i i II.--NO. 31. NEW BEENE. N. TUESDAY," SfAY 7 1889, PRICE SCENTS;: T - T o :,U 1C- I.1"0T. I to ported . a IX 0,vi ca . :ty at i. K. C. Eiiii, I .-44 suett. JUICS for Hir:""s at JtltJalLSDMOaD'S. : . ; r CLA.S3 jib otd executed at i: s c-; cu is','.&fj.ctory term. -. ...aiotf 1 V 3 C3, Cultivators an 1 Eimwi t rry low prioee. - '- . UiO. ALLEN ft OX 1) TAL CHEWING GUM , Prervee and Beantldes i 3 aai ifMWM the breath. . -aJed by dentists.. 8oId by :.- and onfeetlooere. Try it. , . . .... 'j . : :LY MEAT CTJTTERSat" Oso. aulu ft (3a, , .Tf 3 FF.SSCI1 BRANDY AND , 1 LASD UlN, iuet received tod fcy James Redmosd.. .;:LIZEIi3 lot Truckers end for -two Planters, at . . , Cto. Ajxjeh ft Co. , TUSf RECEIVEDAnotber lot of J U AIUiETT'S COGNAC BRANDT f r n' by ; . , Jakes Rcdmohd. 1 0 . 2 Thousand RolU Wall Paper at Terr low priced, r 1 , ?...- , : . Gbo. Allm ft Co.. pURB WINES AND LIQUORS for J- Medicinal and other aaea tor eale br , - w JajhS RiTMOHn. Teb President k has - appointed Jlr. Josbna B. Hill iaarshal for the K.tstera District oCNoith Carolina. 'L i.ujj tag - , . "Nearly four thoasand amall direUiojf bouses are In 'course ol c m ,t ruction at I nlladelphla this reason' The boom U the largest on record. :! : , vV; ; f- If brother Wanamaker deserves a Cibinet appointment Col. Dudley : irvts at least to "take dinner at tL 3 White, f llouse, Btatt-sville Lmdmark.;''-:?;,-5 ew York people tliji'Tbeir little inaugural , illndig i eelipses everything, on feeori..'lt wasn't an eclipse; it was a fog. Wath lustoo Tost. !v-;; 4j) '- 'b--; 'Ins 1'rovldoBce Journal nets In some telling: bits occasionally on the party in power. . Its. latest was the assertion that .'the man whose substitute- was killed uring the war need not despair of CciUsg a pension under' the ruling of Corporal Tanner,' ?V '? r ' , :: S Tna Epool Cotton Trust, U is stated, is now losing six thousand dollars a day, because of the price cf cotton fixed by IL The action of tis manufacturers composing the i:: was not caused by a desire to f . :.; h cheap cotton to consumers, i A to crush competition, la order tv.it prices might be advanced and 1 : t, 3 proU realized. If they enc r 1 present losses will berecov by increased prices ia the 'l,:z t' . .rcace between the peo- 3 r.t tu8 North and the flonthis t wcrth quoting when itcomea'to ' 1 natters. The American takes :a cf himself, and the American r r es South to live with other -3 caa take care of himself ; -ting the rfghta of , his n. There is this much to be ' i rorcca who respects the ; f f !.'.3 neighbors is reason' Ho tave his own rights ' Atl-'ti Constitution. - 7 r':t:ryl3s7toyirgin. t' :r Governor receive ':a wherever he i pid.Lca were . -1 n i ' .s nea' tha' ;ijt;':t of tim l. the two, i to L!c!i L'.j ; ,'i t' , ' lr...:ijl :: ' '-; "o. "We rr' j of tie Eailiraj Mill krric, it Ullacorwct Eietory car desire tsd iateatioa to create every dUpatcitiat trala scie'iles will perait cf, isi reljisj c?ca the co-operation of tLa raUiriy naa agement ia Korta Carolina, it b believed we sba'l be enabled to remedjv caterer occaaioa for co&i- plaint bow exist. r-rrr J. Lowsix Bill, -V" ' General aperintes-ent, LOCAL NEWS. U MEW ADVERTISXMIXTS. i ' EilGkHaat me. vf Vf. If PAUiia-Thanka. : A. ft N. a R. To the publio. j'v . - R. C. B AKKB--Centxal Joe depot. '. Watson ft Stkebt Aooiion today. Important meeting of 'the Board of Trade tonight. - ' The Atlaatlo Hotel at Morehead Citj ill be lighted by electrioity the oom- inateaaon: 'fr,Tt i'riX The coanty i eommUeioBere were In section yesterday.) Procecdinn will appear tomorrow, f ,t SeTen periom were added to the berehlp of the 11, K.: Charcn ia thie city on Sonday morning. Engtna No, S nas come oat of the A. ft N. C. R B. shops rebnilt and bright as a button, ready for the rammer sohedula. , . , The Udies of the Preebyterian Week- Ing Society will give a lan party ia the Preebyteriha Charch yard Wcdnet day from 0 to 10 p. m. All are oordiaily InTited. . The eity council will be in eeetioa to night when the old board will raoeJre the reporte of the Mayor and other offioere and prepare to turn over to the in-coming board. , - The Lidlea' Memorial AeeoolaUon will hold a meeting at the residence of Mm. John Qnghee at 19 m. today to make . final arrangemente for the nemoriat cervices on the lQih. We have received an Invitation to Cinstoa' College oonmeocement exer- oiaee whloh begin Taeaday, May 83th, and eloee on Thursday tbelOtn. Rev. Thoe. Hume, D- D., of the University of North Carolina, will' deliver the annual literary addreca. Election is Pollokaville. $ The election for mnnlcipal offlcere In Polloksvllle wae reported by telephone last night. I. H. Barrne, A. SL tea and C. R. Lee, all Demoorats, were, eleoted oommiaeionere. Bneey BchooL , ,, The .cloaina esercieea of tha KinaSy School, La Qraage will take plaoa first week in June. Recitations and calis thenics, Wednesday p.m. Jane Bth. Annual addreca Thursday , June tth, at 11 a.u by Bar. EC, W. Battle of New Borne.'' Concert, Thursday p.m.; t Hew Bakery, . t ; v . - '"'? .1 ; Samples of Mrs, T. J, Crowder's cakes have been lent to the JocRNAto3oe consisting of pound-cake, fruit'' cake, jelly cake, vanilla 'cream, drops, oookiec, sugar, and lemon snaps. - The cooking is first elaee and Mrs. Crowd er deserves and. will command ilibartl patronage for suoh excellent goods. . PeraonaL '. ' - l Tl ill. Ed. Bryan of CharlotU.' u in the oity on a visit to bU father Ut. E. K. Bryan. Etis many young " friends woro glad to shake bis hand again, i ; . Messrs.' Rodolph Duffy and R. B. Nixon have returned from a trip North. I Mr. Chas. B. Bryan has returned from the New York Centennial, wbe;e be attended as a member of the Governor - Capt. S. M. White of Einston arriyed last night, ' " t": Mr. and Mre. F. 8. Koonce of Jonas v" ' . " , r . , . The City Election T f ,;' The election of eity councilmea In this oity passed off veryquietly, yester day. In the first, second and ' tLIrd wards there was no oppoeiUoa to the rezulaf nominees of the Demorr&o party, indeed there wa no effort to brirg out any tbat we are aware of, an 1 ea this account the vote wasl'i'it. ' Ii t' 9 Eretwarl R. P. TVill'fls re c 1 f 1 1 77 voUs; ia tt-l second Ferdinand . 'i revive a 3 .totsw, ana lniae ' 1 . B. Ls;.a rec Jvtl 11 votes. Ia t-e f . ri v srl Y. A. Crawford ar.l V ,X7, , t '1 co'oTd,end l'-"-j""rr. ". 1 ' i f 1 i r 1 f r i The Ooliabora Argu putlubes a paper, read by Mies Borden, a lilUa girl of tha Gttldabor graded school, wkkh is vary arediubU, the Argas says lot oaa so young, but a tt is a eertoms bunder, which, tha taaebara af the school oaiht to hare corrected. The subjeot of the ps par was tMHXarTima and tha Monitor," and aadea taia aafr Uoa an aceoaat of tha fight betweaa the Confederate ram "Tha Yirgiaia," and the Federal . Iroa-elad "The Mont tor," which eourred in , Baapton Roads ia Karen, 1SS3 la gtvan.f ; We know it ia eostooa among those who were apoa tha stag of action, at that time and knew the bietory of these two iroa-cJaJs to speak af "The Ylr llnia,,MTl.eMerriiBao,,ibttt teachers f history should teach it eorreotly Our children ought to know tha; right name . of tha first Iron war ship ever brought into action.- 4 -. , ' ' ' Richard BL Hilton, There has seldom occurred in this city a death so universally regretted as that of Richard Et. EUton at his home on Pollock street yaaterday mora ing; : , .... Mr. Hilton baa lived in this eity about twenty-five ' ears, and a large part of the time has served as engineer to the team fire angina of the eompany ef whloh be was a member. How faithfully be has discharged tha duties of tbat arduous position Is known not only by hie brother firemen, but by tha whole community.' Ia every relation of life he wae punotualla the discharge of whatever dutiee devolved upon him fnergetlo; Intelligent and quiok In nerceDtlon. hie nsef alnees in various enterprises was always appreciated and acknowledged. Ha was twice married and leaves a widow and a little boy who today are tha recipients of the uni versal sympathy of our eitiaens. His first marriage was to a daughter of tha lata Sam. Radellff, who with one child preceded him to tha Other world Tha second was to Miss Cairns of Balti mora.' who. as wa stated above! with her little boy survives him. For a number of years the deoeaaed was a communicant ai tna rroiestani EDUoODal charch. and a moat reverent and regular attendant upon iu service. He was an active and "valued member of the brotherhood of 8t. Andrew, and In all paroohlsbworks was aver ready willing, sad capable to do a full share. His place will be difficult to fill in this community. 'But the sorrowing friends may hot weep as those who have no hope, for ha departed from them ia tha possession of a reasonable, religious ana holy hope of in eternal rest beyond tha grave.N uitiid t1-"'' "4 k Shipping Hews." s '' The steamer Annie ef the E. a D. line sailed yesterday with full cargo of trackrhrmber, etc The Eaglet of this line will sail thie afternoon af 4 o'clock. The steamer Ta&6ma will arrive this afternoon. . The samer Manteo of tha 0. D. line tailed : yesterday, taking' eun good auantitv of truck and 'a number of naetengera, ' V 'f "'t4 Lea ThomneoB., of Aurora, was ia Bayboro yesterday paying the gallant to one ef Bayboro 'a bllee?-not a . blue bell either. , V . The weather la cool fot the season; a alien- froet on loose, land yesterday morning but not enough to kilt vege tables. Cotton seed baa bard time get minatiosr, and that ie up tr looking quite feebia. Corn" seems to stand the ooidr and wet much- better and looks quite promleing. "V " !- rf ?, pi0dbn the Sth Ineti.athfsreaidence on ljower uroaa qi aomtt uhomt. no. nk Paul, a' food citizen aad a nldUr. He belonged to Co. D. 4th N. C. troor bS wae at gtxd a soldier as the lost eaase bad. He leaves a wife and, several children wiUt a host of friends to mourn his loss. lit is hard to decide between., the hap- p!ieg of rm. Caicfon, John Hooker a-1 J"sCOrmor,d, but the Writer ti -1 J bnoy Hooker tekes the eake at it is his first, a fine little girl baby on tv 4 H int;a boy at Jas. C. Ormond'k ci the same date, and. a noy at am C&rDpo".'! a short while before, so Pam- Liicc ..i3M to m-Tre. i- f v , . : Jk 11m asts a Tonic ' tThentVrsisa lack ef e'agtj energy ia the systeoi, shown by a sec .Uoa of lergaor and unreal ia the tnTobr, fre qient yw.ina durlr ythe 6y an 1 Oia- t Tt-1 "p at nt;c,t, tiOBteuor s t :om- '1 i i- L.3 t-3 oot' - t t' ' aa ' r- t 1 '1 s s 1 1 aui nervcus, ea ) t ace. ti"ervoc- , t- (. . ir :., tit .t "r i ia i. v. 3, S""7 -'-a, " 1 i rri- iii- 30BT8 CAROUIA K1W8. r k from the State Papers, Wilaninftoa Meseencer: v Meeara. J. S. Car? aad Harrys Waiters have each agreed to five 1500 to tba Boldiera' Uobm. ktajor a V. Stedman, while in Me York, wae honored In Ming oaa af the two or three North Caw ttaiaae present at the grand centennial banqet. i , , r..ij: ., t Raleigh Ne we and Observer: As en- noaaeed, the argument of tha motion to enjoin the holding of a local option election by tha board of commissioners of Wake county on tBe second Monday In June waa beard yeaterday afternoon at 80 a 'clock at chambers before a ia Boaet Judte Graves. Judaa Qravee ruled that tha county oommieaionare had acted with care and prudence, and tbat ha would therefore dissolve the restrain log order. Charlotte Daily News: A handsome and ahapely flag staflf, 40 f set high aad surmounted by a glided eagle with out spread wings, waa ercoted ' over the mint building today, to take tha place of the etaff blown down in a recent $orm. There' was a destructive fire in Shelby last night, as we leant - from Saeeengers who came in on tha Carolina antral train thia morning. The fire destroyed the buildings occupied by the Southern Express Company ; J. B. Bab- blngton, stationer and printer; and Boatlo Broa. ft Wright, general mer chants. The orign of the tiro is be lieved to have been incendiary. Wilmington Star: The congregation of Fifth Street M. E. Church has com pleted arrangements looking to the erection of a new and more commodious house of worship. Through the gene rosity of Mr. Jno. C. Da via. an eameet and indefatigable member of this con gregation. Fifth Street Church has been made the owner of valuable real estate to the amount of $8,000, which ill bring an annual Income to the oburch of about $1,400. Isaac Mor gan, a colored boy about fourteen years old, waa . knocked overboard and drowned yeaterday morning, from the email schooner Argyle, Capt. John Mor gan, about a mile below the city. In Memoritm. With the passing awav of Richard H Hilton, so. well and fondly known by all olaaaea and conditions as "genial Dick," I feel it due, as one who knew and loved him well, to pay a slight tribute to his memory. laniemoaeet and unassuming way there has been no man in New Berne for the past quarter of a Centurv as use- ful or publio spirited, or who so thor oughly rilled his station in lifo or the dutiee assigned. "Tha merriest of them all." with quip and jeat and gracious bonbommie, he was the life of the social circle or feetive gathering, and yet withal? in time of sick nets or misfortune, he wae a ministering angel, fill'! with grave eaiaeetneeeand gentle solioitude; a rare combination of the "grave and gay" ith, each characteristic timely and tnitably displayed. .Tor the caaual acquaintance he was ever a welcome and appreciated com paniorf, but to those that knew and loved kirn, he was the dearest of all they knew. My acquaintance and knowel edge of tha man wae of the moet inti mate character, and my affections stronger than a brother, typefled only by that of David and Jonathan, for it was mutual. Among a wide and appreciated olrole of friends I do them no ialustio when I say that, take him all in alt", Diok Hilton was the bat man 1 ever knew, and his' sudden taking off nroduces in the most profund sorrow and keenest regret. It Is needless to car tbat his sorrow ing widow bat tha warmest sympathy of the community, as her husband death ia ia a measure a publio as well as a private loss and misfortune.- May the cods rest lightly above geaiai tiiok. . JAMisvy. aioo&B. . . - notice. The members of tha Newborn Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1 are requested to meet this, Tuesday evening., Hay 7th at four o'olock, at their angina house in full uniform, fatigue can. white gloves for purpose of attending the funeral of B. ti. Hilton, v . ' x , Tha members ef Atlantic Excelsior and Mechanics Fire Companies are cor dially invited, to join na in the funeral ceremonies v. , a v.. , , i "- .s i J. W. Moobb, Foreman.. K. GiSOCK, Secretary. ' Te the Officers and. Members of tow . . : Berne Board of Trade, ... .There will be a. monthly meeting of t&a tsoara this evening at 9 o'clock Ail members are requested to be present as businea of importance will eome before the Board. w. E. SNEixntas, ' "V ' - Sec B. of T. ..tKolk." Yv To the Officers and Members of Neute , Council No. 1, U. U, tV ; j - 1 . You sre hereby ; notified to meet at your counoll hall, today at four o'clock p.m., for the purpose of attending; the funeral ef out. late, brother. R t EL Hilton - -1 K t i. 1 1- . v -. By order ef tha Councilor . v May 7, 1889. - , W. B. BOYO, Seo, : VAttention Firemen .v - The fire bell will be tolled this p.m. at 4 o'clock for the assembling of the set eral companies of the department. ' The oeu wui aiso.De tolled during t cer-io-iift of 'the burial cf tfur 1, ccriiada lit. R. II, Hilton. Ey order cf Chief Engineer. . . R. A. Richardson, Seo ,1 ntnied to the ttu. All sre e-' VI to the best that their r- 7 I ; r, so every family should Omo o ths Out Dosmnon SL B. Ca, Mi k. mv A . A newacrna, n u, stay s, 100a. ones to risssaraxBS mo vaucx For tha followiar week tha ached ale af the Old Dominion Steamship Com pany will be aa fallows: Tha eteemer Manteo wilt call faotn bar wharf for Norfolk direct, Monday (Mer Sth) and Friday (May 10th). There will be no steamer to call Fri day (May Sd). Every effort ia being made te reoeir tha damage to tha steamer Newberne, aad get ber back ea regular schedule, which will be duly advertised. mr-ut. ) E. a. kobkkts. Agent. 50 Barrels IRISH POTATOES At Auction TO-DAY At 10 o'clock. On South Front street. WATSON & STREET, May 7, 1889. Auctioneers. lear Lie! Hear Mel I HAVE GOT THE Largest Stock of Watches, Largest Stock of docks. Largest Stock of Gold Jewelry, Largest Stock of Plated Jewelry, Largest Stock of Solid Silver Ware, Largeet Stock of Silver Plated Ware, Largeet Stock cf Spectacles. to be feund in any atore in Eastern Carolina, bought for spot cash, anJ for sale at a 8 mall Profit. Don't forget the place, Middle street, opposite Baptist church. BATON THE JEHELKK. ma;7du LOST AND FOUND. MRS. PALMER and frienda tender their heartfelt thanke to their friends who so kindly searched tor her lost husband on Sunday night, the Sth Inst. tie returned all right, having been on a visit to friends in this citv. W. L PALMER. Where he can almost al ways be found at his CIGAR STORE read y to supply his numerous customers with his fine Cigars. Tobacco, etc. Don t fail to call and see him at Middle street, next to J. 8. Cohen' 8tora Newbbbs. N. C. Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad, Office 8opt. Transportation, New Bern N. C . April 6, 1889. TO THH PUBLIC. For prudential reasons we prefer not taking passengers by toe truck traina. Therefore please do not apply, as we shall be obliged to invariably refuse. 8. L. DILL, Supt. Selling Off at Cost. MRS. CUTBBERT ft RHODES will now sell their Entire Stock of Millinery Goods AT COST, aa one of the firm wishec to retire from the business. 5 3t A Big Break in Prices. Irish Potatoes at 15 Cents Per Peck. F, TJLRICH, mayl lw GROCER. THE Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Truck Schedule, In order to ftrUr meet the rcanlramcnta Of Tract Shippers, this lire commencing Monday, May sen, ana until runner notioe, willrn lonr trips per week, to wit: MON DAYS. TUK&DAYB. WEDSKXDA T8 and FRIDAY, ships sailing at FOUR o'clock each afternoon; returning. MONDAY, WBD- njssdax ana raiUAX dikkot rrom khz beth Oity, Insuring prompt and quick con n eel Ion from and to the north. This schedule will make truck shipments dua in toe Northern eitiee on W doertav Thm sday, Friday and Sunday nights for tha maraeta or we following aays. . The steamers Eaglet, Vesper and Annie wilt all be engaged in this cohedute, and prompt ana rename service assurea. This route is all rail from KHaabeth City, and every effort wUl he made to secure sat isfactory 1 esalts. Rates as low aa the lowest, ' -tnuwaw GEO RENDER90S, Aent, Tobacco-Dig Lot. Standard Brands and t Job. lots. ' s3 Special lnuoements to7 Country Merchants, i . i. i ' JAS. P,TAYl,0R. Wholesale hQdBetait Grooef, - FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET, -J, jM2$ d wU ?-3 -NEW BERNE. IT. O - i nit ' n i!rifir - ! -4 Finest Ever Jrougnt to tho" City, of 1Tct7 Ecrno. Rock Bottoin Pricc3. CL0THING!V-Hr a . v CLOTHnral ' " a 1 CL0THHIG r Cutaways, Sacks. and , 1 a 3 all of the Very Latest -eMaa'a ' Styles. HT 8H0ES ! a . - M.e SHOES ! SHOES! i . a j raT . .as1 V TRUNKS and VALISES!. cl We will take pleas- ure in showing yoUl through our entiroi stock. W.J. FLANNER; rim Vnv Sain . IIouso and lot on Pollock street, A M. Baker's residenro. Urge lot, rafge' ... j.,-,,,-, t nrcicr, ana terms et Apply to A. M. BAKER.,, i' S W VI III .A. "Hll" Barringfcn S Baxter,"' Have just received a Fine Line of Clothing. Shoes. Dry GoolSJ."- and as Nobby Line of. STRAW HlT9f,t ae you ever saw. Agency for thw jht A. A. BATTLES' $2.50 CALF W EVERT iPA III WARRANTKflt r . . Also agency for "The Old StaUm. Island Dyeing Establiahmont." JUSTRECEIVED ; New Spring BntterI Choice Pale Cream ' Cneese, t 10,000 Old Virginia iiieroois. IT. 'TTlxUSbLJ & at WHOLESALE, GEOCEE,, vIW MIDDLE STREET, ams. NEW BERSE. . P ea and BeanCratcir Ftl inii Dun Hi,... shook,.. In quantities to .suit. pur., chasers. at t ... . I - aiKini A 4 - ' , w Mk . yt uotn : '--z ULAKlLULal First Sliipfincnt otN 50,000;; To Arrive - Ten::: Wilt Lu. coni::: : ,r 3 a I "!oof tbo t"'t family r -, ' - I ' -t- r' ) f e r ' cr I lor Wbi! 'e and T per-'- 1