Tit Steamer TAHOMAlC I nolnfThnwday.JuBrth.MKloon. , uurio vhe moauu of July, August i ..(tot bptnibar, tha fallowing ached- ,.i be la operation: - I , v Naw liaraeea Thar lay morning at i u clout lur liajboro and Intermediate ... --.am.. r-- -. ! 1 ... Ikytew Tnnraday might for Cera-I ; "ivuig .here t"ridy morntag; arrive , ngiin. M.C-, sane night. . ; - i , . 9 w tuntoa ur oeracoaa oa arrival i.( . k.utsr UcpMivUla- batarej.Mornli)g, ruin-snug Ocracoke lhatevatitng. . , ix v8 orruooko Hauday f terucou, crriv u at Washing ton eatue ulguW l-ve Waulngion Tueeday mornli-g, r rivtpg at Oeraooke name day. Ura Oeraooke Wednesday morn tug for B wwo, arriving at New ttorue Wed neaday BtgliW ' Mfi New Barn Thursday morning and continue run asaaeerlbed. 1 uu ona trip par tMl will be male from New Berne to uoraooke and Washington retnrnlaf, tha following Wednesday niK&t, ' affording ' peraoua an excellent Olipurtanlty of pending a few days at the luuat ojoeirapie point on we iorm wrai eoaet to enjoy ail the pleaaaree Incident il to an eeeaa summer reaurt. enabled to do eo by thle line with little trouble, A Plaaeaot tilp to Washington Is also afforded. One Hip per week will be made oyer the regular Neoae and Bay river route. frara u wucaocAe and return $2.50 Binglefara.. ii . . , "i tvt to Waablngton 2.&0 , For farther Information apply to i .. JNO. B. MAN1X, Agent. Haw Bane. N. C June 23. im. U A RULE WORKS, HIW BKKXE. X. C. Uonuments Tombs. ITALIAN&AMERIGAN MARBLE - Orders will receive prompt attentat tad tatiaf action fuaranteed JOE K, WILLIS. Proprietor Oor. BMOSD AAXI GRAVE 8t. HMW bkbsk, a. G . 0. E.' MttUra U my authorized agent in ginlton. ALU. Fields, Traveling Agent. EALEU FEMALE ACADEMY, SALEM, N. C, Iiargeat, Oldest ana Beat Female Col le(a In the South. ' Beaslon openi AnguBt 27th. lhMi. Faculty ' 30 Prof eaaor anil Teachers. Bptclal features ' the Darelapment of Character, Ilealtli ' asaT Intellect. Fully equipped Prepare- Brit clasa tchools In Music, Art) Lan- : Kag;esand Commercial Sludlea. ' Bend for Catalogue to 1HV. J. II. CUCWKU., ' sugSdwSw Trinelpal. 'v Land For Sale. TWO TBACT8 IN UINOIR COUMTr ' ' rek. No, 1, 350 acres, with one hundred aleared, balance well timbered. Well adapt - ad to growing corn, cotton, peas, etc A portion of the cleared land embraces a rich aneh. -,Ho. U, 260 ei of timber land, . ' aboatj on and a balf miles lrora tract No. . ' pries 13,000 oaah. or part cash with ap ;'i provsd asesrlty for balance. Apply to JAMES WILLIAMS, JKlnston, N. O., Or to JODftNALi OFFICE, nUdirtf New Berne, N. C Tho Season Is at Hand FOR Eefrigerators, Freezers Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, Hy Fans and Traps, v: Wire Cloth'and Bath Tubs. A VVLL LINE AND AT BOT TOM PBIOE8. L. EL CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, . NS BERNE. N. O. EAT BARGAINS. Ths Stock of General Hardware, Cut l ry, Looks,' Brosres, Saws, Saddlery, Crt Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, : :;s, fihoteli, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe - J Fittings. Iron, Steel, &o., &o., also , lows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton GlnsU Ao., belonging to the tu6inessor,'V, i Geo.? Allen H& Co.- vlli bs closed Out during the next few -eeks al TTgEf V W PBICES. All wrsons Indebted to Geo. Allen & "3., by ithekBote oacedttnt, are noti- . . ..' . :t.l&t . . 1. h. m A a a f an mat payment. uiuBt anj uw day; 'Indnigeuos banaot en, L. 8. WOOD, C ', "f .Trustee. EE) as... i tlNEgUORSlrlAT ffiWASH.QUT NLY Sold BYDRUG GISTS PEERLESS BB05ZK PAIHTS- Colon, PKEBLKSS LAIMDKT 111,1'INO. PEEKLES8 IKK POVTDKKH-6 K1ada 7 Color. PEERLESS SHOE AND HARNESS DKESSlSfl. PEEJtLESS EUti D KS- Colors. Hear Hel Bear tie! I HAVE GOT THE Largest Stock of Watches, Largest Stock of Clocks, Largeet Stock of Gold Jewelry, Largest Stork of Plated Jewolry, Largest Stock of Solid Silver Ware, Largest Stock of Silver Plated Ware Largest Stock of Spectacles, to be feund in any store in Eastern Carolina, bought for spot cash, and for sale at a Small Profit. Don't forget the place, Middle street, opposite Baptist church. EATON THK JEWKL.EII. may7dtf Those Sample Hats TAKE THE LEAD. A NICE LINE OF Summer Ties and Scarfs. Alao, a full stock of the Celebrated Anchor brand Linen Collars and! Cuffs All shapes and sizes. A FULL LINE OF Battles' Shoes NOW IN STOCK Barrington & Baxter. JO AND Grroceries, Dry Goods & Nofiosis. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gome One And And see 165 different kinds of STRAW HATS to be sold at Wholesale Cost at J. E. SMITH, Agt. Also a good lino of MEN'S and BOY CLOTHINO, BOOTS, SHOES and DRY GOODS that will be sold very cheap for Cash. J. E. SMITH, Agt., Middle St., New Berne, N. 0. NOTICE. Public Sale of Real Estate North Caboi.ina, i Craven County. ( Superior Court. James O. Harrison, Adm'r df John 0. Gard ner, deed. Against Joseph K. and Sarah 1". Gardner, belrs-ftt-law. Petition to sell lands to pay debts, etc. in obedience to ajudRmentof the Superior Court of Craven oounty, rendered In the above entitled snit, Aug. 10th. 1889, 1 will sell at Publlo Auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door In New Berne, N. C, on Monday, Sept. 16th. 1889, at 1 11., the following desrlbed lots In the City of New Berne, belonging to the estate of John O. Gardner, dee'd, to wll: Part of Lot No, SOI, bounded on the east by the lot of Misses Mary and Fannie Hay, on the south by lot No. 81)9, on the west by the lot now occupied by Rev. K. K. Heal n, and on the north by Pollock street, meas uring 43 feet front on Pollock street, and the same width on back line I being 48 ft. by 107 ft. now occupied by J. K. Avery and L. a. Bray and families. Parts of lota Not. 801 and 89B, measuring 40 feet front southwardly from corner stone on Spring street, and 24 feet front from said stone northwardly on line of fleet street extended, and extending back east wardiyasfarasthe buildings ind Tence. in cluding the land conveyed by Elizabeth and Elijah Plver to John O. Gardner by deed dated Nov. 17th, 1880, formerly oconpled and used by J. C. Collins as a store and dwelling. Bale to commence at Twelve o'clock M. . "Terms of Hale One-half cash; balance on a credit of six months, with (notei;to be ap proved. Title reserved until fnll payment la made. . , New Berne, N. C, Aug. 12th, 1889. ' , JAMKH 0. HARKISOir, , Adm'r of Joan O, Gardner, deo'd.' Booms To 'Rent. Pleasantly located rooms to tent: Sther furnished or unfurnished. ' Ap y to tbit office. 1 " July 26, 1889. , dtf. THE JOURNAL. Arrival and Departure Sails 'f ' V .mail ; CLoei&.'iS For North. West and South, Tit A., a N. n. K. R. at 8:00 a.m.- . .:.' ,- For Beaufort-: and the . East, at For Washington,8wift Creek, Eydeand Beaufort Co ant lei, daily at im a. m. For Trentoa, PoUoksville and ; Mays- vWe,aUyat730a.nu , For Orantsboro, Bay boro an 1 Van demere. daily at a. m. OmCEHOUES ' In Money Order and EeiriBteredLet- ! ter Department, from, f sua. to 4 p. m. In "t'l"'g Department from a.m to 5 d. m., and from 70 to 8.p.m. Omoe open oonBtantly between theae hours except when mails are being dis tributed or Bent. List of Letters ! Remaining in the poetoffioe at New, Berne. Craven county, N. C, August 17th, 1888: , Mias Rosa Ane, Stephen Arnold, Miss Collins Buth, Rev. Capehearts, Miss Hannah Chapman. W. F. Cirils, J. R Gaither.Mudlee Hall. Henry HumpforJ, William Hyman. Milly Jane Hyman, Isreal Mulhie, E. S. Pollard, R. J. Staubs, Miss Mollia ' Waters, Rchel Washington, J. E Whaley, Nellie Wig fall. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertised.and give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent snail be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. Wm E. Clarkb. P. M What She Does Sot Do A good wife never abases her hti8band'8 confidence. She never prefers charges against him in the presence of others, or confides the story of her marital wrongs to com parative strangers when he is absent. She never tells other peo ple that he does not bring home money enough to keep the house in food, clothe her and the children, pay the refit, and appear respecta ble. She never makes pompous references to relations who would rather go without themselves than see her and tho children starve. She never questions the ability of her husband to earn sufficient money at his trade or in his busi ness, or seeks to render him incompetent and ridiculous in the sight ol others. She never usurps authority in her husband's house, or makes him the willing or unwill ing instrument of her resentment, petty spites, or malignant malice A good wife never does anything of this kind: she would rather screen her husband's faults than to hold them up to censure. She would rather mend and patch old gar ments for her . children than go hysterically to her friends for a loan. A good wife is always mildly proud, independent, seuaenying, loving, seldom finding fault, but always endeavoring to render her home, be it ever so humble, as sunny and comiortabie as her husband's cir cum stances will permit. We are religionsly convinced that if wives, as a rule, treated their husbands with more respect, and reposed more conndenqe in their integrity society would be spared many of the painiul revelations which daily appear in the newspaper press, Husbands should be ledno driven; and should treat their wives as considerately as they wish to be treated themselves. ELKCTHIC BITTERS; This remedy Is becoming so well known ana so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electrio Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimefl. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples Boils Salt Rheum and other affections caused'by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial levers, i or cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at R. N. Duffy's Drug Store Wholesale price, Japer dozen. Pleasure. Mental pleasures never cloy; unlike those of the body, they are increased by repetition approved of by reflection, and Strengthened by enjoyment. . . i, i i, Am Eminent DoctorVtescrlptlon Dr. CP. Henry, Chicago. 111., who has practiced medicine many years save: "Last Boring nh -used ' and pre scribed Clarke's Extract of Flax (Pa pillon) Skin Cure in 40 or 60 cases, and never knew a case where it failed; to cure. "I Inow of no remedy I can rely on so implioitly." Positive cure for all diseases of the skin.' Applied externally. ' Clarke's Flax Soap is best for babies Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. At F B. Duffy's drugstore. He who thinks himself cood for everything is often good for notb ing. - - ', 1 ' ' , r" i" . , BneiuesCs arnica Salve., Th Best Salve in the world for 0uts Bruises. Sores. ' Ulcers. . Bait Rheum, (ever Sores, Tetter,, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. -It is guaranteed to eve perfect satisfaction; or money re nded. Prioe, 25 rants per box: - For salebrB.If.DuSv.: Ian 17 rme then Beyei'gbt a bill witl on$ kicking. . ,.;.SViiVM fvainniaii r71. ; Mas. WrsBLOw'B'f xKfM' Strw should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and la the beet remedy for "diar- boea. Twenty-uve cents a oottie. COMMCIAL; 'Eggs llalSa. , :' . :v::' Oats New ciepvS037o., including sacks. . t - . .... Fodder. $1.00at.25 wr hundred."' i Tubstxn Firm. rf Viifir,'-ffl:$5; a . akkA a. .'1;tl I j.i 1 yeiiow aiv 3.jsa; nara. ai.vo. : . .Ttl.00al.603 Baxy On foot, 5 3. to Se. tVi H4MS Country, llal3o., . LABD-rCountry, lOaltc Hat Crab grass, 85a50. ' Onions tOo. per bush. ' Pkantjtb 81.25 per tushcl. OmoKXKS lirow n 40a55c. pair ; half grown, 22ia25e. ' ' Af)y 65o. bolted. Wool 1222ci . Staves R O. hbd. dressed, S12al5 per M. Tbibkb Cypress, 18 in. and over, la demand at 5.00 per M. dH1NOLi:8 West India, dull and n'm inal;jS iuch 82 C0a2 25 Building Uoii eart. 8i.35; saps, gl.75 per at WBOLESALI rBIOBn. MBS PoBK New 12 50. Shoulder Mat- 8al0c. C. R.'s, F. B's, B.'sand L. 0.-7 7 Floub 3.06s6.50. liAKD 7o. bv the tierce. Sails Basis 10's,S2.eo. SuaAR Granulated. 9s Ooff-kk I8a20c Cheese 15 Salt 80a85c. peri.ci. Molasses and Stbcps- sti Powdbb J5.00. SaOT Drop, 81.B0: hue. '..7f.. ;lisE8Dry , 4a6io. s pr? 2- S2BOSENS- 9c. Tallow 4o.rer lb. Eastern CaroJia Dispatch. Reduction in Freight Rates. The reduced rates on freight by this line from all points North tahe ifTect today. 15 EO. HKNUKKSON. A Rent. Newbern. N. C . Autr. 1."). 1889. Old VirgLib Oberoots. STILL IN THE LEAD! More bf theiu were sold last year than any other brand of Cheroots in the world, and an increase of 7 per cent, of sales for the first five months of thiB year over that of last year They retail FIVE for TEN CENTS, and are the BEST goods on the market, being EQUAL to any 10 cent a and BETTER than any 5 cent cigar, Snnzari, beware of the numerous imitations on the market, and when oalling for a package of tho QLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS bo suro and see that it has the namo ntnl sig nature of P. WniTI.OCK on it, olhrr Wise vou Rill be imprwu upon. Trade supplied by IF". XJlx-icli, WHOLESALE AGESTS FOR je27 dw3m NEW BERNE. N. C. New Berne High Schoo FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. New Berne, N. C. Fall T. rm commences first Monday in September. Three Departments: Primary, Inter mediate and Academic Building large, commodious, and fur nished with a well-equipped Laboratory and Library, and necessary appliances of a first-class Hieh School. faculty consists of live, experienced and progressive-teachers. Instruction thorough and practical Special attention paid to Voice Cul ture, and to physical, moral and spirit' ual development., ' . Discipline mild, but firm. Special inducements offered to poor boys and girls desirous, of procuring an education. . . . Boarding facilities good. Expenses reasonable. " For circular or information, address jy28dwtf . G. T. ADAMS, Principal ; . NOTICE, State of North Carolina-Craven County. The Subserlber having Qualified as Admin lstrator of Ahe estate of Elisa Haddock, de ceased, on the 18th day of August . A.D. lbV, before the superior Court of Craven county. hereby notifies fell persons having; olalms against said estate to present them for pay ment on r peiore ine lain aay or August ltwu, or mis notice will pe picacea in bar their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will make immediate paymei t. ' ' , Done this I8th day of August , 1R89. JAB. O. 1IABRI80N; angisaew Publlo Administrator ': Baggage Transfer. ; Baggage taken safely and promptly to and from any part of the city, , ,v: i , ( Wagons will attend Railroad, Steam ers and Ferries. Orders left at toy office wilt have good attention and quick dispatch. ' -"'J. W. BTEWART,, ' eugl tf - J l' 'Broad street. AGENCY FOR J - ' , - 'if ' Wi ' And a ' variety of other Fine Cigars.' 7m, L PAUIER, Middle St., Now Berne. it ill I I 1 1 i i.i "TT. V - ' ' ' . i (DUtUlera' Agent.) : importer and Wholesale Dealer in Liquors and CRAVEN STREET, NEAB COTTON EXCHANGE, New Berne, H. C, Keeps eonstantly on hand a COIHPLSTB xucjk. ot iau was ana uuaiM, Stock U the tergeet In theftate, and was purchased rrom nrai nana run cjksn. Consequently am enabled to I'll allow a any iNormtrn maraei : Have on hand ths followlsg brands of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS; RYE WHISKIES. Old Family B x x x x Gold on Crown, Old Century, Acme, Lexington, &c. &o. Mitchell's Pure Old Scotch. Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey. WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Souppernong, Old Sherry, Blackberry, Madeira, Claret, St. Julian, Sweet Catawba, . Rhine Wine, California Angelica Wine. RUM. New England, Wi st India, Jamaica. BRANDIES. Apple, IVach, Fr nch (James Hennesy),. Oarretts Cognae Brandy, licrry. Plackberry, Ginger. GIN. Ilollnpil and Domestic BEER, ALE, Etc, Etc. The Borgner & Engel Brewing Co, Celebrated Lager Beer, Imported Alo and Porter, Claussen & Son's Export Beer, Wm. McEwan's India Palo Ale from , Edinburgh. Agent and Bottler of the Bergner & Engel Brewing Co.'s Celebrated lager Beer and Porter. Cordials, Angostina Bitters Imported and Domestic Champagne. Agent for I. Calvin Shafer Wild Cherry Rock and Rye. CIGARS. A large assortment of Cigars and !'.-.. , i Cheroots Agent for the Virginia Standard Che- v .. roots, the best in the market. : s, " ?Ai;,'U.J ,,-:T Will guarantee to sell as low as ,, any, houses North, and lower tnan ? anyP hotise in jflorui varuiina. - WE ALSO MANUFACTURE Ginger Ale, ' : SarBaparilla, - ' ''Lemon Boda;-;"" --'jr.M r-'j' Roue Soda', California Pear Cider and Mineral .' .. Our Ginger Ale la equal to any im ported and superior to any procurable lo the BUte. 's , Lr - "V . Orders promptly filled and satisfac tion guaranteed. 1 1 - -JATTE3 REDMOND, '.auglidwtf if Di:::lutic. Notice la hereby dvea' tiAt tl 9 1 ership heretofore existir? r.'.r .- al h.M.A -A.a1 rWiVifl . Satl1 . J ' V ' t fAvt posed olWilliam'DunuiT'Uli.J C. , WUlett and Ephraim B. Hackburn, was dissolved by mutual consent on the lS.h . dty of July, 1389, wauam jjudu rewr lag front -the fixmi- .:??. s " AU debts due we panoersnip, enu those due by them, wiU be settled with and by the remaining partners, to wit: ti. u, fiaoauuru um t t u,, nw who will continue the business under the firm name and style of Hackburn, and WUlett.- .-i- : ri-z' -. . WlLLUM C. WUXKTT, - ' , i. Ephbam B-IHackbubn. v- j2C30d HACKBTJRN-& wrLLETT. . Bath Booms Beady ( At my shop on Middle street Plenty ? of water, hot or cold, and good large rooms, r-' funl dtf J, B. BROWN. NOBraCABOUKAV; -.. s -- , . urevenuounv. i - bupmw ! . K. Mace, and T. K, Mace Exaewto of Joseph Hand, deedv v j?laJUiiiU, . . n Aaalnst t - - i l The rroTlaent ui Afttociauon. as."'-.' ' ' ' Defendant. f . . Action."'"- 1 f i "Mv..."..' i ' Wnttoa of Rmnmona and Action. " The Provident Life Association of Baltt ' mora, Maryland, will -take notice thai an, s action as above, enuiied naa peen com-, meneed. In the Superior .Court of Craven.' ....... Oounty, North Carolina and a summons ,, . laanedf thereon; The Dnrnoaa of the aetlon ' is to enforce compliance with the terms of. policy- Ol LAI insoranoa, ana tae reeovery , of a sum of money allseed to be duepiereon. The defendant above named Is required t annear at the .Court House. In -Kewaem. 4 North Carolina, at a regular' term of tha Superior Oonrt, to be held therein on tha Twelfth Monday after the First Monday In September, 1889, and answer or demur to the eompiainw Aug. 1st. U89 aug2Sw K. W. CARPENTER, ' Clerk 8up. Court A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. .; "THE PRIDE of the NORTH CARO LINA FRCSS. A. BONI1Z, ) B. KINGSBURY. LL.D. ! Editorial rttaff. WM A. HKARNK J - " THE MESSENGER, Published in Threo Editions. - The Dally IHeaafnger and The Weekly Meaaanger. Published at Wilmington, N. C, ' The Galdabero Transcrlpt-neasencer - Published at Qoldsboio, N. O. They are Large' Eight Page Papers. TRIAL RATES: Dally Messenger, by mall 4moe. on trial. 12.00 Weekly Wilmington Messenger, 8 moav 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript Messenger, 8 mos. 1.00. CASH IN ADVANCE. J. A. BONITZ. . Proprietor. , f DICKENS iWOEKSi HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. Any subscriber to tha Daii.t or Waiiri.-r or HI u, iuui or w K LT has paid one year in advance, I to 10 per cent, discount on DIOKkNB' WORKH. For the joubhal, wno naa i will be entitled to I set of CHA8. DIO money, this is the best edition n tha mar - Compared With the cost of fnrlaer. even recent days, it is aaaaslng how the arlcs or standard books are now reduced. I bis la especially true of the works of Charles Dick ens, and. the most marvelonaly cheap idU tlon of his works ever published is vuqnee. where. It is printed in good, .clear, lai ge- uuupareu type Mroin sna sanM iNaies -as lAppleton's ' Popular i Library Baitlon, price per set 110.00). donblMtoinmn ta.m small quarto form, easy for the aye, eon ve-, ulent to handle, and is handsomely bound ' In cloth, in eight volumes as follows; ' List of tha VoU-0 ver 130 lUnatr'tta. ' 1. Martin Chumlewlt, 5. David Copperfleld. , xsarnaoy xvuage. , (jnnBimaa Biorieit. . dwlnDrood. 6. Mutual Friend. ' ' Hard Tlmea. Plotures fm Italy. 7. Dorobey and Son Old Curiosity shop. American Notes, - 9. Bleak House. Sketches by Boa. 3. Nicholas Nlokleby. i aie oi two uiuea. Uacom'o'l Traveler. 4. Plokwlck Papers. nepriniea rieoes. Gret Kzpectationa. 8. Little Dorrit. Oliver Twist, I Price Per VoL4Je. Per Bet $3.00. Blse Of Volume 53 4x78.4 Innhnl! nnalava If by mall, 13 cents per volume. r.ampie copusian beceenat thlacmca. Notice. : The underalehed.' Jamaa n. Rarriun h.a Of Michael Green. - M nA har. h A J gives notice that he requires ail persona ha v- - ,t 4 Ing olalms against, the estate or k tho said ' .f Michael Green, deceased, to present them to 7 . t iwjuiant un or ueiora me xau aayoi Hiunm ur eiaa uu. novioe.WlU be pieaoea in oar or recovery. . ; persons indebted lo the estate mnst pay Without delav. ' , . i ewBeIaaIay,le.;5i-',,: f "1 ;,t"f AS- O. HARRISON,-aug2Jd6w-' PnblloAdminlatrator. Cassard's Puire leaf lard, 10c. lb. .;.,-'. And Breakfast IBacoia. 'l'.'."'t f f Pure lEoiinteui VP! C6rn5Whislwy;tath J Wholesale and RvtaU Grocer, piUM Tot"of Middle' street ,.:.f. 1y? dlaa Sayftm - Kinsloh; N; 0V 7-- EtsS 'Flnla a -t .4 I ".V r! i r it r fOf '.thp prlCC. A' ti5J SuacU C HI rtO. h . amine, afe,MmHmi0 it ;iif!."l It V 4 - V 9 ...OH. V.