J OURNAL. HE VOL. VIII.--NO. 6. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS.!! BUSINESS LOCALS. T C3T A black epotted coach, puppy. A-i Suitable reward will said tor tis rrtutn to JoCRHaieOce. apt! St. D' .ICKEN3 WORKS The txmolt copy of tha "Bo edition el Doa n it not en hua. Keguiar liorary -it, k cloth blading as 4 clear print. W club UtM wirke eompWte wuo either the DaUT or WuilT JorRKit l astonishingly low price Call aad see Miopia. . - 5 tf JAME3 REDMOSD. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, hu just re ee Wei a good aaeortment et Native " Win and Brandies, and aUo coma of the famou California Wtna known a - the "Angelica," made from th famous and delicious Angelica Grape. Tbi Grape is only luooeasfully cultivated in ' the Southern park of California; it U a yry dalioato grapa and require cer ' uia condition of climate to bring it to ""- excellence, whiott condition ara only net in tbat paradiaa of tha United State. Hia aatira North Carolina . - Wines and Brand lea from the vintage of Garrett & Co. and J. Wharton Green ara of very tupcrior quality and are ' , very part." nilm DENTAL CHBWINO GUM CJeenae, Preserve and Beautifies the tA.ih and aweatena tba breath. Recommended by dentist. Sold by druggUt and confectioners. Try it. apr3-tf. - I7AMILY MEAT CUTTERS at : v Geo. Allien & Co. I? LOW EES for daoorationa, boquets, larga vand imall. or floral design -for any purpose furnished on short notioe by leering order with Sam. Rdclia on Middle street. m22tf IT'OR SALE Cow with young calf. " ' A ltf o, W. P. Bubbus & Co. IMPORTEO FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN, Just received and : for sale by v . ' James Redmond. " "Fertilizers fot Truoker and for - "A V Cotton Planter, at " . . ' j. -' Go. ALLsif & Co. y ,T LOUGHS, Cultlrator and Harrow of - X- at very-low prices. 1 " a . - , Qbo. Allien & Co. JUSf RECEIVED Another iot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY for rale by Jambs Redmond. t !NE Thousand Rolla Wall Pper at i -; J . very low prices. ' j) : . . ;: ,,. . -. Geo. Allen & Co. PUREWINES AND LIQUORS. for Medicinal and other usee for sale by James Redmond. ( '.. ' Sin , may open bright as tbe . njorning, ' bat it will e!td dark as faight. Talmage. - ' "There ia no better way of p making other people happy than by being cheetfal and happy our selves.' ' ' ; From tha Wilmington Messen ger: Democratic Chicago is jabi lant, ; the . Uepaoiican nog is mashed. 'r:. Wk can appear at onr worst without special elTort y but in order , to appear toad vantage we must Struggle Incessantly against temp - tation.;.:A pi 'fii?- r ':P' ' , Look out lor a people entirely devoid of religion j and if yon find them at all,- be assured that they are but a few degrees removed from the brutes. Home. , v ' : ',; .. i w v.. ' m.. " -'Paris,. April 4. The Oppor Mnnist and Eadical journals declare that Boulangeriam ended with the flight "of Boulanger, bat that the' . prosecution of the General mast continue Hon. F. M, Bootojf s and H. S, Nunn, editor of Ihe Journal, have been commissioned by- Governor Fo wle r to be representatives of North Carolina , at the centennial celebration ot the inauguration of C rorja Washington as President cf tlo tlnited States. :' April 30th is lie t1. : finistration does not re gard Southern Eepablicans as of any account. T. The President: in formed : Congressman 4 Cheatham t: at he must pay bis : campaign clliations out of his pocket, .that ! ; could not have the disposal, of r 1 1 tronage of his district to pay c 1 1 : 3 election scores." ' r' r II. Wharton, the great iat, says: "1 have never 4 with but two" persons hava been ft Christian 1 r a a great wrong, and 1 1 to go np and shake -bat I did it. It will i erne to cherish II - tnaian being, if true precepts, good forms of troth whether they belong to the put, the present or the future ; whether they have arisen - in heathen or Christian, in spiritual or secular thought Christian life includes them all within the wide circles of its possessions, aspires to whatever is true, and put, and good in each oi them, bids them all welcome Into its experience, and claims them all as portions oi the heritage of the kingdm of the truth, over which its Lord is King Alex. Macleod. A good reader is necessary to give a good writing its fill value, and a good listener is necessary to give good talking its full value. If there wero no readers, there would be uo writers. If there were no listener, there would be no talk ers. To indulge in the reading of bad books is to give bad authors thair power for evil. To indulge in isteniog to slanderous or evil- lisposed talk is to give the evil peaker his full power for evil. The reader becomes part author , the listener becomes part talker. The way to check evil speaking is to stop evil listening. 8. 8. Times. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E. II. Meadows City ordinance. E. n. Meadows Opening of street. E. H. MBADOwa-Opening of street. Mrs. 8cabboro & Koonce -Spring millinery. -J. '-i! ' J -L-L- -L 1 J J Pleiity of wind. The heavy wind yesterday was dam aging to paaH, blowing them down and scarring them with beating sand. The city council has passed an ordi- ance ci. ending George street to the hannel of Trent river and to the A. & N. C. R. W. F. Rountree, Eeq., ha a Conti nental note which calls for seven Span ish milled dollars and was printed in Philadelphia in 1775 by Hall & Sellers. It is in a good state of preservation. Mr. Rom Hammond appears to be ahead in pea culture this season. He ha peas formed on his vines one and half inches in length, and from the blooms we should infer there will be a large yield. Shipping News. Tbe steamer Vceper of the E. C. D. line arrived yesterday with general cargo. Tbe Annie of this line will ar rive today and eail tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Stimaon'e Card Mr. Daniel Stimson publishes a card la this issue in which he denies the oharges'made in published resolutions of the fire department. We trust that the matter can be settled without further discussion in tbe publio prints Personal. Mr. H. B. Duffy returned last night from tha Northern markets where he says he has purchased the largest and moat varied stock he has ever before brought to New Berne. , Dr. L. C. Vats leaves tomorrow for New York where he has been called in attendance to tha meeting of the West' ern. Executive" Commission of tha World's Presbyterian Alliance to con vene on the 11th inet. The Quaker Bridge Road. Whifeat Jacksonville last Monday wa were informed that a portion of tha Quaker Bridge road was in inch condi tion that loaded wagons and carta oould not pass over it, and that twenty-five or thirty bales of cotton In the Richland section had reoently been, shipped , to Wilmington became of the impassable oonditlonot this section of the road. The road never -was completed as it should have been but a smell amount of money judiciously expended during the coming summer,, or tha first few weeks of favorable weather, it can be put in condition to remain passable for years.: It is a. valuable road to New Berne and to Riohlands and Catharine Lake sections of Onslow, and we hope oaf business men will do their part to wards putting ' the road In condition Good country roads are as essential is railroads; tbe Quaker Bridge road is peculiarly so to Onslow and New Berne Si It shortens the distance from ten to fifteen miles which, count" in hauling a load. . ' - -:: h p ;- .:-'.- . i - -r. . r. I i. ii - ..r. r ..ft S'. V ' , ' A PLKASIIf O SBXSB t Of health and strength renewed Add 'of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Fi, as it actvin harmony with nature to effectually eleanse the iVRtPta when costive or bilious. For t- la ami 51.00 bott'.es ty all lead- Haayy Knew Storm.' Ssow began falling at Raleigh yester day evening aad was falling at f p. sa. with tha temperature almost dowa to treating point At Richmond the stom was tremendous. All Norther telegraph wires were proetrated. It was quite windy in New Berne during tha morning and colder in the evening but the snow storm did not reach u. Heating of Farmers' Alliance. The Craven County Farmers' Alliance which met at the court house on the 6th inet., was represented by delegate from all the Sub-Alliaacee who reported an increase in numbers and a determina tion to preserve the organization. From tbe beet information to be ob tained thera was reported a diminution of the acreage planted in cotton and a decided increase in the acreage of the grasses and grain crops. Lees fertilizers used except by the truckere and more oompoet made than baa beenin eeveral yeara. Major A. Gordon, the Business Agent of the county, read communications from the State Business Agent, report ing that all arrangement had been completed for the transaction of busi ness and all member of the order were invited to avail themselves of the op portunities offered. The meeting was very harmonious, and all tbe delegates ei pressed them' selves very hopeful for the future of the farmer. Church 8ervicee Today. Methodist Church-Rev. L. W. Craw ford pastor. Services at 11 a. m and 30 p. m. The pews are free. Ushers are always in the vestibule to receive strangers. All persons are cordially invited to worship with the congrega tion. Young men s prayer meeting at o'clock a. m. Sunday school at 3 , m. There will be services in the church every night duriag the week. Christ Church-Rev. V. W. Shields rector. Fifth Sunday In Lent. Services at 11 a. m Holy Communion and 7:45 . m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and 30 p. m. All person will be wel comed to tho services of this church. Ushers at tbe doors. Presbyterian Church Rev. L. C. Vasa, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school and Bible class at 3:15 p. m. A cordial in- itation is given to all to attend these services, usners at tne doors. Baptist Church Rev. H. W. Battle pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 m. Sunday school 3 p. m- Public cordially invited. Ebenezer Presbyterian Church Rev H. H. Brown of Tarboro, will preach at 1 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. W. E. Carr pastor. Y. M. C. A. Devotional meeting this afternoon at 5 o clock. Subjeot, What think ye of Christ?" Matt. 22: 42. Leader. E. E. Harper. All men ara invited to attend. There will be inaugurated this after noon at 4:BO o 'dock prayer meeting servioe at tha Long Wharf. All per one are invited to attend. The co operation of all Christians In sympathy with movement is solicited. Regular prayer meeting services at tha offloe of Geo. N. Ives, market dock, this morning at 9:10 o'clock- All men invited to attend. Suggestion a from Ken and Women, Anybody can edit a paper. All you bar to do i to keep your eye open and put down what you eee." Why don' you give greater variety to your paper. and let tha people know what goea on Why do you put auoh tuff in your paper? Nobody care anything about that. Tell the folks what bargain we ara giving." "What in tha thunder mada yon put that in your paper? Bow Can wa make a profit on eggs and batter if you publieb what wo pay for them." "Why don't you give uemore poetry?" "Whatiheduoayou running on poetry for?" Th are amples, of every day etperlenoec.- Tha man is not yet born who can't tall what wo ought to do, but aortal few know what to do them- selvee. i'"yj ' v Tho Iadlea are different far this re spect. - It it tery seldom that aV woman makea a euggeadoa tto- an editors, tiud when aha does Itf let usuklly done with oommendabla dhioreeelon. One. who I aa good a aha ia beautiful; laid td ui Iaet eyenifigi WonV too call fctten tion to- the" animal on tbe itreeU?" '.How,'' we MkedV J'in what partiou lar?" WbT.- eea . thoeer goaUpThe may be' gay, festive and, tlctdreque but the1 40 not eonform to, mt Meal bf heantr.) iLook V the I cow I When t WaM ar Bttl)' girt; tof, tom: Ue4 ' to frighten me Into being good ly telling me (fie . bad boy had horns, and ever Bine I have ' as soclated1. horned thing with Bra and brintone.; No ue telliog me that they M ewentlal 0 good llv lag and without them there ia no uc thicii aa batter, cbee aud ice-cream Ift-'-.it t'-H vnri":ort t'-rn we would be in a fearful dilemma, but I had rather be on the horns of a dilemma than on the orn of a cow. But above all ele I am troubled about ilo horse. I don't mean ihep.eodid river and the elegant trotters, nor laderd the saddle aad buggy bcrii that iuii around" for an hour or two in ifco evening. Theo produce ileaur;'e cl, . uocs, especially if 1 nci rh af u ho handle the lines tamtfu !y. Pui jast look at tbat little v vv ti t -a -J to vehicle bijj enough fjr Nii and hu fami'y. Now wht rihi Us t.:.)body to impote on inin oi tbat :t?.. i:fCt ;Le aret aj Ot all the . u:ra of hordes, that p rpetruu 1 i sue draytnau id U,- J. el arc Half of the drjy bvc ill fed aud cruelly beaieu. ai. J cf tl.eoi are l.ii, y f thi-m U t uaije. so p 'l m. wind i.i an ! ills to ciat they generally overl.adid are so out of P,aio !r formed from to,' , galls, tpliut. ui A ,i which t.crre !. rh would l rej '. . 1 ) ;ectatle f IheUl , j' jr l h Mif- : r. ) He equine ictirn-.arv . ! Would t. it Iti.i '. . ,. hart If J I : , ,.: i 1 SO I :ti t I. Mi; i",r ( : , -.. 1 I., it n-i . 1 r y eut th-l u.- i',') fatii is . , one cm i !i' .i :i :i 1 ;'f r, ,' : i lio cum. : or 1 1' t In' tu . IS be:i..t I . i 1 . 1. .1 v. i., ll.le. "(HUH ( AKt.I IV V M Krmn thi' Mat.' I .IJH'I v. m ! e my hi, i i.l 1 liurnd.iv -Mai a i ifug . a Ch.i;ham K rord Thr i ing at this placfl ii iri struction by lire ot lut On last 8mur.1av hiU son of Mrs Miry l leng ( tllH low 11 accidentally a' ';i '.t en ship, was cutting m oid in cut his foot very iU'Vi n lv ling it in two Rockingham Kocktt i ,o IIii.ihih at Roberdel have cr. t. d and alinot completed a largo and handsome, church which is a valuable oin inient to tlo village. Mrs. I'lt r i J.iih-h. grand mother of Mrs K I. I ole of tint town died at her home ro u I . mr ml urg on the 23thult., axe.l s""iers Slic In I 4'3 grandchildren and I k'reat grand children, most uf them now lumg. Lenoir Topic: Mr I' I. I (nk or . tl. contractor on tho new llaptist church, is pushing right alontc with the work and hopes to huve the church completed n a couple or mouths. LMe.l last Saturday at the residence of M i Smith, Eq.. Mrs. S.irah I'resnell, aged M'l vnitrs Mm Prmo.l lml hnon a member of Lower Ore. k H.'.pusl . hurch for forty yeara. Windsor Ledger: List TueHiiay night about 11 o'clock, the VOJi ult . a loud explosion occurred near town, the cause of which we know not. It shook tbe houses in town. It wsh heard fi r miles around Windsr r Mrs, J. (' Simpson accidentally ran a needle into her nngfr Tuesday night nf last week. Ihe doctor was summoce 1 and it was found that the needle had stuck tight in the bone and could not be extracted We are sorry to learn lhat sho has suffered acutely from oain. Tarboro Southerner: For all practi cal purposes Edgecombe ia out of debt Track laying on the Norfolk rail' road began at this end Tuesday. Con tractor Pettitt received a telegram that ay to begin and push it. Sheriff Dawson drove to Rocky Mount, taking with him his four year old son, r rank He alighted from his bjiggy when he reached the outskirts of the town to see a person a moment on business, when the horse took fright at something and ran away. The animal ran a half mile to the livery stable, when little Frank wa thrown out and much scared, though, but little injured Wilson Advance: Mr. W. R. Bryan of Oreene county, tells us that 34 ne groes have left his and his sons farms since the exodus began. Consider ably more ' truck has been planted around Wilson this year than usual Our people have discovered that there ia money in truck farming and many of them are trying it on a small scale. "Bill Fife" preached at the Methodist church last sight. He is an earn en worker in tbe vineyard of the Lord -Judge Jame Shepherd ia in town. Our people loved him when he waa a telegraph operator, tbey loved him when he wa Superio rCourt Judge and they are none tbe less fond or him now that he i a Supreme Court Judge. List of Letters Remaining in the poetoffice at Nei Berne. Craven county, 7tb. 1889: C April Elisabeth Atkinson, Joger Bryants Edney Bryant. M. A. Kiird, Loui, Cohen, Balam Do d ley, Loui Atkinson, Annie Faucette, Martha Elizabeth Hilt, Ber. Leelie T. Hardy, Charlie Jones. John Hashmon. R. E. Miller. Luke H, Mator. Oliver Nelson. Henry Nelson. a H. Blade, Virginia Bray Warming ton. . Persons tailing for above letters, will ay adyertised,and give data of list, Tha regulatione now require tbat one cent anaii uncollected on tne aenvery oi Baca letter aa vemaea. , m ' , ' . M.MAKI.T.P.M, An exchanee layaf There ara more puna mada on Dr. Bull"! Cough Syrup, free of charge, than ara paid for by the I owners. A Ood thiBtT deaerTea tha notice Of the pres. In the treatment of rheumatism, gout, kUl pain. Frice 25 centt. J 1- .-. . A v ffir.a ahn c't.fUMlis VIVt VUIWQVUBIV DIB ttltSs tuvi snresfi,; spoiatment in politics is A lard. EErroEd JocBJfa.L: la view of the calamitous occurrence at my mill tbe other more ing it would be fair to pre sume that I bad plenty to do, besides finding it necessary to defend my good name in tor public prints. To bo brief, boaever. I positively deoy thai 1 "abetted and upheld certain colored men in my employ in their re fusal to obey the orders of the chief en gineer of the tire department " at the recent fire at my mills," or "sustained them in the use of profane language to tbe officers in command. " To those who know rue ibis denial seems hardly necessary, but the charge baa been publicly made and must be denied in the same manner la making this broad denial I do not w iah i raise tbe question of veracity between those who formulate tbear charges and myself, but 1 must insist lhat they are based upon liart .led and distorted ttuemenle tbat will not bear the tiKbl of an investigate n. which 1 i bt.erf ully court. From what I can le-un theio was some misunderstand log U i eeu one of the men in my employ and tH ers of tne department I was uot ihei end anew uolhing of u until summoned to the scene lo prevent poo. ..e trouble 1 responded ptoronly aud am if ilir opinion thai 1 Contributed n t a little lo allaying feeling aud pre nit iug p iliie mischief 1 did and do feel t gruti f u I to the I 'eparimeut for their adnnrablf and successful clTorts in liuulinx the lire in us scope, aeul the el'ort lo plaoo me in somiDK antagonism to it, add a i vi tutor of iniportaut laws and rettuoni in d n e in dud a grav. injustice. I iuu-1 inmsl that nil all I I i 1 ! slake, mid as much a it :i- '. " v :: ( rest to have the k'i '!'"' I on,. : i x l.-tini; at so important a tone it ! o :n leerns rensonahle tl at I wou'd h. t'-.i 'i .if j charge nm.lc HHinnt ine I) Ml v ; i 'K 10 jmi iit.ii". ilus U inmou s s 'uTii'.'.o : . ut r -ili.'uld al .4)8 he us'd for i l.ildrti. teething. It soothos tlie child, soi'le: the gums, allays all pain, cures v..:,.l iiln . and is the host reunvly for M ar iit'ft Twentv tlve I'ents a bottli1. Spring Millinery. GRAND OPENING, Wednesday. April 10th 2d Floor 0. Marks' Store. A HNK DISCI. AY OF TI1K. Litest StVlG ITld FaShWTl?;. COMK AND SEE THF.M. MBS. SCARBORO & KOONCE, aTtd NF.W BERNE, N. C. Notice of Opening of Street. N! I op is hprby given thai Hip M a rnr ainl Itoaril of t mi noil men of I Iih t i t v of V wipi u luvfi enacted lhat a Htrel, Hi fet't wide, li t II hft opened and fitabltBhed leading from Hi Intersection of UeorK a t t Cyi-reM, HtreetB to the point where the A. v N C Kail road crosses Jara Hrnlth road . and thai arrant has hen Issued to the Hherlf! commanding him to summon a and draw a ury a- ihe law directs, and. on hrlday. April 13. 1KH9. to proceed wUU said lury t. the premises, and a&ar&s the damflge which each owner of the land shall sustain by rea son of opening said street, seventeen feet on flea Riue or said jsok Mmitn a road ueini; re qnlrefl for the purpoaes of said street. Patrd thvt Bin day or Apn, A L. i. K. a. MBAIMiWS, Mayor of Newbern, N. Notice of Opening of Street. Notice Is herehy elven that the Maynrancl Board of Councilmen of the City of Nehrn have enacted that a street, the exact wi.ith of Oeorge street shall be opened anil eataii- lUhed from the DOiibern line or wmin Front street at Its Intersection ltli sa il (ieorire atreet to the channel of Trent rltr the s. me being intended to ne an exiension of tald Oeorge street; and that a warrant has been issued to tbe Bherlti Rommaii1lng him to summon and draw a Jnry as th lw di recta and on Crlday. April 1, 1H, to pr.i ceed with ild Jury to the premises and sa sess the damage which each owner of the and shall sustain by reason or opening sala street. Dated the 61 h flay of April, A. I) IRSll. E. II. MKAlXiWH. Mayor of Newborn, N. City Ordinance. Bj it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Councilmen of the city of New Berne: Sec. 1. That a street be and the same is hereby laid out and established, be ginning at the intersection of George and Cypress streets, and running north wardly to the railroad the width of ou feet, pursuant to theaurvey made by the U. S. Government, and taking seventeen feet on each tide of the road as it now runs. Sec. 2. That said street so laid ou aud established as aforesaid shall be known as George street. Sec. i. That tbe Mayor be and hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue his warrant to tbe Sheriff of Craven county commanding him to summon a jury to asses the damage sustained by the Owners of I ind reauired for said street as required Dy law E. H. Mbadows, Major. Silas FcrxHett, Clerk. Tine Irish Potatoas. I I have received a LARGE SHIP- I MENT of FINE IRISH POTATOES, J . ?M CENTS FES PECK.v 75 CENTS PER BUSHEL. JOHlTDUNlf BABY CARRIAGES A.SD Furniture!! A Bew Iji of tbe Latest Style of Baty Carriages and a lare assort meot of every dcscripttuu cf Furniture Just re ceived, and ill br leceived. I'teusc c...'. au i : car Baby Car riages Pr.- ; lovu to jKock l5ot toin. JGIlfl SUTER , 6 .1 w in:. A ! st . New Borne. Physician and Surgeon uth 1 . :.. . near Craven,; mr'JJr.ni M.W HKKNE. N. C. DISSOLUTION. The c..p,r;ii.-rsh,p heretofore existing between Kdaids i Urk has this day been u.utua: !ved Tbe businesa nl be i-trn d ii Ii t! e undeiaigned. to w h in . : - , t e paid, al-llw ii CI. ARK. Jr. D A n V KIUAGES. I UK v m mm-- i iumumkco. i 1 1 I i.k us: 1 -' iiiulai'tiirlrg ' 1m ".Isoiii. Parlor : i . S'auiin. Ward T n Sa.es and - i ii aiiniseture w " have the - - ( I any ( ar ' ' ttit to tr i - i ' "i . Plc Xi i -i-'t ,hsIi fur ' - ' i . f i 1 Hint Stl per ' - rheaper t i We are 1 - " ' kt w Hch toe ii i a rl rii-.'lass ' ' ' ' i I u iti e.se- in t T. J v CO., f' 1 KTORM. I'.rne. .N. (. I'l. A Nice Line of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Clothing Just lieceived. Shoes, Eats and Dry Goods. Which will be sold very cheap at J. E. SMITH, agf., Mi I i I s: . N,.w IWno. N. ( Ecard. (ion ! 1)0.11 i r.H.tm for four person Atiiiv to Mi . r.r-i.n t . I' :i .!U:h. 1 .' U AI.KF.U, r i list Middle at. dtf .iSSES. English Island, Just arrived ner Schr. Mattie Hiles, For sale by ROBERTS & BR0., South Front St. Wanted: .',00 Ilaccoon Skin, 2r)0 Muskrat nkiri", 100 Skunk Skin?, .r00 Fox Skins, f 300 Otter Skins, 100 Mink Skins, .0 Oposaom Skins, 50 Hear Skins 50 Wild Cat Skins. 50 House Oat Skins, 100 Rabbit Skins, 250 Deer Skins, 1000 Oattle Hides, 1000 Sheep Skins, t , 1000 Goat Skine. And also Tallow, IVtswax and TUh Sounds. f Hinhest market rrice paid for all the) above. If jou don't believe it, try M. J. U SMITH. , U mir27dwlm New Berne, N. C;? Truckers Needing s Genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes, Haiib Stock, for replanting llheir crop, can bo supplied at lowest , frice bSW- WHOLESALE GEOC: MIDDLE STREET, S