OURNAL. vOL. VIIL-NO. 3. NEW BERNE. N. C, THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. 0 aus::.ss locals. SCDA VATEEtrfaja -. Job Darin. T av:e3 REDMOXD.- WHOLESALE LI, 'JOB DEALER, u na re- ,rl COOd tNOttBMl N HetlVe ,..Jt-so.d Brandies, aad ela aomeef the fa.uoue California Win ow a i t ' Aogviie.'' made from he famone ku J delicious Angelina, Orap. ' Thia ia ootf suocaeefatly cultivated in me boatharn part et California it to a vry delicate (npt and rtqairee oar t.ia cxwidiUooe of cUanete tp bring it to eicelience, which eendufcma ara onJy suet in ton paradise) ei U United fctatee. Bin native North Carolina W.nee and Brand lee from the viatagea Uarrett C. and J. Wharton Omen are of very auperior quality and nrt vary par. e8lm TRY a iUea of Soda at - . . , Dchn 's IEESII eupply of vary bMt Butler rs oalved Mai-WMkly, which I offer ' for 8fl cent par pound. prS-Sc.l C E. Slovir lAENTAL CHEWING OUU- XJ Cleanaea. Preeerv a and Beautitlee tha teeth and eweeteoe tba breath. Laoocomended by dentists. Bold by druggiata and ooafactioaart. Try it. aprl-if.j WATERMELON 8EEO-I hare on aale a lot of choioa Cub Sweet watermelon aaad from Bogua Sound at 75 eta. par pound. 1. J. Tolsom. 3 81 ; 17 A MILT MEAT CUTTERS at Oao. Allen A Co. FLOWERS for daoorationa, boquau, larga and amall, or floral daaigna for any purpoee f orniahad on abort notice by landing prders with Sam. Radcliff on Middle etreet. m22 tf " T?0 SALE Cow with young calf. . I1 Sltt , W. P. Bcaacs & Co. POPULAR BOOKS FOR SALE. Sea liat on fourth page of Journal. One ' book. 50: f,90; 8, 1.30, 0, (9 50; 13, 14 75. marSO tfl Nona Nuns. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND QIN, juat reoeiTad and for aala by - Jakes Redmond. I FERTILIZERS for Truckers and for . Cotton Plantara, th ,K Geo. Allen & Co. PLOUGHS, Cultivatore and Harrows at vary lew prtcea. -' - , , , Oo. Allen & Co. JUSf RECEIVED Anothar lot of QARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY - . fqr aala by .x James Redmond. fv NE Thousand Rolla Wall Paper at AJ very low prioaa. .V"' OEO. AlXEJf & Co. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for - Medicinal and othar uaea for aale by . ( - - James Redmond. - It is sow declared that the Paaa tn a" canal is a stupendous failure. It would bankrupt the gotarnment of France to carry out the scheme t as originally projected. J WB would gladly mention eTi dences of improvement in sister cities, but they are too numerous and tarled to admit of specific mention. The old State is moving, vigorously moving. " TDK Hon. Simon Wolf of Wash ingtoo, D. 0., delivered a beautiful oration in Charlotte last Monday night. . He gave the history of B'nal Brith in a charming manner, and received Iieqoent and pro longed applause. The next and most interesting stage in. the Parnell case will be his . ' own examination before the Com ' misaioner. The defense opened ' Wednesday with a speech by Sir Charles Knssell, that will onccupy ' four dayeMr.I Panell will then take the stand for the following ten ' dajs, and have the largest audience a witness has bad ia many a year. 1 ; WMhingtoeFost.v; 1 v! Tmt Qermana-wlll send the crniser gperber and the corvette .Alexandrine to Samoa , to replace the German war eblpi wrecked at "Apia. Oar government will send to - Samoan waters the iron cruiser Alert and the Wooden cruisers Elch- : mond and Adams. It ia supposed that the United States' vessels will reach ' their dertlnation several weeks in advance of the German i? Tna Charlotte ; Chronicle ayg: "ILo Ctroniclefavori ; public ad; ' It thinks, however, that there c0ut to be mote SchMlglj-Binen Itwaa wadding and teacLing rudiments thoroughly. Not C2 9 dollar,; in" Its judgment, ought tta tpent lot a j'branch" above tl a i' rca F.'s so long as there ara any tz-1 :r of children "within rp3 3onab: : ' '.cb,". who have no e:L:o1 -tog) t daytime or. even Ox April 1 in the U. 8. District Court at Baltimore, Judge Morrig entaneed Wm. . Ford, John Wai- lia, Stephen W. Croawell, Koah E. Ward and John E. Chad wick lira oyster captains recently convicted of cruelty to oyater dredgers to thirty d)i each in jail, except fCbadvick, nbo was fined fifty dollars and seateoccd to three da) a in jail. The sentence dates from the time of their conviction. Fbom the Wilmington Star: In the Senate Mr.Tellerofferedaresolation that herearter all executive nomi nations shall be considered in open session, which was referred to the committee on rules. The Navy Department ha ordered three war vessels to be sent to Samoa. Pope Lo has written a letter to Archbiahop Gibbons and other Arcbbisbops of the United States, in which be bestows his love and apostolic benediction for their de fense of the rights of the Apostolic See. Unity of action ia a great thing in private or pnblic enterprise. Wheu everybody palls one way something will certainly move; when some palls one way and some another do progress can be made. All citizens are interested in the common prosperity, whether they think ao or not, and the only thing left to do with those who constant ly lag behind is to leave them by the wayside or else take them np bodily and carry them along as we do refractory children, no matter bow mach they kick and sqneal. Norfolk Landmark. LOCAL NEWS. HEW A D I'ER TISEMEN TS. Roberts ft Bro. Niolauea. J. Sutkr Baby oarriagea, etc. Jchn Dunn Soda water today. Edwards & Claek Dissolution. No aalea of cotton yeaterday. Thanka to the Wilmiugton Sur for kind words. J.K. Willis was receiving a large lot of marble yesterday. The grading of tha road to the national oematery is about completed. The city council was in session at 2 p. m. yesterday and adjourned to 9 o'clock this morning. Herrings are right, down to poor man's prices. No one need softer for ft jh in this community. The city council proceedinga pub lished today are unusually long and orowd out othar matter. . Japanese entertainment again tonight at Stanly Hall. Admission, adulta 15 eta.; ohildren 15 eta. Ample accommo dations will be made for all. Jas. W. Waters, Eq., has removed his law office to South Front street, next door to Dr. Fields, where clients will always find him in readiness to prose cute with vigor whatever business may be placed in his hands. The inland towns and country atoraa in the surrounding counties ought to oonsult our wholesale merchants before buying elsewhere. Batter bargains for small stocks can be made, by country merchants here than in Baltimore or Naw York. Qiva-them a trial. Shipping Newa. The steamer Vesper of the E. C. D Una sailed yeterdayafternoon with a oargo of lumber, cotton, truck, &o. The Annie of this line will arrive today. The steamer Tahoma will arrive to day. Japan tee Wedding The Japanese Wedding last night waa a-splendid entertainment. The hall waa-elegantly decorated and the at tendance more than could be made comfortable. It waa Japanese and as there la np "Jap" in this office, wa had no reporter competent to describe the scene. We only know that al an enter tainmant it waa a splendid. nccesa The refreshments - ware t first ' clasa, ' and everything highly creditable to the in behalf of the community we tender to the bride and groom , sineere coa- mtoJations. ' 1 i Wa bare the pleasure to announce that tha. entertainment will be repeated tonight. It la one of the rare and beau tiful exhibitions that I most be seen to ha appreciated The muaio was excel- aToa-Taxpayera. If any on wUl take tha trouble to azamlaa tha tax liat of Craven county aad aota tha an paid taxaa ha will ba ooeae diagnatad with a government that pratenda to have juat lawa and equal righta aad privileges to all citizama alike. There ia a privileged claaa ia Craven county a claaa that refuaa out right to pay their taxes; their property paaaas the ordeal of a sham aala by tha sheriff once a year for taxes, tha tax payers pay tha eoat af the aale and that anda it. This privileged claaa have their houses and lota in thia city which bring a good rental; they receive the rents but bid defiance to tha law; refuaa to contribute to the support of the govern ment which they enjoy, and thus cause their fellowmen to be exoesslvely burdened. The time has come when tha county commissioners must comply with the demands of the people and make all pay their taxes. There ia enough due the county on back tcuce to pay the floating debt. Can any good reason be given why a parson owning a good houae and lot in tha city of Naw Barna should not pay the taxes thereon as well as hia neighbor who owna a house by his aide? It ia the boast of our government that our Constitutien recognizes no privi leged class. But the administration of tha laws in Craven county does rec ognize euch a class. They are allowed to hold property without paving one cent of tax. The thing has gone to that extent that we believe the taxpayers an masse of this county would be justified in refusing to pay another dollar of taxaa until the collection of the back taxes has been enforoed. The officers of the county should be forced by public sentiment to colleot taxaa from all and abolish the privileged class. The law-abiding people of the county can do this if they will. In tha above wa do not mean to be personal; we are speaking in general terms of a great grievance that has been berne too long. Graded School. HONOR ROLL. (kh Orade Minnie Dowdee, Iney Sty ron, Louisa Suter. 5th Orade Mary Dowdee, Kate Mat thews, Annie Quidley, Laura Suter, Lizzie Yelverton, Charles Schiasler. 4th Orade Bertha Kafer, Virginia Dickeraon, Ida Quidley, James Dala mar. 3d Orade Nina Basnight. 2d Orade Lizzie Hanoock, Lena Hinee, Kate Roberta, John Suter. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. From the State Papers. Dunn Courier: Mr. H. A. Hodge's gin was burned last Friday evening. The fire originated from a spark from the engine. The loss ia about $1,000. No inaurance. Thia ia the aaoond gin Mr, H. haa loet thia season. We have heard that the attorney for the estate of E. J. Lilly will make an attempt to have a vote taken on the Lilly claim against Harneet oounty at the same time of the election on the removal of the county seat. If the county seat is moved the friends of the removal pro pose to erect the necessary public build ings. Washington Gazette: We hear that Mr. C. W. Tayloe ia in Atlanta purchas ing machinery for a large, cotton aeed oil mill, to be ereoted at this place. Webber, the man who eaoapad from jail with Newton, was caught in Bertie and brought to Washington in man acles. He has bean taken to Qreene county Mosea Carr, one of tha lead era at the rioters, was arraigned Fri day before U. 8. commissioner E. S. Simmons, and bound over to the Federal court, at New Berne, to convene' fourth Monday in April. Albert Mvera waa arraigned, but the case was dismissed, rive of the leaden who ran a war dur iag court Mrs not since been in theae parts. There are true bills against them an. A SPRING POEM. We ara now having delightful weather; nature is just booming, and TM heart of the Trucker Is glad. Now the red-bodied Radish With its flaunting green top Yields to the gentle yank of the grower Ana enngiy boxed is sent North To garnish and give cast to the break fast table. The Asparagus now pokes through. The ground at a fine rate, And is sent to tickle the fancy prfced Palate of the wealthy dweller of taa Large cities. Soon the toothsome Pea and all its Vegetable kin will be clamoring for Recognition at the band of the Shipper, and they will all ia good Season be taken In and cared for. , A Bsstaas Hu'i Clear Vlsloes. I Naw York City, April 4, 188ft .Mr. A. K. Hawkee Dear; Sir: Your patent eye-glasses received aome time since, and am .very, amoh gratified as the wonderful change that haa come oyer my eyesight since X have discarded my old; glasses-end' am now wearing yours, vosi Alxxakdeb Aoab, Secretary Stationers Board of Trade of :gri New York (Styf; y : AH eyes fitted and fit goaianieed by Ft 8. Duffn Naw Berne, N, C, jliilm CITI COIMIL PROCEEDINGS. April 2, A regular b.e?ting if the Uoard of City Council was iielj tbis evening at 7:30 o'clock, Mayor Meadows presiding. Present, Couacilmen Williams. L'lncfc, Lane, Crawford , Gray , Simmons Styrcn and Thomas The rules were suj;vcie J n. .1 tha nafinisheJ busice: of iL-. last meeting taken up Mr. George Al.en. ia bihi.f ji a coti mittee from the I'tJerwrr.crs. was present and luiJen ctaieu: -ut .u regard to the storage of tuo i i! ihi-u uu.ier cussion. Coucciinian Williams vi!tr..i tl.e fal lowing ordinance Be it ordained l y tl.e Ma) r and Board of Councilman .' tlr.e oity of New Berne Sec. 1. That do pt t-tu i r i oriration shall store in any oih place n ithia tbe oorporste limits of the citv of New Berne at one time fr j t.uie longer than 24 hours of more llmii l.vc barrels of petroleum. keri..-t u-.-. :n tin , r taso tine. Sec 2 Tli t iiiif p. r,';l or . rpora tion guilty nf a vioUti, u -f th: ordi nance shall piy a tmo of tn.;y live dollars. That each iUy eai.i quantity of oil shall remain m one p!ac" ohall i. i.ti tute a violation of tins ordinance. Mr. Farquarnou. from ihe I H.lvl Oil Co , made some reinurlii). Tbe ayes and nays were cat.. I Ayes Councilmen Williams. Lane ami I inch Nsys, Crawford, Gray, Thomas, Sim monsand Styron The ordinance failed to pass. The following prtitions vcie (re sented from Wm. l.crrb for relief of city taxes due on prop.rty belonging to Alex. McAcklm, which was, on motion of Councilmau Williams referred to finance committoo with power to act Also a petition from Meters. Moore V Brady in regard to Tilling in water front by the city as per agreement, etc. Councilman Williams moved that tbe petition be returned to them for correc tion as tostatement made therein, which was carried by a unanimous vote. Councilman Williama moved that the character of stull to be put there be left with the sanitary committee w hich w a carried. From Jos. M. Smith m reference to a ditch at the foot of Heme utreet w hich was referred to the, committee on wharves and docks an 1 on streets and pumps. The Marshals report was reenved and adopted as follows We have made 12 arrests during the month, all convicUd. Fines collected Costs $19 :to One-half the above costs, i'J )", was deducted for my fees. j. T. i.ku i . r, m. Tho following reports were made Tho commltte on fire department: A note signed by Messrs. Moore. 1'avieand others, at the bank, which it was claimed by the holder to have been assumed by the city council, which was referred to the finance committoo to in vestigate. The finance committee: Thi Bettle ment bv Maj. Graham Daves of taxes due on property of Mr. Jas. Hoyle. The sanitary coraraittoe: That the points alluded to in u recent article in the Journal had been attended to Also the sewer of Dr. F. W. Hughes aa reported on favorably, and on mo tion, the petition was graDted on condi tion that the construction be under the supervision of the sanitary committee Councilman Williams moved that tbe Marshal be instructed to make a report of all cattle impounded and the disposi tion of them. Tha motion was carried. Committee on streets and pumps re ported as follows: As regards to moving houses and condemning the property on George street, in consequence of the bill having been stolen the work has stopped until we can proceed to condemn as per our present charter, which will take quite a while and cause delay. I reported to the board at its last meeting that the charter had been amended, which ia the case, but I find tbatF. M. Simmons dictated and wrote a dispatch that was signed by Jamea W Moore and directed to Messrs. Green and Carr, which caused the bill to be lost, atrayed or stolen, ueorge ureen jr.. stated that the bill bad been reoon aidered, but I knew that waa incorrect aa ner rnlea of tha Senate, and on invea ligation I find that the bill was ratified March 11th, and waa carried off from the Clerk in the Senate, who is respon sible to the State for said bill, he being the last man to receipt for it. I waa Informed in Raleigh that we could issue a mandamus, and cause the Secretary of State to record the enrolled bill as a law. and recommend that the crty at torney be instructed to look after the nutter. rer ti, r. willlams. 1 Also that the land be condemned for tha extension of George street and sub mltted the following whish was adopt- ad: Be ft ordained by the Mayor and Board of Councilmen of the City of New Berne t- VJ,. Seo I. That a street be and the same is 'hereby laid oat and established, be ginning on the northern line of Sooth Front etraet al ua iatereaouon with George etreet and running lhaaee with iheeaalara and weetera lines of George : strert extended to the channel of Treat I river. I So. 2 Tfcit said street so laid out and eetablut el as sfcreeaid shall be anovtn aa George street. Sec. fc That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue h i warrant to tbe Sheriff of Craven county command icg him to summon a jury to asatw the damages sustained by the owners . ? lands required for said street as re quired by law. Committees on police, wharves lj docks, ordinances and licenses miJi c report. The fire district committee rportrJ the following which was referred luite Marshal We beii leave to rsporl as f, Complaint has ben made as regar ,1s t A. K Dennieon'e mill being run with out any spark arreeter. end contrary t ' law, and also to the stove pipe of Mr s KadclitT at his place on Middle strset. and I recommsnd that A K l'eoois, d and all others ownirjg and running mills be ooti tied to comply with the ordinance, and in the event they fail to comply immediately, the Marshal be and is hereby instructed to i.sue war rants for all offenders The complaints are in writing aod addressed to me. and in consequence of my being an officer and us being my duly to take the blame, 1 refrain from mentioning names K P Williams t hmn. Com on Kire District Cemetery committee reported cerr.e leries iu good Older. The appointment of reg,,trnrs ,.n t ju )ges of election for the appr a, t, int election was made and the v n g pla'te ertablished as follows K1KST vt a HI' Registrar, Thos C Howard Judges K It Hill, tieorge Simpson oting place, station house. SKi VJll W A 1,0 I Kegistrar.il C. Jones. Ja.les W. K. Kountree, David Harhum ting place, J K Willis office THIRD W Altl' Registrar. S. W Willis Ju l.- I 1. Churchill. Miles Shepard oting lace, W. S. l'hilhp's shop KnfUTll w ARl Registrar, Wm. Collsgsn Jnlges W.H.Johnson, W. N. Kuss Noting place, J. II. Lane's shop. Kinn w ahi. Registrar, Samuel Cook Judg. J York. J. A. Simpson oting place McCarthy s Regular bills were allowed A bill of Mr. Geo. Allen was referred hack for correction. Councilman Crawford asked that a lamp be placed on Griffith street near tieen, which wasosdered. Minutes were read and adopted, and he Hoard adjourned to 2 o clo k, Wed nesday, April it. Silas Ft 'l. iik.k, C!erk A PI.KASIX. SKSSB if health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effectually cleanse tne i - i : 1 svBtem when costive or otuous rm sale in 50c. and $1.00 bottles by all lea 1 ng druirgistH. BABY CARRIAGES AND Furniture!! A new lot of the Latest Styles of Baby Oarriazee. and a larse assortment of every description of Furniture just re ceived, and will be received. Please call and see our Baby Car riages. Irlos Il'Kiit Down to Kork Bottom. JOHN SUTER so8 dw Middle af. New Berne. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore eiistine between Edwards & Clark has tbis day been mutually dissolved. Tbe business will be carried on by the undersigned, to whom all debts will be paid. a4dlw C. C.CLARK, JR (tinfrOO i.- l!OKfl00 MOTH ran he lb0- 10 iPZOU made worslng for ds Agenta prererrea wno can rurmsn b liorse and nlve their wbole time In the bnal nes. Spare momenis may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies In towns nod cities. B. F. JOHNSON 4 CO.. Pi Main St., Richmond, v a. N. B. .Ladles em ployea also. ,Neyir roin.i abontsendlng stamp for reply. Comequlrk Yours for bis, B. r. J. a vo. a pre gum AnnualMeeting. The Regular Yearly Meeting- of Hyde Line Company will be held in the office of W. P. Burrus & Co., April 6th, at 10 A.M. W. P. BURBCS, mai29 dtd Bec'y. Board. Board with or without rooms for four persons. Apply to Mrs. JOHN WALKER, Johnson at., one door east Middle at. March 80th. 1889. dtf E. R. Certificate Lost. Certificate Ko, 1,378, for five shares of stock In tbe A. AN.C.R. Ft. Co,, standing In my name, having been loat, I hereby give notice that I will apply for a duplicate thereof to be Issued to me. JOH5 HUOHtT.8. New Berne, March 17, 139. , law4w MOLASSES. English Island, Just arrived per Schr. Mattie Hiles. For sale by ROBErTS & BRO., South Front St. Wanted: . - M ,il!i' , . Iri 1 1 l -k .i 1 1 , Vn 1 a vmiii i. II I . ..h '-Ml! L r : Truckers I'eedin Genuine E:nly Rose Seed Potatoes. Maine Stock, for replanting their crop, can be supplied at Lowest Price by wiii'i.i - i i (,i:o( For Rent, Dwei.n.g Melralf h;, I r ' 1 1 es t c ui sinn- Utt-I y r of occu- pied h v Mr" : Ai piv to II Ki'l-.KRVS For Rent, on J In.- i, p 1 1 , , Duenirig on .pp. .site rooms the A.'adem Appl) 1 . in. ': .1: 111 M SIMMONS. Purs Corn eVhiskey, in: v INS I have cn hand a lot of Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey and Alcohol for Medicinal pur noses. J. F. TAYLOR, w in,;....,;. 1 ooT n jin21 dw:f .HLl Kef i'!.il (iroici, midd; i: Ti;r it, NK .V I'KI;NK. n. Barringfcr S Baxfer, I R THE A. A. BATTLES' $2.53 CALF SHOE. E E It l PAIR wARRtNTKD." A Iso. a Kn .! 1 npl.ail .s nud Gents Khori of nthor rnftkf' Tliryseil Hie f heaprst nd Br nt I,De of CLOTHING, II ATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever offered to tbe trsillng public. mrlOdwx CORN! CORFU GORIIL 50,000 Bushels For Sale BY V. P. BURRUS & GO., GENERAL COfUUSSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, Market Dock, tfEW BERNB, K. O. & Consiim your profac E.i ,t, SI R A'iKNT fi- rr a. .Ai'. t