.rr.ori:siioxAL.v;: f . THE Ufln HAS 0PEI1ED OUCE UORE! Owing to the Lard times and scarcity of money, I am deterdmlne to farni?h the people the Best G oods Tor the Least Money. Now, ia proof or lite iacc, i wm quote yoa ww 01 my pnceB. . mj shock. 91 Clothing' Is Enormous. Men's good Bloe Tlannel 3altssa low as $3.99. Also good Suits for Men at $2.98. Boys' good Bolts, from 14 to IS years, only $2.9$. Boys' Knee Salts from $1.25 to $1.50. Also a nice line of Men's Sacks and Cutaways and Prince Albert Salts. HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! Fire hundred dozen flats, all styles and prices. Mens, Boys and Children's Hats from 10 to 13 and 2b cts. Guarantee to Bait you ia any klad of flat. r ' SHOES, SHOES,' 8IIOE3 I ; The Largest 'and Best Selected Stock of Shoes I erer kept.; Men's Shoes from 75c; to 11.00. Ladies' Kid Button Shoes, 95c.; .Lacey 75a to 85c Also' a large stoct of Men una xioya' oaocs ai prices 10 eu:s ids rUfcNISHINO GOODSf " Me'n's,UoderBhlrtsas low as20 cents A nice Balbriggaa, Shirt for, S3 cents. A nice Scarf from 10 19 20 cents 1 A full line of Dry Goods, Trunks, Valises, and other goods too numerous to mentioo.4 V- - : -- ; XT' Come one, come all to 1YILLIAM SULTAN'S, where yoo will be treated right and get yout.rnoney's worthy, ; t : 3 ' V 1 rt 1 WUJ. OiLa II aV'AilSJsj ' y. Opposite Captlst Chtirch, - Middle' atreet, .'-'.'- j . - NEW DERNE, N. C. - mar2idw3m 1 ' MO oJt JL1C JL" ; W Jl2iUpi Eniirais'co.'S:::1 m m Lf EI 3 A f i - - 'i 13 UiraUi:3TI0NABXY THfc J It'. is brcucrl:frbmthe;ifinest i;c:t Earlcv ' Halt Nand Laazer Hops. and I ! My rccorinenflDd " TLe high reputation ; enjoyed by thc EERQSEB & ENQEL .0 Mr ANY is due to the. fact tbat only the JTfTEST AND BEST :iATr.XIALS are nsed ' and that. the greatest 8KHVL and OAtS tra exercised daring its manofactnre ; -A jyadwtr ;cnt and Bottler, ITctz Bcxne. IT.,C. . O. ' u . J - l:::st;: J i;. -a 1 t 4 Ui Af . ' . t. l'-Vs 1 wtOin, r alanL j r r. tsr. "...;(' 1 : 1 ...i k.e lata. i 4, . a. U twr dew, , A a. , tiJ . . , j !fl)!P s 'V -J vimes. fiauies nica Diippvra uvui a anitv I LAGER BEEH; ai its" -lIilC aifj inr lJj W. W. Z L U li 9 clrrays ca 1-"--. Hxtant J ! ( . il ! :l I) j o; 4 & ..xae ewUiet M SM. - - !-?. B. e0 . .- i li.",, t A : a tn.. l i. '.i. " ' tut tlitued sty awl tuf a .U. v . C! tr .U ryt, axt uy owa, 2st a ' l Vf otter et tOW si ' i S 1 t-' 4 ei ;J 4; , -j 1 f j the merry rasata, , i , AeetL.UeJ. u fcy t; ' r - t j 5f hriit X Ai (Willi Wt I ! My y;e mj ion. , ; , ,' rt -' ukk wU4 ttkrb ' I taw r. U t but care cu look, v bt UU per prMa fcl I . , Qm t'nao, tad I' voom; Tli wow)roo ipWndo 9t Umm yt . :. nx 6ura ma tit tba toa, : 4 , , ! Bol tki'imt iri, that wrm mj tool f j AAd KKxcch 1A Sim vttbl CvaraiMBMityoavUljrdfctiy.t , r .' JToc dao, It o M-r" i ( " PekUI U wer Ufa, U Uo wit mat, - U that met fcaart woo)4 criavv lad that datk ay ahed ana toti Uar, I'd dia U,U curnmar n. . . ;. I dla tea thoniaad daaiha aach day, nhaalanfariromtMai I droop and viaa, aad aorta thahoora, 4 That kaep say tot away, Bat sow m feast y htm fry aoul I My happy ay eaahall dwell , On teat dear farm of eaaanry asoald. 89 perfect la U'aawelK Tba midnight of hat aaatchleaa hair, Ii brUhtenad b a aowar. Una Creamy roae oh teatle there, Aad bleu tbia happy or I . The traoafol ootlintf of bar thrOat, Beada Uta tba vbila, wiM iwaa ; Her ruby Bpa defy the glow, VI trafflo auaa al norn. 0 Talyat eheek, ao warm and fair I ' O imooth and marble btow 1 1 faaa open toy porety, Aaa tow arain, eaon row, That made ma thlne.'Thoee laatroua eyea, That flra my aonl" deep lore I They thine before ma area bow, 1 bonga far from ttaa t rora. Bat that awaet night, my heart wlU keep, ' WhlU time and tida rail no. AedJiaw aba looked; ao fair to me, a- !. . v. . i.i 1 t iiox oeaaunuuaa oawa 1 , . . The head which bald the pretty fan, I kmgad to take ia mlna: II teemed to woo ma with ifi ware, B tender and so kind. Tba pomaat now nad eoma to leave, r O moat aha go away. And apt with ma I O dear, dear love. Stay with me, dAYllng, atay I ItranBokfcelBalolimy heart ! ' Be atiU I Has band meati mine For fast one moment I Blissful touch, riTYhcb,thriltodmj aoul lite mine. t kodw not if aha knew, or eared That twu m hand on nera But I knew, and that I the Joy, Which Hay ana night 1 nurae. Farewell sweet face f far O'er the crowd, 1 watch the last brfjrht gleam, Of splendid eyea; they'll soma agala, Jo haunt eacn nappy dream,- , According to the Romas natural 1st, Pliny, and other' authot,. the basis of the ink; used-by ancient writers was -formed pjiampoiack, or the, black i taken , from, "bdrnt iTory, and sooLXrom furnaces and ' a.. a Daths. t Bomeinaref auo sarpossa that) the 1 black Uqaor-whiehc the cattte-flsh' fields ' ww'-freqacStly smpldyed.': One tbbg : h' ccxUia, that wbateter were thscorivitfit ingredients, i from ine ;,BUcknc2S end olidity U th most ancient mSnncrTptv ffrom - en-in-tsna fonn 'nt- Hrculanexnn,d Inirtich the ink arpears as a thick oil, and from .'chemical anal jsiay the ink of antiioity was much more npaqne, as well - as encaustic, : tnan uat which is nsed in modern times. Inks of diuerenttolortrwere much ra Tojns. Eedp purple, ;bln?. end cold and silrer inks were the prin cipal TarieUes. ,Xhe red fas made ten j Termlilon, . cinnabar, and carsiaf 1 tia pnrplefrom themare?, csi kin lof which, called, the par- lie tflca-siic, was aprrepmtea 10 fha Tr.Inoivi n of thfl Qoidea ink was much more pcrnlar amongst tLe Greeks' tbaa-ancr ,t the Rots8!!S.. raring -the. ni . ! or dark s the raanufactare both of',1t-'?" i cfTi'-l'5k.1""Ttn tra, scrr' i i. r: s'a aa a alriiiag prefefrf 3 V ifTTit f ptr'so- tloa t tht t ft.n-XT'od. Thee-:.: ;t':Vfl) f tttscltes -t; vand E W Cf', 1 ... " fe - V, I ... - -, ' ' Vi'i- 1 1 Ihr- 8ji trJ a' t -' i and to , -a that ;.a!.t,as - ' 1 i the A r.sk- jh t . too faart l I f " a- w 5i f . k W ittd. i "- ' : km I ouud kit 1 f ! u 5 Ida ' a. tnafr od f kaa yhfuKiu ..- m fry ttm fauk atduLb. ban: hn u ei a t.. a,j InwUMeaocuorawiUCjiwuu.' Ba Uoo4 and Skba Diwwct w3s4. traa. " Sncmo Cix, ACuta. Ga. Advice to tlia Agedt a4aalaiic IM a4.rvUiaaatMr 1 lMkww i mu4 atrauaiMji HIPAEUNG VIGOR t tha hiar. kUMtr ! llvr :s SOLD IIVEltYAVllEItE. . r.uriVELGUD DISCOVERY A Oalf ..! Tca arnetaarr VrtUalma. tt'lg HMfca LaiLra.4 la aa nadtaa. . Mla4 wmaderlsc caratl. Mrarr thlU aa4 m4m't a-twatly bn.f ttd. gwat Inaaiaanuiti ta CnMpoaitowCUMiak ftamtuia, alti opinion f Ttr. m. A. Ilata. FWKH'. nwrnMwiw(l nw-Wllw in MM 111 ELY'S CREAM BalM CataprH Cleanses tbe Nasal l'aasa area, Allays Pain and. In. flamnifttion.rKtffTYER uaa the Sorest R totes thr Senses ! Taste and stmeu. Try tfce Cara." HAY-VER ..A partlela la applledrmto aaen aoetrll'and la airraaaMa. Prina Rh mum .1 rw-n (.. v. r Ml, Neutered. l eta. ELY BROTHERS, Warrea Street. Sew Tors.. lanlMwij 111 ... HUMPHREYS' lETEEIIiir SPECIFICS Far Sams Cattls, Shesp, rocs. Son, . ,t AsTD POOXTBT. 8M Fate Beak TrearaieaterAalaala aaa Chart Meat free. frtmM I Wmrn. CnacMtlnna, laflammatlon. lri!a ! SI" aw. B.B.Htralaa. Laaicaaaa. Lk...i.. C.O.-Diiaaiar. Naaal Mecharsea. ) p.D-Bata at Uraaa, Warn. . i.K.-i'aa(aa, llraraa, raeamaala. V.Wr-i mUe at Utpea, BaUraehe. H.y. M lafwrrlat-fi, Hrmarrhace. H.U. btlaary aaa Ktdnar IMaaaaee. JUlCraaiWa Plaaaaea, Maaae. vJ.atoueaaea ef IMaeatlee. Saakle Caaav wan Spartans VanaaL . Wtb Haaal OQ aad artkvtar, , ST.00 PHoaUaWBotUaCvraratdcaw ' i Said W Sraralats! af Seat Pranaiil iiinta.. i and ia ear aoantur oa Baedat ot trica. BmrrpBrtyr a so. co io runon it, I. y. EoiaorAima ffv SPECIFIC Kfill Sm1 IrFlnltftatilrllLa frott 0,8JUlal SJS a)fiMga t 14 fm L t fi and laraa U1 avaaar, Inr a. , -OB DanaaiaTa grwntpn.tn.14 an raattntat Wi aaanwwfaiSaii nte tam e, a,Tu ;lilWioai,'yeW(n8ry FrsparaUons an es bad or J. v. Jordan, Drnggist, w, eoruroad snd , Middlo it re au, wewntrajw.v,. - t 'Tirst Shipment of 50,000 HavQArrived. 'i s tAUD UEA1H UEALEilS,- , VW -CEItJfE,' & '0 ' . .; t3 Consign ns your produoe. . : ' ' .' -i matt dwtf ' Atlantic A ORailrM C(f. k :.v Omc BUTT. THAHSPOIlTATlON'4 Vv Notice to the Truck Planters Between Riverdale and . ., New Berne. i.'j.r: .v -There will ba the following trains leariosr EI VE ED ALE, for tba aceon rno-i&tion of Truck shipments, and to connect dally with special fast truck trains from New Berne, via All Rail 1'oute. Only 82 hours to New York, VIS: v-" - ,' ' ' ! t m.. - " . Mora.g Train. AfWrn'n Train. L tb EiTerdals 9 00 a.m. and 2.00 D.m. Thnrman . 9.20. 9 20 " Forbes 9 40 ' 10.00, " 8.40 ,8.00 r 8 20 8.40 .rt :8.50 M rnnns T's . 10.10 " : r io.so . a 10.40 It T v At't '"r,t Until otbrwin or l 1t,; of T'ew Porna ; nl frm Liver 's' to Ji 1 undes i ; fact ' r?hBii ? ,!liS;PS8 iraraitnr TnoiniMAn. in. cmnt Puobt4 Jim. J.Sl.ll .itkl.T, n.M.,a.wr.f ill. Ckri.ha UaomJf.i . 1; rliur J IVa-ror, km acMatas laaa, r. W. A tar, J,,lT: .-,v-,, Jydah F. iniaatln. til' Vjt ,w. ia b . I'raf. A . V. Jl.S-rK. il i Are.,N. Y. 7 W aCDCO-TH PZTTt. a. a. : Dnffy &'HixdnViV'v' ATTORNEYS AT 'LAW,'. Offioa oer R. 9. Duffy "a drag store. Branch OlSos: Cetbaxiaa Lake, Oaa lovooaaty. --?--' apiadwly PrH. PEI1ETIEB, atto as ?I,AT1. vir , 1 ASD M03EY BROKER. Oaraa St., two doors Boat ttj Jcvaalomoa. A'lpeeialtr atada ta aecoUailag amaU loan lor aaart uma. - ; WU1 pratSiee la the CoanCcaM OraTa,Oar larat, Joaaa, OaaioW anS Pamitea. Caiiaa luaiaa Coan at Ham Jarae, and Smjwaiaa Cuen ( taeaakla. Setriatf CUKm MAJLT. O. H. OCIOB. Uanlji & Guiont ATTOBSYa AT LAW. Offloe Id low af Qrean, F07 & Co. "a bank. Kiddle street. New Berne, 3. a Will raotioe la the courts of Crarao and adjoining aoaaiiaa. ia the Soprame Court of tha 8tata, and ia tba Federal Courta. apl8 dwtf r. at. anafoirs. a. l.gdbbs. Simmons & Gibb3, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will ptaetioa la tba counties of Graven, Jonee, Oaelow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courta. Offloe 00 Crarea ttreet, next door below Jouknal offloe. apl3dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK OKINTTI8T, mwiaii, 0. me a UraT.a nraav aetweaa Polloet aad Broad. aarT-uaw GEORGE ALLEII & GO DEALERS Dl General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, llarrowa, Cultivators, llaes and. Axes, Wood's Mowers and 1 leaner. Steam EnaHnes, Cotton Olns and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kainlt Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster Hair, PAint, Kalsomlne, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezers, Refrigerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Enreka. Burglar Proof Sash Locks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES VERT LOW. QUO. ALLEN & CO. Road Carls! Everything On Wheels, 10 percent, cheap- D,. wtviAo I er thau anybody. a Don't bar before cettlna our prices and oataloguaa. TUB GEO. W. STOCKBLL CO., NASHVILLE. TKN. Mama this paper. marXI djnCOO f. (tJOCAOO A MO.ITHean be ID 1 0- 10 kbZOU-. made worklna for as. . Aganta. preferred who can ranilah a bona and tlve their whole time to the bail, neee. Spare momenta may be profitably employed also. A few veauictat In town, and fllttee. B, t. .OHHSON A 00., 1000 Main aionmona, va, ; N. B Plaaae state ace and b-itneis ex- perteaoe. Never mind about aendlng etamp orrepiy. c. r . J . a uo, epradom FOR iHEf ONLY! I tfltrTTYt TwiMTernrinrs siirsMnj t eaaralaa HiiVOtJI UIIITT 1:11 If t: " i aBja aiu: arrasta KJ U JAJJ f trran m Trrinn la Old at Taaac, Ml. MM. mtmona MIt awn, BMrt.tdwf.u4 HilalW. WIH. B ' u .Wu 0 m W KlSTt .1 BOBT. thnliutr aihlltaa " TlXtTBUV-Bauet. h a aif. a. MtV ha 41 , tmiMN. m fmtai oanj, Inniaai. aa. nJlCTW.M, aW rwft.ill uit auifift is iirrats, a r. nrunbnRss Or ths. Uqsor Habit,: Positively Cored ST aSBUAUTUIIg gaVSalUr SKUS Blf IS. Rasa be enaaja a cap eteefteeer aw, aria ar ana taking hi It la abaolatelr kansleal and will ena er raoe. vraoii toe anowianra ni uia iwh.. effect a eertnanent aad BDeedT aawav whathaa thepaUektis a moderate efrnkir or aa-eteohone wreck, it NEVER FAILS, 1. We G U A R A NTF P a complete euro In every lnrtanc. ii page book a7iPtClFlCC0,i8Mtc'Lt; ClnclassiLO I '-' '' " ' ' . t. BV OBABTRXB. . BASII, VABIT. JOHN E CKABTEEE & CO ENGINEER, : Fonadera and Machinists ' Atanafactarerg and Dealers fa ;s ' Saw Bllla. BSgiBt Cat-aff Itaehlmas, Wears prepared to do OaaUngs of AU kinds SBHlh aannnHtnaaa ... s Partlealarand Immediate etteatloa glrea wnsatcaaTaUalBaa.. . ( . ' We will be t;W to give plans and estimates ft any dean tpuoaej machinery. g '' We are the aranU Jbr the sale of tte Atter lean Saw. Also tor O. A. BargamlQ's eale brated IndaatraeUbla AUoe Vaivaa, . ,1 .-v , We give satisfactory gnarantoa for ailwnrk jnabtus,5 fiyr,, tradaawwirv 20 YlABS ESTABUSHiD. V'"'. G.v Ga iPAinEIi;1 Vhalaiale Ce ..:-'.. . .-." alaalea : atsrckaag' f SOTJTTIKRX rxoDVcat - Strawberries, Peas, Potatoes, Tomatoes. v ' -' &o,,&o -. . ; 1 163 Ebads Stbkkt, Nsw Yobx. Conrnmeota solicited and returns made s noon an snlj, . - Eten- i rTif Rei'rts- fur- EASILY CAECUHA DS?A1 I The fast rrelgnt t-tu ? Li ' - I 4 t. , : aa was , "Jaw Berma.. Baea '.-a araUa Patmu. aB4 Barfelk. ttaaaaa PUlaAeiaaUa. Inrlok. Baa, . (BUUa.-vaa BUiaaaaJ CMy. H. C THE BTEAbOSS ' Eaglet, Vesper id Ann! 3 af taai Una ana nt oa -yV't! pHaavr eoaadiue .a. Fj wtna Bw bnae 7 f 1 .1 1 iSBOJiKAY. TVtiDlt , WaUAasuAl aad FiUDATajr k u... . City. aadatonioaMOiiiAl.Wtl)ajsAX and FiUOAlf. . Thaaa awajaara. ta eoaaaetloa rik U( AUaaM A N. C B. kL. aartolk twoUmra a. B., haw Xork, fluia. aad aoriola n tu aad tt HtaaaytTaaia a. kv. form a raiiaaat aad raaviar iiua oHartng .u parkaf a"iini.e aa uioa tiuaaponauoa. , ko traaataia eaaipt at Cleabeta Ctr at ga taiwuga tadaaunatioa. . . IMreat ail (ooaa to be snipped vtaXaswia . Carolina IHapatoa daily aa loUovei - 1 4ek, by Faiut, A, B, 4Tat Hartb EM Tar, a From ilkiiaaalpbla. by Phlla- W. A Baits. M M.loe at. tttattoa. Trom aai'tmora by fnllaH WU. Baltc , k. aV PrnaWjenl t. blauua. . Va ', From MorfolA, by korfola 8oatarm BL B. Fram Boaton. by nerehanuA MlMra Traaa ' aorta UuuOo.; Sen kurk.aada Aasatad w AiajuM ai an agar. GEO. 8TKIri s, DtTlaton trelaht B--Bv9iK"t'' " Freight Agent W. t . . QJ?XJ. HSLNDXBflOW, Agaat, nrwoaroe. . u. OLD DOUINION Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY lijfE. The Old Daaalalaa Btaaamaklp Can. paay'e Old aad Favorite Water i Raata, via Albemarle aad Chaeapaaka Caaal. FOB orralk, B.lUmor., Itw lark, Phlla d.lphia. Beataa. Prevtdeaca. aad Waahlngtoa City. And all points, North, East and Wast, On and after MONDAY, JUNK Kith. UW. until furUier notloe. toe t ' SUuter MINTED, Ca.pt. Soilligiti, - Will aall from Nnrfnik v. . ' Barnedlreot. MuNllAVn anil tunuumiu at Kol K a. M. making oluae ooanaoUoa with the H teamen of tlte S. a 1, K. B. B. Co., for Klnaton Trenton, and all other muiuna vu vim i,euae ana Irent KITera. Returning, will aall from NtCW BKKNB tor NORFOLK direct. THEwUAYS and FKI. 1AY8 at TWO f. M.. matlnr JZl neotlon with Uie O. U. 8. . u 'a ahlna tor New York, K. B. P. Oo.'e etaama? tor Baltimore, Clyde Line Hblpe for Phllaa dalDhla, M A M. T, OVi ihlpelor Boatoa andProvldenoe Our antlrlna efTnrta to nii. Ml SaataMaia r antlrlng efforU to please our patrona, mr aluuat perf ot service for tba past f,n I " the beat gnarantee we au all rblppera aa to wnat we will do for la the future. and our aluuat perf ot service fortbepaat offer 1 them Order alltonda n.r. tf ri n a a ,1. n folk. Va. Paaaengere will and good table, eomforV aDie rooina, and every oonrteey and atUn tlon will be paid them by theoAeere. E. B. ROBERTS, Aaent. ktaBSaa. OULPKPPER A TURSBR, &euia, nor ion, va. It. H' 8TANFORI), ' vice-President. New York Olty. The fl. C. Freight Line bTSCSANTS and SniPPEES, TASE N0T1CI . On and afterOctober 1 lsw, thl. line will reiume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS btwxh Baltimore and New Berne tI,1!?g..U,tl0r for New Berne. WED. NKSttAY, SATURDAY, at SIX P. M. Leaving New Berne lor Baltimore, f OBS. This Is uie nnlw DiukiT nn. ' Berne for Baltimore without change, and oa their return trip from Baltimore mm. toNew Bernejtopptng only at Notfolk, eea. HM. 1. 1 H than ft,, u . ii . . . . delphla, Richmond, and all rx)lnta NortT ' East and Weat. Making cloaV a.inniUoe, " tor a :j points oy Riyerand RrUoat or New , A-tenfa arrt fniirt4. i.,v. BKUbiLiS FOdl Jen, uen'l Manawr, ' J a i, "v so,, nsaiLimirrsi. w. mcuarbiCK, Agt.. Monolk. Va. : Whajvee. Philadelphia, IS aouiS, IC Gam raarv m y-- ... ' . , V 8.H. MciCk trail. PrAvtrianaa u r . 'P'"TeorDda1??,"d. " Baito wedneadayaASatardava " Philadelphia, MonaayaTwirtaea . mdays,Baturdaye. tTrTS " " Piovldenoe, Baturdaya. . , Through bills kvdlnn riven, uni Jl.L Jl. Ji S?i ",?,nu al Ul dlffnt offloes of ; AVOID BREAKAGE OF BTJUtAir amp via N. c. LllfB. . ; B, H. QRAT. Ajrairi . New Berne Ji. O. lirm nrmir nm nim iiuu uuiuit nnu rAfnuuu Uit. Tfte Steamer TAHOMA.W Ooramenelnr Mondav. Mav ath u .la oontlnulng daring the truck season Bar and Jnn a. the .tmAri.k. ... " - toiToViaThedui;?:" r1" .i j "w eveir Monday and Thursday at seven a.m., and returning- " MJf''r lossday andrrldar S?n?f',,JtHPr'n; return, Vandinga Will be made at Clabfoots, Smiths andAdama Owka, Vademra and Stonewall. taVhVf7 (?Xeep . For Information ddIt tri T ; - v - . B av"- "J i'-fa alKDnk. naw Hajptia .... 1.H. ABBOTT, : i r v"T.e t FOWLS a oWrtL, aZ, 11' aortawtr, v eeneral AiaaaW. :lSi:2iruira Independent Steamboat Liro. On and after Thttraaytti 25th dar ti April the gteamert Howard win 1 ths following schednle: r. For Trenton avery Thursday at t o;lock, returning Friday. ' For Tc.'.:ofcsviI!a every T- r,:,,to'o,rc;un' -T- t T f " V 1 I-