4V r -a; )s S. t. " " - I t V. ; Sv-U f 'v nil - f LIE VOL. VIIL--NO. 17. A- a NEW BERNE. N. C.. SATUBDAY. APRIL 20. 1889. price 5 cents; quenal: i Buscmsa -locals;,, OPENED toother bbL ef &io Corned Beet today. Q E. Blotu- EASTEB NOVELTIES for sale at F.& Duffy1 Drug Store Middle street. 18 it 1 f TSCSS VKAT. E.anorabd Annie Preaee. Pie Peachee, ete. J - C E. Slotks LOST A email open-face eUrer vetch ' with gold chela, ensreet, between tYeaidence of Thoe. 8. Bowerd OB Bout Front etreel end the millinery itore of CherchUl & Lane. Liberal reward will be paid for. He mane to the Journal office. ( , ' .. . Ieptl9v. . CtlOICK lot Small Heme jut re eeived. C. E.8L0TU EUBE BLACKBERRY JUICE fcr medlcel eirpoeee et- st , all H.jJMttiimn;:. , T)LQUQB3,CalUvet0fv and Harrows X at err low prices. , DENTAL CBEWI G U M Cleaee,'P reserve and- Beeatifle the teeth and eweeteae Ah breath, lteoommended by dentist.-; Sold by drugaiate end ooefeotioBera. Try it. t nprt-tr. ' -;v V. 'J T7A1CILY MEAT. CUTTERS at A' Geo. allen & Co. IMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND QlNJurt reoeired and for eale by ' - James Redmond. I FERTILIZERS for Traokere and for : Cotton PtAnUre, at 5y t . .. - Geo. Allen ft Co. TUSf RECEIVED Another lot of tl .GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY . for tale by James Redmond. ONE Thoutand Roll Wall Paper at very low price. f. - ' ci ' , Geo. Allen ft Co. ;'pURE WINES AND LIQUORS for t X. Uadioinal and other neee for sale i . by .t James Redmond. T ,; Tna Pope o? . Borne was ill on , "Wednesday. ! s.-lj . - . ' ; Tsm Koox Yak is t be the Jiew Chinese. Minister to the ynitid Bute . A Washington correspondent says Assistant Postmaster General ; ' Olarkson "is ' making 150 appoint ; ments daily. - ': Chicago distanced.' The Char lotte News says: "Judge Shipp granted divorces to three couples la Wilmington Monday, inside of one; hour."; i . Six "thousand emigrants em " barked upon seven steamships-at ''Liverpool, last Wednesday, , The majority af these emigrants are . ; bound for the United States. ; ' 'A Ms. Stbatjss; engaged In the I torefgn fruit business in New York, is renorted to have received. ADril 17th. A cablegram to tht effect thai! a vessel in the foreign fruit trade has picked up the passengers and crew of the steamer Danmark- , The pleading fEepublican As -r"semblymen have excused the As eembly ceiling steal on 1 the plea that If the work bad been done ."under the dlrestion of tn0;proj?et oScer, the Democratic Superia ' dent of the Capitol, Mr. Cleveland might have been elected Instead of Mr. Harrison. N.T. World. " , MuNCTPAL elections held yester day (Wednesday) in many towns and villages la .Illinois In which , the saloon" question was the" bora in j one," the ' anti-license element easiidatea were v'suecessful riia ei;tnoa towns, the,license element la seventeen, the Republican Jicket in tlx and the Democratic in eight. -Wilkin rton Star. Tti r-ath is solidly Democratic a t " ' - - aia so because its busf- ttzi commercial future, growth and eccurity otits property interests and the safety of ; its'ftto- fie depend upon 'the white man governing. ,'EvtaJ' t-i!oss to ba!! 1 1 . I I id" t:ach ty ' :wtha terc" tD ' : f. v -a cm : t 5 tjna-aite cm' VT ro-iior), one , tlx boats, one .vie:, t cr barber Tsk OQOTictioi la Ajka&saa aad lentenct to twantj ana years la tha penitentiarj of , a WaJtaCap, baa been mentioned. It Is noteworthy that the only known Instance of the punishment of alWhita Cap ahoald be, not In the North, j where White Caps, moat abound, batjatheao called lawtpss 8oiUh.lTorfolk Vir ginian. t 1 ; Bib JJtjliah I PauhcmoW the new British! Minister to this eoan, try, was presented by the em ployees of the Foreign o3ce before he left London"' wtth a handsome ailrer jnkstanr). -;,Asr his predeces sors at" Washing toi:io f ill? place through an indiscreet letter, this nkstand given to PaaneeXpte-aar- ries with it a hint of to obscure significance. -Exchange: ' ' LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. C. E. ELOTiR-Corned beef. C. E. Slovks -Small hams. C. R. Thomas, Ja. For rent. C. E, Sloveb Mince meat, etc ' Howard ft Jones James Means shoe The trucker are puihiog forward their asparagus and radishes. Peaa will be in in a few day. t t ' The sharpie "Dan" belonging to D. Bell, of Morehead City, wee at the E C. D. wharf TesUrdar wkh a load of porpoue hides. Judge George Rodman bae promieed to give his opinion on the exoduct ques tion a soon a he giree thorough oon- deration so he can answer " 'teligi bly." J. J. Harris, the colored postmaster for Fort Barnwell, wa in the city yes- erday fixing up his bond. Cheatham seems to be male log pretty good head way in securing small places for the brethren. George Washington, a young colored man of this city, who was sent fto the penitentiary some few years sinoe for killing a sailor in a fight up town, died on the 15th inst. He was a religious enthusiast from the time of his cenyio- tion to date of his death. Fourth Ward Republicans. The Republicans of the fourth ward held a large and harmonious meeting on Thursday night at Dray ton Hall, at which E. A. Richardson presided aid C. R. Bobbins was secretary. V. A, Crawford, the present incumbent,, was unanimously " nominated. Speeches were made by E. S. Dudley and L H. Smith, in which some good advice was given about the exodus movement. The First Peas. f..:- vThefiistbexof psae Jor the season wu shipped' over the A. ft N. O. K. yeeUrday .by J. H, Lewis and Bryan Slaughter, two colored' men o James City,' they were of this Horning Star variety seed, bought of J. t, Clark; ef this city, and were consigned to W. H. Ltpecbrab ft Co.; N. - Y.f V I i :ii Lut season the first box u shipped on the 16th of April, and fa 1887 on, the 18th, by the same shipper, J. H. Lewis of James City. tA i " 1 - An - 'm a ii ' Attempi at Suicide. -'IK 'Qeod-bys Beck,"said Tempa DavU,a oolored woman who. Is in the habit of imbibing the ardent too freely, as she sailed off the E. C. D. wharf into the dock yesterday afternoon Becton is one of V the stevedores ' ea thtM S-wharfS-3aa4 2dhe) '- and othera held to Ed Jaekeon while- he swung himself out and grabbed Tsmpa, bringing her lack on the wharjt. She was under the Influence oX4 liquor and evidently intended to drown herself, but her "good-bye Beck," gsve timely warning of her Intention ifld was sarid, She was pat on a dray nd;carriedito the station, looking a limber as a dish rag. . ,. , Personal. , f Mr. J. J. Ward of Bwansboro called to see ne yectsrdsy and reports the town en a boom. . - ' . . i II. R. Eryan, Esq., I ss returned from a trip to Tew York, on t j' esa. I'i' r I Eoghes has vA ned from V ' '-;ron Ci'.y hefa ta 1 is been on ; ' - -It ' " 1. '.' :'4 'j J a. Co. n,'Inwii rivedl last nigut on his a7 Washington Hs has been holding court ft the slghth district and the papers speak of him In very complimentary terras. ' Mr. Jas. C. Roberts of Acnistoo, Ala. is visiting bis fathr,F'C. Eobei U,E IXr. W. H. Waiiard of Ealo'-b 1 la the city."1 4 " '.. V r?. Rodolph Duffy, and I I ! ':f r?"aYorVyf- ":y. r ,: --'i li r-1 tgt Boat. v- . : ' ' The. young Udiee of Christ Caarch Aid Society will hare an sgg hunt on Easter Monday at half-past- three e'elqok y. as. ia tear of the Cole house on Pollock between Hancock and Met calf streets. Children are lavltednto oasew. AdmitUaoe, 10 cents. -. -The egg aeat win be an Interesting eportftxadaltsuwelluehlldren. The laying of eggs will be extensive. A Passenger Station andWarshoua at Newport. -Next week the Atlantic, ft Ncgth Carolina Railroad begins the erection of a neat and tasteful little, station at Newport The Newport people are to be eoagratnlated. Thia is something they nave( never had, and we venture to say like other work done on the road IS will be first-clAM. The President seems to go on quietly and calmly with the various improvements, apparently mnooaoerned as to the clamor of the friends of the various caadidatee for his position er the excitement overoireu latin g petitions. Among other improve ments we note the introduction of ga in the New Berne warehouse. This doee wey .with ths use of oil lamps and sWee: greater facilities for the peed j handling ef truck at night. The Petition la Kineton. The effort to get np a petition in Kin sua praying luovernor rowle to re appoint Mr. Bryan President of the A ft N. C. R. seems to have creeted some excitement, and is about to rebound Uh double fofee. The Free Preae charges that pndue influence- had been used by Mr';Woo4, on of the director of the road, to get people to sign the pe tition and thirteen of those who did efgn will forward the following letter to the Coyer nor: His Excellency Gov. D. 0. Fowls, "Raleigh, N. C "We the undersigned oitisene of Kin- ston.N. C, eigned a petition presented to ne by Mr. D. Wood, a drreotor ef the S N. C. Railroad, requesting your Excellency to retain the present man agement of the road. Sinoe signing tbs same we find publlo sentiment decided ly opposed to the reappointment or Mr Bryan ae president of the road and we desire the withdrawal of our recom mendation in said petition. " Mr. Bryan seems to have been unfor tunate indeed with hie dealings with the people of Kinston.. The Free Press supposss that not, more than a half dozen names ef Kinston business men remain on Mr. Bryan's petition. We think, it unfortunate that this question should .have been stirred up so toon, .but it 'Ja the old spring topic and, when the time arrives f or the sap to rise it ie hard to keep it down. .The p will be on the go down tit it Own accord,, ea doubtless will this agitation, before the Governor appoints the direc tors of the road. We hear of men going through the eountry at a break-nook speed looking for the truoksrs to sign a petition, and If (hey are nsiag the argument that we hear of in order to obtain signatures, Mi i Bryan ' may yet have to cry out save me froaa my friends." The argn meift being used It is said, is that if Mr, Bryan is not retained the track train will be discontinued . and all the truok I will have to go by - boat I except oa the regular" freight train. . Such arguments advaaoed this early in tha conteet wQl sura rsboundV Chips will fly back. -Better keep cool awhUevor ooaduet the contest fairly.'- Let the Governor have the truth, ths whole truth and nothing bat the truth r. .. Steam Navigation, from mlthfield to ew Benie." The citlaanst: of T Seven 5 Springs n Wayne cooaty held quite as Snttrasias- tio meeting on Saturday, the 13th inst for the purpceeof organising, a steanv boat compaay iui rales nxmey to bund a boat to rva on tha NsusS rivsf be tween Shi th field and New Berne. ' The meSn as presidediovir W. O. Broadhurst, Dr, J. Grady acting as secretary,- f A committee) was appointed on resolution which reported as follows 0 Be ft known thai we whose names ax hereunto annexed have thia day entered into a copartnership to be known as the Seven Sprine and . Goldsboro Steam Navigation Company, and do farther scrree to establish a steamboat line from Smithfield to New Berne; and do farther agree that as soon as snmoient amount of (took is subscribed a Board ox Direct ors shall be elected whose duty it shall be to organize for business and transact such business a may .be required carry out the object in view-3 : Thia committee reooommend that boots of subacrtptioa be opened at such places as may be deemed most practic able to the furtherance of the same ana suitable partiee be naad , to solicit stocks v s - '-. They farther recommend that as soon i tv desired amount of stock is sub icritel that the rretent secretary be powered tocalTa rsnsral meeting of stxkbcliers for permanent organi- ::. l-fport '.cf tbe committee was 1 ttl a c-i'e sffolated to i f i .l ;';"n aol solicit when steamboats plitd the irvct weea New Berne and Smith Said, and the people alone ita banks, far in Wayne aad Johnston oevntiee, were acquaiated with our people, did buetne ita them end had an interest in com mon with them. There Is no reason by the tame relation should not exist xcept the iatrod action of railroad ha gotten everybody to believe that water trantportatio la too low for tai day aad time. Many farmer along the bank of the Neuse are several mile frosa the rsrlroads, yet they neglect the natural channel, provided by nature hhout monr y and without price, for carrying their prodce to market and exchanging for other necessaries, and haul with their teams everything they ell and everything they bay averl miles in order to find a market. No oheaper freight tan be asked for than are being obtained at New Berne over the water line North Th people along the bank of the Niuee as far a it i nevigable are antitled to the same advantages if tbev will but uke advan tage of it We hop the new meamboat cvtnpny ill succeed anil get a toat on at an early day of such builu tU,-u tu-au make tbe trip from Saiilhfield l Ne Berne t any neaeon of the year. Tho people of New Heme will exteiui ihtiiu liearly welcome. 0KTU CAROLINA NEMS. From the State 1'npors. Wilmington Star: Receipts of new crop roein were reported on I hange yesterday by M. J. Meyer and It V . Hick. Mr. Wray. tbe veterinary ex pert, returned to Washington jester- ay. So far a heard from there have been so new caa.ee of glanders, and it I confidently believed that the ditx-uue ha been eradicated. Durham Plant: Tho K. & b. Kmlrosd Complany has placed upon tho passenger depot ingeniously constructed bulletins pon which ar recorded, by means of dial, hand and movable plates, the number of train, in what direction they are going, whether on time or de layed, and at what time they are ex peoted to arrive. It is a good thine. Something of tbe kind has Ions; been needed. New and Observer: Several persons witnessed the novelty of seeing an ox hod yesterday at Pennington's black smith (hop. Most of them had never een the eight before. Ex President Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland are ex pected to spend a week at Morehead during'the ceaeion of the Assembly. The Governor be made ex-Lieut. Gov. Stedman chairman of the North Caro lina delegation tothe Washington Cen tennial in New York a graceful and appropriate aot. Scotland Neck Democrat: We have seen and beard of more wheat in this community tbie spring than usual. Thft is s hopeful sign. A consider able trihgof fence dividing Halifax, and Bartm counties was ournea last week. can ah t accidentally, we learned, from fires used by the railroad hands. Mr. Walter Dunn lost a fine dog last week. He went mad and bit sev eral dogs In the town and community, and went through Palmyra and made a swipe among the dogs there. Wilmington Messenger: Sev eral Wilmington firms are among ' the . creditor of T. Memory's son whose failure as been announoed from Waiteville. The question of emigration hae now be come a matter or consideration and consequence to the oolored people of this section. A mass meeting or tbe oolored people of the city was held last night at the First Colored Presbyterian church, for the purpose of considering the question of emigration and electing delegates to attend a Bute Emigration Convention of colored people to be held in Raleigh on the last Fridsy in the month, April 215th. Asheville Citizen: Mr. D. V. Thrash and family, and a party composed of seventeen people living in the vioinlty of Aeheville, left yesterday to make their future home in the- newly d mitted Slate of Washington. Rev. T. A. Wharton, of Wayensville, has been unanimously called to the,Steele creek church, Mecklenburg county, which is said to be the largest country oburoh in the South among the Presbyterians. It has over 600 members, nnoV its congre gation jraries from 800 to l,w every Sabbath. -Charlotte Chronicle; -.Last night. about 920 o'clock, a burster attempted to- enter the residence of . Mrs. tt ., y. CathbcrtsoB, , who! liyee on 8th street between B and 0. Daring ths session of the Mecklenburg Criminal Court just adjourned, star negroes, or whom one is a woman aero sentenced to the fehaln rang-- and two negro men ' were sen tenced to the penitentiary for ten rears --G. W.TiUett, or this city, received a letter yesterday front hie father-in- law. Dr. D. N. Patterson, of. Mangum, who wrote that a few nights ago some wagoners camped near his house and ieif a nre Binuanii ineuwina diow toe coals into the ? woods neas by. which . . . ft . mi . a ft . . . . were toon in a oiase. , me nre spread rapidly, and in a short time it Waa car ried by the wind to Dr.' Patterson's lot. His barns, stables aad othea?othoutes were consumed, and his residence was saved with difficulty;. v. ! EockicEharoHRoelet: "Last Friday was another windy day and forest firei were strain j on the rampage. .They broke out on the north and south ef town and swept over a large territory do?rg great damage. We regret v-y mr h to announce tbe death, which years of ace. and died ef heart d We know ef a family of Mineral Springs township, this county, oonsiat inr of father, mother aad nine chil dren, none ef whom either use tobacco in any form er whiekey exoept atriotly ae medicine. It ie a record to be proud ef. We nute add that the father uke eeveral nappere and always pay cash in advance for them, and doee not have to run around town the first of January looking for tome merchant to run him" during tke year. Chatham Record : The first snake story of the season oomes from Mr. K. R. Smith of Hadley towaetup, who says that he killed a black anake, last Satur day, that measured I feet In length and 7 inchee in oircuanf arence. The coun ty coroner and superintendent of health went yesterday to toe Buck horn section for the purpose of investigating the caaaeofkr. Richard Weothere' death, which occurred very suddenly last month. Some persons suspect that he wa poisoned. Deputy Collector Spenoe Taylor made quit an stnie revenue raid a few day ago. In Hickory Mountain tawaship h cap tured and destroyed two illicit stills, and next day be cut up two more on Deep river, in Gulf township. Thence be proceeded to Montgomery connty, where h captured and cut up another, making five (till dotroyd in three days. After destroying the on in Montgomery county he spent the night at a house about five miles distant and next morning hi buggy was aliasing. He tracked it about two miles and thar found it cut all to piece, having been destroyed no doubt by the owner of the captured (till. Atlantic ft N. C. It (o., President's Ornt'E. New Bikne. April 19. 1-9 Editor Jocbnal Permit me through your columns to thank th fire depart ment, citizen, and employees of the company, for their faithful and efticient work at the burning of the New Kerne passenger station. Very truly youra, Washington Bryan, Pres. For Rent, Two Summer Residences in Beaufort, Moore street, batween Front and Ann, near Miss Sarah Divig. Will rent for summer season. Apply for terma to a20dwlw C. It. THOMAS. Ju. RODOI.PB DCFFY. R 11 MON. Duffy & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over R. N. Duffy drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ona- w county. aplQdwly Aak Tour Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OK TUB V JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Heeds. JAMES STEAMS S4 BTTOT3 liiltihtandttTUtli. It flu Kmrnini. no BKUl'lKK!) . SO" BREAKING IM, be 1 Ing ptrtattij tuj tlx Dm droe It ttworn. it will Mtlifr the mmt It. JAMEHMKAN4 H1IOB U ateolutalr tka Roe or lu piioe whlctj M trtt bem Maced ei- ttnlively on tho narkrt mwnicn aoraoiuty It coDUOered oefon mere out Itumttasbutrurl J. MEAX9 & CO., noston. Full Hoe of Ibe abo-ve thoca for alo b Howard & Jones. Steamer Howard. Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Thursday the 29th da? ol April the. steamer Howard will ran the following schedule: 1 For Trentoa every Thursday at eight 'clock, returning Friday. For Polloksville every Tuesday at eight o'clock, returning same dsy. J. J. LASITTER. Manager. J. J. DraoeWAT, Agent at New Berne. SPniIIG CLOTHING I have a Fine Lin of Samples for Spring and Bummer Clothing made to order by D. Kleiri & Bro., Merchant Tailors, Philadelphia; and will oall with, samples on any who wish to bay- Information left at the store of ueo, Allen &Ce. will he promptly attended to. , Measures taken and satisfaction guaranteed. Prioee very low. Uni' orms a .peeialty. aplS df ASA JONES, Agent, A Lot of OVERiULS and JUMPERS . ;:r . ; AT.i.v i v. JAS. J. TAYIOR'S. iViH.be sold cheap aad warranted not to rip. Engineers and - sailors will do well to call and see for themselVei. "Wholesale aaI ' EetaiJ 'Qroce 1 . ism MVa VJA'MtMlof wv - - u -.v. X-Jl W2 Vev sTS. The Hew Datls, The Ficneer SrrroisZIichi Orders left with Ms JOHJT SCTKB ec wUh Mrs. HIN lut oa tldilo atrMtlor Uio UAVW bJLHiNU MACU1NK wttj rooatvo aplf dwly J. M H151S(. Aseat. Barrington & Bailer, Hte just receiyed a FineLtaalof ; Clothing. Shoes. Diy 36ods. and as Nobby Line of STRAW. CATS as you ever saw. Agency f the A. A. BATTLES' $150 CALF SHOF. KKHV WARRANTES, Also agency K.r -The () fit.t- Island Dyeinu Establishment." s?sGo to F. S. DUFFY DiluGGIST, AND Bl'V MEDICINES CHEAP FOR CASH. The stM.rniif nt of Tiutset In i city. A i vi 11 as.it i meul ut t mi.li and Warranted (.amen St-w's A laiu. vaue.l and t,el. i slork: of 1'erfu. merv au.l Kim- i-.n,i.s. A choke nat.uuinil of t ine and ejbean l'r,.,,riel. th ,,f huttj t T.nln MlAam, Mat I'l H, h n'ii.T i Kealher N ork m.j a;,r Mism A W. IM t i M. iitiled Blrdi, A nicit-s made by All if w! umi u c i.flr at the. VKBX LOW- l'Kli l s ;,,r r.v-n dec I dwlf y 8 i-njryi V M . BABY CARRIAGES. TlltH:V RtMKU y KM U ER CO M M. I. I.KADM W H ( l hrlllil fll-.l nr inimnfaMnpn. a ii. I u, r.. ! . . . ' " t i.H'itr Si; . sk. :.. i 1 ' y iiuiuisouisi I'ar nr itn. ilnli Hfunrts, WartJ- - I oIlLt'S. 1 ill Hsafoai nn.l M:iM i A.I I liH uontls a( fllSnnfantnra "I tin. I kuI tiMal W H aian hav. th.. fin' U 11 III I a tfv!f ff Kahtr I - " , ' 1 1 I I tit' 1 1 hn i.uglil to I h la t ''locks, pic- our hoikIh milt f'itt. i her f"T than nny . 1 h.-i p..t en for is,-, ii, n i r in an.l SO per can msi n,), t obeaper th m mis diy, Rre H i HO Ht i tK - in l-c -Iiiihm S, wliiK Uifhln. If V'.ii nt a drsl-clata . us lie.'oro buytBSOiae- IH'O'hllU' fHh HI T. J : v., ii money. TUKNFK &. CO.. I'KOPHIKTOllS. N.-w Heme, J. (, '.t -I M!.l. II.' at i,.,. Spring Millinery. New Goods ! Latest Styles and Dress Making! MRS. SCARBORO & KOONCE, Second floor, Southeast Corner, of O. MARKS' STORE. al2dlra NKV BFRNE. N. C. CORN! CORN! CORN! 50,000 Bushels F"or Sale V. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS,, Maesjct Dock, NEW BEKNE, N. fj.'3 S" Consign ns your produce.' mava dwtf -4 1802. ClfiABSl CIGARS! Clnoral Till yon can't reat. I have Cigars to sell, and Clear that I want to sell. Vhyf Because that la ttif boat, nesa; by it i make poor living, bat 1 hopjj hon est one. I wish I w, , large mannfaerarer' W , some kind, when I onld employ ell the mm fel lows w no uon't want to work li tbeaeomd. I would And somethln for them UTtfo, to keep them out of mischief. But a It w I most sell CUar and Tobacco; and be tile way. If you want Gravity's fine cbMelwt Tobacco, I have It. and other Rood klnda ' III ...... .. 1 O. 1. , . . .. nim. nuu Din'i.ci a ArLiuiue KBueramV Alao, Soda Water, Ginger Ale. Deep goek Water, and waay, Com and se m. hr - WM.U falmkr. Middle St., NewbeW " BABY CARRIAGE ASD . " ' Furnitiirel! A new lot Of the Latest StVtmi of BinV Carriages, and a large assortment, of every description of Furniture iust re celTed, and will ba received. ' please, ealt, and tee ' ut Bahv Car nages.s . -n ,.4-, n 4HvV- Prices Right Dtmn.toCRock Bottom." - ? -i.':'J.,"'''v'"r,"" JOHN SUTER sei dw!? ' Middle st. Nw r- A t STIV V WST or t ' vf ' m IS DUES 1 E I J the, I T-t .. vtho wi sheriff cf tbii H insi'r from 1 ,-. & r: t .- I : : . '. lis s-aa r' t 70 .--rr on tbe 4'h Jrpt.c of John J- 1 1 FOOT OF ITIDDLE ST2SET, : J4n23dwtf l'Z7 IT