. a a . i it. - 13 1011 ; iti.: J 1 1 c. grown., ; a 4 :r,tli J J t ' 1 si XI 1. f t or.tir 1 lis 'a' -j la is. t 1 c f 1 ,aai: isc 1 . . ; . -i Itrf I s - -J i A., i J r : j : . c. r..T7 tr X- ; i. u 14 4 0 tit lie jary a 1 . .-3 1 : ". . . i- .v-;.v I aty 'rar A . ' " ' ' i " ' - .. - v - . V ' . I ' ' '' . ' - ; - ' . -, "-. " . ' -, A'. n v-, JS )l I II''1 J' .1 3 ;l7lt!s:-:.EkT2 AT- At" A AMP a A a- & a i. k .. i. ."'" , - - r- ;r . J5 L !- ' " iVft1t rtit ideftcf ti. tii'.cr, cr 1 ij wiwect looked. eArzc.Jf t; ca the ,hiry aadUiea thoci lei4 deipair jug' 4 ta row rsI ur: ii box. time iter. U tu 'icasea. Bardett, it Erockljs E4'. IWkw Uktr h a Uck of eoerjy Usguor ad uart la th ooorui, ire MalyswniBc daring th dy aci tch Bitten Uruaet ub wonted eorgy into tht "afeefcl4 nerTOuk en dowing ihem viUi motcuUr raargy, 1 Ubiiity to rpoM heUMul), and di- (Ml wiiboot ioconvenienoA. Nerroai I aeM, hradBCha. bilioutnsM, impaired I appetite and s feeble, troublesome rtomaotu are all and apeedil eet right bj utia matcnleae reguutoi and mine oraat. rbe mineral poteona, amoi tkent atrychaia and nai vomica, are naver eafetonioe,wTea in in&niMeimal doaea. Tke Bitten aaewen Ue pnrpoae mote aflectaall, "nd eaa be relied upon at perfeotl.aafe bf tbe moat pru dent. ; Feref aad agne, kidney iroublee id rheamatitm y Uld to it. Utah at . - ft." i ir m ' , . . k-.x 1 j. - Mesa I . v ; 3 . v, tanj i'jjt-.Ai 'C. r. i . u.taiucx-?!?. iXoca 13 f:?t). ' Laid;, Itt ai . " i. - J 1 . U.. . Oorr -i i3. ; ; Ces : 1. . : . Sa.lt eatiie. peiaaek.' - '' x '- PowrKH ;j tJ. : !!-'' tajr lrcp, ll.tfl; fcci, fLTS, v Kirr Dry. (SaSo.-, Kra 4a. ! ?.aaaats D. - -,". v'T; ALLOW to-Dfr IV t i J -J ' I I iaia C1 iW."::out. ' 1 , nafcv f Sold uYDnucciSTS; fTTlltlfSg UROfTT fin -ra-i CoUrf, T HtHi si.iiiii'Ht mixfl. . " Ft KLk4 1 x a ro w i k m 1 tiei I (Mat ptl'Hl.KsAKH0ltlBlliR!ilkt41lkB6ilM 4 !. I African teak wood it so iodes- true ti We by wear or decay that veeseJa Quilt of It hire been found perfectly' sound' la their timber after beinf in n for more than a hvndred jtara. Of all the woods employed in human" induatries, it U U moat remarkable for its great weight, hardnea, 'and durability, lta weight Taryine crom iztoai ponnda per pubio foot. It worka easily, but from the large quantity of'AUwt contained, the toola for wortmg it require to be nara, ana even then are subject to seyere wear. It alto contain! and oil which preyenta the iron ipikea and aaila drirea into it from rusting. The East Indian : teak , wood is somewhat lighter and more easily worked. And la also, from its aili- clone qualities, a perfect germicide J L to marine life, so estructire to J other woods, it requires from 1 f, suEiclent for shipbuilding purposes. , 1 bats been deaf la oka ear tea yean and partially deaf In the other for two mortis; .hare been, treated ' by ear tpeoUHr docton and recelred no ben efit. Uarlnsi ted Ely Cream Balm for about a month I find myself greatly improved, and can bear well and con sider it a moat Tamable remedy.' I had alee luteal catarrh, with droppings of muoooa into any throat and pain over my eyes, which trouble also have en tirely disappeared. D. B. Yates, Upper Usle, Broom Co., Eaby'slutter. " A latter from Mr. J. W. Baby, Union Oity, lad.,-says: 'I bays ed yonr Clarke's Extract of FUx (Papillon) Oough Cora and find It a complete enre for deep seated cold. 1 it nas done more than two of oar most skillful cbysi- ....... A .... - . 1 AKllUr. I UliBUtJl S. rl ln..var? JrZT?Zrl With . samrs on r w ' h to r - y " .u v 1 1, . "i " Inlortntiflti lflftt lie r rf t. ..v" "V tZ?,f .urZ , Allen R Cte. . w ill t e pro Give a Li . v ' r ... 1 J--' .-I D.S iCDLftSSES...' English Island,. iast 'vVdlpcr'Bclir. IS " Hattie Hilbr . . . ; nnmn a;.fmrii!li llla.ll II W I J WjaqLKALE' AND RETAIL, ' -, A I ' Hp6uth'Frciit Dt cproiCLOTr.inar j.-o.'--ci.oi-ii I T. r.1077 I hire eTibe Llns of Erat I rl Spring sd-6a mmer C! " ! " ' t- order b-D.. Klein & 1 io.. r t Tailors. Philadebhia; and w-1 with naighbon' children who did not take it. I believe it to be the best couEh to re in tbe market." Bo it Is. . A large bottle only 1.0. - ' , Clarke S Max floap Tor the Bkia.' It leads tbemaiL Price 85 cenU. Cough Core and Soap for sale -by F. S. Daffy, druggist. ',. . ,; ' lwt' i AToutiao little boy was told at Sunday school that when lie died he would leave ;'bis rbody. here. After returning tome he was much troubled In regard to it asa te Muestioueilis'parents. Ills timber explaiiseatolilm by sayics: "you wiatake an tbe cool witb ycu, lut leave all tst is Dar-V y here be low." U thoustt a r.c ... -nt. and looking tip, said-. :W6:i,I cuass I'll be 'awfully thia when I, get tau Mewurea tt( a a i n. gtjraatced. Trkije very low. iJniformi aisecialtr. r -, li-lVe. iuaJ J - ! pi8 dtf - asa jc::rs, Agwt. S75i'.'25a?f-L.1V Di. bora an DM. P mploT If n be . 7 fir e their whoie tlm to i re tnomenti rmftf he prui.un.f Jkgenta pntierrM vho n it tad rtllciu K. F. i OilNSUK WliX MAia I . . Tl I -V. ...... T.'. . . . . ... t (. H. l'ie ut bis anabrn' r pnrlenra.i. Never mind abantieou , lor reply. B. F.J. 4 Co, , (' ' there." , ' . SstcI froa CoasuapUon. 1 Several pkygiclans pfedlctei tiiat l'r.' Asa B. lion : :y, drcjrlt, cf Clic.".:o, would soon have crniaurn l a csied I j aa aggravated e? cf rat ,nh. Cue-' fours finally inaarAfl4.il to try Clarke's Extrart cf I lax (PAr'.llon) Catarrh Cure. lie rsvs: "Tbe r-' t u epred?-t'i. I eoromenctjto gt well afl'r the Crst sn'Msti.-a arl am row, aTt-T a law weks, Tr.t".rc'y rttred." It wiUdo Ct'np for yea. rrice ri 'O. TryC'i-v?! i;ai !. rp for tliefl ' rind yri v . 1 ue no rs" r. 15 cect. AUcf Cl-'U's l'ltl.xs diss sre for sale t-y 1'. S. DuJy, drug f' t. ;, : ' ' . - 1 rsr' 1 V atwr, z:Ti:z: t t I a r 1 fT r t -.-..iva . .ClOAP'! tH(HT ' " Till you n tr '1!V t t I, I wo "t to , a ( n t ', . ' r p . ' -I" t, I I i ( 1. V i r i - - 'J r-v. i ' 1 1 ' H. er.il 1 V np 1 i V i 1 1 Jun'.j.eiw, i .ra. eoce u tad i.r ti.ra All the lD.'i as I . tr Co. tv V. C Yi t i a l i ; .'.ti t y di did J3. and rk"rd4 ia l'ren coa-:y n ! 17, pegs i.i, W w L..h reff rtt u ! 1 for more prt..uUr irect , t c. All tbe us J cJ au ' ' taereon ccaTt f ei to The 1 ber Co. ty r-.r;l.ea To!jf a-..J Saean, ty do J Jted 1..., '. and recorded ia CrTen county la t S7, pge437 acd Hi, to wbh ! ' - eoee is bad for more priu-uisr c - ; - lion. . AU tbe lands and tt;i.. i t .Ur thereon eonTeyed to Tbe l'atclico i.u i- ber Co. by Jofea F. Kowa and Prudybydeed dated Jen. CCh, 1 . and recorded in Craten coucty ia t k 91, pages 4S9 and 4 IS, to whih r ' -eoce U bad for more particular d tion. ' All the lands and eUnJ.r t . thereon conveyed to Tbe Pamlico l. - ber Cc by Ar ring ton Purify and i Clarissa by deed deied Jen. 20, 1 and recorded la Craven county, t it 07, page 441 and 4v to wtich r fr esco ia had for more particular do r',-tlon. All tbe landa and standing t mi - r thereon conveyed to Tbe Pamltco Lusn- ber Co. by Asuiah F. Wiley and ' Nellie by deed dawd Jan. iO.b, 1. d, and recorded in Craen county, b k 87. pagee 418, 443 and 414, to wbUU reference ie bad for more particular description.- - - AU tbe-laaca and atanaiog tmicer (hereon coayeyed to The Pamlico Lum ber Co. by Aleaamler Wiley by daed dated Jan. 2hb IS88, recorded in Cra ven eeoQty, book 97, pagee 433 and 4 J, to wblcb reference is bad for mere r ar ticular deecrtptiom - au tire unaa aaa ttsnainn umt. r thereon oonTeyeS to ( the Pamlico I.u al ter Co. by iiey Rouse by deed daud Jan. 11th, 1838,' recorded in Cratua county, book S3, pages 9. A and 7, to wblch reference i bad (or more par ticular detcription. All the landa and standing timber thereon conveyed to The Pamlico Lorav ber Co. by Alice Qaskina by deed dt 1 March 23ih. 1888, and recorded in Cia- ven county, book 98, pages 228, 227 and 82, to which reference is bad for more particular description. Alltno lanas ana eunainz umoer thereon conrfyed to the Pamlico Lum ber Co. by Zichariah Toler and ".' Susan P., by deed dated March S '. .U, 1888, and recorded In craven county, book 98, pages 228,229 and 20, to w Lu a reference is had for mote particular description. '-" 7 All the lanas and stanJing tirauer thereon conveyed to The Pamlico Lum ber Co. by Alfred B. Tunntail and wirs Mary E., by deed dated March i -h, 1888, and recorded In Craven emitsty, book3, pagea 220, 231 and 222, to w h U.n reference is had for more particular description. ' ; . All the lands and standing timber thereon conveyed to The Pamlico Lnnv -ber Co. by Tbomaa A. Willis by : 1 dated March 28th, 1883, and record. 1 ia Craven eounty . in . bock sn, r - - - 233, S33 and 234r to which refe; -J ia had for more particular desf-r'r' i. Ail tbe lands and etnnd.. t r thereon conveyed to The Par..... 0 I.u ber Co. by John K. uaskina, ty C i dated March 28th, 1889, and recor d 1 ia Craven county, book 99, pnf 1, 0 9. to which reference is had foe more particular description. ; All tbe landa and standing timu r thereon conveyed to The Pamlico 1 1 -ber Co. by Iaaiah Vti Toler and a Holland G. bf deed dated March 2 1 , 1888, an recorded in Craven c- book 99, pages 9, 10 and 11. to v. : reference is had for more part;: . description. All tbe lands and standic; t f thereon conveyed to the Parol i 0 Li;i ber Co. by Wm. J. Stilly r-;1 e Elizbeth T., by deed dated March .. '1, 1888. and recorded in Cravea county, book 09, pages 11, 13 and 13, to which reference tis had for more, particular description. - . - ' " All the landa and staniicg t!' r therson conejed to Tbe l'a-r.t 1 1 -- ber Co. by Saml. Feel and wj'eLiir.ia ia by deed dated March 28th, f recorded in Crsveu county, bock ' , pages 13, 14 and 13, to wth.h refert ,. if Lad for more particular descHr V.u . WM. B. LANE, Eheri.r. ap27 diw ; ; ; By Bidlle, D . 1 V. Lr ,Lr ' U :' i 1 u L; 'U to ' C r 1 :r 1 :! 1 l iuvn : Cf I , .cf . i ( t I ' 17, '-?r ' i la . V . r I .We have on Ha: yoa atHoct T" : t oncer l ( CIlaCT C-" "Oem C lr 1. C - r ! r- 1 3.