Kr.v.:.. hi J !:;:!r.J i , COLD BY ALE DRUGGISTS. PuIG2- 25 CEWTS PER BOX; Trcj irc4 cnlj by TIIOS.BEECHAM, StHelensJijmcasliire.Englana'. B. l yALLEN:;& CO., Sole Agents FOXt UNITED STATES, SOS S7 CAJV1L, ST., NEW YORK, Who (if your druggist xioes not keep, them) will, mail Beecham's : Pills on receipt of wtesrrtuf inquire first (Please mention this paper.) 1 I . , "11 dies. Fall Tdm r i , m ' . a.. j'V 'II, II VI i j m sv vis 4- -TT tJ3 i -.1.. ..asrl I . catalogue wua lull particulars address Fine Horsei and JVltjles dUpoied of on easy .tertns. 1 have on hand a nam be r of Fine also trained 'Sadle ltorBes for both ?road: Street, -New Berne, N. 1C. augzrdwu,,,.H f KIBSria'er- $Engel jEffiffllAiMGEB BEER, '.V"f??lS tTKClTfESTIOlirABLY THE ' i7ifiot ilBeer Extant. It is brewed ixom C7c:t Barley IIalt,! Iii-rhly recommended ?JTIVE quaUties; cr;; ;r, 3 high reputation ' enjoyed by ? the BERGNKB & ENGEL b::PANY is due to the4fact that only the FINEST AND BEST IIATI.rJALS are -used1 and" .that the-greatest BilLh and OA&E j crcrclaed during its Wufactuxe. '; ;h ' Jy4dwtf k . L-:t anU'B . J 41 -4 FA '".SSaEH DEPARTMENT r'c.N,tr nrth". : Tti4t -aril -m, .raiindTrlpT!.'1 f' . ,..v to i I iii eiinnt Jano i. ' " - f-"...n.' Hut."" v,t , " Va.iHf " 160,7 , r. a, ,3 say. C;iEsn OIsorCerEl Liver; ! I u r-i HIM ran f,Hi c i nil. vv t i ii t- -v i r. ii u SEMINARY, , 1ST. O- o3 at o V O a -4- c2 a? .03 M o opens - Aug. 29th. For always on hand, and will be Teams, that are gentle and safe ; ladies and gentlemen. theifi and ;laazer vHops, and for its T01IIC and NU- Hey ABcrrie. IT.,C. ' aaMaa. The Ailiancct to the ; Front Thb Pkogbisbivb Fakwis, bold, vleilant, aRirreaaive and progre.Hlve. Ithaa opinions and expresses them. Forty-eight column, (i,t. naima. 4 All Home-nint. umoiai orean H of North Carolina and Virginia Htate Alii. anoeat The liveai jiaper m uj ooumr mm to nearly 12(H) poAtoffloes in Mprth Oarollna mid to ia Mlatea -UJll uv;j14mv . ruuiv CiiNh, Bend for sample copy, aq. afetl THK ritOOUKSSlVB FAttMEB ' ' KalelKU, N. It it, iim.rt hi it, i . 'ni'-iT. nnoeer, .. tf - ; ISS DISSS. TlJLCZ.' bi B earns to the bower of her I lore - tn Twaneitiff hit gweet euittr: " j -v f vi H siledlier in boo 2 bit snow-white Ilia lily, hla fair, bricht star. ; .. .jji'vJ: 'While I sat otoee bf th brown-eyed tsid And helped her enjoy the erenado.'.'' Be sang that hla love waaSeyondeoropaie (tiis Toioe eweet as nia aong); . . . ,A He said nhe was pure and gentle and fair, And 1 told her he wasn't far wronc. i J I don't know whether he heard me or not For hia string snapped like a pistol snot - , Hetold how he loved her o'er and o'er '- W ith passion in erery word, In songs that I never knew before; And sweeter ones ne'er were heard. But the night dew loosened his guitar strings And they buzzed out of tune like crazy t nines. He sang aud he played till the moon was high; Oh, sweet was the love-bom strain ; And the nigho caught up each tremulous sign. And echoed each sweet refrain. But I laughed when a beetle flew down his throat. And choked in a snort his highest note. Hha liked It; and I did just so-so; I was glad to hear his lay; I ever echoed him, soft and low. When, ho samr what I wanted to say. Till at last I leaned from the window, and then I thanked Uim aud asked nim to call again, And then ho went away. Brooklyn Eagle. SOLITTOE. Laugh, and the worle laughs with you Weep, and you weep alone, For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and tho hills will answer ; Sigh, it is lost on the air, The echoes bound to a joyful sound, iiut shrink from voicing care. llejoice, and men will seek you; Uriove, and they turn and cro. They want full measure of all your pleasure, But they do not need vour woo. R glad, and your friends are many; lie sad, and you lose them all. There aro none to decline your uectared wino, But nlono yau mu3t drink life's gall. Feast, and your halls are crowded : D ast, and the world troes by. Succoed and givo, and it helps you live, lint no man can help vou die. There is room in the halls of pleasure r or a largo and lordly train. But ono by one we must all file on through tho narrow aisle! of pain. The City Man(ln the Country. The city man likes the country exceedingly for a little while. Bat it is not his element, and he soen tires of it. He misses the familiar faces of old friends, the passing 8a latos. of nodding acquaintances, the moving panorama of the streets. He pines for variety. The birds sine over and over again the same songs, the kine bellow always in the same key, the frogs croak the same dismal tune, the trees ana rocks and hills never change their relative positions, for there is no "pulling down" and "putting up" among the landmarks of nature. He does not rest well at night in the absence of the city noises. He loseaeight of art, science, amuse mentbthe news of the day. The couutrv guide-posts are poor substitutes for the bulletin-boards of the press. He runs to rust for lack of the sand-paper of excite. ment to brighten him np. There are the sports of the field, yon will say shooting and fishing; but the woodcock escape his unpracticed aim, and the bushes, not the trout, are caught Dy his discursive nook. - It is pleasant, ofeourse, to escape now and then from the Eialto to the rural world; but a few .days er weeks there snflices for the jQotha mite, and he is glad to yawn bach to his own comfortable bed and convenient domicile. Such is city human nature. A Woman's Dlaco'vary. Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too bv a lady in this county, Disease fastened us clutchea upon JLeisna for seven rears she stood its severest tests, bnt her vital organs were undennlnad and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a Dotue oi vt, nine's JTew Discovery . lor umanmnnon. and was so much, relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottla baa been miraculously euJbd. ' Her name is Mrs. Luther Lnta. - iThup. wrote W. C. Hamrick & Co.. of Shelby. JN. U Get a trial bottle at R. N. Duffy's whole sale and retail drag store. Wholesale, B-uu peraozen 'Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life is the firmness of mind and (be mastery of appetite. - It teaches as to do, as well as to talk: and to make our actions ana wonts au oi ooior. i "1 f The Verdict VMnin.oa, W.Di Suit, Druggist, Blppna-, Ind.i tes tiaso: ''I-can recommend Electric. Bitters ae the very best remedy. EverJ1-bottle sold ha given rellet in every case.. One man. took sll bottles" and " was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing-." AbrlF ham Hare, , druggist, 1 Bellville.. Ohio, if firms: "The best selling medicine t ever handled in my ?0 years', experience Is Eleotrlo Bitters. V" Thousands of' others have added their testimony, so- that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitten do cure all diseases of the Liver Kidneys. or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at R. N. Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store1. Large si7.e,$y.uu per dozen, wtolf. Eofclmm'e I vnva i.'ii. '1 C 3 X s en j nr 1 Is 1883 1 eeamebsd Bkwd Folm torta had tYW- and u (natal witk I im iiuT. south and MrmtMrlite mlxtnKsrowing worn ail tbetlma. 1 took 7 Hull bottle 8. 8.8. which cared me entirely, aad bo sign of the dreadful diaeuo ka returned. 11 faa.IO.W.- Hobbrvule, lo4. Kv little niece bad wWiavawelBiut to inch aa extent that the wet coo Ined to the bed for a bag time. More than SO piece of bone came oat of her leg, and thedoc)ors said ampoiauoB was tne 0017 raneaj w uve her life. I refined tbe operation and pat her on 8.8.8. and the is now ap and active and in as good health aa anrebild. Hiss AJWra Onum. Feb. 11. 89. Coltunbaa, (Ja. Book on Blood Diaeaaea sent free. Swin Sracmo Co. Drawer S, Atlanta, Ga- HAVE YOU SEEN IT! THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK 1 The Moat Wonderful Inrentlon of the Nineteenth Century. Most Convenient. Most Durable and Cheapest TRUNK Made. Will save you many backaches. A simple motion of your hand will enable Jyou to paok or unpack your trunk without having to lift a tray. MADE IN EVERY STYLE. Sold by All Dealers. PATENTED AND MADE BY H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO- Makers of all kinds of TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS. RICHMOND. VAf jonel9 dw2m nrm To care eostlvenes the modlrtne ana.t he more than a puraratlve. To bo per U.UWI, mi. uu.1 cuniain Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tntt'a Plll noaaeaa theae qnalttloa in aa einiueut degree, and Speedily Restore lo the bowel their Mutual par in taltla lu".'"i aw encnuai n regularity. Sold Everywhere. HUMPHREYS' mmm specitics For Eoraei, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs. Hogs, AWD POCTLTSy. SOOPaeBeekeaTrearaaeitefAnlniela aad Caart Heat free. CStta Peveri, Coaceatlona, Inflammation, A-A.i gpiaal Bfealaaitia. Milk Fever. ?J?""5.trm,", Iea, O.O. OiatBaaaear Naaal Dlacharsea. D.D.Bota er Oraba, Woraia. 5,S"5S, 5e"vi iPaeananta. F. P.-Celioer Griaee. Beilyaebe. G. G. Mlacarrtace. Heaaorrliaaee. H. H.-Urtnarr aad Kidney Oleeaaea. I. I.atnaatlve Dleeaaea, Hange. jpiaeaaea of Diseatloa. Btakla Caae. with Bpeetnea, Manual. Wttob Haaet OU and Mediator, 97.00 Price, 8taleBotUe(oTe60io8ea), . ,o ' . Sold by Snurgietai or Sent Prepaid anywhart and bt any quantity on Beoaipt oi Prioe. HiimrJireyi ated. Co., 199 rul(on St, I. Y. Shy : BOMEOPATHIO ff SPECIFIC No. all ill !5jaae 100. tad Fnatratlon, from owr-work or othac eanwi. u pervlaLors flaiaanaiarae vuu powawr, for S& boldbt VBuaaum. orHntpmtoaid onra.iptol XilBiiavatmA.lWraltM IWi I. X. All of our Veterinary Preparations oan be bad of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets. Newbcrn, N. 0. First Shipment of 561000 Have Arrived. 17. P. & GO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GRAIN DEALERS, Haebxt 'DookI NEW BJKRNB, N. O. d" Consign us yoar produce. , aaavadwtf ... A GLANCE WBiBlliiHaiENX OF. li Dill Tho ifeiIsrV Will ipbnlnoe any one that we have in took the Largest,' Most Vtrledv akd CompletelLlne of 'Dluhondr.'Watohea, Fftye Jelrelryv; Sayer'Ware, ! Fandy Lamps',, Burmese, Gold and Silver Bead Canes In the 'State; i..; . t 'if ilft to'fcu3titrS ..iliitereBf to tee oar goods before pnrobaatng. . CQmmissibii ItercKant ';&'::Sflx:Ma ALU, tj tf-.'. . prodtcts AFnK OnciiaBn. OBOVB, JTARBt AND) t VIM K YARD 1 65 West Stteet, New York Mess. Nash, Whiton Co.; 120 Warren Mr, B. C. Curtis, 190 ReadeBtiC N. Y.' Jtferchants'Exohange Natl Bank,N. Y u u. -own,jt;nnker, waHhlngton,N.O. ' And I .- a of New Dome. - '-": T.PV 1 by Jaiilf E. Overton, of I . " ., Va. rr.ay23 30d Mm L4a an JO raara. THOJUrwatfiiI Nanedy nr saw I UUH UBHiiiiin 1 iiui ii guaiu PROEBSIONAL, BODotra purnii' s; b. mhon. ATTOJRNEy S.'AT LAW, OfBee -over'R. N. Puffjy drug store. Branch Qffloe: Cathariaa, Lake, Oaa- low county.:; C. ' ipl8 PvHPEIXETIEB, A T TO SHE T f AS AV, AND MOKTC BBOKGS. Craven 8tM two doon 8outh of Jonrnal of&o. A. SMolaltv made in necotlatlnic a ma 11 loana for abort tint. . Will praetloa In the Counties of Oravan. Oar- teret, Jonea, Onalow and Pamlieo. United Btatea Coon at Hew Berne, and Supreme Court of the BUte. febl dU CLEMENT HAHLY. O. B. OCION, Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co. 'a bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the state, and m the federal Courts. apl6 dwtf , M. SIMMONS. II. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlioo, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl2dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, NIWHai, i. o. OSlea an Oravan street, between Folloes and Broad. pr7-ldwi GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware1 Agricultural jlmplemontB. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Gins and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kainit Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Piaster Hair. Paint, Kalsomlne, Var nish, OU, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezers, Refrigerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Locks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES VERY LOW. GEO. ALLEN & CO. TO ADVERTISERS. A Hat of 1000 newaDanera divided into BTATKH AND HKCTlONB will be lent on application FREB. To tnoae wno want weir aovertiaing to pay, we can offer no better medium for thor ough and effective work than the vanoua aeotlona of our Seleet Local Llat. CEO. P. HOWBLL dc CO., Newspaper Advertlaing Bureau, Jul 17 dwlm 10 Spruce street. New York. Road Garts! ZeTln 10 percent, cheap- DaiayiySaoV er than anybody. UUgglCda 49- Don't buy before getting our prices and catalogues. THE GEO. XV. STOCKELL CO.. NASHVILLE, TEN 14 (lame this paper. marZ2 djrycoo f. (UOKnoo A MO.ITIIcan be J) 0- 10 1J5Z0U- made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnlBh a horse and give their whole time to the busi ness. , Hpare momenta may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies In towns and cltiea. B. F. JOHNSON A CO., 1009 Main St.. Richmond, Va, N. 8. Pleaae state age and bi-slness ex perience. N ever mind about sending stamp for reply. B. F. J. & Co, aprSdOm Drunkenness Or th Llqaor Habit, Positively Cured IT alMIMSTMIM DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIflC. II can be flvan In a cub at coffee or laa, or In ar Uclaa of food, without the knowledge of the per son taking it; it la absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient la a moderate drlnkeror an alcoholic wreck, it never FAILS. We GUARANTEE jiuuno iu cunuuenco. SPECIFIC CO.. 1 86 Raca a'., Cincinnati. 0 J. H. ORABTBEB. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founder and Machinists Manufacture rs and Dealers in fiSGLIES AID K1C33HISTS' SUPPLIES : J Bnlldera oY Englnee. Boilers, law Mills, Edging dk Cut-off TSachlaea, We are prepared to do Oaatlnga of all kinds With promptness. Particular and Immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates for any desoilptlonof machinery. ' We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican Baw, ' Also for Q. A A. Bargamln's eela b rated IndestrucUble Hloa Valves, We iriTa satisfactory guarantee for all work dona bv as, lysa daaw wly 20 Yeabs Established. : 'G. S. BALMER, ThoJesale Commission Jdcrehaat SOTJTHERK PRODUCE, Strawberries, Peas, Potatoes, Tomatoes, ; : " i eofto., -" 168 Reads Street, New York. - Consignments solicited and returns made as soon a soldV; -.. . Stenoils and v Market - Reporta ' fa ntshed on spplioation; rt'"-t-V - KEFERENCis-Banks ' and established Prodnoe MoreBants of Kew York. Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Boston, a25tf I STEAMEHa. EASTERN CARCUNA' OISPATCa -i: .-l" 1- .41 I - . The Fast rrelrhtri-lae - nnrni r -'A - . (lew Barna, Eutai v-tfc 4araUaj . r.laU, aaa HarfaUt, atoUtnaaao ' Philadelphia. R.w TarkvSaMtaa, A Kte.-Tla Kltoahatl. City. W.C.t , v THE 8TBAiaBStSi Eaglet and Anniof g oi tnia una win nua am rantr aebedaia ttma, , ' leavlue Mew Bene avarv ' MONDAY. WaUIaUAr J and KiUAK lor Kllaaoelb Oitr. and naara arriving on UOMiaY, THUBJaDAY aad oATUaUAi. ..-,. Xbeee ateamera. in oonneettoai wttkv taa AtUnUO 4N.O.K K.. orfolk BoaUkM M. ew York, VhUM. and Norfolk B, aV. and the Pennayivanla K. h., lorm a Kuabksaatal ragniar Una offerlua auDerlor laaUltlaaaaa quick tranttortatlon . no tranarera except at KiiaabaU Whloh point 'relg lit will be loaded on earn t jo turoagU U deatlnaltoo, r -- Direct ail good, tu be aiuppad via Taalaia Oarollna Dbipatcb Daily ea loUowat s From New York, by i'enn. K, fm tL Nor to Hlver. , From rhlladelpbU. by Fhlla., W.ABalta. K K.. Dock bt. HtaUon, From Bnlilmore by Flilla., Wil. A BaltO, K. K,. President Ht. uiatlon. From Norfolk, by Noriolk Boothern B.B. From Boston, by nerchnnu A Minora Trans Donation Co.; N. w Vork and New Xnclaad Hateaaa low auu '.110 qulokertaan by any other line. W. H " JOYCK (Gen, Fgt. Traifio P. K. K.). U ti ir.i Traffic Manager. QUO. STEl iit sa Dlvuion Freight AimL K W. A B. K. li Fhlla. aH B. B. OOOKl,1 General Freight Acent. S. T. P. A N. K. K., Norfolk.Va- ". U.O. UU1X11NH, Ueneral Freight Agent If H. K. H., Norfolk. Va. . OIX). UKNDERHON, Agent, Newberne. N. O. feb20 d. old Domiuor. Steamship Company. WEEKLY LINE. rhe Old Dominion Steamship Can. pany'a Old and Favorite Water Route, via Albemarle and 'Chesapeake Canal. FOB Norfolk., Baltimore, New York, Phila delphia, Boaton, Providence, and Washington City, And all points, North, East and Watt,' On and after MONDAY. JULY 8th, 188JJ until further notloe. the Steamer NEWBERNE, Capt. Prilclett. Will aall from Norfolk, Va., for New Berne via Washington, FRIDAYS, making oloae oonneotion with the Hteamera of the N. A T. K 8. B. Co., for Kins ton Trenton, aud all other landlnga on the Neuse and Trent Rivera. Returning, will aall from NEW BKUNB for NORFOLK direct, TUK8DAYH at TWELVE, M., (noon), making eon neotlon with the o. D. 8. a. Oo.'a ahlpe for New York, B. 8. P. Oo.'a ateamer for Baltimore, Clyde Line Bhlpa for Phllaa delphla, M.4M.I, Oo.'s ahlpa for Boaton and Provldenoe Onr untiring efforts to pleaae ourpatrona, and our almoat perfect service for the peat fourteen years, la the beat guarantee we eaa offer all sulpnera aa to wnat we will do for them In the future. Order ail goods car. of O.D. 8. B. Oo., Hoi folk. Va. Paesengers will Ond a good table, comfort able rooms, and every courtesy and atten tion will be paid them by the omoera. K. B. ROBERTS, Agent. tiaSSKB. CULPEPPER A TURNER, Agents, Norfolk, Va. W. H" STANFORD, Vice-President. New York City. The N. C. Freight Lino ktERCHANTS and SHIPPERS, TAZE NOTICE On m d after October 15, 188S, thla line will resume their regular EM I-WEEKLY TBLTS BKTWEBN Baltimore and New Berne tav,1J8,.BB4ltlln0re for New Berne. WBTJl NbSDAY, BATUKDAY. at BIX P. M. Leaving New Berne for Baltimore, rDKfl DAY. SATURDAY, at BlX P. M. ThlB ls tne only DIRECT line out of Ww Berne for Baltimore without change, and on their return trip from Baltimore come dlree to New Berne, atopping only at Norfolk, eon nectlnir then for u,t..n it ..jr." delphla, Rlohmond, and all polnU North- """ng ciose oonneotion. lor all points by Rlyer and Rrli out of New Bern-. w Auenrs are as follows: BJCUBEJM r'OBTER, Oeu'l Manager, ran w m.. Do,LlKht 8t- Baltimore. JS' W-MARRIOK, Agt Horlolk, Va. wharves C" "'Pla, 12 bonlh Nrurivcn Mt- Trn- Ltoe' E. Samiison, Boston, 53 Central wharf b. H. Kock well, Provldenoe, R. I, ' Ships leave Boston, Tueedaya and Baturdaya ( " New York daily. " Balto., Wedneadaya A Saturdays Philadelphia, Mondays, Wednes days, Baturdaya. ' Piovldenoe, Baturdaya. a,SL,u,eU V,11,s,lw,lnK Blven' and ralea guar anteed to all poluta at the different offlcta of the companies. AVOID BREAKAGE OP BULK Alf SHIP VIA N. C. LINE. B. H. URAY.Agenl, New Berne, N.C. Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Thursday the;25th da ot April the stoamer Howard will run tho following schedule: For Trenton every Thursday at eight o'clock, returning Friday. For Polloksville every Tuesday at eight 0 'dock, returning same day. J. J. LA8ITTEB, Manager. Sheriff's Sale. . Pnl,lln Anxtlnn.t. ,l.V " 1 .1 WU1 at ihV oitTof New. B JneT M?,i. ' Fifth day or Aapai ret,VtWLvi O'clock, M., Vliefollowlndeaor1hif orso mucninareofM may be nL... aauaiy saia &zeoation, to wit: . J Xh . On Boiler and KDglne, S3 horse mm,, f i One 50in.Clroularawi" "Ww.-J 7gi One SO in. Oirenlar Baw, ' M ; "i & v One Haw Carriage eomplate, andaU BalfcT ing and Pnlllea attached to atta7v '' Also 8,800 acres of Umber, mom .n.. , situated, on aiocumb's UrZk and 'tS ; ' ,ni,.of.0?, Co.. and bought b? ' Inis vheiVta'da of innaL a r Trt"r 2 1 1 JnneW Iw ; . , By j. w. tunuo, i r.

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