iiiiili iiiiii . ; : . ": S.. iL ilE VOL.; VLII.-NO. 13C : XEVT BERNE. N. C. THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1889. PRICE 5 GENTS. i r BOilNESS LOUAXS. " MRS. E J GILBERTie, prepared to clrau and repair clothes and" make panw, a Ji-r tcaidenoe 6a Railroad sireet, jner' theVtSepp. ;, Give .her a trUI. 7 ' - - " ep4dln NEW' CROP Mleb'ted Extra Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, German . KaU and Early Milan Turnip Seed at ' E J2. Meadows ft Co'i Drag Store, - autSi-lm. .-. :I?02 RENTThe room now occupied X aa Wa'ters Photograph ,. Gallery. PtMasioa given Sept. 10th, apply to ' t4 DCFFT ft PlXON. somewhere -'. XJ between my reaidenoe and the da pot.. The find Js4ltbioraHy'Tn w.rded bv returning the aame to aug22 tl ' .."T:T:' c J J- MX SEWING MACHINE . Oil-Superior nalitti'Forviaal'B by BiTCTWMT, lrugglt,New Bern.vfiftt x-l84i" USEFUL Tuoloon'n Universal Atla f the Wm44.--N.jw edition and - it'rieed -s PrMi dtiiiriprf the, work t. i VV irU.U ortiera s WwAiLiffl!WVi 8rtf' 1)0 RE Wen India M iIhb,.- t iK7CH vUROBaRTO liOS. lx FrrrT.tRef iterators; aui r am a full ; line 0 wavynalue Koutiat . -M dtf ; LWjaiiTy' ft Gates IIRGIAS3 job work executed at JL thin ofHoe on satisfactory terms. rff i ! i 'if i aeu u ' Thb great- strike in London is stiU la force, with bat little change in the situation. ; Mr. Labqtjohkrb writes to the newspapers that' he has learned that Italy joined the tripple alliance on the second of September. : ' General Boulanoer has de--v eided to submit to arrest the week ' preceding the election in order to Y avoid seizure before his arrival in Paris.', V V'-'r - . Thk military authorities in Rome . have been experimenting with 1 ' smokeless" powder. a targeTpMc tiee with the new powder, double e usual number of bits have been , " made. , ' " ' 1 GOYEBNOR ' 'LOWRT, Of Mi88- inipt gafned merited applause by , his conduct in the Sullivan-Kilrain affair and he is now receiving plan dits for his management of race ; troubles in his Btate. A western editor wants to be V considered like Washington r for : having told the truth.', TbV dijBfer - ence is, iWasidgton always ipld 'the truth, ;.Th Western editor stumbled on if inlthe dark and iifas frightened bqc of his wits. J 7 T Carlisle Qrahaji successfully made his trip over Niagara Falls . idst Hunaay. s u was bis life's am v; bition and he was determined to , succeed or give up his life. He went over in a kind of barrel made - ' " - . . by himself. He sustained no in . jaries except a a few bruises, but suffered from the shock. ; Queen yiCTOBU; in her speech " from the tnrone j yesterday, con , gratulated'"my lords, and gentle - men"' on the , gradual suppression of disorder In Ireland Wonder if vHer Majesty 'jeVeff saw? Vg?ood engineer suppress escaping steam by tying, down the safety-valve! ; Boston Globe. , . . . There is no better evidence of the progress of this age of invention than the achievements ;.of electrf l cians, and the subtle' fluid is' now one of man's most powerful agents ?.and submissive V serrants. v The broadest sweep of the, imagination may Lot describe its possibilities ; century hence.-Norfolk Landmark. IT is stated thatiftjjrewyori Syndicate is seeking , large Invest inenta in iron properties anE -lands ia lis Couth,' and th'aT an English Cc -asy has made purchase ; of V'Z"i nincral propertied in Tenfies- ecc; to that two companies have r.:jl --3 purchases in Virginia t-1 v. ill 121 a town. vVilmington A 1 .r. ; i I T ciiuh, dated i Decatur, 1. 1. eays: Eph. Ilaffman 1 ia tie District- Dourt 7- for horse theft. The a is nscd on Sunday as a wcrthip. .This morninz tl o Ecrviccs the jury return ed a verdict The prisoner was brought in and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary, after which, the services 'were resumed. , The funeral of Mrs. Jul ia Jack son Christian took place in Lexing ton, Va, Sunday morning; the entire population of the place turn ed out, and many battle scarred veterans of the Confederacy, with heads bowed in tears, watched the remains laid to rest' 'beside her father, Gen. Stonewall JacksoD: the scene at the chuVch..and grave wasunu8ually pathetic LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. Ulrich Shot of all iz Mayor' Court. Tti followioic eases weie dirpoeed of yueterday: WillUm Afher, J. B. Clark, John Green and H. J. Lovick, disorderiy, bound over to court. Peter Williams, colored, disorderly, bound over to court. Shipping News. The rteamor Eaglet of the E. C. D. line sailed yesterday with a cargo of lumber, naval stores, etc The Annie of this line will arrive today. The Tahoma will sail today at eight o'clock for lower Neuse and Bay rivers. Freight received up to the time of sailing. A Good Hove in the Bight Direction. Information has been furnished us that the male members of the Baptist ohurch, who have been conducting re ligious services in various parts of our city, have purchased and paid for the lot on Long wharf on which the old shed has stood for so many years in the past. In this part of our city there is no convenient plaoe dedicated to God's service where His people oan assemble together to offer unto Him their tribute of praise for the blessings His bounty daily bestows upon them, and as we learn it U the intention of these breth ren to erect a building for that purpose, we hope the citizens generally will oome to their aid and render them some substantial help in this enterprise. We bid them God speed in this good work. Personal. Misses Luta and Annie Bell returned to Raleigh yesterday. Many New Berne friends regreted to see them leave. Messrs. Sbepard Bryan and Joe Rhem left for Chapel Hill yesterday. Mr. Hughes Holland left for Trinity College yesterday. Mrs. Emma Cla poole is on a visit to Durham. Mr. S.G.. Bragaw, principal of Jones County Male and Female Academy, was in the city yesterday. A letter from Mr. James M. Brinson to his parents states that he has arrived afa at Colorado Springs, Col. We wish him lucoess. Mr. J. Y. Joyner, the efficient super intendent of the Goldsboro Graded schools, arrived last night on business and returns this morning. A Perversion of Pacts The Raleigh Call of Monday last has a two column article on Mr. Washing ton Bryan and the A. & N. C. R., which for reckless statements and bare-faced perversion of facts rather beats any thing wo have read lately in a deoent newspaper. We have not the spaoe to oopy the entire artiole with the proper comments, but will give m few para' graphs that oar readers may see to what extent Mr. Bryan's friends are going to save him the presidency of the road. They are certainly growing desperate The fallowing extraot is not as dear cs w wish: ; v .v ' Now, for some time the Call did be lieve what the Journal said, and knows It told soma truths, bnt it did not tell the whole truth. , For some days that paper published a financial statement, rotten nn by Itself, concerning the at tain of the Atlantic ft North Carolina railroad; which scored heavily against Mr. Bryan as a manager. . The state ment was presented every day until one from Mr. Bryan's offioe was published. which showed that gentleman to be a better manager by $50,000 cash receipts in four years than a previous adminis tration. , This statement has neither been disputed by the Journal nor any one eise. - it tnereiore stanas approved , Now f the Call means to ''say that the statement published by the Journal was not taken front the reports of Presi dent Wbitford and President Bryan It says that whloh Is not true. :The only difference in the statement we 'publish ed in regard to the reoeipts of the ; road and that of Mr. Dill ; Is that we only gave the receipts for four years.tbe last of WhitforiV and three of , Bryan.' (We would have given the fourth, 'but lit. Dill refused to .give , the figures while Mr.DUl gave-the reoeipts for "! "TOW ; weipis ,ir eight years out of ten. Mr. Dill's state ment as to reoeipts is not disputed nor will any honest man dispute the correct ness of our statement for the years mentioned. We are perfectly willing to accept Mr. Dill's statements. The application of a little common sense in comparing his figures will show that Mr. Bryan has not kept up the ratio of increase in receipts notwithstanding he has spent over one hundred thousand dollars above the earnings of the road to prepare himself for business. Take out the Smithfiold business, Mr. Call, and you will still see that Mr. Bryan has not kept up the rates of inorease. The Journal failed to state that the years 1881-'82 were very favorable truck and crop years and that this line of traffic as probably heavier than ever before or since, We lhiok the Journal knows a little more about this truok business than the Call. We know that before the estab lishing of the all-rail route in 1887 by tiie Atlantic Oast Line the A. & N. C. K. carried comparatively a small amount of truck. We also know that it was the prices obtained for the truck ia 1832 that made it a successful year and not the large crop It fails to state that for the past four years crops in that section have been regarded aa a failure; and when crops fail, there is an inevitable decrease of business. Mr. Geo. Allen of New Berne, ia authority for this statement about the crops. While this is true it is also true that more truck has been made and shipped from Now Berne and vioinity and along the linn of the A. & N. C. R. during the Iaet two years than ever before. The failure has been in the prices and yield per acre, but the acreage largely in creased along the line of the road on account of the all-rail route which now putn the truck in market earlier. We assert, without fear of successful con tradiction, that the railroad and the steamer lines can show that more truck has been shipped in 18E9 than in any previous year. It referred, however, to the outside public not the entire public along the tine of the road, for in the same artiole the Call emphatically stated that nine tenths of the business element of New Berne wanted Mr. Bryan retained as president of the road. Yes, and the Call emphatically stated that which is not true. We oan name, without canvassing, more than one- tenth of the business men of New Berne who do not want Mr. Bryan re-appoint ed. We think if a fair canvass was made it would be found that about one fourth are indifferent about the matter and the balance are about two-thirds anti-Bryan and one-third Bryan. It also left alone a statement to the effect that all but two of the truckers in and around New Berne ana up to Kinston had signed a petition for his retention as president. We do not know how much truth there is in the statement that all the truckers signed the petition. It was reported that numbers of petition ped dlers were out during the shipping season, and that they were paid for their services, and that some of the truckers were told that if Mr. Bryan was not re-appointea tne last trucK train would be taken off. And it also failed to tell how it was that Mr. Bryan was endorsed by ac clamation in one of the Democratic wards of the city of New Berne, and by a vote of 67 to 22 in the other. We certainly did fail to tell how that was because no such thing everoccured, Where in the name of common sense did the Call get such information. Has any Democrat in New Berne attended a ward meeting wherin Mr. Bryan was endorsed by acclamation ? If so, when was the meeting, where was . the meet ing and who is the man ? The Journal reoeived reports from every ward meet ing held in the city last spring and we heard nothing of such endorsement, The Call's point on the advance of the price of stock is not worthy of notice because every intelligent business man knows how that was brought about. The reference to dead head passes is simply the old dodge under which President Bryan has always tried to explain bis unpopularity, we will go on to the next paragraph which we quote In full: "On one occasion a delegation of citi eens came from the eastern counties to call on Got, Scales. They oame on railroad business. A large delegation was expected to come and application was made to air. . Bryan for 1000181 rates. He made soeoial rates orovided a certain number say twenty delegates would go. Tne Richmond and Dan ville company also made special rates from Goldsboro to' Raleigh for the same number. When the day for departure oame about halt of the. number of dele gates appeared. They claimed . the sneoial rate, but It was refused, by Mr. Bryan on the ground that the party was not as largo as the agreement demand ed. The R. ft D. declined also to grant the special rate on. the same ground. , It ip known that certain members of that party fumea arouna tne new Heme depot like "one gone mad."; Mr.Bryan was rounaiy aousea, ana possibly be oame very unpopular with that body of men. There la no record or their hav ing railed at the R, & D. Wmpany for deoiining the rates; bnt thtj must urge that air. Bryan, as President of the A. ftN. C. road, was very unpopular. I Does a man become unpopular in this I country when be works for tbe beet in-1 tereats of the institution or corporation he represents r" Every delegate who went from New Berne on that occasion oan point out the false statements in the above Para- ninh. Tn tha flnk nlua tha HulMntaa did not go to call on Governor Scales, as he had left the gubernatorial chair 1 about two weeks before. They went to meet delegates from other sections of uie .uu u.u . KWu u.u., to confer together about a matter of vital importance the extension of the A. ft N. C. R. The statement that the R.&D. declined to grant the ipeoW i- -u j.i. uuu. gate who went on that occasion will testify. Here are the facts: The Board of Trade of New Berne appointed a large delegation to meet delegates from other sections along the proposed line of extension of the A. & N. C. R. in Raleigh. President Bryan offered special rates if as many as fifteen would go. Thirteen delegates reported at the station uu uiiu w "" tickets. Mr. Lryan instructed ms agent not to sell them unless fifteen persons The oonseauence was some were going of the delegates refused to go and Mr, Bryan's road lost money by the opera tion. Arriving at Goldsboro, notwitb standing the number of delegates had been reduced to ten, the R. & D promptly gave them the special rate without question. And when they re turned from Raleigh Mr. Bryan, doubt less having been convinced of his folly at New Berne, granted' the npecial rato. The Call's information that the peo (jio ui uanoifi, luuivvu, vucmiujcio Alliance and the county commissioners of Lenoir were instigated to hold meet- ines. condemn Mr. Bryan and ask his removal, by persons who could not get free passes is about s correct as much of its information re ferred to above. Does tbe Call believe the people of Carteret, the business men of Kinston, the Farmer's Alliance of three or four counties, have all sur rendered their manhood and allowed some undentrapper, who is mad be cause he hasn't got a free pass, to get them together and pats resolutions, con demning Mr. Biyan? Away with such stuff. The charge is an insult to these! people and we can not believe it has any weight with Qovernor Fowle. But the Call is informed that since Mr. Dill's statement tbe talk is all the other way Not a bit of it. Mr. Dill's figures have proved a boomerang, and Mr. Bryan's friends are already squirm ing under the fair and juBt comparisons that have been made with them. Qovernor Fowle knows that the charge made by the Call that the people down here want a special man is un-1 true. They have told the uovernorl that they want Mr. Bryan out and would earnestly support him in the appointment of any good man. Mr. Bryan's friends are surety be coming desperate, but such barefaced mis-statements as are made by tne iaii will be sure to redound, and Mr. Bryan will pray Qod to deliver him from his friends. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. September 3, 1889 A regular meeting of the Board of City Council was held this evening at eight o'clock, Mayor Williams presid ing. Present Councilmen Burrus, Ul rich,Lane, Crawford, Ellis and Willis A petition was read from Mrs. Hanff . asking the privilege of erecting a shed over her door on Broad street. On mo- tion of Councilman Lane it was re ferred to the fire distriot committee with power to aot. Marshal's report was read and adopted: We hare made 73 arrests during tbe month of August. Two suspended on good behavior, two appealed to oourt, one sent to jail, nine dismissed and sixty-two convicted. Fines collected, ? 82.05 Cost " 78.60 Total $110.65 One-half the above cost. S39 80, was deduoted for my fees. Home parties were granted time on tinea and cost by consent or tne mayor, Jab. T. Lewis, C. m Mr. R. B. Nixon appeared before the board and made an explanation as re gards building a set of steps at his of. flen. Otvin-r to ifima misnnderstandlnff mm tn Ma .nthnrltv. Councilman Lane ' moved tnat tne action or uw oommntee be approved and tho steps he allowed to remain until further orders at a rent of aii.. m. .a. AiiAniait . V ' 7 .j . mr. vii-'ttooerwasaea permission to baud a privy In rear of his lot. On motion of Connollman Lana it was re f,l i a Am Jl.tr (at mrnmiii. with . . . . -. , power to nob. Aaopiea. 'Xne Jiayor onereotno following re- port, veoommendatloBt and resolutions, which on motion of Connollman Lane. wu unanimously adopted: .: : ' I beir leavs to submit the following 'Number t of, arrtsts: md du during the month of August, 73; amount of fines imposed, 590.00; cost, Siai.BO. u tbe members of the board wish to have the Sunday law enforoed they must give the police and myself some help, as l can not detect the violators and then try them as I would have the parties con victed when arrested sanitary. The oondltion of theoity is good STREETS. 1 B nBY1Dg 'TtfA , u terial it would not cost much to have them put in first olass oondition I recommend that George street be Broad gtreet out to city limit8 at is for horses and vehicles, but it shall be unlawful for any one to use the road bed for hand vehicles, under a penalty of paying a fine of W for each offence. FINANCE. From the report of Treasurer I see thal( jt Wju be necessary to borrow a small amount of money to carry us untl1 taxes beln t0 oome ln- CEMETERIES. The cemeteries are in splendid con dition. A few private lots have not been cleaned out by the owners. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Since our last meeting the Atlantic engine company has visited Kaleigh A , i . . A.l U. I. : AAA more laurei9 10 thoge already so worthi y won by them on the occasion of their visit to'the city of Raleigh. Manycour- t68ies were extended to them by the President of the A. & N. C. R. R , I therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the thanks of the city of New Berne are dne, and are hereby returned to Mr. Washington Bryan, the able, efficient and popular President of the A. & N. C. Rail Road, for the many courtesies extended to the Atlantic steam fire engine company while going to and returning from the State tire mens' tournament in which that com pany recently participated in the city of Kaleigh, and on which occasion added new honors to those already so worthily 0j New Berne. Respectfully submitted! R. P. Williams, Mayor Councilman Ellis moved that the finance committee bo allowed to bor row hve or six hunnred dollars Adopted. The bill of Messrs. J. R. & J. W. Moody was referred for correction. Councilman Crawford moved that a pump be placed on Cypress street. Councilman Lane amended tbe mo tion by leaving the matter with the Mayor. Adopted. Mr. R. N. Duffy asked permission to build a privy in the rear of his lot. On motion of Councilman Lane it was re ferred to fire district committee with power to act. Adopted. The following bills were allowed: R P Williams, Mayor, 833.33; Ferd nand Ulrich, Treasurer, 16.66; James Lewis, Marshal, 25.00; J E GaBkill, Po liceman, .50.00; M T Roberts, Policeman 30.00; Thomas Wilson, Policeman, 30 00 J L Willis, Special Policeman, 20 00 JohnC Green, Engineer, 25.00; W R Waters, Engineer, 25 00; David Stal lings, Sexton, 20.00; Robert Williams Sexton, 20 0J; Joseph Bryan, Janitor Rough & Ready co., 2 00; New Berne Journal, advertising, 5 lO; New Berne Academy, rents, 8 00. Clark & Clark city attorney. 10 66; Atlantic Engino Co., feed for jumper horBe, 10 00; New- Berne Engine Co., feed for jumpe horse, 1U.U0; Atlantic Eugine Co., rent of house for hesa carriage, 5 00; C. Erdmann, rent of house for Mechanic Hook and Ladder Co., 10.00; Prince Hyman, lighting eight lamps, 6.00; JO HarriBon, lighting three lamps, 2 25 Meritte Whittey, lighting one lamp, 75c T F McCarthy, lighting one lamp, 75c W H H oo ten, lighting one lamp, 75c; Paul Williams, 75o. John Collins, light ing one lamp, 75c; Braxton Latham, lighting one lamp 75c; E E Dissosway, rent of Odd Fellows hall. 22 50; New Berne Gas Co., 81.00; M E Whitehurst, stationary, 75c; Daniel Stimsom, lumber for streets and pumps, 23. B6; Smallwood & Slover. supplies for streets, pumps, etc, 32.56; New Berne Journal, print ing warrants, 1.75; Whitty & Gates, sun dry bills, 19 32; D G Smaw, repairs to pipes etc. , 4.83; Jas T Lewis, feeeding prisioners, 9.25: W G Brinson, insurance on engine house.aa. 00 Jonas McDaniela. shoeing horses, 4 70; N S Richardson & Son, printing stubs, 9 50; Atlantic En gine, cleaning hose, 6.50; W S Phillips, repairs to harness. 10 5; C C Clark, jr., sundry bills, 19.08; F Ulrich, -supplies for the Atlantio and New Berne en gines, 1.10; F Ultich, Treasurer, paid orders, 194.10, Dennis Wadswortb, pump plungers, 3.90; J W Stewart, hauling trunks to depot, 1.00; w D Bar rington, collar and pads, 10.50; S A French, police supplies, 18 81. Total 875.86. Minutes read and approved. The board then adjourned. Silas Fulchkr, City Cleik. Resolutions of Thanks. Resolutions adopted by the Atlantic ?'eam iw Mg no 1.0. wo. l, regu- I lor mARtinor hn Id Han. 1HHU- Wnerea, on the occasion of our recent visit to Raleigh to attend and partioi pate in the State Fireman's Tournament, I many courtesies were extended to us by the President of the A. & N. C. R Therefore be it resolved. That the thanks of the company be and are bere - by tendered to Mr. Washington Bryan. President of the A. & N. C. R., for the courtesies so extended to us ontheoo CMon of our reoent vi8it the city ot Raleigh. I Resolved, That these resolutions be Pred nP?n the atautes, published in tho New Berne Joukhal, and that the secretary transmit copy to Mr, Bryan, . - C H, blank, Foreman, B. 0. Jokes, Seo'y. ...... : SHOT OF ALL SIZES, Sold at Manufacturers' Prices. Agent for Hazard Powder Co. Agent for Old Virginia Cheroots. WHOLESALE GROCEE, MIDDLE bTUEET, NEW BERNE. N. C. For Bent, Tho f.um kM.u n as the Poor TTnnaa Farm will bo ret . I to the hi?ht hll. der for the veai .800. on HatiiriU. September Hth, at the Court House door, at 12 o'clock. JOI1N A. RICHARDSON, sepldtd Register of Deeds. Peter Henderson & Co.'s EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD CAB BAGE SEED, at 27 2 w S. W. E. W. SMALLWOOTV.S. GM 15 Polls. 'I have been a irreat sufferer from Torpid Liver iiikI Dyspepsia. Every thlnic I hU tliNugreed with uie uutlll ueiui IUUII I run now li(s nny kind off4lf net it liue . !: !a iie. and havegtia el lil teen imiiuih in weight." M . . s )l I. l .'.i;, Columbia, S. C. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SEIjECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL KOK Young Ladies and Little Girls II1LLSHOKO. N. C. The Misses Nash and Miss Kouint will open the Sixtv-firat Term of thnir School. WITH PRICES REDUCED to SUIT TIIE TIMES, on Wednesday. Sopt. 4, 188?. Situated in the town nf HUlahnrA famed for its healthful climate and cul tivated society, great advantages are offered to parents in having special at lenuon paia to tne health, mind, morals and manners of their children. Circu lars sent on application. By the kind permission of these gen tlemen we would refer to Dr. Charles Dnfly, Jr., Mr. George Allen and Clem ent Manly, Esq. sep4 dim Notice. MISS EMILY C. FEUEBEE will re open her School on MONDAY, SEPT. 9th- aug21 td AN EXCELLENT EDUCATION AT Very Low Rates IS ttl'l'EUElt to Itltrsantl VOUX M Ell DAVISSCHOOL. This is a Military Boarding School, uml is one; of the leu Kqulppcd Schools in the United Stales. Healthy location, Fine Climate, Mild Winters, Cadet Cornet Hand, Cadet Orchestra. Full Course of Study, or prep aration for highest classes of anv Colli'ire or lor Business. Complete Course in Telccmiihy. For Regis ter with lull particulars address COL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt., LaGrang-a, N, Ot New Berne High School FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Ncy I5crno, N. (J. Fall Term oommences first Mondav in September. Three Departmental Primarv. Inter mediate and Academic. Building large, commodious, and fur nished with a well-equipped Laboratory and Library, and necessary appliances of a first-class High School. faculty consists of livo, experienced and progressive teachers. Instruction thorough and practical. 8pecial attention paid to Voice Cm.- turk, and to physical, moral and spirit ual development. Discipline mild, but firm. Special inducements offered to poor boys and girls desirous of nrrwnrinr eduoation. Bon rd ing facilities good. Expenses reasonable. For circular or information, add rack. jy28dwtf O. T. ADAMS, Principal. Cotton Ginners. Attention t We are now ready for your orders for the Celebrated Daniel Pratt -dotton Grins, Feeders and Condenser.', Everybody using them unhesitatingly pronounce them the BEST so take no ; other. We guarantee fuU satisfactions oena tor prices and terms. WHITTY A GATES, Tut! s Pil Is Agents for the Boss Power Cotton Presses, Roanoke Hand Presses, eto. augl7dwtf . .- . iV In I' ' 1 - .

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