1 i v'. i t. - i u Jt.. J k 1 P f f J a ill f i' rartnent Is neilj stocked ' 3 ( . . r in rite J your attention to. r c:rexbibi. S ! . i 1 V J will b found Em m - crcrs as the stars are the Bargains. Up staira, do a ataira, . tj department of the house, IJarj-alns are to be found that : 1 3 cLUlaeJ elsewhere, . iJ ' ' ....-.- 1" -irt J Cialliea, So, per yard, worth 10c. - , ' ' ' V. i.:e deck Muslin, So. per jar d, worth 8c " : 1 ' 14 Lace firipe Scrixa, 6c per yard, worth 10c , - ,. F , ; , -Ijlt-9 size Towels, 5c per yard, worth 10c . v . ' ' , Fiae hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 6c worth 10c Gesta linen Handkerchief, 6c worth 10c . " t U ". sHose,oaly6c . ; : - - , - C 'fit' Half Jloae, 6c - -VTrlUn j paper, 6c per quire LaTttlopes, 6c per pack. , , .Z -Z Erlre la CMldren'i Seamless Solid Color Hose-only -; : 6c, "Worth IOC , ; ' Lead Pencilsj 6c per dozen. - :" tru '. A nice white Lawn, rery wide, only 6c per yard. ' -r r :o yards TwlU Cashmere, only 10c, aold ererywhere at 12Jc ' .' J yards Debeige, spring shades, only JOc, sold for 0c. . t l ' J yards O lug ham, in solids, plaids and stripes, only 8c,'alwajfl '1 f f IOC .. ' f - ;-" '.' - ; .: width Cashmeres In latest shades, only 12c v - ' ( 1 seamless donble heel and toe halt Hose for only 10c; C:zt4'4 plT linen Collars, only 10c f " " 4 Celts' 4 ply linen CnffijjOnlT 15c ? " Lilies' Opea Slippers, only 60c , UL:l c:3 b fcrni Lyons Black Satia fthodemas. l.Tfinm TJu-V flnta flf! Ri'lV.' iyoDj uoires Dilks la all shades, f llwk Qros Grain SiH, only65e.i . Doil war stripe and plafa Borah Silks in all shades, A teak ranety of figured China Bilks, Doalll width all wool Serges in newest shades, Iliaalayaa Beiges, ' French Cashnerea, " ' i " rrench Barak Cloths, , ! ' , All wool Hearietfaa. Albatross. Nan's VeUint . ' r Tid Chillies, Stripes, riaid aiid Plain SummerlFlannelj ' ' , - Ufreat Tariety. ?., . j":, .;'---' ; ' .-." V C:r Lira cf Black Dreii Good it Coxnpleto la every respect , XUck Cilk Onipuro Lace Tlonncbfir, 42 Inche'i wide. - Uliito'Goods and Embroidery; Department siits of the lars-est assortment of Viotoria Lawns, Fancy Lace, Stripe: T7a now Offer toa the opportunity of : f;Vri ,7. A' Three . .ThMaa'jlUw'Sto cf Hamburg and Swiss Edgings and. fcabroidered FlounciBgs at prices fat 1 'jworirinal manufacturer's riceilV-r .w"j ,',. 4 -r .- L' :s oar special bargains in Table Linen Damask, only 60c, per yard, wortl Ccaplete line of Ladies Corsets, Balbri rgan and gause UndotTeatal ti Ladies' Parasols and Umbrellas, gold that wiUsarpnse.yoa.. ,m J V Oar Shoe Department b now.thsXkrgesVtwd.IIOSt Oonplltinj 4k4Wkt& til VAb J , IU1U ::ics worked button tole.VBKT stylish Ladies Shoes fot'etlyflJOOM " sgentsfor the Celebrated V?. Cox Shoe, every pair War ; -4 - , ia all styles in Opera Too and Common Sense.' - - " f ' A 1 J assortaent of Ladies Blipoersi Opera,' Button and Ties, ia tlain and t r 'j solid leather Shoe, ia lace, ', ,'e hare added to our Shoe Department a line of gents' ' C&U and ezamma 0- Zlarka' $3.00 Shoe, the bent, Oarpots,t Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Hemp Carpets. ? , . f v. Cocoa, Napier and Straw Mattings.', At prices to suit all. ... t ) if us largest stock of Bry Goods, Motions and Shoes that has been M tJ this markettweaty yean,' ; CASH, which I amoffetiog at a , rALTIIIOllE PEICE3. U yoa Clark's O. N. T. Cotton : l:r erery one for their past 'patronage ad soliciting a continuasce ,r-P, sssurirg you that LOW i j , j - s . if an I r I . i j ' ith the finest aaiection cf ffood la point of maniitoda, Tarfetj . to excel any that has jet been 4 fin car Dress Gc:2s v TrancV ffainiAon. India linens. and Plain Organdies, which we are selecting from a and oxydised silver handles, at prices ? i 4iWV Wt V J WMVVWMWM t. I hutton or Congress, for only f 1.25 sua goods, hajts erer offered for the Carpeta, 1 f 'ra Jul. J J all bought ia large quantifies for Very dose margin. I will guarantee Corns and see me and get my rrtces. for 44 8-lCOs. per doiea. PMCES SHALL ALWAYS LEAD, n v. i V.r : Ul ..... j . M I r. , . . : : V.-" -f I . t -U...-Jii .- .k a Tv.lif Ii::y 1j t' . ; : 1 i. it s t ;a cf .' k-S evil. ill ttlsr c;'y t 1. .i i:- by t3 ceais drservts. ';.s al'.:sa U ;xi!y popular fcyr.-r. IVrla wJia tts cal2E.-u:a c-ih love it ia their teirta, and c-.'y r.l sjaiast it to sirs appeirascts. And wiy ahoi'J aaybody Zxl to despUs mosey, cr to acsouat it aa B&cleaa tLingl Theerll of which it la said to be the root is cot ia the article f-aelf, which is as icaocent and exemplary a commodity as you shall (Lad ia a day's journey, bat in wretches who ciJ2.se as well as villify it. If the "rt-ressstative of values" had a voice, and the world would lidtea to it, how tiUcrly It might retort cpoa its maimers. Fancy a thousand-doll ar greenback, la the wallet of Dives Doobleshave, a railroad wrecker, who will talk to yon by the hour la his pious way about the dsceitfciness of riches, thus addressing its own en 1 on contemptible scoundrel, the end and object of my creation, as yon well know, was to assist In saving the Union, and to give the nation financial relief, but you have preverted me, you cut-corse of the empire and the' rule!' and by a mean fraud converted me to your own base nsee. How dare yoa im pute sin to me," the offspring of patriotism pledged to.noble use but ceded.-alaai by your felon fingers,-and compelled ignomini oosly to minister to the cravings ol your iatanic Instincts!" ; , , : in cases LkS this, is it not obvious that the man, not the money, is the root of the evil! If the circulating medium were Indeed the source of all ain. bow could the reverend clergy endure to take ' it in vreoom. renBe for the shepherding of their Really,- it seems to us that money is the basis of more ' food, both spirtual and', temporal, thai evil. It -builds aid endows churches, Lsenda missionaries to the heathen, feeds the hungry and clothes , the naked; ana as to thieving, ewind lings, and other Crimea committed in the struggles to obtain ' it, .they would be perpetrated j oat the same if It were not: for whatever, honest men have that is worth -possessing rascals will steal, and u there were nothing else to pilfer,' they would rob us of Onrypry teeth to keep tlcir hands ia.-" tt f Let monar. then, be rated at Us fair rains, ana not berated as cn emanation cf the Evil One It pro. motes the highest .virtaea tof , La manity, and without Hs lnfiuence it may well be CouUca lit fxlendsLin, honor and reppect weald .cot Jack their most holid foundation. Lock ed cpoa ii a proper light. a vehe ment desire to accumulate a "big pile" of it by fair means is highly meritorious and il men wxmld drop the mask, and declare openly their motives arJ principles, what is now called idolatrous money worship might perhaps be considered creditable reverence for ' a great social good. i TrasHoKpItalltr. - I pray yoa, O excellent wife, comber sot yourself or me to get a curiosity rich dinner for this man or woman who has alighted at ' our gates, oor a bedchaat made at too great a cost: these things, u tney are curious in them, they can get for a few abiilih si in any ; village: but rather let the- etranrer see, if yoa will, in your locks, accents and behavior, your teart ana earnest ness, your thought and will, which he may well travel twenty miles. and dine sparely and sleep hardly, to behold. Let cot the emphasis of hospitality lie in -bed and board; but let truth, and lore, and honor, and courtesy ow in all tkj deeds. When the Urer U i : lolect.aa itmutt necurilr b .--eoit fi:i toiecrete the bile tars'" quantiiicl o meet the requiremv. 'i cf 41256:100 and eto- vttion, it '"' i t ee t wcrk UoRtettn's 4 h f' .tters.- " . aealthful t .' t aciifhy Iwtft by this iac -riV,a ;tert.jTs, spoi i'.y eTinr!,t la a dc'srire cf tLe oan-.rruhle entwoe ia the r;-..t iJt; te r.-.r-; ftir upon the torque awr! rr'-n inf'TiTrf the ISrer acd tbe C, cf t';e t'.U front Itsprcpfir . lrrr ' 1 r M J- r fit the bowe'n !a la Hi abrcr:: i futtr... I j rcc'h e . ;t: I . i cTi. than Lr t:.s t ; .-.'s f .:.", Bit lJt l 'i t j t.'i a:;i deciifi, u f-r 3 . :,:.!. . lie lowers L.J tL. t;,'..re LI adversary ;e bsl-:.tilt, Ills shaft ii , "j v :.il.ri"' as :.! as power fuL Hj y -.l a ilirj Agriipa "1 well to Ccd tiat net only ttoa, tut alkali ttitl; -r me Hi dij, wera both albeit at J altogether sach as I sr, ci:e4t these beads" are aaicsjj tie Eot chivalrous utterances recorded in history. An asei could tend more gracefully, or assume an attl tads of more exalted courtesy,' ; : I HAVI been troubled with. oatanh from bcybood, tad c,oniJred roycfc chionio onul about three yetrt ago procured LItw Cream Ealai, and 1 oount myseU ouaJ UvU. a:l from the bm of one boUU. J, li. Cooler, hard- vara merchant, alootroM, Pa. sir. P. M. Utbr hM otad Ely's Cream Balm for catarrh ia hit f ami! y aod commandf 11 vary highly. A lady ia reeoreriaf the le&ta of smell. A Tnnkhanaaok lairyar, koowa to many or our readara, aays he was eared of deafneaa. Pitutoii, P Queue. u Proprietor--.Which Is i the .new City Editor The fellow who la always potting hU, pencil ia his mouta. MERIT wise. Wa doaira to, mj to oar dtlx'na that for yean wa Mta la aUlnf Dr. Juor r ri . ' r nw iJi(HX)verj ior vonsnmpiioa. Dr. King's ew Ufa PiUa, Backlan's Amies 8alre aad Electric Bitters, and hare ncrer handled mnediea that tell as Well, or that have glrea aoch ' anWartal eatlefacttoa. W e oo not ttaHUM to amaraotoa them erery time, and we stand -ready ta ref and h parchasa price u aaUilactory results do not follow their nan. . These remedies hare won their ereat popularity purely on their merit. For rale by &. N. Duffy, whola- saia ana retau oniggis. ; mee par a ocas bottles, as.oo. j il : f t t ' jataa iy r Tms is a very practical aze.,. The venerable inotto, ."Trust, in God and keep your powder dry," has been translated thus by an old Iowa farmer: , 'LBoyson't touch these melons, for they are green and God WWW j w. . 1AM nn w. r i ' - JL k' , , , Staekie-t'a Aratea Stare. Ths Best Batva la iha world fot Outs, - Bruises. Bores, Uioere, Bait Rheum, Ferer Sorea, Tetter, Chappad Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all LVin Eruptions, and poeitirely' cures piles or no pay required. - It is tuarantaed to am perfect satisfaouoa. or money re funded. Price 85 eenta per box. For sale Dy k. K.imnv. . -f ,r iaa 17 Tna most brilliant roses bloom among the sharpest thorns. -V f- - - T ii ' . r The. VaiTarsal VerSiet af the feemle Who have used Clarke's Extract of Flat (Paplllon) Bkln Cure award It the first and Aigbest place as a reined ml afent la all cases of Bkln Diseases. Eryi pslas, Lcierna," Pimples, unsightly blotches, humiliating; 'eruptions, Boils,' Cartua eless, Teuer, etc., all yield to this won derful preparation at once. Pr" ?1.CQ ror a lartre oouie at r. a, vasr't Drr, t more, uark.e s iiax tonpiscood f theBkin; Try it. Prioe23eenu. x .u I T. ... .... x i ' Good management is better, than good income, t e . ... A Talnable BeaaeSy, - , , '. A latter from S.P. Ward well, Boston, says: I ORed Clarke's Extract of Flax (Pspillon) Catarrh Cure la June last for Uay teres wua great eatlsiactlon, and find it the only thina I bare teen which would alley, without irritation, this in flammation of tbe ooRtrut and throat. Its , boo thin j and healing pre rr'. were marked and Hmtnediate. Lar Dotliee l.w. curie's flax f. p is the latest and best. Try St. : 5 c Ask for ,thent,-at ,F, 8. Duffy's trvx store. k . .. , . - -r ... 1 9;. 4 at J - ) i a v . a . o v;; ! n a Fo'.v Cnvs, Give, a Lisi o? ilie 4 . 1 ivsiich Cio i l, " t l TTTV ' ' 4) . ' ' , ' " " o-, liiC FillLLH'J i'AKM W t V I C u - . . - . - I - They ere a perfect su:;l:u.e ti . s fjr staJ and kiie or ou;. t . earice; the oust cf t-' e it:,.: i snakiiif a VectCaa t..-..:l ty fr i. eheapwt wiajar tj.t r, .. r n r. market. IV.n.'. i-'y a:l ! : -t windows. Vii.1 r.t i t u , . .' acJ willkist a L -i .:, j can Laoj theta. ir t..'.i 4 apply to . D. T. CAnr.U.'AY. ktanufactarer's A msj30 I er 1 . .. C. mildus Tr.rrr. Tire doors south Uahns I.!ry J :ll.s aorl dtl ' - KXW EET.NTL. N. 0. Land For Cilc. - TWO TRACTS 15 i-KNOlB (XT .NTT Ixmlle south of Klmton. on Botitb ) Creek. No. 1, ISO aoree, with one honjra cleared, balance well UmbereO. Well adapt. ad to (towIdi corn, eottoa, peas, eto. A portion of the cleared land embraoee a ru n ansa. Ko. S, ZU) es of Umlxt lnJ, about oaeandabalf rallee lrom trx t No. price tS.OOO -oaab, or art eaab with ap- rarsd security for balaaoe. . ' Apply to. . , . .. . . . JAMES 1IXIAM3, .k , ' Klneton, N.O., Or to : JOU&SJlL CFF1CK. aUdvtf " New Kerne. N. C WK. B. LXAMAJT. BOWABD D. KlRX. Ltznm G Kerr, , WHOLESALE Conmisiion Ilcrchaiita .13 ALL PRnnrrrf n rnn nam a on OBOVB, FiBM aND VlKKItUO, 165 West Street, New York. atees. Nash, Wbilon A Co., 120 Warren 01., ft. x. , ... Ilr. R. 0. Curtis, 190 Read PL, K. T. Merchants' ExchancA Nat'l Ti.xV V V C. If. Brown, Banker, WashintoaN.C. 1 1 n . t m " . Ann canes 01 new uerne. Bepreeentad by Jons E. Ore r ton, of Portsmouth, Va. may 23 831 TI:3Sc:::n l3 dll:r.j FOR " - - - Refrigerators, ' Freezers . ' : , ' l;f Water Coolers, y ' Wire Dish Cover:, Fly Fans, and Traps, i .; . " Wire Cloth and . . ' Bath Tub. A FULL LING AND AT HOT TOM PItlCES. L. H. OUTLE11, AA 1 -a a-i a i ' ,.0 w mddla street, "KlTW'BCltNE. N. O. I k J t.v.i L . . . t . j Orders left r-ith M. JOnS 8CTV u With MRS.HINKeon Middle strt f r . DAVia alNU MAtKliNi will r- prompt atienUon. apuwiy S.m. myr, t C3.C23 TO !. In amounts to suit borrowers. -. Apply to ,'v; ' . 'P. H. FELLETIEIt, , may23 dtf . " Craten street. llcti An WVI Qo to the Gaston Uousa Barber V. for an easy share and aeoodbiirr Sharing 10 cts.: hair entHn-jt . . Tbof. W, II. EULPAI D, - . Fror-r., r KOTICE. The tirrtT1gned, nnhnrt O. Mm only onilt)ed xcator of ti of CiiuM" Hlftfford, and h'. . f not!r- ii,i,t he reqolres all r'- r !ain iiainiit the entnte of t r. f f I 10 prfinent them to !n . i ' T dulr nthpnt.lri( i. f on or t,ore me vih tl of A 1 . tli ia rcn.ioe will b)plBa.).i in t - ( arwim IndebteU to L., et. Uhonidlr. aJiS-r lUjiitKtQ MtfTI.Y, TJJE PLAClT Bur r- - Dry (I c '; .! li -I r- - ' rortrma r y t h h j-r .. 9 it it f 1 cf c 3 f:ter ; t-D X i ir - ' - r- t 1 ' It' I am, very truly yours, Don't f';:i t? , a ; teJ cf r ' 1 , r -

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