V- -I-... ..J U - - - ie ii All ShaJes, blaj ts a-J 1 1 , and Fur Goods, will t a e . .. . - ...... III Oi j "" JN . t j. 1 ' i -, . 1 ' 1 :: C.4 ' i it" n - w 8 t dm It r Utt"UrU .''- T DMWt 'la- .',, I 44 j. w; V ' x bu -r boon thawd e. UJ on IM aw . ,- W II ft F ' Mf va Ar. Hasten ?&U UM f Ik abey ehee .tot I" W Howard & Jones, NEW BERNE, N. a- : Land For Sale. ? TWO TRACTS IN UENOIB COUMY U 1I south of Klnston, on Bon til Watt Cnek. No 1. KO -awes, with, on hundred cleared, balane vail Umbered. Veil adapt. d t (rowing com, cotton, peat, etc, '; A portion o the cleared land unbraces a rich eneh, Ko. S, SSQ of Umber tend. boat om and a belt mile lrom tract No. .price $3,009 caeh, o pan cash with p orovea seenniy iar Balance. . - s . Apply to - i ' nun ivn.T.tiui -""y-- - KlMton.-K.OH . Ott. ,: JOO&NAI CFNCE. n21dwtf x Hew Berne. N. C t;i7 EERSE AND PAMLICO IM. j' 5 The Steamer TAHOM A. linXTOMlIETsCHEDUI, Oommenelna Friday. Jnn Sth. and eon. tinulng durln the month of July, August aud pari oi oepiemDer, we lonowmg aenea ate will be In feneration: Leave New Vent on rider morning at Six o'elooK for W ashlngton, N.C, via Oera eoke, arriving at Washington same night. Leave Waahlngton for Ucracoke on arrival of t learner Ureenvill Saturday morning, reaonlog Oeraeoke that evening. Leave Oeraeoke Bandar afternoon, trrlv lnc at Washington name night. Leave Waahlngton Tuesday morning, aiv riTiog at ueraeoce eame nay. Leave Oeraeoke for New Berne Tueeday eveaing. arrlviug at New Beroe Wedneiday morning. Leave New Berne Wedneiday morning for Bayboro,nd all Intermediate landings on Meuee and Bay rivers, returning to Dew borne Thursday evening. . Leave Hew Berne for Washington via Oeraeoke Friday morning, and continue the run as described. Thaa one trip per week will be made from ' New Berne to Oeraeoke and Waahlngton (Friday), returning the following Wednes day morning, affording persona an excellent ODDortnnltv of aoenduiK a few days at the most desirable point on the North Carolina eoast to enjoy all the pleasures incidental to . b ocean anmmerreaon. Persons desiring to visit Portsmouth are enabled to do so by this line with little trouble. 'A pleasant trip to Washington la also afforded. . ' one trip per week will be made over the regular xienae ana Mty river route. Fare to Oeraooke and return .$2.50 Single fare .... l5o " : - to Washington ..... S.60 For; farther information apply to N JNO. B. HaNIX, Naw Berne, N. 0, June 28, 18J9. Agent. Oheriffs Sale. Pnraoant to exeentlona in my hands from the Superior Court .of Craven county In mvor of Oee. Allen. T. A. Green and Alfred Dewlt against the Nease Manfg. Co. and the new Berne jaanuig. uo,i win sen at. ruuuu Auction at the court house door in the city of New Berne, on Monday, the Flftbday of Awgvst, 1880, at IX o'clock, M..the fol . lowing deaerlbed property or so muoh there- . of aa may oe necessary to sausiy sau execu unna. to wlti On tract jf land on east aide of South riUUIIUlOIU HOW UOIUlli V. WVWWU follok and Booth Front streets. Beginning at the aonthweat eorner of lot known as Faetory lot, running then east with south : lino of Said lot to the channel of Neuae river, then eon th with channel of aaM river eighteen feet, then weatwardly and parallel with sold south line of Factory lot to the east line of Kaat Front street, then north westwardly with East Front street to the 1 Beginning. ,i.uanji,iiiunu, . JuneOT w J- W. Blddle, D. 8 lUTIiM I0KTB C1B0LITI1 UAdDLE WORKS, VXir BEB5E.N.C. : tlonuments Tombs. Aadall ctU !' sol Building workm ITALIAN&AUERIGAN MARBLE ' CrdMlwllltaoelve prompt atteatlofi ad wUgfaOUOB Kuaraateed J ' JC2 Kf WILLI8, Proprietor " Cat. BROAD J ID CRAVEN 8t$. J I SXW BERN, a. 0 O. S.Mo&nflarMtuorlzed agett In Kington. ' - ' Alex. Fields, Trgveling Agent 7b C:::cn Is c! Iknd Esfrigeratorv ' ' . - Freezers . ' , . r'Waifir Coolers, - .r.;l: 4Wife Dish Covers, Tij Ftms-tind Iraps. LWlre Cloth and' r lWi( Bath Tubs. A 'Jl.h lilNljl AND v AT. BOX . u'. TOTJ PRICE. vt.t i, jVjJW to .n.' CUTLER, P r1 Ililflla EtreeV. r;. . ,i.i:::i3. X7. c. f ' voVASH out Ulingfl . ONLY V -Ml j. J o-nwammiir-' Solo bydruggists PEFRLKSS BBOim Colon, . PI. tKLtSS LAIS l)BY Bl.UlSO. ' 'V INK POWBKKH t Ktaasf Celers. PtKBLI.8 SHOE AND HARNBj DKKSSUtk rKaRl.afcS Ktitt DIM Colors. :Vl A '.THE ; PATTERSON MINERAL SPRINGS. BUII DINGS .ENLAKGED. Charges Least of any First-Clou Springs in (he South ! . In Full View, of tlie Blue Hiige Mountains! Four Miles South of Shelby, N. C, on (S-O's iu it ) unanesion, uinomnau unicago - Railroad, Pattenon Station-one-, . -: half mile of Springs.' i -Physicians will tell vou that the Intra- dients contained In these watera are In their effect Aperient, Dluretle, Toolo and Altera tive, making It Nature's Remedy 'or Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder, and all cases of Debility and lant. and in Rbeumatic and Hcrofulous Af motions. wholesome food and first-class accommo dations at extremely low prices. Per Day.. MM Per Week 8.M Per Itonth... .... T...a.0O Children eight to twelve years old half inu. a wo u Bii-yn ia one-Tuurui pritm, lervants. special rates in accoidance to ser vice rendered Id earing foi room of family or person iney are wiw. where there are a family of five or more, or a party of friends from the same town or section, who will occupy one large room, a reduction or ten per cent, win oe maue. Bowling Alley. Lawn Tennis. Croauet. Foot-Ball, and In-door Gamea of all klnda. TEAM: One Horse and Bator. When two will contract to use It dally for one or more hours each day, fifteen eents per hour for eacn person. AUuT'ES W. G. PATTERSON, Shelby, tell dim Cleveland County, N. C. Ho! For the Sea! Best Summer resort on the coastlej the lovely island of Nature has made it so! ' Han has Im proved it! 8ea breezes from every di rection! Finest fishing in the world! Sailing; and surf bathing. Boats, Suits and Fishing Tackle at command for reasonable prices. GEAND OPENING ft OF TUB OCRAGOKB HOTEL, SPENCER BROS., Pbop'bs, , ON JUNE 18th, 1889, Hotel enlarged. - Table supplied with the best. Servants attentive and polite. Soda fountain.' Band of music Bates low. Steamer two trips a week from Wash ington and one from New Berne, First trip June 18th from Washington. TERMS', Per day . . . . $1.50 to $3.00. Pet week, V . TOO to 10.00. Per month, . ' . u 80.00, i i- A m 1. jl J I. , SPENCER BB0S., jelldw2m' Washington, N.C, Como Ono And All, And see 165 different kinds of STRAW BATS to be sold at Wholesale Cost at J. E. SMITH, Agt. Also a good line of MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and DBY GOODS that will be sold very cheap lor CaBh , J. E. SLIITI!, Act., Middle St., New Berne, N. Q. -' K. R, JONES, i w. AND f it . - Dry Gs:d3 ;& tlcti:ns Prioes as ldw as the lowest, -i ; ' Call and' examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. . . ' ,r. ' .Notice;- u Go to the Gaston House Barber Shop for an easy shave and a good hair cut Shaving 10 cts.; hair cutting zoo. - y u Paor. W. JI. BlIEPARD, ' 1 ''" ) ' V Prorricior, ' mail CTr:T5. rcrlTortaVast and touth, tU aU . c. K. ii. at 3.1 J a.m. for CMoXrt ani tKa - East at 8:80 B.m. . - , For WaahiBgton.SwJft Creek, Eviaani Beaufort Counties, dailv at X J a. m ror irentoa, r oUoigvuie ana JlaTg rille, iaUy at 7 :E 3 a. m. Eor Qrantaboro. Larboro an 1 Van- 4emere daily at 6 a. m. Xnlloner Order and Egistered Let ter Department, from V a.m. to 4 p, in. in Hailing uepaitment from V a.m to b, m., and from 7:30 to S.p.m. - Offloe open oonatanUy between these hours exoept when mails are being JUv triDuiea or teat. - Stonewall Items. , Ura. Ann B. Cherry and R.H. Baxter hare been luxuriating on green corn rot toe past ten days, and J. a. Quick had bis first tomatoes on 89th nit. - . It lain anticiDation that all the old Confederate soldiers will meet in Bay Doro on the 4th Inst. Messrs. Yf. T. Oaho and B. D. MoCotter have been requested to address them. itv Bey. O.- L. Wyohe.; the Uethedist circuit rider for this section, with the is siatanc of Bev. Mr. Butt and others. are having quite a success in storming the bulwarks of his satantio majesty in Bayboro, : Sereral oonveriioni reported and plenty material left to work on yet. The Illiterate . parson would be per plexed to find In websteri unabridged words to express the discomfort that the farmers are meeting with by rain, rain, excessive rgln. Oata are raining, in f sot work on crops is suspended and it is utterly too wet for frogs or craw fish. : '; . Cant Wo. . S. Simmons of Brant Is land light bouse, has . mored his - wife and children to, our place and oooupies R, , H. Bax ter's new house. Zaoh Swindle hss purchased the house and lot on which R. H. Baxter now" lives, and 1 have been told that Cant. Simmons is about to purchase, the A H. Bamlin house, and Dr. J no. Parson has purchased noasOkJind lot near the new mui.S seems that mere is a lime me in Btone- wall yet. . r; r-- ,i : Tbe Weaua Praise B. B. B, , The suffering of women-certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, how ever, is B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm). H..U. Oassidy, Kennesaw, Ua., writes; "Three bottles or a. a. u. curea my wife of sorofula.", ;,. 4. . Mrs. B. M.Laws, Zalaba. Fla., writes: I have never nseikany thing to equal B.B.B." writes "Not a day for 15 years was I free from headache, B. B. B. entirely relieved me. , I feel like another per son." ' , :- . r-i-h James W, Lancaster J Hawkinsville, Ga., writes: "Mi wife was In bad health for eight years. Jive doctors and many patent medicines bad aone her no gooa. Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga. says "For years I suffered with rheumatism caused by kidney trouble and indiges tion: I also was teeDie ana nervous. B. B. relieved me at onoe. although several other medicines had failed." Kev. J. u. - Kionaruson, : viarxston, Ark., writes: "My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female oomnlaint. - A ladr member of. my ehuroh had been cured by B. B. B. She persuaded my wife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. B. B , ai it quickly gave her relief." , Fabents can never be too care fal not to chastise t child befiause their own - tempers naTe fma rowed, i There in anch a thine as swift "and ' righteons : anger which visits armisdeea on the instant. oat the parents mast not give rent to their tempers in punishment. If they do the effect is all for evil, Let the incorrigibly naughty child wait till you are cool and under stand .the punishment vi$ for his good at the cipense of your pain . BneaUeax's Arntea SalTe. 'J,- Tun Bkbt Salvx in the world for Outs, Bruises, i Sores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands; Chilblains, corns, ana sai uun Eruptions, and positively cures- piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded.' Prioe $5 cents per box; : For sale by Bj N. DaaTrm" C .jan 17 Humanity will direct ns to be par ticularly cautions of treating with the least appearance of neglect those who .have lately met with misfortunes and are sunk in I life. Snch persons are apt to think them selves slighted when no such thing is intended. Their minds, Deing already sore, feel the least rub very severely, And .who would be so cruel as to afflicted!, add affliction to the It is verr rfmportant in this age oi vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to tna taste . ana to us eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and neaitny in its nature ana erxects. Possessing these qualities Syrup of Figs is the one perfeot laxative and most gentle diuretio known. ' . fb'Boy ito leader) Mr.Iieader, Can't And as; many beats jas yon count In that measure, s,,?. LeaderThey're here all the same. I know this orchestra better fhan.lrnn rift. "-' . i ii ADVICE .TO KOTUEIta.' , ' rMas. WlHBLOW'S BOOTHDia BVBUP should always be used for children teethief." It soothes the. child, softens the e-ums. allavs all pain, 'cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for diar- oat Cf tls L s, l: hammcrcl r.:i cv. nobody wej cr: .iGlllicsoa was rtt3:M And ' 'nil. I B'pcse .it" 3 tall" emi-Li the that's why it u c and she heavi! "base.". Vk- A Very Large Iereejs)te Of the American people are t-uubled with a most annoying, trot.1 e and disagreeable complaint caiU J I irrhl It is not necessary to be se trt ul !. It is demonstrated beyond qun . tbat Clarke's Extract of Flax (fapiW) Ca tarrh Cure . Immediately-relieves and permanently --cures Catarrh. A thor ough and fair trial will convince you. Use Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin. Catarrh Cute, S1.C0. Soap 25 cents. At W8. Llony a rug store. ' -Mint a youDg Miss'who vigor ooBly protests against running the family sewing machine little while even, would propel herself about on a tricyoie for hoars at a time with out a murmrjr. ; , -; - s h Beechams Pills act like maglo on a weak stomach. COMMERCIAL, DOHKSTIO HAalKBT. ' Eggs 12cv . Corn t7a55o. -. Fodder. $1.00al.S5 per hundred. TrojfXRTnhB Firm, ' Virgin $1.60; yellow dip, ai.80; hard; OOo. -. - Bdbwax 20a22o, per lb. Bmv Onfoot.5o.to7o. Huia Country, llalJc. La ei Country, lOallo. ... . . fTaasB Pokx 6a7o.per pound. PxaobkbWZSo. per peck. -Potatoes Bahamas. 40o. per bush. yams. 6070o, per bush. unions 50o. per loo. liAliTjTS85o.a$l 00 per bushel. V. "' OBioxava drown 40a55o. pair: half grown, 83ia25c.. CUo, bolted Staves R jO. bhd. $10a13 ver M. Tmbkr Cvortss. 13 in. and. over S5.00 ner M. nine 82 B0a.M. ' " SHwarjta West India, dull and nrBt lnal; 9 inch 8 00a2.25. Building iooh hearts. $3.25 ; saps, 1 1.50 peril. r WB0U8ALI rBKwa. .' . . Mass Pom-New $14 00. Shoulder MiATOalOo. C. B.'s, F. B's. B.'sand L. 0.-7). Flouh $3.00a8.58.1 Lard 7i o. by the tieroe. Najtls Baaia lO'i,$2.50. . ., Buoar Granulated , IOj Oorrae 20a22Jo. r .Cbkesi lSj. - , Salt ?0a85o, er saok. ' . jaObABBXg AJTP BTRDTt JOaAOn- Powdkb $5.00. , Bhot Drop, $1.50; buck, $1.75. . Hroga Dry, 4a6t0.; green $ BtlROSEira Oo. 3st !',,v-TAIxovr-r4o.per lb. : ITotice. W, T. DUNN respectfullr informs the pubilo that he is repairing . . Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Opposite the Depot Now Berne. N. O. : wore guaranteea ana prices to salt tne times. ' 1e7dwlm Notice to Liquor, Dealers, The Wholesale and Retail Liauor Dealers or craven county are hereby notified to come forward and .'renew their lioenses on J uly 1st as required by law. . ., , f . . June 28th, 188. . , f, W. B. LANE. Sheriff. ' " By J. W,' Biddlr, D, B. " Dissolution, ( L The Ann of Churchill & Lane was dissolved this day by mutual consent. All persona indebted to the firm will please call and pay their nocounts as soonaiposstoie $'cpt$,iTi UJ S.'A. CHtJRCHILL: -,. Vta. E.Jj LANE WDI continue thB Millinery business at same place. Mrs. Follett's old stand. 4V 3e28 dlwr All persons reouired to' list their oui- chases, eto., as required in ;6eo.;S3. Revenue Laws of N. C are hereby no- tinea to mage tneir returns to me at my office oh thelst day of July, 1880. j iaft v jJNO. A. RICHARDSON? y ilxkfii jjdJRegi Deeds and ex-offlolo" i e29 r.- Clerk B'd Commiss'rg.'r . HISTORY OF ALABKA Frent the Karll.it Perie4 to te Pres- i, iH.i'.'-et Time, .'?' ,, WHr jatTBtEt Hpwa VAMctortf t. A vivid narrative of tnost peculiar inter estc orlElnaL trnthiul. thrllllns. nnm largely from BuMian sources now first re-veaied.ii'-'i'i.i-4 ja -v - ,: ' i This book, complete In ton volumes with index, la now firat iBsned separate from th complete set of Mr. Bancroft's far-famed hls- toneai aeries oi mmy-nine voinmes, Tbou sands in every part of oar land will avail themselves of this privilege, and bnv and read with avidity thla book... The knewl- edge Whteh U contains is of Intense Interest ana importance, na maan oi it is foana no where else. ; '; . '. t- ,;i : ' l irP"TO t'flHTrn verTWhere:foValt fttLii 1 0 If Ail I CU the world are Inter ested Id that -wonderful country Aiaaks. The works of Mr. Bancroft have met with remarkable sacceas, having acquired a great reputation in America ana urope, -Any good, earnest and active , worker can make if From $5,td$20i pay ifilllDg XhU most entertaining volum. Ap- jraj iiuwvuwivvi ava naviunivg iviiiwiii VI thla rare opportunity will slip by and be for ever lost.-. . it . - i Neither money nor experience Is rormlrnd to embark in this enterprise, as the puinmli ers allow thirty days'- Wme for the ant to deliver and collect before payment to them, and If the book: la properly presented it sells lis eu. . Auuress . 4 -v,:. THE 1II3T02Y CO., 723 Earlct EU t Jj2 d3 wit San Vranclsoo, Cal. FASIIIOITAILU ;if,m023 . ' . MIDDLE ETT.SET.' " ' 5 - Two clK 's south IIuLa's Livery Stables .13 FOJt 1. D. Oil in L onGianily deceiving Shipments of - which he is Supplying The Public At 5' Wholesale 4 v- A 1 ? ail. 1 -if r fj,v r r 1 .01 3 mm And ifct N ITb-J Ycrl: Cc . A - it 4 S r3 . 1 111 'I 5f jafsgj. h 4 m m jo:::i"soTEn - - Haa on band and la receiving every day handsome Parlor 8ntts,Chmber8eta, heavy . walnut, Bnrt ana, Wardrobes, MattrtatfB,' Chairs, Lounges, Sofas, etc, ttov ' Ha also has a Una of Home-made Work of : BedaUada, ' Boras, Tables, : JBnreaos, etc , which are neat and substantial. . ' Prices Blgit Down to'jfock Bottom,' ,'-'t " . - ae6dw . Middle st New Berne. , Heavy sales of this WONDERFUL MACHINE. - It speaks for itself. The ladles want it because It is a PERFECT -machine. ' - - ' -': J.'M. HINE3, Agenu. . New Berne, N. O, ' , - ' - THE PHILLIPS PATENT Improved1 -Venetian -Blind. They are a perfeot substitute at onoe '. - tot shadesand inside or outBlde blinds, . ' saving the cost of these articles and - making a Venetian bund by . far. the f cheapest window furnishing in the market. ' Peculiarly adapted to bay - windows. Will not get out -of order and will last a life-time. Any person can hang them. For full information v apply to . v . ; - s U. T. CAKKA WAX,. . . . t V Manufacturer's ARent,. y may30 New Berne, N. 0. '- DICKENS' ' WOBKS.- . 4 BOW TO OBTAIN TI1KM. : Any subscriber to tbe Daily or Wbkkly : - JouanAX.who haajtffcldone year lu advance, " ; will be eu titled to fOrer cent, discount on a set of CHA.8. DIOKhJJS' WORK8. Korthe 7 money, this Is the best edition on the mar' . ket. " 1 i flomnared with tbe cost of former, even recent days, It la amazlsg how the prloea of . standard books are now reduced. This la especially true of the works 01 Charlea Dick 4 " ens, and the most marveloualy cheap tdl- -tlon of his works ever pnbllahed Is nnqnes- v tlonably the "Bor." edition, now leaned by John b. Alden, the "JUiterary Revolution" , publisher, i(ew York, Chicago, and elfce waere. It la nrlnted in eood. clear, laise- ' faced nonpareil type (from the at me plates H as Appieiou s - ropuiar iiorary . jiiuon, . price per set itu.uvj, aouDJe-coiumn pages,. : small quarto form, easy for the eye, con ve- -it nlentto handle. and Is handsomely bound v ,l In cloth. In eight volumes as follows: List of the VolsOv.r 130 Ulnstrria . 1. Martin Churzlewlt, 1 5. David Copperfleld. , . varnaDyuuage, 1 unriitmas Htone., -Edwin Drood. ' 2. Bleak uouse. Bketohea by Boa, Mutual Friend. ' Had Times. - e Pletureafm Italy.' 3. Klcholsa Nlokleby. rale 01 two uniea. Uacom'o'l Traveler, 7, Dombey and Son.- 1 Old UurlosltyBhop - American hote. 4, FIckwick Papers. Keprimea neoea. Ore tt Expectations. 1 8. Little Dorrlt, , I Oliver Twist. - , Prle Per Vol 4Se. Per Set 13.00. ' v Size of Volume 68 4x78-4 Inches: POSUKe.' v If by mall, llcents per volume. . sample copies can d seen at tnis omoe. - - ,:t- TI;d IVcclibston Pest, A PAPER FOtt THE MASSES. ' PbUahed at the Jfatlonai Capital, th : , . news cenier i une ceaatry. ... tri1 The Washington Weekly Post li a large eight-page paper, filled to the brim with the very latest and moat Important -newa matter.; All 01 Its departments are In charge of competent men,: and no pains or . expense are spared to make Tin Weekly; Post a model family newspaper. The sub. . ' soriptlon price of Th Wwkit Post is II per year, payable strictly in advance, B.nd aample copies. " ,"vv v The Washington Daily Fost s the only morning paper published at the -capital which - possesses .the "facilities for -gathering and printing the newa of the day. -With our large corp. of reporters and special wrlterswe are enabled to produce the mott : readable paper ever printed In Washington, The Importance of Waahlngton newa for the next few month should be apparent toali; and there will be no better medium through which to obtain 4t than, Th Dau,t Post. The subscription price of Tns Daily Post 1 Is as follows: . jt " ? - pally, Bunday excepted, on yesri.t6.00 '-' Dally, Sunday Included , one y ear ,. ,'j$0 j VD&lly. Sunday exoeptcd.'oDe' Won Uu 60 . Dally .ftunday included, one jnonth-. 70 ' Sunday, on year i,,.J...;.,r, IStf ' - The Sunday Edit'n of The Post , it replete with interesting features, and Its newa service la nnsurpaased by any Journal in th United BUtes,'$ Address ail communications to ' the;post, . WASHINGTON. D. C. marUlm YouT Can Save lie::: By buying your Alabastine, Ready Mixed Paints, etc., from ' , ' , WDITTY & OATE3. t ; - - . i ,--.' ' We have the colebrated "Packers" Ioe Cream Freezers be eure and eee them before buy mat anf other. 1 A j ; We have a full stock of everything in the IlarJ.soi j oad Builders line, and invite your attrition to the aame. . WHITIY & QATES. ArrAa for the SherwinWUHums c I.i-iated Kcady Mixed Painta, r- ', d rs in Lime, Cement and Plnrtor. 1 citli XI c 3 3 1 vs At my Bhop on Iliddle streot. of water, hot or cold, andgo! rooms. funldif ..J. B. p' 1 ... ".