkins, Mr. G Frank Clark, of Beaufort county, to Miss Mamie Ellis of Craven countv. N. C . Rev. Daniel Reid oSicialina. FINANCIAL EXHIBIT Last Carolina Fish, Ojsler, Game and Industrial Association. , March iOth, 19 Lr. Cash payment on real estate. WO 00 Mortgage debt 4 01)0 00 Cash paid for permanent im provemente 3 825. 78 Expenses holding Fair 1.54741 Sundry indebtedness 438 47 Due for electric plant 2 3U0 00 Stock subscribed, 171 shares . 4 275 00 ccrued profits 1 Oti 10 817 972 71 ( V. eirec'ts from first txhibn'n S0')5 11 Real estate N :s ale of 100 shares stock .. . 2 500 00 Sales old material 150 25 Receipts from second exhibit 2 206 02 Electric plant 2 HiO O.i ue from Uockholders for 71 shares stock subscribed . . 1, 00 817.972 Chas. RKizgssTKtN, Treas IH'N.n, Pres. TMK PERFECTION f the age in the medical line is the quid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs manufactured only by the California rig Syrup Company. San Francisco Cal. It is agreeable to the taste, ac ceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painless yet prompt and thor ough in its action. K. N. Duffy, agent, New Berne, N.C mh8 d w4 w DIED. At his home in Jones county on the farm of J. C. Bryan, near 1'olloksville. William Dallas Heath, of pneumonia. aged about thirty years. He leaves a wife and five small children. March 21st, 1889, at her home in Reidsville, N. 0., Mrs. T. C. Evans. Mrs. Evans was the daughter of the late Mr. James C. Stevenson of this citv Road Carts! Everything On Wheels 10 percent cheap- Buggies! e, than anybody. aa" Don't buy before getting our prior" nd catalogues. THE GEO. W. STOCK KM. TO.. NASHVILLE. TKMM. Name tills paper. marU HARDWARE. COOK STOVES, WIRE FENCING, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS AND PUTTY. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER AND HAIR, And all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS At Bottom Prices! L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, KEW BERNE. N. O. Pure Alcohol FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES at J. F. TAYLOR'S, m20 d8i Foot of Middle street. A Large Lot of BROKEN RICE, For Sale Cheap. IT. TJlrieli, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, - NEW BERNa.i.'t. Agent for Old Virginia Cheroots. i For Bent, -Dwelling on Johnson atreet, opposite tne Academy ureen. ; Berea room. s ' Apply t . ": - ml3 dim -y V, It. 8IMM058.? The Alliance to the Front ! Tut Pkookusivb r.uta, boW, TtcUaaa, a;rwialve and pnir.i ve, HbaaopLtkwa and ezpretaea tbm. Kort?-eigh ooitTmna, ei(tii psa. AH Uooitt-Print, official atsma of North Carolina and Virginia bhalaAJli. aoces. The Uveal paper tn ilia OooUi! Ooca lo nearly l.o paiorB- in Nortn CarollBa and u J3 Istau-a. u.NK 1Xjl.LAH A 1KAB, SvriotJ) (.aah. s-end fur umpit oupt. A4 dresi rat pRcxiHrM e farmir. , , , ttalnan, s. c. 1. I.. I'ui k Editor I-' li. hKUU I'llK, I m Xanager. if Pure Corn Whiskey. I hjTve on hand a lot of Pnre C rn Whiskey for Medicinal pur- ooses. J. F. TAYLOR, w Ki x T til M1L.1 I I Tnt nr. i jir. i Utf N'F. ,v 1 i unk n TotheVVholesaleTrade S-lect juur i linn linlUr h l . h l.s f,, i iinif wn i w i.n rv- I - 1. hvi; rn: . i v, J M miif r hs Iter lie, N ( ' , uMirrrs' Xfc-ent. i i . IfHii I udrl-f-! ,iwim bating I tii 1 1 To Let, HW 1.1.1 IN'., 11 i V b be tw. rn ll.iti, ,, k an J li, t, a,f fUerts Tlie lions,' , is fiiinnraM iuhii. 'ii r.'ciiiis. and .1 i itr.t long felt in Ne lirrn house. Tin rr a cellar k 1 1 1 -1 1 1 r i a I itro j ar I ;n h li i -1 cl a tui.irii irir ; n r . 1 r ,i . i inti rn , an, I rtl.l I r i . t r -I : uiliousep. i,1' Kurden. v null M.-1 1 f r a k 9 d.'w 1 i ' !: i I ;'s Barringtoi S Baxter Exci.rsu k Awi'.M' nut tiik A. A. BATTLES' M 53 CALF SHOE. i:t Kit v I AIIS VV A K It A T i; l. d.' s a ml (,, nts HI,, Aio. (i Kui: i 1 1 I. ii f ctiit-r mako Tlioy aril ii, , hraiiml a:., IN 1 CLOTHING, HATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS evnr ifTiT,l lo t lie trail:,,,; M,. mrlll,lw CORN! CORN! CORN! 50,000 Bushels or Sale BY W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND GRAIN DEALERS, Market Dock, NEW HERN E, N. C. $ir Consign us your produce, mmidwtr si Special Notice." ALL PERSONS OWING State and County Taxes are hereby notified to make immediate payment of the same. I eball proceed to collect by distress on and after March the 10;b, 1SS9. DANIEL STIMSON, 8heriff. March 1st. 18S9. dtf J. E. SMITH, Agt., DEALER IN - Mens. Boys and Children's Clothing. Boy 'a Clothing, $1.50 op. Men's, I3.C0 up. Also, a f all line of BOOTS AND SHOES'-. Women "a Shoe, ?5o. tp. Alao a fall' line of . -. V, ; :. ,. i . DRY GOODS. Call an aee Ihem.; ; irjajilwtf 'J