OURNAL., VOL VIIrN0.tl3 NEW BERNE. N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1L 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. V V v 0 ME3 E J GILBEBT is prepares to c1b and repair clothes add make pants,-at ber tsidenee on Bailroad street. nr, Aedjpr.Giv. trUl. - , - iep4 dim . NEW CRd?7 selected : Extra Early Jersey WatefleWCabbage; German Kale and Early Milao Turnip 8eed at E H tMeadaweACc's Ping Store. , ' , ' OKWJSftMitniSE 0Il-8upiior ' ' O qunlit?. ; F"or sale by R,N. Dotft, Druggist, Nw- Berne, N. C. alSdlm T T BEroicrTannRiy arjaJUtlM - U f theiWeVuu -4W-nd I revised. Persons desiring tha work I miy tee sample aaULJeaw wdtnii 1 irjRB Wert IndiaHoTaaaea ak JL - v - , , robots kjios. UAMMO K3. Fly Trap,, loo Cream rrni'-rnBofri.fea'tAHCinid e-fuM : line nf cm tumble koo at ltdtl . ; t' , Whittt & Gatks IflRVftiXw j str it 1 nt , o . , 7. , , a26 if ' r THK QrmSHfe'hHvyfttiiaed the 7lGrtroorVtij be rosed tiff taL artnf of, 0bservatldft"$i4 the '' Hessian ' frontier 1 ; -i i r 1 1 ' Wk beg pardon of oar esteemed eontmporaryf' the Darbam V Globe," for failing to give credit ; to a poem recently taken from that paper? And printed in the Journal. "I. - We regret that Miss Mamie ;. Uatchett baa retired from the edi i torship, of the Orphan's Friend. Perhaps farther changes are in con ' templatioii. She la too good and , sweet to be flamed Hatchett. A tKNNSYLVANLi oow killed herself a few days ago eating pie Russell Harrison had four kinds of i' Die SarhenVna- dined lthfQtteen TicrlaVjnjdTtl 4ldutf even make ' him eiok Wilmington Star, ; Which proves that tliat which kills a cow may be good for the can. . VPs make ar acknowledgements : to the Durham Daily Globe for Uaviog pbbUshed la the Jouenal a beautifnl. poem, that made its flratv6ppearjiace in the Globe, with oat giving credit to that excellent paper. We found it on the wing ' and did not know whence it oaxe. , It is verr Dlatn- that the eyes, of the nation are anon Ohio. In no othet Btate wiUtheattpaikjf" b "cite half therejtb Although Ohio is in the.lkrtUf ' EeDablican that' the Democrats .have a good flghtUii ry it thfsyeijir. v Oleaveland Flaiodealer, Dem. J,. NpBTHjCJApoiniAls one of those ) States whose" industrial progress is v Bteady and continuous. It ia not - by flts i and starts," booms and ; ,; boomerapgs, but regular and sure . like the stream that glides on ; . noiselessly : witbln its banks but " gathering, strength and volume as it rolltf.t-Wilmington Star. ii i t v . In this age of inventive genius ' "'-of novelty and originalitythe man with quick perception, originally oi conceptiontjindjrpracticat Ideas, ; - which, pan be utilized, is the man . who willreach that goal of success for which humanity is continuously striving, while his fellows are pant- . ing fx in the resiA D'arhaar Daily v Globe, tMd$M:P 'Mfz '.- - Goyienob AMEai of Massachu setts,' and other Eastern ironmakers and iron mongers a?e, crying out for free iron as well as free coal and louder as.the days go byii The time Is coming when, Pennsylvania manufacturers will understand how much better IKIic;rso?ltohe push of Tariff Refofm than to break in trying o. stop , it' progress. i on. iiecora. iienir yr$-&v Ts3 traia outlook is one -of en coEr?ccuent.,;i;Dun's revlewfr for tLa rt-Js. ia very hopefn;There is lr; . ::c3tia the crops generally XL " :a are not so many.; The re .. rCirlsj the last week has I "ir-'y favorable" to' ttre t . -Ill Carolina, and if It r 3 thronsh. September, :1 1 Strains, we have r v is r. i!l ta wortt a million k - ' . ,.,;j...w-. LOCAL NEWS. WEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P, J. Dtlamab-Wanted, Sramkb Tmht Excursion. J.K.WpjJS-Uarble works. B. H. Piaav Alliance notice Several bale of new ootton shipped by steamer Newberne yesterday. Th business meeting for the election of ofSoers of the Y. M. C. A. has been postponeo till next Friday night Tbe distribution of additional oyster shells on the streets has had a good efftot in smoothness of travel and looks. Vnnoe Academy opened the - second week with an increase of fifty per cent. in attendance over the first etr. Five ouniies are represented The nriocipal of the Ilinh school ie- spemfuny asks those who have books Qelougio to thepublio library to return them nt ibeir earliest convenience. Remember ttiut the entertainment of the M. E. Church Working Society at the Parsonage takes place tonight. It promises to be a real nice occasion. The first man t0 wa'k up to the cap tain's deck and settle his taxes was Sir. M. Psyie. He paid $174.80. Mr. John S. Manix was only a minute later. Mission prayer meeting of the young men of the Baptist church will be held this evening at the Marine hospital on South Front street, at 8 o'clock. A cor dial invitation to all Christian workers to attend. Funeral of Major Hughes. A large number of people attended the funeral services of Major Hughes yesterday. The New Berne Bar at tended in a body. The pall-bearers were: M. DeW. Stevenson, Wm. IIol- lister, J. W. Small wood, Gen. Robert Ransom, W. H.Oliver, George Hender son, U. K. Bryan, J. 8. Long, Ueorge Roberts and E. B. Roberts. Mayor's Court. Tbe following cases were disposed of yetterday: Colored Ida Smith, disorderly, dis missed; Wm. James, disorderly in church, continued; Wm. Fonville, dis orderly in church, oontinued; Thos. Bee ton, disorderly, dismissed; Sargent Nash, disorderly, failed to appear, SO days on streets; Sarah Anderson, dis orderly, failed to appear, 30 days on streets. H. J, Lovick, contempt of court, con tinued for defence; R. 0. Cleve, dis orderly, fined 810 and cost. Oriental, N. C. Master John Matthews of New Berne, has been at Oriental for sometime. He ays the town is flourishing. They have large lumber industries and consider able mercantile trade- The people are trying to get a dally mail from New Berne, which is much needed, we are informed. There is a daily mail from New Berne to Stonewall, and we hope this route will be continued to Oriental It would be a great help to the town. The town is situated at the mouth of Swift creek and is an important lumber station. Perpetual Motion. To obtain perpetual motion has been the study and puzzle of inventive genius for ages and it . is more than doubtful if ever suoh a thing can be mastered. Mr. S. H.;Wmdley, a young man from Trenton, was in the city yesterday and reports that he feels sure that he baa solved the coveted problem. He Is now endeavoring to find out if any other plan similar to his has been persued, and if not, he will at once have it patented and place the little machine before the public. He claims that there is no stop to it until it has worn itself Out. Governor Fowle Will Be Sustained, A gentleman who has reoently re turned from Western Carolina, where he saw Governor Fowle, says the Gov ernor'deolares his purpose to do the very best he oan to -please the people along the line of the A. & N. O. R. in the appointment of Directors andPresi dent, and ' wm endeavor to give them an administration that will prove sue oessful and satisfactory. The people along the line have de Olared to the Governor tbsir wishes which are, that they will "sustain him In the appointment of any good man except the present inoumbent. " If the Governor complies with ' their request ne wiu be sustained oy tne people The JouttNAt pledges itself in advance to sustain tne Governor m this, no mat ter it the maq appointed ia not its first Of v'TO WSPKL COLDS. : Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the intern effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently onre habitual constipation, to awaken tne kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use cjtnp oi x ig ; iS 7 Seven Springs White Hall and the! Farmers on the Bank of the Neuse. I Eight miles from the town of LaDween tb r'dge and therivtr, and Qranee in Lsnoir conntv. on the aonthlfine trm they are; some of them are bank of the river Neuse and about equi-dlstant from GoldsborO and Kins-1 ton. are situated the famous Seven Springs. A beautiful urove surrounds the Springs while tbe hotel is on aa ele-1 vation about seventv-flve feet above the 1 Sprines and about three hundred yards distant. The hotel is under the management of the Messrs. Maxwell this season and they are conducting it well nnder the circumstancf 8. Nature has done all that can bo asked for Seven Springs. They are beautifully looated and the efficacy of the waters has been fully tested. People afflicted with various diseases are constantly going and com inx and rejoicing in the relief given by the waters. Numerous vehicles appear almoft Vvery day and carry off the water bv iuz fulls. Now wo must q iarrel some with the I - i orODneto; . If he w shes to make Seven Springs a profitable, health resort he muBt make it attractive. He is perhaps well aware of what ought to be done, but we a e uoina to tell him anvhow. In the first place tear out the old plank curbs from around the SDrines and nut in marble curbs, also put a marble bottom in the houso instead of strips of clank. This will at once add one hnn- died per cent, to the appearance and attractiveness of the Springs. In the next place build a decent open house in the grove ami supply it with comfort' ublo seats, ihen build a ten pin alley, gymnasium or amusements of some sort. People who visit there like to have the water direct from the prings and like to be made comfort able while there, and many invalids re quire a certain amount of exercise during the day. It is true climbing up and down the hill to the hotel and back to ine springs gives exercise, out mat becomes monotonous and there is no amusement in it. The hotel is nn- doubtedly located in the right place, and it tbe improyements are made at the Springs which we suggest, they would become far more attraotive and be visited by perhaps dozens where one goes now, White Hall is a neat little village and seems to be doing considerable busi ness. There are six stores and most of them seem to carry good large stocks. We noticed particularly Parks & Grimes, W. R. Simmons and Mr. MoGee, and one other where George F. Korne- gay is a clerk (we have forgotten the prorietors' name) carry good stocks. But we must quarrel with them too. There is the town located within eight miles of La Grange on the A. & N. C. R., yet they have their mail dragged over a heavy sandy road three times a week from Goldsboro, a distance of about eighteen miles. Trenton, about . 1. - 1 . i M . 1 1 1 the bbiuu uisiauue irum me ruuroau, has a double daily mail to and from the railroad and a daily to New Berne across the country via Polloksville, Now White Hall, in connection with the Springs, which are within a few hun dred yards of the village, is almost as important a place as Trenton, save and except that Trenton is the county site. But the fact that they have gone on sol long with such mail facilities is positive proof that they are not as enterprising as the people of Trenton. Gentlemen, get up a petition at once for a daily mail. Do not Interfere with the route you already have to Goldsboro. Simply get up a petition for the route to La Grange once a day; set forth all the facti in regard to the amount of busi ness, the Springs, the farming country in the vicinity, etc, etc., and we will almost guarantee the route can be ob tained Let the mail leave White Hall daily in time to meet the train from the west and vouoan read every night, if you want to, the daily papers of New Berne, Goldsboro, Wilmington, Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Charlotte, Rich- mond, Washington City and Baltimore on the same day of publication. Such a route would be hailed with delight bv all visitors to the Snrinirs. and the oroDrietor outfit not to rest until he has it established. Now we must give a little attention tnthnfarmnro whrt room rnrtinttn while in the neighborhood. We are under special obligations to Major D. 8. Davis. T. A. Rouse. Alonzo Rouse. Col. N. B. Whitfield ; in fact, all the farmers in th tiAiotihArhtwul nii thai mvwi mm fHV vww - kvw wives were anxious for us to spend day with them. They acknowledged! that "times are bard," butthey cannot foreet their old time hospitality and may the Lord bless them in their efforts to better their condition whioh a series I A"81logot sadness seemed to per of short crops have brought about. tn meeting.. It was an oooasion The farmers in this commnnltv have a just cause of complaint about getting tne prounoe that the complaint en, to, easily remedied. ; From Kinston to Goldsboro the nubile roadi inns oh a saad ridra. and tbe residences of the farmers are also on this ridge while the farms lay UDJ4Ctt0 oveiflow,buta large majority ro not. From about Major Davis' place up to White Hall the farms are fine nd very productive, and here is bere they are troubled about trans POrtation. Whether they go to Klns- on' Ll Orange or Goldsboro, they have to haul their produce, upon an average, from twelve to twenty miles over very heavy sandy roads. Now where is the remedy? Why, nature has provided that in Neuse rivsr. Many of these farms border on the river and if a steamboat, something like the Blanche of this city will be when she is re paired, was put on and regular tripg made for one year every farmer would soon become convinced of his folly in hauling cotton or other produce, and would ship it by boat. We are of the opinion that the Blanche would run to White Hall, and probably to Goldsboro, i . i Li ..r..i - ' least ien montns in me year. Ana u tn,s can be done, why kill teams and wear out vehicles hauliDg over heavy roads? The merchants at White Hall d0 "'most cusinees enough to keep a small boat running. Will not the owners of the Blanche investigate the propriety of putting her on this route, and wi" not tQe farmers along the river and the merchants at White Hall en courage the enterprise t It would pay them to join together and buy the Blanche and run it to suit themselves much better than killing their team over sandy roads. We would like to say something of our rink Hill friend?, but our space is up. We are at home out there and if we fail to thsnk Rete Jones, John Worley and John Noble for favors it is all right I any way. proceedirjg8 of the New Berne Bar, on tne Death of Maj. John Hughes The members of the New Berne Bar met Bt tbe court D0UBe yeeterday at 10 o'clock to take action in regard to the death of Maj. John Hughes. The meet ins wa. 0Biid to order bv H. R. Brvan. Judge George Green was then called to the chair and O. H. Guion elected sec retary. In explaining the object of the meet ing, Judge Ureen spoke in feeling terms of Maj. Hughes. He had known the deceased for 40 years, and oould truly say that his charaoter was without spot or blemish. On motion of H. R. Bryan, that committee of three be appointed to draft resolutions, the chair appointed H. R. Bryan, M. DeW. Stenvenson and C. COlark. Tbe following resolutions were offer ed and adopted: Whereas, We, the members of the Bar of the city of New Berne, have learned with deep sorrow of the death of our friend and brother John Hughes, fa torn torn- r . fort, on the morning of the Uth inst., I and whereas it is meet and proper that we eho'd 8ive PUD,i expression to our feelings on this sad occasion. There fore be it Resolved, 1st. That in the death of Maj. John Hughes, thiB city, county and State have lost a man at once wise, con servative and patriotic, in publio affairs ever faithful, and one whose life, as a private citizen, has oeen a bright ex ample of the virtues of such a station. 2d, That as a member of the Bar he was diligent and attentive to his busi ness, polite, courteous and respectful to the court and to bis fellow members. 8d, That tbe Bar attend his funeral in a body. 4th, That tbe chairman ot this meet ins be and he is hereby requested to present these resolutions to the Supe I rior oourt of this county at its next term, and ask that they he spread upon the minutes of the court. 5th,Tbat these resolutions be publish ed in tbe New Berne Journal and tbe Raleigh News and Observer, and a oopy be sent to the family. After reading the resolutions, Mr. Bryan mane appropriate ana touenmg remarks upon the life and character of e deceased, and was roiiowea by mr. Stevenson, who seconded the resoiu- tl0D8 owvenson was lonowea oy Messrs. John S. Long. L. J. Moore, C. 0. Clark, Clement Manly and F. M. Simmons, all of whom spoke in highest I""0' " mbj. xingnes purity or cnar aoter; his uniform courtesy to the mem- ers of the Bar, bis fidelity to clients, I the roundness ana completeness or his mwileot, hie devotton to unristianity nd active work for the ohurch, his 1 eminent conservatism; and tney an J 'P08 'n terms of deep regret of the I loss the community sustains in his a I"6"1' . witn tne exception or one or two members, who were unavoidably ab- I MnI' 1,18 eE"re K" WM present, with a number of other prominent citizens I or great solemnity and eaoh heart mourned the loss of so noble a man Distress after eating, heartburn, sick headache aad indigestion are cured bv I Hood Bartaparilla, It also creates a I o appetite, i , f a Shipping News. The steamer Annie of the E. C. D. line will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Eaglet of this line will arrive to morrow. The Tahoma has made its last Ocra- coko and Washington trips for the sea son and will resume tbe regular sched ule to lower Neuse and Bay rivers, commencing tomorrow morning, leav ing at 8 o'clock. Personal. Judge Etban Allen, of Texas, with a party of seven young ladies, passed through on their way to Texas. They spent a few days at Morehead City and enjoyed the fishing hugely. Messrs. Willie McCarthy and Win. O'Brien left yeiterday for the Catholic College at Belmont, Gaston county, N. C. Col. Jolin W. Hinsdale, of lUUigh, 19 in tbe city. Mrs. Foliett, of Durham, is in the city. Mr. Frank Hancock ca:no down laBt night. Mr. S II. Coward left for Seven Springs. Mr. Milton liollowbll returned to Kinston yesterday. Among the passengers on tho steamer Newberne yesterday were Mr. Joel Kinsey and Mrs. Kinsey. Sheriff W. B. Lane and Mrs. Joseph Kinsey for Phil adelphia. advertisement. I A CARD. .New Berne, N. C. Sept. T. VJ. Mr. Editok: In Mr. Hugh J. Lov- ick'scard, as published in tbe Jocknal of the 7th instant, he evidently intends to prejudico the public mind aguinst Mayor Williams by omitting the main facts in tbe case in which ho (Mr. Lov ick) states that he was "brought before Mayor Williams and adjudged guilty.' As he has opened the matter for public discussion, I deem it but just, as the counsel who appeared in defence of one of parties charged with the offence, and against Mr. Lovick and the other co defendants for an assault on Peter Wil liams, my client, to give the public whom Mr. Lovick has by his card given his side of the story, tbe entire story that they may be enabled to judge cor rectly in tbe premises. Now the facts are these: Hugh J. Lovick, J. B. Clark, John Green, W. M. Asher and Peter Williams were all arrested and up be fore Mayor Williams, charged with be log disorderly and committing a breach of the peace. The evidence of the only two disinterested witnesses, J. W. Har rell and Virgil Bryant, is that they saw the entire difficulty, and that J. B. Clark held Peter Williams around the neck, Hugh J. Lovick had his (Peter's) arm pinioned behind him, John Green had an uplifted chair, W. M. Asher at the same time struck Peter Williams in the mouth. Williams was in the court with his face swollen and bloody. It was further in evidence that at one time during the fight Asher had a beer bottle and Williams a chair. The wit nesses for Mr. Lovick and the other de fondants stated that they saw only a small portion of the d'fliculty, mid know but little about tho matter. U is true that Messrs. Lovick and ( lark, de fendants and interested parties, denied tho statement made by tho two wit nesses above named. Upon hearing the evidenco and knowing full well that whenever it appears from tho evidence that a deadly weapon was used or serious injury done, the Mayor is then ousted of jurisdiction, and probable cause appearing, it is bid duty to desist from trying the cause, and bind tho party or parties over to answer the charge in the Superior Court, the Mayor therefore simply bound all the parties over to court and did not "adjudge Mr. Lovick guilty, "as ho stated in his card. This is the head and foot of Mayor Williams offending Mr. Lovick, and tun friendB suroly cannot complain of the treatment he received at the hands of Mayor Williams, for after tho j'idg ment of the court had been rendered ho used language and his conduct was such that the Mayor would have been justified had he committed him for contempt of court. As to the matter of controversy between Mr. Clark and Mayor Williams, lugged in by Mr. Lovick. I have no concern and will not notice further than to say that it had nothing to do with the case then on trial. From the tenor of Mr. Lovick's letter one would think that he had special privilege, is above the law or his pres ence is too august to be brought before so small an officer as tbe Mayor. As in this Democratic country there are no privileged classes, Mr. Lovick would fare better in the Sandwich Islands, where there are privileged persons, and he may attain that dignity. In his card Mr. juovick occupies the novel position of defendant, witness, Judge and jury, revealing Pooh Bah in the play of Mioado. My client was also bound over to oourt, but I shall not at' tempt to try his case before the public whom I believe care very little about what is done with either of the de fendants. Reepeotfully, J. E. O'Hara. Vigor and Vitality Are quickly given to every part of the body by Hood s Ssrsaparilla. That tired feeling is entirely overcome. The blood is purified, enriched and vitalized, and oarries health instead of disease to every organ. The stomach is toned and strengthened, the appetite restored The kidneys and liver are roused and Invigorated. The brain is refreshed the mind made clear and ready for work, Try It. Beecham's Pills aot like maglo on a weaa stomaon. Sunday Trains Discoatiuei Through the Summer. . . Editok Jocknai.: As the time kat J. hand for the appointment of diraotOM and President of lii- A. & N. C. R., it is to be hope J thai Mich men will be se -lected who will L,.tii enough respect ' for the Loru V day :.i '(ei:;t from ruB ning trains on the Sblth through the V summer. I under, running Sun y tra. man car has t bv r God will rs: it ( j violate his- i.ly c . Pullman Cr ( ', ! if it is kept up t;:: hereafter, that ti.,- i the excuse fof., - .1 that the Poll ti Sundays, he persons mha i aivount of the Miggost that uh the summer n.d Le set apart i.n.iry cause. C. and giv; n io :ik i. . Alliance Notice. I have this day made arrangement! for bags t, i ci- r mir cotton with in case our cutum : -ing dots not come in time. Th bn. ..re only to be used until our order le.r cotton bagginff oan be filled. 1 hiv. also made arr aug ments for lies. All p.irtiea are request ed to see me and 1 will give them prioee on any of the above goods. I also re quest all farnier.-t aud ginners to see me before buying b igging or lies. I will be in New Heme every Friday orSaturdny. at I till Humphrey's store until furt! it notice. 1J. II. Perry. County Business Agent. Kuteitaiuiiit'iil. The Working Society of the Method ist Church will j;ive an entertainment at the ParaonHt;,, corner of Middle and Neuse streets, oa Wednesday night. September 11th. The parlors, hulls and grounds of the Parsonage will bo thrown open to the public. Refreshments, consisting of different kinds of ice cream, ices, cake. etc.. etc.. ill be served from seven to eleven o'clock. A special table will be pro vided for children. All who come may bo sure of a warm welcome and a delightful evening. 2t Wanted, Information in regard to standing timber. Objct to locate saw-mill. Address 1'. J. DELAMAK, scpllduv Oriental, N. C. EXCURSION " To Camp Meeting AT LANE'S CHAPEL The steamer TRENT, Captain Dave Roberts, will leave from foot of Craven street on an Excursion up Neuse river, SATURDAY, 14th inBt.,at ONE, P.M., for the Camp Meeting near Dudley's Landing. Will return Monday morn ing at b a.m. Fare for round trip, 00 cents. Tioketa will be sold at the wharf. COME ONE! COME ALL ! ! OE K. WILLIS, I'KOI'UIETOR EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA A..LI- Ul I-- 9 c v IV l-iic 1ST. O. Italian and American Marble and all qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. - G. E. Miller is my agent at Kinston, and Alex. Fields regular traveling agent- Absolutely Pure Wants El f ;fR0YALI8fcm L This powder 'never varies. A mart lof parity, strength and wholesonensM. Mat ; eoonomleal than ths ordinary kinds, and , cannot be sold In oompetlttoajirlth th tool tltude of low test, short weight, alum w ' phosphate powders. Bold only . In . koyax Baking Fownsa Oo., ius Wall at ' luneaj osn wea in w

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