; a i i . G I I i. I C Ii'AIm v. i - 1 O ft fc. ft- JU - .;V it CO., S"o3 Ac cuts , IU A. T CXXX.U ST., MIAV TOUE : d:s not keen them) will mail Beechajo's it iaptirt jirst (Please mention this paper J iMUl!' i Yi 3 if f " , , I, .;'- :a dtjur r ' L .c. Wvca fir? '. Or a. j.d Ef clerk tare, vj eater's roy ax-; , E twr tia lb day, '" , Cf tt tomttj meai ia MaT," ' If the be t t a A . 'tat CiLTb 6W ..' -L b T St I J fiiaa Kirt be pined, ; - 'VjiiMi I tea ft Wdsvaa k.iaJ , . "Qr 3-d.?otNi u: fe, - - ; Julued sua altve'y Icitore t . -' D t u-rtW, iiiiJer, tia '( t - TarU-lor or peUcaa, " r : . If ale b not m to ? ' ' Y hit ear I how kind ab Va V Or aer weU-aueervint: knows, . ' Slake jc quite forjret nun owl f te with Uut roodaeaa blect Wfclca nayriahr Bam ofbeat, '. if ah be not saoi torn, - .Yliat ear I how good so b? i Cus bet fortune toema too high, '' Khali i pir ute fool ana aier . . TboM that bear a nobl mLod, ,? W hero thty want of nobM nnd, Tbtnk Lt wilb them they wouli da, ,-t "lout tnem dar to woo; ; ; i.a Uit m.iiJ I mo, ' Ut cr I how great ah bo r, k Ur-.it nr good, or kind, or fair, . 1 . 1 iii er tho mor dMpair., 1 ih loe mo, this bUeo, s 1 Ul c er ah shall Riv?. If:iflk :'tmwhB iw . : I i m and let her go. W , ;fhob not forme, --:'i 'W l 5 oar I for whom aha bat i - ijj ) VV. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. I ' u intiB-ad f',rl is (i, Jul . " . irl. I . POISON to V CAtr-f l. k il ft cut Si. Tt ftics were o o a4 ; Ifc t ,i aftuaoi ft4 Wciuuuiu k kvab 1 fc'iK -fl I tA li,H. - Jo&x f . Uxia, AAon, Ala. " aavatabMBkmAPDinai ftStlBDiacaMa, HEW &5E.'X.'a Ofio B. V. DufjV 4n ator. Branch Offloa: Cai&ara La, Ooo- lowoooBtT. apll dwty -1 . A Proclamation ! 1 v. I. 6y LmIs. t BltM. Ark., mmy ffctlB4 1MB. 14 MitCa arw rrc. nr ormc Pa H. PHLLETim, ATTOPSBI ULX Ulf, . AND MOJCr r BUOKER. CHvm 8a., two door Somth of . L v f ' Jonrnal offtoo. hi i i; I mmui for tikori Iftiaa ia tb kMt ANTI-B1XIOTJS BctB Tr oacO I aJwajrf crta uan." Iiitt'sils Cure All Bilious DUeaie. jO xaamy uuiqh, AlfORNEYS- AT LAW. Offlo Si floor of QrB. Toy ft Co. bsok. Kiddie street, JJw Sonw. X U Will pr actio la the ooorta of UrTo aad ad jolaiag cooatiea, ia th Bapreaa Uourt of th but, and in tb r4rai Coorta. apj dwtf 'DISCOVERY j.v. T A "TP I! WAR! WAE! r ..: ."i ; i - Oalr ..tfalft 8rl l Mamrr tfrahlma. . r"Uf ana ia.r la rata. Aftr tarinz ruined thtt battle oft it reatw acnattwi. Vr-'gi tb Emperor NapoleoB I Tmmmm..nr.yvm.Znm. Umt at Seboeabrna. . ana taero TrWV W'?r tiations lor nia Aostnan auianoe.1 - diitntaiinf among them rearcU 'aniel Of U . X tot, J J :'t :; , J Jllu Ml!:i, f l l..tb i.Jlj . '.f N. Y. i " u ELY 8 .--w-bU 1 4 to 13 jears.oqlj $2.98. Boy' Knee Salts rrom $1.23 to fl.ou. Anftinnn''.AtttThrri-M nain and In ' AI,o a nice line otllea'a Back, and Cntawaya and Prince Albert SaiU. HSa'SSS&SI SEim, mmiVM) II ATS ! II ATS ! HATS ! Five hnndreddozen Dati, all atytea Nftpoieon entered among tha ranka " 1 ih y ; 4rjf an.lrnoes.'.'Mena. Boyr and Children's Uata lrom 10 to ia ana cta.jand beatowed praises and decora, " V- ii.l y 1 .ept. Ki.l liatton Bhocs, 05c.; Lace, Boys' Bhocs 4 jc. to 73c. . , WMl pnooea ia tb OMtl at Craram, 0a ter. iiM Uulof ft&4 tubaa. - CalMd huu Oon a w Jt, aa f. x. smoirs. a. l. qobs. Swunons & Gibbs. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will metiea in th oooBtia of Craven, Jos, v Oulow, Cartaret, Panlioo, Lenoir nnd Hyd, and in tb Federal Courta. Offlo m Crates etreet. next door below JOCRHAb offlo. apisawti DR. J. D, CLARK DENTIST, .a. o jm Urvvaa iraat, aatwaaa follava aad Broad. f-U Tha fast Freight foe Saw Bars. BaataV ai Aaaa. lartaUaf 1 e -a' ratift4:iaawa-i ra. ., . Kta.-ta) BUlaakca S. C. EagletYesper Ann: : kvla,. Wiftfaia aaB.;u. 'rr'W laa id Saw ciaa IMGMiaY. TUa a D A t tiNteiI and FhiDAY tur k Civr tnl ikan at MO.Mji f . 1 u . . Tbaaa waara la aoaaaaOeai wna r AUktiua a. U. H. K. Karhua twuaiB r.. K.. IttrC. Fatla. aad aurtuls M. n .1 Uu Paaaayivaaia U. BUterai a nuu, at. a rafmt Uaa odana( kiipariw hoiuuaa tu oiea Baa i)MrtaUu uaaafera aaotpi at niaasata City, at wtjcu aoLBi ( rate at ui ba laaOaa a 4m m fa t&roaa va daaUoavo. ,' " LHraataacuo to ba abippad. Tla Kaatai u Carouaa iJiapatoa daily aa loiiaw: oca,bj raa. U M all t lai tana i ' ' - I tt ltaoa M. istatiun. Froes , aaitlwora by 1-bna, WU. BaTU , K. . B Ftaatdaal . ttuillon. . From kortoJi, by Noriuta Boatbar B, B. Fea Uoaua. by Marahaaia a Mmara Timaw gtnaUuaiXk; Naw yNrftajkAw SJmauul kAMMlovat naQaVftkarl.aa byaay tbarlla. . K W. H- JOYCK (U.l, rgt. Tr(haVAanl. A b O ft .J . 1 aai ft . .. " . aw m. j ai aa I BU1J S llpSJC H.U. HUiKiiart.Oeaarai KralshrAraal.il 8. B. H., Nortula Va. , u- HDMOHaaa-t. Sa Nwtru. ft.O. (hurnteo to salt job In any kind of flat. , . V -, : , t tionson all whtv appeared 1 worthy g A sea i SHOES. SHOES. SHOES I The Largest nd Best Selected or them, r jrive iionrT ne spent on Taste, a D11UA.O, buum. wlf 0. fA.i nn T.riw this occoDation.1 and 'afr length, Smell. v iocs 01 duocs a e?rr arpu jucu o ouw ' -r- . k . ......j nm..ir K. ' " iJAxTTrrnJfn a. fl.".! Lace. 75c. to 85c. Also a large stoctr. oi jaen " rr nnv-CJiLii.n at nripp tft anit the tlmes Ladies nice Slippers from no one man's claims naa oeen oer-1. A aartiei t abpuad -into aon noatrii and at prices 10 Bail tne times. A,auie UOX ouyyvinivw v.. , flatabaA bv BftTlBt? nlond I araa.Wa. Price 60 eot. aj I)ra1t5hJ m f . . U vi . ' k s ' 1 ' .. ' , , " " " -"lBiaU,raritard.Q eta. jclt ukothkrb, i . - . ; t. irji in. iin. "nDW-nnwflni id idh i wumh HtfML Nt VArK laniMtwiT fUr-NISniNO GOODS! Men's Undershirts as iowmzuccuis the trarest soldier layout whole A nice llalbriffcsa Shirt lor 25 cents. A nice Bcarf from 10 to 20 cents reglmeat.'V.i rsfsv? r " f j ji .;, a fnuiii.fnf n TrtiTtkn-VttHaei. nnd other roods too tin soms eases'tlils might jave Vnmerons to mention. , . ' . beea difflcainnatter, it did lot Come one, come 'all tWiLUAM " SULTA W, wher. you iil SfoT be treated right and get yonr money's worth. , , qnestioa waacanght by the soldiers. NEW DERNE, N. C. GEORGE ALLEI1 & GO DEALEB8 ITS General Hardware AfcrtculturBtl tmpleiuoii u. Plows, llarrowa, Cultivator', lla Bod Axea, Wood 'a Mowers and Keaitora, 8toam Engines, Cotton Olna and Presaea, For til leers. Land Plaster, Kainlt Mechanics Tool and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster llalr. Paint, Kalsomlne. Var- OLD DOLlirilOIl Steamship Company. SEMl-WEEKLX LDH2. ba Old Daoataloa Steaaftthla Caa r'i Old a FtT.riU Wttar Uaata, via Albaaftarla aad x. rhwipwt. Caaai. SarfolK, Balllmora, New lark, k , d.lphla. Bo. to a. Pravtdaaaa, ' , aad WafthJagtoa Vitj. And all poinu, NortK, Eaet and West. on and after TI KSDAY. KKBKL'AKY Sttb, imt, nnlli rurtuer uouoe. ttaa Steuer HiNTEO, CipL Sottiiga.tt, Steiiner NEWBERUE, Ca.pt. Pritcliett, Va.. fer Haw WaslilnKiim. MONDAY HUMPHREYS' Da. HoHrHaan' Sraonni an (cknitMlcaUy and TlMaa Bpmlfloa owra wlOtout dnincinf. tmiT ton or remctr l ireai Middle atrcet. 4 4 i mar22dw3m s 4 W U Ml a4 J -a -J 5n Ferera, Wtrai. worurenr, worm lvihi.. . tTytafbollc,orTaito8tInfanU .3 blarrhea, ofOhlMrenor adulta..., . Vyaatarrf "niuugni H r a 1 art aTfoothao.be, faoaache II end ar a eat $ km m MwliiMinv th Mtfm. and araln f nrf and ana cne universal answer mi aamaaaaTayia- from the ranks4 "Morio 1 Corporal Moriol" wai the ory. -The colonel ar proved of the decision, and Morlo was called forward ! He was a man still yctjug,;bnt; embrowned "by service, and be already iwora .on bis person ; three badges or merit, and , the cross of, tho Legion of Llonor.' Napoleon f looked' at him attentively ..t"Ab,1. saldi ha,' "yon have 8eeu f servicer; "iiiteen years, myKmperor,"jepliedM6rlo; "sixteen campaigns and tea wonads not" to ipoak of oontmions. 'jCow 1 bTaMaaialBUIoua Btomacb. ........ .3 V hi tea. too Piof'iM Period.. jl r raaarCouirb.DimTalt)flaUilna.... i.? Pok Rhea at. be. I sail Bton nfal I Per Xrrftlnelaii, Eruption. . f fT.r t'il ft ftrr uw, aMM..M . Pile, Blind or Bleeding. C aiarrb, lurtueaaa. ldhtbaHeao) Vkaalnr aaik. Vlolen Cough, ., Oeneral Iblllty.PliyaiWaAaea Idaey iiaeaae)..rt.v ..-..-.. mil nhllUT .... .......isl. iriBaryVatnaaaWttlBd...0O laaaaaaei taeuaan,raiHvaMua a.w Will all (rim Norfolk. Berne. vlu Waahlnuior and FRIDAYS, ruHilu. chxa aotauaoftlou wiui ui nieamer OI ma W. a 1, M. S.H.Lo..(or kln.um Vrauuin, and all otbar tanaiQK on me .eue and l rent HlTera. niab, OH. Qlaaa.Pntty and Ualr. irokKoIi di I Qii I at mnk A. M., making - cod v" nactlon wttil lh O. ll h. K. IV, a ahlna Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar r New Y..r-, h. h. p 00.1 .taamar.' Proof Sash Locks, warranted to deipau. m a m. i . co.' . for Boatoa . . . , . . - . I and Providence Our antlrtiiv elTort to mean onrnatnma. auu uur aiiuuet fwrieot ourvtee lor In l frlve security and satlsftvction. PKICES VERT 1X)W. QUO. ALLEN CO. Road Carls! er than anybody. Kverythlnjf On Wheels 10 percent cheap- niltrtviftef Don't bny before gettlnj our prloe aad catalogue. THE OEO. W. BTOCKKLL CO.. NASHVILLE. TKIfB. (fame tbU paper. nri thirteen v ear. 1 the twal auaranlea wa aaa , ' oflar all (hlpper a tu ua'wm do for.' iODio in uie in lure. Order all .oudi rare of U L. rt. H. rht. nor. ftJlA. Va. - Fawen.eriw.lJ and a aood table, eomfbri. ' lbi room, aad every oourteey and attaa. . uou will u wild l Hem or lheofikr. : K. 11. KOBE UTS, Acant. ftlKHgad. OUU'Kl'i'KK A TUUNKR, Agent, roriQia, va. . 8TANKORU. V lc-l'roldent. Naw York Olty. The fi. G. Freight Line , .- tlf7i:00 C30CA00 MOTHcanbe LP0 10 LpZUU made working for miTvut. mCHAOTS and SIHPPZ1V3, IASZ KOTICS , na. Bpara aaomerita may Da prontaniy .. K : " it . ' I r , - - - fifirTl' rr'" many great .battles I'asKeajtn . poTdMkypnmj 1 lULll L.J , v "Sire, 1 was at youn heela at the aftaI,b,.r.'ediai..caitonrt.V y. uiUfal1 J r.-ldse of. Areolar I waa the first g p EC IF I C S b 13 t:.T .TIOIi-ALLY THE '- . . ' ' nan who -entered UUxandriaKit '' . r who gave, yon, mfkaapaack vXn Ar. A A bo medirfaea ar for r "A - ' P3 .-. ' If. r tc r PillOW at the blTOuato Of kaj at tbedrae stores of F. B.Doffy j:rs,7):-. ,3sr uitti . -it h LrcTrcl from the finest Mo (koaiat: TVJJ iwrtf SM-r " "rg-',Ka" baacasaaa. rrlcy - :Mt , and;. Laazer oF3, 'r-1 t ? 11111 fPHnPQQ rd for its TONIC and I 'IT- 5"MM: ! Ul UlluUllUpOq r.!-...I7 r- lw-a IOr . US .-lUlUU auu- U f..,.r and to,that',tiUe tftdda rir?.y 4V ; t Or the Llqsor Habit, Poaltlvely Cured tf employed alto. A fewveancle In town and ettle. B. F. JOHNSON A CO.. 1009 Main St.. Richmond, va, N B Plea. tiate ac and b ilnaaa ex perienee. Mever mind about taadlngi'amp tor reply. 0. F. J. Co. prum FOr, ONLY! ! I BftrriVC Tar tOBTar YiTLTW9 bAiTHQOd airwiiia,oWralaadBB&OOa DaS. nTTTF T1 Waakaai f Beay aa Bladi Effart U mm. BM. Biamxia t"T . t. fctorr tnelr 1 On Bnd after Crtober l. 1HP8, thla line will reiume their regular SUM I-WEEKLY TEIPS j' RETWEEK Baltimore and New3 Berne Leaylng Baltimore for New Berne. WED . jiti&i'Ar, BAIUUUAY, at BIX P.M. Leaving New Kerne lor Baltimore, TUBS V Urt 1 . SA iUKJIAY.HLNlXP M Thlsl tue only 1)1 Kh.CT line out of Kew ' for Baltimore without change, and on .1 ...... . -I . ? niIVi: qualities. ' v -IA'h;- The high .repntation enjoyed by thc.tEEEQUEIl. EXC XKtl'ANY is dae to the fact that only the FINEST AND EI" r' ATir.IALS are naod and that the' greatest BKILL and OAT. " jy4dwtf .; ra fif" ' cd fiaris its rhannfacture. r- f- f ' - JL 0. 5 L : ry gifts olr five thoasaaa :r.cs a year." "Acclamations rose --? f orn the soldierr, i r -: " ' '. ! ay Emperor," said Mork), oo great a . reward lor me. at AiBiittruma it. BAiiir nuti .mint. Reae(hwi bt en el ceWee r tea, r la ar 5 aaorivfid.! Hei nt lead, without the kwowledra of tbe ner eon taking it; la aoeotataiy nanmeee ana wm Ship leave Boaion, Tueadai and uaturdaya, WlRKt ,," N Vnri l.ilv . '. - North river. . sJf iS. Samnaon. noetoa. Kt Central wharf '. b. ii. r.uca wen, JTovldence, K. I. anec i ibujw . m t)irrjou uuiu" i j i wreck, it NEVER FAitS, We GUARANTEE a Mmvpiete core la every iaataaoa, Jag beoa ' ffi.ib.rST4S V;.:F.' DUnnUS & CO., tttaageae " SCufd; the service wlen ?0.mipitCII TnWyfflffg C0 i k J AiVf aaAV B4itU VS. wUaB J V. ftHil J AaVaVAaVI f I l'm """I i he enjoyed the emperor's iiiSo' IV1 . "9tep?hiswcrdtohUi6m. S, . No -oldi soldier, ia the tr'";?'?0;. L -lent- to which hff iretlred KW,a?.VwprU'Ce i klt ENGINEER8, w Yora daily. " balto., Wedneaday A eatordays fhliadelphla, Monday, Wcdnaa-! day. Hatardava. -. ' k" , " riovidenee, Raturdaya, ' . Throngb bllU lading given, and rate guar- -anteed to all point at the different offlots or the oompanla. t AVOID BREAKAGE OB BTJlK aifa. 1 SHIP VIA N. C. LINSW, , , 8, S. GRAT.Agenl,i' s ! wBi.tf.O. ,. tta wherewithal to driak ' a s V "h cf Napoleon' INRtV RPRNP AND PAMI im I l'P. Fonndexa and Machinists L , y : : ra K?Th Bteamer TAHOMA. jaanaiacturen ana irwaienui i ' , ; j - " I Vbomitaenolaa. Monday, My'sth.1ffc. and IoontlonlDg daring tbe track aeaeon, May and Jane, the tteamer Thoma wlllranUie BmUdera af Xmttaea, Betlare, IplIowlDg achedale: i t ) f to on oJtlzena tiat fot t ..j , uo ten Bnlllng .Dr.' Klrgsl J -.TV I : i-rrmy flT CongUTDptrOB, Ir. j i : . L" I'l" rnrlilmi's Arnica, .. j : 1 1... a.-.d kava sever ; ir ; "if ; nvell, or tljit ' i Sftt'efcctiOB.' ..euji. n... ...-.vi.;r;' -i:"4t! ityyj tm, ami w b'1 -r 7 f" Tff''" I H!e rtir. , r-'' if 8 -rr do i'tf..:vtt.-.'rt ;. ei. .w. ji.-tve won tliulr gttiX popularity purely on their r-r!;. 1 rr'.e ly R. N. Dofy, whole- 1 : ,,; :. PASHIOlTABIiE J; TAILOR. Lw hui e- i ffiDEE STREtT. ':1- ' ' ? W.areWparedto&rKnot aBB pJ.''antb'. rtaba'a Uawrt rltablaa I wlB Bptaw, i f v - . 'I .taaaeb trftTfcotng- and retorn, landlnga WO doors south MM WW btIM v.rm , Jttt. iLn wul oeraadeatrjmbfoota, Bmitbe andAdama . BvliW8W (V. w'J.tod' tA Vt Cbtre ' it. Price per dozen,! '-"!9 moment in 1 tjlose. ": fab l " ,'Kltwa) lltll , ; 1 W. Pf SPBACVE, Prota. i - a ROUND KSTOB, Ha'.- i j ; Wa will hjiarlad to rln nlana and aetlmataa I the K.C. D. warehonee. tor any deamlpUonoX machinery. !f; r I . rorin formation apply to wa are tha aeenta for tb aaie of tne Amer I taiini'iviiiR. w ' rmu nw. ji i. v, a. xiaauHi a I a w. luuiui, a " imitnB(:reek.i ...... Ajt njlMtm.lihl. UtM V, . 1 . T WD -V j. : . . . , . we tiv aituiTaoiorvrnaranuw raii wnri I n-, aoKiu, s w ; vanaemere. lu : i .. IrMilftia . I- C. H. FOWI.EK. Bi.tBll t.. . ... ' . ' ... .- . :. l VWWUwwKiJi,agent.iUvboro, . . - j. .I . OMIKVB ll HUSSal, THE UBAJlOErt, r . . I TTAW" M.neer. Most Picturesque Keener iln i j . L 1 av A. AM i . . uiurii nnri.ii iKruiiiirk. i i . i f ; ' : .7 M 113 TEEET1BLE tYlrulATDB. i V - A lldTMtri;1'; - . . the World. tfidepcadent Ciiirtlboat X: lye. . ; f i wer!J fT Which for , It Cheapness, 8impUclty a T . l ' . i, 1 . . . l I f( me liiue Kidge.. . i . . 1,51 Bi f families for donatio pnrposes. ! tint era f 1 OifacI atei ThnriJiv the 25lh d . 1 J A With on of the Evaporsiors you I .. .L. . i i-H - --..a-'."?- ean ba' Fress vejcetable as your table . . . . , . 4.. ..'u tba whole year round. , . tut followina; aobcdtUe: 1 ;rveof rrof.Tif.tchell . ,Pr9 ,r thr bu and 'prices. 5 ForTreuion every ThursJ it j ;'"; n"e! t V to-wu: t3.C0, 3 03 and $13. tO. ' o'clock, returnfoir Frk'sy. ' '.... 7CTna r'"p!?1 "rd"rer!jDT.rr "-y ; rr roi:oivr:; ov-j - J. j, r. . "3