IT URNAL, OH1 SEW BERNE. N. THURSDAY. AUGUST 29. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS, .C i - i,- it BUSINESS LOCALS. , No foreign statesman has so firm ! hAM Ail lmiiiiAAiftifm4M An na -rtOBM FAREWELL, Caprice for "; ----- . XV Pioo.bT FUher.ii the Ttryutett Mr. Gladstone.' So firm indeed is of recent publications or new music, y g jia tna(; few 8narI) reviews of Mr. r uher nes a nappy lacuiiy in wn-1 - ... tint oiwuiinz n4 melodious mnsio In- 1118 career are ever seen by Amen- teiUnt to pupU and teacher. It lslCan readers. The criticism of carefully noted. -wbo -likemaoy other successful teach- l"uow"iCi uwimyir, u;u mo um mo ivuuu, BUU Our Young Ken. In reference to our young men, we bring np the mbject that is necessarily of vital importance, hence should be given close attention, that is, their course and pursuits should be more They are the future its JiOKTII CAROLINA NEWS. From the State Papers. City is to bare electric Eliz tbeth lights. Mount Holly News: A little six rear old son of Mr. James Lay, of Berry hill township, Mecklenburg oountr. was destiny rests drowned on Tuesday evening, August erre jusing same very extensively. ! friend Thomas Hughes, the author uPn 'hen. therefore it is to the Inter IMIMnmpimHpMi of "Tom Rrown at Ttnirhv" con. m am mi iv iiin.riacnkr. nuDiuner. - - a " ti fHik'"- w Itribntfls to thft SBntftmhftr Fornrn is occupied I a novelty in onr periodical litera as wa ter rnotogrjpu uaiiery. Toledo, Ohio.': ' COB RENT. : The room no JL's citizens iratchful of their pMaasbnQiisea Sept. aoply to tA' ii''b1" .fDomrft Nixon. T 03T Ajboii,ch:.fktrrs somewhere -s-i Between my residence ana ine ae pot. Th pidet IU be'llberally re warded traf nlng. the Sams to ... ' anft2&tt E ' u '-la.- Moors.- UBAYB uooota are expressed as to the power of the Federal courts Lto interfere in Nagle's cafe in Call fornia, and it is thought bo will I hnvH ta rfttnrn t, Stockton and SntF trial in th State courts: there ,brugffit.-New Berne, N.C 18 Jim are also complications in the case est of fathers and mothers and generally that they should be as to the habits and conduct young men. it u distressing to see a young man shiftless and out of work half the time, drifting along with the tide and having no object in view. Toung man, have a purpose, some fixed purpose .whereby you mar make something of yourself to be esteemed by your parents and hon ored by your countrymen. .While it is to be regretted tbat there are some going down stream where the cataract rtRDthTf ..THBtaAh TTiilvarul A tlaa I of .TnntiftA 'Fiftlil. and it in th A ' U-.MheWoridr New edition and aftntimnt ha tnrriri .nm.vhat and wbirIPl is t0 be encountered, it is oourt tne deputy collector "took nearly revised.. Persons desiring ths work f , , ,,. 4 . encouraging to know tbat we have so hundred bonds in two days. and in fa : t ny: aj jample. ahd ; JOPHHAL office. 8ltf . ' 1)UR6- Wen India Molasses at IT . , - . . Bobkbts Bros, f AMM0.K8, Fly Trips. Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerators, and a fall ' line of seasonable goods at t14dtf , Whittt & Gates. leav t orders at against him because of his attacks on Sarah AUhea and his evident desire to nse Federal power to pro test Nagle. Wilmington Star Out lines. Uis, (Mahone'e) presence in the nnlitino aF Vircrinici haa hoan nrrt. J?- this office on satisfactory terms. dnctive of a state of affairs that a26 tf mav. at this critical hour, well fill the thonghtfol citizen, North and Sonth, with grave apprehensions for the peace and welfare of two TflX Democratic State Conven tioo of Montana-met last Monday many who are nobly battling with the ourrent, and, in some instances where only a slight gleam of hope is visible. They struggle onward with deliberation and determination, and not only win a name for their true manhood and wothitiofls, but are apt to earn a home of their own to seek rest when their limbs have become feeble and their hairs whitened with age First, a young man should have character, the greatest of all gifts. Then let him be true to his trusts and fair in all bis dealings with his fellowman. 6th, heavy rain fell dry, and the little fellow was playing in a branch when be waa washed down and drowned. Charlotte News: ' Mr. J. W. Kirk- Patrick, one of Sharon's leading far mers, in speaking of the cotton outlook today, said that while the plants are unusually large, the fruit is scarcer than some people seem to believe. The wet weather oaused a ireat dropping off of ''forms." In this respect con siderable damage has resulted to the fields in Mecklenburg. Winston Republican: Register Stan ton has completed the compilation of the 1889 tax lists. There are over 8,000 names. There will be an unusually large amount of brandy made in Pied mont Carolina this year. At Stokes a i days, and in fact from all sections comes the report of due preparation for the distillation of the large crop of fruit. Winston Daily: An acoident occurred on the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad last Sat urday morning, near Qermanton. As the train was moving slowly over a trestle across a small stream the trestle gave way and the engine fell through. The engineer jumped off and was not hurt. The fireman had an ai m broken Fortunately no one else was hurt. The bridge must have been poorly con structed, as it has just been completed. Uhariotte unromcie: Joe (Jaldwell, a negro well digger, who has been living at Biddleville, was run over and killed A SEVEttE earthquake shock was races that ought to be in harmony. He should have some trade and he muBt 8unday about 5 a.m. midway between felt throughont Ureeoe last Monday mere uau ue uu pea, no nei- f - croggi on the R & a traek in North - serious damage was done in several tlement of race issues, no prosperi- " . "IC!" , 1 e m aem8ca Ma Charlotte, presumably by the engine of , .wivw v .. desired. All such vouncr men are train No. Bl. nnrthhnnnrl. Pm-tinn in inwnn. i ij ui iuo otivtc, iiu uiuuiuwuu ui THE LONDON STRIKE. Over 230,000 Men Out. young men are train No. SI, known nnd whnrnvnr thin intnorritv nH town had seen Caldwell drunk Satur the canse of trne Republicanism, invant a,, iu day night, and knew that he went up nonoaaihlfl irood to the onnntrv La. rtl - - -i Jthe Salbujy roa? distance on a .ofj AMJnif nnino r ' " I"""'" wagon, ue eviaentiy got ou at the .ugivwyuvu v. ..DTO "WM6" from the Success of such a man as of confledence.and as fast as experience crossing and went to sleep on tbe road DT We new government DCCaUSe nei Wiiom uaun. PhilQ0lnK,a admits, thev are nromoted to hiffher bed - IT 111IUIU lliOUUUVi -JL UtiauUIMUlu I w- 1 v THE negroes of flay ti object to I Is not a white man. Telegraph. positions. Study your business and The president of the Spanish- American anion which 'includes 1,100 merchants says that Sonth 'America's exhibit at the world's fair in 1892, will be most elaborate and extensive. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ion. Fischer -New music Wilmington Star: Major Roger P. learn to love it. Close application will pear and Yadkin vBall railroad d not go unnoticea ny your employer, or yesterday morning at half past three should you be running a business of lo'olock, at his home in Greensboro, N. C. of dropsy of the heart. Major At THE President was seen on Mon day by an Associated Press repre sentative. The President says that I road Portsmouth mullets are scarce and sell high. A fence is being built around the passenger depot of the A. & N. C. Rail- he has made no announcement to any one a to calling an extra es sion of Congress. The qnestion is not determined. Mr. Cook is boring an inexhaustible well between the railroad warehouse and the old ice house, for the oity. The cotton platform at the exchange has been repaired. It can bear the ex- Dr. QRisaOMS complains Governor.Fowle pot bis enemies on s the -Asylum; Board. Gov., Fowle would not bave done his duty if he .. bad nominated. Bpari favorable to the contlntiaUon of Dr. Orissom at the hea'd of that institation. your own, the possession of these qualifi cations will furnish you a credit among ! those with whona you are known. Whatever your calling, learn to do it well. To be devoid of these qualifica tions is to be a "jack-at-all trades and good at none." Take the young man where you will that finds it difficult to get employment and more difficult still to hold a job when he gets it, and you will Unci the trouble with tbe young man himself. Search him and you will find a weak place somewhere. Probar bly through respect the community kinson was in tbe oad year of bis age, and left a wife and one child. He was a native of Virginia, but bad been con nected with railroad enterprises in this State for a number of years. Sunday Bight last Mr. Charles M. Galloway, living on South Ninth street, killed rattlesnake about four feet in length in his chicken house. The snake had tackled an old hen and had her and one of her brood of ohickens in his coil. The Durham Globe says that Arthur Burcham, a young married man who lives on a farm near Durham, and Cal vin Holder, a young man about 24 years old, were killed by a freight train near London, August 37. The Strike sit uation is unchanged. It is rumored that the printers intend to join in it. Ships are being unloaded at Chatham and Southampton without interference. The Lord Mayor has refused to become arbitrator of tbe differences between the men and (heir employers, fearing lest it might cotiliot with his judicial duties. One hundred and thirty thousand coai porters at important centres are joining the strikers. Two hundred and fifty steamers are lying in the docks awaiting cargoes. Riverside factories employing thou sands of hands are closing for lank of coal. London, August 27. The London Chamber of Commerce urges the dock managers to agree to arbitration. Several members of tbe House of Commons, in an interview with tbe dock directors today, appealed to them to concede the men's demand. The director promised to consider the mat ter. There are a few vessels unloading iu the Med way, to which the strike has cot yet extended. One hundred thousand striking dock laborers marched in procession today. They were orderly. Coal men in thou sands haye joined the strikers, and the situation shows no signs of improve ment. Meetings of employers and workmen continue to be held, bat with out result. Directors of the Commer cial Dock Company have declined the otter of the services of 3,000 Belgian laborers, at 41d per hour. Now Berne to Wilmington. Mr. W. N. Jacobs, Foreman of Wil mington Steam Fire Engine Company, No 1, received yesterday from Mr. James W. Moore, Foreman of New Berne Steam Fire Engine Company No. a handsome souvenir of the recent visit of the lutter to our city. It is in the shape of a card in recognition of the courtesies extended tho New Berne Bremen and is written in a beautiful Spencerian hand-writing and neatly rameil. The fallowing is tho testimo nial: To U 'Umiiujton Steam Fire Engine Company No 1, of Wilmington, N. C. "The New Berne Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, sends greetings, ac knowledgement of the handsome re ception and generous entertainment aocorded us during our recent visit to Wilmington. Mere words are inadequate to ex press our appreciation of the courteous attention, open-hearted hospitality and oordial good fellowship displayed by you. ana while memory lasts the occa POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlila powder m v r varies. A marvel of purity, strength in wholeaoineneM. More economical Umu 11,- orrtiDary klnda, and cannot be sold In competition with the mul titude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only In cans. Royal 1!akin; 1'owher Co., lOtt Wall at, N Y. 1une'2U dsn wed frl Aw Notice. MISS EMILY C. FEREBEE will re open her School on MONDAY, 8EPT. 9tb. aug21 td Mrs. A. T. Jerkins Will resume the duties of her School, for both sexes, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. Prompt entrance and punctual at tendance eminently denirable. August 13. 2w that Change of 60,000 bales of cotton this fall Will not discuss his shortcomings, and Durham last Sunday. They had been - i - I : r - .Ua : I . " J i uaieuio m by uo iou uuuu iu nee vuoii..j .twj .i. J l 1 . iuu vui) uu aw iwwnu wiu n The "Tomahawk" is a new paper faults in their own children, but the hg supposed they sat down on the track published at Henderson. It is a four stain is there, and business men seeking and fell asleep. The train came along i.,.n rnA ......t. o nrA mninvAi will knnv it unit atnar and they were ground to death under from this class. pearanoe with the first issue. The dredge boat "Newport News," wbioh has been in our waters sometime, was yesterday taken baok to Norfolk in tow of the steam tug "Chowan." Six of the crowd who oreated the dis turbance in Tin Cup alley Monday night had a hearing before S. R. Street, Esq , yesterday. Decision reserved. The residence of Mr. John Dunn is beautiful indeed since it has been re- Wanamakbr, the Saint, says he doea not tell why some Demo crats, are turned on t because they do not wish to grieve their families. Is Wanamaker's family well pleas- ' ed with his " boodle operations! Wilmington Messenger. ,tt . I painted. It ie finished in cream with a THBRK IS Still mnch Sickness and delicate border of light brown and many deaths at Johnstown. Pa., I gray and the yaHey. An enthnsias-l Through the courtesy of the agents gratitude. tio meeting waft held by the business 01 tne uia uominion, tne uiyae ana tne V(moB Academy- ffiAn or T.lfthrtHtnwn ' last Mondav """IU i , - t. 11 li.e.v u . AhA I And that the number of bales of cotton night, at which It was determined ... . . . -a m ' . a '. 'rm a. 1 aiaaaaawi vj iuvdv aaasvu wu . W DrtngWt agAinsc tne .BOUin fof the yMr eidInK September 1st, 4)'0rK FlSWng UlUO. ; , , - i 1889, aggregate 87,303 Awnuiu i k. inTAnl The hotel aooommodations at Oora- win W wpwHY lrv,k. aald to h excellent and the is asscmln immense proportions, Rr0T6 ana grassy lawns added to and tnere 18 talk Of CompOlUDg. tne I the lnvjgorating breezes from the ocean laborers in all trades tO 'Quit Work I makee It a charming rammer resort, and force mattert, exourelon to this place -it.- -vi. i-- i i occurs next xuesaay. xne UUUC. DUO OUllsUtUK UUOlUCVO II? WUl- I ... , . . atnamera leave Trithont cargoes Personal. .; i xvev. a. . vr oawe iei o,Wrt i con nna Oft nort -,iu Af "".. " " vacaHoo. mo wouiu, ana bwh un jwwjt w u- to Udy,; He , will be absent from his to tae mileage goes -on, witn ipalpis abont a month. ; p r farttle 1 Rctmty. There axel H. B. Bryan, Esq., went to Raleigh i rwrcadkriowiMdar-'c'll'S' -, n rnnth than' frt nwl n. iww wuwu woo v yuy. , wrN, I- P.mll.n flnnnt "WfP?" ",nB PVUIU ToeidayTraeliWaB niuchlnoonn the wheels. The verdict of the coron er 's turv was as follows: "That one or We believe that parents are entirely both of the viotima were under the in too negligent with their boys in not fluenoe of hqnor, and that the up 2 knowing their whereabouts. . Their na- o'to 'reigbt train struck and killed 4 . ... , iJ:.j .j u them. We attach no blame to the rail- their deaths were caused by their own aihla Tknn mow n oVi m a Hun an- I foil If ' ' qiuivi auvj uioi uvw cuun ca uuo hu auuiei preciation of this interest at nrst, butl Burgaw Herald: We learn from the study them the oloser, and rather than! Superintendent of Publio Instruction an austere ruler, be a companion to that th total cost of the Institute them. To a kreat extent sisters oan di8trict fl the county, and we think aid in seeing tbat the home circle is I that amount could not have been spent made bright and cheerful for their lto better advantage. Willie Riven PUSH WILL TELL ! Remember that our success guaran tees you tbe stme high grades as ever', the same quantities; measure and weight always just and generous; but that nrir,rlnJhe paramoimt one of PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER Our visit was a very carnival of pleasure and the contributors and pro moters thereof win ever occupy the greenest spot in our remembrance. In thus making publio acknowledge ment of tbe obligations under which we rest we also take occasion to express the hope that the amity and mutual good will now existing may ever con tinue. "Very sincerely. offhe Newbern Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1." Tho Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company greatly appreciate the testi monial and will hang it on the walls of their hall as a precious souvenir of a welcome visit. Messenger. School Notice. The Free Schools for white pupils of the 8th School District will be opened in the Old Academy building, Sept. 30, instead of Sept. Oth, as heretofore an nounced. W. M. WATSON. 28 tf For School Commissioners. Less profit and moro patronage ia our idea of future trade. We don't worry about patronage. Make Prices Right, and trade will be sure to follow. Ooods in our line have been too high; there's no denying it. We aim to bring them down to a proper level; wo are going to make The luxuries of Life AS CHEAP As the Necessaries! brothers and this interest will not go unrewarded, for all boys have some bark, of Sonth Washington, brought to jail a negro man calling himself Henry Latham, who confesses that be com mitted the crime for whioh he was ar rested, towit: breaking into the dwell ing hnuKA of Mr. Reddiok Dickson, and The catalogue of Vance Male and I taking therefrom several articles of Female Aoademy, Prof. W. R. Skinner,! clothing, eto. Mr. Rivenbark arrested Prinoipal, is from the press of the hta near Teaohey'e Wednesday after- UUUU 1UO UMU D J Ug Tf CM DCUV W IUQ Peter Henderson &Co.'s LARGE m FINELY TED STOCI EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD CAB BAGE SEED, at 27 2 w S. W. & E. W. SMALLWOOD'S. Journal office. It Is. neat pamphlet nt0j fomCar and carefully gotten up. I teret county for larceny, and .that he Prof. Skinner baa removed his school made his escape about three weeks ago. from rolloksville to New Berne, where, I Tarboro Banner: Improvements in with three assistants and Miss Fannie I the cotton crop are reported. A good Holland of this oity as mnslo teaoher, yield Is now expected. , Some farmers . . t,K!M . I have better crops than eyer before. But he expecta to build up a first class K not fofget mhajt Terymany) asnooi. murine tne last term tnere were i varv nnnr n AirrnAa rnnnii Fnik fare I0r tne I onrnllaH ninotv.twn nnnlla frnm afv Alt. I lnH Pitt nnntltv. mfiiHA In nnrk in t.ha fnrflnt nnnntiaa Pmf. KUnnoi. u fodder Held for lees than nrty cents and a .inw hoar per. day. Forty oente and board -"p.-v.- - ..... . hM DeeQ tne prIoe pald jor many earB yesterday do his part in making new Berne the but now few will work for that. Those Ha educational point it ought to be . refusing to work belong to Knights of Labor. ADOut a montn ago amaa dog nassed through the farm of Capt. Tho .foam Ani nf tu p.. t. I J. Vt roweii and ott seTerai oi nis nogs. Un. sailed: yesterday with lumber and Mt!v2fced general exports. . The isagiet or tnis una he had the hydrophobia. It Is reported will arrive today. . ; t ...v 'lj that some of the hogs that were bitten The steamer Tahoma wlU tall tot n maa ana naa w oe ktuea to lower.Neuee and Bar rivera at 8 o'clock w un,u this morning. ." u T SECRETARY'S OFFICE OF THE Nenss and Trent River Steimbnit Co. New Berne, N. C, Aug. 28d, 1889. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the Neuse and Trent River Steamboat Company will be held at their office at Four o'clock, p. m., on Wednesday, September 4th, 1880. T. A. Green, President. James Redmond, Sec. & Treas. 24td --""nl EQre ;, CODttdenca ana ienoed from bridges carried s away! by j crpcft at the money cen- iwolen -t V r.a tlicsa of any! Othet vM- J- P. Brogden ot Trenton was in i-n.t'it.' the oltf yesterdar. 1 ,A?!s-;ii'S-r)f': r t' a net earning of South- 3 for the past year Show Disorderlj Ezenrsionigtg Welbon, N. C, Aug. S6:A oolored exoursion front Wilmington numbering - The pleasant effect 'and the perfect aafAiA wiria arfitmn lani&a nriBW natk rna i vi uuiatwa. ui i linnlrt rru laxative. Hvrnn or D'itfB. nn -v r-rflftfi f thA all conditions make It their favor RnfH t .remeay. - p easing w tne eye and to the taste, genne, yet eneotnai in t c- 7 kecpisj cp In the march I acting on the kidneys, liver and bows 1 e:.i r: 1' i. t-y c i "1 c f Llcl eliows that the Booth in if f. . 3ttl3 fcrjijs to tie i ii,ie0 w Egeoanj pilUcura bilious) andner Hams has already brought out 'OTsr tea Etar, V v" .-, Itoub Ilia.- : t;- tettWritCtel three thousand negroes. :vj;f) A Big Scheme. Memphis, Tinn., August 27. Passen ger Agent Williams, of the Memphis ft 1 1,100, arrived at Halifax this evening Charleston road, has contracted for four Soma becoming disorderly they were hundred white families to be brought I arrested. . Uo tbat account a general from the Carolinas to Woodruff oonnty, I riot seemed imminent..;. Several pistols Arkansas, where they will go to work I were fired. The oitizens fearing trouble October 1st, as day laborers. Next sea I armed themselves and telegraphed to son they ww be renters or croppers on i weidon for - nein. i sneriu Aiisbrook shares, as they may choose. The same I oolleoted thirty determined men, white agent has also made arrangements to and oolored , and put them In oharge of bring eight thousand negroes from the Major T. L. Emry and Major J. T. Goooh oarounai ana Georgia to various points securea an engine ana . box oar ana in the Yaaoo Delta; r They wilt reach I went at once to Halifax.? It was found their destination in time to assist in the on their arrival that the town author! gathering of the cotton oron. Mr. WU-ittes had restored order after arresting font of tha ringleaders who are now in laii awaitinz triabc. s, .: At any one of our Establishments will be found a OF Foreign and Domestic Wines LIQTJOHS, Porters, Ales, &c. tho Retail Trade btton Ginners. Attention! for your orders We are now ready for the Celebrated Daniel Pratt Cotton Gius, Feeders and Condensers. Everybody using them unhesitatingly pronounce them the BEST so take no other. We guarantee full satisfaction. Send for prioes and terms. WHITTY & GATES, Agents for the-Boss Power Cotton Presses. Roanoke Hand Presses, eto. augnawtr ; We are offering to great inducements in Tobacco and Cigars!" The attention of families ia called to the Celebrated Imperial Beer, for which we are agents. Satit taction guaranteed or money refund d. AN EXCELLENT EDUCATION . AT VCRY LOW RATES IS OFJBRJBTD t DOTS and TOVXO HEX DAVISVSCHOOL. Hi a.- UlVgUIJ U ,Uyef v ' PRINCIPAL HOTJ8Bi-i:ffe: E. side Middle St., opposite 8. H. Soott. ?M BRANCH HOUSESrV"? ' N ' N. W. Cor. Queen and Paatonr Sta. U. K. Depot). lealtny location, Fine Climate,-Mild Winters, Cadet iFull Course of Study, or prep 'I aratlon for highest classes of fl anv Cnllmra ar for KuKlnpu Oompleto Course la telegraphy, ' For Regis ter with full particulars address '.,: . -a . . u fk, COL 'A, .C. DAVIS, 80"' s i'lMealer.;:;-: , iobberi of 5fffar and T 'km bacco, NEW DEnNE. N. aaglO dw