1 di cf tlio Very Lt::t - . a : . u- i : Ail fci.r-aoe imt fcse ri I tJrataMtd i IUxvim aJvar 4 truac?!.: at Usa -e era aoac'ieA. He i Mil tected to be Nk t .e of t&e aaituc or i eae u.iai ft k i " Mam tbe name JOURNAL. . KAiae. BewUeaa ate. if. a, jtss u issa. a Pmi m Km ere, ST 0 H journal1 persistent!- jalnUtei the issue be- : s, It innUs the public " j t-e predion of. which i f i taworthv member.' . , j klUme&t that the "Demo j t art i is favor, or free , li i .-"ibTtobrafd its attthor U f--ut2o.or. convict him of J. "vtrr Democrat ' voted for free imported Orbvei Cleve- I 3 ja the New . York - a. No ' 110 ' pne ' j will charge . j e ! :r fcf the . $W vwith leno- and the eaarr of falsehood t ::a.' too often 'made tad sus- 1 to esnse hie cheek to blush, " '.2;i,:tkithaf class of Indi es ,irho,tlaaicthemselTes 'on r f-'siloj, Ijimvansl float 1 7! Ihelr mendacity ac . " The ' better Bepublicaa j will noteotrntenance each a lisiloa pt jearnatistio powers. " '. 'j iVirstoa- Poet, toondl, Ee .an.bot alvava ' honorable ; i : The, j Ban Is intensely irr -ThMUl bill waa pro- t : . t$, -measurer If (he vast talk ft 1 1 dicratifl Toterr Toted for ' ' 'ewhea they supported ft. v .ItLey didn't ktwrit.' I : a u. taint- Mr. Cleveland Is : i r. . i trader. - If he possesses a I : Uo a. fault, It Is the bold and a jpVkeae. which discloses t .t c-!sportIcaf jrtaciplesbnt . ' i t.Tent. In his ' famous Arst r Ho-lhe:Kftiet OoBgress ! ..lk -the 'follasl "of his !) ' further and tacon- 1 prepress he ; still occupies fl 1 4 i position.' That, message : i farther from, free trade than tt "'fc3tt "despondent free trader r t:1 thi country tote,' tyi T "hit does the Ban mean V The c ' :r is ne fool, and there is "Lcl U his madness Like an 1 ' who iroold l frighten , chit t .A ghost stories,, be holds ' head ftndjsloody bones 01 : Z to frighten the .masse r ' :top!t inhr. the sopportof ' Ire tariff that has (nrlched illes that feed him, and b6nnty'jhi has waxed , kicis. vThe Son hating I ltj seal to the Eril Bpirit, can : : r:;ra M- it iroali and its : : i U such; that it would not if rt,th:re Is another publication, s S;";:itial t the. floutU than i C'Wl thattls.rriot ine ; tehiad it In this "nefarious , tui that . publication is the ' tarer's Eecord. Kot an f tl?t lapcr is published ia l' -i is not a pemrsion cl i 'ore the country. It ' that the Eecord is U rone respects, j but - Lt Rood is damaged by r f th 3 free trade mania : upon itsTitals. j:r :j cf lis v. fr cr i . : : . ; ; Liaicry cf tie c zleulj &$ -;.".. . s: J ii f free tr&ie. Lrery f !i:;.ra it i ;i fro. Eti'atei azl erery c.Lli'.t it hi noaissated kia i!.clared f jr a tariff for t v :. asd LeneTer a paper Lt ay cause, asserts to the ce.t.-iry it writes itself down a fraud and a cheat unworthy of, reject ,aad reccgaiticn aaoaggentleaaea THI CIILTIEIT KESCLrTIOJS. Oilit, H . a Jom 1S?9. , sex. Edxtob: I see lntheJorx. nil of the Cth inst a communic tioa lrom Beaufort, coatainiog a set of resolutions passed by- the Magistrates aad commissioners in joint session. I am. surprised at then for taking any such action. it seems to me that it is a matter that they, in an official capacity, had nothing to do with. They aay to tne uoTernor "ria ns or a man so obnoxious to "our pecpU as Washiagtoa Dry an President of the A.&R.CR.B.is." Kow I should tUIUli UUIU kiwi uui tilCU would mean a majority ol the peo ple of Carteret. li it does, then it is a mistake, for a majority of the good people of Carteret know very iitue about and care less, who is President of and bow the Atlantic & N. C E. R. Is managed. , It Is only those who lire along , the line of said Eoad, who-are in anyways Interested or posted about the way the road is managed, and nine tenths ef them will eay that Washington ryan Esq., makes the best Presi dent the Eoad has ever, had. It is 4 known fact, that he If the most accommodating president, (not in giving free passes) the .Eoad has ever had,' and it is a fact too well known to 'Our people,'' to even comment upon, that the Eoad, its onlvertsvbridges, road bed and track is in better condition than It ha ever been since it was 'first built. "Our people" know that for years. Morehead City, the great summer resort of N.C and a thriving town, na naa no depot, or any acooramc datiop for the traveling public, but under Mr. Bryan's rule and man agement, it sow boasts of a flue, and commodious building for that purpose, and there is a fine- one be ing greeted , in,' N wportrand, - all" alone the line are, new. platforms and side tracks to receive frt: and accommodate the puWio.1 At no time since the Eoad was built, has there been so much lumber put in, and about th Eoad. The farmers alonar the line of said road will tell yon, that under Mr: .Bryan's man. agement, .they nave bad very little trouble in collecting for stock killed by BaidEoad. : :: ' 1 1 hope those Eesolution will in ho wise mislead our Governor, for while .Mr. Chad wick may be the choice of the J. JP' of this county, he certainly is not the choice of "our Seople," the people of good old arteret. For six year Jir. Chad wick has ; held the party lines in this county, and ..had such J, P's appointed as he saw fit and proper, and of course We could expect noth. (rig better than euch a set of resolu tions. The Mr. Bell that -they say offered those resolutions, 1 am sat isfied never Wrote them, not that hi cduld hot,) -but I am satisfied, that I can see the', cats pair that turned the chesnnts.-1 don't be lieve all the Magistrates were in favor ot it; I think they merely passed it by,' feeling that they had nothing to do with it, that it was not in their line of duty and so had nothing to say, 1 They say we ap peal to the ' Governor uht yr sus tained in an ' hour when ' he most needed our services, to listen to our solemn appeal, to rid us of a man sof obnoxious to cur 'people : &c. Now I wish they had explained that, for I can't see" how Jlr. Bryan has made himself eo'obnoxious to 'cur people," to whom- he has granted every wish, except perhaps that cf a free pass or two. l oirilr.Cha l wirk is a director cf tLs A. d 11. C. K'E aad if thenasa-csicntoftha r.t 'A fcns been ' chr.ciiaus to "oar perp!a,"he certa'.aly has his ihare of th etigaa to Lear, v A director has a voice ii th9 nanacnicit. of the Eoad.. CTh-yrrttcncearcstb and the rrrf::it ciaply'has.to carry out the:? t ; ',cs. Thea if 111 i , ; t -01 s ...I ? i 'ill:.-.'.-: . i aaitj Li-, i ; i j L.:. eottlt.f , - .v. j: 7. " , :, iUr r. The fiKowirg i z:t, gaiJ to be UUa vtil-s: a f. ; -j a law rc-:.'y passed if the ;'hmi lejti'itzre, has a v?ry slrarx aid ii:z.::x sound. , 1 i.li;s a rrs poaltica has drc-i-td cat cf the last phrase. It shall be unlawful for any person 10 ere cz or ciacaarre ant pistol, revolver, shot -gun, n2e or any creams -whatsoever ca-acy puwio roaa or t'.giwij la-aay county of th u: cl L'ehrasha. or within sixty yards cfauch patUc road or highway, except to destroy som wild, ferocious asddaEeroui beast, or an oScer in the diacharg 0( nia duty," -- - . V4 tHYSJCIANt COHFBSS. - All koBMt, conr!nUoni phytlcUat w no (its a. c tl. txXacia flood Calm) (riftl, frmnkly admit lit lupwlorttj otw iu ower Diooa mjicinet. . Dr. W. J. Adir, ltoeknurt. Qt.. writes: "I rtgwd D.lLB,:uu of ue bMtMood aici"."' -.-:i T. Dr. A. IL Kroo, RMhVuia, Tens., write: "All reporu of B. B. B. art f - vortbU, mod iu speed action it truly wonderful." . Dr. J. W. Rboderf.'CrawfordiTilU, Oa.. writea: "I oonfo B. B. li. ia tka beet and qulckut medlotoe for ihum ii$m I have ever tried. H " ' Dr. S. J. Farmer, CnwfordiTilla.G. write: I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. a' fine tonlo alterative. ' Its use pared an ezoretceooe of the neck after ewer rmeaiee euecwa no peroepu&Ie food."' ' 1 . t; " 'J, - v' " Dra H. HontKomarr Jackeo&VUU, Ala., write: 'Hr mother insisted on mj tettinit'B. B.B. for her rhenma tiam, u her cm stubbornly misted the aeasl rem ed lee.' 8hs experienced homed Uu relief snd her Improvement laa been trttly wonderfuL" ' . A prominent physician who wlahes lit name not tireo. Savi: A Mtiotit Of mine wboee cue of tertiary srphllit waa anreiy aiiiinr aim. and which no treatment seemed to check, was entire ly cured with about twelve bottles of 8. B. B. lie- wu falrlr made tan nf akin and bones and terrible ulcers., : V. v" ' I I Bi i II "Cant ! I have last" one kiss before I got? Only'' th She- 'Abd if I let yon have i eo' you wi'J take', two. won't ycatn." lie "2To, I wont;, indeed I won't.'?: She t-Thn vnn shan't ttnv n t .'V, J Probably so one thinn has caused Such seneral rerivkl of trade at li. N. Dnr a TIIXIB BtraiaKUIHOnMTwa. ; drug stor as their gtiiof awiTtetUelr chatomar of so raanyime trial, bottlas of Dr., King's yew -DUkjo vary for Cowramp tlon. , Their trade is simply enorcious 10 tkis very valnabls article from 'tie fact that it aJwaTt cnr and nerer disapprtinta. Qonglsa, Col.is,' Aihma,i:roncbiaa, Cronp, anaau tbreat aod.lao diaeaaM raici cared, ; Tou- can tt U before baying by ,iuig vnn ,ixi i8 ir, large am 1 1, Erery bottle warrar.tad, .For sate by E. N. Dnffy,-. WholaAala . and; Eetail,' tJTOgjistj l ! ijifais 'moAt'wfiariaom when if. i worst spfsnai xpssizk Jt jm ;t r ; t i in -; t 'Beecham'i Pilla rare bilious and nar vena ilk. u n ; i . Dry Czcl j, Q:.iin?a ) Tall stock an! lars asjortment. ' ;?rioe m low as tie lowest.' , ' -. ;Call,aadxaminn!y etock. . .. r Satisfaction gwaBt?e!.;i '. GIUZII,''; TuI'C::' CD., ii-"- il)o.airinTi,it,-.. 'j!iixJlsw.I5arT" i IlJixx.: ;-.7 Laddie Street, to- i i - t U'.z Totcl .fTHe-Ectt'cf : ::;:;:ie.': That pore Ccra.'. l;.jt U : . . . -y J i. TATLOSU- . 1 JPcfe ' Al c c i c 1 ; A 7: . ; r,Hf i : . rn'-At v.Jr.-TAYLOS'S iAir-kWCw;" I a i -. Fa " The b't iir-'r'. i f;r tv 3 r?io, ' At j. r. TiYi.cr.-s. . THf LAX. E ao t : : v f T as 1 ' F.C3 CF CAL:fC-..A. ' - Cce.i:-rl vv-h t'e ned-cbM' virtues if jLu.ts Iucvn to te, ' most tr.tciil to tie- hrcian ; System, Lnr.:zg aa .;rtel!e ' t aad elective laxative to rcm cenily cure Ilalul C.t.: Li--pation, an4 the cany ills c!e ; pendi2.gr cn a weak, or inactive t cos It a c f tie r: : ".:) ;.-.V . -Ki::ii3,L!vnnDt::is. .'- U u iK txctlicat roiciy k.owp to - 4 CUXXSt Th'SSrSTTM CmCTUAUf - , . Wm om U B.Sou at Cautif4 , - fiiwt slooo. etrasaHina lp. i - MKALVH anS STRthCTH - , u. Every one is using it and all are . delighted with it . V . ""- AJS VOUII DflUOOiST nM . ia"S-xiTrr op riaa - -! - ' UHUHCTUMBOILY BIT CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . ' ( ;l ntAHCISCO, CAL . ' ;" tovmtut. at ' ' ' r row. Ir. ' C:rri!3n;f5 C:il:r, i - - at .-- " - ... . . .. Hit jrut rtci?ed a Flo Lio of ; i Cl?tMng.;51iccV Dry -Goods and as Nobby' Lire of 8TRAW HATS ns yoa eves aew. Agency for tbe A. A; BATTLES' CALF SH3E. ( msT.-rim wiBRiNTEa' : "Alao ajrencv for' "The' OM Ktlttn Iaiand Dyeing Eatabiiihinant." 1. 1. Balll Prn." L I. IITLEI. lice tm p C. XICEERTS, Cashier. : ,:i j the HATioiiiiL dh:;:l OF NEW- BEMITj TX. Cs ' Capltal.'n; - - $100,000 AS A. BaTAJr TuoViatlAwrBra L. JH. CuTLta, CHaa 8. bstah, 1 ?i9Ras Aixwr, . st. ehoioks, f. U. KODKRTa. ;std v . till yon nntmt.1 b t:iratoMll,an4 'tr thai I WMittoseUj VtbTT f l KORtOMiaat is my bnK. ; by H X make a mit 11 vine, bnt 1 hop an lio. AMI nnA. T l.h f . lma nkiKifHatarr - at y oniklnd, wh I onld - " employ ll th fxt lei- Iowa . I won il find umtthim .... k.m .A u-mi wn hi ror u loaf anaua. ; - - . " w iu ka tnm out of mUr-Mef. -iiut aatt M unit wii vib una Tobne; snt by t wy.lf yo; at Obavelt S floe Chewlm ThMo, I bava rt, and other good fcUd. Plt, and Bmokari' Artlcltm lr,rllr 'AiaOi Boda Waiar. GlnKar ii DMsSoek Water, and w aay, Come aad ace roe,... . "WIS. U FALMk,ftiv aaay ' and aoemmodUng termi the follow- Oltyof New Rerne: , -, ta. U WHihK PROPEHTT :a't-' P;'1 VT ; lnolndee the ptne of Inrvt knni "1 a It 1I,AA V," d t. ehirf or rw - i""ini mtrma rrora nt j-'rnsi.iau v Aillk. VfAUir ao4 . m i.. -i - - .... - . . .i , iwl t,,t j . ... location U the boat In O ee. y r ail i.. i IfturinB urprwa, whM tbe liTrwt Pt. Tlmtini our .!, bare amine d" i i watT fur, ioadinc and . ntl.,i.., , . Whart CMONPOTN P, wv.nPMaai-lin,.; ,, o. 6. FftiCK hiuK AND DWFT.LIJTQ Lode-e, , " ,JfI ty, twmher with the beat termeaponwhlnb u hiui win ne Boia, will be Inrni.hert on 1 tnto?tnTronttoTMlKOrt meuot 'JBeeSdirtr . Ina. and Heal Estate As ta. ' Abrtrtt PORTV Arpro. rr tjtt t x- rv ait aawxt wliiila two milsa of the eitv, U,J able fortnira raUlng. A STeat barga.n, , ' ' . i . i "WATSO" A PTRT.VT, tnayH j oa) f t, Aaensa, p i in T23 r ta:.:.: LNT C? li i t - . r, .1 i. j J::;; t. ,, i: Vri'l c ; . a . ens Hut a 5 i. s' C Lt.;c.t, L.t Vt.i:, t C,:. ,l'3;Liastf Dkn;o-.!j, T7tt. Lc na ; Jw6ry,.; CUver-Vrare,- Tr-r tac ,3, Eurniete, Gold and C:icr E Canes in the Bute-V ' ; It will te W boje. i I. ; -rr t 6 i car rvwli tffara ri 1 1 L I Is ; f : " . i a, ft .'tf C..:i ; f i : : : . ( r, t (fi !-.. .- TP.UIIE3 and 1 . ' .. 1 VAUGIG! are ', in. shoving you through -our entire stock. . v , B.' FLAH1TEI1.1 Aak Tow lUtalUr for the U'JC OR THI 515 SHOE. rAfcoru:-j i loaree-u,. . 4 i... .i v i.w li n- 1'iie a . et ., t F 1 t K , V. . i" , 4Ri i ,"ne r r " s i-i. . uk fl t rime ft 1 Y 44 f 4 4 sw...uutr tn Uftrtt wtttefc mtva nawd lisfWtwMi ths maritH wriK-n aurauHiiif twOered fcwftX tr4 I irr v-t jarfltwv 1 a-j fUuat Aav I '-tJBTSAlSa CO., Beitea. - '- 'bTbU Uaea ef the abo-e haea for aale bv ?j Howard Jones, iV NE BERNE, N. a S1XTX1B IQITI ClKOLDii . llAHBLE AORKS; ixit BEKNK, K. C -4 .'r:t ' i ia t- Uonimcnts 'Tombs r.-i. 4aali mu srar aad KaUdini werka . ' v .- ' iTir::u::.ir.i:A:i uxizu S.. : it .Orders will reoelve prompt attentlo tad satlsf action guaranteed ' , . . JOE Ka WILLIS. ProDTietor 's -.-- . -. , . J Oa44 CBFWffffj. ItXW BXRXT. ft. C. ' , r. .. ... ,. . ' " t .I-'-. . ( Q. E.Mnxn.UsarthorIs4 arLt la Kington. . -, ; Alkx. FiitfiS, Travellntx Agent e:it id t:::ti!ls ctailhtci J.M weapest ami rest Evaporator y . : - - f in tht World.. I , j- - - r - - -s Wb?ra for lis -Cbepns, BimpUoity t'i l'ertm.'on co-TieRs ItsfeJf to tbe Vr..1 r r c -m.-ue pnrposes. WKi pe rf t'.-a Eyaporators you t itmrr1- iV, val!eoayourUb!e t e whole yc.-.r round, " . 1 ,- T. -ra e three ssVt - and prices, f . Wt! fl.ri. f Man Cm fft ' C. Jc-r en r!y. D.T.CAr. T.7AY. Agentcf f --- a. f ! ) V tk'':Ha . I . . . :s 1 1 tli w' t (1 f '. aa ''!?. ice . v. . r. e. lUcI tall w. I . I, S , .e tfk Su. ,.vi l rrota To .1 t. i: .... , s at aunt n .C. is ' 1 3 rhwCTIO TO A U . ! a. a. ... . - . i Lbxae r. . nr 1- ( ' . . . J u c ;.,..,,: . ,. l. ;.4ira i- f -I t ... r - , ,, f , t ! t .( :. ,.., ... . , ,. at. 1 . !; ,.H I ti;' d 1. 1 i . ? wire bejiMiii a.ii.e i. .. ui lion. Q. Ail'i w!1 aa t 1 - . - . aa tun . ii t.. l i ... . Sill, kum -r"..:l-f toe f ;i iw i' f f,f t,'. 0iin( eoa-wef li.w iai- 'r cactej ob t.aata aw,j at .... milluralea. - , - . ' It. DILI O. P. A. tie tN,-0. P.iilr:;J, Orrici 8rPT. TamsiviBTiTinw ; Ksw.Bauui, N. a, ilar 4, 1; 3. -.Nptice.f Tor ITovernfi-t cf :v. :". Trnck.- -- On and after If.m.l.r v.. K.k otberwtae ordered, Train No. v3 wi t oe ran ta sectiona, via: Tbe flnt section will leae New Uorno frUbt dapot as li.00 a.m. aharp. me second aection will leave Vw Berne freight depot mt 13 00 m. aharp. . - All Partita interacted are - - p.v..u. m .oordlnfly,,. . , .. Atlantic & N.:,0;.Eailrcad. - - r ' r , . VKWJ3Wi, N. a, April 29, 18S8. SPECIAL TIME TAfeLE FOB ' , v , xI-UCK TEAIU, t . v- a,. iaiij exof pi suajay, i In effect Monday, April 23. .. Leave New Berne. ."...li.co A. IT. . ' dark laf ..-.;,ll;S , " rnsearorn ......... n:M " : " or,Cre'-""-'-.135l P.IL Caswell. ; 1 :07 : . Kineton.,,. a,..; 1 5J w--"...w m.... .o-J ei ...... S,WJ a.. - -"'iii,m Shipments by tbis train are due to ar me at destination as follows: - - ' T i1 V. n ,.ll - . ... h":"",ui am.: waa tun a ton. u, 0..::a.rn.: Baltimore, 10a.m.; I bil adelphla, 4:00 p.m.; Jarsoy City, 7 CO p.w.v New York, pier ?7. ;00 p.m., Only 83 hours, New Bans to New Yoi k. I This train Ne, 2Q3 will bave tbe r!' t of way over Noe. J and 81 by80toinu.. tnlras otherwise Ordered by train dia patcher. , ; No. SOS latornln will leave OolU oro for New Bern at 4 80 p.m. Otherwise ordered. ' ', ' 1 1 ii".. . 8, L DILL, Superintend tnt. ...... ( . iVtlantio V N.- C. Railr o a i riifir' tablm '' Ho. 18 . " i . . ..... Ia EJTeot S CO A.M., Saturday, Jua l':r---: iat,.i8t9.; , f .... OoMofeAST." BCEXDCli. OoinoV. f - At' i Sutlons.' ; Ar. J , pmSBO Ool.lnboro Hfi - 185 ' 4 40 -: K!r-r,L.,a n : i : , 00 8 15 ' Ka 1 -r-a t - - ...... .. y yf t T 33 na , Morehead City a n 7 ' Daily.. ' Ootsa East.' EaiKCvis Ooim No, Mixed Ft. & Pans, TraSar . " r: Ft.st.iona. in am 6 80 8 67 7C5 1 20 7 SO 7 48 7 n 811, 80 SCO 8C5 6 , 8 f S 7 ft 7(1 5 f 5) 4 r. 4 r t 8 ft 8 : ; V : .: 841 9 ' 8 ; - t"i'a ' L (irsr 9 'Fairr?treek Kirtori Cft8e!l ' ' -1 -t r - ' Core Crpek c: a s - ' : 7'f "ra " Hireriale Crcf.'sn . nT''-,ck ' ' Newport V. ; ! ' i -. . Af - r-,r,. .sc. - 15 lOOtr g 10 81 10 r CO 11 C) 1U7 1141 .13 15 8t) w j u . ; I' 87 2 43 3 3 "3 4 f 9 413 4E7 4 42 4 51 4 55 5C1 6 01 5 18 5 21 5 23 5 23 5I p pi arn.s ' r Ms. Bryan tr.3 ; : ir-'.i eo ob ; i j t to adrertke noxious to "cr ilo" thrt he " 1 --sof its per must be turned cut, why not Ch-. wick also!. I a n ' :o that II Pry an did as n: !cct V va of tie i Ceruncfa- r-l'ant Fowle Gov. I IL C. 1 1 er -r i'V7. S. Ch-Ji;.':, :" . I i ;,i r '

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