. T v I' if I 3 ,V V ' ,1 t.. THE JQIHINAL, TS2 XJ33T-XQtfS3. 4 Nervous Disorder, tnch u Wind and Ma la Hit Sta-arJLSIi4Hea-aeaa.adirilMS: d suing stter Meals, Dtulaeta ana Drowtlnsas.Cold Caills, Flashing Haat, last st scan, tuotcket an ma Skin. Disturbed Sleep. Fruitful snsatlons, to. THE FIRST DOSE WILL 8IVS BELIEF IN f M,u, bnortnett el Breath, Cost Irenes, ling S onrt Blot 1 . s"d in rros and Tresis Una sensat e 1 ir fciiKuIES. This is BO fiction. EvmrsttSerer is eanieatlT invited to trr one Baz of theaa t . sidtAry cifj btuknoligedto to m Wondtrfui Modioine.' oiih sirofnea abor."-. WcUAJa'B PII.I3, taken as directed, will quickly rartowfamatoatocomplete health. For a Through the mist and through the spray, uieariy wea thongn lu awsy,, -Stands the tifrht-houae mwerlng high, . .. foiutfng upward toward the sky,; ' Piercing through the midnight dark, : Speeds a ray to greet par bark, fares a path for it to keep. Builds a road across tho Seep. wmiBi UL Pot two years I had ifaeonatiaaiio bad that it disabled ne for work sud confined bm to siy bed lor whole year, during which time I I'slife. Storm and wind may roar in vain, W hilct Ik a rtomn..- Af h main . If ah lliniin.K ...-.. . . . . "wiwiwuwiraiii . u.v o I U...Alinj ,1 lMrAintLI UlutS I ION I DSutiDtKtU UM XSV,, v rt iwe MAr.ip.s-MMflt-v-M---lfc4.t n... ci i. ualnst the fragile -easel s the muscular System s restoring long-lost Complexion; brini and arouaintr with the ROSEBUD OF- HEALTH the evAoto tta These are "beta" admitted by thousands, in nil classes of aodetv. and one of the bests tees to the Nervous and Debilitated it that BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY Alkl auajiuna in lit- nunui, uu. uirocuona with eacn pox. Finally I took Swift's Epeotflc, aod sooa began to Improve. After a while was at my work, sad for toe past fire months hare been as well as I ever waa all rom ute ouecu or tswm s specific. job- lur, Prepared Only bjr THOb, BEECBAH. St. Helens, Lancashire, BvcU-d. Soid Mrugruu otnamuy. , b . F. ' ALLEN CO., 865 and 887 Canal St., NesfYi Agents nr ue uouca ocuca, mmo, uj yv-r uruggis uocs not Keep uicmj Bravely stands that sinele licht. In the grandeur of its might, Does its duty, does it well, Tells the tale it has to tell. ork. Sole WILLIil- BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. ft ) CWJSEY SEIV3IWARY, TOEZLIEr, There is uo uubelief. Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod, And waits to see it push away the clod, tie trusts in (Joa. Whoever says, when clouds are in the sky "Be patient, heart; light break eth by and Dy," Trusts the Most High. Whoever sees, 'neath winter's Held of suow. The silent harvest of the future grow, God's power must know. Whoever lies down on his couch to sleep. Content to lock each senso iu slumber deep Kdows God will keep. Whoever says "To-morrow,'' "The Un known." "The Future," Trusts that power alone tie dares disown. The heart that looks on when the eyelids close. And dares to live when life has only woes, Uod 8 comfort knows. There is And day by day, and nicht, unconsciously. Tho heart lives by that faith the lips deny, uoa knowetn "why. Vetting Ahead of the Old Man. A good story has never been told in print of royal Keaben Wood. flint" cranial frian1 fi a ytottt XT . M . I uuuw gJUlu, 111VUU VU VIVlJBWJf 111 -liUSlC. Itaies 10W.- whoso death was so widely mourned. lie was a trae son of good old Izaak Walton, an enthusiastic and suc cessful angler, of course. One A T3a..J,' cui,-.i e j xr evening wnue in camp in tne a ovui uiiig oiiuuui iui uix is ailU I OUUg Adirondack he was challenged by Art department. Healthy location. Eight teachers.' Full course , lfo extra charge for languages. 'Ari a nLA: cut,-.,.! T.QrllAa TVill .Taviv, Ann OOfli 17 n Catalogue with full particulars address JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. J, w. STEWARfT MeaM Liverj Stable. eooM oatercnrauaBy hands tony head, and IqrlnoBthe aot OOd ivemneUiaee Rdoced tn 'Hesa. 1 MM Iba. Was treat ed by best phraiciai , oniy u grow Jan. 8, 1880. Ft. Wayne, lad, Books oa Ulsod and Stita Diseases maUed free. i "1" Bwut bricihc Co., Atlanta, Oa. HAVE YOU SEEN IT! THE ROLLER TRAY TRUI1K1 The Moat Wondcrfal Invention of the Nineteenth Ceatnry. Most Convenient, Most Durable and Cheapest TRUNK Made. Will save you many backaches. A simple motion of jour hand will enable ,'you to pack or unpack your trunk without having to life a tray. MADE IN EVERY STYLE. Sold by All Dealers. PATENTED AND MADE BY H. W. EOUNTREE & BRO Makers of all kinds of TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS, RICHMOND. VAt junel9 dw2m nrm kODOlph bnrs.' " s. b, rtzon. : Ptiffy: & Hixon, ATTOflNEVS AT LAW, . ; .BSBSE, H. c. OfBaa vr RN:-tttfly drag store. -Branch Offlbe:' C-tharinelL-ke, Ons low county,. ,-1 i j ',1 it "Pit d"ly Ps'HHUiETIEB, A T 'mitft-X W ASV M.ONEY JBKOKElt. Booth of Jptrrnsipffloe A Specialty mo lri. negotiating small loans Sof aborvtina. i WUI praoUe te; the Counties of Craven. Oar. teret. J onus. Onslow and Pamlico. United Ht-te Oours at Sew Berne, and Baprems Co art of tbaBUte. febl du ' jr-- Craven -lwooor CLKKKNT HAStT. o. u. quion Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT JLAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co. bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the federal Courts. ap!6 dwtf F. H. S1MMON3. H. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will praolice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. ap!3dwtf A Noted Divine Says: Ml have been otttnirTuU's Liver Pills for Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach- and Coatlveness, with w hich I have long; keen afflicted. DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, RIWBIM, I. O OSes an uravsn suae;, between Pollock and Broad. aarT-ldAwX itt'sfills ARE A : .wrjti mWrn V Trorar1 i ?; f.CA ,T.O '"1: Fine Horseg and Mules always on hand, and will be disposed of on easy terms. s: ';Ihaveonhand.annrnbor of Fine Teams, that are gentle and nafe"; lso trained Saddle Horses for both ladies and gentlemen. :na7dwif t0a4 Street, -New Berne, N. C. 1 KilE?ii?gner & Engel" V'aSSWIMC. CO.'S fllDLADitPHIA LAGER BEER, a member of the Dartv whose knowledge of angling was bnt slight. The conditions were that they should stand near each other by the side of a favorite pooh eaeh casting into the pool during- a period of lifteen minutes, the con test to be decided by count. Uncle Reube's eyes glistened as the de tails of the match were considered, and at the same time he set about "making up" a new cast of flies, that he might be able to do his bestL when the struggle came the followv lug day. It was prepared with, all his wonted skill, cunning, an df delicacy, and laying the new 'east'" and his cigar aside he lay down to dream of how he would Inre the dainty trout to his creel. At the appointed hour the contest began. with the usual fudges and a referee. Tho challenger oft and repeatedly led beautiful trout to his score. but . . . . . - Mr. wood was less fortunate, ne was not successful in "striking' his "rises," and only now. and-then did he secure a fish. Late in the contest he exchanged the leader he bad made ud so carefully, for one which had been much. use) and then bis luck began; but it was too late, for when the time for the contest expired he was badly beaten. The real reason of his failure was kept a secret for some time, but it finally became known that while Mr. Wood slept the challenger had filed the barbs Irom his hooks. In no other way could that noble-minded man have been beaten. Forest and Stream. SPECIAL BLESSING. I never had anything todomesomueli. f ood. 1 rceronamend them to all aa he best medicine in exiataneo." Kev. F. It. OMdOOD, Hew York. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St, Now York. TO ADVEETISEES. A list of 1000 newspapers divided Into BTATEH AND 8U0T10NB will be sent on application FXIEB. To those who want tbelr advertising to par. we-can offer no better medium for thor ough and effective work than the vanons sections of our Select Local List. GEO. V. KUWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Burean. Jul 17 dwlni 10 Spruce street, New York HUMPHREYS' VETEE1HAEY SPECIFICS For Sorses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Hogs, JLtm POULTBT. S00 Page Bosk ob Treatment of Animals ana inn si r fee. must Fevers, COBsestton; Inflammation, a. muu nteaionnsviniiK kpvit. n.ii. "trains. Liameesi OiO-Blsteniper. NasaTl ,unpui or. ww warns. KcwGoaghSr Heaves. Pneumonia. i'aitoor ur J or urises, Bellvache. H-H.Vrtjiiu-yMd K.Msey Diseases. XL-Bratlve Diseases Mange. 'JF.kDlseasea of Digestion. Stabla Caae. with Boeclflcs. Manual. L JWitehHafcronand Medlcator, 8T.0O fcfeaVwngB(pveroOdoses), . .60 BoW It Brngglsts; or Sent Prepaid annrhsrs illiib llf s.aantltr'oA Beoeipt ol Prloe. a--d,l;C;lM Fulton St., H. Y. Hay Faver. .. have been a periodical sufferer from hay fever since the summer ef l 87 v and until I used Ely 'a Cream calm was never able to find relief. I can truth. fully say that Cream Balm cured me I rettard it as of great value and would not be without it during the hay fever season. L. M. Georgia, Binghampton N.Y. . I can cheerfully recommend Ely'a Cream Balm to the suffering public- for hav fever and Btoppaite of tha aaaal passages. . I have tried it and findit Kiyea immediate relief. J. E. Sector. Little Book, Ark. r; V: ' 1 13 UNQUESTIONABLY THE .linfer -Extant. 1 , HI.I kJI lilt ' 1 1 ! , ; It , is .brewed from rthe : finest Pale Canada cal enthusiasm I Ypa don't know wm r ! "''w'ii , j ' i.TT ' - , what it is,'? said a rbapsodiston C3L Joariey v liiaii ituu uwuxif ay pa, hum hiffhly recommended for its TONIC "and NU TaiTIVE qualities. ; Ihe high' reputation- enjoyed by tho EERGNEK & ENGEL :.:iiO-lPAvT.isr-"da-:l :the' 'fact" thai only the FINEST AM BEST MATERIALS are : used a and i that the - greatest SKILTj and .OAEE are exorcised daring ,it8 maIlufactre., r J , Jy4 dwtf ATcntond Bottler,, Hew Bernei IT. C. , Atlantic i&TKl'-fli . PA8HENQEB DEPAltTMKNT, i&'X ' . Nw Bitn-,K. 0. JiayS5thil889.:: Coason I860 Ronnd Trip. Tickets.' 1, r 'r'.l T'ntes of Fare, Round Trip Tickets, ' n f lout DHuied below to Aloreliead . , '-iuoiiti.. ineiroot Juas 1st,. v i To '- C, ison. BaUNipht . r .irnh'd fllty $I.(H) . . 13.(10 -, e.Mlrot-uru 8.r0- 2.wr 8.IH) 2.00 ' i " 11.00 1.60 : I-, Iii InUi, O. P. A, "The Alliance to:the; Front! Thb PROORKsstva FAK--it,boid, viBUant. sight pages. All Home-Print, otnoial oigan agKresslve and progressive, itnaa opinions and expresses them. Forty-eight columns, nf Nnrt i .(Tarnlins and vinrtnia Btaie Am .umi. Thl,lvit pftner In theBoutbl Goes to nearly l!l postoflloes In North Carolina and to VB HiateSi Uiu wwn n. man, Htrictly Cash. Send for; sample copy. Ad- dr,H8 THK PItOGKKSsivE FARMER"'.'-- li. t. roi. F.Htor. ; - . . i. It, JiHOWDKit, Dnslncss Kanaeer. tf music to Hood. Ob yes I do !" the wit replied. 'It's like turtle-soup with, every pint of real yon meet with gallons of mock, with ' calves7, head in pro portion." i , --j i Hale sad Heartr la Old Age. . What Is more' beautiful than an ' oient tree , clothed with an amble robe of verdure, , Apt u the comparison: be tweenauch a growth and en. old , man or woman: infused: with health ' end vigor, ".The sine qua turn,- the indie- pensabie oonaition-or vigorous joutn, robust manhood end i virile old age, U sound digestion. "WUhburthia life is shorn of the hearty Beet that should at tend it. No more baneflcent and agree able contributor to the attainment of: a hale old ? and' effioient - means f couhteraoting the inflrroities that Often attend life's decline, can ba : found than Hostetter's Stomach Bitters' Dyt- Uioptio symptoms, a tendency to kidney complaint, nervous v inquietuae 1 ana rheumatio trouble are overcome by its ub6. The effect of exposure and over work are nullified by it, and it afforde effloiont protection to all subjected to malarial influences. Give it a thorough trial. ss. Rheumatism. r Discharges. aarrostrs IITOPniiE YS' i JSPEC!flCHii.fiO BilityTWWeakness, Man, trom onr-work sr otbr oxi rials and lane trial powder, eaoMS. . ior as. TfioiAfiiDRUOODrrs. orsfroipotnaklonroelptoi eie1n-knr(aibu.,lWfMSt.ta. ' All of our Veterinary Preparations can be had of J. Y. Jordan, Druggist N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets. Newbern, N. C. First Shipment of 50,000 Road Carls! 10 percent, cheap er than anybody. a- Don't buy before getting our prices and catalogues. THE GEO. W. STOCKBLL CO., NASHVILLE, TENS. Name this paper. mar'22 Everything On Wheels. Buggies! dmcOO i. (POKn00 A MOKTH can be OD 10 tbZiOU made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnUh horse and give their whole time to the busl neas. Hpare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities, li. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main HI., Richmond, Va, N. B.f lease slate age and u1 sihess ex perience. Nevermind about sending stain lor reply. 15. F. J. A Co. aprSdOm BTEAMEB8. ASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Line aa is Sew Boras, Blasts. -tfc PiUv and rfeik, Balttaaorw PhUadalphia. law Vork.Baatam, t.-Tta Kllaaboth City. H,C THE STEAMEES Eaglet and Annie itns win ram echedala leaving New nerna ovsw IMO.NU.iY. WltliNKfiDAt FK1DAY lur Klixui rth Otty. artdretons JR8UAX and IHUi and arriving on liONDAl , 8ATUKUAY. These steamers in ra.nneetlon writir tha - Atlantic A N. v. k. H.. Ni.rfolk Hontbera B. ' &., New York, Fhlin. hi.,1 Norfolk K. Baad C the Pennsylvania K. li . -..-in a reliable aad " regular line ouerluv- L.ilur faolllUaa fo quick trannoruiiiiiu ; iso transfers eie i hi Kllaaboth 01ty,at ' whlob point freight .1.1 bu 'omlodonsarsW go through toduslliiNt'ou. Dlreoi all goods to be .hipped vlaEaslaia Oarollna Dispatch iiuily ua follows : From New York, bv rVnn. ri. R . fmt m XNorth River. From Philadelphia, by fhlla.. W. ABaitr. R. K-. Dock Bt. Mtatlon. From BuHimore by fhlla.. WU. A Balto. . K.. President nt. HLatton. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R.B. Krom Hoslon. by Merchants A Minors Trana, portailon Co.; .. York and Slew Englaad Kales aa low and liiue anlokar l isatoan. other Hue. W. U ' JOYCE (Geo, Fgt. Tramo -jmnt. P. U. 11.). U mi.! Xrafllo Man agar. . GEO. 81'Kl t'.t -s, P. W. & b. K I ., B. B. UOCIKK, General Freight Acent. S T. P. A N. K. It.. Norfolk. Va- . H.C. HUlHJIro. Ueneral "rlarht As-ant w H. K. K., Norfolk Va. OKO. UKNDKRSON, Agsnt, feb20 dw Newborns. N. O. . Division freight Agent, old ooninioii Steamship Company. 8EMI WEEKLY LINE. rhe Old Dominion SteajnshlB Cos- pany's Old aud F-vorlts Water R.oDte, via Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. FOB Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, Phila delphia, Boston, Provldenee, aud Washlnaton City. And all points, North, East and West. On and after MONDAY, AUO. 5th, 186V, nntll further notice, tne Steamer MiN'i'EO, Capt. Sonthg&tt, Steamer SEWBERN, Capt. Pritchett. Wsslilngton, Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit. Positively Cured IT ADMmiSTEIIlB Dl. HAIIES' 601BEM SPECIFIC. II can be oiven in a cud ol coffee or tea. or In ar ticles ol lood, without the knowledge of the per son taking It; It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tnepaticntis a moderate arinteroran alcoholic wreck. T NEVER FAILS, vve GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. l page boot f Ktt, AuorciH in commence, lOLDCN SPECIFIC CO.. 1 85 Rac3 . Cincinnati. 0 Will sail from Norfolk. Va., ior New Berne - MONDAY HUijaYH. makln- oloee oonneciion with the Htnamer of tho N. A T. K. B. H.to., for Klnstoa Trenton, and all other landings on the Neuse and Trent Klvers. Returning, will null rrom NEW BERNE for NORFOLK direct, TirifiHDAYS andFRl DAYSutTWKIA L, M., (noon), making oon neciion with the u. U. . b, Oo.'o Ships for New York, It. H. P. Oo.'s steamer for Baltimore, Clyde Line Ships for Fhlla delphla, M. & M. X, Co. 'a shine for Boston and Providence Our untiring efforts to please onr patrons, and our almost perfect service for the past fourteen years. Is the best guarantee we can offer all ehlppers aa to wua' we will do Ior them in the future. Order all goods car of O. D. H. H. fin.. Rnr. folk. Va. ' PasseDgorawlll Ond a uood tahU. able rooms, and every oourteBy and atten tion win unpaid them by iheoffloers. K. 11. ROBERTS, Agent. alBBSHM. t'lu.j'KPPKF. 4 TURNER. Agents, Norfolk. Va . H- HTNKOKl). Vice-President. New York City. J. H. CHABTKEE BASIL MaNIiY . Have Arrived. V7. P. DURRUS & CO., GENEBAL COMmSSION 1IEBCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, Markxt Dock, NEW BERNE, N. O ST Consign us your produce. mavodwtf, , JOHN H. CEABTEEE & CO ENGINEER8, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in HKQIHES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Engines. Boilers, Saw Btllls, Edging & Cat-off machines, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds wiw promptness, Particular and Immediate attention given to repalts of all kinds. Wo will be glad to give plans and estimates for any desoi lptlon of machinery. W mra th.oint. fftr t.hA .ftle nf the Amer loan Saw. Also for Q. A A. Bargamln's oele- brated Indestructible Mica Valves. We give satisfactory guarantee for all work dona bv us. ra aatw wiy A GLANCE : jjn rut Establishment of. WUl oonvinoe any one that we have in toek the Largeet, aioet varied, ana 0bmpleteLine of Diamonds, Watches, Fin ' Jewelry, : Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and Silver Head Canes in tha State. ilt will be to buyeri interest to -see Our goods before purchasing. You Can Save: Honey By buying v your Alabastine," Beady Abzed rainU, etc, from i;J - v . WEUTTY & GATES. ST. hava tha. nalahi-tflrl .'Panfcprs" ( . w Io, Cream Freeaert be Sure and see uiera peiore raying any otuer. . yn We have a full ttoek of everything in the Hardware and Builder line, and invite your attention to the same. ' -( W'-;- WHITrY GATES. Agents ior ; the Sherwin-Williams celebrated Beady Uized Paints, and dc&iora in Lime, Cement and plaster. Greensboro Female College, GltEENSBOttO, N. U. The SIXTY-NINTH SESSION of this well equipped and prosperous Inatitu tion will begin on the 28th Day oi August, 188S). SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES are offered, in all the departments of instruction usually pursued in Female Colleges of highest grade. Charges yery moderate. ST For catalogue apply to T. M. JONES. President, 'e88dw2a Greensboro. N. C. UNlYERSiTY.QF NORTH CAROLINA i ClIAPICIi 111X17, N. C. The next Session -begins SEPT. 5 1889. Thorough instruction is offered in Literature, Soience, Philosophy and Law. Tuition $80 per session. ;For catalogue address Hon. KEMP P. BATTLE, jyl2 dwlm - " : President. i THE PHILLIPS PATENT l - Improved Venetian Blind They are a perfect substituie at once for shades and inside or outside blindsr savins the cost f Jhese: articles and mg-.a . vanetian jDMnfl try .farff,thf a 'bihii'nus.'i, fnrrtuirilncr, likii ,la 'ectlrarlj -adapted Hdbair wiaaows.i-wiu'aof'gea 0UI or oraei and wtlt ;a life time. Any peraor. oa )uui0 th6rMvyF The fi. C. Ft eight Lino MERCHANTS and SHIPPERS, TAKE NOTICE .i (i afi.r ctobcr 15. 18W, this line wl 1 . n Hume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS BETWEEN Baltimore and New Berna Leaving Baltimore for New Berne. WT.iv. NmsfA Y, WATUROAY, at BIX P. M. Leaving New Berne for Baltimore, f DKS- l , cutiuAUA I , at B1A. r. M. This Is tne onlv 1)1 KKITl' linn nnt Berne for Baltimore without change, and on their return trip from Baltimore come dlreo to New Berne, stopping only at Norfolk, con necting then for Boston, Providence, Phila delphia, Richmond, and all points North East, and West. Maklne close connection. for a .1 points by River aud Rrll out of Now Bern'. Akents are as folinwn- REUBEN OSIER, Oen'l Manager, INM.lffhtUl R.lHmn JAB. W. McOARRICK. Ant.. Norfolk. V". W P. Clyde A Co.. Phlladnlnhi.. 19 uth wharves. New York 1 Killn. Trana Tin. ti.. North river. ' K. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wharf. S. li. P.OCk Well. PrnvlHann. H I Ships leave Boston, Tuesday sand Batuidaya. 1 ' ' ' KAW Vl. ilallu Balto., Wednesdays Saturdays " Philadelphia, Mondays, Wednes days, Buturdays. " " Piovldenoe, Saturdays. Through bills ladinir elven. and mi oa vn-r. anteed to all points at the different) offlots of .uv vuiupanies. AVOID Breakage: or bulk AM 8HIP VIA N. C. LINK. B, H. GRAY, Ageni, New Beine.N. O. Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Thursday the,25th day of April the steamer Howard will nut the following schedule: For Trenton every Thursday at eight o'clock, returning Friday. For Polloksviile eyery Tuesday at eight o'clock, returning same day, J. J. LASITTER, Manager. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. R. CUTLER, Tice Prta 0. II. ROBERTS, Caiihier. THE NATIONAL 0AIIX f ManufaothrerKeaC:t tnay80 "KT i a. XT W,:. OP NEW BERNE, N. Ct :. INCORPORATE) 1865. , , Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 80,7Ca Sk,' DIRECTORS. , iiVA. BbVan, Thomas Danikub, La H. CtjtiAe, e v Chab. 8. Brtak, Gboroi Attw. v F. M, SnntoNs, Q. H. BOBK&TI.

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