1 f Jit a ? "a .:. I itrni fi 3 are if ".Tt: t. .v. J "9 - . W f fci.. dl cf tho Very Late ! t j r i f a:.i Hit : r. I U '.mat .4 - -a jt i.u, kot tuajeaed ,4iIU M Uo - adyaniaamaat a ai.oe Keaaiar adrat i,etn..acta4r0pvij at tte , - ! a aoatalnlaa aa af a dla i feature art eoUaltaA. o u i ba ex ntd U W ok . aMaaueaa&ie Mnou . name W um author or i. uaa ana Mia ma e ft h "... atlrteyedat aayenoay -IfH Obtain lb U1M ... .wi4 at UM odkoa aud JOUENAH . ;" " , X.. i Vala MmmcM, . CXj JTJNE 45 ISM. 1 a 1 rwt aua at l-w Baraa, M a 1". f - rflttiiitate mnjori- tl c-t ; f ec;la,i and persoaillyj j f rara laronbly with the : cf naattad. That they- axe 2 j sacoess, commea-1 I j i ith their merits, is too ' UaCd denied 5 j.. 'U . 9 Jors5iL hM, iasiaUd, and . ccitlaaa to Jaaiat, that the . tnlI,U Jalanieal .tolha ..'rj-tatcfesta ofhe coaa , . dt oiot aoeaa Uat tht ::ri art- ainjled oaf X name I caJa .Severs of Iwood and iters of " iaterJto rae!; task . -.tcrs. That would not be tola r; ' 1 "Kot foo one moment ,, would I - pendanV yeomanry of the 2 t-ira such Ignoble bondage. 3 1 ;il tLt 'aflicts th4m Is hid i, tad the tribata they pay to : - - is collected bj jovern l Y!idals M their legitimate ' I'vi.W the treasury of our :a "country." T' i naaiactarer'iEecord, as do atlican lournalists asserts tlt a tlfih protectiTe tariff benefits V i faster aa it does all persons be. I -: ltdv the laboring' classes. Africa U praised as country rtry greatly biassed with aaua-rr-icted aggregation M iper r - ll vtaithand individual fortune, a V -Z her millionaires ire nam ' 1 bj hundreds and, thpasands, t .. ' wharf publie reaords" are ex t.' zed His ascertained that while tie Fossesiionsrof. manufacturers r - i money kin gs are unencnmberedi i Itnds of farmers are covered i i nortgages. ' cheated by these ' ofidences c ! ttarrassment thi Becord pro ; 's to show that mortgages, in : " i , of , erincing pecuniary . m Tisnt ; ara really evidences c f i rcr jerjty.v: That they belong to t' t triiht catalogua of blessings in t i. jThi'iBecord ays i I ti r - - re in t city; . country t parts o( the, tJhited States is t a of porarty but of enter. vi.-It Ei -aiaply y09 foraof . 1 crcilt-Ho railroad iscan- 1 poor bs'caoje-it mortgages ? and "issues5 bonds that it . 1 ;?e Ui, business facilities Its nseqaentrirollts 3fo -tnrerlosses tredlt , if lie i'; nofieyra ; hia:present -1 that ba may extend it So t aa ; whdhai Honght ah ' l on goTsrament land, broken it t?, got one orlinore crops from &ad desiras-to buy imprpred .is and machines that he nay ' tj.it JP?aeO profit .Tery "is not , the poorer, but the r cl for his mortgages.''. Ut think you of the answer t' ? enqnfafi, 'MWhy are pur i . -Tired with mortgages J" ,.1oa- ls' asked in sober 3 by men who feel that ' - -'.zt are too greTious to tad the answer la effect !ctons, these mort ices of your pros- ct:' cib aren't sense IlowEiany rail "!r lines to ex sf '; Net on ; j f cf ei; PAT. TLa .. . l.r i. j fivers, bet Amencia eq-utj c(..t:.- '.: V. Lea tit tir.Iii sa to rest w.lh ei-ajwf , i c'-if i Cti Ci'itZA, QLi tsortes be ni t retura truli t'lacs ca our heads. THE SOUTH 4 . Last week a'misLty flood in the monjQtaia region of reansylraaia was ine cause or nnparalleddestrue. tioa. - One' prosperons , ladutrial town was destroyed, several others suffered great losses, the operations otone of the greatest railroad ays terns of this country were broasht to a sadden standstill 'millions of A - ' 1 -. a . i T t . . uwuua vi mvestea weaiuv.wero wiped out Of eiiateace," and most terrible of all. thousan Ja of human beings were harled iato eternity. , W hat brought on- this fearful ca lamity! Heary, tong-coatianea rain, xho burstlns of one creat and several lesser dams, and the mighty rusaoi tae aucumoiated mass of water through ' a - harrow valley. These seem to have caused the flood, but they did not. They were but effects. Tor the cause we must go back many months -and years. This flood, and all the -devastation t wrought, were doe to forest de- strnction. : The mountains of fenn ! sylvania are part "of the; Appal.1 chain range. Once they were covi ered from base to crest with forests as heavy as those on the Southern portions of this grand , range." : For many years lumbermen have been destroving them.. Railroads hare needed ties, bridge and tmstle umDers. v Mines nave drawn noon the forests for props, and an ever, increasing population fbt'buildjng, iencing , and all. other purposes that require wood,' and yet, Awhile the woodman's axe has been en. gaged continuously in : destroying; no one has done aught towards1 re planting. It t the old - start' of - ; . .. , years oi neeaiessaess, that same careless Indifference; to; results, which compelled France to save her rivers and her farms by replanting loreets upon ner r mountains and oot-mns. Toe great country now maintains a vicilant watch of : all ner wooa-iands, and sees to it that there shall ; be do .decimation - of their areaL.It does this "for the public welfare, for the protection of ner agriculture and commerce, and for the saving of her t teorle from such calamities as that which last week befell the inhabitants of the uonemaugn Taiiey c i-M-.u.x m tw.. The Jb orestry , Oonrresa of ' the United States has trat recently warnea our people of the dangers impending from the destruction of our Torests, and nas urged that ac tion do, taxen oy Htate legislatures and by 4 citizens : every where for their preservation. Much uterest has been awakened, but publio sen timent has not as yet .been- strong enougn to be formulated into law. It is to be hoped that the lesson of tneuonemauffh valley , flood will be heeded, and that very legisla tive body, will, immediately .noon assetatling, adopt measures to save tne land from Ihe recurrence of like disaster.. This awful event is a warninr to the South: Its vast forests . are disappearing at a fearful rate. The hardwoods of its mountains, the Oaks of its plateaus and the pine forests of its plains are in great de mand. Everywhere the woodman! is busy, and the whir of the saw mill is heard. ' IS very r week the con struction Pepartmeat of the .Man- tFACTUBER'S JBXCO&D give &0tiCC8 of sew enterprises ; that will da crease the ratio of forest destruc tion. The new charcoal ' furnaces, raiiroaas, wagon 'and - agricuitar ral Implement factories, sash, blind ind door mills, and many . others, as .well as an tne . buildings te be erected, make an ever increasing local demand,- while - railroads and great ships are carrying loss, Inni- Der in au zorrns, eposes and nan dies, staves and shookl to 'North ern cities and - to : foreign ; porta. And this business will steadily- in- cre23e for a loag time to come.. It cannot, it must cot be stopped, and at the same tle onr forests must be replaced as fast as removed. It is not alone a c-; Ilea of continu ing the timber f rrJ imrortant as that is. TLa ra;:fy cf Sou then agriculture re; - i it. I'c- 'i are, in tne ecour j cr r ture, t 3 chief factors for f-'c j u. .LriLui the rainfall. Tl3 r""i t r'-rSa receives te w:'--r r-1 ! it firrr. Tr:i v t it ' .. s i i : : I. : .. :j ... - - I fc - Lea . . s : .d if tU iaraawlU Ei,; i' . j ... i to ti.eBoc:atHwgn ; if tleinfJ i f ., s tLliia centers pomies cf ll s 3 sezUaent .' Atzre will ttat tie tiouUera 1 be cerspti'ed to it;-: ".'.is by. the passage cf Uvsf.rtia maiatenaace ofotr forest acres ilaanJactar er's Becord. !' I Bin bMB trouble with cUni from boy booJ,DJ eonniJerod gay cm ohroaio until tout ;4rt o 1 procured Crea Lias, and 1 count nsyseii voand fc1y. t'A Irom lb w of on bocUo. J. It. CnoUj , atrd nn merchct, Kontro, t. 5 Mr. f. M. Lrtr ku uwd Ely' Crum BaIob for catarrh ia hU tamilf and command! U vary highly. lady ia raooTerisr the aenaa of amell. i A Tankhanaack lawyer, know to many of oar raaJera, aari ba u cared 01 daaneaa. rittatoa, Pa., Oazetta. i Jvsr in proportion as yon gain a victory over . the evil which you have become aware of in yourself, win spiritual eyee be purged ror a brighter perception of the. Holy , V' . - - .,.V-f Turn Ban 8i.Ln la tba world to Outs. Brniaaa, . Sore. Uloara.. . Salt Khram, Farar Boraa, Tartar. t'hrpd Qanda, Chilblaiaa, Coma, and aU tVin Eniptiou, and pos1Ut1t' carta pitaa or bo pay reqnirad. It la snarantaad to f ira perfect aturaenoB, or moaay ra- fuadad. rrJoa sa oemts par box. For f ala bv R. N. Doffv. I Jaa 17 - " ' A" Teacher (to class in geography) "If I should dig a bole - throe rh the earth where would I come out!" Small boy "Out of the hole." - - . - - , . . -r.u 1 phtsiciahs cosrjws. , All honaat, eoaaeiaBtloni tbTalciani whogiva B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm) a trial, frank I r admit iu raMrioritt ovar XIX otbar blood nadioioaa, - J Dr. W. J. Adair, Rockmart, Qa.. writaa: "I racard B. B. B. aa ona of tht beat blood madiolaaa." " Dr.A.B.'Bctooo. NaabrvlHt. Tena.. write: "All raportt of B. B. B. art fa Torabla, aad ita jrpotdy actioo ia truly wondtrfnl." . - t . . Dr. i. W. Rhode.' CrawfordaTille. Qa., writaa: "I aoafaaa B. B. B. k tba boat and quickast mad iota for rheuma tism i hava arer tried." Dr. a J. Farmer, Crawfordf rill, Oa. Writaa: I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. aa a.fina tonio altaratlra. Iu um cured aa excreacenot of . tht neck af tar other remadiea effected no perceptible i-ood." Dr. C H. MontromerT.''Jclony r.la. AJa wrttea: "Wy mother insisted on mr rerun j; jj. IS. li. tot Her rhauma titm, aa ber cm atubbornly raiiated tba uiual remadiea. Bhe experienced immediate relief and her Improvement baa beea truly wonderful." ' 1 - A prominent nhvtiolaa who :wiahe hie name not siren, eayit ;A patient of mine whose east of tertiary lyphili wae aurely kiliiog him,-and which no treatment teemed to check, arte entire ly cured .wth. about twalia bottlea of a. b, B. lie wm lairir made naof kia ana oone aad ttrrihit alcert." ( fe--. - NOTICE. il-. Applicatloa .to Amend tba Charter af . the Nenat and Trent Elver Eteersboat iTotle la hereby f 1tb thut aa tpr-llritlon Will M WU by Mi PiMllDt and Loam of Jilrootor of Mid (.!omrtiy, Mf.rr tbaOJerk ofttae HDfMrrlnrrniirt ( luv.n County oa tba Vi h y of Joiy, Jit).at il m'Uck, U., toam'nd th chrwr rf lh-ld tun and Trant Ulrmr ioaipaay,- la the fullowlnc par tlcnlara. to wlb t - Tbt article tls of arraemoot ba . amended ao win n hi (yimpny abau nave powar VO iMura IU eapil! unci u nynia U may datermtn oa, aa Uit H aliatl riot 'ba twa than riya Tbonmnd Jollrm. ThuA bt nr rxnatlon bavaarikt toail Aoyof Ita bonis ernttiBT rrty, .rtd art ornnl a ra yon tnarfot aimreaol u k ol toaixxur.ny- ' .J oal tbia a.irp-.rt...n ba the runt to lna It bioa al ar y t ma, la anyflnootil' cauoa tiaai .iM.,iif r, rruty wih,ao tiiat thaaatlre amrmnt anaU rioi axneed at any Ona tima Twriiy-fira laoo.and DoUara, and glT mort or blnac oavayane of any or an ot i ua yonapany jierty aa aa f 'hat aw lion alrht he amndd aa follAia ttiat the hoard of Dlrcptnri of thia Oomnaoy hall ba Hot laaa than tra. 'i hat a citron tor ahall not b is(onitfli from hniding timnr oinre nr i -a in a-n orv . en ThatnorMrfonahaii boid rn" .- to nifh ba may ba aieci!! by tna hn- -a'of tba Company, nal.M h i ra t ti tdeowaarof atiMlto. of aid Comwnjr, and If a y r?i n Doiamg eiiioa aa aior i ,.i r. - ba Ua an that be t - .1 rn ! t nto haraa, ba hail by o n t c n y anif from boldinc o .. , ana vd 0 ..-8 iliali baconiidaTad inminrii, f-5 Ta-'lAl A.QVXTX.' . And other 4uiber of tht hil -s . . m t ',... MaWi.Y A Oniojr, Attorney for A pT,!'f"ri'.. lei dOd :rcr ; The hd'ii r 1 l.f ca follock ilreet, now occupied j Ui B. DafT. . J'rice S1.C3. Apply t ccce ta 4- t.- , ttSOdtf. V - ' IT. B.' DUFFY. - p.., .. . , 1 . : J f.:. s c . Co- I virtnei c f ' '.si i ta le 1 'aad e Seethe laaative to rerca , ECLtiy cure lUyitual Cv: SS ' patioa, and the many uli lie- ! pending oa a weak or inactive t conditioaof tie i-i.-- ?w:7.ns.ir.'Ea3t:-ai;! anxsThsrsTrx rrrcTVUir y - , Wtt om it Bm tt Cautiptc4 "; j f - . . . THAT ' ff - ; 'uaiaiooo, nimttna tutp, . - htALTMafMl ITRIMOVM ' , , -, - ., ATUAU.Y raiXtlW. . , Every one is using It and all are delighted with it. , , , ASK VOOH DRUQattT ("OH i ) , t J m-nrxxxrxy ox vxon , 1 CAUF0KN1ATIG SYRUP CO.-1 - lovtsvu.it. tr . . f rof. a , C:rr!.(!2t3n.&f-Dax!:fll ' Hare joat received a Fine Ltet of 3 Qcthmg, Shoes, Dry. Goods1 and at Nobby Lint of STRAW HATS aa yoa ever aa w. ; . Agency or tut 7 A. BATTIEST CALF SHOE. EVBHT .'PAIR WARRANTED. ' Alao arenoy for "The : OM BtatAi Inland Uyeing JlaUMiahanatit." t J. . JlllSafttt. -1. IL H'TLEi, Viro Pm TilEnATIO.IilL DJii::t Sarplui Profita, X . 83,700 . ... DIUPCTOKS. , Jas A. BavJT, jj, THOHAs'DAiaxxa, L. H. Cmia, ,'Chai 8. Bar aa. -Sl.f -'tO..B. ROPERT. " Cieaart ClQAEf mt-d tt,ral ClOABit Tin yoo oan't rwt, l bav Olaara to aall, ad t 'va that I want to aaii. V i.y? Haoanaa that M my auah aaaa: by tt I make a boor ) li vine, but 1 hop an bon- V eat oua. I iu I vai lanre mannfuoturar of " . : am ploy atl tita toor fU low woo don't want to work If tbcreotud. I woald find eomeuilnt for tira to do, to wiw out w purnwi, biii Mil la 1 ranit aall Otar and Tobacco; and by tha way, If yoB want GbaVblt Da hrwlnt; i ooaeoo, i naya it, ana outer food alnda rirwa. and ftmokara' A rtlnlea aanttrally. Alao. Boda Water. Olasai' Ale. Imn Roek wairar, ana wa tay, iiome aoa aae ma. , .. - ; . ,,- llddlt., hewuaru. YALUA:LEciTY'Fr.::::jY A aranta for owaera we offer for.aala nw oay and aonoatmodauna Urm tba lil ow lnadaacrlbed lmproyad Beat. Jtata la tb City of Maw Berna: . , , . No. 1. WHAKir PROPKRTT -AT WiCiS PI NT : lnclndea tba pl.a of land kiwrn aa iHKii,Aiiu." aaa t! hrr orru.. i laantBC tnareta from hH rYtjnt ' tr Alao, watar ipaea now Ui f ; 1 In, locauon u tha beat in tha c, t U.r a., i.. .... fat.nr1n nnnvwa. vhii. ih )arp...t t TtaUtnc oar wairi bav acofin u- i -.1 of water for tnadlbl and nolonnJ.i. at Hie wnarr. n. a. Twn norrrr ainrroTH at CMOXP'vT. -too ai ); No. 4. THK IP a No, 4. PHICK KKC A7TD CTrCn ON CRAVi-.N BTEih.r occupied by K 0. li. A falidaaerlritloa of thi Talnable urnip. ly, auvauier who in nt wrnaipnn which the eamawlll b4 sold, will ba fnretahedon application to the nn.lai i.Ded at their ofiloe tattoai rroni itri. . , daet ttrtf c;Um. aad Iveal EaUta Acta. boot FORTT ACRrsi Cl T A RK1 La ! t. HuaUd wlibln two ru.if of tha olty.giut. aua for trunk raising. - A great bargain, j . '.Apply to j ' i mayie , - i'. ... . Fat. Am Acv:: M' r - ' ' ' . a. - - - (.'" , . i ' 1 I. I. .... , 4 . 71 1 Cn 'W-'i ty ce tLt v, a 1 j I'.Tt'tl. Large t,' ' t f ' r C ; r!t'.8Line of DlaracmJa, 7atc1.. , FL.a Jewelry,' BUrer-Ti'are,: r8:y Lamp, Burmene, Oold tni t'.lra Er I Caae in the State. "tt will be to tfTP.n -t ti wit fA y r - I L L 1 ; cf . cf C: (fc ! ; , r f 1 1 ; CH0Z3! 1 t-r. '"-uui 1 SHOES! in' ''." 1 i. 'Wo will takd picas ! . . . . ..t. .. . ure;:.in showing : you through our entire stock W. B. FLANNEE. AaV tow Retailer for tha . 1 JiAnE3-IIEAIIS OK THC . JAHES ' HE AIT3 Accor-Irj U lour J'eed,' ...'-., and T ' II t iy the mcf fttiuu-iv tha pnea whlek 1 P1W!M1 x taaalvaly on tba m.rkr wnirR onraiuiuy Hraout- war PIwa- ; n 3. hfXAKfi & CO.. Baataa. rf VbU Uaaa af tka aboye r'.1" Hovard & Jones; ; 4 Aia it tvuiaai wa IlITIM I0KT1 CltOini CAUDLE WORKS. JW BEME.S.C :aonimiHta".Tom'Bs; ui. i i -"j i . fc.',-r aadari Cldl arar and Billdln worka j' j ,,.... J!-?. .''.,:- .'.r r ;"" . ' rtn rn..i torden will receive prompt Btteatio aaa tatuiaotioo caaraDteed . JOE K. WILLIS. Proprietor i Crt.' BROAD ASD CSAVEatt. t 1 0. 15. KnxM It my authorized ageit Alex. ilKLDa, Trayelinz Azent, ; .,. THE u:Aiui:H - v E:ii;iDn::niLsi7iraiTa i 77i Cheapest and Best Evaporator !' in TrorIJ,- ,.;,-?..: 7.H-hfor its Cl-r-r,. imDucitv f llVrf - i f r ,.'o purposes. ';. . i 1. a f .vpporatorj you .ulcaonjourtull t rfe i7 , and rmce tit: 1 3 CO and ?10 CO. '; ,1 'D.T.CAr:",7AYt' 1 u.Wl. Jd( fl. Jtni 4 ? u e ai naij i aau. kjf Boyt i CO. tul' rinmrs i'Aii.-xr I . .... They are a rrr t . ; . , at t fiM aiiadea and i.J cr c t Tin? t.e C'?t cf r j - . ' makicz a V-c; a 1. i y ; r chrei wiaJjw far- u . rn&itrt. rrculutr'y aJ.1,; i li i window. Wul c i titt 1 cf tr and will laat a Lfa-tla. a. A r f tt. can Laoz item. For uiiu m appiy to U. T. CAuaawAV, ' " Manufacturer' Ajr ' t. 'my30 Kew I errs, C, FASHIC1IABLS ' TAIIC?J ' - MIDDLE STREET, ' Two door south, JIahn' Liyery Staid at aoTi dtf kew EETjrl n, a . . Land For.Calc. : ; TWO TRACTS I!T LENOIB CUL'NTY Ix alia aonth of Kl niton, oa Boutli M eat Craak. No, 1, tji acraa, with ana hundred cleared, balance well Umbered. Wall adapt ed to growlnj com, cotton, pea, ete, A portion of the rltared land embrace arlctt anen. No, 2, 250 ; a of Umber land. aboat oaaandabaif mlla Irom tract No. price $S,0Ot eaab, or art eaab wlUi ap- arovad Mcarlty for balaaaa. .r-' Appirt iV '!' .' " " i v ' y, . .JA1IK3 w'IUJAAO, , " f ' Kiaatoa.If.C-' - Or to ; . ' f JOUltS AL CfFICK. ' oiJldwU V I . - . Haw Rarna, N. 0, Wa. S. Lkaman. Howard D. Kirr. LcnnianiGKqrr,', i. WHOLESALE. . Commission IIcrchant3 . 15 ALL"1" - PBODCfTt OF TIIK OR Til inn 6UOVK, FARM AND VIKKVAHD. 165 Wett Btrect, New York, Meet, NaH, Whiton & Co ,.120 Wtrrea Dl.. . ... .. Mr, R. C.Curti, 190 Read St., N. T. Merchant' Exchange Nat'l Bank. N. Y. C, M. Tirowa, Banker, Waahington.N.C Ana zanx or new ierne. t ' Repreeentad bv John . Overton f Portsmouth, Va. " ' rnt25 80i ta Efleot 6:00 A.M., Saturday, Juct UOISQ JSABT. HOBEDULK. U0IN wrrT. no. oi, raaaenaer Traint, No. 60. Ar. Lve. f Ptatlon,;. J "Ar. L. p m .8 80 , , Ooldaboro, 11 30 a m 4 00 4 09 ' La Oranet ' 10 83 10 65 '485 4 40,-.. Klnetoa 10 24 10 3 8 00 6 15 ' New Berne , 8 64 910 7 88 . ra Uorphetd City am 7 ( 5 Ooinq East. Bouxvxnt OoraaWerT. Ho. !. No. 9 t' Mixed Ft. ft .' s ' ' Mixed I t. & Fait. Train. Btationi. s Pawi. Train. ,a m 6 80 fjoldsboro 9 CO p n 67' 705CJ Bett't 8 04. 8 11 j7 20 7 80 ': La Orange 7 81 7 4t '7 43 7 B3 ' Fallind Creek 7 08 7 l i 811 8 80 ' Kinton : t 5 65, 6 3 '8 B0 8 55 ; , .Caawell iY,-580 5 :i 15 1001 Dover , 465 5 r) 10 81 10 88 Core Creek ; 4 24. 4 : J 11 00 11 05 , Tuactrora f j 8 64 4 ( i 11 17 11 41 J Clark't . 8 f 3 S ' 12 15 8 00 -; Kewbera "10 U 8 i 8 87 1 2 43 f Riverdale V.' i 9 41 li I Z 48 8 50 ' - Croataa ; 9T f ? 4 08 413 4 llavelock 81) 8 4 87 4 43 Newport I- 81781. 4 51 4 65 - Wild wood : 8 t T H ( 6 01 5 01 Atlantic :. 7 47 7f 5 Sid R 9.1 Kfnrcil-aa.t "";. .17 f B23 6 28 Atlantio Hotel"5 7C5 7 W 8 81 p m Vorehead Copot am 7() TnBi1av'lhiir dtrtn , r-'nrrtoy, fidonday, V eilnt uy and t Train M O" rM 9 -" Vl'mlt -rlcn A V flrn Iraln l I f 1 i, U : 4 11-67 a. in., an 1 a i ., i, (! A IJ i -Jr.'n V , i i ro a (,.) j . I tr a 61 c (i t i . i - n l:ii N mnr;(J A T'm.r'-ii f i it---!hrro .1 i y p m a- Vuiu.i -'n and Vi 1 lott lraia ii Ulu f-Tt. s , 8 . - p.m. I I i it 2 r ..n.-; wi'h Wim!-n i bound; l' vlis Ooklnboro atl p.',,'. c lve: !,. Severs;! ' , Go to the Oastou IToi; 9 for an easy Bhave i ti J a - Ehaving 10 C.: 1 r ' 1Y:: T. J. '1 L li.. i. . i 1 !.