t ' i. 4 I anna . i : jtr.td totna ' 1 1 urn All aJ-l.Uooa 1 HuK tmt UJM . j;x I.-'w i. . sclit:' ; trier j.i I ( ... 1 ; J;r Ai.tA-J. i I .1 4 tj i i..w. itC k. .ta u ... - i- I , . litis, i s It ': .'?!:.!'. j! C .. :.ji.;j.'i;ji.j i . u:.:. Bttjar adw was -4 from at Um Vhl Laxa: t ' 1 t - c, v, : t' - euclkag saw of ! v J ere Ujltod. S " Mot of taa aatfcur or . i & m mm oa (Ultima ink - asalaved at aaveoeay .. uo aaa olttala lk mum ? H k?taUaa at this eOw ku4 a (nTaass axlats t f JOURNAL.' .(!, .' BAlta. , f r Eras, h, c. Jras t. int.- at (ka Poat oMm M Kmi ltfU, H 0 V i - x rrrririjT i his ubi- SET. . ' ; . Thej tell as that rrfeaid&nt Car t :.::a itas. takea the bit la hii r- and sworn by the eternal 1 j s rresf4ent.w, , The President '.ill tare wed himself this ex i far the eoentry rat large has -. s ralafallj conscious for' several t .alls, that the good President ( ' Tttaad retired from office lad t at aa illustrious -cltUeat to Is place for Benjamin Harrison, ' : !i throoh briber and oorrnp-:.-a, a;a jast the will of a majority cf the American people. .-! It Is right that Mf -Harrison asasae the duties and responsibili. t!is cf his cfflce, tmt4 the existence c f a C.Uaet implies that it is a ::fy part of. the machinery of : rtramsnt , They tell ns that Mr. i:::r'"ca is jealous of his -Cabinet, j i 1 Hit lysine, Teller and Proctor ' ' ! r lira at an early day, and the ' ;n will 'thna be relieved of . euj-Mcioa that somebody else is ' 'j'.?z to be President. There may . ) ground for current reports txA now appears, bat nothing can i C.moj the established fact that whsa a weak ruler surrounds him- tilt with a strong ministry he is tcrs to bo dwarfed, and must, in t :lf-d cfense,. procure new pdtitrt l::r-lJe of wise counsel, and 4 Vjr obedient to" the will of the latest Qom the White House relates to the disagreement between ii President and the Secretary of X Uts( ia regard to the appointment cf c:amIisioners to Haytl. The flecks oi the. Berlin Commission, rr-"laf:tila itho settlement jof xaflatts l' tpoa;.the , ; basis 1 t s -;:stediby ' this goTernment, tssy tars indncsd"Mr. Blaine te prcpsM to! tie' Wesfdent the a ristment of a similar ' commission to Haytt to aid ia establishing r ' :ce t among the rerolutioniits ' ':p m'ayl ba asked, ; Why 'i-ryijtOyimUof oarirato . Irs l&;the domesllo' affairs of if I Wjflo aotjbiowat . j imnunent contemplates aly . ' - '-Ttncs, , except . as t may p : ...try to its own protection,bnt '.' 3 C"xrceaent of the0 President : 1 lis J&CTetary", la not oa any i - jac4tiony:-. Mi." Blainr ug ' .! tis csmmUsien, and nomi- I Cs'rif Lew- TTallace and Mt. . , .J j Seeker for commissioners. i Pr::Ii:at EproVed thesoges i and made the appointment ' iat a few hours dismissed it . consulting Mr. Blaine, pr :d:csnding to make an explana : :;a cf his course.-. V , . " ? :. A few days, ago we said, inag V as the administration is Xe -i, we are gratified that Iti. i at the -head of the'6tale tt.t,.IliIsJwasr not In r aa ; endorsement of. Mr. V.'ith Lis politics we wfe :!:, lut when it -comfcg - i'.i fcrcljn powersV tba i r has ' la5! so j V i "p resent Becretafy , C ; !: ritloni .s andT.di- 's. j. Eepnblica'a ; ;-".: .;nc:e, sure and " ) ' - ::'.', r-"-c:3 la "A lc i ,' r I Lai :i jt Zi: e r.i' ay jtr -:::sS . - MUi." . - .": . 4v::ll furJer ca I was fj'ced t tell je dAt yea C.i't c a airlh, asycaeeerej to t:..i e, as'dit J ycac.-n't getcowuti vcrk jos; J 'liont every two moatbs l'ze naa to txk w4 yoa ea c;s ira:ter or on flat, aa' l're tmllr cot tired of it. Two weeks ajo yoa went home drnak an' brcke de store wid an ax. I told je sex' day dit de climax wasn't far oiT, an' cow tbe'a ttean. -loa were drunk agin Ia' 'Ize sorry, sah,'! " t : "It ar too late. I reckon Caia was sorry arter be killed Abel, but oeiu' sorry aiaa't neip ce case any. Brother CmiS, yonr name has keen erased front our books as a mem ber, an' yoa kin take your bat an' depart, ion ar no longer a mem ber of dis club. . I Brother Caniff stood' like one stunned for a moment, and then sank down ia a bean on the floor. The committee ' oa cold storage were quietly ordered to rem ore the remains, and when Caniff recot- ered his senses he was lying on a pne oi tin-scraps m the alley, with a cold ware from Lake Huron steal ing Dp his spinal column. It has been a year and a half since the last attempt was made to destroy Paradise 1 Hall, and the janitor had passed from a state of mental anxiety to serene repose, when he was rudely, awakened Vri day afternoon by the discovery that human hyenas were again on the trail Sometime between; Wednes day and Friday access was gained to the ball . by means of tho pky- at t a. it . i ugnt in tne rooi, ana prooaDiy oy two or more fiends ia human form. Their great object was to destroy tne records ana the museum i but as they passed down the hallway and turned - to the right they en countered Dear-trap jNo. 1.- its jaws were wide open and hungry. Xne villain m the Jead - must nave fairly stepped into it, and, he had the closest call Of hii lifa. As thM jaws started to cIobs he made a spring, and so close was bis escape that he left one of his boot-heels between the jagged teeth.' The in cident no doubt frightened the til- laina away at once, as nothing was disturbed. ' - 1 J "Dis club will offer a reward of 150 for de arrest of de pusson who left dat heel behind," said Brother uaraner, -an' ir ne ar cangbt we will do our best to make him feel sorrowful far do nex' ten. y'ars of his life. t hare ordered mo Vt traps, an' by; tomorrer noon dar will be fo'teen of 'em guardin' dis hall; : For de safety of - sich mem oers as desian to visit de library, a map will be issued, wid de locaahna of ebery trap indicated by a black ana Dine spot." . , , . i "V P P BKWASX Of BUC.: f ' Giveadam Jones arose to a point of order., He had received a circu lar from Prof. Abraham Canter- brook. ' colored.' . of r. Ohio. : who claimed to have invented a prepar ation to tnra any sort of hair a beanunu golden color " with , three applications. Giveadam didn't want any golden locks in his, bat his wife had got sort C tired ; of her head covering and thought she'd make a change., lie therefore sent for a bottle,' and when it arrived 1 he gave it a trial to please his wife. The result was before the mecticz one of the results. The to ee tins carefully scrutinized brother Jones and then gave vent to uproarious langttter. His wool was of four or five different colors, among which there was so golden to speak of. He said his wile was sick in bed and almost bald-headed from two applications. Jle felt humiliated andesatarrasssclia giv ing himself away,- but he would do it in a spirit of pro bono rutllco." On motion of Wavdown Ectce the sympathies cf the clsb were extended and it was dedJci to warn all members by circular to beware of the base professor. ? The secretary then cave the fol lowing verbatim j -,, - T3 to Bro rari; ,;r: r.car L;r r e I i Re Orgnnire tl 3 r: ::cty cf J- Rejoice & csr t-x 13 1- 'r i '.r? ' i Pervided we dc.te !"" r ; : - j is - a oomiti too 1! 1 '-- 5 : '' r lawrer.r.e Jcr.fa is : . .' j i ' & V'e hrr;r3 to c:t ; .C ": - :t to ul. . . a a I . . v. tak i:s tta:: lit te arr.rti is i ,:z t ) ci.irj? xz&is t , J u.at tall were trus. It i ran tie ar.i had ca.-: gzt tin aruit Ci. ' c? tatLahaUta L. sfta or e?ht cf , a:: tleir t on . in li went :te tltlab tie Ei:abers attempted ta d Use! re his, ml it was onsjrytlie most litersunse of a bench lz that ks put t; t a tie rebellion and cot hdi cf tls ; tar ter. It was his" eriaiaa tHtno branch should be alloved at Pru, u the colored elsaent there was pastrtfvra. -.; vt H - Reports were'theri received Iram the committees on agricaltsre, geology, astronomy and light houses, and the meeting adjourned. , ; THB IIW 1USCOVKKT ' . Ton hT Kewd Var frlendj and tasleh bom tolling about it Ion my yooiMtlf bt out of ia mtny who kaow frota par omI csprinc jt.t bow roo4 ft thing it is. II yoa hr t tried U, yom ftJQ oo of it ttaaach frieod, bctM tb woadef tul thing bont it ia, that whna two gira a trial, Dr. King's tiw Diaoovwrv ? ftf balda a ! ia the hoao. If yoa bar uw Md It and. thonld U affiicted with a oongh, eold,- m mt Throat. Lour or Chest tranbla, cor a bcttU at dqf and rlra It a fail Mai. It is giitrmnuwd Terr tina, or moaey wfundd. . Tnal bot- tleifrMatS. K. pnffT'a W hoionis and BataO Drag Btora. W holeaal jirio $8 A correspondent Of the Writer asks why a pound of manuscript between" author and' publisher should need more postage than a pound of i eaico. The answer. Is sjmpie. xs is a wise amy imposed by the government for the orotee- tion of the moat defenceless mortals on the face of the earths-editors. ir I-A'Tnaa Tie.t t 4 Whan yea dott ftl welt and hadiv know what ails to, ariva B. EL B. (Bo- tanio Blood Balm) a trial. It ir a fins tonio. T. .0. Callahan, Charlotte. N. C writea: "a B. B. is a flat tonlo. and baa dons rna great Kood."., - . . W Wj. Thompsons- Damasoni. 1 Oa.. writes; "I beliave B. B. B, is the best blood partner made. It has greatly Im proved my general health." - Aa old KenUemaD writes! "B. B. B. tires tns new life and new strength! If there is anything that will make aa old maa young, it is B. B. B." - : .. r. A. Hhenbera. liorfolk. VS.. An mat 10th, 1833, writes: "I depend on B. Ii. b. for the preserrauoa of mr health. I have bad it In my family nOw Dearly two years, and in ell that time have not had to have a doctor." ? :;-v- r Tbos. raolk,. Alapahs,' Oa., writes: I suffered terriblr from dncitMlL The nse of B. B. B, has mads me feel me a new man.- I would not take a thousand dollars for' the good it has aoe me." . i v. . ) W. M. Cheshire. AUantSOa. writes: "1 bad a long spell of typhoid fster, Whioh at last seemed to settle la my right leg, which swelled up enormously. Aa alcer -al entered ' which dis charged a cup full of matter' a day. -I t&ea gars JUL. B. u. a trial and It cured me " i . :'i r i ; i :. : :i . : , ' - - A L&abzb - of the . Woman's Rights movement hopes to live I to see "female members of Corjresa." II some of oar political 'papc; can be believed, there -haTeltaa too many ."fee" male members in. Con- tress. r KntltieS f the nt. t. All art ec'tltled to the best that their money will buy, so every family should have at one a boU!e of the best family remedy, Byrne of F2s, to leame the ystem when costive or bilious. For sale ia SOo. and 11.00 botUes by alllead- cgorusslsu. ' , Beechama Tills act' like matrfa nn weak stomach. - - - the rjjicn to : BUY G00D3 L0T7.1: .. t it " t . .'...!. ,. . - . ; ., i Provisions, - 5 , Groceries, Jr.4,JDrr Goods," V- '-" r- " Eocts ead Chocs. DcaH faU to !re vs a trial when la rej of 3jt!r2 la cur Las. ' . . ' - . 3 & It..O. ! 4 aVe W JL shw- k .i t) le ' tat l.- .,1'to t: ? t ia J5ystt:-i, i.r- - t.;itLIe aritL.'ive l--t..e to trtna- tvr.'.y crt 11 -.v.J Cti - j t., t:J tie jr-i-y L".j de- j xa a iik tr iictive ,K::'.ns,L!.L"ir;Dr:..Ls. i 'VImi oatu B !ino w Cuuiipattd i swm SLoeDrtEo sliep, " - htALTH and STSCNQTH Of i SATgBAt. FOLLOW. - fi , Every one is lwiag It and all ire delighted lyith i. - . mk vous OAuoaiar roe I osrixTJx op riao ' NuriMm.nto ONLY ST. ' J : California nasYKUPca tv '. . S-t rACfSCO,CAL UK'svur.pr . froar- Bzrri.lan.'fi ;D3x!:r, Bare just received a fine Liae of i Q:tl:g..Sh:cs, Dry Gccis andasNotby tins of 8TEAW IUTS as yoa ever ia . ' Agency for the . i A. A. BATTLES" 52 E3 " CALF EKtt1 a KVKnvfpaiR 'WABRAllTEWj ' ? Alto agencv for "The Old ScaLn latand Dyeing; Eritablihment.,'': ' J. 1. B&IA.X, rrcs.- L. H. CUTL, Vice Prti . , fc : 0. D, EICrSTS, CasL'tr. i, ', - the, t:atic::al e;.::x - - 't.' ' Capital, $100,COO Burplus JPjroflta. 83.700 1 ' : - ", DIRECTOEik" ' j 'j h ' J 3tA A. Betas, . , Thomas Dakiiu, L. H. CUTLtB, ' ' ' v Chas. B. Bbtas, Gsoaas AIXKN, J- P. M. ElMKONg, -' ' ' ( H. Robkets. i j ; ' .... 1 8i QOASKl CIGARS - . , V - . Ce-e lOaBSI "y " Till yon oo !!. I bavs ( 4iKra tOMII, and 0a ttiailwanttoMil. VhyT I X hnon tnat la my bnak i I i ly it 1 make akoor ( i tivtns. but 1 hop aa boo- ' et kui, I f was a Wia mnuioturr of j x J 1' soiueklwl. whaa 1 eonld v. employ all the poor lows don't wnt towAik If Iheywnid. I wosUl And aonoUiin for thra to dik, to kaap tim ont of mini-hlef. But Kit is ( mint axil Cltar ana Tohafico; suit by the way, If you want GpAVSI.rs Has shewing TolMeoo, I have It, and other food aiDdi. Plpea, and Bmnkers' Artlfllm ?nerl!y. . aVUra, Boda Vatar, Omar A la, lp Iloek Water, and. we lay, Cm and so m. ,' . - : . Vm.u Pai.Mj. - , ,., ;;.Jt.,l ; &Hddiaat.aatttm. valuable city f::.::ty . v- a .. i i ... I. , f it .It - - - r ,-e As sxents for ownars we ofTer fo mi on aaay and aoinniolatins Wma tha follcv- mrniimi improTea iviu jLatats la tns Ciiy of Bn: , i No. 1. WHAKIf rpnPfSTT AT tWIOS r01!T!lni'in.iithaptca of land km aa 'TH S Itfl.A M) and tna whrf or iwi y laadmk lumrato from mi J-mnt t Alan, wii.r apaae ni twin fliad s location la ti a bat in 1 - r ? f..r ; , i fantnrlng vurtwa, .., . i. , V1ltln onr vu,ia t ant f if vaUir lol luftuii-c aaa uuiuH,f t t -bar . , - . ... : . no. a.'rw-o i. ,t h' a no t i ,t O't.'N P'1' T wop.n. ,ir , No. 4. 1 j V . f v- a -ON t.t V ; , ft. f . k e a i i .." i -'r-3 fc.ii i( AVi.J elKikX )C:ui 'sd by Aw 0, & JUo.i'. ... i fulldaurlr-tinoof tbi aiDahlaprorwif. ty, tOKtbar with tiia bat Un.tsiaiMli the aamawlll ta aol.l.vlu t fnroKhadon appllimtton to th nnii.feueil at Itieir oifios nHoma front tu--"t. i WATn A RTHKET,' " SsoS dwtf . Jut. and iieal palate Agta. inulELB ti::x lid niiiii' AbootTOf TT ACRT n 4 KKT) LaXD, sltnatad wlihlo two miia ( I :,a rlw.mji. able for trurk raising A gut largjuu, , , Apply to - . , . ..; ' . p .: VAtS' 7 A fifaVSJCTt . mayl "- ' -i I u Atnia' in tus r.:TArL::z::T.:rr c? if p.. 't?'-. -iJij 7:'ir :r ;ri i v.s levels 8 t' 9 Lf.',-' i,- ; t Vsr' !, t-J Cv- ,' "Liu9 of E: , 'it V( -s, I ; ) Je fe'.ry, ' f,I vt r-V,are, ; 1 U , Tjnacpe, CvIJ snd Klver 1 C, ia the Fute. ' " .i . It will be to triers ,ir;trrat t" t our coofii It r--' -" cf i "3 J t "I f: . x i t i , s 1 tffr ts ; i. t,jf.-:i 7:. til". . ' II: 1 1 -. i i. iztf, 1 To.; L:-, 7.-. t j j.:.-j Lr(-. . i . acJ 1 at fris to sc.: tla L.'..jt : . . aw.- ....... i .t If li w t ! t'a 1 LL.r: . . ?.1 4. . . . . i A tke i ...r:aa Lirt lor 5csts. Anke tviif fr;nlJ !. . Af-III.d cf Dry Goods, Trunks, Valiies, si t.L.re it j acmerc-s to centiva. 1 . n,CV.20ie;cceali to WILLIAM ECLTAS'3, a'-er jut.:! be treated r't a--l g:t ycur o.aei's ncith. : ! ; Vrrc,It9 Eaptlit Church, Middle street - - - -r , HLW EEn:.n, C. ; ' ' mar22dw3m ai JlkyaJlsJ Is ai I s Lk A W js 1 1 L i . 4 . . B J ;-jr..j;; M TJ2;QTn::TI02rABI.Y THE ' ! . ! Pineda, Deer. Eitiani. ' -It 'is browed from tho finest Palo-' Canada C7c3t , Barley ; Halt : and laazer Hop3, h: 1 highly rccommcridcd for' its - TONIC and KU: TEITrpqualitiesr y; : v- rj , Ihe ' high repatatioa . enjojed -by tho EEEQNEIt & ENGEL COMPANY is doe to the fact that only the FINEST AND BEST MATERIALS are nsfid and that the greatest SKILL and OAllU are exercised during its manufacture, ," -, ; . Jyidwtf S - i. J T.lll. xigeai, ana uouier. iCT7 ucrne. Ii. C.- itiantlo. & N. 0. Eailrokd, , , Offick Scft. Tbahspohtattow,' ' . WewBekh. N. 0., April 6, 1SS9. Notice to the Truck Planters 2 Between Riverdale and ; " ; New Eerne.? (.. yf 'There will be the following trains leaving RIVEKDALE, for the accom modation of Truck shipments, and to oonnsct dally with speoial fsst track trains irom f8w uerns, via All liail Route. Only 82 hours to New York, vis: . ; Mora. (Train. Aftarn'n Train. Lve IUverdale 9 00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. Tonrmaa 9.20 .-. 2.20. Forbes - 9 40 . " 3.40 "'Simmons 10.00 H -8.00 V. Orsy's , 10.10 8.20.V . James City 10.80" " '8.40 AjfVsPewbera 10.40 " 8,150 ITote Important Until otherwise or fred, t! e yard limits of New Berne s'-..;.ia will extend frota Biverd&lo to Clarki. All trains will approach these stations cautiously, and under perfect control. .:.- 1 1 u The afternoon train will sot run on Saturdays. t . S. L DILL, Superintendent . Atlaatio h N. 0. Eailroad, Orncs Bcrr. Transportation" , .. New Lzrsz, N. 0., May 4, 1889. , Kotice. For Kovement of Truck. ; On ar d aflsr ir.ind y, Msy 5th, unless Cher wise ordered, Train No. 208 will be ran in sections, viz: - Tse -t stion will leave New Berne f rr ' - t d ot at 11,00 a.m. sharp. " i s, r 1 1 section i!l lesve New r-rref.-r ,:.t depot at 12.00 m. sharp. : Ail pan.es interested are notified ao- CCrd;,-;"'y, - , . ... ; S. L. DILTi. Pnpt. ; Iznl Fcr Cab. TWO .TRACTS IS A.EN0IB COTJSTT lxtnilet ss."j of Klr.s'on, on Bomh Watt Creek. Ko. 1, 0 sfrea.ith one hnndrad e'earea, balance well Umberd, Well stfapt ed to growing corn, cotton, pcM, etc. A portion of V..9 c'red land mbwn a rlrb Sno! Fa. 2, I'O s of tl.nlr lai.d, H o!Jt.;oBari.Jabaf miles lrom tm- t No. S: "- t;,70 cah, ot part 3U ..h ap. f-'-rea -;r.r!'y frr t.Dca. -. c, Or to 'iWJ G. ' t5V . TT7! " f n "V. I. - 5" - F. S. Duffy, druIst, aar-.t, J'jw Berne, N. Q. msvldwly r; : iiiTiu kiti tki:i:n UADDLEAVOn:", ITETT BZItyK,N.r. tlonurncnta .Tcri'i:. : . ''..- .''".'' . . ' - r ' " - - .r' laiallaiaiiOrara and aoUl!iig wm ITS I M"t": i Mt llrtLlttii!.. . , Orders w III rf"-'r9 t - t nd satriIon lasriiii Or. rr.i'D aax c: i A Ui, iSi r - ,yy f DCru-V. . 1 1 T We V,c:I i.o tyz-.U: