f J i - Jf t1 .1.-. ; CC1D DRUGGISTS. -? vPrilOE 25Q2rJTS PERBOXi& v rrtfjsrfi cly bj'THOS.BEECILUL SlHdehiLTjincaslilre.Efelin ' .15. F. ALLEN & CO.tSole AgenU',i ."i. r , FOB ISUTED STATES, A MT CJlHAI ST.., NEW YORK, v ; . - YVbo (if your druzjrist doe not keen; them. , will ' taltllBeechjun's ' v.-. 2v,-";3- Da w nad at B, Duffy's Drug 8tere, ffewBerne, N.O. : iM-Jiiixt iepaximent. Healthy 'location. Eigkj; V V teachers. . Fail bourse jnusic. Rates low. ::r extra are for Images, viL;4r Boarding School . Sftadisi' 4 Fall : Term v 5 Catalogue with full particulars address ! W V " . JOSEPH KIHSEY, Principal. MLOUIS.MO. 1 OALLAS.TtX :;V,i AGENT WANTED Atlantic & N. C. Ifallroad l. MA7IJf riBUB JVo. 18 l Kfleot 6U30 A.M.'. Monday. October ,V - 0ono East. ! Sohxsuiju . Gowa Wbbt. : no. 5L. - jtlmc tuwr gyaftts. no. do "j "Ax' Lt. Btatlona,' 'At,' Lut m i a -;uoidBboro; . ax u-. a m 09 '4 09' r U Grange 10 42 10 45 -4 8 . 4 40 i Klnstoa , JO 08 10 18 8 00 816 ''-Jfew Berne- nttBU.tfOO 7 B8, m VUorehead City m - 6 60 Goma East.' Sohkdpiji . qoivq Wist H 1 - .. ' H0rI.Tf, u,n -v'MlxedFt.& " Stations. '.Fasa. Train. 'Qoldaboro 0 00- v m Mixed Ft. V Pass. Train. - a m v 8 80 J" ' .,B7:705r v Best'e 8 04 '819 l 20 "780 lf 1 Orange"? 743" Mi" .Falling Creek, 184'744 :7 00 710 lit iflSO Kinston i- 8 0S 843 - 8 60 8 85 - OaWeU'-;rif , 8 15 10 OS ".Dow , 13 Ct 13 88 t . Core Creek- , - U 11 CS,, Tnnoirora .X'UlIU 4t Clark'e, 5 80 T 8 85 4 6a 8 10 424480 864 400 8 82 8 43 tflovB 0QrriIewbera 10 8 8 3 7 8 48 t Blverdale: 8 41848 Q QU. j, MUMUtH j.- 9 aa voo 4 lfl , Havelook 69 9 04 4 4r Newport ' 8 17. 8 87 4 65 ".redwood , i 8 00 8 05 . 4 1 i 4 7 4 CI 6 CI 813 ,'J Oil 5 01 Atlantic -7 47 7 oa 0 21 Morehoad City 7 17 7 87 8 3 r AtlaHioUotol, 705, I iv 700 d ri r.oreUead Depot n Vfl bnr day an t t"'nNlay'," W e 'enuay and r naayr .r i '''Wtlm!nft'1, Wel i , . t i, .vii.g uoidsboro .... . i :i A l nvUia i h o'Ki y na A iMivffle " it- nU" "i pra.,nd with . i vmiiua from ttia i .1 ki o:il i.a. ' 1 ..- ' ; l' :..';-"J t i 2 noii iinnts wUhi Wilmington ana . ...a iiiroiit'ti FntlKlit I rKiq, 'Nortn tioumli k'ivlug Uoiaboro at 10:00 p.-ti ; C.lDilli c. ?Tjerintadettyi'v to tlio Trcnt! ivk Fi R.boU'. vWlant. , wvw,' It. hoe oi ii ions ; i, r ..ttmn, ... i "h1 oh"i . , . . t t ""rt A ui II- r . i A. 1 i ii, . , .. . . Ad- If u , . j A " Arf 1 -J ," n k" ino pi' fflNUM 1 9 J. 3Gfiris and Young opens Aug:. 29th. For BOARD IN (J AND DAY SCHOOL FOB Young Ladies and Little Girls HILLSBORO, N. O. The Misses Nash and Miss Kollock will open the Sixtv-first Term of thnir School, WITH JBICES REDUCED to DUXT THE TIMES, on Wednesday, sopt. 4, 1889. aituated In the town nf HillaWn famed for its healthful climate and cul tivated society, great advantage are onerea to parents in having special at tention paid to the health, mind, morals ana. manners or tneir children. Uircu lars sent on apDlioation; ; tsy tne Kind permission of these gen tlemen we would refer to Dr. Charles untry, Jr., Mr. George Allen and Clem ent Manly, Esq. . sep4dlm New Dcrno High School FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Kew Berne, Jf. O. , . tall Term oommences first Monday In September. . . . -Three Departments: Primary,' Inter- meuiase ana AcaaemiO. " ; Battding large. oommodiourn(l nr hiahed yitb, a well-equipped Laboratory and Library, and necessary appiianoes of a flrstolau Sigh School. ' '. .1 acuity oonsista of live, experienced ana progressiTe teaonen. " Instruction thorough and practical. r Special attention paid to Voice Ottt,- toiw, ana to pnysioai, moral and spirit uniuBTBiupment. i - Discipline mild, but item. '' - Special indacements offered to poor boys and girls desirous of procuring an vuuiwwuh.. - . -:.t', -: .- . fioarding facilities' good J , " Expentes reasonable, ,. ., ' For cironlaror Information, address jy88dwtf;.T.pAMS, Principal, DICKENSSWOEKS. HOW TO OBTAIH THBU, I ' Any satworiner to the Daily or Wmn JotjBMia.who has paid one year in advance, Will be entitled to 10 per- cent, discount on a tot of CHA.8. DIOKHNB' WORKS. For the money, this is the best edition oa themai- ' Compared with the cost of former: mn reoent dayijt la amasln g bow the prloea of standard books are now radnoad. Thla la eipeolally true of the works of Charles Dlob- Dsrapa ue mosi nuurveiomiy cheap edl tlon of hi works ever published la nnquea tlonably the "Boa" edition, now laaocd by John B. Allien! the "Literary Revolution1' publisher, New Tork . Chloago.' and. alke- waere. it la printed in good, elear, large faeed noopareu type (from he same plates aa Appieion'a popular 'LI wary Edition, price per aet tIO.00). donble-polnmn wis, mail quarto form, easy for the eye, oonve ulentto handle, and la handsomely bound iu viouiriu eigat vuiumes t loiiowa; .tst erthe Vol.-0 e 130 Ulosti-'BS, 1. Martin CknixlewIW ..Barnaby liudge. I. Bleak Honae ' H J bketohea by Bos. 1 Wlcholns Nlokloby, 1 nle of Two Oltlea. li uoom'e'l Traveler. i, Plokwlok Papers,' S Imprinted Plecea, Oiettiiipeclatlons. S. David Oopperfleld. : unriiimaa h tones, 4, Mutnai FrJend, Hard Xlmea. . Clotures fin Italy 1 7. Pombe and Boni via uuriosiiy enop . American Notes, Little Porrit. Oliver Twist. Frlne Per Vol. 4 $ c. Per Bet $ 3.0O. t (i of vo'nme 5S 4 xt 8-4 Inches: postage v ) uipis cupii 8 inn be seen at this office. THE JQtmrAJi, If tou'm Mylhlng to frieve ion, - . - jj AotTfin your aeart with fr, 7 U Powtj bwiei near you, -1, ; V - And your days tr dimmed by tears, If you find with soul despairing - - m q uuwex 10 yoar. prayers, Pont say a wort about lL for .-jsoooay reauy cares.. If -health and strength forsake you, - ado. pain ana sicanesa prin? . A gloom that clouds the sunshine And shadows Terythlng, : If you feel that lot so jweary jous seiaom mocui.oe&rt, Dont bt a word about it, for Kobody really cares. This world is fond of pleasure, And, Ule U at Its best, lis sadly bored unless you Meet It with smile and jest: Iyawna. o'er Want's aomplalnings, At sorrow coldly stares, , So never telT your troubles. Nobody really cares. ill . "DOUBUSEilBIlT She has two eyes that twinkle so, One nerer can resists them : Two cheeks both red'and white you know, x wo ups ana 1 nave kusea tnem. Two tiny feet surpassing art. lwo wmte bands soft and supple And Yesterday she stole my heart 1 0 maKe a- uotner couple. Exchange. Monomania. Many ot ns have pet foibles. Exaggerate oae of these, and-lo ! monomania. A famous satirist has said that every man lg more or less crazy: bat, although this may Be sarcasm. it is not truth. There are millions of people in the world who are sane upon all subjects, otherwise it would indeed be "a mad world, my mas ters." Enthusiasm is not insanitv. aitnougu some nnimpressible per ... . sons, whose veins seem to have been injected with ice, are pleased to say so. The patriots of '76 were enthusiasts, but they were not monomaniacs. The methodical men in scarlet, who deemed they could crush tnem on mathematical pnnci pies, naa not much enthusiasm; but ii mere was hallucination os either side, it was certainly on theirs. ihe freaks ot monomaniacs would sometimes be very amusing .if we did not know that they were the manifestations of cerebral disease Many years ago we were acquainted with a gentleman who firmly be lieved that he weighed only two ounces. He never left the house when there was any wind Btirring, est he should be blown away. Ii a breeze sprang op while he was oat he woald cling to any coign of ran' tage within his reach, and baw lustily for some one to come and take him home. Yet anon every subject except his own gravity he was entirely sane. A highly intelli' gent lady, who died a -few years ago in this city, was a monomaniac as regarded glass and china. The sight of a tumbler or a tea-cap wouta tnrow her into convulsions Some of oar readers have doubt less beard of Mr. Edward Postletb wayt Page, long a resident of New xorK, who irom a profound mathe matician and geometrician became a persistent enemy of exact science maintaining that the earth was as flat as a pancake, and that he had been to the edge of it, and gazed thence into the fathomless abyss below. Poor fellow ! he died insist ing on truth of his theory. Nobodv has Vfit tMwn sliU to explain monomania, The troth is none of us know anvthinsr -Abont 1G. . . , f a-p ' A SAFE INTESTIHEHT. Is one which Is fruarahteed to brins-Ton Bausiaciory results. 01 in case of failure return or purchase price. On this safe plan von can boy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery ior Consumption . It is guaranteed to bring relief in. every ease, when used for any affection of Throat, Longs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Longs, Bronchitis, Arthmay Whooping Cough Croup, etc, etc. IV is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended span. Trial bot tles free at B. N. Daffy's, wholesale and retail druggist., rrioeper doasa, 98.00. As one matt that ranoeth id haste and leapeth over a fence may fall into a pit which he tloth not see, so is a man that blansreth sdddenlv into an action before he hath con sidered the.consequencea thereof.,; ; Bwekieat' si Anrlest Salve. h,vt TOM Bkbt Salt. In the world for Outay Braises, ;? Bores, TJIoera.: Bait Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Oorna. and all Bkln Eruptions, and positively' cures pile or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money r funded. ) Price 90 oeota per box.- Fo sale bw B.-N. DnffTvi Ian It t . What the ideals'of the. past have done for the present, ' those of the present are now doing ana will con tmae to do for the future, .,-tABTWBTo mornmmitfiia Mrs, rJ(VntBiiow'ii Boothdio- Btbw should always be need for ohildren teething. It soothes the child, softens tbe kudos, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for "diatv nuoa. xwenty-Hve cents a pottl.-x: Eeecham's Pills cure bilious and few ous ills. - mm Tk7wftle,tlM4ekUlts.whetk. UnTnnal Regions, will tim Twt PUU tke sat tmim Try Them Fairly. ! A ri(ra k4)r, mm M4. Knai NU wind will resole SOLO EVKHY W1LKSB. L GHEAT BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hardware, CuU lery. Locks, Hupes, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Walloper, Paint, OU, Qlaas, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, boa. Steel, &o., &c., also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., &c, belonging to the bnsiness of deo. Allen & Co., will be -closed oat daring the next few weeks at VEBY LOW PBICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Alien & Co., by either note or account, are noti fied that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. S.' WOOD, augldwtf Trustee. HUMPHREYS' Da. HtmrHftKTi' SraciFics are aolentlflcally and eareruuy prepare TMfi In nrtTftte D pre pared preKrlptlona 1 Used (or many thirty yean ned by the people. Every single 8pe- practice wiiuuvoeBt,aiiuiurover dflo u a peclal cure (or the dliease named. These Speolrlca oure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the ayatem, and are In (act and deed the eavereign remedlesol'theWorld. uitt nv nndpu. Hoe. ecus. prices. Fevera, congesnon, mnammauon. .. Weraia, Worm Fever, Worm Colic . . Crying Colic, orTeething of Infant Diarrhea, of Ohildren or Adulw. . . . tyaentery Orlplng, BIUoub Colic... . Byaentery, Cholera. Mo Coasha, Cold orpusv vonuung X Moral aria. Toothache. Faceftchn . nroncmtiB.. vaMnali.. nllloufl Stomach. eadacaea, sicatieaaacne, verugu White, too Profuse Period CroaPi Cough. DlflU'ult Breathing .. BDBreaied or FalBlul rerioas. alt Ukeuui, Jfrysipeias, eruptions, theamatlam, Rheumatic Pains. .. . ererand Agoe, rer ana i ea, Blind . Chills. Malaria. . llaa. Hllnd nr Bloedlnl ratal 1 or Bieeaing Whoopina Coaffh, Violent Coughs, rrh. Innuenia, coidintneHeau OPlTia tiOagBl TlUMJatWIURIIB. I'enei lmw m.a.n arral Debilltv.PhyalcalweaXnesa -"j .. - x rroaslcbllity ............ ........i.nu rlaary Weakneia, wetting uea. .DU laeaaeaoi iacuntrBii)iAuuui.ui Bold by DrugKlats, or aent postpaid on receipt of nice. D r. Humphreys' Manuai.. (144 pages) rlcnly bound In cloth and gold, mailed free. HawphreTS' MedlclneCo.l't Fulton 8t. N Y. SPECIF ici All of the above medicines are for sale at the drug stores of F. S. Duffy and R. Berry, Middle street, New Berne, N. C. Insurance. INSURANCE ON Cotton Qins, Saw Mills, Country Stores, Country Dwellings Life, Fire, Marine, Accident, Fidelity, Plate UIassrSteam Boiler Insurance. The assets of the Companies repre sented by me aggregate over $100,000,000. WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Newborn, N. C. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agents for owners we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms tbe follow ing d escribed Improved Beat Estate in the Ully Of aeir Berne: No. 1. WBAKtf PROPERTY AT UNION POINT ; Includes the pteoe of land known at 'THE! ISLAND," aDd tbe wharf or roadway leading thereto from East Front atreet. Also, water space now being tilled In. The location la the best In the city for all mann factoring pnrposea, while the largest oiaft vlaltlna onr waters have ample depth of water for loading and unloading at the wharf. No. 3. TWO HOUSES AND' LOTS Al UNION POINT, oconn'ed as dwellings. No. i. THIS IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON URAVJtN HTREET. No. 6. BRICK MTORE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN BTREET ooenpled by R. O. S. bodge. A fall description of this valuable proper- S. together with tbe best terms upon which e same will be sold, will be furnished on application to tbe undersigned at their offloe ibdobu r runt aireet. WATSON A STREET, deeS dwtf Ins. and Real Estate Agts. YUUABLE TRUCK LiKDJOR SHE. Abont FORTT ACRES CLEARED Land. situated within two miles of tbe elty, suit able for truck raising. A great bargain, , . Apply to - 'w WATSON A STREET. may 16 Real Est. Agents. Eastern Cardiaa Dispatch Rednction in Freight Rates, 'The reduced rates on freight by this line from - all points North take effect toaay, n - - r s 'a . , , . -- . . ' GEO. HENDERSON, Agent. ZTewbern, N. a, Aug.' 15, 1889. : Wwl 1 1 1 C Oeaeral aai NERVOUS DEBrjaTTi rfTTT Tl Wtakmess of Body and Kiadi Effaets U - Xt4J ef IrrmerXnaaaasla Older Yooaf. SMt, 9Mt SAHHIHll) rallr KntoiS. Un U Salamwi tlrwrtbM Wttm,lJKUKTKUllltD OKUATO riRTSrsoi, MMouir nftillhf HUB TKKiTSUiT S...u ht s ai, i ta.tlr tnm 41 IU1M, TnrlUrlM, tmi tmlf CaaaMM. laacuwHtatkM. BMt, fkllnluaUM,aa imdaU Ull MUWU IBM lUflAll, 1. 1, TheTuckef& Smith Brand, - Dest Bhbe:ia Iht Market ror t$e price. ft:-'! It will cost nothing "M call und gi tmlne. '- O. ORAY, Kinston, N. 0, ijZ dlaw&w6m via PROFESSIONAL. bodoiph jorrrr. ' a.sB. irrxos. Duffy & Iriixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' . NEW BERNE, N. C. Offloe over B. H. Duffy's ofrng store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. apl9 dwly P. H. PELLET1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONEY BROKER.. -Craven St., two doors South of Journal offloe. A'speoialty made In negotiating amall loans (or abort time. Will praetlo in the Counties ot Craven, Oar teret. Jones, OnaloW and Pamlico. United Btates Court at New Berae, and Supreme Oourtot the State. tebidtr 0LEMX5T KANLT. O. H QDIOH Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offloe 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'b bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will praotioein the oourts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Court. apl6dwtf , F, U. BIJtKONS. H. L. GIBBS. Simeons & Xjibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Oarteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl3dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIHT, KtWBKKI O. 'itfle in rru and Broad. mwr r'olloax a -rl.mawi Drunkenness Or the Liqnor Habit, Positively Cured IT AOMINISTIIIflB BR. HAINES' OOIDEI SPECIFIC. It can be given In a cup ot coffee or It a, or In ar tlclea ot lood. without the kuowledie o( tho icr- aon taking it; It U absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and upeedy cure, whether tne patient la a moaerato ariniteroran alcoholic wreca. it NEVER FAILS, WeGUARANTEt a complete cure In every Instance. iH page complete cure in every instance, is page Do AuurciH in cumiueirco- SPECIFIC CO.. 1 86 Raci . v Cincinnati. 0 (hnCOO i.A (JQCnOO A MOTH can be jj J LU kpjJU made working for as. Agents preferred who can rurnlah a horse and Rive their whole time to the busi ness. Bpare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies In towns and cities. B. E. JOHNSON & CO., im ilaln St., Richmond, va. N. B Please slate age and bnsiness ex perience. Never mind about sending stamp lor repiy. n, u, uo, apr.iuom J. H. CRABTREK. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES AO MACEINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Engines. Boilers, Saw Kills, Edging fc Cut-cff lIacblaea, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds wim promptness. Parttoular and immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates ror any description of machinery. We are the aarenta for the sale of the Amer loan Saw. Alao for Q. A A. Bargamln's oele- brated Indestructible Mloa valves We give satisfactory guarantee for all work aona Dy us. ya datw wly A GLANCE I IN THE ESTABLISHMENT O " Bell The Jeweler " Will convince any one that we have in stock the Largest, Most Varied, and Complete' Line of Diamonds, Watches Fine Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and Silver Head Oanea in the State. it will oe to Payers interest to see our goods before purchasing. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L, E. CUTLER, Vice Fret 6. E. ROBERTS, Cashier THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, 80,700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bryan, Thomas Daniels L.H. uotlir, Chas. 8. Bryan George Allen, JF. M. Simmons, Roberts. O. H. J, 17. STEWART , Large stook" of Fine Horses and Mules oonstantl on hand. Suited to driving, draft and farm work. i 'j.Oool.'Vid. nf tingi ancl doable teanu.'-" ' v; '' ' ''-v.--;' Saddie horses for bath ladies and gen turned, Opeit M day and late it night. .vO' .' ':'-:''; !eP18 dll STEAMEBS, EASTERN CAROUNA; DISPATCH The Favit Freight Line ; Hw Berate, Baata F -aa "awU " Polatta. aja tTi Ifc fr 1 trsaees FhUadelpkia. law Iark.BwUi, Kta.-vla Ellaab4 City. H.C. THE 6TEA.MIE? Z Eaglet and Annie or una line win a i rannlar - anhri mi til leaving mew Heme every MONUaV. tliiiMmt am.l VUih. V . I. II .1 . . ' These ateamefa in connection with the Atlantic 4 l. K. WorfolA Howtaen K., gew York.PbilaTaud WoxfoUtTtlBVaia the Pennaylvaaia K. h., lorm a reliable umI regular line offering aanerUur quiok lrani-ortatlou . ' No transreri ezotpi at KUaabeth raw ei whloh pointfrelgbt lll be loaded ea Tenia to o through to deaUna Hon. " " ron Norfo.. by NortolASontharn at R rromuoaton. uy Merchanu al Inert Trana portotlonck ew Yyrkandiw Cacl otnlrTln" l0W nd "7 P.K.K.I.U iiulTrffliiM.iiu.r Tw8ri.iiiv3i.hiir,,ion,'reih't OKO.-UiCNUKRaoN, Agent, Mewberne.M.0. feb2U dw old oouinion Sleamsiiip Company. uail-WEISKIiY lilNK rhe Old Dofhlnloa SteamaUli, uiu nonunion atom.ki. r- paay'e Old and Favorite Water tionta, via Albemarle and CChaaapcake Cam&l. orfolk. Baltimore, Mew York, Phlla. delphla, Boaton, Provident., and Waehington CJy. And all points, Nortn, East and West, On and after MONDAY, AUG until lurtcer notloe, tne 6tb, 188S, Steamer MlNTEO, Capt Suntigiti, IKn Stealer NEWBERNE, CapL Pritchett. Will sail from Nnrfnl. Va., lor New Berne Tli Washlneton. MiiNiiivu and FK1UATH. m.nn Olose oouuecuon with thn Ht.... TT; . u. a. . u . . . il I. . 1 1 1 r h in.inn Trenton. uu mii uiuer lanaiUKs Trent Rivers. on the Nense and Returning, will sail from NEW bkrni or. Kirect. TUEhUAYH aSd Fri uA ioai, iwulve, M., (noon), maAlnceon neotlon with tbe o. U. 8. tt. 0? 'a ablna for New York, B. 8. P Co 'a tlS! FroVlden'oi1-' - tor Onr ontlrtng effort to please onr patrons. rourteen y ears. Is the best guarantee we saus folk.dVaaU g"d 0ar - 8 8. 0, orl Passengers will Ond a good Uble. oomlbtV r,bl8 "?.f'J oonrtesv andT- uo j,iu tnem Dy tbeoffioers. e. b. Roberts, Agenw OULPKPPER ft TtJKNER, Agents. Norfolk. Va atasSBS. W. H- STANFORD, Vice-President. Hew York Olty. The N. C. Freight Line HEECIIANTSiana SHIPPEES, TAZEJNOTICS On and after October 15, 1868, this Unewll resume tbelr regular 8EMI-WEEKLY TBIPS BKTWSKN Baltimore and New Bern Leaving Baltimore for New Rm. mtvtl. JNJISDAY, BATUUDAY.at BIX Leaving New Berne lor Baltimore, TOM- n,,. ,AX' HATUltOAY. at blX P?M. This Is tne nnlviiiukii,i - . Berne for Balt.mor; V UhVut' cb.ngVl 2nd oi S6il-lu rn trlp from itlmore Sfm to New Berne, btopping only ai Nol.oonl nectlng inen for boalon. l rovldeneTthTil delphla Richmond, and all rln ort East and west. Making oiosVoonneotfonl hwa:ipolnuby RlvtruSd Krl!ot oT Agt Dt ts follows: REUlih-iN uaTEK, Oeu'l Manager, JAB. W AicCARRinif MU'0," Bammore. w P j. RR1CK Agt.. Noriolk, Va. wharves f ''Ipnla.iatJOBitt New York North river. 4 Balto. Trans. Line, Pier; E. Sampson, Boston, 58 Central wharf. S. II. Kuril Wu La.,.w.. . Ships leave Boston. Tuesday s andtordays. Pnuadelphia, Mondays. Wadnaa. days, Baturdaya. ... ' Piovldenoe, Saturdays. TkroUKh b 1 8 liullnu rlun .. . anteed to all point. v ihe di Wnl offloaSMBf the oompanles. vmsw ui AVOID BREAKAGE OF BOMt AJf SHIP VIA N. C. 1INB. B, H. OKAT, AgenL , N e w Berne. S. O. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LINE. The Steamer TAHOMA, MIDSUMMER BCHEDTJLB, " Leave New Berne on 'i'huradav mn.ni.... sassr for swss& at Washington. N. 0.,same n?gh?T8, "WT , oi steamer UreenvllJe Batoroai reaohluic Oorannb. ,hD ,T,",uo." or ocraeoae on arrival norsonsj, , waaawsa 1L1K. A Leave Oeraeoke Sunday aftarAom ng at Washington same nlahf00 riving at Ooraeoke same dav' ! vlng ai Leave Leave Ooraooke WedneadVy nornla. w. . h Leave New Beine Thnrsdsy mornink aka ontlnueran esdescrlbed. w?T ? -. NewBiSM? m reinrnfnt , tbe . ."UiUIMISl night, affording ' - Wednesday .:?: persons an exesiiant - """"u.'v w spending a few d. i7h. owteip aerweek Wiii-be mad.:wiL V regular Mease ana Bay river rows. ; rr .. . 1 i vi lunner information apply lg r! t 'if 1 ' s' i 3 f V , -.

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