I f v ;:o. gi. int.v; i 'inure, n. a, Tuesday, junb ii; 1880. PRICE 5 CEXT. . . :- -a . tf rf! t t e 1 . : i Iv-;4lO 1. .1 LA:.?r3s.iPAr.:3 chzi:n if J LiiJ, ALUS & Co. tiS ICS I aai bow reedy t lurn- i,- .i atf euttners end the public --turu wab reus lea at the very price of one root per pooa!. I a at roy old tuai on Brod streeet, t . ta the sUr of J. J. Tolaoa and E it lu.it.ura 0,a Sundays from i r . ui., tfn to one, and six t '1 i p. t. .. '"''( t 1 1: j . : EiKv.riSHKB., 1)V:.J I LACIiEZUIiY JUICE ' for .1 inc.:. ol varpoeos at- : '- 1 e'.Tlf JAVRMM6D'B. ' 1T5rCLAS3jjbworb executed at 1 t.. r".eca sv.rwry term. , t. hs, a25tf IJLCUSES, Cu'.UfaUis sal Harrows at lery low price. ; J -; ' Oio. Attts "ft C$4 1 1 -0T1TP-0 FP.rS'Cn EUANDY AND A LOLLAND UiN, juat received aad sale by . . - - JAauta Kkdmokd. 1 ."AlHLY MEAT CUTTERS at Gao. Allen ft Ca TUSf RECEIVET-Anothr lot tf l UAR&STT'S OOONAO BRANDY for sal If : James Ridmond. ONE Thousand Boll Vf all Paper at rerr low prioee. . Qio. ALLM A Co. 1URE "WINES AND LIQUORS for . Uadiciaal aad otbar aaes for sale by Jakes Bkokond. Johnstown continues to be the centre of attraction. - - The gunboat FetriL now build ing at Baltimore, ia now ready for a n tract trial. -. , 'Oeeman cotton manufacturers have established a national society for mutual protection.' ' - Johit B. JSAVEff 1 has been ap pointed Berenne Colleclor for the fifth district of North Carolina. ? At a meeting of Americans in Paris, France, 40,000 francs were subscribed on the spot . for. the Johnstown sufferers ' . Tnx Kepublican party ia not the friend df the people. It, Is the guardian of a special class which . rules it. Richmond State. -.- - ( 1 l.ai 111 J 11 II ! s W v Sam Jones is shaking np Jack son, Miss. His congregation .on Wednesday night is said to bare been the largest that erer faced a Treacher in that city. Charlotte -Chronicle. . " 'Teesident Caenot of France, 'is very fond of Americans, and is cultivating sedulously the society of our countrymen "now in Paris. At Lis recepiions more Americans ing room ia urope.B ' . " '. '. . 1.1ns. John .; 'A, Loqan will es taliish a post-graduate school for ycung ladies in which house keep- in is to be tanght&sonedf the L'bcr - accomplishments. The ccursa of practical instruction, will ; . :3,1a cooking and the art of ct:rtainingand making home at- t.. -tire. :iO of North Carolina, of all r conditions and callings, see t before another winter 'Hers Do me is securely ?, and well oa the way to and by the spring r;'i?v. for the careapdac- ' .I:a cf every needy vetS' ' t-) Elite. Wilmington 'y as cold 13 - - i1; h ii TTarshing !' '"kit W23 3 C:t 'i cf ) t3 f " - 1 t - 3 tO tl.0 " , 'its i'.Aa : 1:7 ed L. i r(l 'i CM. . . r ci: asi the rezii'.-'sr L-.iztei bitsreea lie CLc T&I ej of 2ew Ycik and C: Virginia. Fh IIaJcI.a r.tccrj- A sTBixrsa f.AUre of tie progress cf tie new goutb: ca-j to light in Boston last week when tie bid of ft Georgia iroa tra far atotialloal4 fraiwuitrtowm to tha 1T00 contract W tfcaS ClW WM boaJtolw lover titaa that of 117 of Its competitors. Tbe sirca tsees of the Oaorffia' coscera'h supposed tobedaeto low tretght rates bj vtter. 4 la asj . ease H U a wonderful c&ase la the eonditioa of ihinrs which enables Georgia to snpply Miwsaciiusetts wua cneaptcontdja Soa Iron. Washington Post LOCAL NEWS: AlfVERTISEXIXTS. C. f. SLDVKg-Corned bacf. r. B. Emitb Plnmbor wanted. . W. II. Watsoh Ugbtaiag rod. ErtNCis Baoa. Ocracoka hotal. Ba sura to attend the entertainment ae tha theatre tomorrow sight by tba olass from tha Orphaa Asylum. ' 1 I Tha steamer Howard will leave for I PoHoksvUle Ui. morning a, 7. Vice lasieaa oi wo usuat aour. ( i The young meat prayer meeting will I a- k-m iKh .nin. ftv,i,a- in t..l d...... k an i.n. i-.HIaent carried off premiums at the lastf ta attend. 1 Two prisoners are no w la Craten oounty Jail. This Is the smallest .num ber for sometime. Will sot some one go their bonds aad let the Jail doors for once be thrown open ? : ' The; board Cof' troseespf thslNf7 Berne Aoademy held a meeting y ester-1 day afternoon and discussed the school questioa at length. ;Wkhoat tahlpgUTiKoraua( roisay,,ealktlaU)ajg MeeUed anything they had ever any definite ; actlfB "the ,board- ad-l wnih, U dally' giyen. The uniform I witnessed. The unWersal opinion wsa oarned to meet next Monday at p. m. . 1 i . . . .. . : . Aborse wunaarayintewaaaneaupiwearta puuuo tpwwi Middle street yesterday afternoon, rais- in a tu.tVnd nraatina- an oaala nf ex. oitement in the deeartef dormancy that seebed to enfold the said, street ia its r ... - - . ' t . smotheririgojme,:,Thehomftseem mrf a bra&k - tat Haha'a sUblea. making goodiime, and came Tsryaear getting there with both feet, but en. foot e.ught in a er.ck in" the bridge across ths gutUr. This caused the hone tofallaad the w.y.he went fit on the dide; meremsnt ,wouid , MTemaa. some ei our amateur uueuauww a ""I m . . Li..vktrr.. with enTfr " - . ' . r svl -- vr MUtfpi-a. " nt . - YX.. rt II.. jiotiwhiwi (uumu n v. ui "in -1 rired last night and will sail this after- nnnn at 9 A'nlnnir. Trnr.k rAOla tA hourofaiW. ' . V i J Tha Steamer Defiance of the Grdelwer. up for disorderly oonduot, but ; - line sailed for Baltimore last night with a .,.Aih .i a waav was Mawwf - w w w v . Tha ataamer Veanatof the E. O.D.I Hn. .all. wa.aawl.v-.ttA . aaraa of . r . . " . ..T:TMi:7.LL-.'.Jiv: .i.j trucx.xne Annie OI to is una wm sail i.j i '.tl. ir...k. WU.J : . v vww. .v- w.., at 4 o'clock. Truck until the hour of sailing. Th. T. T.i-rrr t.l: . " ..7 .... .' - A letter irom state xreasurer, uaia informs us that the toui levy ef State and school Uxel i. 40J , cenU on the on. nundrea . dollar. valuation 01 property and $L91i on the poll. ne counties can levy SO 1-t cent, oa erty and 78, on the poll. ; His explana1 tion of the law can be found on page 57 Af tha eaanna namnhlat ' Tha -- r r -. r -o rMra. ani MMtntdnnnm in aama a. w winvi ' it and levied 87 cents for Elate and school purposes and 191-6 for. county ' o , - . . & i iu.uimi, Mr. Sheoard Bryan, son of H. R. - Bryan, Esq., divide the highest honor for th. best schohrahio ia Greek at th. University of North Carolina and re- celveda prize therefor. He was pre - -. ,-- ' pared la Greek by G. Neal, who,,treet, n adjUagedto pay the cost. was once Prof. Ancient Languages and Higher Branchea of Mathematio. ia th. Wesleyan Female College, aad whose students have taken honorable iV!ticr.s in their c!ses at the Tjhitx7'j of North Carols a, Wale Fore t. Tilslty, Princeton and other institutions of learning. - ' Messrs. A. 11 Eaier and C. L. C.s kill left yes tcrdsy morning for Eoeton. ClPtntct JItnly, Est , Uft for EaleLa yc---rday. v - 1 I" l. F. M. Ifftfor Ws.h- C.y ia - ta fwail at eac ta aat. "Lit i iar ia kA&4 f.r Ca raa- to t . will pirn 44 fc wi Ml t lJf.rtui toaomJj .ataaaj Wn rcv.tJ. From all acooo&iJ liart I ia ao dat ;t r f coeiritutifif too raa&a. I U, Urt . . krpMi aajbtasoa of diatraaa4 bratbraa, wtitb ! hi tbaralaaot . food of aaoaay going to tba ralkf f tba dia- traaaad. v . - - Tba followlBC baa Uaa noaltad at Mm Orpha Bbaailia. .I IW a Eaijworteia-,-I CO J. L. Haba . ' AM lit. XUaalj. a-w 1 Idaaa., AW "- " Xlasaf gchooL . Aa aoooant el the cloalag tzarciaci ef this sehool appears la today's lame. The editor of this paper was preeeat ea I Tharaday aad heard the exarcieaa ef that day laoladlag 'the exoalleal ad dress ef Ban. H. W. BatUe ef this eity. This school is for the adaoatioa ef gir la aad young ladiee. The PrinoipaJ $ a teacher of many years experieaoe, bat la ia the fait vigor ef manhood, a 1 - i faeludtog asasle and art department I woia t popua mtMti eopar. Fair ia thjs eity, ar-d aU who Tlaited the Fair know that there were some floe , .... -r - r- naan iTnainai mm mrainBr iEnrm. a iniaacaooi hob mas aet wuy u range out eastern uaroiina snoaia oe 4 . . . . . . prottd of. The wort b tborougb, end of. the health and comfort of the students are elosely looked after. The rosy -fcv, f it,'. Urff. oij. la the hall on! Thursday gate aTideaoe of the health- Ureas which all pupils are required to I . . -t. ... ,.f.t A. this school aad' reduees txpensas large I It la the matter ef drees. , - athere Were enrolled during; the past I year one aaaaraa ana wseea pupua, iu - . a a a a aa a n ai Th7Joyed. Mise Uzzie Hodges I reDrssented " fifteen counties or wis State and oa. fromFlorlda. -A&JF&'lXJti Take it .11 la .11, it will be hard to flad a better school for girls and young ladies than the Elnsey Sohool ot La Orwge, y , . V - K.yort Court. . " ' '. s Tii wlirltant nalliM fame bad thrnwnl I the meshes ef the law , around a great r aa"" w-- -w . - M.nw- !nMUil iiffMm fiAtwufi I . w- fl4a lt,t n1 VnttAm kinnlnf wva ' WB' hut upon examination they all slipped I thronffb but tWO. , , ,. . , r . , I Bautuel Howell f oha? - , . w j - - " . , . th. charge not neing sustained they lr-r.oh.r. . : r i , r i -er iMar Jonefl WSS Called tO aaSW.r A i i . ' 1 3 ; i.-.-. simflAf mmrtsl CaroTiae Holly was the 1 maiq witnew a me oaso auusuoeu 1 future nsppmess iouowea mm irom H nMaAliiaiMMfMaiinnffbUhathalt. j , - air' eoBVlct herself insteadiOf Msrr.l ) aava wva watvauVA;, mmj Marv waa dlachareed aad admoniahed mv tna aiavor- b let, these Women i .lo. - or fam "win rffl : have tw on the in,, Caroline was asked tooon- Carolina was askad an eon J tribute t$M and eost to tbeeitv trees - Brer. 5Miee- Mr." Which the 'said She I -wa 'r.Ua . ImW ., Tka awManna was that ah. mined out Marv land sent fZ!?l. - u r i i t Roach ft Taylor Were charged with ,i..k..l'. .L: .. i BQi.ing wniaaey oa ououayr. stbii aegianiuK w. .uo , bcboium wv iiuo.i . niiMi WrflT. .WflTn. . DDK BH' ODI i .. . & .1 but nofene ksw Tthtof abonl it. On waeto v It. ft- I a. u I0om 0n one' Sundav but saw notDg sold, tte I Calvin J Smith was charged with M,Van1l fiatnrdav b - - - i ..... .....'. i. t fi 4 I nignt. ue aeniea ine enarge, eaia washot.drunk but asleep. Policemen Wila and Willi, who carried him the stoUoa proiioune him, drunk He a j m . m w amn - , a. - a a sua I unea.w bTb wiLaurange Wben fragile women sighs, deploring H.L - .1 . . 1 . .bla - J . IDS cliaroiB vul uuiuaij ibuv wi What rer, tbe bloom of health tw Can c' " k tT.e proKres. of away TV o-.?t a: i V 't's worth a'.lersuon, I -r r , . j ir I i.!s ef i-:-h dascription, ct "-.t- r ' 7 mention -cs j s inscription."! - . , . Sutton. . ... t 5y. Dr. Fierce i t'-: oe. 6,7, r. , is but a.l t-.os. f ehror.!o tr'. Uar to wor---u suchr'a , j i v I; ot r. i recu . .V.r. , s-ltyd.-,-- 'a - '-e frin V ' t. , ' l ;. - V 't w..l ftT9 Si". .ar'.. . Bee guract Large touie. $1 bic'7 r-fi to, a ait. w fcr 1 tTTrsIa. i Board of '7 r'""tat ) c' c.lsers h r r i.ror ' i hav. KISSET SCHOOL ! Uaalif lurcjjes ;, la IatemUEj Ccciiija. Kiretl af Et. H. W. Battle. A Prwperam Scheal. . It vaa tha Dfaaanra at tha vrUar to Kiawy gicbaoi at La, Qranga wbkh ka- f a a W adaaaaay attninic. jooa 01a. SEJTS ibaaio aatartaiiuaeau Tba follolf Icrocram wm readarad wiib ikiit, tUo aad, ia tba opiatoa ef a?ery TWtor, al- Calfcttaala Mh-MWaa wataoa ana I . ' I Marebaa aad fraa ytanaatwa, liam. t.wlQB4rtatt. Matcaa da Sacra. IMayar Ua -Ktt Bogga, UUaa Hoblaa, uany I , BayeaadLadjaOall. Dana Ball Exeroiaaa. Yoeal Solo, Milkmaid Sang Hattia Yara. Swinging Indian Cluba Qaartatta, Bedempdoa Polka-Paarl Hardaa, Virginia utyi, .va tioopa, 8iddio Williams. KecitatiOB, Romaaca of theSwin'i Naat tea JS.tnsey. Vocal Solo, Bya-Bye-Baby-Annie Portts. At thia Boint N. J. Route, Eeq , of Kiaatoa, ia a aeat aad wall-Unad littla speech, presented the prises, Miss Susie pnHoe county f tba dumb bells . lTo. program Of the eyeaing conclud ea wtta tba loiwwing: , Vocal Solo-8allie Rountree, Quartette, Secret LoTe-HUi erei, Abd1 Poriu' Chief Leadirs Dora Hays and Maud 1 KinPT. n .kiuii ri...T y. n r H I W. J J ' i Ma Kaaa Kinsev Indian Club Class-Led by Virginia I flays and Susie Uranger. I In the larite audience were gentlemen who had viaited the beet schools in the w"B,tl7 J?"? I ai wey couw aoi w mproyeQ upon I Oa Thursday at 11 a. m. a large con .i. .h. k.ii when y,. xeroises were opened with I prayer by Bey. J. J. Harper, of Smith- l' W!,V"0wd chi t - aawusvi w -waa " w v ' 1 . hj - .Trvbodr en then cams lorwara ana in a oiear, ais- S'm; Md fitting to th. oooasion by .nyof tb. learned professors of leading colleges, Jloeing.he introduc.d to the.udi- I aitv. . w. hattlk. 1 , w. n.u r.mJ n at uaaaa svavisvu aa vhbdhv mum sbv I prop'i lgu&e to the " flattering " I WVlUS OI toe Imll uiuvuucer, uua alter , . . -twliitnr ram.fka. nhmui for ITT t . . ' I I hi. .ttbleCt k-.. ,M itrmA 9atmmk.mA atWIVtlaineiaB. I uuuiva aaav iuvwf .vrewrw -(imuuv, i will vw jiisauej iy auv rrwueat buu isveiru ui The speaker seemed to appear at hislwteotoraoi : and company, befor.th.oieri Uerr best and in his happiest mood. hilIVtVt1!' a : , - - 11 M Um mat . V ?m K'"" .l""B i tha nannamv trina. hikt worn a nr ","B.,"r .VLluM ?n,nw"0""u.u mm.?rl ""Tm 1 :-- ; . .v. s a . ... - A . 'r" 1 iu" D"u.!f" I" 7-T .r.T: . loaiua ABTia, ana mi bbj tuai it wbj irnu doM 500,1. .xpresses it. U peered to be just .nough said, not I W0T wo n1000 ?r wora 100 'llM" I avar word aaamad la hava heen nut in I i - i - - . J . L . . . . u . L ,tU anltha tona ani em I nhaatanrnnarlv measured out to e'ach. I Whan it ia remembered that it was ber - . . I wa composition no better evidence is needed that she ha. Nenjunder good I w. Princirial announaed that at the a A- : ' 'V t'--a , lx.77I.il- 71 ......! ... nrrarai in iwnniininin: n. ni re onereo in penmansmp: a gou pen . for . the most Improvement in """v" r'----r- PIZZtZ &V&i&'mJSL a.L '.B(t bast atithV Tha W iBrriHBcr. -aaa a- cold nea- ror . tne I oi t . "5 J I ? J!;,,!, ""! - in. u.. anatne secona to miss tieia jeeii ae i0f Kselsville, V. : Jdis.es Uhariie -r .. . . . I Warters, Myrti. Qunter and Lizai. I ne. deserve , hono r .. byE, Shai- BaqT.of l " ; i. av . .t .. - A Voal 4ue. by . Misses tucy a A vocal duett, by. Hisses Lucy U.1 Taylor and .Ada Kinsey, "Hear Me, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Norma," closed the program for. the I The annual conoert was aeid i hurs- day evening, and the following bill of far. was given to the great satisiacuon land delight of the large audience; Quartette. Tancredf Misses Alice San- mj, Jnlia Dalv. Ltter Taylor. Nor. .Recitation. Josiah : Alien'. Wife at-A, ' 1 T. Stewart's store By Miss Eva .: Kinsey. . : Vocal Quartette,' Beautiful Yenica - MI.se. tSllie RounUeevHaffy Hays, - Ludie Bell and Lela Keel. Piano Solo, III BallaJe (Chopinl-Mies i . k A irin,. Six Recitation, Hon.'. W.ter.-Mis. UJSSfSSSL .,. ii .. ,;;Mthe summer. The proprietor, will do Vocal Solo, Kiss Walts (ArdiU)-Mi8ShlJ beet to please every one who may Inii . !r . t t!ass Kecitauon, live Before waterloe Lloculion Class. -rus.Down Among the LiliesVvoal Due, Aadante da Surprise Bymphoai. iUaydea), laa aUaaey aad Utia PiUnsaa. . Vocal Solo, Goodnight. Eto. Mis. Lacy U. Taylor. Ascitatioa, Jamie Butler aad the Owl Miae lixue iiiaea. ' Vocal Duette, Master aad Pupil Miaees Lilian Noblea and Uxaie Uinea. Baciutioa, Tb. Wlnd-Elocutlaa Class. Quartette, Teat Overture (Lentnsr htraaaarHMiaee. Ada Kiaeey, Ida Sut ton, ra Kiaeey ml Al Ua saaders. Tha. eiosed th. third annua! eom enoement exercUca ef oae of the beat schools of its grade ia) the South. The Principal stated that eaa hundred aad sixteea had bean enrolled during the rear, and sine January last the aer ag. attendance had been one hundred. Before the opening of the next session th mala building will ba ealarged so to meat all th. requirements ox . growing, popular Institution. Beech am t Pllla acttlik. msgio on a weak stomach. Plumber Wanted. A good Plumber eaa ret a job by applying to the undersigned.' It U. SM11U. Ughtning Hods. New Bod. ereoted and old onea re paired at short notice. Leave order, at office of W. M. WATSON. Agent jell dtf Eagle L. R. Company. Ho I Forjho Sea I Best Summer resort on the coatt is the lovely island of Nature haa made it cof Man haa im proved it! Sea breezee from every di rection! Finest fishing in the world I Sailing and surf bathing. Boats, Suits and Fiabiag Tackle at I command for reasonable prices. GRAND OPENING v or THE OCRACOKE HOTEL, SPENCER BROS. , Pbop'rs, on JUNE 18th, 1889. Hotel enlarged. Table supplied with the beet. Servants attentive and polite. Soda fountain Band of music. Rates low. Steamer two trips a week from Wash' ington and one from New Berne. First trip June 18th from Waahington. teems; Per day . 81.50 td $2.00, Per week, . . 7 00 to 10.00. Per month 30.00. Address SPENCER BROS., jelldw2m Waahington, N. C, NOTICE. Application to Amend ths Charter of the eus. aad Trent Ktver Steamboat Company. Motloe la hereby liven that an apoll cation I will be made by tha President and Board ol I uieri 1 on I I aixw avaa uctj vi mm aai u uiuua, ysama ueenarMrorwe saiaiieuaeana itcdi iutct uomoany. in idi louowina oar- tZnilZ Vu: Tnatartlole.lxofsrre.m.ntbe amended io that the said oompany ahs 11 hare power I to reduce its capital stoek to any sum 11 may determine on. so that is ahali not be less 1 auaaaa ar it. auviwwuu atuussib, aaibia huaawa- than Fife Thoneand DoUara. Thai thlscor- '"""iJ?" "l&2SSm iw " HJK "ri" a ,t. aoBu.aTany 0..," m ani denomT I S?i,.S S25?"iSSf i UI..BU1..U1UUUI 11.11 I.l.B UDMU .11 V I - 1 5 2.'""'.?".; lanror all of the Oomnanr'a nruDertrasse - I emw . s TnibBMHion inni m Hnmnsn u in inn I that the Board of nirsotors of this company Uaiibe .tm. thanthrej. That a due. ".,".,l":K.t"",?"ifT: . B tOr OBVll IlUb DBf U ISJU BaUlAiau irUDA IlUlUlUat I Sirl'S'U?! .h?i?fJ? (fJih?,' I ir"-. -ilSTT "7Z?:ZXZZrZ- u h iTr.h Ij,- a 1 w.r v f v-- IU.nvii.(ll l&izx, .VoTitwtworta imoakof ,.fd, company, i aoidimt ornoa aforeaawi snaii dispose 01 I ha stook so that-h. shau own less than tw I Boosiaera xhomasa. greens. I And other Membera of the Board ni.i.in,. ... ... ww. I MAr.v a quiow, Attorneys for Applloant. Ie9 d30d ITotice. W. T. DUNN reaMcif nil r informs PUb:l thtt h' U opposite the Depot; New Berne, N. C. . wora: guaranteed and price, to suit j the times. i - - jeTawim Good Table Board. i '. 4. . . . '''v' '. asaaB-sBBSB-ai" ' "-r - !- - - ? Parties whose families leave New Berne .during- the summer eaa obtain a000 WB 00ra uastonuouse I ... a . I. 1. a .a .- m . . W 1 1 at moderate price. t vj d4t PERRY, ft FULFORD. 1 ' J, . J-L y- - ' I1 Bea BrCEZe HOUSC. i . - ' ' This popular house in Morehead Cityt llnr.atad naav tha Taanhara A eanmhJT. . uvs w f w a. a v avtassa in wv waa w wi aaa, i stop a nn nuuse. je7 dwlm t J.T. EATON, PropY. Wanted, A Competent Printer to take charge city; ojjdlasc::. , " BBe it ordained by, the t Board Of Citv Councilman a t. v af New Beraa, N. C.; ... ' v Baa . xnat no persea oe eorpor. 2 ahad store ia eaa puce withia u.. , r porat. limiuof thacityaf New , at one time for a term longer t torty-elgbt hours, mora than & 1 i-. r.i of petrolem, koroteaa, aatc-a er .- - . 810. A That any persoa or aorporar tloa gaiity of a violation of thia orJi nance shall pay a fin. af . twenty-fce dollars. That each day said euanuir or oil shall remain ia one place sa.1 eonatitute a violation of thia ordioaaos. Provided, that thia ordinance shall not be enforced withia tea days after taa passage of the same. . R. P. Wnxuiis, Matoc. Silas Fclchkh. Clerk. . - - .- a- Furniture i I JOHN suter . - Has oa hand and Is recelTlog tYAry ear handsome Parlor salts. ChamberBata, heavy walnut. Bureaus, Wardrobes, llattrtasea. Chain, Lounges, Sofas, atoM etc ., -, Ba alto has a Una of Home-made Work of Bedsteads. Sofss, Tables, Koreans: ala . which are aeat and substantial. t rrices Right Dowu to Hock Bottom. Jk M XlMdle st.. New Berne. Wanted, A large quantity of which I will pay from S P lb- J. M, June 4, 1889. Beeswax, "for 0 to 33 eonta KILBURN. dim For Sale, The house and lot on Pollock street, now occupied by II. B. Duffy. Price $1,850. Apply at onofl tn i 80dtf u n niTPW. 7 Bath Booms Beady At my shop on Middle street. Plenty. of water, hot or cold, and good large,, J. B. BROWN. rooms. junl dtf Wanted, 1,000 pounds Beeswax; will pay from 20o. to 22o. Alao 1.000 Cattle Hldea 'HI pay from 5c. to 80. per Donndj Office Front Cotton Exchange. May 38th, 1880. dwtm " Ooientrand All, . And see 165 different kinds 6f STRAW1 HATS to be sold at Wholesale Cost at J. E. SMITH, Agt. Also a good line of MEN'S and BOY'd CLOTHINO, BOOTS, SHOES and DRY GOODS that will be sold very cheap fof I Cash. J. E. SMITH, Agt., ,1 v Middle St. , New Berne, N. C. " . : You Can Save Money; By buying your Alabastine, Ready.- aiixed faints, etc., from WHITTY & GATES. We have the celehratad "Parka' nl 'UDU1 ueiore Doy,n aoT nbe'- . . 1 L , . 7. 1 I the Hardware and BniMan. i? e ubvb a iuu swck oi everything in . liOvite your attention to tha un. t I WHITrY t OA TV . i " I Agents tor the Sherwin-WHlUwi.' I 1 1 vx . ... . . I dnaiara in r .fm rL J!i 5? IfS i .f11'. r""'",v'",'" ieeirSiJ I i . ine Besi I Medicine.,' Corn Whiskey, at 1 - ..--J, . 4 i TAYLOR;U:J Pure Alcohol. ': At . , J. F. TAYLORT5. 1 Kirkwood Flour, ; . The best in market for the price, At j; f. taylobh: I CassarH's Pnra Trv'.'.t TrS L?& . At J. F. taylortbJ 't Foot of Middle street. NONE BETTER . THAN uu'-l- 7 : .- OID VIBGDTiii 1 " : ' Icheboot;:! Take np Oilier!, SOLE AGENCY. ' WHOLESALIJ.GROC.. !' ' MIDDLE STREET, ' -' ' " ' -1' " NEW BEIT t Horsefnrd,a Ttraail Train !'. Manufacturer's price. 1T0TICZ. i 5 : if refresh el a country omo. a a irea w0ertin(atiNo.llof th r tit 'nihiei'sDauaaUr, !. U. K. (jo, having b" Ipnp.t ! spy y f, ra 1 " j8 Dayboro, TamKca Co., N. C. 1 1 CI.i's

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