-1J I O il v , f i US " al'j last la II- i.t..- I rt-.l Ltl 4 p m. .m i..r.J .t 1 2 1 : , 1 .. .-' , a r ,. 3 f-i ft ' v . 'Ii.it," Lj iCd i tie te bare it W. u , i i ! 1 ' :s cf L r W.J i L::zl i ES tO ca tbe 1 v- ; MiiCilllwui -' . cry der&rtnest U newly Blocked with, tbe finest selection of fcoods j t its ever invited your attention to. ' In point of magnitude, variety ! t iz-.j onr exhibit will . be found : to excel any that baa yet been 3 U UU city. ; " ' . L . k .. .' s nseroot as the stars are the Bargains. . Up stairs, down stairs, 1 is every department of tbe boose, Bargains are to be found that tie cltalned elsewhere, . . i ,.: : --a , .. Y nzrvni-nn ! BargQi'-hn ! , rirred Cbal'.Ies, So. per yard, worth lOa ' . . t . V L;te Check ilaslin,5c per yard, worth 8c - ' ! Lace Stripe Scrim, 5c per yard, worth 10c : v - .? Large size Towels, 60. per yard, worth 10cv ' i v ' " i line hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 6c worth 10c . r Cents linen Handkerchief, 5c worth 10c ' ' J Ladies' Hose, only 5c " v i - - " - ' ' Gents' llalf Hose, 5c 1' ; -.1 Writing paper, 5c per quire'. , " ""' ' . . , . Envelopes, 5c per pack . " ! A tiz Drive in CMUren'1 Seamless Solid Color Hose, onlj vo, WUIUt auc . - i Lead Pencils, 5c per dozen. V - A nice white Lawn, wery wide, only 5c per yard. , i Vt 10,000 yards Twill Cashmere, only 10c, sold everywhere at 12c. 'A 67 'd yards Debeige, spring shades, only 10c, sold for 20c, f t 13.C00 yards Gingham, in solids, plaids and stripes, only 8c, always AlXlOO. " ' . ' -- ..v : ; ;;;- f k . Doable width Cashmeres In latest shades, only 12jc : ' ' : v Cents' seamless doable heel and toe hall Hose for only lOe. v j . ; Cents' 4-ply linen Collars, only 10c , 1, - x ,4. . . -.'Js- Gents' 4 ply linen Cnffs, onlv 15c . Ladies' Opera Blippers, only 50c Ut:l csn ta fesnd -In IcurT Dress. Gc:2s 'Vt.,D.!Pa'cati:! " 1 ti Lyons Blsek Satin Ehodemu Lyons Black Gros Grain Bilks, ' Lyons Moires Silks ia all shades, ' Black Gros Grain Silk, only 65c. . , . : Doable warp stripe and plain Sarah Bilki in all shades, A great Variety of figured China Silks, vV v Doable width all wool Serges in newest shades , ' ' , ' ' nintalsyaa Beiges, ; ' - V . ' J ' Preneh Cashmeres, f French Sarah Cloths, -.n. ?f All wool nenrietfas, Albatross, Kan's Vetlbg,' . ( r , . f Firared Chillies, Stripes, Plaid and Plain Summer Flannels - .) in rreat varietv. '. - : vr- i ..V.-t''V.'.t CiT Lize of Black Dress Goods is Complete in every respoct I lack Eilk Guipure' Lace riouncina:, 42 Inches wide. Uhite Goods and Embroidery Department ; cossuts of the largest assortment of -.Trench Nainsook, India linens, I called oa Solicitor Allen to make tome : .V.": Kinstcn liens, . . Ta hal on p ia But prvmiaisf t'&c the bmtj rtk.s tni ti of lial week. . . t , . ."''',' Mr. 3S OaMaw, much retpecWd youcj naa &&r La Q rtcf, dil Uit reek. . . . , Jaa. If. IliBM, a tijiktjr reipt4 firtnMof loMKat township, d.4 oa SKurdy Mt ia kU 78 Jh yur. We r?ret to lra of tbe aerioae 111 KMtof Capt. W. S.Byrd. the eCicient county euperinteajeot of pablio in traction. N f Farmers from every section of the county report eicemive rnlftfetl oa Fri-daylMt- lnl'iak ilill townthipLaw on1 mUUam wu broken.'; , . v Uany tn tkU community are RriTd at the death of lire. Ju. A.Priden which oocarred laat Sunday afternoon. The funeral aervieee were conducted on Tueeday by Ut. 11. W. Battle. 1 ' Mr. Athfcrd, formerly ot Clinton, maa ot conaiderable in ten tire goina, haa inTented a potato barrel which poMeeaee much merit. It ii far ahead et the flour barrel for shipping potatoes, encumbers, squash, eantalopea,oraages, VMS. I 5 -''. A bock arent was looked upoS with some soapicioa by the ciril serTioe dans this week. They thought he was -a secret agent from Washington to si mine the situation and report who should bare the epoile. Those who were not consulted by the itinerant gentleman feel that their eauie will be' prejudiced. f The walkina stick maker held the ground tn froatot Adam Singleton's sat in saloon on uonday afternoon ana gire Vent to Bob IngersoUiam in very emphatio term a US declared tnat tnere eould be no Gad as the Bibls had said avery man should get his liring toy the sweat of his face, bat it was a notorious fact that the poor men had to do all the sweating while the rich lived In ease without sweating. . Occasionally Adam and Mrs. Singletoa would throw a bot shot into his camp, but he was utterly demolished when JJr. Moody appeared and reminded him that men's heels were to crush the serpent's head. , The Justices of the peace and county commissioners held a joint meeting oa Mondsy for the purpose of levying taxes and electing a county board of educa tion. J. T. Askew called the board ot justices to order. 1 The roll was called and a majority answered, ins county commissioners appeared and the chair man, B. W. Canady, was called oa for the estimates of the board, lie reported that during the last year S3.122.64 was collected for the genersl fund, $3,814.71 of which was disbursed, leering a ral anoe of S307.83. Bchool receipts $7,- 984 48; disbursements $3,840.93, learing a balance of ss.82S.D0. renoe tax re eeipte,-- ' $1,037.20; disbursements, f 033.15, learing a balance ot JJ50tX5. The chairman stated that the manner of earing for the poor was Tery expen sire as wss also the cost of courts. , lie iai.- St AJ?, be au Cf St : I bete a pre bfjre 1SJ2.1 1 perftited lo:s Victoria Lawns, Fancy Laee, Btnpe and Flain .Urgandies, -wluch.we are suggestione as to how tns court cost i4',"g atonekalf value '-a ''!'' ' ' -' - -tVBlihkD,reduoed lie responded mak nowofleryoatheopportnniij Three Thousand Dollar Stock t f Gaffiborf and Swiss Edgings and Umbroliered Flonnelngi at prices far I dow original nianafaetnrert iprices. - of the constitution be levied, as follows; for general Btate fund 25 cents on the hundred dollars valuation and 73 on the r, 7wf al Wmins tn 'ftAAm Tifnin T)amaV' Mil Ma. er VardV torth PU; for schools 12 cents on property c . . 1 r. . " - 1 . ; - 1 . .-. . -...... 1 ....-. . - ,1 . ' . I matt ! vii . inMi, ur innnii vuuuij W" ' , V ,,! i. IfnnA 90 1 . nil nmurt anil R71 m Complete line of Ladies Corsets, falbrigganand gense UnderveBts, j JpoU; for fence, 6 cents on property ia Lsdies' Parasols and Umbrellas, gold and cxjtUsed slyersndlo. at prices the stock dutrict. After considersble that will sorpriie you. r i, dlscaiwion the present board of edaca tion. Dr. n. D. Harper. M. II. V.'ootea and D. C. MnrchisoB, was re-eUcted Now being ereeted under the super Intendence of thst versatile genius, Mr. Bay wood Tooker, for the purpose of accommodating all patients whose moral perceptions as to what constitutes right and what constitutes wrong are suf ficiently clear, to as to keep them from violating all the laws of moral well Csr Ehoe Department is now tie Largost itHd Host Coniplet ever ilitsi in the city, and at Prices .that fiery fconpeuuoni ; rice worked button bole, VEST stylish Ladiei Sboes for'onlj $1.00. ' r uine SAKD BXWXD Ladies Button Bboes. PUf EST Sid, only $2.50. !e ssrentsfor the Celebrated P. Cox Shoe, every pair wax- I I all atla in Otmi. Tna and iommrm Hnnsa - - -v r . .. ' , , . iivioiaiuiK au tne laws or morai wei, A i-li assortment oi Ladies Blippers, Uoera, iJutton and lies, in pram anai bein- i( B0W ttvn)r approaching com- t f i. - . Inlet ion. The hotel is rather unions in :ta' solid leather Bnoe, m Jaoe, batton or ;JoneTess, ior oniy eio im conmrucuwa, bum h's n .... ...... ' . . . ' . v , , . , . : ' '. 1 htteA tntrthmr mi.M irnn rndi. the nah , , . c f.v.' "nr.'.'1 1 . ji ..'.j. w. ml frames are of three-qaartet men iron We nsvsaaaeawoorfaoejLwparHnentaune weuia nuiiw." bn without glw; the toon are-of Call and tfamiM O Zlazu S3008h00i9" Ter onerea lorAueixna roomi Are amAii, not ery eiabo- byS50 feet deep, but does not occupy tbe whole ground. As toe tuuding i intended as a sanatarium for ail whose morals are in such a condition as to lead tbem iato violations cf law, it be been tisemeiiben to ft thebuuuicj back some distance from the street, so that the pat'.-x's would not he father contaminated ty ouUide iDiiaences, The bosrd of atteadics rhrsiciTs con sistsof tbe city marshal snd his s tants, each one being fair.;, bed wi.h s diploma but no prescririions t re al lowed to be riven, until tbe c? 1 ,noeea ty Layor cractice so far I. X. Vary, worn sod d;couraied, 11 -: .,. k an4 hcp-:!4 auJ saJ; Lor, . i tit heip aoi ccmfoit . . V, bea nooecan be had . , describes tbs condir.oa cf those perir who are said to be V xr.g downti.l,'' or "go.rg into a dpcl.ua." There ia aa tadescritsble wsatna ot the stti.a, a general lack cf vi...:y. They cannot teil what the rcatter is with tbem. Tbey only know tht tl y fel ruiser able in mind ani t 1y. They are gloomy and detpoajiut. They hare tried this and that remedy prescribed by thsir friends or the doctors. They hare fii'ed to receirs any beoeSt from them. Tbey reach tbs MH-:Jt..oa that there is no belp for them and O il tbey must. die. how tbe fact Is that the trouble originates, in nine oases cut of tea, in impure blood. There is poison ous, effete matter in it that ought to be rot rid of. Bat how can this be done? 8imply by taking Dr. Fierce 's QoiJen Modical Disoote ry, hich sots on the blood and various organs of the body in such a wsy that the roan . cr women using it seems to be mads over recon structed. It is guaranteed to benafit or cure all cases of diseaee for which it is recommended,: or money paid for it will be refunded.;. M :-;vX Big ITIccs for Ksre 1'ostare. Stamps. Tpe times are bard, and nobody has any money- .let I-jO has teen paid in a London auction roon for annnnsod example of the rare fonr cent tine stamp of Lritish Guiana, issued in xboQ ; ena fiso was given by the same,, enthusiast for a used specimen' of that issue. The phila telist a strange product of civil- zation, and His dlvsj&tions Lave never Dten quite nnderstanded ol common mortals.- Lut perhaps he bas worldly wisdom on his side after alL JXhe t250 Btamp may very possibly be worth ?m0 in ten years' time, and it nay not be more imprudent to lock op one's money m rare stamps than In choice wines Stt Jane's Gazette. . . i,1 4 ; . . i ... ,i A. S AFB IZIVESTnEilT. . - Is' ons which is guaranteed to' bring yon satisfactory results, or in esse of fail pre s return of purchase price. On this safe Ttlaa von can bnv from onr sdrertlMd Prnggixt a bottls of Dr. King's New Dis covery ior uonsumpuon. it is guaranteed to bring relief in everycase, when used ior any.asection ei , Throat, i.unrs or Chest, such as Consumption Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It Is pW-tnt and agreeable to taste, perfc-'-'r snfe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bot- urs rrse at K. n . Uunr s, whoinnaie and retail flrngglst. Trice per dozen, 13.00. The lightning la vivid ssainst dark clond, so the bravest lives are sMiw uiatn, !,,..t,iv; ,.- , t Ge'cd ASrle,Sho'WlnKBa,t. IklwarlBIlyey.'C icasto, f ir t mony: "My wifsb I Catarihtwfr five years; suffered . severe! f r years before she begn to oie 3 r; edy, Uciibia tobres'-i s escf '. '. the mouth; in a mn t critical Tried everything without t v-1 Dr. Streeter ' adviaed hn u bnv Clarke's Extract of Flax (I'rUlon) Catarrh Cure.) Belief followed imme diately, Bhe continued to it until she is now entirely cured. lier health haa xot been so good in many years." Price tl 00." - Wash tbe baby with Clarke's Flax Soap. 25 csnu. F. & Duffy, druggist, now has the Flax rem edies on band. - ' " .; . Oasrpotp, Czx2rp.eta, Brussels.' Tapestry, IngrablIemT Carpets. '. ' v. . y -Cocoa, Napier and Straw Mattings. . At trices to Suit all. ' i . rt j ' : f tv w ev w aw p,ncu, i u lareest stock of DrT Goods, Notions and Ehoei that has leen been thoroughly dian , - . - f t tt , , , - ' ' ;. B. P. Viltiaras, wbo Lis Earket5a twenty years, 'all bought in large quantities" for tM beea Ttry sacce fu i m&rkeya twenty years, lien I sm offeiioz at a very close margin; I will giaractee ' LTIH0H13 PEICE3. Come an! see me sad getmyrrlces, . Carl's O. IT. Tl Cotton for 44 8-lCOs. jer dozen. e-crj cae for t&eirpast patronage ana sollcitlrj a continuance , ttnxbi ion' that LOW TEICE3 SHALL ALVtAT3 LEAD, lEt time to buy alatchet is be fore blood is found epen It. a'SIstresalas Cand nappy Cora ."For over a vear I bave r.al s 1 V ingootontoy l"jr, wL so tad I ecu! 1 rt w swelled, cf a t " 5 r tmrg so tf.l I t 1 . 1 ' if I b-re my wt ' t on 1 fit, !"i to try c. la'si (I ; :.ln) i kla Cure, C ' r a. . Vr le is now v.t two riiiles OH" it trr V,' I-T I W 1 r - ' J 3 f at L.i . si Uif U Up Give' a L5i V" V.' ' a ;. i - J. i 7 Wt.i a;; i Ita w;.i,oct anv trnitle. Signed, A. D, Hay ward." Clarke's iisx Boap makes the sib soft and prevent! chppirsr. . CXia Cce 51X0. Bop5 cents, for eala ty F. 8. Duffy, drupjist. C Q t i. - 3 C3172 j. i... i.:. i.-. - lilil ii.4i. ..I.J i i Morehead City, C. . NEW MANAGEMENT. F. 1m' rr.UUY, rropiicta . This home bas been thorou&Uj i - paired, psioted, and refarnl-hed, s I ianowepened for thesumnur t.t '. The proprietor aims to reals the , Berne Douse a first-claw family t. There is ao bar la connection wi.1! i ' hotel, and a 8,000 gallon cisura I been added for the comfort of gufeta. Terms moderate. , . , For further information apply to ... . . . F. L FElkUT, j I dlw wit " V Proprietor. 1 I BorasT roeiicine ia thirteen Zin butBotMt he'rpd me tiillusd Lly'e Cresa 1 . Ia fonr dsys I c .' ! heor rs well n evr. I anacj? ' ea!Hia e well. It is te best roc' Tr .r--1. Cam It V.T.dri'k, Hi. : ir 1, lu Y. I J f ,.' ';rv q it w?e si'- 1 ?it f -H r 7 t . j. LV -. -vr is TII12 PLACC TO BUY GOODS 10 V7, r' 18 AT .I". ' ' nOBEnTSjfi DOC 1 '. We keep oonitantly in stock Provisions, - " Groceries, ' Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to give ui a trial w hen ia Seed of anything in our line, ' . ' EOBERT3 & FHO. WK. S. Leaman. Eowaed D. Ke: a. : Lc:r.::n u Kerr, ' . WnOLESALE , Commission llerclir , ' IS ALL pnnnrjcTa of tub oticm CBOVe, VAU.11 AMU 1 1 . . . . 165 West Etrcet, New YcrL. - ' ntFESENCIS: Mes. Nah, Whiton & Co., 120 TTarr i Et N. Y. Mr. R. C. Curtis, 193 Keade ft., IT. Y. IVrfhsnfs'Fsrhanjre Kt'l I' tr.s.V . Y. C. II. I'rown, I'-snker, Va8lirgt!,;'.U. And ank$ cf New Berne. ' rp'resntel by Jons E.Ovr' , : Portsmouth, Va. ni5 . . I TbG::::n h ell " t F02 -; Refrigerators, Trcezcrs Y .. V iitcr Cc . . r.'j ;" WiroD::1iC;v;r Fly Faun er.l Tr:v YnroChtlir:! r:t!lT:, a rvi.fi i.ixn axi at r,, ..Ton rracrs. L. II. CUTLI" . 4 A . i " i" V ' " r -'t I r n, very truly yourr