THE JOURNAL. PROFESSIONAL. t DR. J. D. CLARK The II. G. Freight Line . - . 4 , .. a ij L I fiiX --.. i : r, - u nii4 d Puala le Sti Maaeai,s. Smmss: u a. bmia MibmiiMkUii M'H,fl Heat, lea at - 01 - . uiiwL icunn, sW.tAas oa ti iat D.rii.4 --rt-, l-r-i.ii.a Sioui4t. 4a. I'ni Fiftjl aK.Se ik. HI fcu M i v 1 ui do evtion. hvrry nderrr la earnest' inTueil to ti y ace Bob ua taa. I DiMu.WMt ela. aW itaacMa4W-"Wua-ta a laa a bca. ;a sTc::.'c;i: i:.:?o) dscesto: cisceud mi 1 .e a " aaOta f t 5 t uCi rw e.see via work voadenatiaaHieYnalOraMt ttwvx - - few v Bregma nyituiii , Bragiug huiui sara wn a a. . t---i - t .e ve,.., and ln-fat- S .. .U iulnilund VnA dirasaaM Witk Mck buX. Mtu4 nmn of Um I ml tv touomnda, a til Clusc of nattv.w one of the bat inarme- tausUeiMt DtiCM e PILLS HAiI IMS UUtbOl MaA faf MI I r rra ly THO. BBKCH SL tt. Briwi, UwmUi Bui .a lay. e. p. tu, set an. s i chm ei. Aans Vaed butc. H (U rt drags ttwmj CaMi U, hear, art, tow J -.. , v r WILL pIL EEECH1JTS PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CEKTS A BOX. D mi 61 r Of ifi M I I III ,)l J u I I 1 i 4 r f3 X W. STEWART, Sale aiiffl Livery Stable. m oonatantl.r receiving thipmenta of whicli mo icltoted by mo indiyidaallr with carer. purchase I deK only with reliable men, and ionnditook. Will take pleasure in Mhoing you Yards. ' Horses and Mules, In making my got nothing ut good and through my Stables and angzrdwtf oad Street, -New Berne, N. C. KINSEY SCHOOL. For Girls and Young Ladies. ::Vv Springlfiession o'f 1889. ft Opens ; January 16th. tT Write forXatalogu to JOSEPH K1N8EY, Principal. Huk I Um okbt ids ar aUbtae. Tk aomsar m dftnc; Th raia drops ar fftJLiag looe qiuil CaUfaa; ate mat from tk iiriey field Hut that's tk sound it's my doom. Ttutt atraag voioa in ealling, yaa from the tomb. That aud tt ha pointed, thst Toioa it has aid: Com ym th avmbcrloM, ooiuo with the daL . Kias my shaek, fair sum nier, kiaa me coodb. Yoa'll uever mar eladdeu this taar- bedimed aye; Emblem of brightness Immortal bloom, W hen thou eomest acain, I'll have slept in my tomb. Fairest of fair, I bid thee goodbye, I'll uersr behold thy star-laden sky ; Nersr will see those flowers that bloom As emblems of mortals on my lonely tomb. Oh, Summer, we're dying the night winds are sighing, The huntsman's horn is heard on the hill ; It s s far away call it s the last of them alL It's not our wist, bus His will. a ... i. . ie' Be'rgner Engel i'illlA LilGEfl DEEft 13 UirQUESTIONABLY THE I r cTrcd i from the x finest ; Pale i Canada rl zj Halt . and . Laazer , Hops,! ?n tended for . its , TONIC and HTI UtlC3.- - -r - f - !:a enjeyed by tho BEEQNEB-& jEJSTGEL ,9 fact that only the FENEST AND -BEST that the greatest SKlLt and OAEE fj-- ' ' jy4dwtf ' TS7X rALSZ LOTS. There is a lore it lasts a while A one day's flower no more ! Opes In the snnshine of a smile. And stsrts when storms come o'er. There is a love it ever lasts A shrub that's always green ; It blessoms in the stormy blasts, And decks the wintry scene. A shape, an eye, a well turned foot, May give the ttrat its birth; This flow ret has but little root, And asks but little earth ! No scanty soil true love mutt ftod, Its vliror to control : It roots itself upon the mind, And strikes into the soul I Ton's Pills wheth- mlad et DISCOVERY. ObIv Geauiae Ntatrtn f Memory Trlnia. Four U.oka Lrarnril In on. rradlnn. Allnd wandering rurril. Kvrrr rhild anil aUuli arenilv brnrflcted. PwM)itM, ith 0.mi,,ni of lr. m. II.. Mottu, With fl. th OTtrul-f)Liti.1 .w ' i.rrrnirnlThiiiniKnM, . J. M. ILirlil. t. K.D..-1 , Advomtr, A. J'. Knimril I'r.i. T V- Hon.. H V Beiilamln. n 1 Prwl'. A. t.ul, Ktrua Alr, . Tl.. i. n, Jml:ih A protest. Tbia age of civilization is not without its fatae gods and their worshippers. There is one shrine at which almost every one bows with a devotion scarcely excelled D7 paganism, it is at the shrine of basbton. No eril of the nineteenth century is more universal, and none whoee results are more sorely injurious. Ii the weak followers of the fickle goddess could see the ultimate effect ot their practice, they would be appalled. Daily are young Jives sacrificed on her altars; daily are yonng souls marred, or holly ruined, by the polluting effect of various social evils. The tide is strong which would carry us on to rain. Oar national freedom our national purity must die unless we chanee our coarse. Where, then, are oar heroes of to day f We reverence that heroism which enables man to face death at the cannon's month; bat superior to this is the courage which oan face the snapshooting derision of companions ia sin whilst, we are turning to the better way. There is daily work for oar brothers to do requiring heroic sacrifice; yet not to them alone does the work of re formation belong. Woman' work, in its fullness, embraces everything pertaining to the weal or woe of mankind. . In motherhood, wife hood and sisterhood, we wield a power that determines the destiny of nations. While we giro the best of oar time, as well as oat greatest strength, to false customs habits which disregard the laws of health we cannot know what power for good may be oars if we walk in the narrow way of. truth and right. When women are heard to exclaim. "I do not believe it is right to do this, that and .the other; but s others do it so must I," and, al do not like the social customs for my precious daughters, but I eannot mate them no diserentiy from tnetr companions" we certainly . must recognise the iaot that we hnov oar luster's win, bat adit not. Heroio courage most form an important eigment in rwoman's reformatory wotk. . We dare f,not ,$oint our brothers to heroic action- while we sit enslaTed nder Fashion's dea potism. We must Irealc our own fettert, and then in the spirit which characterizes this day. proclaim ourselTea enlisted in the battle for independence. ; With work! and prayers let as go forth, equipped for; combat With human: frailties. Then in future ages, when woman's work has proved a wondrots power lu oaf redemption, when the soul of man; freed frora .the-; bondAge of sin.' rises arom Its present sphere into higher, and broader realms of spiritual exceUencetoajJwe ffclng r','All. honor, then to that brave heart, , ' Though poor, or rich she be,,-; . , ; Who struggles with her baser parly. T Who itrvgglct and itfrttr t ' 6be may not wear a hero crowa, - r . Or fill a hero-RraTev' A -Jii't,- r. j But truth will place her name among j- The bravest of the brave.' s VC'-,". --A- -' -"Mra. Cf Morlan, The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW rHIC'KS, And wonders, How is it that I ran sell so much lower than any one elneV I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, mul WORK FOB SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Ikjrno, N. C. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LINE. The 8teamer TAHOMA, A hanJsoni 'ly ronitrnrtrd freight anil p- enger boat, havlnf bn pmed on this route, Is prepared to render .iipertor srvlce to and from all poiuU on lowi r us Hiver and Pamlico pooity, "d .New He'nc. For the present the following Bolmuule will be In operation: Leaves New Rerne evory Wednesday aod Batnrday at H I X A. M for Hay liorn, stopping at C'lnbiootH. Adams ami Minlihs I reek.. Vanderaere anil sionewall. Leaves rtayboro every Monday an' Thurs day at SIX A. M., slopping at Mlonewall, Vandemere, Snililis, Adams ann Clnhfoois Creeks, arilving at New tierne Monday and Thurs lay evenings. Kzoellrnt pasneneer accommodallon, am ple freight aollllug. rreignt receipted ior an : reooiven oany ny age at J. 0. V. I.lne, and every information given. U. H. ABBOTT, Agent, Aandemere, 0. H FOWLEK, ' Hionewall. FOWLER 4 CO WET. I.. AgenM Kayhoro. GEORGE A. IIC8HEY. novldwtf General Manager. ot s Sreono earad ma of ataiieBaiit iSknv Puiaoa after I had keea tnmved in wo hh on. a-caded remedies of Mercury aad Putaah. Cv S f ol asdy cured te Blgod Pmsoa, lt relieved the Rheem&tUHU which wu. caiucd by the uuwuodu. SBBieraU. GEO. BO V ELL, ai Sd Avenue, N Y Serarola developed on my daughter wellicg auJ iBip oa Ut r Back. We gave aar SV or . fcrEiipK , and the rea!t wu wondfa aud ;a cue prompt. H. A OeAUMOND, Cleveiand, Tenn. Swift's hrecivic in entirely a vesvtable remedy, aad IB lUti ouly mediciDe wtikh permftacntly carta hczofula, Bkwd Hntuore. t'ncir ar.d i oetainoas Blood Poison. Send for books ou Liood icd Stiu Dneaseg, nuuit'' free. Ta 6nn Srs jic Co , Drawer S. Atlanta, I. ai.d Hrund i.B 4' O. 1 Tksl7SBeptle. the debilitated v friai eaceae of a.rk ef i djrUsk. er expuaur Us Malarial Regions, will fldTHtra Hills the most rental reatoratlve ever offered the suf ferlnn iBVSklM. Try Them Fairly. A vlrereas body, pnre blood. stroi oervee and a cheerful luiud will result, SOLD EVEKYWHEBE. OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooks South Front street, four J oors weet of (aven. Mercau ,e law and i ocve; tt, ii s', ie. T '.xber loutu i. J j. . Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Otfiee in r.ear of Uaococi ; Jrui; .u re. next door to Motel Albert. Open from 9 a m. to 4 p. . Will ive prompt attention to all ma r pertain ing to Justicvs' courts. d'ii J if i-n mi. r ( f.uwi li, lttn. tnla lluswlU SEMl-W KLIKLY TliirS Baltimort and New .Berne Lea vl ng U-av n I A 1 -4 ThU Ui I ,ie Heme Iff r.t lt.e i r .etui ti ,1 U.' N, he. ne. '1 IK lMLt l a Be. M- Ulel. tor Sew rlerae. WIT--Alt h.i 1 at .X P.M. !.!.. u r h.i more, 1CES . i L null, ai -.X f , M, : y i!RKCT .ineeat of Hew i out . aaue. aud en . iioiu baiLiQjora coiii. airee ci'tiii iu.y a. Noiajik, oea-i-.... tt vldetc, raila- J a . (..dole iorui. u.. . e .'e conneciion, i - i : . . i r.i . iul ol ew Round Knob Hotel, XV. D. SPRAGDE, Prop'r. ROUND KNOB. N. 0. Most Picturesque Scenery In Western North Carolina. POINTS OF ISTKitEBT N&AK UT:; Old Fort. 8b Bermard Mountain.. Catawba Falls Mod Crrt. Swsnnenoa Tunnel Pinnacle of the Blue Kldee.... Potato Top Toe Elver, fine trout Qahlng . unaiaee' iron epnngs ,. Kelly's Iron Mprlnas Mitchell's Baa, the Grave of Prof. Mitchell '. the highest point east of the Bocky Mountains, nine miles. Pure cool dry atmosphere; no fogr, tight eew... ATBinsawpa. ue uoor. ..Distant 6 Miles. ' 1 " " 5 . - 1 " .H " 5 ' .. " 7 " 1 MU Open all the year, by month or week. apl7 Terms reasonable a!8dwt Notice. Go to the Gaston douse Barber Shop for an easy shave and a good hair cat. : Shaving 10 cte.; hair catting 20o. Prop. W. H. 8HEPARD, ' ' , Proprietor -t -. I i more "k. V.. HUMPHREYS' f F II Cloth iCold B.nding If I S.IL1D FKll. . e hi. '. -g: uid.ya list o raraciiAi. soa emia wt I Fever., Cogostion. lorlaiurBati.Ttt VVemw, Worm rer vl .,nu ' .3 ,i S 4vla 1'Ollc, or Teifiintf I l Uula 4 niarrhea, of ( htMrwn ,.r Uui, A Ovnlcry, OniiD(t H. . .- . . . J 5 aotera Morku. V,.nut.:. rl 7 I VBsh.. Cold broocQ.L-t J) K euralsla, Tixtli.u l..ici . 2.) ft He.d.chc. S,, k ll-.J.. I - hm." 1 1 1.,-v t .1. .CHHl Lie CiUL , AMIII) II K 1 Ut t (, Mill' I . or in u t . 1 I 1 HOMEOPATHIC EASIth', C;-H. :C;i Oyapcpaia, biooua Moiucb Mupire..e or Painful Period nllea, too Prvfii Paritnis Croup, Oough, Utflicalt Brtli ,nd olt Rheum, Kry.ipela., Em;1' Hheauialtaiii. I'ani. Fever and 4sue. i uii,. Ma. at a Pile.. Blind or lllaadina i'atarrh, lntluoaa. M n th I H hooping rough, V .olen' . .mK tienrral Irrkllll V ,PtaaK ai V au HlSnev i4 Vr.ou. IVpSIIUv 1 rlaarv t rakneM, Waioag He. lilaeaa. m tne rte.ri. ri.iun J 4 i. l ! AO 1i .! All .AO I IMI l I 11)1 Tht .1 6. I 1 N.v. (I,,., I 'ol uia. I' I I la. I r kn SPECIFICS EAGLE i ana VESPER d by hrnsnfiK or sen! m Hi aruatia aauit ia tw. I u'J Ull, AH of the above me..uinvn si hhIh at thrt (i twg tore of V I Hiui K. Herry, Mnidle Htrtvi IWrne. N. V. $500 Reward ! W n Ut pay the fttw-ve rr-wnril ( r h it i rr rinnplrtlnl, tiypw'iNl, (! k heH.; I iii I mem inn , ciiiihI 1 h1 Ion r i'ohCvi hc i'm n in ! en r wl It, Weal g Vti-iat" t t'l I in when tha d: rpllon a re ( i pi it- 1 1 1 li . They purl y ' : ni'vpr rail to tvt nat iHlttcl inn 1 art' t'in trtlnlim W ni(fn.r pontt-il i c ty h 1 1 iiriiKKiMT.s. He w an ol c- n n u an 1 iniitadoim. Tti iHniiinf niHtui'Mi only hy J 1 1 H N ( W h N I' A ( ., W iHn wl , Chloii. 1 ii SjM by R. N DITFY, drutftfirU. f r '(iffy BTne. N. C. ai'li4 tl v 1 y ,!1.!M;.3.Hi;i;ilftH!5fsV. i ,K I'. ILH . II In I . V In ' V I - r a " Ate:, l. old mmm Steamsnip Company, SK.Ml-W I ! M V 1,1 m . THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you ilmlre to purchase tl sewing maclitno nsk our nirent a your plnce for torms ami priors. If you cannot find our ftiort, w riir dlirttonearCTtador'ieatoy'ouheKiwnameil I ) Hon Ilo iii I i I,,.. steal l.l anil f orii I. via All,.,,,,, I lill.L.i.Ill i Al,a iMilp on. i HiKr l)K . i:iiin. Iplila. H, 'it, i i il'in. I'tu l.lllliliin III. ll( I llj . Ai.J fill ptuntH. .v .ril., i. iiiii West, ; . BaeUM'e ArM aValve.' Tea Est EAtn' In the? world tot Cuts, -Tr" '-, Bores TJIoers, Bait Khen n, I -vxr Bor, Tetter, Chsrred j;,. ( ".'.,,(Vrr.,.aV,!i t Via i 7 ' ' ' C'JT I t et cr i . . i.,4f r- ! to i f ' I toTbItsaJ Qaawaai. a M Ij r.-iTTsV Tnsi0ialasJ9j. . S. Clnehmatl Jf '3fl BigJ baa given nntver sal satlsfacUoa tat the enre of OonorrtuBa and Gle. 1 presort b. Hand eel sat la reeommSBd 1nt It to alt rjflerera. - 1.1. STOKH, aLB i ' Deeatoea W. . nurmai.adk- ,, Cold by Dnmrsti. Agent, Fe w Berne, . maySawly t sAxsency; for 3 Where have the Indians gone There Is bniv one left In the city, and that Is at rs Tr s lear store on Middle strent. 1. ann Indian weed, and from It Is i .. ingaftnd So nil", and some- t!' i v i i.i'nfl'Dii.j i'if call NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE (MMMS chicaso -2H UN ON 6QUARE.NX- uui. I LL. ST LOUl. -, u is li i lurTxit-r hi! miU ARV :i,th, Caft. Scnthgite, Steoer SEWBUJiE, Pntchett ; isi) PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS. man ABM, $23 LOW $20 Will ah from , , Heriie. vih War,, anil KRIliATrt. n. wild Hie Hteauier rt. B i o., for landings on the ,n,i Returning, will am for NuKtul.K airn t. DAYrt at Mh. a oectlon w'ii ii t,H i . for .New ork. H m for Baltimore, t , . ... lelplita. m i ,M. i i and 1'rovldeure Our ontirlioi ( IV r and of aiuoi (.t. thirteen J phi. h ln offer all rtiipi er-Hi " iLem in ti IV l .. ri. Order an go.HiH tat' folk. Vi Paa.i'ngArs win p,r,.; Die Toon,. ftO'l e . el Hon will tie (.41,1 ti., :r, I ataiatiKH, FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL ram m house before tou hi ore kit. Righ-Ans Mack in has eel r-aettlna; needle, selfrtbreadlait; Shwttle, is leeleae an lla;bWraaalaMr,ha. the In eatseefaOMl Bates te, ia velvet-lls! eaaex. Don't pay ateBW $n at Sov Bt ead for efroilar. Remember, wa ruarantea our macain. equal to any high-priced atachins oa the Baikal. Address Tb C A. WOOD CO., - Vt M. lath at PtUMelpklsv, Pa, ' B. R. Certificate Lost. Cert Ideate "So, 18, tor Ave shares of stock la the A. c BT. C. R R.Co standing In my name, having been lost, I hereby five notice that I will apply for a duplicate thereof to be Issued to me. i, - 1QT1S HTJGHE8. ifew Berne, March V, 1SS. lawtw Read Carts! ETerythlng1 Oa "Wheels.: lO percent. Clieap nfvfiAsa I et; than anybody. Ul jU J aWCout btiy before fettlD? our prlctS end eatalognes. , . the geo, w. tTnrnn t, ro..' PAlUVlLI-k , t t. f.'l ; - - ti i- ' '' It . V a . for New "(.'li Mn.MAH lig i 1 ei.lillectlon "' ' " s- 4 T. h. Im-:. an 1 ail other e m I re,,l HI vera. " '' HKKNK II fi'ls ,! Khl- M . liiKk.i.K (,,. o 1 atilp. i i .1 itun.ei. " i. ; fur I hiiag ' " i i lor LutUiu i, re . r.r pairor.a. 'I . .i . tt.e pant -' iai.iiiceecan , win do lor of u D. . . 8.0o Nor- i K'n.ii to . n-miort-i nrar:") &nd alten- lue i.. liters. It. Kiiith.KTs At enl. orfoik. Vs. CL'i.l'M't'l V t I A i!" II in. W. a- 8TA NFuRI i. Vire-rrphi'lent. few fork C'.ty, the NEUSE H TKEKT KIVEU Steamboat Ccrapanj. Win rnn tbe following MonetSi-. n January ist, ,se7. no ana art. Steamer Trent Will leave every Monday and Thursday morning at six o'clock for Smiths aad Adams Oeeeks and all Intermediate BOlnta returning same day. . ' learner Jaiaatoa. n - K -- W1U leave "ew Berne for days and Fridays at llo rlmk u Ing, will leave Klnstoa on asoadaye aed lauradaya; Touening at all lnteraoedlaU Landings on Neuee River. . .. - . . J. J. Bi8oawATaswara.v am. Ve DM ITU, J OUT UldlTUltL . : siAsxs, qoeJtet Bridge, l AI. CO.. I" ' V- . V 1.:. 1 i . H : P S-. ill W.'l.