Daily OURNAL VOL.- VIIL-N(X 28. NEW BERNE. N. C. FRIDAY. MAY 3. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. The It 1 ' - - 0 v BP3I3TES3 LOCALS. ' "VPENINQ of tha Central loo Da pot , V7 today. Imported loe om kind at TL C Biitt'l, oq Broad at. ml lot CITY BAKERY. HalB panel the Bakery a "Ban gart Old Stand," X aolicit bare of the palronagerof my frieade. --Um. T. J. Cbowder. PURE BLACKBERRY JUICE for medical purposea at alt It JalttS RkDMOBD'B. T)TJRE BREAD Persons desiring , " L pore Bread, etc, without alum or other adulterations, can obtain it at the City Bakery, Freeh Bread, Cakea, Piee. ato.,erery day. Call and try them. ; . ap23 J w Mas. T. J. Chowder. f?IR3T-CLASS job word exeooted at X this office on aatiaf actory terms. S C :.: 2tf E LOUGHS, Cultivators and Barrow at very low prioee. - ;4 Gio. Allbn ft Co. DENTAL CHEWING QUM Cleanaea, Preserves and Beautifies the teeth and aweetena the breath. Recommended by dentists. Sold by drugaieta and oonfectioners. Try it. epr-tf. 17AICILY MEAT CUTTERS at Geo. Allkn ft Co. IX M PORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND HOLLAND GIN, just receded and foraaleby James Redmond. I FERTILIZERS for Truokers and for . Cotton Plantera, at Gko. Allen ft Co. JUST RECEIV D Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY foraaleby Jambs Redmond. ONE Thousand Rolls Wall Paper at very low prices. Geo. Allen ft Co. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for Medrcinat and other uses for sale - by James Redmond Rome has twenty two Protestant chnrckea. - A MAN without character is al ways talking about having it vio vHtftted. Fl KNELL, in bU ti'stuniiiiy be fore tbe Commission, denied ever hating gaDctionrd outrage. IJon. William 11. IUenuh, Hiftirman of the Democratic Nation ul Committee, died last Tuesday at his home in Connect icot. Mr. Chamberlain and his wile are guests of Qneen Victoria at WiDfior Castle. Mrs. Chamber lain is a daughter of ex Secretary of War Endicott. '' Miss Hose Elizabeth Cleve ' LAND is going abroad in Jane, and ; it U, rumored that she accepted a , position in young woman's board log school in London. - Mrs. Cleveland has gained exactly nine pounds in flesh since l she qnit shaking hands as a busi ness, and Mrs. Harrison '.has lost . three pounds Bince she commenced - - the business. I " ALL the features of the great centennial programme in New York were successfully carried into effect, jnclading'-the parade of 504OOO troops under review of Presi dent Harrison.' A BERLIN dispatch, April 30 tb, sajii ; (Mr. George H. -Bates, the American member of the Samoan Commission and Lieutenant Parker ' wire refused admission to the ex hibition' opened by the Emperor today, because they wore frock coats instead of dress coats." . Mr. Thomas A. Mobre, for flftj-siz years clerk of the county court of A Jefferson county, West Virginia, died on Tuesday, April . 30th, . la til 87tk year Of bis age. We know .of no other instance of a man's having held office in this - country for so ton? 'a period. The centennial of Washington's la asjuration was "celebrated at Eirmmgham,JAla4" by:5 aBpeech from : Senator Morgan on the Con stitution of the United States. He closed by showing how that instru mest iras sufficiently elastic k to enat!t the people to rid themselves of discord negro suffragesaying this was the ultimate solution of . the race Question. Baltimore Sun. viSESSBtLT - University, at - -' j recently issued a circular f instruct free of charge c-3 1" ' c Eclair froni , each bilt Unifersity proposes to gire raluable aid to the work of im proving the highways of the State." Can't the University of North Carolina do likewise f What says President Battle t Under this administration, a Republican candidate for Congress last iall who was defeated appears to be about as large an Isaac as one who was elected. Lockey ia the Bixth district in this State and Ward in the eighth district didn't get a blue bucket full of votes be tween them, but they are distribu ting patronage from Washington on the same footing with Cheatham, Brower and Kwart. Statesville Landmark. Gen. Washington, however competent to lead in war, rule ia council, and determine wisely in the performance of executive duties, was vulnerable- in the court of Cupid, He felt teuderly toward a Miae Cary. and to her he wrote his only poem, the MS. of which now re poses iu the State Department at Washington. The following is an exact copy of this poem, punctua tion, capitals and all : Oh ye Gods why ehonld my Poor Rest less Heart Stand to approve thy Might and Power, At last surrender to Cupid's feather'd Dart And now lays Bleeding every Hour For her that Pity Ices of my grief and Woes And will not on me Pity take I'lo deep amongst my most inveterate Foe And with elndntss never wish to wake In deluding sleepings let my Eyelids c I o-te That is an enraptured Dream I may In a hofi lulling sleep and gentle re pi .(4 0 I'.isxess thot'e jiys denied by Day. - Norfolk Virginian. I-OCAL NEWS. fcEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J W. Stkwart Stock, etc. L Edwards -S50, 000 to !. eiyen away, etc . The cemetery road is pushing along slowly with the layinjr of the rock. It ha not reached Broad street yet. The best way to advertise a town ia to put it in condition to advertise itself. Make it attractive, clean and pleasant. The registrars of the city election have received new registration books, and every voter should see that his name is on the book of his ward. We venture the assertion that New Berne spends less money for sanitary purposes than any town or city of ita size in the South. Yet it is a healthy place. Qoldsboro ia soon to have water worka and electric lights. Nearly every town in the 8tate with a population of five thousand or more has these Improve ments except New Berae. L. Edwarda of Qoldsboro, haa opened a stock of goods in the store under Hotel Albert building. He claims to be "The father of low price.!' For farther In formation concerning him see "ad" in this issue. The exodus meeting to be held at the old ice house near the depot on Wednes day night to hear the report of the dele gate to the Raleigh convention, was postponed, as we have been informed, until tonight. E. U. Pavie, having been granted the contract for erecting the hew passenger station of the A. & N. O. B., ia already making considerable headway in pre paring the window and door frame, sash, blinds, moulding, etc, ato. He will begin the frame work of the build' log in a few dayi. It ia to be m first olasa station IiTall respects. Shipping 2Tewf . The steamer Annie of the E. O.' D. line arrived yesterday with oargo of general merchandise. The Vesper of this line will tail thie afternoon at 4 o'olock. The Eaglet will arrtvo tomor row.... ' . . " . The iteamer' Tahotna will arrive 1Mb afternoon ana emu tomorrow morning ai o o ciock ror waenington, n. u. - Tn Verdict Vaanlmoma. W. D. Salt, Droggtet, Bippus, Ind., tes tifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitten as the very beet remedy. Every bottle old haa given relief , in every ease." One matt took six bottles and ; was eared of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abra- osm uare, oroggui, iseuvuie, unto, af firms: "The bee? telling medicine I ever handled In my 20 years' experience la Electric Bittera. Thousands of other have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Eleetrlo Bitten do cure all dlseasee of the liver, Sidneys or Blood. Only a half -dollar a bottle at B. N. Daffy's wtolale and retail drug The fifth Ward Sepnblleaas. At twelve o'clock yesterday the fifth ward Bepablioaae, or a boat three doaaa of them, aeaembled ia a email building on Queea atreet far the purpose of noani aating a candidate for oouacilman. Wm. Oram, the faithful preeamaa cf (he JoCEHaL, waa honored with the position of Chairman of the convention, and John Q. Smith waa elected Secre tary. Just aa the organisation waa completed a Jocsnal reporter entered and took back eeat. He waa accom panied by hia friend, Chaa. Reiieaetain, a staunch Democrat, who baa witneeeed meeting of the Tammany Democracy of New York and heard Chaunoey Depew in soma of his beet after dinner speeches, but had never witnessed a genuine Republican convention of New Berne where the colored brethren ruled supreme. The organiaation having been com pleted, at leaat a half dozen addreeaed the chair at one time. The physical force of the Journal press wsa some what paralysed at being called upon by so many at one time, but a rap on the desk with the small stick of stove wood which he held in hia hand, staggered some of the would be orators, and enough of them fell back to allow II. P. Kennedr and II. II. Simmons, the present incumbent, to be put in nomina tion. Ed. Tucker, an old stager in ward meetings, bad made several attempts to get the ear of the chair but failed every pop. He now arose and put the question squarelv to the chair to know if be would be recognited. "I will," responded the chair. Tucker thenvalked around in front of the chair and declared that ba bad bean granted the floor and he intended to hold the floor until he was heard. He re-asserted his allegiance to the Repub lican party, declared be was a Republi can from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet, and, said he, with great emphasis, "whoever says I'm not a Republican is a liar." Continuing his remarks, be said, "I font dis war fer de Republican partv and" Bang, bang, went the chairman's stick of wood on the desk, and be de clared that any reference to the war was out of order in this meeting, and he was endorsed by several in the convention as being "right." "Then I will leave that part out," re plied Tucker. , At this juncture several suggested that they were wasting time and should proceed with the nomination. "You can't take this floor from me," shouted Tucker, "The chair has give me the this floor and vou oan t take it away from me." But they did take it long enough for the chair to explain who was entitled to vote In the convention and who was not. "It it the straight Republican con ventlon." aaid he, "and none but straight Republicans are entitled to recognition, therefor he would declare that only one nomination had been made." Thie announcement brought Tucker again to his feet who, with great vehemence and fiery indignation, aaid: ' You ait there in that oheer air. You, a wheelman of a Democratic preaa, yet, you eir, toc, sir, and say that I am not a Republican? Why, sir it is woner than Solomon and Gomor rah !" At this junoture Major Oden arose and in a very dignified manner, poared oil upon the troubled waters and tug gee ted to thai chair that Mr. Kennedy 't friends were able to take oare of them selves and that he hoped the chair wonld reconsider the deoialon and al low Mr. Simmons' name to come before the convention. The Chairman, after again explaining the rules that govern all political orders, denominations and parties, acceded to the suggestion and declared that Ken nedy and Simmons wert both before the convention and. that nominations, were doted. After considerable racket about how to take the vote, by ballot, choeing tides ol the room, raising hands or standing, it was decided that the nomi nation should br made, by "rising to your feet.' " The chair ordered all to ba) seated bt there were aot seats enough, so some had to. assume a very; uncomfortabn position.- The chair must have) seen this as he put the question on Kennedy's nondnattos) firsts his favoritey and gave them an opportunity of rbing at early as possible. The vot was taken and after several counts waa announced as thirty fo Kennedy ? i At this juncture Matthew- Simmons set the candidate, walked toward 'the doort turned and shook hls ftoi at tb hair, sayingr i i wuvvato under stand I'veoV nothing more to do with I ri""s Ti ?'v ' was then taken for Simmons andt' o t "-r t!vr-ri twelves ; that ha would oit tLem at tbe ballot. box. He was about to make another Speech but Major Oden lovingly threw hia arms around him and cairiod ham oat, and tee costent'.ja aijjuraed aKr i j. . . . This was hardly a .rm.h compared with the convention ..fa geuenl elec- tion, but fried Kr.z-.cte:n ra? it was good to be thre - - j w"ea'- ! Mr. C C .us Jr returned from Ball's Ktrry tettrrday, whither he hsJ . been on bu;tifpt. briuKin i.ti tima' few stalk uf Lrit fr mi lu,- (u u( Mr. C. M. A lirirlia They area little over ibree tett biti it'i ht-uJs out. It is an c!J m;ioi( iir.ee uru that wheat that will hule a rbj.t by the timt of May 14 good wheal. If ihu be true Mr. Griffin's must be very tKi or at least very early . I!u !ii tie! i will average over tlmi y n, iu hull Mr. Clark reivr1, thut H e j-ruin crops are a' I Uob in we I i t! t f!rn tml bet wee. i ihe tbat ei'i-!.lt put : n it.: ) 1 1 K.:lH ii . and .- t . en A GrJ;-:i 1'ia.i 1 The let ie r pul 1 . 1 1 . . ed to M r W iu 1 ri.nl i : Berue tire, depart -nt. ,.n V niglit. ( f course l.e ut . i. e it wi a fraud Th I t .r, epistle overhear I ;i rn'ivrr tween Mr K in aa.i i. f firemen about teler'!rii : 1 t i-.f . ' I ed 111 .iy n t hat r .f this .il i 'ii he li.o oilier i h.iriolte and he hm not t i en heir I frcr.i since We publish the leli. r I" introduction lirbatnn ttlitint!., , tli.it I lurf New man of Wilmington in iv n i Ii m ne.ir he is imitated Wll Ml.VlI'.N Aplll :'Orh I" 'J Chief Kiii inner "f n r it Dear Sir. thw lien llmon is Mr Hill a brother fireman of Cliai lotte lir, depart ment and Comea to me highly reconi mendid rom Inn i i.iel to aid him towardn his home, he Iob: the ue of Ins left arm and 3 linger v. 1 , 1 1 ...i dutv. fell 35 feet fromelaldur I r lie l,,-i arm n two. and he t worthy for nil help he can get from brother tiermen I ind my eel f has made a Small Colli e.ioa for him. and beridea we pit him a pim to jour Citv. and hoping your do..r kind nese and your hrethern will do the Same and will he appreciated by our boys in Wilmington Im is not able to do any work, and he is olhliedge to go home please sen himn futhr the At- ntic r.ngene Ci:tii.any ha-i . whate 1 1 mor we could ar.d I bun that will do the sum'. i ours l-'.ngineer v MVS M V. H wo Send all our Kind regards to Your boys, and hoping to son all of yours again Chief hngim cr N. !' D. A lard. EhlToit Jul KNAI.: I'leaBo find space in your columns for a few words con cerning tne meeting ot lull urum lor the nomination of a city councilman for tbe fifth ward. He, Urum, after being made permanent chairman, showed his want of common sense and that he is a fit subject for the f sol's asylum. First, byallowiag his one sided and warped judgment to allow him to rule that no man should be placed in nomina tion who was not a supporter. of the dirtv Hahnism. Mr. E. E. Tucker, Mr. Israel Harris, Jr. , and a number ol others appealed from his decision, but he was sustained in this wicked sin by a few other lunatics such as himself. He ruled out every effort to make it a harmonious meeting. Being tightly trumpeted by the above named gentle men, he Urum, walled his eyes, slob bered and grinned until he Anally strained out that Simmons nor his fol lowers were Republicans and would not be regarded as such so long as he was acting aa (figure-head) chairman. In obedience to a motion ho ruled that Henry Kennedy was tbe man in nomi nation, and declared nominations closed. Major A. O. Oden, seeing the injustice, sin and robbery that was being perpetrated by that would-be ohairman, persuaded him to rule cut hia decision for the sake of justice and harmony, but having but little knowl edge of tucb nobler acquirements, he toon forgot it and again ruled that it would be out of order to nominate any man except Eenaedy and Anally, after an idlotical manner of voting, declared H. P. Kennedy nominated. Now in obedience to justice, right and reaaon, we the undersigned can truthfully tay tbat Mr, H. H. Simmons haa filled the office of councilman for the past twelve months, 'beneficial to the people of New Berne, with credit to himself, and in tucb a punctual manner at demande bit stay for twelve months henoe. Therefore we do declare to eupport H. H. Simmons for. councilman of the fifth ward, on Monday next, the 6tb day of May, 1889, and further advise all those who supported him last May to do likewise, and all others whe want good, representative, and we will make a clean tweep with idiotd, lunatics and arbitrary ruleis. L. H. 8rrH, E. E. Tcckkr, ! JOBir W. WnLLiMS, H. H. James, i Jora Smith, Timothy Davis, ,. LxwiafiOMSs, 8. W. Ambrose. .; . . ' . - - . . - KntlUed to the Kesr. All are entitled to the belt that their money will buy, to every family should have at once a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup ot Figs, to cleanse the tystera when costive or bilious. For tale in O. and Sl.CO bottles by all lead b rated School ho.nob koll 8th month. 6ih Grade Minnie Dowdee, Louua Sater. 5th Grade Mary Dowdea, Kate Mat thews. Ami vjsidly, Lizzie Yelverton. 4th GraJo Ida Qnidlv. Bertba Kefer, M, , , ,vK . ? r , i Uinnie Cmhbert, Earneet Wood, James Whaley, Jsaies Delamar, Willie Schia ler. 3d Grade Nina Bnight. Tommie Roberta, Addie Oaakins, Dwigbl Sty ron. 2d Grade Emma Gaakill, Lena Hinee, Katie Roberts, John Suter. ' - advice to mothers. Mrs. Wisrlow's Sootulnj Svuip should alwaya be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for 'diar hua. Twentv-dve cents a boc .e Okhth thk Old Dominion S 8 t'. Newberne, N. C, May .'. 1-1J N'TI.T. TO raSSBNOBRS AM Th I i. bUU'l'EHS. lor the following wek the schedule of the i Ud Dominion Steamship Com paoy will be as follows The steamer Macteo will sail faom her wharf for Norfolk direct. Monday MjyOth1 and Friday (May 10th) There will bu no steamer t i sail Kn dav i May 3d . L-- X :.. l-: . i . . . i.yriy rnuit is ueiug uiMie in rrpan the damage to the steamer Newherne and get her back on regular schedule which will be duly advertised m-1 '3: K. H. Hobiht Agorit Woman' Dlsi-urr-. Another onderful iiis,i.vi-n hn . - :. made and that ton l.y a lsdv in tins . i.' v I'isease fastened its cliitchei upon 1.. r ui.c for seven fars she stood its severest t s! tut her vital organs wert-iin-leriiiltii 'I mul death seemed imminent I or three nu.nr i. she coughed incessantly and con; ! i. s!e,-p Mm Umght of usabett'e ..f Pr Kind's New Discovery fur Consuni ti..n. and u so much relieved on taking first dose that she s'ept all night and with ,r.e ImiIi le has Keen miriiculoiisly cured 1 1 -r mime is Mrs l.utlier l.ut.. Th us r"'e W C lUmnck ( ' , of Shelhy. N ( ilet a trial bottle nt Ii N. DulTi s w'.ele sale and retail d;ug st re U iodesao', s on per doen. Till Eastern Carolina Lispatch. Truck Schedule. ir le fully ruee t the i . n Ir.m "I I I il. -k Sill i.eia. II. 1H llee. e. . ma l..n.1n. Mny Mh. lltld until (milter ll.nee. u , I , mi . l.e.r I ri ih .er ek . town Mi i -I'vs, 1 I'KSDA N. WHiM.-l'As mi,! I -l;lli.-. h 1 1 1 1 .a muling nt l-'l It o elm k enen Kll. til i. ii, . ret ii ml UK. MnMlAV, h 1 '-M-..M 'A an,l I- III i A V lilltKi'1 lloin l.il.H elh Citv, insuring promi'l an. I .in. k run eeil.in from and lo ihe rsorth 1 ills setie.lnlH will niiike t ni k air pnir 1,1 k Iiih In Hie Northern cltlen on w , ,n, v,iH loo Bday. Friday and Htinduy iiIi;1iim fu: il.e mrkeUi of the following daya. Ilie ateanierH Kaulet, Vesper Rn.t A will all he etiKaired tu this aeheilule, nn.l prompt and rllahe service aaNiireil. IiIh route la all rail from hllteth C'tv, and every erlort. will lie made Ut si.tireHii nfn.'tory lesults. KuteH na low as the lowest . lU.IWJw (JKU HKNIH-.KSllN. Anent. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad, Passenokr Departmeot. New Born, N. C, April 30, 1S9. Memorial Day Excursion From Morehead City, and stations in termed iste, to New Rern and return MAY 10, 1889, in commemoration of the Confederate Dead. GEN. CULLEN A. BATTLE, orator of the day. The following low rates of fare will be charged when tickets are purchased, to New Bern and return, viz: Merehead City, 81 00 Newport, .75 Atlantio, .90 Havelock. .70 Wildwocd, .80 Croatan, .-;i Kiverdale, 50 cents. schedule. A l Leave Morehead City Depot, 7:00 " (up town Atlantic, Wild wood, Newport. Havelock, Croatan. Riverdale, 7:27 7:52 8.05 8:27 9:04 9 33 9:40 Arrive New Bern, 10:32 Tickets will be good also on the mail train leaving Morehead at C:25 a m. Returning train will leave New Born at 6:4S p.m. S. L. DILL, Gen Pass Agt. Tobacco-Big Lot. Standard Brands and Job Lots. iT Special iriducemeots to Country Merchants. JAS. F. TAYLOR. Wholesale and Eetail Grocer, FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET, jan23dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C OIL PAINTINCaf. Finest Ever Brought to the City of New Berne. Rock- Bottom Prices: iifjoiifi suiEii Wbolesale and Retail Furnit jro Dralrr. I CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! Cutaways, Sacks, and all of the Very Latest Styles. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES ! TRUNKS and VALISES! We will lake pleas- utire For Sale. i n . ;,:i 1 1 ; !'..i:,m k street, A. M. H.tUr h r, . , lioilHf : ; . r ,'. t ot, largo t. rms easy. A Pl.t v : A M HAKE it. Baxter, r.. Line of Barringto Clothing. k. 1.., LI ami an N.il.hv ru.wv hats i r.ry for the ni ) oti ever A. A. BATTLES' 52 53 CALF SHOE. i:KH r.tlit W A It H ,NTED.' Also aMiry f,,r Tim Dl.l Hint Island Dyeing EiUMislimont. " JUST REGEIVEDT"" New Spring Butter, Choice Pale Cream Ciiecse. 10,000 Old Virginia Cheroots. 1?. TTlxieIi, WliOLKSALi; (IKOCER, XWI'I'LE MUEE7, Pea and Bean Crates Pea and Eean Roxes rpady made, and. in shook, in quantities to suit put, chasers, at ; J?2i d3m J. F. CLARK'S. " First Shipment of 50,000 Good To Arrive TomonoTTa ''MM.. W. P. BURRUS & CSv coamssioir keeceai;: t : iliek3t Docs, 1 ure in si I through our stock. W. E. FLANNER. I - to j b!- p -, j.ou pur aoaen, wnole- T r ' . ' ir 1 p'v wiroio2

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