rriLIfTXEIU AXXOCCXIK!fT THJS UAILT JoaRSAJ.ll a Hz ealtMa tp, published dally, except Monday Me per year; IU fecjettsseettki, JMlnnl uttt;BONrbiitUgnti par man lb - TH IIIkyT J0UBNAJL ft N eolams vajwr.ts blUhed every Thuraday at SU AfirKBTIBlNQ RATB8 (DAILY)-Om ! y SOo breach iubaqunt t arUoft. ., , JUvertlsejaealSj tidar of "Bulnes 19 nils pi 'far arat.and loentsfor . adverGseae&a wWbeiaaW.ad between mi ssattarata&y pnoe - V I ? teaUneewmUlneerte4ee All addlUoua vyt1 ma rftrmanta tor trMloV dTertUenieiit uistke made Ira adrane Retain adver tteemenU will be OoUeoted promptly at the Ocunmahlcattons eontalnlng newt of a dls M cM Jphn are aolielted. No ommaioae&Blusl'be ax Dec ted (o be nub IsAedthar-iataink objectionable Deraona UN withhold UM name- of the author: or hat will JBAXa tictta Uin on column o ft b hkuavwui nftimiivftfl iMitianai HnA r panaattalln- airie ved at any mony aaona oonmnnicafion can obtain the name o : Minor oy application at this office aud adwiag wherein me grievanoe exist JOURNAL. aUaVVvn. 4. uakfkk. . . ju -. - - Kdttar. Bulmii Huui, iSWWBEBNE. N. 0.. JULY 31 1889. L.iu , . . t hleied at the Pott office at N Betae. M 0 asMeoad-ekus matter. IS THE COUHTRY IN DINGER! Aa Americans wo arc prond of oar country. There is a natural inclination to extol its greatness and celebrate its fame. While this ifl creditable to our patriotism, and consonant with our aspirations and our hopes, it is the part of wisdom td examine, to ascertain if our foun dations are secure and the pillars o(oox national fabric strong and enduring. We believe that the Union is more firmly established than ever, and that the future will bo as the past has been, but more abundant. Bat, many, wiser than we are, see portentous clouds gathering on our political horizon. "Bishop Coxe contributes an ar ticle to the current number of the Forum in which he takes a gloomy vijew ol the next century of the Ee public, lie thinks that "continued commemoration of Washington and the Constitution by onr children's children is a consumation improba ble in the extreme." Alien citizens is the cause of the Bishops alarm. We have not con sidered aliens as seriously mena cing the stability of our govern- ment. It may bo so, lor "wo are aft to Bhut our eyes to a painful truth" and "hug the delusive phan toms of hope." In tho past dangers that have assailed the country, our alien pop ulation has breasted the storm and stemmed the battle for their adopt ed land. a II cannot be denied that much of tbd tynrest of the times, the riots, the strikes has originated with the foreign element, but after all it is but a small part of the American people. Indeed An archists, and revolutionists of all classes, are but as a drop to the ocean, when compared with the great conservative massos that on farms and in workshops, at the counters, and in the mines, are working out their individual for tunes and moulding the destinies of the Republic. It is admitted that vice abounds, but it is a glorious truth that virtue much more abounds. Where there is one Ingersoll there are a hundred Talmageo. Where one infidel lec tare is delivered a hundred sermons are preached,and the blessed truths of our holy Christianity permeate ' every ttrata of society, and bring forth the peaceable fraits of right eousness. Our people cannot be too. often reminded tha "righteousness ex , aiteth a nation, while sin is a re proach to any people." ' IrV .1 i. 1 . L A ikni .. , li ueeU UUl UO CApetlCU tuan a imu( palm mill hatHa nver it land ajlvcav n ... u.v-w - . . . t i l l , j;irA,rt.i :M '' ' BO PTOBU m CX.MJUL, uuuiuwcuu iu - indlTidual interests, and filled with an sctive, adventurous andprogres ' We: population. As well expect ' that the Atlantic will witness no storm -and the Pacific sleep in serene majesty through the ages. Storms will come upon us, but,with ? the Oonstitution for our chart, the 1 ship of Btate will move majetcioally 1 forward to fts 'destined haven. . , Bwcham'i Pills care bilious and nor- UKE 'T- if- . Tort JarnWell Items-' ' Mr. Jno, C. .Wooten has the finest crop In this section. Johnstown .book azents are all the go now. We have one every ; day. V . - i' Misses Scarborough and Bowick of Lenoir, are visiting Mrs. E. P. Hartly. Mrs. Annie Uo ward of. La Orange, is visiting friends and relatives here.. Tom Harris, colored, killed on J. C. Wooten's larm a whiteoak wnake measuring 8 feet 4 inches. We hope to see the public roads pat in good order soon,, as they aro reported in a bad condition all over the country. We understand that onr colored friends are corns to New Berne and have Mr. Cheatham to order them a postmaster. liev. Mr. Washburu is holding a protracted meeting at Lane's chap el. May God be with them in the advancement of his cause. We understand that a little stranger has taken up his abode at liev. Mr. Baker's. We give tho little fellow a hearty welcome. LAUIUNUK ITEMS Uog shooting is the order ot the day in our town. Miss Lelia Loops of Kinston, is visiting friends in our town. Mr. Ed. Suggs of Kinston, was here for a lew days last week. Our vicinity has an unsurpassed soil for the cultivation of vege tables. Three cider stands were in suc cessful operation near town on Saturday last. Miss Carrie Lath;vnj of (ioldf- boro, is visiting Iriends and ac quaintances in our town. Miss Lillie Kiikpatrick retained to her home after a several we'eks pleasure trip, on Friday. Mrs. M. A. Cro3on of our town, was greeted by a surprise party of our young people on 1'ndav last. Was Betsy Bobbie there ! We regret to learn of the illness of Mrs. J. 11. Alridge of our place. who had gone on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Suggs, of Kinsoon. Mrs. Sallie Bizzell of our town, who was seriously afflicted with partial paralysis recently, is rapidly improving, we are pleased to learn. Mr. A. J. Sutton and wife, ac companied by Miss Nannie Sutton, are off on a visit to relatives in Pitt county. We wish them all a pleasant trip. lieports oi cotton crops are as variable as the cotton market is unsteady. If it isn't drowned out, why it is dried out. Like little' Joe, its always on the move. The publia school at Squealing pond, some couple of miles from town, opens on Monday next, v Miss Lula Headen as teacher. Miss Headen is an accomplished, intelli gent teacher, and the improvement among the pupils is remarkable. If more of our public schools possessed such teachers there wonld be more marked improve ment among the children of our farming people. Trenton Alliance. To our brother farmers of Jones county who are not members of the Farmer's Alliance, greeting: At a meeting of the representatives of the Alliance of twelve Southern States at Birmingham, Ala., it was unanimously resolved to use bag ging made from cotton. The ob ject of this meeting was to thwart the nnjust movement of the arro gant jute bagging trust, the mem bers of which have set their heads to extort from the cotton farmers millions of dollars. In order to help us New Orleans, New Tork and Liverpool cotton exchanges have agreed .to deduct tare so as to make 'cotton equal to jute. The Alliance will stand with the Bir mingham meeting and the Trnst knows it. Now in order to break ns down, it proposes to sen bag ging cheaper than ever. Hoping you are under obligations to nse cotton covering, we take this method of asking yon to stand by ns and not the Jnte JJaggmg Trust. If we fail now yon may look in the future for cotton bagging to be sold only for Trnst prices, and any merchant who deals in Trust bag. ging we pledge ourselves not to trade with him. We ask the mer chants to stand with ns. J. W. Wooten, Pres. 0. C. Andrews, Sec'y. . July 27, 1889. The Verdict Vnanlmoni. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., tes tUies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters aa the very best remedy. Every bottle sold Las given relief in every case. One man took six bottles and - was cared of Rheumatism of 10 yesrs' standing." Abra ham Bare, druircrist, Bellville, Ohio, af firms: "The best selling medicine I ever handled in my 20 years' experience Is Electric Bitters' Thousands of others Lave added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitten do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half -dollar a bottle at B. N. Duffy's wholesale nd , retail -drug stole. Ijarge size, $8.00 per dozen, whole sale. . 11 :JV.rv. -M . . A Scheme Spoiled.' He looked very pale,' tired; and dejeeted as he threw himself on the lounge in the dark corner of the room. ' . ' "MomVl'mso Bick.'r Weighed, with, a Bupdressed groanH . My poor boy! What ails youT" " sick...wr-?r'1). -"What made you so siekl" "Fa said at dinner time I would be sicklf I eat another Rumpling, but I didn't ; believe Jiim; -I eat another one and I'm sick," "I'm sorry; I guess 111 hate to give yon a dose of castor oil." "I would rather be sick, ma, than to tafceou.''. v . "Not if I put it. in porter: then yon won't taste the oil." "I don't want the oil." Won't yon, dear, if I give you a cap of jelly to eat to take the taste ot oil out of yonr moothT" "Give me a big piece of cake to ent with the jelly!" "Yes, dear." And a big orange!" "Yes, my poor sickbov.'' "A big bunch of bananas and somecandj!" "Yes, dear." Andy's father came in at this point, and spoiled tho boy's pros pect ot a feast of good things, uo ing up to Andy and inquiring what the trouble was, Andy's voioo be came very weak, and in an almost mandible whisper he gasped "sick." In fact his voice was so weak bis sire was obliged to stoop down to catch the word, and at the same time caught the fragrance of a"two-for-five" breath. ,4Sick, hey! Been smoking, hey, you young Arab! (Cuffs him.) Smoking cigars, hey! (Boxes his cars.) I'll teach yon to smoke. Come along here." And he takes Andy into the back yard and with a shingle persuaded him to never try again to obtain good things under false pretense?, while his ma stood by ringing her hands in anguish at her dear boy's punishment and mentally voting Andy's father "a brute." Detroit Free Press. The Women Fralee B. B. B. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true DhilanthroDist. Their best friend, how ever, is B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm). H. L. OasBidy, Kennesaw, Ga., writes: Three bottles ot is. B. B. cured my wife of scrofula." Mrs. R. M.Laws, Zalaba. Fla , writes: I have never used anything to equal B. B. B." Mrs. C. H. Gar, Rocky Mount, N. C writes "Not a day for 15 years was I free from headache. B. B. B. entirely relieved me. I feel like another per son." James W. Lanoaster, Hawkinsville, Ga., writes: "My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines bad done her no good Six bottles of B. B. B. cured her. " Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga. says: "For years I suffered with rheumatism caused by kidney trouble and" indiges tion; I also was feeble and nervous. B. B. B. relieved me at onoe, although several other medioines had failed." Rev. J. M. Richardson, Clarkston, Ark., writes: "My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my ohurcih had been cured by B. B. B. She persuaded my wife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. B. B. , as it quickly gave her relief." For a disordered liver' try Beecham's fills. ELY'S CatarrH CREAM BALM) CURE3 HAY FEVER AND V.M. Gold in HeadHAY-FEVER A particle 1 ftDTtltedl Into eaob'noatrll And msll.recilstered.60 ets. ELY BROTHKRH. ;o warren oueei. new i orK. janioawiy Private School, With High.' Intermediate and Primarv Hcbool studies. Opens on FIRST MONDAY. SEPT 1889; : ' : v. Students ' prepared for the Junior Class in any College, male or female. Not over thirty pupils to the teacher. Tuition from $1.60 to $3.60 per month or four weeks. GEO. W. NEAL, A. M., jy 19 dtf . : - PrinoipaL CATAWDA COLLEGE, BBWTOH, BJ. O... . V , next Seeaioat Begla AcVat i th, 1689, Full Academic. Business and Oolleelate Ooumeg. with Husio and. Art. Ten aooom pushed inatrnctora. Uood Bnlldlngs, Appar atus Libraries, ato. .Thorough work hd moaeraie expenaea. rure waier and moun t..1fl Bit tf,cl01.A V.U A dM.. ' I BBV. J. O. CLAPP, D.D., Pre u JOIINvSUTER Has on band and Is receiving every day nandaome Parlor Bnlts, Chamber Sets, heavy walnut, Bureaus, Wardrobea; Mattresses, Chairs, IiOunges, Sofas, etc., etc. - Be also has a line tf 'Homa-made Work of Bedsteads, ' Bofas, Tables, t. Bnrsans, ' sio, wblch are neat and substantial.; i. . v'-? I Prices BlRhtDown to Sock I jSiJtP" - Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE or THR ' FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined v-ith the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy ltnowr to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECT'JULLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 8LEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR 9YRUP OP FIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' lOwsviuE. Arr new york. n. r- II B. Flannel . Closiug-Out Sale of Run Over Spring Stock to make room for Fall Stock. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES HATS! HATS ! HATS! and a full line of other Goods. Botanic Blood Balm. Can be had of R. N. & F. S. Duffy, Druggists AT CARD RATES. Cash on delivery. je28 dwSm DICKENS' WCEKS; HOW TO OBTAIIT TIIEH. Any subscriber to the DArlY or Wkbkly Journal, who has paid one fear In advance. will be entitled to 10 per cent, discount on a set or uah. uiuKitiv wukkh. f or the money, this is the best edition onthejnar, ket. . Compared with the cost of former, even reoent days. It U amazing how the prices of standard books are now reduced. This Is especially true of the works of Charles Dlob ens, and the most marveloasly cheap edi tion of his works ever published Is unques tionably the "iios" edition, now issued by John 11. Alden, the "Literary Revolution" publisher. New York, Chicago, and ike where. It is printed in good, clear, large faced nonpareil type (from the sune plates as Apple ton's Popular Llorary Edition, prloe per et J 10.00),. double-column pages, small quarto form, easy for the eye, conve nient to handle. and is handsomely bound inciow.m eignt volumes as ioiiowk List of tH TOU.-0 vti 130 lllastrns. 1. Mattln Cbuzsiewlt. 1 5. David Uonperfleld, Barnaby Budge.' , . I Chriatmas Htorles, KdwinDrood. 9. Bleak House.' , , fek.etob.es by Bos. Mutual Friend. - Hard Times. LltloholsSKlekleby. ,;, Tale of Two Cities. 0 Vaeom'ol Traveler, i;;plckwick'Papem J Beprlnted Pieces." , Ort Expectations. 1 v- .:..! ' ' ; -, " . ' .;; .Pictures rm Italy. 1, Dombey and Bon. . uia uunoait; 'American Sotes. 8. Little tiorrlt. . jprloejer Vol 4Se '3-er Bet 13.00. '; SIse of volume fi 1 4 x 7 M Inches: postage, temple copies ia& be seen at this office; Highlander Tobacco . Works, -: -: . L. L. ARMISTEAD, Pboprietor, - - laYItCHBURGf YJL . H Smoking Tobaooo from there works toAk the medal nrisa at Vienna, 1873, ak Philadelphia 187ft, and is Mt eons- petiDg at the fans BxposHion. - D. T. CARRA.WAY. Af enM : ml4 d wtf ,Nw Berne, . G. 8ea Breeze House. This popular house in Morshead City located near the Teachers' Assembly, la now open for QueU at One Dollar per day. or Five Dollars per week during the summer. The proprietor will do bis best to please evary one who may stop at liis bouse. je7 dwlm J. T. EATON, Prop'r. GREEN. FOY & CO. Ban oiTSi Do a General Banking business. New Banking House, Middle Street, fourth door below Hotel Albert. feldwly NEW BERNK. W C." TUB PL.AUM TO BUY GOODS LOW, IS AT ROBERTS & BRO. We keep oonetantly in stock Provisions, Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to give us a trial when in need of anything in our line. ROBERTS & BRO. PUIIL1C SALE OF CITY REAL ESTATE IN HEW BERNE. Monday, Aug. 5th, 1889. NOHTH CABOUNA, Sup erior Court. Craven County James C. Harrison, Adm'r of John O. Gardner, deo'd. Against Joseph E. and Sarah F. Gardner, heirs- at-law. Petition to sell lands to pay debts, etc. In obedience to a judgment of the Superior Court of Craven county, ren- dered in the above -entitled suit, Feb'y 15th, 1839, 1 will sell at Publio Auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in New Berne, N. C, on Monday, August 5tb,1889, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following described lots in the City of New Berne, belonging to the estate of John O. Gardner, deo'd to wit: 1. Part of lot No. 894, on the north side of Pollock street, being 66 ft. 9J inches front by 142i ft. back, adjoining lot of a. a. Davenpori on the east, and the lots of others, now eccupied by Samuel Cook, described in a deed from Graham Daves, attorney, to John O. Gardner, recorded in Records of Craven county Book No. 90, folio 68, subject to a mort gage of $300 part purchase money and interest on same from Feb'y 20th, 1888 The prooeeds from the sale of this lot, or enough of the same, will be exolu eively applied to the payment of said debt ana interest 2. Part of Lot No. 301, bounded on the east by the lot of Misses Mary and Fan me my, oa me south by lot No. aUM, on the west by the lot now occupied by Rev. R. K. Hearn. and on the north by Pollock street, measuring 43 feet front on Pollock street, and the same width on back line (being 43 ft. by 1071 ft.) now occupied Dy j. js. a very and U A, cray ana rammes. 3. Part lot No. 801, at the southeast corner of Pollock and Fleet ntrnnt . fended, measuring 68 ft 9 inches front on Pollock street, and extending back lu it. to tne line or lot No. 899-ex oepting that part of said lot now covered by the buildings occupied by J. X3, Collins now occupied by Rev. R, K, Hearn. 4. Parte of lots Nos. 301 and measuring 40 feet front sonthwardlv from corner stone on Spring street, and 241 feet front from said stone north wardly on line of Fleet street extended, and extending bask eastwardly as far as the buildings and fence, including the land conveyed by Elizabeth and Elijah Piver to John O. Gardner by aeea dated jnov. rth, iaau, now occu pied and used by J. O. Collins as a store and dwelling. , Sale' will commence at 11 o'clock A.M. Terms of Sale One-half cash, balance on a credit of six months, with notes to be tpproved. . Title reserved until fall payment is made. " New Berne; N. C, June 25, 1889. :r.i- i tf.iur. JAMES 0.HARRI8ON je25 Adm'r of JobnO. Gardner, deo'd VALUABLE CITY PROPERT As agents for owners we offer for sole on easy and aceominodatlne term th fniinw. log described improved Real Ketateluthe viivy 01 noir oeme: NO. 1. WHAIUT PROPERTY AT UNION POINT ; Includes the piece of land known as TUB 1BLAN U," and the wharf or roadway leading thereto from JCast Front street Also, water spate now being filled in. The location is me nest in tne mty tor aumann facturing purposes, while the lareeit mart visiting our waters have ample depth of wwr lur , lUKUluy QU ;uDiqauu)g at. ins -No. 8. TWO HOUSES AN LOTB ?Al uKiun riiii, oocup ea asaweuini no. i. 1HB ItWN FttUNIWA ON DUAVk.N HTRKH'P. - No. 6. BRIOK HTORB AND DWBLLINO ON CRAVEN DTREET ooeapied by 11,0, fC A full deserlptton of this valuable proper ty, together with the best terms upon which the same wilt be-sold, wilt be furnished nn application to the undersigned at their ofnoe .. ... witflnvAcmivini deed d wtf Ins. and Real Estate Acts, ViLUlBLE TRUCK LINE FOE SALE. "About forty Acres cleared land, situated within two miles of the eity, sult- iur mum rainug.w a great prgam, . " Ahnlv to . - TV'' - : WATSON A RTEEET, .; lunyio . -.s.;V,eMJtat,-Ageiiti,' Baby Cafria::. TH IEW BEKKS) rCRMTUBX CO lad rsealvlot; vry 4T hudwmt hvior ' Bultk, I'DkmMr boiic, xiau ido, ward robea.i a. flha. 1 s . 1 w'w.l HtimiMi All the sood tmontBeiDra ate food and aabatanUai. . Wa ai.e bave tta - fljitat rtoeK as lawaf- aiyia oi naoy l tr-. run. toat baa baa broathl to this eity. W bars Una atoefcof i!lnck, tic tare aid Mirrors. Wa pav spot cti.h for onr (ooda. and It a dlaoonnt of aod M) pr enV UMtafoM wa aaa aaU coeds ehaim tban any other atore io ibis city. Waare alaaagenta fortba Jscllpaa 8w1bb Maehina. it lu no aqoal. If yoo want -a llrat-olau maoatnaeauaoa aeaoa Datora Doyufffiaa wbar. , Wa will cave jron money. ,- - T. J. TURNER & CO;, , ... t . : I.TB0PBIET0B8. ". , . 22 A MHMJle street. Hew Borne, H- 0. OtTStBSt-' F. S. Duffy. druggist, agent, New mayldwly Berne, N. 0. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIMS TABLM Ao.16, In EiTeot 0:00 A.M.. Tuesday. June 18th, 1889. Going East, Bchkdul. Going Wist. No. 61. Passenger Trains. No. CO. . Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lv. p m 4 00 4 85 3 SO 4 09 4 40 010 p m uoidsboro 11 30 a m La Grange 10 42 10 45 Kinston 10 08 10 IS NewBerne 8 37,. 8 50 Morehead City a nt 7 07 Daily. BCHEDTJLK GOINO WKBT, GOO 7 88 Goinq East. No.l No.8.f Mixed Ft. ft Stations. Pass . Train; Goldsboro 9 00 f to nv Best's 8 04 8 19 La Grange 7 84 7 44 Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. a m 6 80 7 05 7 30 7 53 8 80 8 65 6 57 7 20 7 43 811 8 50 Falling Creek 7 06 ? 10 Kinston 5 55 643 680 680 i 65 f S JO 424 4 80 Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark's Newbern Riverdale Croatan Havelock Newport Wild wood Atlantio Morehead City Atlantio Hotel 9 15 10 Ot 10 81 10 36 11 00 11 05 8 54 4 00 8 88 8191 10 83 8 00 941 946 9 28 9 83 ' 11 17 11 41 1215 8 00 3 87 3 48 4 08 4 37 4 51 601 516 6 23 2 43 8 50 413 4 42 4 55 5 01 5 21 5 28 8 59 Y 9 04 817 827 8 06 t6i 716 7 00 800. 747' 717 705 5 31 p m Morehead Depot "Joesdav.Thur davan 1 Haturday. Tauuiwf, neuoesuay ana rnaay. Train SO eonneeta with wiim him tn... don Train bf-nnd North, leaving Goldsboro 11:67 a. m., and with Richmond A n nvuie Train West, leaving Qoldsboro 2.00 n..m. Train 61 oonneoU with Slchmond Ovaviii Train, arriving at Qold.bcrc 8:10 p.m and With North.fltel.fcm. W""" Uom Train SeonneoU with Wllmingt " and Weldon Through Freight Train. North bound; leaving Goldsboro atjo-.oo p , . 8. L. Dill, Superintends t. j Atlantic & N.CBailroad Co i-ABHKNUEK DEPARTMENT. , NEW Bsbn. n. 0. Key as, m. TO AGENTS AND THE PUBLIC. - Through Rates of Fare. Round Trip Tickets. ttaeWN OR jj " ueiow 10 points on SEASON 1889. lJivl , Tickets on uln Jtiiia l.t ibqo nj . u v inn 1WD, UUUU bill -i ,nB..uSu,.c- 81'1889- Tickets to betaken UDtilBept.80,1889. ' ... : Vi B' k . From S 5 t 1 To Hickory. N.C.. $10 50 Moifanion, B.o ... 11.85 OldFert. N.O 12 70 JU.10 11 KS 13.80 1S.6 11.60 sis.se iu.2i 14.70 J8.45' 16.26 17.0S ; f l5.W) '1T.K5 . Bl'k Heunt'n. N (1 ix s Ashvllle.N.O..... 18 80 not springs, N.C. 16.40 10.00 17.40 : VM INSTRUCTIONfl AGfiliTft. T 1st. A trents wilt in A-.'.'tt1 . - w voqa uot tmW mUM SPttfiX wltnout Proper instrnctlons. 7 children of V-h-I"?" . ub uuii ia k iwenty-ronr tlon1 ' schedule time In Vhlr. I ;tll,.A gent,w,n eetbat the contracts of , and notify purchase that the eondltione" must be fully compiled with. : 6th. Itnln nnlr. h. .1 - . fage on regular one-wav tlcketa wiirlnV wHhlS?atSTc old tU.s.i Sheriff's Bale. Issued I of Jo VS. J trading as Davis A Co., I will seiiat Pil Auction, at the Court liou dwr in the c ,v ' of New Berne, on Monday, ihV Fifth . J thori property or so n. n ing and Pullles attaohed to same, one iuin, i wvuioio.., osrriHKB eomniete.,' Al-O U,U0 ' ores of Umber, more or leu. situated on uancook's and Blocumb'a Creeks, and on the i lands of Geo. Allen ft Co., and bought by said -Davis ft Bro. fom said Allen A Coy , This thel7thdy ofjone, A.U 1889. , . - - r-1-W. B. LANE, HberllT. ' - r ;jnnin - . -.v . , By J. w. Btdrile. I). B. Pursuant to executions In my band's from the Superior Court of Craven count in tavor of Oeo. Allen, T. A, Green and Alrreri ' Uewit against the.Nense llsnfg tSi i New Berne Manufg. Oo-I will sell at liihii. ' Auction at the court hAaffLvSSui of New Berne, on Monday, the Fin ,it of Atjst.l88,at ID oW'M,,"the of. lowing described property or so mncn there- li . ,ot. 10 'he channel of N,.im .Ke,??f, A!1'.? westward yand pari. i -l w.t?I frontatreet, theti i'" ,. besinntnB. ' w. n t.auik . . ViTRnanC tA 'an . , J. . 1 me, A D. 1889.ln.favoV6f'w:s Beir lr . V. Kavla and . r.il' 5l?i!' Jr' eliMw'$s$ f!',;?Mltldls sU Kew'Berne, V?:rlg :'t. -A v.';,.. !,. .., ;.iunew, .vi By J, W, umio, i. b. - y