HI, m. , v - '-. ' ' : 1 3! 31' J a (3 -sV 1 m r f l Tr-irm-T -a I ." "' - '" ' t-sJ be B-Li prompt, tiai 'K. VUfc at ITiputf or pursraove ef- I' It aUiliid Si la. cAo tat ttrer to f-n'Hi. aid fcgwJtwa. inJ ro- tu?a UM aWney. liks totting elss, a Paine. Celery I Compound la S parrect laJaAiva. , and cores eonsu patton where all F 1 esker remedi ' f till 4 5 " s renUe laxative." ".. nw. pound Is surety wiUot I pea. I tkjat aug-tit to knew, sines I tare tried remedy alter reme dy fur about toitiu Years a&d aava touad aouung mat equals a a y etas tf aasfeea, " J. a. Juun Tsacfttr. Ooyda Creek. Ten. Pkiitl Cekrr CtstputsJ jraxpt tat pin&ftTit AsaamtlveassertttieMkeeft. sittl I aire frai MccdeM h Ki aurka" iUuS Uoui ianoi fitav, -For two r to: t yeer.i ! suffered frswry wry rrjbi irtta arrere pafe ta sty towe&v whk-eri(ii:yoejtitL kyteasda art now Kjrsi-, tad j tare aad at relarae. Paino's Celery Compound F. &st, Draf jst. Earua, Ala. Moral: Vc r&Uio Celery Quopouaa tad atcy; mala tit toWsUtal tract wttt karat purfa, Utc pan. ixac an for ta.su. Erusglaja, J, W. STEWART, Liverj Stable. ' " ' I iT rebed TWO MORE OAR LOADS of Horses W Mule, J which were ieleoted -bj me indiridnkllj with grett care. In makinjr mt , purchase I del onlj with reliable men, and get nothing ut good and louud slock. WjU take pleasure in showing jou through mj Sublei and ; Tarda, . :;o.wi,,rPad Street, i'New Berne, N. C. INSET SCHOOL, JTSi !yi " .. . '-:i;tOihkt,P For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. " . Opens January 16th. C Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal 14 .".csLPiisfl lager deer, IS raaUESTIOlIABLT 1EE ,- . - 1 ' ! n eo l B e ie E it ant . : It i3 brewed from the! finest "Pale Canada t Earlcy Halt and Laazer Hopsf and 7 recommended for its TOHIC and inj- . j -i rucilitics. ". l a Li reputation enjojed by:lho BERGKElt & E2JGEL 'I'.'.l.'Y i3 dae to tho fact that only the FINEST AND BEST I'.!." are ned end that the greatest SKILL and OAEE 1 (I :ri:; it ? r.;ancfa;.tnre. : ' ' v ' : jy Jwtf ' sfikurso bajcuo mass, It eaae vpoa tae aiidaSxht eiear, That iofWi M&X t old, From aaU beadiat hv tae aanh, T loach tkair kim of vol J r'Peaoe oa the earta, rod-wiU to naa, Tb orU la aalama-aUllaeat Ur ai. a. . . Still tkroof h the etorea akiee thar com With pMMfa! wince aafurlad ; Ami Kill thaii bearably uaale floata O'ar all tha wairv mnrA AboTe iu a4 aa4 lowly tJaba may bm m ftarartaf wise, Aad ever e'et iu Babet eoaade m4 0ieutageli$mg. Bat with the woee ef ei ud ui The world hae aaffered k&(; BMeath the aagel-etraia hare rolled uooaaaa yeare of wrong; . ad man, at warrith maa, heart not The lOfW-aOB WhJek th Krln.- Oh, hath the eoiee, ye wiea oi atrif e, Ann near int vttgu nag I Aad ye, beneath life 'a erathiaf load Whoaa forma ara hand in Lr Wbe toU aloof the eliatbiag way, With Dainful Itana nH ilnw Look bow; for glad aad golden hour. Coma awiftlT an tha win- Oh, rat beeide the wry road. am near IM angtlt mng For. lo I the daye are haeteoiog on 07 propoei carat roretoid, Wban with the ever-oiroling Ttart Cornea round the age of gold : When peace thall overall the earth 11 aacteat tpienaore fling, nd the tehole world give back the ong H'fci a it out the angelt ting. Bulldog the World. Dou't trj- to bullj the world. It doesn't pay. Whoever enters the ring, for a rough and tumble- fight with Public Opinion, is pretty sure, eventually, to be "doubled op." Society is a Briareus, and who but a madman would think of encount ering, with a single pair of fists, hundred armed fallow i shake the multitudinous bands of toe giant good naturedly, than unecessarily provoke him to wrath. Despise the world, if it an nlAaoA you though to do so is a proof of arrogance, conceit and egotism uui;, as you nave to live tn the world, to lean on the worM. nH cannot get along without the world, it is lust as well to tmar. it oiviiiir Shrewd men, who understand their race, never seek a quarrel with Society. Thev understand that ir is possible for an individual to persuaae, ieaa and quietly control a community, bnt not tn flcht it down. If you desire to reform social evils or to diaahna rnnr fellow men of their prejudices, the surest way not to succeed is to resort to denunciation anrl nhna Kindness, conciliation.thn infl of good example these are the true and effective means and appliance of reform. Provoke the world, set its will in arms against you, and you can never carry your point, be it what it may. For mankind has more power to resist than any unic of the mass has to insist:. With what mildness, with what patience, with wuac loving-Kinaness Ubxistianity Wat taUZht bv its Rarrnrt PnnnH.r and His knowledge of human na ture was more profound and nnrfert than that ot any mortal. The Evangelists and the AnnaMpa hp, $dvght the world to hear them: they aiq -noG accempt to browbeat it. Almost thou pertvadett me to be PROFESSIONAL. -nr 1 .ob prf waea to t5uw week. ai fcro. si tr? " uf f S uw ky iuc Uu one buck .m a. hor had W.o to beai, nd by "kwvh tt. i.ouuiiii:. Kwh IT II , , ?rif "L'p00'- Blood and Skin Dic aad Advice to !cfitTer, mailed free. Ti bin fcrixif ie Co., Drawer S. Atlann. C.hl A Planters Experience. mj bmmmuot una Malarial la ftaa, hara f aar aad afaa aw vailed. 1 aia4ay 14 haada fraaMatly kalf DR. J. P. CLARK OENT18Tf mm Ofaa ewaat. iatwaaa Tliat P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOKXET AT LAW, Craven 8., two doora South of Journal office. Will DraftlM In tha rv.M tem, Jotia. Ho.low and Pamlico, lotted hlauo ilnrt .1 u . j snpren Coart tba But. febl" Jtf STEAKLEIi. auaiaikwlkeraatkaaa I My naao . atra aV. ...rtV.'a.'.i iT.V. Dad aa fartbur troabla. ua tkaac Ills, woald not fear to 11 v. la a a a ,." E. HI AL. Havoa ten. l. Snll T!vnrvnrhota Office, 44 Murray St., New York. MARVELOUS OWEa h. guion, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Roona South Front atreet. four doort weat of Craven. Merpantlio Law and Con? accir jn i. lea. T lmbr lough 1 .nj a,;j Hobert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. O flic in rear of Hoik-ik b .fr.u ,,r next door to Uotel Albert. Open from 9 am to 4 p. prompt attention lo all ma lag to Justices1 oourta Tha H. C. Frcih! LLj KSSIT73 ail SSSTHS, T1X3 KTS Ob aad ater October 14 ju. tkia naa wtU ' Kaoioa uwlr rcaalar SEMI-WEEKLT TRIT3 4 Baltimore and New Bera Lsavinj ba lanora for tl9w rlaraa. VTrv .nlm'i v an -run. -J T. STL"t w.aa , i , a, niA r. M. , L9am4 ew Brna tor Battlmor. TCtt lJA . OATUKDAY. at elX l It. TbLd b. in. rail litu r.-w . Bcra.h., haii.aior. witnout caaota.aadZ r . , ' r glial WTjtla ' Brn- lu..i.a Kxu out ZttZZ JAM I Urir w . ha. I.. I L ri. Lir:i t Maliaer 1 intii Baltimora. Aji horioik, Va. 1 L..aatltLl, UbOUUj I 8 2, dtf 1 hr..i. ! luio i, 1 rin Lin, Piar . in!ra! wtiarf. auj Aoiurdaja, Ui ii s ti .irxi. o. :!;. miJ utr, guar I ' :.. . ,,i .: i,r ,,mCtg uj DISCOVERY. 0,,J Ge"' Srocem ofMeaio-r Training. B,k! Lr to one reading. Mja wandr Hag cureW. n"! J " "d"" ily bnefl(ted. Ora.llndao.moii t. to Oorrenpomionoe Umw Ptomasteu, with Opinions of r. 'm A i ... RfcV,,?Jrorl.d-,"'rJ spul.;; i" ,; i!iaZ" S"V V. rn,V7 ' ?'lo.n, l!u. rt P.y, h,.f. A?fAiJ -..Richard" rWir. th. s.-, t . Prol. A. LOIsETTL, l inb Ave . N. Y. VAU'AIU.K Oity Property For ur ir ii in: vs Fcr Hcrses, Catt'e, Sheep, Dogs, Hops, Pju try. 300 I'AI.E BlK: K on Tr.-ui-nicui of A u 1 tn ,t I uod t ban h-ai I r."1rs" "'"", ' onrlln, Inriiiniiintiloii - . iiiiii .llf uiu.lll.. .Tlilk Irin . 11.11. Mrlii, LailirDCK, K Inu ihhiKih . I . llUirniiter. Naoul Ilia, liai. .. I. II. ILiiNor l.rub., Worm.. f:. E. ( ounb. llearo, Pnruuionla. AtOlU HKHKti.1 ( HILK AN Mill' M . i. . LIK. litiU':H CArj.,. I.jir. ICb Iiif fat 1 i i ti Soll ur l.rlpei., Hrlltu- hr. Itat-arrlaac llrniort hir.. Sale. The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW PKIClg, And wondert, How is it that I can sell to much lower than any one clue? I'll toll yon: I havn ftntPrminoH r.n ho easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK Win CIK 1 t T Tlli i-rm run Diua.ijjj rnur i la. My Motto is: FAIR DEALINO. a fihriartan aalrl Wtr.. oi Wn "d buy from me. and jou will .t . w """ never regret it. ..Air woum oe wen u some or oar Puriuaut to power in a luurtije ex ecuted to me by A II. Hnlton and wife, dated May aib, 17. and recorded id book No paes and 585, 1 will tell at Public Auction, nt tti Court House in Nowbern. on MumUv th Ut dayof April, A U. 131J. at VI o'clock, midday : The lot of land uu.i improve ments at the southeast curnt r of Craven and Broad street, in llit- l ily (f New born, where the late Alexander H Hoi ton resided, boniur inrt nf lot No ;'it Also, part of lot No. 47, atijuiuinn the above lot of land, and frotuinx on llroad street. For fuller tlf-oi itnci r.-fer to said mortgage. Terms Cai-h. I ..V II. (l.Ti:S, 127 td Mortaee. i i modern reformers had the courtesy ant wo consideration oi that great apostle. Whether yoor object be toido good to the world, or to make a. a ef . ' ttooiiworia oi service toyoarown f-a.. . . a .. a. ".a interests, aon i assault it violently, for it is tOO StronflT and tnn nhatinara tO bd carried bv storm. Tahmanl tried that plan, and it did not an swer. : Thousands have tried it since and been worsted io the conflict. A Bualaas Kaa't Clear Tlsloa. , New Yokk Crnr. Anril a. ifiRfl. .Mr. A. K. Bawkee-Dear BIk Yonr patent -eye-glassee received some time ifnoe, and am very much gratified at the wonderful change that, haa come over my eyesight tlnoel have discarded my old glasaeesn4;aa now wearina yours, rfA-i&rAuxron'"AoAjL -1 Secretary Statloaers Board of Trade of . rit- i. . - - ti ... . vuyrt 7 -.'"" AU eyes fitted and fit arnaranteed bv V. Doffy, New Berne. Nf3. jtSdlm GEcr.::mBi.fico Asrrlcultnral 'Jm. p iment a. Plows narrows, CnltiTatorsv " llees And Aies. ?'J: Wood's ;lIowers ttnk. Rttptru, s Cottoa Gins tl Pre!8sl-jrr Fertilizer. Le r. 4 1 r t-f Kainit Mechanics Tc'i p- ' arJvrare. Lime, Crick, Ccr - , riaster Hair, Ti t, JTa!3o: : Vai- nlsh, OH, Glass, Frlfy aaa nalr. Trcexers, . Kcfr it ors, Oil Cook Ftrjves, XTrr nr'ir Proof l - :r;-t.cita K. R. JONES; , New Berne, N. C. NEW BERNE AM PAMLICO U..E. The Steamer TAHOMA, A handsotn dy constructed freight and pas tenger boat, having bnen placed on this route. It prepared to render superior service to and from all points on lower Nense Ktver and Pamlico county, and New Berne. For tha present the following scheaule will be In operation: Leaves New Rerne every Wednesday and Saturday at SIX A. M. for Bayboro, stopping at Clubfoot, Adams anil umlths Creeks, Vandemereand Stonewall. Leaves rtayboro every Monday an ' Thurs day at BIX A.M., stopping at Mtonewall, Vandemere, Smiths, Adams and Clubfoois Creeks, arriving at New Berne Monday and Thors lay evenings. Kxoellent passenger accommodation, am ple freight aellities. Vreigtit receipted lor an I received dally by agent tf. 0. D, Line, and evrry Information given. r-J a,D. H. ABBOTT, Agent. Vandemere, C. H FOWLEH, " Stonewall. FOWLER 4 CO WELL, Agents Bayboro. GEORGE A. HUSSEY, noyldwtf General Manmter. Round Knob Hotel, XT. D. SPBAGUE, Prop'r. BOUND Btf OB. N. 0. Most Picturesque Scenery in -. Western North Carolina. i, ''- -. X y POIHTS OF INTEREST NJB.AR BY:; CHd rort, .i ., J)lstant 5 Miles. 8k Bernard Mountaln.. l Catawba Faiia ',,,,.. . s m MndtTnt..- , j H 8wannanoaTunnel...... -1 m Pinnacle of the Blue Ridge, J ruwiuiup Toe Ktver, fine trout OsblEg"' g Bridget' Iron Springs, " 1 Kellytlron Bprlngs........ ' rmm., we uravegr iTor. Mitchell ; the highest point east of the Kooky Mountains, nine miles. - v - Pnra'eaol Arm . t rviun, 4e'wiT iinVatoJrtSTO. ' Open all the year, t Terms reasonable by month or week. s- a!8 dwtl r Notice:-r v aa awwsaw aurna UVI UUU for an ttsy thave and a good hair cut easviDg iu cts.; nair cnttfna; 20o. Tmr. W. II, SUEPAED, I'r-. r -r l K. i.. ti II. II. Irinarv ii I . 1. I. I.rupilve Itlaraac, Sluugi-. .I.K. lll.eaaea of Ulge.tluu. Motile roue, with 8i'lno. S'.ai. . II' h IU. I "II an.l ai.,r 4,5 fi() Prlrr, Miwl Di'tilceiTrr 90d,at - .ml uld by DraggUl.t or Seat Prepaid oa Bn rlpi of I'rl.-r. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton Si., N Y. InUUPHEEYS' HOMEOPATHIC rs SPECIFIC NnjO In natt ' TV. ,l . .. 1 1 Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, n.1 ProMrahon, from oTur work or otiier cmis-s fl per ial or fl viaU an( larg, vial p.nv.ltr t..r V s"l.Din IHi ,hm-Hk nraent n(.ii.i,l .11 r. -ini f price. Iluanphreya Medlcbae ig. , luO Vultua Ni. , V i. All of our V'eterinary ProparationH can be had of J. V. Jordan, Ii ukk it, N. V. cor. Hroad and Middle stn-i'tH. Newbern. N. C. $500 Reward! V"o will pay the atK.ve rewanl for any of itvtT I'om plaint, (iyipppsla, ai.-k lim.ia, n Indigestion. cmiallpatUm or natix-i-nrm we cannoi cure Willi West's VeKi'inMe 1 iver IMIis. when the directions are atiu-ll i on) piled llh. They are purely egfiii:e ami never rail to give satlafactlon. laige Ik.hi 'ontainlng :(0 eunur coated ptila. V hoi sale liy all ilnigglala. Beware of roil nterfi'lti an I imltalloiis. The genuine nianufaci ore. only liy J11HN ('. W'i.Sl'.t I'd , K w Ma.l Ison Mt., Chicago, 111. Sold by R. N. DUFFY, druRgist, New Rcrne, N. U. api!4dwly be atia " II. iU. I ...... ' 1. 1 . a 1, . I , f . . , k 11. U.,1, pi. I. x , l , . 11 . I . M i. arullti, iUUorc. k t.,elai, ' N . . THE LADIES' FAVORITE NfcViK Ull' Ut UKUK. If yoti desire to purchase a sewing machine, ask our agent nt your plnco for tcrnns and prim'i. 11 you umiiiot uui iijceiib, wruo oircct TO nearest aaoreasra you wiim namei. 'NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G. ORANGE. MASS k.nn.n .0 UrilUH ttiUKL,n.T.- l)LLR4, I ILL. dti iuti TCX. I ST LOUH, MO. aji ai iaiuipii r'AHPPAtci5C0Cl PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS. LOW r "SHIOH ABU, I V ARM, FIFTEEfl DAYS' TRIAL m FUUK DWa HOUSE BEFORE TDU FAT ONE KIT. BMrkat, . Addraa i :'i Tka SX Ai WMiTl ffua. 17 . iota Sa, PkdlAdelphla, John Williams 'nAih.n.;' rrA W : r,. rerminenuy iocawa on corner on Broti uii repair an ainus OI UlDltllDft l lOW prices, a specialty it maae in cleaning Lalips' Drees. -Eatipfaction pTjaran cel. et.Sid'.f EAGLff and VESPER I t ur- ,i whcHluie M..NPAI. ' I MllA I . lnMUl u. (E em h . K.. auu i .l ie ana .ii'i-i f,H l.'m ''t . l n i-.w a to C r, K 'W u. Ii... I'r, nun . , . i : - roll. H. poltai,..,, K K. K I -H KH , iii.-r ii:... V ii.-n o,-, asi..ii np .-, k u I N" M w , i 1 K K .. . .Hi' ,111 I' W A i, , 1 II I 1 K I I' A S I . ,, .1 I III I 'I , A " It. K .Soil,,' I' I ,ei A . A hu,I . Hall. , erti U Ii. " i - I I HI t i'K a any 1 t-i i in d; I oi OI.I I r .i ; Mai. i " r ii .m.i feb2i) .I . 1 111 M A at-at .eut, H ' to. Ami I , Y. ii '"' ri'i((lil A,.il i.U.-lli.N AKem, St-wberue. N. ,1. OLD UOf.1iF.ION Steamsjiip Gompany. M:.Mi-VV,.r M.Y MM;. rhe Old I.om.,o,, S,e.m.,.,p ,ou Pny. Old a,.,) K.orli. V e, Hon,., ia All,m.rl, .ad ho.irUe tac.l. FOB orfolU. rial, Imor., loi, , drlphla. Ilo.u.n. Pro . 1,1, , and Vaalillt.(n ( And all points, North, Laat and VV On and after I I b,n 1 1 t ,,, iwd.nnui fi rt ,et ik,i AI;V eet 'ith. Stealer MiNiLu. Capt. Saitiigiti, Steimer UWim, Capt Fntcliett, lo. "I Hie .N. for w 'lo.MlA VH "I'OtCllOU l I. It. Will can Ueruo, v,.i Vts and FltlliAVs. i With li.e m. i u i n . .. , ...f.o.,,or K I, Ml,, i, I ... . . HeturnliiH am ,r " ' l'r'1 -'"vers. I'AYm hi ninV a ' ' U KKI. -ecllon w.tu me' (, V '"aK1""! lor New ork, h f. ' , ;,', u'- " "hips for Baltimore Vu',1,,'1 ' steamer. lelphia. M a'm . j ( , " , ''' 1 '". '-r 1-hila. and Frovldei.ee -".luia lor hoatou Our uLlirlnii efloi;h , .... '"lour a,.:L p, .. ( ' " Patrons, .hlriecn yem-g u,,' , " ,v"" '"r tne paai hemin l,,Bfuture" "' lo lor foVa"" C"r " f u- H. M. oo.. or. non w,n Udu:;z::: E B. ROUKKTS, AaSnt. StlSHaB. ll'I.I'Kl'l'. p A TI KNLH. A.;ci.t9, .Noifolk.'va. ff. B- STANFORD, Vice-f resi lent. Sew York Olty. , THE NEUSE & TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company. Steamer Trent ZirZ?x oorm5 Steamer Kinttcn. Will Imu N.. u . s--a-B,u trvtaviatay IBaiHtJa MVVimf HF I ""'O A.1HBIOII Cm M frfif. at a aas.1 llTliUraalar,)Mth.llDV.tatarattacb. rnnrsday... Tonohlng at aU aneata. in velTat-llnMl eaaa. Don't na I Undlnss on Nenaa Hit.W 1 """rniMlate agent, SsS or fto. but Kad lor cirralan Kcnwaiber. 1 vrauantw our nadilm equal ts say high-priced I J.DIBOBI DIBOSWAT at Stwban. . Dianr, aunttor. ,-., O.B.BAaaoB,louoktTiii. i W. Z. WARD. AgMtatTreato. ' J3, 8l,IT Jll7 OM ald;' : " . . Jra, Qoake Bridie, , isTsat , . ... Jh - Klaaton. M Jr .

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