ii . TTlTn "T77 A T XT (WEN AT, VOL. VIIL-NO, 15. NEW BERNE. N. a, THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. V 1 ..; susumss LOCALS. PASTES NOVELTIES focaaUaiFJ. 1'j VvSj1 . Drug Swr - o Middle :t - X8 LCST-A small opea-f ace silver watch with foli chaia, t n wm, between res.denes of Tho. 8. Howard OB Booth rro&l !rt snd ths snilUasry itonil Cl.archin ft Lm. - liberal reward wi 1 t Mid for its return, to the Jocxhal IJTjaS BLACKBERRY JUICE ftr . msdical purposes at al7tf : . , JaM Ridmowd's. MISLAID. LM r " Loaned Ths Neuee T, R. & Co. Block Book. - Any parties having the same will please deliver t' :-"- all lw ; . SD, L Robikts, 8. & T. I) LOTTO IIS, Cultivators isd Harrows " at vory low prions. - Qio. Allen Co. DENTAL CHEWING QTJM Cleanaes, Preserve and Beautifies , tha teeth and sweeten lha breath. commanded by dantiata. Sold by drasciau and confectioners. Try It. apr$-tf. .' . - . IVaWLY MEAT CUTTERS at . Obo. Allkh ft Co. I 7 LOWERS for dooorationi, boquets, . largo and assail, or floral designs for any purpose f urniahed on abort notice by 1 eating order with Sam. Radclifl on Middle street. m33tf IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN, juat raoeiTad and . for aala by James Redmond. I FERTILIZERS for Trackers and for . Cotton Plaotera. at . Qeo. Allen & Co. JUS r-RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY ' .;" for tale by James Redmond. , NE Thousand Rolla Wall Paper at Tory low prioea. Geo. Allen ft Co. 1)URE WINES AND LIQUORS for Medicinal and other uses for sale by Jambs Redmond. ' A SMALL colony of women will ba in the floooj ide that will over flow Oklahoma. ' . North Carolina has suffered f touch from forest fires this spring. -, Virginia, though, suffered moie. The possession of Oklahoma 1 tandi baa alrsady caused bloodshed - 'and the beginning has hardly be- "'.Vf ff" '" Jr'J '"V" ' "' - " V ttlLEIGH has a new daily. The ; Call, published erery evening ex cept i Bunday by D. H. Brower -. Wt welcome it to oar exchange list. .- The City of raris, tha new steamship of the Ionian Line, is expected to make the trip across the Atlantic in less than six days. v Blaine has instructed the com , missioners to the Berlin Conference ' to Insist oa the maintenance of Samoan independence. Yes, let her be independent. The New York World thinks it a remarkablefactithat among the American people the anniversary of the .assassination of Abraham Lincoln is not commemorated. . ' R2?ublicahs are complaining that President Harrison is too Blow . in, turning out the' rascals. The - name complaint was made against President Cleveland ; . - Pine straw seems to be the most ) formidable rival to the jute bagging trust just now - The Farmers' Al liance. should prepare, for war in " time of peace get ready to light . jthe trust note, don't wait nntilyonr . cotton is ready fer the bagging.- . GoYERNpR Fowls will attend . tta cpening of the Avoca Sporting I-:rt on the 23d and will, return to rIeigh in time to leave for the IIct Ycik Centennial. The State ' has ; -' ? no appropriation to de fray eit . zs4 bat the Governor fi 4 too patriotic to let one of the origi nal thirteen be unrepresented on that occasion. v -1- aaLJL-L-i . . lass.' Ji 3B l- The Washington Li,-;ht Infantry c f Charleston, B. C, is one of the ' 1 -,t raShtary organization in the : try, and is said to be the only ILat has a revolutionary flag i:i tear fimging ' to 1 the tzt tlaccpany has been it ii f-!3, a flace of honor Ii vijwBt the coming ' c -----cnies in Few 3l: .t Isfa: Irltcl itry has to join Till at :r, and LOCAL NEWS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jotehal Watch toat. F. S. Duitt Easter novelties. Asa Jones Spring clothing to order. A fewfiah arrired yesterday. It la getting about Una for the first box of g aid on paaa. The mail train waa delayed last sight on aoeoant of waiting at Qoldsbero for tha R. ft D. train. The U. S. district court will convene in this city neat liondiv. Jaroraaro not required to be present until Tuts- day. We hare been informed thai a brats spike was blown out of tha quarries on Trent river where rock is being blasted for the cemetery road. Wa made an effort to get sight of it but were In formed that it bad been sent to Golds- boro. Perhaps some of Black beard's hidden treasury will yet be blown out. Some of our oilzsns with members of the Board of Trade met Mr. J. P. Coffin fc representing the Baltimore Manufac turers' Record, at the rooms of the Bjard o; Trade Tuesday night. The objeot of the meeting waa to adopt means of bettor circulating the induce ments offered by our citizens to estab lish manufacturing industries. A com mittee of five was appointed to take the matter in charge and with power to act. Personal. Miss Maria Manly is on a visit to Baltimore and New York. Shipping News. The steamer Vesper of the E. C. D. line sailed yesterday with lumber, truok, Ac. The steamer Ttihoma will arrive this afternoon. Burned Out. The fire at the railroad station burned the clothing and bedding belonging to Mr. Blake who slept in the baggage room. The opinion or the f resident of the road is that the building was set on fire underneath the floor. He gives Blake credit for leaving his own effects and trying to ve the property of the oompany. Railroad Station Burned New One to Be Erected Immediately. The fire alarm was given yesterday morning at about 4 o'clock. The pas senger building and baggage room at the station of the A. & N. U. K. were discovered on fire and the fire depart ment hastened to that point. The fire had gained snob, headway before the engines got to work until the floor (the fire seems to hare originated under the building) and roof were entirely de stroyed and nothing is left bnt tha frame work of the building. A strong north-east wind prevailed and the good work of the departmedt prevented communication of fire to other build ings near by. The building burned was erected by the Best management and waa a neat and substantial one. For the present the building opposite tha general offices will bo used for waiting rooms, ticket office, eto. When we visited the station jester day morning arrangements were be ing mad to begin the immediate ereo- tion'of a new and modern station with every convenience for passengers train men, engineers, eto.- It will be two stories, handsomely finished and oomplete in all the appointments of first-class modern station'. It -will be located at the corner of the railroad park with a covered platform extending up the track and covered drive ways for bus, drsyT, etc., so that passengers and bagage will be at all times protect ed from the sun and rain. Mr. Bryan informs us that it will be so built that the motley crowd of small boys which now impedes the movement of passen gers upon the arrival end departure of trains will no longer be able to give an noyances Being located on the down town aide of the Jraok passengers and vehicles will no longer have to oroee the railroad to reach it. Architecturally it will be an ornament to the town.' Want to Know What Was Written, We had several calls for the Golds- boro Argus yesterday end many re quests to publish what the Argus said about the petition thai was carried around by Mr. Dill in Oddsboro to ob tain signatures for the purpose of keep ing in the present management- of the A. &N. 0. E. "; It is the duty of s newspaper to pub liah the news; this is what people sub scribe to and pay for them for, and while he publisher claims the right to decide what will suit his readers beet yet he must on some occasions yield to their demands and give them what they want. -JfVffi -2- t if- 'K '-- Touching this matter of petitions we think there is something in the consti tution which guarantees the tight cf r '' :a,er.lif the people wact Wpe- Ution the Governor to retain the preeeat management of the road we think they have the right to do so." The point, however, that the Argus makes in this oase is, that tha petition is carried around by one of the employees of the road, and it wants to know who is pay ing fo( tha time. The JoraftAL. withes to state, oaoe for ail, that in discussing the A. & N. C, R. it wishes to be perf eotly fair and juat to the preaent management. We have no more interest in who manages the A. & N. C R. than any other tax-payer in the county. We have earned and ex pect to earn every favor we have had or expect from it. Every tax-payer ought to want its trafflo inoreaaed, its earnings increased and its yalue in oreaaed. If any management uses it In a way to injure its traffic, to decrease its value and to the injury of the people who hare a special interest in it, the Governor, who hae the ap pointing power, ought to be acquainted with the facta. The Journal is ready to give facts in regard to the matter if the people or the management want to use its ool umns for that purpose. To the Citizens of New Berne. At a call meeting of the Board of Trade and citizens of New Berne, on Tuesday night, Mr. Coffin, the repre sentative of the Manufacturers' Record , a well-known publication edited and publiehed in Baltimore, Md.. and de voted to the development of the manu facturing and general interests of the South, addressed the gentlemen present. After a brief introduction by Mr. Allen, Mr. Coffin said that speech-making was not in his line, but that he would en- ear or to lay before the meeting some facts and figures. He said that people living in the South but in a faint meas ure appreciated their great and rapid progress and the untold undeveloped resources of the South that yet re mained untouched. That the past three months of the new year bad outstripped the last quarter of the old year very largely, and that the coming months would show a much greater increase. He spoke of the towns of the West that bad under adverse surroundings and a great lack of natural advantages at tained phenomenal growth and devel opment, and in bis opinion the result was entirely due to printer 'sink coupled with judgment and energy. That the important and most necessary auxiliary to suocess was the fact of constantly keeping before the people the town or locality to be developed, and the ad vantages such town or locality can offer to capital or labor as a plaoe of invest ment or habitation. He gave figures and statistics to support his remarks. The meeting agreed upon a plan of advertising whioh is both practicable and feasible. Advertising cannot be done without money, and money cannot be had without business, and business cannot exist to any great extent with out progress, and a nourishing oommu nity. it waa deoided that a fund be raised to be devoted to the thorouchly advertisine: of New Berne, and that it be made a general fund, that one dollar be the maximum amount contributed, and that amount be raised by eubsorip tion, the person contributing agreeing to pay one dollar per month on demand. A committee, oompoeed of Jas. W Waters, K. R. Jonee, Geo. Allen, Ralph Gray, H. S. Nunn, and the chairman of the meeting, J. A. Bryan, waa appoint ed. The oity will be thoroughly can vassed, and it is hoped that a consider able fund will be raised for this very necessary purpose. The fund will be held by tho Board of Trade for the special purpose as is- set forth in this article, and for the carrying out of the establishment of factories of several kinds in our midst. Any one who wishes to understand more thoroughly the plan of advertising proposed, can get information desired on the subject by applying to the members of the committee as stated above. Jas. W. Watxks, Chairman. A Pltirni Sight. Goldsboio Argus. To such a poor pass has it come that Mr.. Washington Bryan. President of the A. & N. O. R. R.. has to send out his Superintendent, Mr 8. L. Dill, to make personal appeals to the merchants and tradespeople or uoidsboro and it is to bs presumed elsewhere along the line to sign a petition requesting that the said Washington Bryan, be retained President of the said road when the Dropef time oomes for . making change? It Was t pitiful looking sight to see Superintendent Dill, or the A. N. u. a. n., ambling up end down our streets Yesterday la the chilly atmoa pbere, end drizzly rain, worn store to score, peaaung'inas petition ior mu. President cry an. It was not only piti ful to behold, but it was undignified and unprecedented in the said Presi dent and his Superintendent, as well as beiscexoeedttglT distasteful to many of our citizsns. We dot know whether any of out people signed.the petition Or not. we hone they; did " not. , for as yet, the record of President Bryan's administration of this piece or vain able Bute property . has . not been made duduo .in. the meantime, we would like to know u superintendent Dill's ptr diem while performing this toeetat service of "carrying round" Mr, Bryani petition is to do included in nis salary aa Superintendent, or whether it is to be deducted front ni salary and defrayed' by Mr. Bryan from hie private funds. President Bryan is- so exact and hair-splitting in his performance of hi own "offioial" duties? that w ask fof information on this point, la other words, do the duties of Superintendent of the A. SC If. U. B. K. include that of "currying around" the petition in ".- ,:ru and suchlike 'foreign' set !. '.rri'if We know that the duties of President of the A. & N. C. R. R . include (in Mr. Bryan's estimation) that of "earrying" the fishing poles of the Governor; but the opinion of the public aa to the duties of these offices in ques tion, what of that? And as these offices are public offices the opinion of the public is to beconai Jered and nhould be regarded. OKTH CAB0L1.M EWS. From the State Taper. Asheville Citizen The bin! J. tig a thirty thousand dollar opera house is in contemplation by tome of the monied men of Asheville. Two thousand dollars has bevn subscribed u ards the purchase of a lot upon hich to tract a handsome brick and granite three story M. C. A. bui diorf id this city. This amount was secured iu a vt-rr few hours by members of the soliciting committee, appointed a few days ao. Shelby New Era Fifteen acres of fine woodland belonging to Mr. W'm. Pearson, of No. J township, was burcd last Saturday Charlie Armstrong. the negro who sh tive other negroes escaped from Shelby nil on February 28, has been rei-aiuurel. Charles Colston and John (. Ffit!t-r werecoo- icted of tho muMrr . f W i' Aber nethy at York v ille i i u r i i , t eek and sentenced to be hui.n on June 7th. harles klcManus as rt lrasr.l. Sanford Kipre Mrs J M N. Knru- son s d welling and i-outen :n u .-re hu r ned esierdny. near Manly 1 ur sections f the K. A A 1. ro.4.1 n. ,r M..u. ure ere burned on )rt iday ud .lined the train for Charlotte m w r.il hours Theforest tires have daunted much f the tine forest in Moore. Krchmond, Cumberland and Uobesou counties dur ing the week. Naval store ami lumber men are the principal losers Mr A F. Page lost 100.0UO feet ,.f limit cr "l ire. fire" has been on tl.c l i s , f nil this county. Uorgantou Star Wheat is looking ell in this county, considering the amount of dry weather we have had Two car loads of the sons and aughters of Ham passed up the West ern road last Sunday bound for Arkan gas. On last Saturday auM Sunday some of the mountains in the direction f the Blue Ridge were covered w ith snow, nencetne cool weather here. fire occurred on last Saturday in the lcinity of uamewell I . U , Caldwell oounty, and extended over an area of bout one thousand ai res of land, burn ing fences, haystacks and every thing in its path clean as it went. Several dwelling houses were in imminent anger, but were saved by great ellort Lenoir Topic: List Wednesday morn ing Miss Lucy Miller and little llattie Rainey saved the railroad company bout 500 by preventing tho trestle across Lower creeK rrom miming up Mr. 11. I.. Hout k, of (ilenburnie, gives us an account of last Saturday s fire, which was fearful indeed. Peo ple living in the course of the flre moved everything out of their houses, thinking their houses would get burned but fortunately no dwellings were burned. Paul Howell and Henry Bean's stables were burned. The meeting which begun in the Methodist church last Sunday week is still in progress, and will probably continue through this week. The congregations have been large at every service and great interest manifested. The meeting has resulted, so far, in many conversions. Elizabeth City News: The commis sioners have at last decided to obey the law and build a new jul. The latest news of the storm confirms all that we first heard and adds more wrecks and further loss of life to the already long list. On the coast of North Carolina the storm was the severest for years, and in Albemarle and Pamlico Bounds there never was such loss of life and property. The schooner Parrot, (he Susan Caro line, the Maggie Etta, the Susana, and two other boats hailing from Elizabeth City are lost, and Robert Whiteburst, a white boy, Mathew Uranberry, Fred. Gaskill and a man name Bailey, all colored, are drowned. At Nag's Head a large lumber schooner is ashore, and the storm tore away several cottages en tirely and considerably damaged the others. The north end of the hotel is broken away and sanded over. A PLEASING SENSE Of health and strength renewed and cf ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to enectually eleanse the system when costive or bilious, boj sale in 60c. and 5 1.00 bottles by all lead ins; druggists. Nominating Convention. The Republicans of the fourth ward Of the city of New Berne are requested to meet at Drayton flail at eight o clock toniaht, Thursday the 18th, for the pur pose of nominating a councilman to be voted for on the first Monday in May. By order of ward committee, E. A. Richardson, Chairman. Notice. To the Republicans of the 4th ward . Too are hereby notified to meet at the Odd Fellows Halt r ridav evening. April 19. .1889 at 8 o'clock sharp to nominate a candidate for Councilman to be voted for on the 1st Monday in uay. t. a. kichardson, Uhmn Ward Com. A BmtlMii Kn's Clear Vlstoa. -'- NW YokK Cmf, April 4, 1883 Mr. A. Et. Hawses Dear Sir: Your patent eye-glasses received some time sinoe, sod am very much gratified at the' wonderful change that haa come over my eyesight since I hats disoarded my .old glasses and am sow wearing yoars.. . Alexandeb aqab, Secretary Stationers Board of Trade of "New York CitT ;. .'. AH eves fitted and fit maranteerr bv F. 8. Oaffy, New Boras. $T. C, jl2dlia A LEArY' I listen to a loving voice, Whispering in my ear. Is tby life an empty shell. Or is it one within which dwells Thy Master, Lord and King - The cader.ee of the gentle voice Murmurs .oft and low. Are the loaves of tby life-tree grven As tbey tui a tby acts reveal Day by day v I look, I turn I musing stand' Are all the thoughts pure and true. Like the Sheperd s song of mountain dew, Life evermore ' With faith I hear but cannot see With dimly glass I'll quietly wait And if I reach the beavealy date Then face to face With heart and tongue Brimful of joy, These truths I'll bind in a starry I a 1 Sent to mortals by an unseen hand , Fdrever in our path I'iLI is Close, Lenoir County Don't hawk, hawk, b.ow, .pit, an. 1 disgust everybody ith your offensive breath, but use l)r Sage's Catarrh Remedy and end it jO i :s . by drug gists. III1D In New Heme Saturday . April Kkh of consumption, Rev. Alonz tA Scott in the 37th of his age lbs funeral look place Monday at 11 a ni. from Kbenezer Presbyterian church, liev. W E. Carr officiating SPRING CLOTHING To Order. I have a Fine Line of Simples for Spring and Summer Clothing made to order by D. Klein A liro., Merchant Tailors, Philadelphia, and will call with samples on any who wish to buy Information left at the store of (leo Allen A Co. will be promptly attended m Measures taken and satisfaction guaranteed. Prices very low. I'm or ma a specialty. aplSdtf ASA JONES, Agent. FOR MEN ONLY! APlKlTIVF Ff L08TdrPAItniO MANHOOD; rUdl Ills. Genera U( NERV0U8 DEBILITY; flTTT "p Weakneii of Bodyind Hind Effort! J-i of Error, or Exceuei in Old or Young. Rnhnaf, NohU HARHmtl) rlly Rmtnrrd. How to Knlnrv ami 4irtitrUieB Vt It A K , lKltT KUlPRD OKWANH PtRTttof ROUY. thewilnte-U on felling HOB It TRKATH KBIT BonflU la a day. en tsatll7 from 41 8tala, TVrHlarlM, and KorvlgB ( nantrle. I on fn wrllc tarsi. Rook, fall m pUnetlnn, and proof mallei jraied) udrw ERIC MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, . 1. A Lot of OVERALLS and JUMPERS AT JAS. F. TAYLOR'S. Will be sold cheap and warranted not to rip. hogineers and sailors will do well to call and soe for themselvei. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale aad Retail Grocer, FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET, jan23dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C Barrington & Baxter, Have just received a Fine Line of lothing. Shoes, Dry Goods, and as Nobby Line of STRAW HATS as you ever saw. Agency for the A. A. BATTLES' $2.50 CALF SHOE. EVER V PAIR WARRANTED. Also aeency for "The Old Btatn Island Dyeing Establishment." The New Davis, The Pioneer Sewing Machine uraers lert witn Mb john BITTER or with Mrs. H INKS on Middle street for the DA. vis 8S.V.1NO MACHINE will receive prefmpt attention. apu awly J. M. H1NES, Agent. For Pea Boxes and Cabbage Grates At Lowest Price, by JF. XTlx-ieli, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C, DB, ALPHEUS FIELDS, Physician and Surgeon " t South Front St hear Craven,! : tar29dlm VNIW.BEENE. N. d?: lGo to F. S.DUFFY DKLrGGIST, AND BUY oiUouracM cheap m im Tfc e l-eeit ese-.Ttrntut of Truate In UlaitT. A ptsr A. tu.i &tir usardeu t-ec v mii of r"r si) nil J Warranted stock of Perm and Cheap oiery and dof c. A .'l.UA'tf ilea. I'. c" jiai . Propr.wt.i -s of l-urf a A d t : tarn I, Me.i . nr Hat l",uii e. 1-n Kra ; r v ,.r k n M . ns w I- tn A .. ,.f ... , t-.M PK., r :. dec I J it .1 ot If no Mutore, and reliable unted Blrda, . ro made by fclttV LOW- s. I'L'KK'Y. BABY C vURIAGES. Til K I. w bkhm; Kl HM t kk CO. 1 11 1. LK ds: nianutactiirtng .aii(!..int) l'arlor !ruj, Ward 's. 1 ii safes and w f inuniitacture - c a,., tiave the f Hahy Car iToughi to tbia ot i ,oei, Pio- ,n 1 i Is . i, ' Bk h tlui-hl SI : l y W , luna rt: 1 Nt our U i) spot ,.jiri for f HI and 5(1 per it . .ft. s an i-tieaper ' i y w are ' ; M ach lue. t a nrst-clas l u :ug elsa- T. J TL'KNFU &. CO i KTuKrt. 'lue, N ( Spring Millinery. New Goods ! Latest Styles and Dress Making! MRS. SCAR80RG & KOONCE, m 1 :l si i 'orin r, of .ii j, 1 1 ,V K! N C A GLANCE IN 'I HI. I -1 AH! MIMI.N r OK Ii Bell The Jsweler" Will com it stock the Complete I lino Jew any rue ( : i a ' we lis ve in firmer i, Mort Varied, and - f 1 iiamtiii'lu. Watches, rv, SiU. r Ware. Fanrv Lamps, Hiirniese, Cold and Silver Head Canes in the Stair. It will be iii Uiyeis interest to see our goods before pnr -hasinij CORN! CORN! CORN! 50,000 Bushels oi Sale UY W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND GRAIN DEALERS, Mak;;et Dock, ni;w ;::um n. c. Consign un your produce. inn M:tf K. SAWYKH," FASHIONABLE TAILOR MIDDLE STI.r.KT, Two doors suu-li 1 falm s I.iverv Stuhl e novt ltf .'. L V l.KKNE. N, C. EST'D.3SS IB02 i ' I 'liARS' IIU.4.RSI 'i i-.ni t rut. I have -"-il, anrl (-liinrn w ntit to sell, 'hj? : Hat is my bnsl. eB.; ii) i I make a bocr ivitiL', mit I t ope an hon--t one. I wixli I waa s ati.'e inauiifaeturer of lue hlnil, when I conlcf mplny Ail ihe poor fel- lows wtiouon'T wni f tO Will ii It t h u V .n . I wonld find aomi'thlnt for thpm tn n teep them r ut of mischief, nut as It l'a I must sell Cipuis and T l.arrn' and hub. Wlint (iliAVT I V flno Tobacco, I have It. and ether good kinds! Plpea, and Smokers' Artirps crenerallv Water, and we say, Come and aee me WM. I,. PALMER, Middle t.. Newbern. Board. Good board without rooms for four persons. Apply to Mns. JOnN WALKER, Johnson st.. one door east Middle St. March 30th, 188. Jtf BABY CARRIAGES AXD I' Furniture!! A new lot of the Latest Stvlea nt Rah Carriages, and a large assortment ot every description of Furniture just rer ceivea, ana wuice received. j ' Please callj and see our BaW Car riaKea. - " ..V. Prioeu Right Down to !Rocfc Bottom. , 4 J0III1 SUTER V , Mi dw 1 ,. Kiddle st, ITew Hcrnet K l- v

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