- i i. : -i v. . cl.-. : all cf tLs.Vcry Iat;:t . : J KAt.i XV :i.t y-i. . ' --r f. r; . Kif tMi iki,-.. t . i , ..a i J t . : . -3 i.Z cS. -Atl ' - J I ... ' . . , t e.rlt&a.aolto-xi4 ' : ' 4 (.- AUHi-woue -r t, -tent kJrv:jBat U AJ 'tijM Kawa-kr a4er KiLMMl prompt! al u ...Q4 OoUiB'Jkf edi- it way Bum ar eoUcitad. Jo KCM4 b MMcM M k M muiM obiaeuooable miwu t& of the ftaitor. at . i Bare ta ee eotem e n i ttt.r.MCtrtTltnTaoy moans aaa etttata ui naata f n;iuo ai una offlua atd omu uta criavaaea aaiaM . TlIE JOUENAL. a. mi. KMaa 1 siM4 U tta Nil oaUa at W Sana, X O i MHinl tiajtaianaf. , Lrerj daj witnesses soma coBego fcasesecaent, or jchooliamlaa t;:a aai exhibition.1 Cl ratification, ai erlJiacea "of 'progress, is! ex. l-t-ztl in every quarterof j the tad in all this oar.good p I I rofjandlj sympathise. ,t. Oar etject Litis morning la to call , f tttica to the excellence' of oar rilzl school and the need or l.iUt facilities for hither 'ednca- tic a. If the Commencement exer cise at the University, Davidson, Ti laity .ad Wate Foreat Colleges, J at the female colleges at Salem, i.Jaigh, Oxford, Greensboro, Kin . . iton and Other educational' centers, are more instrnctiTO and satisfac tcry jnow than formerly, it Is lap ge- . iy acarmataDie to j the graded i:i.3c!s srUeh are the )oundation ,;..MCa pur more Imposing edaca t 2ai strnctures restiJ To tone t sol" system, the graded schools . . I :::snt a revelation at once ior - V'-g and inspiring, i Haying . cmtu ine progress or events f e : ; 0t.a7 tnij. tll present lys . tea Is perfect, bnt we know that it sarpassee the former as . the meri Can snn exceeds In brightness the erst ray of the morning. . M If, anywhere, there is thought of : ttaaionlng; the graded school; let ""9 who are. contemplating toe , change consider how; it 4s possible tj bnild without" a foundation, and what better foundation can be had for our educational system, than Uat - furnished ' by Hhe graded r-4 ooL' " ' I'c.- rcrth Carolina canaot afford, to r -;fect the education" of her cnil- t-. ea. iier nonor, no less than: the Urpinessaad prosperity of fcer r ":'. I toTolred. .W lurre no I. by which our feet are guided, but the lamp tot experience, and Vt last ftr, years 5 have thrown, a C;od- ef light- on the 'educational r---ia. General education is in . Tcratie demand whereret nf f -;vls general,' and, in. a SUrta '. r. ' :rs - ufferage i is u? iiniTerial, t ; :-r.t!oa should be uiiversal.' V i ; It is admitted . by ail indeed it '! eTi'at-rthat the BUte of North Crrcliaa cannot provide adequate iastructioo for all her chil. x Che can keep the graded c .1 rJs going long enough to lay the Lzztion, afterwards theworiofj V -i ttata must be supplemented by i-Ilriiaal eifdrt, and that cornmbn, l'y is recreant to duty that, fails' to t:::8 adequate facilities fer higher e!3catwB,'-;'.V ;';?& It .' ia some localities '.preseni tacri'ce must be made, it is, after C$ an investment that Will 'paj !'.h more than compound interest vre must keep paco with the " in which we live If we wotlJ u:t impress upon the acs. '. ri taild factories, diversify 1 beautify our homes, but, ;S, we must edacate .:r to tf sensitive than ia sense. fi i I cent,:; , i i' d tanj a tl; ; : jv-.-ea :a tie v.; J izl i: .5 C& i- - ! - :j t-.lr i? III ,t:J tj!a ( f i j ei exe t.-.a waSTeryi.se, t a t rcivieacy narxoo. ocai ..rti:: tr: decs and 8c!osaltr.:?l n;thcs accller, aid roia J a variety most .f-ie&sujg to all f reseat, t Tte atxence of taatraiafil timidity -m. . icas so oiiea mars scca cccas ions was asotier cac f;r r 'ea re, as u uoaa iccjcfcon- Jce that the task ia bind was rroaaoed. in knowleds aadaota flash to be forgotten as soon as over with;1 Altogether the concert was exceptionally 'brilliant ;Eriil uac in perrgrmance and bnllian in audience. c . -vii'.u . Jlias M. E. Togler was elected rreaident; and Miss Gertrude Seiwers Secretary; , After this came a iovefeast which was presided over ey iv. Mr. Clewell. the- Prin cipaL The Moravian church choir was present ' and anjr some fine selections, daring which the coffee ana pretzels . were served. The meeting closed with the doxology. TM JLSSkTBi ' Again , the . church was filled to- night with an andience of friends and patrons. .The reading of the essays was divided into stouds and between these rronps there were instrumental and vocal solos. These were by Hsyden, Beethoven; Liszt, uraimo, xsraga ana other renowned composers. The -.piano- concertos wua i fan orchestra were . most de iignuoiiy . rendaredf the - young ladies bearing their parts with the ease ana proflaeucv of orolesslon als. . This feature of the -evenine aeservea special mention trom the difficulty or the work, undertaken. The essays, , themselves as expo nenis oi tne nmsbea ,. work of the young graduates. . were' of a high standard and were written, in fault less style and read with distinct pronunciation and with no affects. tion afs.lL The good Order ob- served by the audience was more than commendable J it was charm IDE. , v - k 1 P 1 THBACCiXi.UEElTBBEEM01f was -preached by Ilev, ThosiII. McCallie, D. D., at 10.30 yesterday morning before1 a large udiene in the Moravian church. The sermon was on the text? Both. 1 i 18v And fiuth said, Intrsat me not to leave thee: or to return from - folio wine after thee for whither thou goes I will go; and where .thou lodgest I will lodge ; .thy people shall be tny people, and thy God raj God; and was ably handled. The liar. Dr. made a most favorable impres sion : cpon , every one, and the nt most interest was manifested. The music was rery line, 'the solo by Miss Evand " being especially ad mirable; ;'v , - v -. ' .-...v. TUB iXTJJOriB ASSOCiAlOft.i At 3 p. mt today the 'association was called to order by the Trfesi. dent, Miss Lehman. Boll call fol- owed,-after, which letters, .were read from absent members, Includ ing one from Ber. Bobt. deSchwein- tx. a , former ; principaL Other papers followed, one by Mrs. Kre mer, a teacher in the quite early days pi ' the school,' immediately followed by one read by Mrs. Btur- divant Charlotte, . who was -a pupil in 1834. This letter brought down ; the ; bouse, not only for the quaIntne8S and t originality of i its ideas, out i also lor the love of the Alma Mater which pervaded every line of it. All ' present were de lighted withjhe paper which was read la a . most . graceful . and Sprightly manner; Mrs Eturdi rant's visit is one of great pleasure to not -only Herself but also to the manyXriend8 of. the echooL Va nous ether' papers "looking to the increase in ..membership of- the association and other matters of mportance were transcribed. , , 'r ':" Disease and Death . T " fafc their wiy Into toftcy a houbold that might be protects! from th" 'r in roadi, by the iimr'e prerantioa cl keep ing? In the bonne tttt,bcr,!n famil, medicine and af??-jrd of hfUh,I.!oe- tetter'i Stomach l.. 'rs. FarticuUrlT where there ere children, should it fce kept on band, eg a prompt remedr for Infantile comr!;cu, ia their outset easily conquTaMs, bnt which, if l loweJ to f -ft t!iroMl?es om the delicate Jtl. . I 'i crrniam, are cot eeaiiy d! ' ' !, e-i epeedlly vr?i ITeTiotss r f. Irreitaterity cf the boWele, i i eri biliouru---1, m tilmenti cf c i o!,r-urr"-"9 i 1 (' hotleeholl. .. i, 1 z ia i - riooe re;i"n. ere r e i;L!e t ! 1 f .1 ; : 1 , t ; , cr.x, 1 .1 ', . 80 faVC.-illj rj.:.:j .;l i Lrr;:rs a C. ti i and 1 .. ccUca ' Tie Jc: tset at tie c t 1 ti are i : ' t;ea s . if. 1 , i8 tl -.3 1 L ; tL rc: a tsO.. . , t ti. - 11 crier, -r: 1: ..3 13 iJijtioro jesteidaya:it:.i i tla tasi ness iacantiat ca ilea. Ji. aaiocat cf tai4 a . . :.uti for" all rarpoes,EUi:?,cctrtyand fredal, was 2 csats cat's IIDO valuation asdcatherU-.'S. n The shlprlBcf Irish potatoes frora car t will be U tLia week, and tbey are foe. 0 one has a Dana & Willett quantity but nearly all hare a eaall ouaati tj, and take tie s;tf ;'.a cf the county and it will cotse cp prcttj weu. - - j t j- - rHisiciANS coarEss. ) A.U honeei, comrtenUoue tbretci&ae WHO girt U. U. 13. 1 Ik tanio Blood E!m triel, rck!y eJmit ite tuperiority ever ll otber blood mediclnee. i Dr. W. J, Adeir, Ko-imerL I Oe writee: "I retrerd lk B. B. ae one of the beet blood medioinee." i Dr. A. B. Eceooe, h'hTille, Teen.. writee: "All report of is. B. B. are f Toreble, end ite epeedy action ia truly wonderful." Dr. J. W. Ebodea. CrawfordevUle: Oa.. Writee: 'I coafeae B. B. B. ia the beat and e.uickeet medicine for rhenma- turn I have erer tried."? v : ' 1 1 Dr. a J. Farmer, CrawfordiyiHe.Ofe writes: "( cheerfully recommend B. B B. ae a fine tonio elteretire. Ite nee eared ea ezereeoeooe of the neck efter other remediee effected no peroeptible Dr. C H. Alontsomery, Jeckeonf ale. Ala., writee: 'My mother ineieted on my aettinc B. B. B. for her .rheaaa- tiem, ae her caea stubbornly, neieted the neual remediee.. fine experienced immediate relief and her improvement baa been truly wonderful." , - A prominent DhTiiolan who wbhee bie name not aien, eaye: "A patient of mine whose oeae of tertiary lyphUia waa rarely killing bun, and which do treatment eeemed to oheck. wae entire ly cored with about twelve bottiea of B. B. a Be vh fairly made op of tkin and boneeand terrible uloera.!L- I' - ; Deeply Interested. What's all this I see In the pa pers about the Batnoan question J'' asked Mrs. Hixby of her husband the other evening. ' lliibv, delighted to have his wife Interested Ifl puLiie affairs, began at the beginning and carefully and elaborately detailed theE entire ; af fair to his wife, and rwhen be 2 was through ? he said:' 'Now dorron understand tt, my dear T" . e s, 1 tnink I do. uedrire. oniy 1 i've Deea thinning -"4 "Thinking what!" r I ; -ta Thinking for the last ten rain ntes' that,' after all, I'd have t cardinal instead cf lettuce leaf green on my new bonnet. Wouldn't joa like the cardinal - better, d ear- esti" -;;vc? M Kw, Whether on pleasure bent or buslneee. ehoald take on evert trip a bottle of Syrap of fis, aa U aota moet pleaeabtly ana eseotually on tbe kidneyi, llrer ana bowel, preventing: fever, bead achea and other forme of eickneee. For al ia COo. and ILCO botUes by all lead Beecham Fill cor billoui and ner von ills; -- . - , k 1 TUB PHILLlr3 PATEXTi v ImproVei Venetian i Blind. They are a perfect substitute at Otace for ehadee and Inside or outside blinds, laying; the ooet of these articles and making a Venetian blind by far the ebeapeet window furnwUnc in tbe market. . Peculiarly adapted' to bay window. Will rot tet put cf order and wi.l Ut a I.;e-ume. Any person can haeg them. For fall Information pply to - -" -- t-: r: v, . D. T. CAC2AWAY. H ; Manufa'-tarer's Agent, ' "may 20 Kew Eerne, , H. C. it n, I, s .-V? . J .1 fall stock, end Urge awortnieat. V Tthct i$ low m tie lowest. ' A ' ' . . . . - j . . ........ j j Cft!l end ejsmip.9 ey stock.' z . ' 1 nz'.-i. TXS UAaaT ; t he F Cr',.i: :a ti; r.rdlctiil a tj t tu. ! U ta t: -1 t:.ve 1 . i tiezV.y c;:s l: ' 10 jitica, and f. .f 1. '-. perjJ..."5 ca a . . . r : . ... - cotisLtioa of tl.s - ;r.::::TS,L!v:.ir.::: " . :ls! a: .:: . . . '" 1 he on it f -. ot C.iii o - ' ft AC BLOCS, HtALTM it Everyone is t; j it and all ere delighted with it. ! . ASK YOUR r v.. ST fom mt'znxTTj - - - 'icifj ' ANli. " fit' I 'CAUFOKMALuu CO. lOC'SVlLt. KT a a L . . . " t - .iall l U t peve just recefr 1 a I . . I ;f and ae NQbby . Line of 4 1 w ea you ever eew.. A ucy far te A. A.EATRES '-'.1 C rCS AlJo " Rn,'y?fvr ' IlnJ De ra: ExUtV ,i.BSin,ms. 1.: 1 ; f.-i n;z i:;.Ti' "..'dPliiET,-: t.. T.'i ISCORPOEAt Capital,"- -Surplus Profits, -f -DIItECTCr.3. Jas A. Bht4, sy Tr :-LS, TAN, .fS, L. II, Cm.tR,. I - ! t O. II. W rare lest. ClSAt . ' ' 1 . . k 1 T' 1 v, t , I 1 !('.. ' - H . 1. T i -' . . I f 1.1. t. 1 -'- (-...r . .' 1 U'-- i l o r v, out l moat Mil Clttra n.i . my,( yt, want t,A it, TobMCd, 1 f v It, n1 1 Plpwi, n4 Riiioknf' A r. AIo, Kxl Mutr, ( Ink Weter, u we ty, 1 eV V.luai:le;city . i 1 - - - I . As t.nii rvrrt' r.or for r' eaayend '""Vmn.Mu ( 1 n.i K. 1 Injd wrttol Imi.ro- -4 1 il 1$ s K. 1, VilAKf r "T" T P- " 'Tamai.AMj.1 a i.. lliDt thrto from Also, W(.trfr Tic.r i, Incktlon U ti. bt In f r filiirlii( tmn". vlmMnj cor un . , wtr lor loadtpg n i i. Whrf. 1 No. t Two rmr - Cmom p r. -... , No. 4. 1 ii 1 V V 0 UV 1H 11 . -No. 6, Pf.K.K t- iA ' I on ra fc.N mfiA t r c-' i .,. lXKli. A fall dMrrlrrtlon ef t -t,-torlbr 1 1 ft the t . i , , tbe tam will b .., 1.4 f .. ppllctlon to tl ni..-: . J ki t, ( ( on - -- a 1 rl ..a nuouin rroot tw-el. WAT"T PTT.rTT. dcdwtf In, end 1 "il tti Agt. ITILUIBLB TirCII'" AbontFOHTTACF ( Ho'4 within to B.. eble for trnnk rii ng. A t Applf to . ' ineylS ' ; c r .. " . 1 . i . . ' 72U ccnrl.-. " t ry cr.a t ftxi tbe Lftrg-it, r ; C ;':t3'.Lbe cf DU"...:. .i, Flae Jewelry, EllTer-TTare, Tncy Urps, Earmeee, Gold and SUTer IJ.-iJ Cases Ia tvi P'-ta. . r . It will b ta buyers lr'.-rt t t) t 9 Our fdsbr'-irerurrVa--; T V. 1 n aveTFot Lar - tf - t f xi of Cxi a, :ck of Cc'l t; cf r i ; -Vef T ',' Largest Lr---t 1 - - w . J A.tU.i.-J 1..11 k 1 ... t Z- - ' . ..6.. J ViLI-.j Y7o Trill t.i!;oplcr.s- uro in chovrirj you t!:fcuh our cntiro :;u..b..fla:ii7eeL- AsV'Tcwtr r.-'.R."!i- f r t- '' V' .. . .. j.lliaJ 4' 4 " - 1: ". i ) l:r lah, '.'.' - , .... t , v? f,f-s t- ' I - ' I- .... .."A. It ' ' ' '- '.' " ! i- fix i. u ' i v . . , . i. a'Wfc Jn W. ' 0 i f . . W. it-ill ot- .- ... " 1 C . - " T.iytf JT. S. tAN-? A; CO., r.o.ton. - , rU UM f Ika cbavo iboca for (ale fcjf ;:IToT7nrd': Jcnc3,r-!'. . NEW EEItNE, N. C.- ::.ip.dle i7on::G, -IIW USUI. H.C.-;' Llcnuacnta Tomci 1 . ... . r . atiilctu . aad BnUdlBtworkn m. ..11 .......Lt , r-'.ars will receive prompt attentloe t-J f.'.t.fa'.toa guaranteed " JOE K. VILLID, Troprletcr Cor. BZOAD AM) CXAV&A St. ;; - ' -iVXTT BJTJLVX, it, c O. Tl. Jfn.tra I mt aatl.crls--4 a.-oxt Atrx. 1 rrs',Trave:tcr.t. ' fZ t 17 I - f -;tY Ii r : l t. , - t J . .u,oa f 1 v, t r- x. t -1. 1, . .) ,. -( , f.. . 1 -i " '. 1 t ; i . . ., lJ t ? . c - i, :, ' A ; .'-'il t-f ! - i ; . J s : r 'J. V . - . 4 f f .: . : - - ''" I a t ' . . . t C it . ' proved Mr ai , y f..r tnc. s Apply to ' ' V " JAKE3 IU.lA-.:. . ! Or to jor '.... nJidw-f . - 1 , c 'ir r" " v .. "- ... ! f.... . . . , . i VuO W . i . v', 1 t t; A. :i - S 1.;. i l J . . j. i .. t .. s B M - A ' i. n c ; - , i.Vi i.'vv; -... t 10 A - la 1, 1' r -;;. 1, v IV 8. L. i.:.. Ornca f err. Tbas . : - filW N. U., A fr;,l S, 1 Kct'.ca to thTrur: i: - . .ilctrcfi ".irrr." '.3 ; - ; ; - - . , " . . There I t t!ie f 'zi leaving IUVf:, DAl.n, f .. -r v moJau. a of Iruck &.. -..ru, i i cocnct da.'r uh t . I , s tri!is fiom Kew Ffut,.i A i Route. Only i Ik uii t-i t-w . viz: ' . , Morn t Train. Aftrn'n '; L've r.iverdale ti) e in. end 2 1 . " - Tourmaa 20 . 2 '.' " ' For bee . 9 40 ' " s t 1 " tiirumone 10.00 " " " Orsy'e 10.10 ' 8 V ) " " JmtsCity 10.S0 " "go " ArHreNewbern 10 40 ."'srj " Note Important Until either ' t dered, the yard limits of New i etation will ettn,i froi l:irt .id Clerks. All trains will r t stations ceutiouely, au J sudor in .'at control. The afternoon train will in t r rn Saturdays, ; . o. I DILL, Suparints nJ.M t. Atlantic '&N; 0. Eillrc:, Omci Ecpt. Trans i 't.tatt v, xstw ekum, n. a, r.r , 1 x. -' KctlCD. For Lroverr.cr.t cf .Track.... On and after Ifonii v. Ifav 5ih nr.! otberwUe ordered. Train N'a i . ; i be run In lections, vu: Tne firt section will leare Jf w r, rn fri.' t depot at 11 CO a m. !.rp. an efvont ctioa wi 1 ew r.ernfl fr.'-, '.t d , t at 12 O i . . All parties isterevifl am r..--- :m. cordingly, 1 . , ... : ' 8..L. DILL. F t. Atlantic' & H.C. Rallr Kew Eeen, N. C, April 0. : " ErrciAL Tim t. z i.r. i " . thuci; a--.i:, No-2C3,Aur.i:i,D&::j r. In e.Tact Jlonday, I - r Leave ?raw Feme, ........ " Clark's ; " I " f ra... ; " CreUe:k...rt I'wr l iliHIiiM, .. rei Kir 'oa s " ' X Crc, jt.,,M,., , m ii" 0.. m " r- t's Arrive ti .,'. ' . toro Ehfr.sr.fr. tr tl'a trat-i r rive t i it?' I.'- !. i : r 07;43a.n.t aic'r?-'!, 4 ' i p.m.; leK. , - . , , t ; -i f r : l.vi. ...ia . Co tot' ' f ar 1 1 f r co., r tfisw r . - - '3 r Ta Bvact tacked with cM.' snd tbe rTfi ? n-lf Cf 1 TV '1 r T f ! Do a C c!r sja'cia 6.- 1 1 J, ii (

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