j i I ft V a i'. r v -' a. TOLD HY ALL DRUGGISTS. . -1 II C 2 25 CEFJTS PER BOX. " 1 . I c -J r l j Til EIOIAM, StHelens,Luica&Mre,EngUni . i;. T. ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents , 1 Oil I MTED STATES, IM MT CAXAsU. ST.. HCV TOSC, Y.'Lo (i your druggist does not keep them) wilt jnail Beecham's .1 Is ca receipt of price inpirt first (Please mention tiu paper. 111 MNNERS -. -...... - - CLOTHING S CLOTHING! CLOTHING! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES ! Two doora North of Hotel Albirt. TJAR! WAR! WAR! -r - . s awaawataawMaaafcaawsBBaaaMi v-aaaManiaaMM. ' THE WAR llftS OPEIIED OIICE UOREI -YOwlnir trt th Tiarrt t.imftfl and scarcity of money. I am deterdmlne to furnish the people-the Best Gbods for the Least Money. Nov, in proof of the facf, I will quote yoa & few of my prices. My Stock of Clothing: is I normoni. Men's good Bine Flannel Suits as low as : $3.99. AUu good Suits for Men at $2.98. Boys' good Suits, from. 14 to 18 years, only $2.98. Boys Knee Suits from $J.25 to $1.50; Also a nice line of Men's Sacks and Cutaways and Prince Albert Suits. TIAffl) Tf TH t K TS T Vv hnnrlrArl rlnrftn tlata. P.11 HtvlftA 1 . - If... T .-.I nt.;M.... ITota l.ntn 1 A f IK anil ? nfa I M 0611 n, uupuws.i jueua, iwi. "T'.UM 1 w"" " " " " And there came from his Una not even a THE JOURNAL. Whew the mora erok.B clear and the sua . worn height And the km, which bad tossed through . - that terrible alsht, . Oa that rock-boaad shore, " Ceauad to Barge and to swell ia wares - aioaataia htf. Ceased to toai ita foam angrily ny towards tbeeky. Caed ita korribla roar. Taea aha atola froa her oot, with her taba cioMlr preawd Gataat her haar which had wildly throbbed la her breast Throosh the wearieome alrht And aha maved to the cliffs, which stood high aad steep. And, with wide-staring eyea, looked oot oa the deep la the etaar morning light. That vast aea waa aa smooth u a lake that's at rest; Xot a wave could be aeea upon ita broad breast As it rolled to the land: Yet it silently swept far up on the beach, Erery time it came np striving higher to reacn Upon the bleak strand. For a moment her heart was Ailed with affright While she gazed on the sea, lit by morn ing! clear light, And saw far end near. On the breast of the deeo. bits of hull and of mast Which told of the tempest that o'er It had passed In thamight bleak and drear. Twas her fisherman husbaud for whom she feared: For hia boat on the ocean she eairerlv peered, But no sail was in icrht- Then her eyes chanced to turn from the to the land. And she saw man's form lvimr still on the sand In the clear morning light. Something strange in that form for a breath stopped her heart. Something known in that form caused the life blood to dart Through her bosom once more: For a moment she scarcely could gather her breath. For a moment her face was as gbmttly as deatn, As she gazed at the sho e. Then she rushed to hor hut. txk the babe from her breast. And, leaving the child in his cradle to rest, She hastened to iro Down the path, that was cut in the clifl's rugged side. To the sands where the ocean's still rU ing tide Came steady and slow. With a fast beating heart along the dry Deacn, Which the incoming tide was trying to reach, She flew o'er the trround In the form which lay there, as if dead. c n its side, In the spot where 'twas left try the last rifling tide, 11 er husband was found At his side in an Instant she dropped on ber knee. And eagerly peered at his features to see Were be lmmr or dead : Rut sba saw that hia face was as ghastly . A e ltds Clear TtaSa. Hiw YOSI QTT, AprO 4. 1388. Mr. A. K. Hawkes Dear Sir: You patent eye-glaaeee received some time since, and am vary tnach gratified at the wonderful change that has come over my eyesight since I have discarded By old glasses sad am bow wearing yonr. AuiiiDU A(UE, Secretary Stationers Board of Trade of New York City. All ayes fitted and fit guaranteed by F. & Duffy, New Berne, N. a jlSJlm Swrr Srenric has cured me of hcirjtievu Kr Siting out oa n v U-tf, tikh caused trrtosorabis pn. It as caiitd ECJCU14 by the ion ft,ur if uhout treated me wirU no rt fitf. I ciniul'y oofft V..t I u-ve uiT prti., nt 2 njti Lir::lift a 8. K S , winch la e;v etunuUloo " t Jt . i t' ncXVtTT, -II ilS Old Wsl .-L.t r ft oij ruf r- 1 ixvd t ..f, The . 11 1 11 rt il r ' ix : 1 ttvarty n'1 1, Tt-uii. Ot.r baby -Q two rii.i liim; destroy tn r t .v 1 CUUiHti U tO df"IVliJ uf h dcto' a d l lc.ii e her in s M'.opii, 'h .1 t cut:rcU, ai. 1 -,i is 11 t I.. t. . ')LLav, W u i Zrud f,.r h.njk i. t. story of lUaiJed free. Tus mwift Srfi iru- Co., Dravtti , AiiuiilA, Gft- TutfsPHIs FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver dcruui't I lio bole t, aad pruduees Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There la no boiler remedy for lhn rominon dieasei than 'l'lill'p l.lcr Pills, Irlul hIII prove. 1'rU-e, 25c. Sold Everywhere. Guarantee to suit you in any kind of Bat. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES ! The Largest 'and Best Selected Crfc.t- S? OLdhAjw. T nwAa 1rAff' f A7l Qlt AAQ fisvn fA Uf Ofi T.oHlAfl' KM Button Shoes. 95c.: Lace. 75c. to 85c. Also a laree stock of Men and Boys' Shoes at prices to suit the times. Ladies nice Slippers from 45c. to 75c. 5V;(4 rUBNISIIINQ GOODS 1 Men's Undershirts as low as 20 cents. A nice Balbriggan Shirt for 25 cents. A nice Scarf from 10 to 20 cents. , A fall line of Pry Goods, Trunks, Valises, and other goods too numerous to mention,' '':'tOmtonteomiii6ylLUAX. SULTAN'S, where you will - be treated right and get your money's worm. Oppoalt Baptist Church, Middle utreetv mar22dw3m NEW BERNE, N. C. iio lergner & Eiigel JlitLPIIIA LAGER BEER, r . j, -, --! -iff --.5 i - 13 UN0.TJE3TI0N AB LT THE Beer Extant; breath As she lifted bis head. Then the shirt o'er his breast she torn Quickly apart. And her quivering hand she placed on bis beart For a moment's brief space ; As she felt bis heart's throb, uncertain and slight, Her breast filled with Joy, her. eyes shone with a light Which transformed her face. He was ghastly and cold as ha lay on the sana At the spot onto whioh he'd been swept on the strand By that terrible storm. Bat her heart leaped for joy in the breast or that wire, For she'd felt his blood throb and she knew there was life In that almost dead form. With the strengh of a giant, born of her love. She carried that form to the cliff-top above. From the surf-beaten shore; And sha dared on the way not a moment to rest, Lest the heart that so faintly beat in hia breast . Should cease evermore. I T their cot, near at band,- her burden she bore. And, though her fame shook aa ahe en tered the doer, . Her heart did not qnall ; Yet aha sighed when she'd placed bl form on the bed. For his eyes were wide staring- as if he weraaeaa, -And hia face ghastly pale. With the courageof love sho fonght fori hUlife, . . With tho vigor of lova she entered the DORY DISCOVERY. On If (rnnlno ftytem f Memory Training. 1'Our llstobs) Learned tn on reading, MiuU wandering cured. Erery child and ndult crentlv bcnrflited- ir&t ioducemuLa t Comwpomiuncel.lASsMsx PrtwUMetu, with opinion -f Dr. W'm. A. II nm- nonil, thii wr..i raiiii i1 hpci.ii ti'i M M 1'ntManna, )anicl veenlcn f Ttinnipnin, t i. (innt Pki h..l :in, J . 1TI . IIIICklCT. I. U., 'M tor or l li f irmfin'i dvocafp. .V. 1'. Ilirlinril I'rortor. tl. K.-t-nii'. Horn. V . V Atot , .1 iidu' 4 .iton, J uditb 1 Ueniaintti, n l itt)T. b-mh t"M fr- in 1'rul. A. LUl.shTTl.. I 1 ilili Ave ,7i. V PROFEQSIONAL. DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, snd Broad. B.rT-lilAwi P. H. PELLETIEB, ATTOKNUV AT L. A w Craven St., two doors South of Journal oflice. Will practice In the Conn ties of Cravon, Car teret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. rBltd MtAtea Court at New Heme, anil Supreme Court of the Btale. fell lilt OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms South Front street, four doors west of Craven. Mercantile Law and Conveyancing special ist. T Imber lougbl ana oiu. Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Ilancock t drug store, ni.t Annr to Hotel Albert. Onenfrom9a.m. to4p.m. Will give prompt attention to all mauers pertain ing to Justices ' courts. " " HUMPHREYS BOlffiOf ATEIC VETESINAE7 SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat ment of Animal, and Chart Bent Free. 8.PralnL:;iVRhe..l.. . D-Bt or Qraba. VVarnii. B,-Csb, Besivee, rae M tVe.rri.V.. 1 T . - a W 1 s A W III.MI r-rtlve nijwaaea, Mange. ft m.fa.ia af Ulaeatlon. B" with hSi OU and ifedlcatir, 87.00 airurhi Bottle (oref 50 doaesX - .CO Sola br Dmgslstil er Praaald on Keeelst of Price. Humphreys' Med, Co., 109 Fulton St, H. T. inUHPHEETS' EOJfJEOPATHIC ft f SPECIFIC No .QO it n.Li It ',cd from the finest -Pale Canadar?OTiheww,6Slim?Bghtgiin V V" I " rlcy . Halt and 1 laazer ; Hops, ' and r:::niincndcd.for'its.T01IIC and ITU lIITO-quaUlica. ' . . i the BERGNEE" -w Eli eve,- -. And aha heard with delight from, his hoaom a aign 1 -j. - k And ahe felt his faint hreath. v LoVa had wob, sa oft Umes h had won before; lanrau-DeWWrr YM wjaija and PwiraUoa. from' onr-nrt or JJ T Mr rial, or t rUla and lrg. ritU powdw, rl.L o 86u bt DROaatPTg. or mv PJU' L!i:h rcrutauon. enjoyed :oy mo au.u, ikaujuj MIY h fine td the fact that only the FINEST AND BEST " I C-rinz its manufacture. - - ' Jy4dwtf lva had woo, as It wlll till oia loving is J 1. o "Alt of our Veterinary ' Preparations can be had of J. V. JORDAK, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad and attune ; strew, Till wa pass froas this earth J f MV tiatt o. nt Btrtagth had aom to her anna aa her UhXiil y -" U X r V.t nninnnn ansa rvirfi.. : ... - t . .-. -i. ,- ,rt .i Streacth had come to bar frama that I USOtl ana - mac me greatess OiJOAU iuu uaai. s:.v,i,Vd ne'er kno 3XI2:03XnDr known before .-. TBI love gave It birth. - . : JL T. OrarAic. r rt V -s ' n::d Eottlcr.'i lTe7rBerne. 1T.: C n4 P-fl KverythlDif li... UltJi On Ti heels. 10 percent, clieap- pf. 1 ei tban anybody, a-. to - a-P"Tt oy before getting onr pr!s and '.&:--enes. .- - . 7 f,r fttr sTnrvrrt.t. to., lU ILL. . 1 K : I WAS troubled with chroaVo eaUrrh and gathering ia ny head, waa very deaf at times, had discharges from my ears, and waa anable to breathe through my nose. I3eiore the second bottle 01 Ely's Crem Balm waa exhausted 1 was cared, and today eojoy sound hoftltb. C. J. Oorbln, Field Ksnager, I'hilBdelphla Pnbllehirg Uouse, Pa. I an oa my spcoed bott! Sl Ely's po S General Banking busifiesav 1rf B ABKnrcr BotjSk, Middle Street fourth door below. Hotel j; Albert,'!' ;- wlKr fcldwlr - 3 i IKW BERNE H C BifG hasglrefl tnlvet' sal smltiaeUOD la toe r enra of woaorrhoaa aad i GleeU I prcacrlba tt aad v-' tel sole In reownmtad- Ibs 1 to U ntlerata. v 1 . . 0eltir!UI.,T i Bold br Dross'a. -. - Kew r'-rre, -r3d. 'y rTHDT8.j Qraod OPE WIN AT Marks' N Tuesday, . ; - ... " ty ,yt..-i, vtu O EW Aonl 2nd Cra I aim, be irj .a 'SnHrrer from Ct 'TT'l l-a I vr-i ' ' '. -t 'With 5,-.--' i T -, - - 1 . Y.'n.

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