mm WKNAJL . i-.Mjy.-"-"-. ," .t -- t ' i '., .,, A7 , ,. . ........... A ..j.. i. mi i ..... VO I. YIII--NO. 106.; . ; NEW BEENE. N. C. SATURDAY. AUGUST 3. 1889. PRICE 5 CENT& - i i.l .t i Jim Krri r:i rates it h It was neither courteous nor con sistent In; President - Harrison to ran away from the office-seeking parson who planned to preach and r HALL BAMS, Cod Fish, Corn d Cured Shoulders, Cream uneese, ieae, rreanr -him on SnmlAV. Did not iinirt DotUN. (CfU icuiuui twwai r ! 4i..riSuirJi.FiToria ExtraoiSf Fine the PrpsiJnnt in his Inanenral ioi4noH.u.r. 1 AnnPARR ; inviEA 'and enconraee HTlWiw -I : ' "preacher is rhy he World. yetwd-ViO1"" Wknot a relative U no reason v 7 rfiSi8-a: T'X:r 8honldbS8Mht)ed.-N, Y. 't&PBOfea$KAtW THE go88ipBre!Vtill saving ' wVTf .IflDIl' nominated lor the Tacanc on ? -'t' lN f4 i EaVi'-.gStiC Etys Milw 8npwe bench. It U hatOir t "r..init,-ffiri fft'lT)iithTDrii. Early , .w'... ... !.. 1? f. that i ro be the to be President would Col John AT Gilmer. We copy from the Newt and Observer the paragraph below wbiohwill be read by some who were eye witnesses when the Colonel opon receiving the severe 50KTH CABOUSi NEWS. From the State Papers. Lumber ton Bobeaoniaa: Up to the lima a tm ts . nrM thM K wa hMfi wound at Bristow graoef uUy drew his conversions in the reriTal meetings here oloak about him and lay down upon land 60 backsliders have confessed their the bloody field. Our gallant Cook also " d retained to Jesns Christ. fell nr th Rama snot, and manTl Twin City Daily : Wedonotremem V U. .... - U ! .. others fell on the same field never to I r" T .ul i; . r"V" rise again. Every living member of day and eTery night the rain comes the 2Tth will join us in saying, long live I down in torrents. The ground is John A. Oilmer; long live John R. worongniy saturated with water, wniie mi iu mireuuiH are owuneu. inn uropa In thA hrtttAm land miiflt ht hanlv exceeuiUK'T uuo crnjuu puikiaib damased COl. Cook: State Library on yesterday. Gilmer, being second lieutenant of the Quilford Grays when the war began, entered the service with his company, which was attached to the 27th Regi ment N. C. State Troops. He was soon law partner with a . . . I .... ... . . I UBIlUllIlv K H II MHI1H linmiHMI Ut "1 h?W-8 ;v lr. T - lD uiRheat Judical hoo,0W, . DUt promotwi ror his soldiery qualities W"ta- :.d : .lMlkK &ibo Lai. made iaiUSTJSVj Washington Gszette: A heart rend ing tragedy took place near Bunyan, this oounty, on Sunday last. Two young girls aged about 12 and 14 years, daughters of Mr. Nelson Sheppard met with a horrible death, the result of handling kerosene carelessly. The no crown The chil dren were preparing for the noonday. I nr .rti.0...i. .tl..l . j.j .l . : . .L - I "' ."Tr.r7i-ii in. I ' I .o. meal, and lishted the tire in the eoen UV$8SlfflKM&iw " Mr. Mllller is nominated he will :;y"Ziltawmii heBrth and 'terwards poured kerosene -J!k?ZL rW. -ninninaH Tn. .TSu'-JSPlfiM the can upon the blaze. Ater- -W-rW.1!- . ... 1 - . un,u, w uauu uuakoauM tv w I IKia n.nlainn nAlr n nAn slA AlAiL,n " S nUllU luJi 1 ll' kS IMMirliVW vtmmmm m wj uaa, KJm CIGARS. The biggest drive ever offered in New Berne, 12,000 5 cent Cigars will be sold for 2 1-2 cents apiece. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Foot of Middle street. ."rrrfciwert. Befrigeratofs, nd a full line feaoiable goods at - THAT Florida youDg man who .' WflmW'' mu to hi. eweetbeart that he - --,al7tf ' i . , Jakhs Rtomond's. 1 000,000 kisses indalged in a wild rIRST-CLASS job work executed at I prodigality of ciphers. He had '. '. I ' akl. .At.. a .f tfaAlv (arm.. I . .. .. . m. . of the girls caught on fire, and being without assistance, both were fearfully burned. The children lingered, suffer ing intense agony, until late in the afternoon, when death released them evidently not figured on his capac- A1 ' this office on satisfactory terms. satf OURE WINES AND LIQUORS for f to do ' with X Itedioinal and other uaee for saiei a.itwca cuk uu uii uutu uus uuu geL- by-'- -'.- . " JAMita kkphoto. ting them in as fast as the most TPnv friha nf Pflniamin has ftl" .u..v. iu.uo wu.u .tcin-th wav of Federal them off, he and that girl would be seaboard ffl Aa ;' ' -' . . about 960 years old before the last Personal w . I 1 i . nrjl ; i i .i i i one was piauieu. wiimingiun 'Boxing schools are becomingistar. iHArtnlae AmAnn 4aciK lAtioKIa VtmAfl I in a halt.hv in condition in the great Interior Mb. Wanamakee is . generally I Department, where we find the conaidered too fresh by the press (heads of the two most important here of the metropolis. Borne SentineUl bureaus. Indian and Pension, undergoing investigations on grave charges of official and personal misconduct. -What anAministra tion,' even with its odors of sancti ty! Only five months io, and in. JlMPEROR William of Germany I vestigating the incapacity and U on a, visit to Eneland. Perhaps moral dillnquenoy of two of its Victoria wiir consult William inlehief officers, ranking only second fieht so badly wounded, as to unnt mm lor field duty, and he reluctantly severed his connection with the gallant old 27th, which bad disolaved so much bravery on many hard fought battlefields, and ?""u""i; ,SiS .i?., th ,ornrHn "om the,r suffering. noil U tVA ouw ftunauvokM uw vvtawwwawH I gained while under the leadership of Snow Hili Baptist: Richard Monro, of their gallant Colonel. At the oloeeof this county, was accidentally shot one the struggle he bent every energy to evening last week. He and a man the building up of the fortunes of his named Tripp had been to Souilleton, mother State, filling many offices of and on their way home Moore received honor and trust, until the death of I the contents of one of the barrels of a Judge Kerr, when he was appointed to I pistol, which Tripp bad been firiDg fill the vacancy, since which time he along the road. Ihe old jail that was has held court in every county of the I in use here hfty yearB ago Is yet stand- State, and hia friends extend from the I ing, About thirty five years ago it was to the mountains. I moved oil the iul lot, to make room for the erection of a new one, and was carried to the place where it now Senator and Mrs. Vance passed up the! stands, a distance of about fifty yards marl vantprdav miinh refreshed bv their "a where It was DUUt. It IS built Of visit to the seashore in the North. " ? Governor Beaver of Penn v sylvania has-visited every county in the state sine bis inauguration J Into that office; : ' ' sawed logs, and planked upon tho out aida. mnbinir it nltncnthor n at.rnnop Our former townsman Thos. J. I structure. Judging from the sizo of It, Mitchell Esq., is in the city for a few I one would suppose that jail birds were days, ne has many warm friends few ia. number or they had very little lautuua. Mr. W. B. Bovd and family leave this 1. UBWam decora: wo are pieaseaio mnrninc fnr Savnn Snrinira whftrn thAV I .... . D--- r ' i vine nas Deen aoincr so nroHrwrnnn a will spend a wees: or ten days. ia business, that it has do- Mr. W. E. Snelling left Richmond lolared a dividendTJf 15 per cent, for the ...ini mnminir I nrst three months oi its existenoe A J - J o Atlantic k N. 0. Railroad. Frt. & Passknokr Dept., New Bern, N. C, Aug. 21. 1889. To Agents and the Publio: On account of washout on the R. F. & P. R. R.,all rail connection via Rich mond is broken. Perishable freight for all rail line to Philadelphia and points beyond should be forwarded via Ports mouth and N. Y. P. &N. R. R. Freight for Washington, D. C, and Baltimore should be forwarded only via Ports mouth and steamer until further ad vised. They hope to have line via Richmond opened by Saturday or Monday. Passenger trains will be run to Kich mond and Qordensviile. S. L. DILL, G. F. & P. A. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. Office Superintendent, New Bern, July 31, 1889. SPECIAL TIME TABLE FOR STOCK (HOLDERS' TRAIN. IN EFFECT TUESDAY, AUG. 6tii, '89. TIME TABLE. P0UDER; Absolutely Pure. Tbis powder never varies. A marvetsf ' purity, strength ami wholeeomeneM. Mar economical tban the ordinary kinds, a4 cannot be sold In competition with themak tltude or low test, short weight, alum Mr phosphate powders. Bold only in oana. Royal Baking 1'owdkk Co., 1(16 Wall VL. N.Y. uneJ dsu wad frt Aw Bagrgage Transfer. Baggage taken safely and promptly to and from any part of the city. Wagons will attend Railroad, Steam ers and Ferries. Orders left at my oilice will have good attention and quick dispatch. J. W. STEWART, ' augl tf Broad street. Miss Mary L. Allen Expects to opon a Select School, and desires to obtain a class of Girls and Young Ladies. As her accommodations aie limited, she will be pleased to receive the names of those who wiah to enter, as early as possible. All branches taught. Terms made known on application. jy23 dw2w Leave. Qoldsboro, Best's, La Grange, Falling Oreek, Kinston, Caswell, Uover. Core Creek, Tusoarora, A.M. 7.00 7.25 7:40 7:57 8.19 8:37 8:52 9:09 9:26 Leave. Clark's, New Bern, Riverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Newport, Wild wood, Atlantio, Ar. M. City A.M. 9:34 9:55 10:18 10:25 10:42 11:03 11:16 11.22 11:40 For Rent. The house and lot on Pollock street, w occupied by II. B. Duffy. Pos session given tho 1st of July. m30 dtf II. B. DUFFY. Return's leave Morehead City, 8:00 p.m. S. L. DILL, Supt. legard to American hffairs. ... On the 30th nit Knmamata, the centre of the Japanese Porcelain Industry, was destroyed. 1 A great number of people ttOTi'jj. fi t j , , ' it'll i umi.ui ' 'Just when wo, rejoice ovetihe big. MXiMZtL to ba an eitrMohNtf Co! st atoprepanng to iheatfiMern NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. F. Taylor & Co. Cigars. A. & N.,C. R. To agents, eto. 0, 8MvaE Small hams, eto. Av N..CtlR.-Stockholder8' train. AWFUL suffering prevails among I rutatragas have been put in tha looked-out miners, aoa, their I Many of our city folks went out to i families at Streator, Ill. and unless I the farmers' picnic yesterday. immediate reliet IS lurnlsbea actual I Improvements are being made Starvation, will 0CCUX. I Uias Francis Tsylor'e . residence , ; ssaMBMBesa I Craven ttreet, Ottvauuau ibwb nnje vu.t SunerlnUndent Dill of the A. & N. C. Mrs. Louis Ulnch and son, Rudolph, f 0', to nghiD. die(1 of hvArnnhn. 1 -. .. . T.l.tAU . J I.... . . . . leu, ior i.tiieiBu yooioiuaj. i ma last week, u was Bitten by a Grand Diotator. W. G. Brinson, and I strange dog that passed through that Mrs. Erineon, returned from the moun- neighborhood, anoV21 days after being Ibitten'lt waesei2sd with all the symp- ir:M:ntA.M -tv. i nMV I w"" " w suirv n iubj,-' uv ww a rjuiuLuvr luiuiotoro. jTiiiouuij iturned from their WaynesTille and I has probably never before been known aht. I in this county. If any of our old and UA. lD TV UtOTQUDUU UOUtt UU 1UUIUJ I I I P. A T Ml? XV V left for Morehead City last night, and Misses Bessie and Johnnie Whit ford left for Morehead City last night Mrs. W. F. Rountree and children and to Cabin Post. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, SALEM, N. C, Largest, Oldest and Best Female Col lege In the South. mer when more rain fell, we would like to know in what year it was, so as to make a record of it. We regret to hear of a fatal flash of lightning, that killed i man, three horses and a dog. on Thursday of last week, on the farm of Mr. James ff. i arborough in Cape Fear Mrs. T. J. Latham left for Morehead City township: Two young white men. Bes8lon opens August Z7IU. 188!). Faculty 30 Professors and Teachers. Bpcclal features the Development of Character, Health and. Intellect, Fully equipped Prepara tory and Collegiate department, besides first class schools In Masle, Art, L.u guages and Commercial Studies. Bend for Catalogue to Ksv. J. H CLEWELL, uug'ldw'Sw Principal. last night. Mr. J. W. "Walker of Durham.left for the ball at the Atlantio Hotel yesterday afternoon. Shipping News. The Steamer Eaglet of the E. C. D. line Bailed yesterday afternoon with a cago of lumber shingles, naval stores &o. The Annie of this line will arrive oday. named John Lawrence and Bad Bu chanan, and a colored man were plow Ing for Mr. larborough when a storm came up, ana they an went under a small tree for shelter, carrying with them the horses that they were plowing While there the lightning struck them. Instantly killing Mr. Lawrance and the horses, and knocking Mr. Buchanan and the negro senseless, but the two latter revived afterwards and are all .right again. ' roe tree was not struok. v the reports from different sections jR,giTe,notjoe0f a washout on the R. of Georgia Indicate the largest wopir. and P. R. R. v ot corn, cotton and potatoes raised in any year since the war. rnllMtitr White's AnnoIntmAnU. UKUJB. AiASA A1UU1 S 1'ArMlS. mt jfn. ? i a.1 m 1 1 IS a. M oomDleted veBterdav: honor of the Pilgrims was dedicated at Division Deputies 1, J. B. fields. I Plymouth Rock, Mass., yesterday. ttrnHriHutiru. n.Huuuiiiu. uuiiuiuru bdu i .a . a... A TTrir nf , dVIMmitH ' WaR fed I - . . . iMnntonmorv 3. .Taa. F. Wrav. RAlrla. I Ai sj. u uwu iwiikju wr u avB .iw.v. ..war - rf -w , . nttO Mflwaal ITAftiat KttTlrt F On A IV A CI 1 -a ar - . . . rf , . . . iu.-.t,A'A.VWi-Ait-ja. villo.Rockineham and Caswell: 8. D. Punwseoioonwoiiiug we manuiaciure U.y-wuwmugJU. tneir excellent v P;afr1-nlrA. nn. anrl Ala. anrl alnf artlflnlal ir In tha Hnl.h I .t fltM mm A A frtiift.' tnOAhlna 'I WO CI I 1.1 iL. a ai a1. t a1 mL.... I a a r -r r w-i I wwv'.' rfT.l:!..r.r.B',0 jwnMouwiiB iu., MBOe o. jk. The floods in Connecticut have shut tU,,mmmmVff ' . Sii :oZA nf damaged the torn iO atoms and tWO teams killed. I . It doesn't look like farm rands are de- and -Robeson ; 6, Charles D.Myers, WU- erops and prostrated the telegraph and predating in value near jsew cerne imington, Brunswick:, uoinmous, fen It appears from the reading of the I State papers that the recent rains have been pretty general in North Carolina. The. Silver Cornet Band received many compliments for their excellent NORTH CAROLINA, I uraven Lountr. ) Superior Court K. Mace, and T. K. Mace Kxecutor of Joseph Hand, deo'd. Plaintiffs, Aealnst The Provident Life Association. Defendant, Notice of Summons and Action. The Provident Life Association of Baltl more, Maryland, will take notice thai, an action as above en tilled has been com ineneed In the Superior Court of Craven Oounty, North Carolina, and a summons issued i Hereon. The purpose or the action is to enforce compliance with the terms of policy of Life Insurance, and the reooverv of a sum of money alleged to be due thereon. ine aeienaantaDOve named is required to appear at the Court House In lNewbern, North Carolina, at a regular term of the Superior Court, to be held therein on the Twelfth Monday after tha First Monday in September, 1889, and answer or demur to the complaint. Aug. isi. im K. W. CARPKNTER, aug2 (fw Clerk Bup. Court. ; HUS and irind, Storms : are fa-1 WBeh hV sells as ome has recently at der, New Hanover and Bladen; 7, W. ported from many, sections. It ,1s I$i60 to fSOOpsr acre. : said that more summer than telephone wires. 8. Jackson, Hawley'a Store, Duplin, ine oity railway staoies in Kionmona Onslow and Sampson: 8, - John D. I were struck by lightning Wednesday re ramhaS falIen.tthlSj The schooner William P. Davis while Grimsley, Snow Bill, Johnson, jQreen I night and consumed, together with inany pte the Neuse and d.wVnrham and ft Slll; k oars and sixty mules and horses. ;; annc. allr .nt hail to Vur?BF """-"""li W -PnB ; oi wuicn tue recora naa uwu, vyv i v ."!--- Woody, Bethel Hill, (iranvuie and fer- - ' U 11 , . ; ' I PB uutouargou auu yumu ww gon; n, r. B. UaWKlnS IF the coming, census., aqes ,noii Tnera wjn be a practice game of base The man. Edwin Brown, chareed i,v Lonisburg,! wfftfk Vii lint TlncraT T Parro ci'ff nf Franklin, Vance and 'Warren; 12, B. J. L. ti-.-i.. M...L m n vt.ii. i. ' linn i lmRB-nniriHinr hi. murinn. rv..;.. provide for a separaHinnmea0 oclock at the W$ Wnllam TprS' mrrendered himself to tho authori- oi ine om(5e seekers Bn impon i rai ant piece Of viniormationx wilt w wV"T,TrTy-."T I . S!,n!2S:M The damage bv the flood in New Jei- Or I .T nAaiA.t tAa4i. . .aiil I lav jvl1t AvAAtuI a An a yfjni rtt a milllnn Pool, Elizabeth City, dollars. It is feared that a lance dam - l widow or tne late isaao rawerson yes- uates. rasqaotanx. rerquimans, i;am uri.. .hinh m,,tA aanen have teen allowed fhiladelphia Crimes.' to?getw,ay -W. M. W.ln, aeneral Aent. for jfa, g the HirtfordLlf Annuity, paid to the Mt-tujivW.O. towns out ot existenoe. Sweet pototoes have fallen Into terday the poHoy held In that ;.eMnpny "ru'"'uc t':9 crip or a trnst. It IS a remart.l w . ' . ' . f Oflloe Force-Chief Deputy, ,.W; H. I The forest fires In Montana, which cV3 thing that the people are; stm The yarmers for a week, show no iUa tn rdiAv th And of reflection! k RAvral hundred neoDle attended the wiin. tnhn r. n'Nui. i. ii pfhII Iif of abatement; a black cloud of r, Jas. U.1 smoxenangs over vne country ana.tne wf'tsnn has not been seen for six da vs. The ,.,1 d-mage will reach half a million dol .113 to chew tne ena or reneoiion several hundred people auenaea ine Hodgin. John R. O'Neal, Ait v, HLzzt paving a bonqs to inonopo farmers pionio at- Street'e Ferry on C. Vs Fleming. Messenger i i It did not surpass In excellence, to In- Dhite;Bt8inpa0.erkttB RaMavlllM. DLzrlotte correBDondent Of tellectual feast spreaa pyuapi. wv a. i. . ., , Bpectal . Deputies, Ed. t ' 3 IT Y. World 3 nl v 30th savs Darden. V We hope to have a full report Powers, David S. Burns, J. a Brewster, -- , -. - ..... , , .r of . her ltrs. All!ot. the rirers in .Virginia are greatly swollen, and muoh damage is reported with the waters still rising. At Danville tha river was higher than M. MAMA thtt tVA-aA thfsl fMAtll'Tlai I - f..HMT aJ . A. Ttrt-I J a... eleven.yearold QMette for the following information ,fter his occupancy at police head- umLLL The flsg staff at Ocracoke was spUced quarters of one ot the ordinary cells I" - ' nit tha flair run uo hiffher last week; there for the nlffht. At hair-nast ten ne T. .. tl. naiualnn f a - trlm-lnna 1 isVntt 1t ha ' filatrlnt All-nmClv'a ntnnnf tha old-timersof the island. I oflloe. h was accompanied nv aenutv ' -wwami,. Messrs.. Benry Wahab, George CredlelsherifT Childs, of Missisrippl, and twol The-pleasant effeot and 'the perfect lira. . i:art!.a -Torkf a very old - -to irc:-.-.i, was arrest jndoipli Happinwi atOoracokeaf man .13 for; tha 'V' Tanner li c ; i f i:r : 'i i-) i pt).j J. E, Merriamv They, were hsppy - 1 their many friends rejoiced in their i ' 'drills act liko magio on a New York detectives. When the oar- sarety with whloh ladles may use the risge reaohed the court house It was liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, uu surrounded bV a cheerinir and bowling der all conditions make it their favor crowd. Sullivan is now willing to go ite Temeay. u is pleasing to tne eye bnok in charge of deputy sheriff Childs and to the taste, gonue, yet eiiectual in as soon as tlmt ooioer douires. 1 1 s . laoting on tneaianoys, uver ana noweis, Rooms To Rent. Pleasantly located rooms to rent! either furnished or unfurnished. Ap ply to tbis oilice. July 26, 188U. dtf Old Virginia Cheroots. STILL IN THE LEAD! GREAT BARGAINS. The Stockff General Hardware, Cut lery, Locks, Hinges, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Qlass, Shovels, Floes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron, Steel, &o., &c, also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton time., &o., belonging to the business of Geo. Allen & Co., will be closed out during the next few weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Allen & Co,, by either note or account, are noti fled that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. S. WOOD, augl dwtf Trustee Moro uf t h cm were sold last year than any other brand of Cheroots in the world, und au increase of 75 per cent, of saluu for the llrat five months of this year over that of last year. They retail FIVE fur TEN CENTS, and aro tho BEST goods on the markit, boiui; EUUAL to any 10 cent and BETTER tban any 0 cont oigaf. Smokers, beware of the numerous imitations on tho market, and when calling for a package of the OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS be sure and see that it has the name and Sig nature) of P. WUITLOCK on it, other wise you will bo imposed upon. Trade supplied by IF. XJlr iclx, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR je27 dw3m NEW BERNE, N. Oi Baby Carriages. TUB IEW BFMB FURNITURE CO - BTIt.Ii I.HAD8I Wahava oh hand and an mannftatm-lna and receiving avery day handsome Parlor Bulta. Chamber Suit. Hall Stands. Ward- rorjea, uemKi. unaira, juonnkes, 1 in Bares ana Mattresses. All the goods we manofaotnra are good and substantial. Wa also have the Onest stock and latest style of Baby Car that has ever been brought to this olty. Wa have a fine stock of Cloaks.- Plo torss and Mlrrots. Wa par snoteaah for onr goods, and get a dlsoonnt of ) and Mtwr sent.' therefora we oan sell goods ehaapar than any other store ta this el ty, Wear also agents to the Kcllpce Hawing tfaohlna. It has no aunal. If von want a flraueiaaa machine call and see os before huyingslaa. ire. wawlli save yon money. . .. T. J. TURNER tV CO., , i'lv';"MfV':i!ii.v FROPRIETons. 2324 Middle street, New Heme, 0, AN EXCELLENT EDUCATION at very Low Rates IS OFFERED In HOTS and VOlYO MXH DAVIS SCHOOL. Thin is a Military Boarding! School, and is ouu of the lest Kqulppea Schools in tne united StatcB. Healthy location, Fine i Cornet land, Cadet Orchestra, 4 Full Course of Study, or prep arutuin fur highest classes of any Collciru or for Business. Complete- Course in Telegraphy. For Regis ter wllu lull particulars auurcss , ' COL. A. C. DAVIS, Suit., Those Sample Hats , . TAKE THE LEAD. ; ' A NICE LINE OF Summer Ties and Scarfs.'! Also, a full stook of the Celebrated " Anchor brand Linen Collars and Cufe All shapes and sizes. t!- A FULL LINE OF,, Battles' Shoes i t, NOW IN STOCK. 'i'y - on & Daxt::. Gin For Sale. A Forty Saw Brown Georgia Olbl 1 ; good oondition.v Cheap for Cash, t