LY kjLU - :'-J .IVO.. VIII.-NO. 4. NEW BEBNE;. C, FEIDAY. APRIL 5. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS, Ml OURNAL r J -::;23 locals. IL-3 WCBKS The eempl cf the Uc" edition ef Dick- i i co on need. Keguiar norary t g:4 eioth kind ma Bad clear i t. We cla! these Wvlkl complete either the DillT Of WUItT J v us kL et astonishingly law prioee. I. ' sal see sample. T . ..: ; a5 If AME3 REDMOSD. WHOLESALE LWJOli DEALER, hae just re- . rived a good tnortmtAI et Native W iaee end Breodiee. end also hboI the famous California Witt known as toe "Angelica," made from til famous end delicious Angelica Grape. Thia Urepe ia only euoeeeefally cultivated la the Southern part of California; it is a -rj delicate grape and requires car uia conditions of climate to bring it to excellence, which eon ditiooe ara only net ia that paradise ot tha United Utetes. Bis native North Carolina Winee and Brand iaa from tha v intagta of Garrett & Co. and J. Whir ton Green are of very superior quality and araJ very pure. . . " IEESH supply of very beat Butter re ceived eemiweekly, which I offer for 80 eenU per pound . prS-3t. -t C.E.8lovb, UBNTAL CHEWING OUM Cteansee, Preeerve and Be amides the teeth and sweeteoe tha breath', liecommeaded by dentists. Sold ly drugeists and confeotionera. Try it. eprs-tf, ; ; T FAMILY. MEAT CUTTERS at l1 . GEO. ALLEN & CO. ILOWERS for decorations, boquets, 1 large and email, or floral deiignt fur any purpose fnrniahed on ahort hntloe by (earing ordera with 6am. Rdcliff on Middle street. m23tf F OR SALE Cow with young calf. 21tf i. W. F. BCBBUS CO. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND 1 UOLLAND GIN, just received and tor aale by James Redmond. I7ERTILTZERS for Truckers and for Cotton Planters, at - C'V'7' ''izr. 0. AllesCo. 1) LOUGHS, Cultivator and tlarrowa : at vary lo prices, . - - - Geo, Allen 6 Co. JUST' RECEIVED-Another lot ol GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY foraala by : . vi'. James Redm sd 0 NE Thousand Rolls Wall Piper at very low prices. ' f 1 . -- Geo. Allen & Co 1)URB WINES AND LIQUORS for Medicinal, and other ua for aale by-. , . James Redmond THK Senate adjournod line die last Tuesday. , GEN. BOTIL ANQBR has left Paris for BrasseU to axoid falling into tho hands of the government. Prince Bismarck, In replying 1 to birthday congratulations, said . that be looked forward to a con tinuation of peace Washington was fashionable , gentleman, .nis .dancing patnpe were number eleten, and his Tery day boots were thirteens. ' . Tna municipal elections of Ohio Monday prove beyond ' qaostion that Marat Halstead is needed right ,at home, Washington Post. This llepoblican Administration believes ia giving offices to Bepab licin3. The Democrats should leara a lesson from "WilliamBport San .' y C' 4 .Vc'tVa'' . Tna NewXork Herald asserts that "President Harrison is ' the only living ruler who can gather at Lis table four generations in tbe direct line, from great grandfather Ecctt to the little Russell Harrison baby.7 ; Tns latcst.ia, regard to the new deal cf the cotton bagging eombi- natioa 13 that it will control the t cf bagging for the coming c::? ft r M as effectually as did the c : '. ' ' ' i of last year, ; though net ti i - - j Ljgn prices. Wilming tonEtar. ,'. It h to ba regretted that Gen. I rri on cot been able to name - -"e?sor to Jcstico- Matthews, v. crk of the Supreme Court is - Uhirid now that a vacancy :ncb ought not to be per- exist any longer than is t'-'-.sary.i-New Toik 'ot.n'3 appointment :"y & Jilted to please tzj r.ore than Min "--"i. IS lOOkS 83 i i ca ret care ?' "utaaPrr.ldent - t er to tee i f-icf . Casino for the meritorious old soldiers who havo a just claim on the treasury Is one thing; satisfy log the appetite of ths claim agents for public money would bo quite another and vastly more expensive thing, Hartford Cbnranr. - SxnatoS' Teller's resolution in favor of considering nominations in open session coming at the present time looks a little like a bluff, fie was one of those who spoke against Mr. Halstead, end he wants it understood that he had just s lief speak it all oat before everybody if the rules allowed. whatever are the motives which prompt this Colorado Senator, his proposal is a sound one, and we hope he will press it persistently and effectively Philadelphia Press LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FLiNNEB-Clothing! shoeat Journal -Dickena' Worke. T J. Turner & Co Furniture, etc. The delinqut-ot ta.list crowds out much other matter, but it ie interesting reading to Craven county people. The repetition of the Japaneee Wed ding at Stanly Ball last night was again beautifully rendered and much enjoyed by those preaent The Journal office haa been doubly treated to cream and cake. Firet from tha Japaneee wedding, and then from the boardisg house ot Mrs. Joeeph Nel- aon. Mr. J. A. Patterson ia negotiating for the new summer hotel at Ocracoka. If he succeeds in getting it and can fat a regular line of ateamers, such as tho O. D. boate, to make regular trips from Washington and New Berne, Ocraooke will become a very popular resort. Tax Delinquents The bberiff, in compliance with law, advertises the pioperty of all delin quent taipavers. The sate will take piece on the first Monday in May and the oommi-sioners are taking steps to hare the law complied with in every respect with a view of putting the 0)unty in possession of property pur ohased at said sale. Onslow Wi 1 Have a Railroad. The Wilmington Meaaenger has inter viewed Mr. Richard Lamb, chief en gineer of the Wilmington, Onalow and East Carolina Railroad, who says the road from Wilmington to Jacksonville will be completed by tha first of De cember. This road must be continued ta New Berne, and it ought to bo done before the opening of onr next Fair. Shipping News. Ths steamer Annie of the E. C. D. line arrived yesterday with cargo of general merchandise and will sail at 4 o'clock this afterjioon. The Vesper of this line will arrive tomorrow. The ateamer Tahoma arrived last night and will aail tomorrow morning. The steamer Vanceboro arrived from vanceboro yeeterdar evening with a full cargo cf shingles and lumber. The Manteo of the 0. D. lino will sail for Nofolk this morning at o'clock. Arrested for Disobsdience. Two arrests were made yeaterday veniDg for refusing to obey the chief of the fire department during tha fire at Stimson'a mills. We have beea in- formed that the parties arrested not only refused to obey the chfef bat were impudejit and Insulting. Perhaps they were ignorant of the authority cob f erred upon the chief of the department under such circumstances, and even If that Is true common sense ought to teach then that -some one must ooni' mani when the safety of the common ity depends upon prompt and judicious aotion. . ' - - ' It will be a sad . day for New Berne whan the -civil authorities refuse to sustain the officers of the fire depart ment in any reasonable demands they may make daring the progress "of a firs Personal. 'l;r ' ':' Mr. Eddie Lewie, of Wilmington, ts In the city on a visit to bis sick father. Cyrus Foscae, Esq , of White Oak; Jones county, is in the city. ' - v , Mr. G. P. If. DaiL, W. W. Clark, Eq and L. J. Moore, Ejq., returned from Greene court last night. : -"' , I . , Ex Sheriff Eahn returned from RichJ mond last night with a cargo of males. Capt. J. M. White andJ. W. Grain ger, Eaq.,of Kinston, arrived last night. Messrs. J. L. Tucker and 8. W, Qain nerly of Pitt, arrived yesterday. ADVICE TO HOTTIERS. ' Mas. Winslow'b Boothejq: 8 tec? should always be used for ctiijren teething.. It soothes the child, softens e ratn. aliays all pain, cures wind ' , f - t U t t rmdy f?rd'ar- ANHOTflll BItt Fill SqtlLCSITJ. A Dry Illaaad tiO.OOO reel ef Lameer Baned. Beble Work ef the rlre Departaaeat rreveati a DettrecH ve Ceatagratlea. The sound of she fire bell at eVlock yesterday morning caused many to ten eet ef bed who were ia the habit of doaiag aatil a later hoar. The dense volueae of smoke emitted from tho dry kiln of Stimson'a mills at once deaig Mated the eanee of alarm. THE ItU PErABTMEST BX&FOHDS. With its nsaal promptness the fro de partment rushed to the scene, and a large number of citisena of all classes soon gathered, and seeing the danger towhioh their fellow-eitiasne in that part of (ha city were exposed began work in earneet to arrtst the flames. THE SITUATION. Stimeon'e mille are located on Neuse river, the larger one being only a few paces from the warehcuee of the A. & N.C. R.;the smaller (the old mill) is about fifty or seventy-fire yards down the rirer from the larger one. On the yard between the two mills and on the vrharvee, there ia perhape over a million feet of aawed lumber. About forty or fifty yarda from the larger mill and directly in front of it wes the dry kiln and in the yard back of it were several hundred cords of alaba and considerable lumber pile! bear the kiln. Not far from thia alab yard are tbe reaidenoee of General Robert Ransom and Mr. Iaaac Patterson end near them are many other residences extending down in the city. TUE ENGINES GET TO W0EX. Owing to the immenae quantities of lumber in every direction the firemen were delayed in getting to work. There was some difficulty in getting to water, but finally both englnee were planted on the river between the larger mill and the railroad warehouse and soon four streams of water were turned on. The flames from one hundred and twenty five thousand feet of lumber in the dry bouse were beginning to burst out and quickly communicated to one hundred and twenty-five thouaand more near by. Fortunately for Mr. 8timson his mills and the larger portion of his sawed lumber were to the windward of the burning kiln. A stiff breeee blew from the northeast and carried tbe sparks and burning cindera in great flakes to wards the residences of Gen. Ransom and Mr. Patterson. It took bard work and constant watchfulness to save these from burning. OOOD woke. Tbe mar. element of the fire after the enginea were planted was admirable. The atreams were well directed; the hook and ladder companies did good work, but it took two hours bard work to get the fire under control, and it was past noon before the engines stopped work. Bad there been no difficulty in getting to water the engines could have been at work much sooner and much of the lumber would have been saved. THE loss. Mr. Stimson's loss will approximate $10,000. Bis mills have been cutting near 00,000 feet per day reoently while his kiln would not dry over 25,000 per day. On this account lumber has ac cumulated rapidly and he has for some time contemplated enlarging the kiln in oeder to meet the capacity of the mills. It ia a heavy loss, as there was no insurance, bat e man of Mr. Stim son's indomitable energy is not to be discouraged. Be will immediately re build the dry house doable its former capacity, end the mills will be going again Iaa abort time, . . Convict Farm at Oore Crsek. The Ealelgh - Hews and Observer says;; Gen. W. Q. Lewis has written a letter to the Governor informing him that he haa made ea examination of the section surrounding Core Creek on the A & N. O. Railroad, and expeessee the opinion that it would pay the state to put a force ox eonviote to wore to ejearup tbe land end . to start a convict farm. He save that pert of the land is well timbered aad that It Is very fertile and prodnotive. v ; ? Experiment Stat' Bulletin He. tl X-t -vTi: March 27 1889. Bulletin No. 2I Is issued today. It contains la addition to the fertiliser analrsee published No. V2, ether an' alysel completed since that time. The liat as printed in t2i embraces with but few exceptions all of tbe brands licensed for sale in the Bute. , ; - - ; Write for the Experiment Station Bulletin 621; this and the subsequent publications sent free upon application . r r-V. U. B. BATTLE, LU rector " , -. BfcJa'a Aneleai SITt. - - Tks Bskt Salts ia the world for Outs, Bmiaee, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rherjnj, Fever 8or, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Ores, and all bkin L.-nrtiors, and rositive'y cures piles or&oryrei"'rl Itiagraaracteedto rive rT';""t '. " poaey re Ij'UI. Pri-e n c -ts t t t-x. For r 't? E, ",r-:Sr. vat? Keselatloas ef Fire Department New Bxxnb, A pril 4th, 1& At a sailed meeting ot the members of tbe Fire Department of the City of ew oerne, n v.. Mr. Wm. Uis, chief of Ore department, was called to the chair, and E. Gerock requested to act as secretary of the aieeticf . The chairman stated ths object of the meetiag. Whereupon a committee of seven was selected to express the sentiments ot the members of the fire department. Gerock, iliiioo, Moore. Baxter. Br- rington. Green and McSorley ere ap pointed toe com mi nee to draft suitable resolutions and repotted the following, which waa unanimously aiopted: We, the eommittee appointed to draw up resolutions expressive of the senti ments of the Fire Department of the city of New Berne. N C , in regard to the action of Mr. Daniel Sucnson in up holding and abetting tbe refusal of oertain colored men in bis employ to obey the oiders of ibecbief engineer of said department at tee recent tire at his mills, also his uf lain :u them in the use of profane and bive language to tbe officers id o. m imri.l . Resolved. Tna'. ih- Department unanimously ci lenm l.n ai t on and enter tbia their ( ui n - ft ait to his ungralef ul an 1 i.n i ru.irl action in this matter Signed ib.c i' HiuMi't-e 1' J a H I 1 1 K H K It H HUTuN J OILS W MvX'hti II t. IUXTKU W ll HiKkl.N .TvN . J, ll l' lihUKN, J Uv'SoKIKY, On mot ion , a ..inimutee of srven cou sistiug of tbe chief, bis two a.mauntu, the foremen of the two companies and assistant foremen be the c immittee to attend the trial of the cunt- for violation of order of thecbief of tl re .leiartaient Also the said commitle an i.ulhoriz-td to wait on th-i board of city council and ask tbem to appoint a for f i f epecial police for duty at all tir. -i On motion, the chief n authorized to emplov nmimnni & Maniy to assist Clark & Clark in the prosecution of the case. On motion the. proceedings were or dered pubhr-hed in ihe 1 il Y .) i KNiI.. m . Kt ii Ch n. K ( iKId M K S c ourn c v m:s. From tho Mate Paper. Ooldsboro r u : The lirot pea blooms of the season were fent in to this office yesterdsy from the fine lield of Mr. Walter Creech, in WebUow n. If no late frosts come to nip ili crop in em bryo there will be a ri i : l li yield this year, in thia section The electrio light men say they intend to begin ork in this city by the .nh instant. Durham Tobacco Plant: It appears probable that our efficient postmaster. Mr. J. 11. Alien, will hold bis position until April of next year, when his term ill expire. It seems to be the policy of the administration not to remove officers of this claas without cause, un til tbe expiration of the term for which they were appointed. We learn that our Presbyterian friends will endenvor to raise funds for the erection this sum mer of a commodious brick church on the corner of Main and Roxboro streets, where the wooden building in which they now worship, is located. Wilmington Star: Mr. Thomas J. Loe- sin. the Republican member of the Board of Aldermen from the fiftn Ward, ia a Wedo by birth aDd one of the emoloves at the Carolina Oil and Creosote Works. Municipally speak ing, yesterday was a bananzaday to tbe ins." No icy blizzard froze up their young hopes, ana tney stui rest on tho downy bed of official pap. A change is proposed in tbe plan for tbe nublio building now in course of con atrnction. and the contractor has been asked to make an estimate as to the cost of an additional story on the tower. Charlotte Daily News: The reward of 200 offered by the mayor for the de taction of Mrs. Bryan s burglars has brongbt a number of detectives to the city. Capt. Aaron Griffith, who was in tbe Citv today, reports mat ne nas corn up ana growin; nneiy. an toe farmers, he says, are in better shape than usual at this time of the year. CoL Wm. Johnston, who left here few days ago for Mexico, accompanied bv his son Mr. frank jonnston, is as tained at San Antonio by the illness of his son. Mr. Johnston waa still con fined to his bed at latest accounts. Tarboro Southerner: The piping is all laid, the tank Is np, and as soon as the pump and boiler are in position the water-woras may oe teaiea. it w now only a question of days, and at most of a very few weeks, when every machine in the cotton factory win oe at work and every belt and pulley be turning. Nearly half are at it now, and the whirr and noise sound like the roar of waters.- -Maple Swamp Alliance No. 482 makes an encouraging report for the quarter ending April 1st, show ing increased membership ana interest taken In the order." At tbe last meet- tnr tha drainage of una was aisoussen, and tha eeaeral conclusion was little if any land was sufficiently drained. J Charlotte Chronicle: A private letter renewed in this citv yesterday from Senator Vance who is at bis home, nnmhroon. near Black Mountain, says that tha Senator though suffering irona nervousness is being very much iru- nrnveri barest and the mountain air, The Senator expects to remain at' his country home as much as poesmie untu Coserees convenes nest uecemner. General John - Augustas Young, post master Of Charlotte, died yesterday at ana o'clock, at his residence in this out in tha 75th year of hfs age. -It is saia that the sight of Senator Vance's, re maining eve is failing. On this aocount the Republicans of the Senate have de cided, in erjru9, to allow him pet socal cr a1 the time, instead of only durithot -;on of tas Senate. Card ef Taaaks. The firemen of New Berne have my hearty thanks for the excellent work dona ia saviag my property. They fully maiataiaed their reputation as a first class fire department. I also feel grateful to the citizens in general for their timely help; they also sustained tbair re pa la lion as a generous and kind peop'e. D. Stuson Seteef Taaaks. I offer my and my family 'a grateful thank to the Fire Department and citi zens of the city who euooeeafully pro tected my residence from the destruc tive fire of yesterday morning, and for the generous kindness we so fully re ceived. R. Ransom New Berne, April tih, 1&9. Ts Wheat It May Ceacern. Newbebn. N. C. April 4th. 1?S9 Thia ia to certify that we the under signed, of the executive committee of the Christian Conference, met in this place on Thursday the 28th day o March to investigate the troubles in T P. Wilson's church, and he closed the doors againat us and failed to hear us in any way, and by this and other thinga we were bound to expel him from tbe Christian connection and plaoe soma one else in his place. So we read him out last night, the 4th to the public, as all may know that T. P. Wilson ia no longer a member of the Christian connection, according to the decision of the eastern and western ei ecutive committee. Mt mbsrt of Btxird J. Mann. Chairman R. Mt KlMZiK. A. Hmau., K. SCTTON, T. J. I.KNlfcTIIH, Secy A PLEABINU 8KSK Of health and strength renewed and of ease aDd comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acta in harmony ith nature to effectually eleanse the system when costive or bilious For sale in 50c. and 81.00 bottles by all lead ng druggists. AND BABY CARRIAGES. THE NKW BKRIVB FUR IV IT I RE CO. STILL LEA Dl Uhv on hand and are roanufart urine and receiving every day handsome I'arlnr ismu. Chamber Butts, Hall Htand. Wan). net, Desks. Chairs, lOUDket, Tin rtafel ai d Mattreanrg. All the goods we manufacture are good and substantial W alio have the flDent aux-k and latest style nf Haby Car riages tnat bas ever been brought to this city. W have a fine stock of Clocks, Pic lures and Mirrors. We pay tpot cauli fur our goods and get a discount of 10 and Ml per cent, ihererore we can sen goods cheaper than any other store In this city. We are also agents to' tbe Kcllpse Hewing Machine ll naa no uai. n you want a nrst-clais machine call and see us before buying e!se wliere. We will save you money. T. J. TURNER &. CO., PROPRIETORS. Z2 A 21 Middle street. .New Berne, N. C. City Ordinance- He it ordained by tbe Mayor and Board of Councilmen of the City of New Berne: Sec. 1. That a street be and tbe same is hereby laid out and established, be ginning on the northern line of South Front atreet at its intersection with George street and running thence with tbe eastern and western lines of George street extended to the channel of Trent river. Sec. 2. That said street so laid out and established as aforesaid ahall be known as George street. Sec 8. That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue his warrant to tbe Sheriff of Craven county commanding bim to aummon a jury to assess the damages sustained by the owners of landa required for said street as re quired by law. E. H. Meadows, Mayor. Silas Fulcheb, Clerk UK. ALPHEU8 flELUS, Physician and Surgeon South Front St., near Craven, mi29dlm NEW BERNE. N. C. BABY CARRIAGES AND Furniture ! ! A new lot of the Latest Styles of Baby Carriages, and a large assortment of every description of Furniture just re ceived, and will be received. Please call and see our Baby Car riages. Prices B'ght Down to Rock Bottom. JOHN SUTER seO d w Middle it. Ne w Berne. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore existing between Edwards A dark haa this day been mutually dissolved. The business will be carried on by the undersigned. to whom all debts will be paid. a4 dlw ; G. O. CLARK, JB. djryCOO fn QOcn00XO.THeanbe ibU- 10 $ZQU made working for na. agents preferred who eem famish a horse and give their whole time to the host- nesa. spare momenta may m peontebi employed also, a few vacancies in towns ana eiue.. o. r. tiaaaia w ivu juuo at.. Ktehmoiis. ve. N. Bv-IiS4les era d loved also. Never mind about sending stamp for reply. Come qtitek. lonrsror a a, a.w.j.avo. - aprs aum Axmual JHeeting. v The Regular Yearly Meeting of Hvde Lino Company will be held in the office of W. P. Burrus ft Co., April Btb, at 10 A.le. . . -;r ' . - ' . - ' W. P. BURRUS, mai29 did Beo'y. Board. Board w ith or without rooms for fear persons. Apply to Mas. JOHN WALKER . Johnson at. , one door east Middle at. MarchoOth, 1889. dtf R. R. Certificate Lost. Certificate No, l.cs, for Ave sharea of atoek in us V a N. C. K. K. Co., standing In mj name having teen lost, I hereby give atasise inat i will apply for a duplicate thereof t be '.naued to me. JOHN HUGHES. Ne Heme, Mauli 2r, 1. lawtw MOLASSES. English Island, Just arrived per Schr. Mattie Hiles, For sale by ROBERTS & BR0., South Front Jit Wanted: r00 Raccoon Skins. 2.S0 Muskrat hkins, 10(1 Skuok Skins. 500 Fox Skir.s. 300 Otler Skins, 100 Mink Skins. 50 Opoesom Sku.s. 50 Hear Skins. 50 Wild Cat Skins. 50 House Cat Skins, 100 Rabbit Skins, -o0 Deer Sk ins, 1000 Cattle Hides, 10O0 Sheep Skins, 1000 (lost Skins. And also Tallow, Itetswax and Fich Sounds. Highest market price paid for all the bove. If j mi don 't believe it. try me J. V SMITH. mir'JTdwlm New Heme, N. C. Truckers Needing Genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes, Maine Stock, for replanting: their crop, can be supplied at Lowest Price by IT. Ulrieli, W IIOLESALK GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW I'.ERNE. N. ( . For Rent, Dwelling on Johnson street. ODDoeite the Academy Oreen. Seven rooms. Apply te mlSdlm F.M.SIMMONS. Pure Corn Whiskey, FROM THE MOUNTAINS. I have on hand a lot of Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey and Alcohol for Medicinal jmr noses. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail (lrrwer. 1 FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET jn23 dwtf , NEr BERNE, N. C BORN! CORN I CO nil I 50,000 Bushels o r Sale BT W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MEBCHAHTSi AIID QBAIN DEALERS, i Maexxt Dock, XJEW BEKNEJ, N. O. 6 Consign ue your produce madirtf We Will Mt tha ahAm imJI - --- 2 t s il?TomPllnVdTapapaa,Blek h.aJachl! r f 5 uwigeauon. constipation or eostlvene we P"d ajtb; Ibey are purely Teeeiabie, and ' never ikU to give sausfaetlon. Iri. b,,vj - - i eoatainlnt sngar potted pills, s . " s aaie ry en drnggista. Beware of o n ,. , f ' aad imitations. Tbs rjmlBSBi -ii only by j(JHNO.Wraiyo u v,. j won 8U, Chicago, Ilia how oy K. M. DUFFY, druf Spt(i;,: - V. A

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