-- ' -' -- y-r,-y ' " - i lilt " JOURN ; -'Ml 1 ll i- - ll aaa.1 ..aaSBS 1 j NEW BERNli.N. & TUESDAY. APRIL 2. 1889. . VIII.--NOL -l PBICE U PENT& - at ' J - f D-r have ea rt Cub tweet f t . j Sound at . J. J, TftiJOM. ;ly ueat ccnr?.set . Gl3. AI4JW OX. : if.LX at S wnt pr tnart, and a t4,f-iii CM bt Obtained .... J. V. , iijore, the "fur -;. , a, at shart notice. - ' , I ; , ; " ' .iL'J fr decorations, beaets, t aad email, tr floral designs inrpaM furnished ehort hf leaving order with Sua. Ten KM die street. " 2iU!,'' I S VI.E Cow with young-eelf. .ur w. F. Bcitnce Co. : L LAB t003 FOB SALE. See ; . a fourth page ef JoCMlU One U", S,0; Mt.80; e, MM; U, I 1TE0 FRENCH BR4NDY AND i , LLAND GW, turt oTd od f r o .: br jamm Redmond. 1 ; t ..TILIZKR3 for Trvckm tni tot 1 Cdiom runtori, M .OtO. ALLOT 00. T ) 1 0UQII3, CulUrmtort ini Btrrowi I itTary low prtoe. . pco. allck ft coy U T BnCEIVEDAnoUir lol of f) U IRHErT'S COONAO BBABDY! kN E ThouMmd Roll WU Ppf . ftt very low prioM.' ;-r. l , )URS AND UQU083 for 1 i:41clnl and other m for nle I j v - Ja8 Bxdkohd. ' - mi win nii i i-m . GtrJKBIL BOTJLASOKB is t IIISTOBIAN f BAHCBOFT is the rl.lest liyiog grdnte of Oarrarrl UciTeraity. - Tas , March of .1859 U . ended. :.t for a decisive battle on the M of rrpjrer.r!,.'vi.'' ALL partles in.IiogUBdiJolnln l '.ici.r: nations :-of' ibrrow at the and erea' Northern mechanics to Dertnetrrf TTphooa. sappl them. with xt nandlestt -'Tkal im a dmdiol lypKooathat short, ererj occBpatioa anpplies w Bmm w,t fouBdri.t fk.- . .v.'- k 0 Oemua aad thrM America ehipe VUi AI.AftMft ftAACJ UIIVl, iVW Mel the farmet . saceeed ana prosper a flh,.twn m. .t LV 50KTU C1R0USA XEWS. Ne From the State Papers, rton EaurpriM: 8ifmaQ Bros., sadrr such eirenm&taneea f l.OLK) boibeii of wheat left of their trY. Admiral Porter eaye tBMllaat year crop for the Newton Roller k -mAm k. 1 Mill to erind. The mill ha net vet hi1 w ...... 1 WW SVAMMa vwiiiiit mm W MrHWU I w ' 1IUB06 jaSt W lUOrt ian'S lB.lv.4,BMtlAn fc :MB- ta UDdUl-fi-o minute for the lack lifA h It ntinn. A .iitrl.l . 7. . or wheat, and Ba not ground any but - -r -'aca.upHM .wvi law. uiuai, ua ru.h. wkat iwrca, it u o an eicepiwaai unca, uut Dy ueee mean there had been lew Edeoton Fwherman and Farmer ll not a fair teal Of the thole mm to life than if a battle had takea structure. -This is true whether P10'- the brick is far abort or far below reraonaL the aTeraee. v Because a nan has! MUi Hattie Dail, who ii teaobing at The preeence of railroad and tleamboat magnate in our ruidrt tbie week men ome thing. Vultures never hover where there ie nothing to feed upon Nothing meant by the comparison, but ain't it one ta hi. We sunk down below hie 8u. i-tb. city .few day. -- , -Jn. retary inform ua that money is rolling in, ihowing that the people are really interested and determined upwnaucceee The Directory met last week and will meet again on Tuesday rext to start ork on the grounds Greene boro Patriot Senator Nance ,t'on true character, if he has risea Tbiting her parent and friend. 1 " lh Willi. t V --i .w,w auHawawejuim, "-"v.ib,,,,, Bn, now from g,, hai tn wir to. tueenngif ain.ie out that ipmding a hort while in the city. blemish , as A specimen of his General Ranaom ha jnt returned manhood; and because a nan has'r0B county where hi fore are risen oaea In hia Ufa ta extraordi- wk on Tar rirer. He aay that the . narfloft, achiavenient, if be has1"11 . D-n ,.,... , , l ere epieaaia ana Don promising. fallen back to his own lerel neTerl i w w .u-w. t u ha accepted the liyii&tToa to deliver an address at t h o (iailford Battle Ground Celebratun. May l h Thia alone should insure a Ur' gathering m k....lA ........ 1 . .1, . . , . , . , ' !! lUB LlfllllO KIUUUU I'll Hill 11 apiuu iuuid vu nor, n wnw, 10 rcici i ,on returned from Ooldabarolaet sight for who would not alk nul. s to hear With pride to that achievement, asl where they bar been in attendance our own ' Z.b J rem i,m are being . ; r li. ii. a I w. tti .1.. oirciiiaira mrouanoui tne o. ut.iv. ror lUCVimcU Ul U1S EUOUEUl. OUU I " vb buhui ut uig aiwuwt - 1 daj School Times. April came in with a howr. UoMr. Dana ft Wlllett made the first ahipmenl Of aeparagut from tbi I great grain (hipping tation a well a eotlon last Saturday. I lumber. Large quantitle of the latter We are informed that there lg but one bein8 "hipped, and one of the richest (nearly half a million) and bajr-room In Hyde county. Hyde, how erer, ia not a dry county. The Directors of the Fair will hold an important meeting at the office of O. H. Qulon, q., tonight at 7:t0. A postal card informs Ul that the toot ball match between Wake Eoreet and Trinity was won by the former by 12 toO. h of John Brlfht. Tux appointment of Mr. Lincoln ti the --court of BU .James was a !ea ant surprise W Lord Salisbury, It is reported that Mr John F. I'.ammer has been' offefed the po i -.::;on cf r8tmastrof,HewJyotk - nf-HaBweawkeaea'' A teiajl ha-i been made by the I r.tLb navy tnat show that io i.i:p ia the navy could stand before V, a tre of their own cans, showing iLit the guns are superior to the A LSADiKCr idea in the) -cultlvt t cf corn, (and indeed Jn, nearjy 1 crops) . is leave (ha root nn- u'Jc3te3 ;A corn roots grow -ear La e uface, shallow xultivation is ; ' "o!atclyessentlal.-5 ' , I Mil -III 111 ' ' To sal. the reelings of the ll- -'i rcaators the political litany M ta made to rsad i 'Wt have t r : "Cited those things for which i zi$ hava got ; those things ' U we did hot ask for; :For the ' T 9 may yet receive let us be '7 thankfaL'' Washington a v oald be glad to know that i Carolin a ; famished from f i--s " all . the' food r crops ' a nse. With otir : fine . ; - 3oJ soil and-'.intelligent -e have no need to go tl:o State for any farm t our people may con ditcd Ban Diego, 'i f jisV-.?TronU r iw miniD : . from A : rich LOCAL NEWS. ADVERTISEMENTS. J. Tolsox Watermelon seed. Baptlat Aaaociation. IDorer. We note with pleasure the substan tial improvement going on at Dover in this county. Several new building are ia course of erection and the streets are being regularly laid out and put in good condition. It is on the A. ft N . C. B. in the western end of the county and will some day in the near future be a swamps in the State liee near there which is being drained and will be brought into cultivation in the near future. The lands, it ia said, are fully equal to the Hyde county lands. Dover recent growth is due in a great measure to the energy and push oc ur. lot lit nines, who is operating aicity. will saw mill and planer and employs a steadily circulated throughout signatures, asking the cjumy commit) loners to call an election on the ques tion whether or not intoxicating liquors aball be sold in this county el. etion to be held on the first Monday in June Concor l Times Mr Will Kerr, the inventor of the machine tr making seamless bags, whicn will ! uianufac tured in the new factory hrrtv is now in Chicago having his inacluno per feoted. The brick is now being made for another largs factory, to be built on the cite just below the residence of Mr. W.R. Odell. The capital stock of the Odell Manufacturing Company has been increased from 8150,000 to iflw.OOo this factory will belong to that Company, making three large cotton factories under this Company. Winston Sentinel The many friends of Dr. W. H. Bobbin, who some lime ago was stricken with paralysis at Rockingham, and was two weeks ago removed to the residence of his daughter, Mrs. 11. C Ashcraft. of tins be glad to learn that he is improving and that strong a. van Can. ef Ue Peaeeau Thousand saffer from blood poiaon, who would be cured if they gave B. B B. (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial. Send to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. . for book of wonderful cures, that oonvtnce the moat .keptieal. It is sent free. J. U. Gibson, Meridian, Mies., write "For a number of year I eaSered un told agonies frcm blood poison. Sev eral prominent physician did sue little if any good. 1 began to use o. a. o. ith very little faith, but. to my inter surprise it baa made me a w.il and hearty person. ' L. T. Ualberton, Macon, lie . write. 1 contracted blood poison 1 first tried physicians, and then went to Hot Springs. I returned home a ruined man physically. Nothing semd to do me any good. My mother persuaded me te try B. B. B. To my utter salon ishment every ulcer quickly healed Ben i Morris, Atlanta, Ua.. writes I suffered year from syphilitic blood , poison which refuted to be cured by ail treatment. Physicians pronounced it had pains in hips and joints and mi kidneys were diseased. My throat was Icerated and my breast a mass of run ing sore. In this condition I oom menced a use of B. B It ll healed evsry ulcer and lor. and cured m com pletely within two months " For Bent, Dwelling on northwest corner Metoaif and Neuse mreets, lately pieu ey airs iujiev. Apply to mSSlw G. H. ROBERTS. of H 4HHIKD On Wednesday, March 27 atlheiesi ence of the father of the bride. J A Krnul. Mr. J E. Wilcox to Miss Ci r nelia r.rnul, r a r.ioul, J f. , ortu-iat g large number of hand. The Japanese wedding tomorrow night is going to b a departure from Shipping news. former entertainment. Among other The steamer Vespei of the E. C. D things sams good mutio is promised. I"ne arrived Sunday with a cargo v.,..ii,n i. ... --in--. t.... I general merchandise, and are leaving, the flowers are blooming, tomorrow afternoon at four of ill sail o'clock a .! .n . ivt It mu.it th.t th rM I. pa.11 Af I ne Annis oi in is line eauea yeeteruay with. It has been one of the moat mild w,ln r 01 twn. wu ew winters ever known. W believe that the recent move to I Induce manufacturing interest to come among us was left in charge of the Board of Trade. We presume they are poshing the matter. Mrs. A. R. De Lamar ia canvassing The steamer Tahoma has finished her repairs and will resume her regular trips, leaving tomorrow morning at seven o'olock. The soaooaer Regulator arrived yes terday from Charleston with phosphates for E. H. ft J. A. Meadows. The steamer Newberne of the 0. D. for what we would jndge to be a very imo galls this morning for Norfolk at valuable book entitled "The Road to Heaven." Particulars of thia work will appear in tomorrow's issue. nine o'clock. The Manteo arrirea tonight. The schooner Mattie Hiles, Capt. Dan nopes are now entertained or hii per manent recovery. Dr. Bobbitt h still confined to his bed, but u.os both his bands and says ho could spend s nue of hia time in sitting up. but that he suf fere from nausea when in an erect pos- Isition This, however, is ow ing to the effects of the medic ina ho in tak ing and will be only temporary One lap (its motherm for tho well baby in daytime. About 700 laps of the bedroom floor at night for the happy '?' father unless he has a bottle of Lr Bull's Baby Syrup to eano the little suf ferer. A constipated habit of the body and all of its pernicious effects are uickly removed by Laxador, the great regu lator. Trice only 25 cents. rieanro Tarty on the Nfiivo. Editors Joubnal With your kind permission we will give a brief d esc rip tion of a pleasant little trip upon the v At one of ear City Sunday schools Roberts, arrived from the West Indies bosom of our incomparable Neuse Sunday the secretary's report showed I yesterday with a cargo of molasses the larira numb1 of twit tn nil rail ami I eighty present, and this is but little I of Board of Commissioner. more than the average attendance'. The remains of Mr. W.T. Foecue.whol died in RaUigbon Sunday, and former-1 ly a resident of ;JTew Berne, arrived in the city last nigbfc. The funeral will take place from the M. E. Church this! evening et 4 o'clock. For sometime back the city of Oolnm- thinking that such a sketch might inter est some of your readers who are an aware of the superior accommodations now offered by the well appointed Str Tahoma. Our party consisted of several of New Berne fairest daughters and their ts oort. Our leader, the popular and af fable "Tif." whose fertile brain is ve alive conceiving plans that will con j tribute to he pleasure of others ana to whose generosity we owe tho enjoy ment of this delightful occasion We steamed from the wharf of the E. CD. line at 12 m., and proceeded I on our journey. The scenery en route of Craven Count. The boird of commissioners of Craven county met ia regular session Monday, April 1, 1889, at 11 o'olock a. mj Pres ent, Jamas A. Bryan, Chairman; E. W. Smallwood, J. A. Meadows, Daniel Lane andVWm. Cleve. The following were appointed tax listen for 1889: Townshlo No. l.W. Dta, b. y., has been making an effort to h. Ellison; No. 2, 8. W.Latham; No. eauDitan tnaauraotarlng industries in , R, A. Ruseell; No. 5. W. P. Stanton; rivalling the majestic grandeur of tb their midst. The last number of the! w0. . Jas. H. Hunter: No. 7. Wm. For:! Hudson, filled u with pride as we real ecorar puDiie&erj there, contains an No. 8, W. M. Wationj No. 9, aiMAnnt Al a IneMltnaa lama asaMfMai I M Y " w .""lwmon loountry. Others whose natures were there rremKw.xorkwlth a capital ofl ,$b sheriff report was handed in I not so susceptible to poetic fancy passed W,Wr-: w Jw.:'.t k y-i t.lanft van aenantid and fltiaiYt I away the time pleasantly engaged i wnut. At .iu we arriveu at uur uei Hn.tjnn flmitha HroAlr whara ma war. nouncegthat he wHl commence a series j townaW by Messrs. Kugler and Mo of meetings at that cburon next week. I bond, B. A, . Kussell, Jr., was ap Odnigald The Bsptista have reeently5 dosed alnted.',yx.vi - " ' I " now approached the bewitching profitable week'. sWUtt , avail : tnemseive oi tne opportunity or iw wansier nu Dusinees irom 'ivsibhsld a most sumptuous repast pre attending the, meetings sheuld do so. I Points - to Colligan's store on West I pared by our caterer, one of the party anein h Wranri ai4 wtmrisKiawlataaiv' :-V5.'ii- v v I whose knowledge or the wantt on such .-i.tM..n , . - , rv.,Wl tJl.ttl iarlrntf. .i. an o)casioB admirably adapted him to V ,. I -w 7 " Itha Boaltioli. There we'rea-aled enr- . lliaters appointed to meet the board Of I selTee with the delicacies purchased ttunaway JiJttrn-oraiBary. , . loommlsainnera m flnt UoniJ.r la Um ifrom tha Craven atraet renoaitorr of A runaway took place yesterday fore I - i . .. . , - I y . levervtbina- that would tempt ths most noon oat of- the usual Una ef such ec-L Th. farr eonoinUd to laT:offa roid in yl TJ?.? ourrsnc... tlt was neither'! hone, mm s: w,.;; ... - .a ilVf ArJ: ' "'J! male, ox, nor daughter of a chlsf juthnnseof W.T. Snleford and Mmneet. clever aeent of the line, ioined us on tice, but a veritable goat that engaged I jnt. the Staplsford and Bhuflr. road. Ira,rtarn trip and contributed much m sua wiving pmuns. . ,f - -. havin renorted that the bad -laid off I IT r.i . V " 7 Tha animalw.aatt.rW irtat A ' . l 7. . -" .77. . V" UgnHttl run pi two nours we arnvea . f- i gia roaa ana mas xae county is iiaoi e i home at 8 o clock. For Bent, Dwelling on Johnson street, opposite the Academy Ureea. Sjvea rooms. A pply t mlS Jim M SIMMONS. Furniture!! JOHN SUTER Has on band mi' handsome parloi heavy walnut. ( maUraawee cha.rs etc. lie also has a tin of bedsteads s, fa 'ei eivtn every day . chamber eete, ..3u., wardrobe, i unges, sofa, etc, f home-made work i talies, bureau. etc , w hich are ih.i and substantial. l'rio.-Jt ICkIi Houn to Kock HotUtm. sefidw M. i ..e si . New Bcrae. Attention, Farmers. DICU In Ualeigh Sunday, March 31 U T. oi ue, aged S3 years. Funeral will be from the M K iduri b 4 o'cloc k this afternoon. JAPANE8E -Vcdding Entertainment, II V THK M. K l 111 Ki'H WORKINO M IKTV AT HTANLY II A Wcdne day Eve, April 3d. A delightful entertainment Refreshments served Japanesa Ware for sale, etc Admission Adults, 'J5 cts , children cts. marliOdld lK. A1.IMIKI M riKI.DM, Physician and Surgeon South Front St., near Craven, mr29Um NEW BERNE. N. C Annual Meeting. The Regular Yearly Meeting of llvde Linn Company will be held in the otnVe of W. i Burrus & Co., April 5th, at in M. - W. P. BL'RKI S. mai29dtd Secy. Money To Loan. Two Thousand Dollars in amounts from one hundred dollars op, at eigh: per cent interest. For information rc ply to m29 3t JOURNAL OFFin: W c l;.o von .it i; S' ono ,i '. ( in ,t ( iCMI ( 'I ' I ')(.".! I I r . : x A ( 'o ( I'll'i !.I1 All. I l ri on tin- l ira Jive ii- .t k i: aiul can UlpI it 1'BHFs I'. .ws. 1 'il M, V ' - WHITTY & GaIES. So. Iron" crn. N i i .i cn Pure Gom bVhiskey, IN" I have oil hand a lot of Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey and Alcohol for Medicinal pur noses. J. F. TAYLOB, W holes. i!o an 1 Ketail Oroecr. F' i' -T JHtl J., MM !'I.F. STREET, ni.vv iniNE, n. c Barrington 5 Baxter, Wanted: 500 Raccoon Skins, 250 Muskrat Skins, 100 Skunk Skins, 500 Fox Skins. 800 Otter Skina, 100 Mink Skins, 50 Opoasom Skins, 50 BearSkins, 50 Wild Cat Skins. 50 House Cat 8k ins, 100 Rabbit Skins, 250 Deer Skine, 1000 Cattle Hides, 1000 Sheep Skins, 1000 Goat Skins, And also Tallow, Beeswax and Fish Sound. Highest market price paid for all the above. If you don't believe it, try me. J. U. SMITH. mu27 dwlm New Berne, N. C. Board. Board with or without rooms for four persons. Apply to Mrs. JOHN WALKER, Johnson St., one door east Middle st. March 80th, 1889. dtf ii I , I A. A. BATTLES' 2.5' KYKItl PilR Also. 14 Full Line I.,l Of nthT IHHkn 1 liry R il the ( he H TIIK CALF SHOE. V A It KAMKD.' and Uents' lhos p ( an J Hi at I. tne of CLOTHING, HATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever offered to the trading pnh;ip. mrlOdwy CORN I CORN! CORN! 50,000 Bushels . Sale. or BY 1 :.j t: cf f.r 1 'Vi wax on and started from a point on Caulh Front itrsef, turniag op Cravea ia ths course cf hia race. The body of t'.:e war"n visa soon severed from the r,.r.n.ir.,3; -r and left only tb shafts -: to inipia Wi;::.-,i as he Cel from his irate owner. Eut with c!y tbat impeiimeot 1 1 was e&t itriiped by the driver ani esptursi ab.7ut the shops of Crabtrte & Co. - Tta race was witne? ! ly a z f.vuber cf rrscrs and gre-' - c;-'. i,?oei and frerj-r "t!y t -A V -t tv9 joat woall les:r? 1 f fore ir:l ' ':r"'y cut cf t-wn. '. " ror to aamage to us paxtles.' ovrr whose land the same passes, the road was declared a public road'-l : Ordered that the sheriff bs InstrucUd that hereafter deeds to the county f or lands sold for taxes must contains 4aer?;t!oa of "the lands sufficiently definite to convey title to the county, and that the county will Sot receive We desire tothank ths officers of the Tahoma for their kind and courteous attention. ' Worthy of speciar mention la Mr.. Hussey. the chief engineer and owner of th line. ' ti'm vw u AAA I. . . . i ; : . - A loriaau Btialat(tM VUlaaw :. . Wao "CViuir I-tt-o- lll J 10QO : I f at Mr. A. K. Hawkes Dear Sir! Your deeds in such earn nn! a the decri.lP"tB eye-glassee received soms time a In the levy and deed ie euffloientfy ,nc'. DU. .w graunea at deCnite for this purpose.-- ' ' X Itnsr.wondeMBl fhange that ,ltae come Ordered that tb clerk of the Srf erler 'er my.eyeelgbt siflce I have discarded Court be iJ3trecud to rroefire f.r hltT Old glasses and am now wearing Truckers Heeding Genuine Early Hose Seed Potatoes, Maine Stock, for replanting r their crop, can be supplied at Lowest Price by IT. TJljeicIi, Wholesale geoceb,, ; f MIDDlilt STRUCT, . W.P. BURRUS 5 CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' AND GRAIN DEALERS, Mabekt Dock, NEW DEJXMB, N. O. tonsign us your produce. mavSdwU"' et and hook cf '. T' "'r:il o'tbek yc-irs. :.-v Alsxasdkb Secretary gutionars Board ol .Trade oi -, - New York City. " -'.-ea fttodsni t narara by SAM'L te'SKIDnOEE, JWholetile Commisgloaj FISH" -DEALER, '", iaa ii4 BEEKwaa btbkkt, ' - UTiTOJt FlaBKKT. " - 5 KORTH CAUOUNA. ' m the ' qattaretCOaniy. Superior Coud, ' - William Aelson, Plalnuir. - i ' ' j. - vs.- y Hi v . The Kentucky Mntnel Pecnrtty Notiee m uuu vuMjpauy, uetendant. f j v The delanBtat atxyve namcii m L- - .. notice, that an Mtlon entitled ssaboV has r'L ' ' keen oom menced la the Snparlr'Uoan or ", -Crteret;Oonutyr Borta Carolina, for the r-' ' -eevery 4C the tamot Three Thooaaaa Col. J ".- - 1 i lara,Bpon an lnsoranfa policy payable to ; platBUaandWrhlebTneft iSd pon tSe I ant will farther kotlcer-Uiat It laT. 1 , qnlrad to appear- at the next term of the " BoperlorCoartof said eotmty.to be held oA"! - V. " the sevsntu Monday aftr thu Hr.t atonj.. H;'..v 1B eptember,'i, at the Court Hone of-. ' ' said eoutr taBeanSMrt,- if. a, and anawar : yy w: at demur to- th eomplalnt filed in eald ac,C - : tlnn mtl.if.l.utilt.1,1 . : ,u 'TS'- for the telle! demanded" In aald eumplalit-,t' ' -,-i--.-"a DAVIS, --- v ' This JOth day ef March, 18W jnar31d6w -i-'.V y:' MIDDLE STREET,'' -.'V-Two dcora s-JutU Ha hn's Livery F'r 1 A. r. F. ' w r-roe, V. C. j llm

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