1 - - . ilMar v - OtJRNAL . t - - 2 VV; -tC-.X-- yoL; vnL-No:ii9. NEW BERNE. N. C, SUNDAY. AUGUST 18. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS, I sail. 1 .4. b qsram locals, p ; -CJ SWING MACHINE OIL-Supeilor the folly and hopelessness of its "unnatural schemes. Charleston News and Courier," ' Continued from Seoond Page. 0. H. Allen; Sec Sew Eerne District M. E. 8ui P""-T- u' W. L. Arendall; qu.iitf, iror hw by k. k lmrrr, liruaviiii. Naw Berne. N. C, alSilm xhb question 01 rauroau regula tion will be the paramount issue in next year' campaign in Texas, in cidental to the adoption or rejec tion of the proposed constitutional amendment providing for a Bail- way Commission. United States Seaator Coke of that State has written a letter, in which he takes a!very decided but liberal and con. serrative view, and, while be favors a commission, he deprecates any extreme action that is likely to be V: 0M. D, tl. H?Lt ha &n oou'- development of tbe Statc.-Balti- USRFUL-TuqUooV Universal Atlas ut the World. .New edition and eiad. Peieona dwUrjnit the work in . m aninole and leava orders all JovantotBoa. .v. i'it.W' ""IJDBK WeM lodi Mola'aee at - TtAMttO.Ka. FiIrapa. Ioe Cream XX. rrteieri, Refrigerators, und a fall I line ol seasonable Roodv at ' It OK ;f 'iSCWHITTT Ob IUTH 1 i pted at I erms.- a8tf School Conference. Kikston, N. C, Aug. 16, 1889. AFTEEHOON SESSION. Meeting 'assembled at three o'clock, p.m., President Lane in the chair. After singing praises and prayer, the On motion of J. W. Bryan a commit tee of three were appointed by the pres ident as an executiv e committee, which consisted of J. W. Bryan, T. A. Green and W. L, Arendall. La Grange waa chosen to hold tbe next annual meeting:. A resolution to memorialize tne next Mrs. A. T. Jerkins Will resume the duties of her School, for both sexes, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. Prompt entranoe and punctual at tendance eminently desirable. August 13. 2r regular order of business was taken op. annual conference to change the ratio COttOll GlUHerS. AtteiltlOU I ine proceedings or tne morning were lor aeiegates was offered byj. H. Bell, read and adopted, and upon re-calling buti f WM postponed. i pIR?T-CfilSSiJob,'work;xeq X? . this office on satisfactory er mLim l- IH)iWSU UV . HICK ircBft i if n ;bm college I more Sun. A i l 1, iL. M-ll 2 JJlll 1 J 1 .a wr fn,,H k..... irin. I adopted as follows: s ton. Miss Capitols Grainger; Mt. Olive, Mr. Uinee; Kocky Mount, Mr. Best. Tbe first topio of discussion was. "How may our Sunday-schools be made more emoient," by Y. (J. Ormand. Mr. Oroiand began by saying that the sub ject of Sunday-schools had been so ably discussed ia the forenoon that he was afraid bo was unable to interest his We are now ready for tbe Celebrated for your orders Resolved, That the thanks of tbis body are due and are heieby tendered tbe good people of Kington for their elegant and refined hospitality extend ed to the members of our conference during their session. Also we tender our thanks to the authorities of tbe A. & N. C. R. for reduced rates. Resolved, That the thanks of this con ft MilW'dgevllhv Gil.. V f t ill koo.os toll thnn. nn.u;nM nA , i iDuuuu uuo uu m uereur wou- hfaJf8 iem, "JLS .nAw dered our retiring president. Bro Dan- iel Lane, for his courteous, faithful and in following him along his line of dis- : t Wtf AT' ppewt p ne kn '1 anCHfivhoUoii n has " recently import- been IN oar own State the "ruction "course we soon discovered the advance- 3KS0 i as tbe colored brethren call it, has ment of new thoughts and ideas. He fluid thftt. t.n hAvflA onnA Riinl.v-anKnnl been very considerable. WarriDgl you muut have a good attendance, and dAlnorat.ir.na har nnmnr1 at. Wash, 'o have a good attendance you must in maaepuoiiQjia ruuupa, ia., i iingion nnui Bneer exuausuou ana cards, banners and books, also the ap- U un Iaho than the Dractical and thfl PrANirlnnt.'a nhspncA nnmnnllAil pointing of committees to go out vuoaji ,uqo v ivuoiu wiuo uuuic. xucio "o-o i and induce children lo attend. I UDOil UluljU UlLLHrUHnn flnVHltlllHIl I ' hit B-rnrilHOa trhnrfl ihl Mn IH c THK Uemocrata Ol Virginia, iu Mia strncKrl fnr rtfflnA. Wa rAalhr Dresent ahoa d be short and varied, and onvAntion at . Richmond, have believe that in Borne cases Eennbli- that ' WM the ot the teaoher to Daniel Pratt Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. Every body using tbem unhesitatingly pronounce them the BEST so take no other. We guarantee full satisfaction. Send for prices and terms. WHITTY & GATES, Agents for tbe Boss Power Cotton Presses, Roanoke Hand Presses, etc. augl7dwtf mil flip Resolved, That the thanks of this con vention are due and are hereby ten dered to our secretary for the faithful manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office. The convention adjourned at four o clock after a most profitable and pkasant sitting of two days in the beautiful and hospitable town of Kin-ston. To Whom It May Concern. No one has authority to contract bills upon my responsibility, and I will recognize none unless made by myself. R. F. BROADDUS. Aug. 17th, 1889. lw nominated Oabt. Phil MoKlnnev lor can applicants would rather have uemucrtud muamutsnis continue in Governor. I. Hoge Tyler for Lieut. Governor, and B. Taylor Scott for Attorney General. be well posted on the lesson. Also, as had been previously urged by former Probably the Last. The last special .Sunday train, or office than to see rival applicants appoi nted. ister. Enthusiastic harmony in the determination to inflict a Waterloo defeat on Mahone Republicanism Characterized yesterdays proceed ings of the Democratic Convention of Vlglnla. New York Star. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mas. A. T. Jerkins School resumed. sneakers. Croat; resnonaihilitv rested on I nrobablv the last, on the A. & N. C. rveuuuncdn the superintendent and parents. Ke- R. R.. fnr thin i.nn from Now Rrn Mobile Reg- marks on the above were offered by I. Morehead City this linnn R. A. Willis an N. A.Hooker. morning at 8:40 o'clock. Faro for Onb of tbe best rales in conver sation is, never to say a thing which an v of the company can reasonably wish we had rather left unsaid. Nor can there anything Ia mal I mn.il AAtifrarir in Mia Anfla Lt k i l. ,i I A few days of fair weather is begin iwi wuiuu1Ui.BuiOT..6".''- ing to bring in the marsh hay. There to part nnsatisneu wun eaon omer or themselves Swift. Portsmouth mullets in market yester day, The Superior Court of Lenoir county convenes tomorrow, Judge Bynum presiding. Howard & Jones, clothiers, assigned yesterday to J. J. Howard for the bene fit of oreditors. were several cart loads in yesterday. The delegates from the M. E Sunday- eohool convention at Kinston returned last night and report a good meeting. The people of this city will rejoice to hear that Major John Hughes, who is I Church Services Today. Baptist Church Rev. II. W. Buttle, I pastor. Services at 11 a.m., conducted by Hon. C. C. Clark, and at 8:15 p.m. conducted by Rev, Fred D. Thomas. all that he had said. This brought no I Sunday school at 4 p m., J. B. Holland ' i , - . , I MiuUMiuuiiuiuui. uuwj huiui u I nufeuuiouuout. I UUIID 1UVIIUU W Ui- our pouucai Hysieiu, nun wuwju, uu- we copy a very readable account of us added to tbe mystery. The debate I thege 8ervioeB, ledSSOmeblan for breathing into the foot race in Raleigh from the Call, wasiunnei conimuea Dy m. merer SoMBofour contemporaries write of Nevada as "a dying (State." In point ol fact, this bat faintly de scribes tbe played out material con-tt Be8Uf0rt witn hia family, i3 not led himself , he did not think he meant dition Of that "rotten borough" ol loriously sick as was reported. The next subject was "How may our y ouog kdiee and gentlemen be retained as active members of tbe Sunday school," Rev. J. E. Thompson, leader. Rather than make a speech himself, he expressed a preference that the subject be taken up by a number of speakers and discussed from its various standpoints. lie bad labored many years in the cause principally in the rural districts, but had not yet discovored any plan of re taining young ladies and gentlemen in tbe school. If they possessed a horse and buggy they were most sure to take Sunday for driving. That they would go ten miles to hear a new preacher instead of attending their own Sunday school which in all probability waa in eight of where they lived. This brought on a sharp and rather sarcastio reply from Ut. uobey. lie wanted to know if the young people were more delinquent than tbe older ones, and if so, why this delinquency? His argument waa rather a peculiar one, and we confess that we scarcely knew how to take it. Presid ing Elder Willis told the Doctor that, even in the earnest way he had express round trip when $1 00. tickets are purchased POVDEv. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity, ki rtmnih ami wholeaomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot ho nohi in com petition with the mai nmort or tow test, snort weigm, aium or phosphate powdorH. Bold only In cans. KOYAI. I'.AKINII I'oWllBK Co., lu Wall st, N. V. Minel':! dm wed fri W Mayor's Court. Mayor Williams disposed of the fol lowing oases yestorilay : Isaao H. Smith, colored, violating obap.er 5 soction 4 an assault on one Louis Mo; e. Bound over to oourt. Hardy Singleton and Edward Havens, oolored, and 0. F. Harget were charged with violating chapter 9 section 3 fail ing to pay dog tax. They were dis charged linon nurmnnt of Ut And nont.. Washington Simmons, colored, for PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EYER- violating chapter 8 seotion 11 dis orderly conduct was fined $10 and oost or given 20 days on the streets. PUSH WILL TELL I Remember that our success guaran tees you the same high grades as ever; I the same quantities; measure and weight always just and generous; but that Cassard's Pure Leaf Lard, 10c. lb. Pig Hams And Breakfast Bacon. Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey, at J. F. TAYLOR'S, Wholemile and Retail flrocer, Foot of Middle street. Less profit and more patronage is our idea of future trade. We don't worry about patronage. 4' its Iwdy and jneilib has received many congratula- B?yanand UriMhtRhriJ?"' new life bo tivbheu, mast, shortly WOUB "oul u" ?KU " u' cive ni) the ehd'stOhlcaSo Itews. ReT-H- w Battle tated Rev. Mr. . . i."- " . D.l .1 I . T -n. ' "' - i Duw, ug yuiur, io very Buuuetxum ' WB Heed tWO or, three COlUmns! three days meeting atPolloksville mak additlouai foe choice mi ibeil(rneon8 M0K wenteen- conversions. They left mtttoiiLrUic'lilrr we yesterday for Fort Barnwell to begin a could add mnebr to1 tbett hterest1'""-' " fcU" an4vaiaa'at''tha Vainilm: Wfl rroi. eai is naving ixwtnrop uau t . ... v ' . I divided into rooms by partition, one uupa W go nun uccucu bihj denartment will he for irirU with Mrs . . m. ti i . . Jt I r m ana B Burong rauy w mauB ior Nal ,n oh e and the other for tne extension 01 its ciruuiauuu, we with. Prof. Neal in charge. The rooms . ; ' may get it before the hard Winter can be thrown together for lectures by w. Bryan ; Carteret, N. M. Jurney. Anmtta Wilmino-fn M aboati rir. tbe Drinoioal to the w bole school. I me nrsc so Diect on tne program was TVnrlrWd a, f th " . TJo 7"L.r" and. Importance." The leader, J. K. iTOung men oi me sapuet uurcn i wiiiig. helmr absent. T. A. Ureen waa largely increased VOte In Kentucky morning services at market dook at 0:80 substituted by the President. Mr, m 1 . .mm . " I a . 9 mm I flnintt m ala a vaw v w f a1 and Miwfiwu!!...., " r,rPfir,al talk of ahonfc fifteen At night an address on "Influence of the Sunday-school upon the Nation," was delivered by Rev. Dr. Robey. It was beautiful, logical and scholarly, and was given a close hearing by the large audience present. SATURDAY MORNINQ. Convention assembled at ten o'clook. After devotional exeroises by the Pre siding Elder, R. A. Willis, the minutes of tho last evening session were read and adopted. The following new dele gates were reported present: Haw Berne, w. K. Harrington; La Grange, R- M. Harper: Goldsboro, J. Christ Church Rev. V. W. Shields rector. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. Other ser vices at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday-schools 0.30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. All will be welcomed to the services of this church. Methodist Church Rav. L. W Craw, ford pastor: Services at 11a. m. and 8:15 p.m. The pews are free. Ushers are always in the vestibule to receive strangers. All persons are cordially invited to worship with the congrega tion. Young men's prayer meeting at a a. m. Sunday -school at 4 p. m Make Prices Right, and trade will be sure to follow. Goods in our line have been too high ; there's no denying it. We aim to bring tbem down to a proper level; we are swing to make The Luxuries of Life AS CHEAP As the Necessaries! Atanyono of our Establishments will! be found a i LARGE AND FINELY SELECTED STOCK OF V ' mr'atlA nartv tH Kentnckr ' fand we noon lervicea, Long wharf, 5:15 o'clock; believe every wji.ere else) is stronger I J Duffy, leader. . a cordial Invito ... 'i': mm ' tjltlon is extended to all to attend these minutes. He told them that he was no musioian, but as he heartily endorsed withotiHbfe4 sohool, he would dwell upon the sub than It U with h Am ' Thin will he I ' i . Meet as best he could. Additional re- . .. - . ' . - ... i.. .i v. u, ouiouKiiiucM "a i marcs on ine suDjecc were maae oj Ittiiy aemonBiraiea py . National cemetery has received the I M. M. MoFarland, W. R. Harrington, I Shipping News. tne Virginia eiecwon in jNOvemoer. piaM and speoifioations for a rostrum to AfSi 'Aa' DUl " I The Steamer Annie of the E. C. D IN orfolk Virginian. s IbebhUt by the government in the cem- xxr'r. a ..n . . jiliine arrived yesterday with a cargo of I . . a.auuaBU auauw auuuu ww mad - aterrand ii awaiting for bids for the I nenae with the-nron-ram temnorarilv. I general merchandise and will sail Mon ' KilTSAfl City, MiSSOMl, Aug. 10. 1 construction of the same. The plana and hear reports from the varioua I day afternoon at 4 o'clook. The Eaglet mmmm. r' i' T ' " .. - ' - k. ' ' m i m . infinn m t.o ifiRir mninriii nr wnrr. x ne storm wmcn nassea ovex met ana specmoauons can do seen at ms i Missouri Yailey Monday; Dihk was offioe at the cemetery, the mpet disastrous known In this I Pay Up. section. " O ver t went v Dertons. It is I The Sheriff wants the said, were killed by lightning, and tbe damage in animals killed, rain ed crops and washouts will ran np to over : half ; av million dollars Special to News and Observer. H,.lm,1,,la "R I) taxes paid, and wants it done right now Go forward and pay the tax, it will grow no less by delay but may get larger.' ' "l 1 sonoois as to meir metnoa or wore, in.vt.iin-ta- progress, &o. By request of Dr. Robey . n n the motion was withdrawn. The Newberne of the O. D. After a renewed discussion on music, rived last night and will sail the' following resolution was introduced folk on Tuesday at 12 m. by w. . itone ana aaoptea: i . "Resolved, Thatitiatha sense of this Isaac II. Smith and Colored conferenoe,that as soon as possible, and as far aa praotioable, onr Sunday school should" adopt and use onr new hymn books." Presbyterian Churoh-Rev.L. C. Vase, Foreign aild DOEiestiC WilieS u, u., pastor, cervices ai ii a. m., ana i LIQUORS, Porters, Ales, &c. We are offering lo the Retail Trade great inducements in Tobacco and Cigars! The attention of families is called to I the Celebrated Imperial Beer, for which we are agents. , iibiui . un v iim m At a u.. , nuu 5 p. m. Sunday-school at 0.30 a. m. Ushers at the doors. A cordial invita tion to all to attend these services. Y. M. C. A. Meeting this evening at 6 o'olock. Subject, "Aotiona Speak Louder than Words." I John 2: 4 0. Leader. W. P. M. Bryan. All men are cordially invited to attend. Steamer at Auction. For Sale at Public Auction, on FRI DAY the DOih of AUGUST. 1889. at 11 o'clock. A M ., at Nottingham & Wrenn'a Wharf, foot of Commerce street, Norfolk, Va., THE STEAMER W. B. ROGERS. The above vessel is 9(5 feet long. 16 ft. beam, and draws feet water, but can be tipped to 4 feet. She has been thoroughly overhauled this Spring, both hull and machinery, and furnished with a new steel boiler. Size of engine, 14x14 inches. She has large passenger and freight accommodation, and is fast and a good sea boat. Terms One-half cash; balance three and six months, approved security. for further information apply to J. W. BENNETT. Or to W. H. II . TRICE. 96 Main street. auglG d3tawtd Norfolk, Va. Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE mi THE -K JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Needs. JAMES MEANS 8HOB Bis light and stylish. It flu like atocklng, and ItKOrTTKKa . NO " BREAKINCTm.-lx- 1 ma DcrfecUveaav thA fin, Hm i , Is worn. It wlU satisfy tha mart kfastidlons. .JAMKSHKNII 13 SHOE Is absolnttlj tb -, only shoo of Its Drica whk-la has ever been placed x .tenslrclron the market in which durability s comuuerea uesor men oat- ward mm A9t(hrlhi.TTnr.a kIeaost2Shucfor J. MEANS CO., IloaU. Full lines of Hie ubovo olioca for alekf Howard & Jones, NEW BERNE, N. C- AGENCY FOR . Fl Fine line ar for Nor- Next on the program waa "Impor tance of Mission Work in the Sunday- SM . A. xne jrreaen. t t -j -1 In all the nice notices in tbe Raleigh school. Rev. J. T. Abernathy ' had BERLIN Ant?. 15.' , All , account! papers sbont our firemen we have not been assigned aa leader," but in his ab- tirthewperime toowder at the Soandan Bham fleht. m 8m ' w the aublect well and showed that he Exodus. Editob Joubnal: As my views have been asked for I freely give them. I express myself thus: I will give this fall five hundred dollars, and five hun dred next spring, to assist the colored race to better its condition. Isaac H. Smith. Bath faction guaranteed money refunded. or A. L Gregory & DIED. Near New Berne, N. O., Jnly 26th, Imon .( Q.tll. M.11t.. concur in savin.? thafr-no smoke token eBteein .wW bt long ,hvotu!Tq!jainted7ilawi concur in saying tpm 4 no smoKe ,ated fc the memDers ot the com- With . rich, low and mellow voice at of Mr. j B. Malliaon, who last yew led nu viaiuia , nv uwwuvo vi w y . . ., i iuum u mn-a wwh" nappuy r- 'tne "matrimonial altar. talks were made by O. H. Allen, R. A, Willis, W, W. Rose, ; Hlnea, L. fW. Crawford, - Dr. Whitaker, J.E, Thompson, W. : L. Arendall, . N. A. vor.'i anI ttio-f. nn annnrl waa hnard UCJ U. BSIUI, M.piUB. JX , u. 3ohn DnI1I1 -nd famil- ... . the ei, w ctvuuoau wjr " New Bern House Morehead City, i i & Hooker. H. Edwards. Dr. Robey, T. O. of a , lara macs Ol troops in nriDg Miss Florenoe Garner of ; Fort Macon I Ormond, J. W. Bryan, W. S. Rone, N. itTlBltingvMlss Nellie Walker1. f s M. Jurney ana Mrs, w. Hi west. - Miu Leah Jones haa returned from a 1'Jneewng aojouniea wii m vialt to Nashville, Tenn,v?::!$ and this year follows her remains, with broken heart, to tne tomb. PRINCIPAL HOUSE : side Middle St., opposite S. H. Scott. BRANCH HOUSES: IN. W. Cor. Queen and Pasteur Ste. (R. R. Depot). S. W. Cor, South Front and Middle Sts. And a variety of other Cigars. Wm, L. PALMER, Middle St., New Berne. AN EXCELLENT EDUCATION At very Low rates IS OFFERED to tiOYS and YOVXO MKX DAVISSCHOOL. This is a Military Boarding School, and is ono of the Best Kqulppes Schools in the United Slates. Healthy location. Fine nimntn VIM Wlntnr fl.ilnt fcCornet Band, Cadet Orchestra, Co., I aration for highest classes of "1 anv Colleeo or for Business. Complete Courso in Telegraphy. For Regis ter with fall particulars address COL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt., LaGrange, N. C ' pc-lticn ssemin'sly inactive but wal- .ly Fsadnj, forth a deadly flre.j; Coxa races are as nature i made t' -rjj tzi, stns unlike ";; and I iui. c -al, they were not made to ; live t -f :'t ia the eaae community on f 3 cf c;i;!lty on any ground. 5 1 party which has ora- U...' ' tlx t-9 C:th is ra- ; :.:c..:7r,i3 c:-f.;rt h ' 1 f 5 r -, Vz tji tne afternoon. r.v -, -ATTEBNOON SESSION. ') TtyvMOTMM t-IVk MAl ktV" tna afa'AlatatlV the city for a few weeki yh t to frlendl votional exercises were conduoted by and reUtlves-S Hn&Z Dr.Robey.:; Minutes of morning set r ki i gf0n Mad and Sdonted.1 yJWKySt Eastern Carolina Kspatcn, fully adorned her home, the school ahe I Dealers. . Jobber, of ciffar. and To-peductioii in Freight Rate. bacco, attended, and the community in whioh enenvea. I was her teacher several terms of school and I never met a more conge nial disposition ' daring twenty-five lyears aa teaehr j , '; 1 ; , She grew to womanhood perfecting those traits of loveliness- which began so early to derelop. Seven years, ago TK LADIBS DBLIOIITED. 1 -The aeerelar stated that he waa In I she Joined : the M. E. Churoh South, at The' nleasant effect and the perfect I need of a record book, and -on motion Beech Grove, and died triumphant in safety with whloh ladles may use the I of J. W. Bryan he waa authorized to the faith ehsprofe8aed.1yy v:; J . liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, nn- draw on " the treasurer, for juffloient 1 As death approached she calmly said, iie remedy. It la pleasing to the eye The election of offloere was next In She was loved by all who knew her, e-lt) t' i , Rflntle, yet effeotual in lorder, which resulted as follows: land loved most by those who knew her t ' - c 1 1 j l r, liver and bowels. President, Y. 0. Ormisd ; vice-Pres. ' best. - A jruHRp, NEW BERNE, N. C. .auglG dw Gin For Sale. A Forty Saw Brown Georgia Gin, in gooa nonunion. - uneap ior caan.( AppIy to rf .! r -i iy23 dwlm :; X.VL. JONES. - i" -i For a disordered liver3,try Beechaml The reduced rates on f reicht bv thht line from all points North take effect today. 1 .;.,-4m: GEO. HENDERSON, Agent, Newborn, N. C Aug. 19, 1889,, ;,y vj Tho High Arm Duii:, Simple, Durable and Light Running , The only vertioal feed Maohlnsv nj ' AU sewing done without basting.' "V- , , : J. M. HINE3, Agent, ' New Berne, N. O. .'V.- "i

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