J;) - 5 If 3 m,w ., rc)X7 ALL DHUGGISTS. ' W KIICIi 25 CErJTS PER BOXBl rrcpcrf 3 cnlyl)y THC3.BEECILIM, StHeIens,LmcashlreJhiglanii M. F. ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents -reu rxixxD stated, to tor cjiaist., new tore, Who (if your druggist doesnot.keep:&em) will ' mail Bcecham's v Pills oa receipt of vnofr-tottinquirtfrstS (Please mention this paper.) . v ' . "A .-w. ; ' Oan be had at R. N. Dtjity's Drag Sfcere, JJew Berne, H.O. 'irilH i (' 7 . , i m: ..I m i i fKfjArt-detjartment. . teyi location, Eight te achers. Full course -:Ho extra charge forlangliages -r VAi Boarding School ladies. Fall TerniSopens Aug, 29th. For Catalogue wittlpiticSlars Eddrcss , .V . JOSEPff'KIKSp? principal. woooworiKi(sAf i P AffAetiMEHlS(g TTT V. f fi'l-f' urn mil rrin-TrJ ' l1 I . Atlantic & N. C. Railroad t TIME TABLE It: 18 It Effect 0:00 A.M., Monday, October - . h,1Mth. 1889. . . iX i i t . NOIB1. Paatenoer Trabu. Ho.M, - ;Ar. lira, Buttons. 'At. iLte. t .r'paf 880 'GoIdabor?.Ml80 jam -mh4v 4 404 Kinstoa '10 08 10 18 .eoo 618' Hew Berne" 85i8o0 '-"'7" 1 SS ' f m- Morehe&d City . m 0 60 'i iWv TV U.-t ' 1 ' dorai EA8i.! ScHKDutB ' Goim Wbbt, ' .To a Nol. - v. - , r f ! NO. . " Klxed It. & -" -p - ' YMlxed Ft.: tass. Train. Station. Pass. Train. , , " t a tn 80 .VQoldabora.. 0 00 to , urt 83 7 80 $ La Grangff V 84f '7 44 ii 7 48' 7 B8 ' Falling Ceei:? Off.'iT 10 ' "', r 8 80 V Kinstoa.ma 1 65; 43 'i 8 50 8 55 Caswell v-f'5 80H W ' 15 10 0) fl Dover ,4 55.510 . ' n CI 10 89 Core Creek' 4 84 4 80 "..11 C! 11 C5 .TasoaroTft -W'8 B4: '4 00 1117 1141 "Clark:'e VYfttoMiM ; 13 13 , 8 00 ' V Kewbern o 10 83 . S 00 8 87 , 8 48 verdale - v A H o 83 ' 4 C3 in, 4tl 8 60 " -"Croatan 9 83 ; 9 83 418 '"-HaTelocki 8 69 9 04 ! 4 43 t v Newport n 8 17 ! 8 37 4 65 Wildwood "t 8 00805 BC1' 311 5 01 1 AtlantiO ..,7 471 53 6 31. roreheadCity ' 7177 37 0 23 Atlantic notel .. 70J;S15 p ra :I.Tnrehead Depot a m 7 00 ky,l uuroTn.i HMnroaj-u ; . 1 n-, ,y, 'W adnesday and rrldajt. . j y! ' I'lntivi s v1WtHnlnn Vsl i tn- 1 ? ' i. leaving OoldsborO ..i 'i' roll:riU n..ra. d A lo villa ..'v f ate- .. tu o .1 i n.ia.. and WlUl i hi I Welkin I. iu lxoi4i :th , '.! ents w1rh Wilmington and n i n- r reiKnt Train, ctortn leaving UoldHlioro Stl0:UO p,Ta, ' C Lw CI, a Superintendentii . td the -Front I -C3 tvit FAFweit, bold, viRllont. i "t. It h"S oninhms 'I, e in uina. i. l oi"an a A 111 1 (ton '"ma '- lAH, .j. Ad- :fh -! ... .jlj;; c3inea in Rates low. ffbif.? Girls and Young BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL ;-,f. FOB ' "- 1 Young Ladies and Little Girls UILLSBOBO, N. C. The Misses Nash and Miss Kollock will open the Sixty-first Term of their Sohool, WITH PRICES REDUCED to 8UIT THE TIMES, on Wednesday, sopt. 4, 1889. Situated in the town of HillaWn famed for its healthful climate and cul uvarea eooiety, great advantages are offered to parents in having special at tention paid to the health, mind, morals ana manners 01 tneir children. Uircn lars sent on SDDlloation. By the kind oermtssion of these iren tlemen we would refer to Dr. Charles Dnffy, Jr.. MrOeorge Allen and Clem- ent maniy, jgq. sep4dlm Schoo FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. New Berne, N. O. Fall -Term oommenoes first Monday in oeptemoer. . .. - i , . Three, Deoartmeatsi Primarr: inter. mediate and Academic u .Building large, commodious; and fur nished with a well-equipped Laboratory and Library, and necessary applianoes yimurstTOiassiiignocnooi, ! , ;i acuity consists of live, exporienoed and progresaive teachers. , Instruction thorough and practical, v Special attentiou paid to Voice Ccl ttjbb, and to phyBiOal, moral and spirit" ual development.; fes; Discipline mild, jbnl' fquk. -t Special inducements offered to poor boy and girlg desirous of procuring an edu6ation'?j;:fi?!..si;:t':T.'-' i--jBonrding facilities good!. - Expenses reasonable y .' For circular or information, address Jy?9d wtf 4 G. T. ADAMS, Prinoipal, 0 r;!,fS'" DicrasH. WORKS. HOWTS OBTAIS THEM. Any rabaorlbar to thsnin.var UrnitTv JouBiar.,who has paid one year in advance. wui De antiued to 10 per oent. discount on a Set of, CHA.8. DIOKiNS', WORK& For the money, this is the best edition on tha mar ket. - -"X -".- I-'- V -.!! ''l -'-V'' " Gomrjarad Wltn the cost of former, rtmn recent day, It Is amaslng how the prices of standard books are now rednoed. This it specially true or the works of Charles Olok eni, and the moat marveloasly cheap edi tion of hla works ever published la unques tionably the "Bos" edition, now issued by Jobs B. Alden.the Literary. Revolution" publlBher, Mew York, Chicago, and eke where. It is printed in good, clear, large faced nonpareil type (from the'sauie plates aa Appleton's Popular ' Horary Edition, prloe per set tIO.00), donble-oolomn pages, small anarto form, easy for the sva.snnvs. ulentto handle, and le handsomely boaad ia etuin, m eigap volumes as louowsi . j List of the Vols.Over t30 lUastr'ns, 1. Wartltt Obuzslewit, 5. David Uopperfleld, -j jtarnaoy Muage. . i. Bleak House. ' t Sketches br Bo4y, i Nicholss Nlckiebyi .Tale of Two Cities. Unoom'o'l Traveler, t PlokwJck Papers. ' ; Beprlnted Pleoes. " Oret Expeotntlons. - vnristmas etories, - auvw uww, , s , t, Mutual Friend, '' Hard Times, r , Ploturesrm Italy, 7. Dombe and Son. , OldOnrloaityHhop . Ajuencan notos. 8. Little Dorrtt. , Oliver Twist. PrlcePorVot 45c. FerSet $3.00. Blue of volnme 6 8 4 7 W Inches: postage f by mall, 12 cents per volume. tj in pie copies can be seen at this offlcs. f;THE JOURNALS tUYID ADM. Whea Robertson, the dramatist, aftef manf h&rd rtmgglee, taw lame ni for tune withio hia graap, he aaid t a friend : "1 hate now cot ererTtnins I waafc1' I hare known every kind of trouble, Jis- ppointmenc, na diBcouraeement. eren hunger; and now I have erery luxury juat as i am going awaj.1; - Pear aoul . Tby pea : hath given great i delight - . . -- j - To thousand! of thr fellow eonntrvment Thine was the. life-long effort, the dread - .. ngnt ; . For bread, as well as fame eternal, then I And so it was with Goldsmith, Burns, and Foe. And many sons of genius whose grand . , Kins Have swept the ages with snblimest flow, ureat rusnmg torrents from tne moun tain rifts. Shakespeare himself, thy tutor and thy Saw, likeio thee, the years so darkly by. Till, when he reached the acme of desire. Me had bnt tune to sip the oup and die. Yet, noUo die, but with the gods to live Among the mighty ones of Greece and Home. Mid stormless skies dramas of earth to (five There, iu the radlent realms of bliss, at nome. Sweet play wrightl We thy memory revere witn tnine owakinsmen and thy native ' . land. And hold thee iu our hearts as warm and dear As If we all had clasped thee by the nana. Ours" are thy fame, thy honors, and Wiyseir, "Ours" in our breasU to have forever more ! "Ours" to lament the tardy smiles of nelfl Ours" all thy glory on the mother shore ! And if the world gave but a welcome cold lo .uiy lire labors and ambitious dream A wealth of love abovo all trausient cold is mine on immortality s blest stream Lack of Trained Teachers. S .1 Ml . i-roui a group oi illustrated ar tides in The Century for October on educational topics we qnote tbe loliowing: "The absence of any proper and adequate professional training in the past of over three hundred and twenty-five thousand teachers in the United StateB, bnt a small proportion are graduates even ot normal schools has made itself felt not only in the schools of the United States, bnt in those Qf Europe as veil. The work of the schools, speaking broadly, has been poorly done and the mass of the school population has not even been properly instructed, much less edu cated. It is not meant by this that the common school, the world over, naa accomplishes nothing; for the nistory ot Scotland since Knox, of the United Spates under the Con stitution, of Prussia since Jena, and of ranee under the Bepublic, tells a far different story. But popular education has not accom plished all the results hoped for, simply because popular education does not as yet exist. The frame work, constitutional and adminis trative, is generally provided, but the proper supply of the necessary agents, thoroughly trained and equipped teachers, is Dot vet forth coming. Seasons may doubtless be given why this is so. The teacher's salary is small and his tenure of office is insecure. These obstacles are not easily removed. In the United States, the absence of any national system of education makes their removal a matter of extreme difficulty and one involving great loss of time. Public opinion which, as our latest and kindest critic,.Mr. Brycei'Bays, is not made, bat grows .in America must stimu late State, municipal, and district autnontie in torn before any ap preciable results can be secured. The process is a laborious and an certain one., for the name oi these authorities is legion. Because these obstacles are not removed, the. pro iession oi leaoning involves sacrifice -which , thellawyer, : the physician, or the man of business is not called upon to make. , i "Another -consideration, and very Important one. deserves notice. The face that theaniveroities have very generally neglected to provide instruction in the- science of educa tion has had a powerful Influence in retarding cue progress of the teach tag profession. f In i view i of! the relation which in any sound system the universities should; bear to the bcuoois ana to the state at large, this neglect is nothing leas than cuipame, ana the efforts now mat ing to repair it . come too-late to prevent serious loss to the Oanso of popular, education. At least nine German universities,.- two . Scotch universiwes,iana e; or oorc own institutions4 of first rank have re Cognized the claim bf the science of Bdncatlon to a place itt their ealen; dare. ; It is only a question of time wnen tne JtsogUsh universities ana tne older and more conservative Oi our American colleges will follow their exitople.'k L Pain and Dread attend the vie of most catarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are unpleasant as well aj dan gerous. . Ely'a Cream ;Balm ir.Mfe; pUf5ant,iea8ily aprlied into the nostrils and a sure cure, it cleanses the nasal pa" 4 and herds the inflamed mem brar j, -vi -3 roKbf at Once. Frioo 60oi TkyMpUe,tb4bUltatd.wbtk r frnt we f wark X.nala4 ( kMrinurPiiuH Ilalarial Hesions win find Tf fa the moat rMiil miirmWMiir xienii Try Them Fairly. A Ylrroaa kdr. dsn klf. iImh awrvM ud a ekiTiU oi tm& w ill revolt, - H SOLD EYEETWHEEE. GREAT BARGAINS. The Stock pf General Hardware, Cut lery, Looks, Hinies, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron, Steel, &o Ac, also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Maohinery, Cotton Gins., &o., belonging to the business of Geo. Allen & &.,, will be closed ont during the next few weeks at VERY LOW PEICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Allen & Co., by either note or account, are hoti fled that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. S. WOOD, augl dwtf Trustee. HUMPHREYS' Da. HtmraWTS' Sracincs are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions t used tor many yean In prlrate practice with suooeeauul for over thirty yean used by the people. Every single Spe elflo u a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics euro without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed the aoYereign remedlesof the World. un or nntdriii os. cubes. peic revera, iwngestion, innammauon. .. Wanna, Worm Fever, Worm Colic . Drying Colic, orTeethlngof Infanta uiarraei of Children or Adults. . Uysentery, arji Caelera IHorb pangha, Cold, Griping, BIUoub Collo... . trbua. vomiting Searalgia, T oothache, Faceacbe. . . . Headaca esjSlckHeadaohe, Vertigo Jysaepsia, uiuous oiomacn ippretsea or t-aiaiui renoas. 1'2 VV1 15 t'rpBP. Cough, Difficult Breathing Bites, too rroiuse renoas. . 14 Bait Ksiensn, iutsip R,liensn. Ervslbelas, Eruptions. Beamatlsai, itneuroauc rains.. iBtlam, Kbeu no Aaae. Ct pver and A gae, cuius, tiaiana. . lies, uima or sieeaing atarvh. Inflnensa. Col ma JoldlntheHesd VBOOPing USSgDl V lUlflll, 1uukub. eneral Debility, Physical Weakness Lianeyuisea.se.. ervons Debility 1.9 ..1 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed. Diseases of theHcart.Palpltai tlonl.O Bold by Drnggjata, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Da. Humphreys' makuai, (144 pages) Honly bound tn cloth and gold, mailed free, HBrnphreys' MedldneCe.MB Fulton St. H Y. SPECIFICS. All of the above medicines are for sale at the' drug stores of F. 8. Duffy and R. Berry. Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Insurance. INSURANCE ON Cotton Gins, Saw Mills, Country Stores, Country D (veilings. Life, Fire, Marine, Accident, Fidelity, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler Insurance. Tbe assets of the Companies repre sented by me aggregate over $100,000,000. WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Newbern, N. C. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agents for owners we offer for sale on easy aad aooommodatlnz terms the follow ing d escribed improved Real Estate In the tiiiToineir eerne: No. 1. WHAHF PROPERTY- AT UNION POINT : Includes the piece of land known ac "THE ISLAND." and the wharf or roadway leading; thereto from East Front street. Also, water space now being filled In. The looauon is tne Dest in tne eity lor an mann factoring purposes, while the largest waft visiting onr waters have ample depth of water tor wading ana unloading at tne wnarr. No. a. TWO HOUSES AND LOT8 AT UNION POINT, occnp'ed as dwellings. No. 4. THK IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON UHaVKfl HTKKB.T. No. 6. BRICK BTORE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN STREET occupied by R. 0. K. Lodge, A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with the best terms upon which the same will be sold, will be furnished on appUeatlon to the undersigned at their office t netoutn rront street. WATSON STREET, .dec dwtf Ins. and Real Estate Agtt. YUUABLE TEUCK LAUD iFQH SALT. About FORT? AORKfl rT.RATtRD LAND. situated witnin two rnues or tne city, suit' swue ior ituok raising, a great bargain , ppiy to WATSON A STREET, mailt Real Est. Agents, EjsStern Carda KspatcH, MuctioninVFreiglit Rates, i Th rednoed rates on freight by this Una from all points ; North, take effect today.'a-'v.'.; .''i w" ''. 1 '- m--'- 't-: 5EO. HEDEESON Agent. " - Newbern, N.Q.iAagi 15,1889.; RJIUDEnfOIJliY! i rS'lUYE JPorMSTsrTAHnffi MAWHOOBt PIS UvllllC General sad KKRV0US BEBIOTTj flTTT? "H WsaVasss ef Body aad Kindt Effssta V ef ErTors or Exesssss tn.01(l or Yonair, Rlmt, oM. W1NHOOD tullr Rmtorri. How to sUimut iu,iiNiKuirm okuam a wats.f ioor. tHMMf tahlllnf HUBS TKKtTMKKT-BmM k, s in, trntmutj ltm 41 Stow, terrltorlM, mi hratga CwMriM, CmSIii. loawvrttslkMi, BMk, (VllxpluaUoa, aS piwajasuil I (TM. un mtaiiu DniUFiAiJ,i.r, llTuckepifiltl Brand, I Desi, 8hde- in Httr Matlcet :u wui oots notning to call tad amino. iy8 dlaw&w6m Kinston. N. O. " PROFESSIONAL. EODOLFH sum. x. . kiioh. Duffy & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. a Office over R. N. Duffy's drag store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low oounty. apli dwly P. ff. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAV, AND MONEY BROKER Craven St., two doors South of Journal offloe. A specialty made in negotiating small loans for short time. Will practice In the Gountlea ot Craven, Car teret, Jonea, OnalowAnd amlloo. United States Ooort at Mew Berne, and Supreme Court of the State. febl dtf CLEMENT H1NLT. O. H. QUIOH Manly & Onion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offloe 2J floor of Green, Foy & Co.'s bank, Middle street, New Berne, N. C. Will praotioe in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Oourt of the State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6 dwtf F. M. SIMMONS. H. L. QIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the connties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl3dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, riwichi, a. u Ofl in or. trtt and Broad. . llt i'CllOOJ ur7-ldawX Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured IT A0HINISTERIH0 SR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be alvsn in a cud of coflee or Us. or in sr. tides of toed, without the knowledge of the ner- son taking It; It la absolutely liarmleBs and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tnepauent is a moderate (in n ier or an alcoholics wreck, it NEVER FAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance, w pak'O UooK rcttL. AuurcBs in connueiice, OLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. 1 85 Rao . v. Cincinnati 0 $75 to $2561 OO A 1IOVTR can be made working for as. Agents preferred wlio can furnish a horse and give tbelr whole time to tbe busi ness. Hpare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies In towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main Bt.. Richmond. Va, N. B Please state age and bi slness ex perience. Never mind about sending stamp ior repiy. n. . j. s lo, aprsaom 1. B. ORABTREE. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CEABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Engines. Boilers, Saw Mills, Edging A Cut-off Machines, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds witn promptness. Particular and Immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates ior any aesoiipuon oi macmnery. We are the seen ts for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for O. A A. Bargamln's cele brated indestruotlble Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work aona ov os. lyzi azaw wiy A GLANCE 1 IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF; " Bell The Jeweler " Will oonvince any one that we have in stock the Largest, Most Varied, and Complete'Line of Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and Silver Head Canes in the State. it win De to Duyers interest to see our goods before purchasing. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. H. CUTLER, Tiee Pre. G. n. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL DANK OP NEW BEENE, N. C. Incorporated 1866. ffi Pr.ni.; - "SS:?!!!! DIRECTORS. Jab. A. Bey an, Thomas Daniels, L. H. Cctlib, Crab. B. Bbtan, UEOEQE ALLEN, F. M. SIMMONS, U. U.. UOBEBTS. J, 7.1 STEWART Urgestook ot Fine Horses and Males ponBtahtlyonhand.: Baitsd to driving; draft and (Mm work. 'Good and safe tingle ' and .doable teamir .Mi 1 f Saddle hom for both Udies and gin- tiemen. .Opett elNayvtnd : litest 11 BTELAMEB8. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fait Freight Line U flU law Bar at a. Eaatac . Th iwltai Polmta. and afal,i SsUiwri PkllsvdalplUa. law iHajltslw, " Kt.-Tla gltiafcat City. U.O. v THE 8TEAMEE? Eaglet and Annie or uiia una wUl tan cm regular scbed ala Umaw ' leaving Kav Barn avafT MONDAY. walMEXDlV ' and t'HlDA lor Ulxnoeth City, and rotors ' &atvd'oay M0NA,AV' lacaauAi aa4 Theae u teamen, in eonnantlan Mtk th " Atlantle A N, O. H. It.. Norfolk booihara SL &, aw York, fhiU. and MorfoU &. Uaad the Pennsylvania K. h., lorm a raUabl a4 regular line ottering auuirlnr (uiinti a quick truntooriailuu. Ho tramuera exotnt at niuhath ratw . which point treiiibt wUl baWadMk. go through to destination. mreoi ail goods to be shipped via uarollaa lHapatoh daily aa follows rruiu new ion. DT renu. K. S Fiat S. North Elver. From Phuadolphla. by Phllsw ABallav ia oi, Diauon, From rJal'lmore by Puna.. Wli. a Rit. ai B.. Prealdent i. Nuiin. " Prom Norfolk, hv N From Boelivi. by Uerchania A kiiuniu. ortion v ..: New York and Hvw ffg'firT Hales aa 10 mil time nnlnk..!,,.. w. other line. W. a- JOYCE (Gen. Firt. Traffle al P.H.U.1.U uir.i liafflo Manaaar GEO. STElHts. Dlvlalon t.i,hf -t P. W. 4 B. K 1!.. Phll. " B. B. OOOK', General Freight Agent. M T. H.C. HUDOl.NS. General FrelBht A..mt w 8. K. U., Morfola. Va. Ut.O, UKNUKRSON, Agant, iNrwberna. N. O. febldw OLD OOMIIIIOn Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. rhe Old Uomlnlon Bteamskln pamv's Old aud Favorite Water Root, via Albemarle aad Chesapeake Canal. rot' Norfolk, Baltimore, New fork. Phil.. dclphla. Boston. Provident, aud Washlneton City. And all points, North. East and West. On and after MUN IAY. Ai'ii sih iuim until fnrtner notice, ine ' ' Steamer MiNI'EO, Capt. SouthgatB. A N I Steamer NEWBERNE. Capt. PriUhett. Will sail from Norfolk. Va.. tor New Berne vliT WssUliiKton, MONDAYS mm rmuAYB. makln. oluse oouueoiiou witb the Hteamer of the 1'. it. B. li.LO.. for k'lmlnn T. N. x and all other landlnirs nn ih. b. J Trent Rivera. " Keturnlng, will sail from NEW RRRNKa for NORFOLK direct. TUKMIiiv J JZ? SZi" UAYSat TWELVE, M., (noon), maklng eon neotlon wllb tbe o. U. ft. b Co ehlJL for New York, B. 8. v Co.'s steame?! for Baltimore, Clyde Line Hbips forPhllis delpbla. M.AM. T. Co .- mhir.S nrf lr,.ci,l... ' mmvun Cnr nntlrlng efforts to please our natrona. I and niir tlmn.1 . . . and our almost perfect service for toe past fourteen years. l th. h.. . . nflcon .t,i r w ous them in the futurT " uo ior inKr. a t . , . . . . ire of O.D. 8. S.Oo.,Bor h18ger, wli' 0nd 8 !. oomfort- Uon wm be 'p-W thiSCTVoasSS tUn' E. B. ROBERTS, Agent. M88BS. ODLPEPFER A TDRNER, a k an lb, nonoix, va. W. Jl- STANFORD. vice-mgldent. New York OitT. The N. C. Freight Line HESCHAlITSfand SHIPPERS, TAEEJNOTICZ On and after October 15. 18s8, thlsUnewll resume their iegular SEMI-WEEKLY TELPS BETWEEN Baltimore and New Bernn Leaving Baltimore for New Kerne warw. NJMiUAY, BA'l'UlOIAV.at SIX P. M. Leaving New Berne lor Baltimore, mica. UA, HATUKJJAY, at W1X P.M. This la tne onlv in u t, ir u. . Berne for Baltimore without change, and on : ,"Lr :: "ure come diree i'lijew Berne, btopping only at Nottolk, oen nectlng then for Hat,n pu. .'.C7. delphla, .Richmond; and all n'Z?. s5?.-rSrT.Wef- MatlD8 " connection.. I ?fa J Points by River uud Krll out of New Bern- REUUliN r OST4.R, ueu' l Manaeer JA8. W. MCCARRICK K'"m,"- W P.Clyde A :n pi,r,,.it. ..'.?-IX- wharves. ' " Normnv & ham peon, Boston, r53 Central wharf. S. IL Kockwnli Prr,J.H.," ""an. Ships leave Boston. Tuesdays and Saturdays. " Newport dally. Pblladelphla, Mondays, Wedae days, baturdays. 'i"" tP'ovldence. Baturdays. Through bills ladlnir nlvn AVOID BREAKAGE OB" BTJLK Alt SUIP VIA N. C. LINK, 8.H. GRAY, Agent, new eiue,N.O. NEff BERNE AN0.PAMLICO UNE. THe Steamer TAHOMA. MIDSUMMER SCHEDULE Commeuclnif Thiirai tlnulng ourlni the monfi. of Jn55 and Dart of Hxnismiu. ""i'""""" ule will be In operation: T"!' ai ZiiZi w """won iwirsday morn in cat S;-?'1.00 0T yboro and lnmedKI landlms. i?-V-e.S3rboro Thursday nlaht forOenu i . Z' ""YlnE nere Friday mornlnsj arrlTst luvnlVnv,!,.., j ' .?D ' niatWaVhrntorY,T.wr.rtT- . iave Waslilnirton Tnii. T..' , riving at Ooraooka am ,i. ' i""'"i'a ' 1 .. k , " w neaneaam Leave New Rmn tk j. 1 ' " ' ' . continue run as deswinedr rmna .1 Wing' ZZ"1 2r ltSSI : I tuuuurauniEV nr v .... anooeanaumnieVrrrT"100,,Mn,w,a " .nteWbalrSt ' 8Uli?JrBr0k M return Ckrinlt-rrr"r"-',---w Jp. H. MAN1X. Aasnt.

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