li I f t .! Jr Alabastiee, Ready ia4 i auU. eto., from WfllTTTT GATES. XT fctvs tae celebrated "Pack era" lit Cret i I --"ere bo sura and we tim telur t .ag any other. 7e Um fall (tack of everything in tie Hardware and Builders iine, and invite your attention to the Mine. f ' Areata for the Sherwin-Williams celebrated Ready Mixed Paints, and dealer! in Lime, Cement and Plaster. Tb 7c:hi2gton Post, A PAFKB, FOB THB MASSES. PeeUaned at tke IttiMtl Capital, th f the eemntry. a ."l ttht 7a1xi2igtoiLWeekly Post pepar.flUed to the brim .wltli the Terv latest sad most lmporta -MM(l matter.-All oi ttsdenartmentaare Id vJr at oeeeet Boen, end do peine of exponas ere spared to make Tbm wmkxt rear a Jnodsl family ne s paper. The enb . SrrHtVr pries of Tb W kkly Post U $ t fer year, payable trtetly In advaribe S.Ed " WwiMngton Daily Post V ' ethe only morning paper published at th 'SniHtaL Which posMBses the lactlltlea for v - 'gathering and printing tbe news of the day. With oar large corps of leporters and special ,r wrrtere we are enabled to produce the rnott rosdahls peperjrsr printed In Washington, , V The Importance of Washington news for tbe I lew moains snoum m ppreni there will be no better medium tb rough Which to obtain It thin Thb Daily Post. Tea subscription price of Tax Daily Post le u follows : - Dally, Sunday sxoepted, one year... $fi.00 Dally, Sunday Included, one j ear. . . 7.50 50 70 uo Dairy. Sunday except d, one month " ' Dally. Sunday Included, oce mouth 1 Sunday, 6ne;j ear - The Sunday Edit'n of The Post replete with Interesting features, and ne ... ew service Is unsurpassed by any lournal In ine United 8tates. Address all communications to THE POST, WASHINGTON' D. C. merit lm ,'A-COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. ' TH PBIDB or the'' NORTH CAROC "" ' Una press. I. A. BONI1Z. ' T. U. KXNUBbURY, LLvD. Eviltorlal Stair. WM.A.&ABN1. THE MESSENGER, . . j . PubllSBed in Three Editions. Vise 0ily messenger and Tbe Weekly - Heesencer. Puhliahad at Wilmington, N. C. Geidabero Transcript-IWesDKr J? ; "PabUaUed at Goldsboro, N. a t They are Large Eight Page Papers. ' ' TRIAL BATES : Dafly kessenger, by mall 4 njos. on trial, J2.00 Weekly Wilmington Messenger, 8 mca. 1.09 Goldsboro Transcript Messt nger, 8 mcs. l.oo -- , CASH IN ADVANCE. ' J. A. BONITZ. Proprietor. 8ale of Valuable Land in !U ' Jones Oounty, Z- Parseant to judgments of the Superior Ooart of Jones county, we will sell at public Auction at the Ooart Honse In Trenton, on Tmesdes sr. the 39th day of October, A.L) 1888, at 1 o'clock, Midday, the loiiowmg lenda. Tls: A traet of land situated In said Jones county, near Trenton, on TTit Klver, An tnina Itraneh and Crooked Run. being the tjutama lands which were devised to James MeDanlelbyhis father Janus Mouamei in ilthth article of his Will, which Is recorded la the offloeof the Baperlor Court of said Jonaa aountT. to which reference Is made foe full description (except the Conner tract sd the Commons tract), aw . Alee the Mills and Mill Beat known as the s McDuiel Mills, near the town of Trenton, v together wlth all the buildings and improve j. mentsof erery kind on tbe above mentioned , 4end. Terms Cash. W ' ' O. H OTJIOX, M 1MW. STEVENSON, Sept. 34th, 1888 Commissioners. -:Atotic&N.O.Kailroad Co. Passxnqkb Dkpaetment, ' aw Beenk, N. C, Oct. 8, 1889. ,Special ExcurBion Kates JTO 'GOLDSBOEO. , And Eeturn Same Day. 'ewCOZTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Eistnm JJirolina Fail anil Stock ki ; October 22d, 23d and 24th. J" fiovad trip tickets, including admis flioa Into the Fair, will be sold from stations named when tickets are par 1 chased at Ue following low rates; - WdlhitV to Goldsboro and retnrn, $2.40 Klnston 'LaQrargs .- " .90 BOBXDOLB. uUvr Moffhead City Depot...6;20 A.M. New Bern....... 8:10 " KlnstOB- :87 :LeGrmtoM... lo:oa Arrive atGoldaboiO.... 10:50 iCaetornlnf , leave Goldsboro 5:00 P.M.1 Ml.. .III at an ha anM h the If ail "Train, Oe 83 to 24th inolniire at the ''abore rates. v-'-'' ' ' ; Artloles intended for exhibition will be transported at regular tariff rates, end If returned by the party exhibiting ' l which fact should'be established by , cr.:neaM'0( Becreury, and by presen- n of original shipping reoe1pt),will i i X ::ied Free, and the amount . Ot f 'l t paid thereon refunded by agent ' t ' 'on bona which shipped.1 Ub.oss demand Is made by the owner d! ive the freight refunded at the time t ' ::oles are delitered to him on their r ara,all tight of tlahn 'wiU be for- Above does not apply to race hbrsef. v t- Importer an 'Wholesale DcaierJa Liquors and Cijcrsr CKAVEN steeet; NEAR COTTON EXOOANQB, New'Berhc, N. C, Keeps constantly orf'hnnd a COMPLETE i STOCK of I4KIUOBS and Oia a U. 'took Is the largect In the frato, end was purcaaSia rruui arsi nana ron vAgu, Consequently am enabled to s 11 as low as any northern Market liivoon hand the following bratdsof WINES LIQUORS obd CIGARS EYE WHISKIES. Old Family B x x x x Oolden Crown, Old Century, Acme, Lexington, &c. &o. Mitchell 'a Pure Old Scotch. Poro North Carolina Corn Whi.ker WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Souppernong, Old 8herry, Blackberry, Madeira, Claret,' St. Jallan, Sweet Calawba, RbiueWine, California Angelica Wine. New England, West India, Jamaica. BRANDIES. Apple, Peach. ' French (James Hennesy), Garretts Cognao Brandy, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger. . GIN. Holland and Domestic. BEER, ALE, Etc, Etc. The Bergner & Eogel Brewing Co. Celebrated Lager Beer, Imported Ale and Porter, Clauesen & Son's Export Beer. Wm. McE win's India Pale Ale from Edinburgh. Agent and Bottler of the Bergner & Engel Brewing Co.'s Celebrated Lager Beer and Porter. Cordials, Augostina Bitters, Imported and Domestic Champagne. Agent for I. Calvin Shafer Wild Cherry ' Hock and Ryo. CI&ABS. A large assortment of Cigars and Cheroots ' Agent for the Virginia Standard Che roots, the best in the market. : . Will guarantee to sell as low as any houses North., and lower than any honsa in North Carolina i WE ALSO MAMUFACTrjEE Ging, .ii;f '-; - fftaiBipwtaa ": . V " 4 .' ?kf rs4$ Bom Sods), California Pear Older land Mineral ;;' y;:'W'Wa1.;; i.Ouir dinger Ale Is equal to aby Ivor ported and. superiof :to any procurable in the State., cjfte Orders promptly filled and Batisac twntguarnnteed:vyr"t? A'. V7 tllgla dwtf THE JOUEILIL; - JUrirrl and Departtia Hail: "?? mail: CLcri iyi'.-"'-- for North, West an i gou.. Via A. &.O.B. fi. at 8;00 a. m. ' f for Beaufort and- the" Cast, at 5:80 p.m. ' 'r . rorWaahiEgton,8wKtCee1c.tIydeand eeaoxort Uountiees daily at f .-00 a. m. V Fer Trenton, PoUoksull and-. Kaye fille,dail7at7a0anu"'as h - '.t For Grantaboro. BaTboro an 1 Tan d em erex daily at I a, nv -7 1 ; , XU OFFICB HOUE3: t la Koney1 Order and Eeriitered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. mi jji aiaiung Department from V a.m' to 5 d. m., and from 70 to 8 p.m.. v . Office open oonstaatly between these noun exoept when mails areneiiK die- tributedoreent. T: ..The tima Jiag paceed for farinera to depend on muscle and hard labor alone. . They must rise their brains as w ell, a8"baBda,.Xhey. mnst do more thinking adtTplanniog if they desire to receivethe best results. The, lawyer .Btndieit latf.t.Tbe doc tor mediciae. The mercbantrnnsli study commetce, the'JawB "of s'ppply and demand, and tbe banker .must acquaint himself with the priciples ane details of finances; "Jaat sq the farmer most study farming.? The experiments of last year in crop raising and breeding most bei re membered and pat to practical use this yean Not only nis own -ex, perience but that of his 09 laborers should be bis to profit by. Farming is a science, and there "areTmaay new things to' learn ;invitjet and the best and the cheapest -way to learn - those things is by xstady. Take agricultural papers, read in' their columns the experiences and observations of others and . avnll yourself of the. many usefal hints and suggestions. . ' BIERIT WIS9. We desire to" say to our citlznst that for years we have been Belling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, llr. King's New Life Pills, Backlen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters.and have never handled remedies that sell ss Well, or that have given such . universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For sale by u. jn. Duffy, whole sale and retail druggist. Price per dozen bottles, $3.00. jan221y-.: Frcjadices, it is well known, are difficult to eradicate from tb.ejb.eart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education, tbej grow there nrm as weeds among rocks. Tbe Universal Vodlet of the People Who have need Clarke's Extractor Flax (Papiilon) Skin Cure award it the first and highest plaoa as a remedial agent in all oases of Skin Diseases. Erysipe' las, Eczema, Pimples, unsightly blotch es, humiliating eruptions, boils, oar buncles, tetter, etc., all yield, to this wonderful preparation -at once. Price 81.00 for a large bottle at F. S. Duffy's drug store. HClarke's Flax Soap is good for the kin. Try it. Price 25 cents. I never wonder to see men wicked but I often wonder to see them not ashamed. B. B. D. (Botanl Blood Ralra.) ' I( you. try this remedy you will say as many others have said, is the best blood pnnfier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of conrinoing testimony. -1 & H ,' J. f, UaTis, Atlanta, Ua. weatuna;, writes: "I consider ibst B. B, B. bae permanently cured me of rheumatism and sciatica.?' . ,s - is R. R. Sautter, Atheni, Ga., says: "'B. B. B. cured me of an uloer that had resisted all other treatment." " '-' writes: ''My mother And sister had ul cerated sore throat and scrofula." B. B B. cured them." . i . i ! Jacob F. Sponcler, Newnan, Ga. writes: "B. B. B.. entirely oursd me of rheumatism in my shoulders. X used six bottles.". ..; .. . hi','' Chas. Reinhardt, No. 2026 Fountain street, Baltimore. Md., writes? "I suf fered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say that one bottle of B. B. B. cured me.".;3 ;.'.','v';.'t . r. J. J. HardT. Toccoa. Ga writes: VB. B, B. Is a quiok cure for catarrh, Three bottles cured me. .1 had been troubled , i ' ' ' V . . n . J . several years.. ' ..u - ts ." -fv A. Spink, Atlanta. Ga., SBys: "Opt bottle of B, Bt B completely! elided my "B. B. B. cured my mother of ulcerated sore throat." w !.!.. ..h M R. N.and F. 8. Duffy, wholesale, arid retail agentSi New Berne, N. Ci.". The ttan halloi'S fselEi UlilV ' 1U J UvnisV.: vug Dltaui y aa never make raucbof rant prk-pwer in me woria. . . . r - most catarrh remedies. Liquids: and sndffs are unpleasant a well as dau pleasant, easily applied into the nostril! and a sure cures f It cleanses lb natal passages and heals the inflamed mem brane, ciring relief at once. Prioe 80a. himself be expects yor4 ttll rrA. diet blni"DOt coincide with Wmi The most bbsttna'' easea 'oi-. catarrh are euted by the use of Ely's Cream Balm,'theonly -aftreesbls -remedy. .It is not a liquid of snuff, Is easily applied into the nostrllsr! For cold in the head itls magical. It gives relief at 0 Prjke,B0,cenMritfO; . Beeoham's Pills act like" moglc on a Arrnilc-tts cf nest trl'V sc;-L:ca! ttnSBg aronna ; the V?' " ' ".'a 'and "tke.' interior 4 . t, Philosopher Brock tas sec-.cXCoIontl Switzler's boveted place 6,5 chid of the bureau of fita- t'atl. Th wil! ratilim " lacsr than a-; week to , demonstrate .tliat he dots not know the difference ; be tween a iosafithm and a log hoase. SL Lonis -Republic. ' v, ; H t A Hirage In Ifyomlny z Passengers .wb.6 arrired 'at Denver,, CoL, v recently, from northern Wyoming reported a singular bptcia! , illusion. . The conductor of the train says I "ft was about an hour before sunset. and, Jootans: out 01, the car window2"we sawabouta mile away a,1!, lake-tI6 was in a eljghtdepression among the hills, and seemed to be about two miles Ions by mile wide; .Ner- er having noticed a lake at this place9njLh roaH .was consider ably, astonised, as were -passengers fainittar: with the, road. . As the s traia". adyanoed the ' lake appeared to enlarge and rise, but in spite of this it was difficult to believe the appearance was sim ply mirage, and that . what ap peared to bea lake was a level plain.' vThe apparent lake was as .smooth and bright as a mirror Except aLone edge, where it ap peared tq be ruffled by the wind. r New, York Sun.,". ' t . : J r .- - , COTTON. New York. Oct 15. Futuiee closed resv Sales of bah Jnneary, 10 07, July, 10.45 10 49 l0.45v 10 69 10.17 Febiusry. 10 14 August, U.icb 10 8ft Srl.t. Aptii. 10 27 Octob?r, May, 10 ot No Jrine, 10 40 Dwj'r. rte w Bern mailu'l Bteivdy. 18 ball s at 9 7 8lo 10. " Sales of . DU81KSTK , Ets 15o . Corn 48a55c. Oats New crop, 8087o., including sacks. ' 1 Fodder New. 0075?. iuwasTCfX-Firm.' " Virgin -552.25; yellow n. 2 25; hard. Sl.iO. "SpiBiia TObpektixe 45a. per gallon. Rosw-80a85o. TAa1.66 per bbl. of 280 lbs. aaifflWiX 18u20c. per lb. , ttMKJn foot, 6u,to 6. , t HAMfr Country, llal2c. , . LaRD-Country,, lOallc. UkT-Ct&b grass, 85a45. OmONS-$t.00per busb. Potatoes Bahamas 80c.: jams 50o, . PAirtJTB-r$l 85 ner bushel. Chiokxns Grown 40a55o. pair' half growr, 22Ja25c, Mbal- 65o, boiled. fcWoot 12a22o: ' BTAVE8 R O. fahd. dressed, 8l2al5 Oar ;MU: ,J -.mi. . Timber Cyprss,18 in. and over' in demand a 65.00 per M. Bhtnoleb West India, dull and nrm taaijf i&ch' 82 00a2 25. Building 5 laoh hearts $3.85;sape,J1.75 per Mt :r iV : WHOLK8AU PR10E8. . Miss Pork New $13 00. Shoulder Meat 8al0o. 01 R."S, F. B's. B.'sand L.C. 7a7i. iftotm ys.ooao.oo. : Laju:7o. by the- tierce. .J ,. ' iAn-f-BsiaW,l.60. v i, t5BrjejA-rGrnnlated, 9s COFFIH-r-jSaC. . "Cheese 15. V,. Salt 80a85c. per aaok, MOLASBBS AND 8TBTJPB 2Ca.450. i-iPoWDEB $3.00. HRyrmn "ft1 KO- hnnlr CITE t; TT n T ..At- . A nuto uij, aujo.; Rrcra . KSROSENB-Oc. TALtowicper Ihl GREEN, F0Y MPO Do a General Banking business. v - JNEW oANEIKU UOUBB, ' i Middle Street,, fourth door below Hotel . .. , ..... . , , .Albert, '..-k- feldwly , ' KKW BEBIfB. N C. ' BTAT&m? UonTH CABOLlNA.l ; inpsrior To Harriet Green, Petendant: v ..Take notice, Tnacronara reqnirM to ap pear at the Kail Term, 18t8, o( tbe bnperlor Court In and for said county, to be held at tbe Conrt Hoase In the City of New Berne onthe J2th Monday After the lat Monday In Beptember, 1689, end, plead, answer or demur to the complaint. ,r , ! . .u This Inn action for divorce from toe bends of matrimony on tbe grounds of afta STth dayilf gerCember.l8& ' ' I Q rarHiVWniti.'Att'y for Plaintiff. s28 sw m J.,,,)r. . ., 1, oi;i ortMal and Female. 4: .tofi Opeis -First Mcnflj Mhiipiffyik rt3 a Boeciai iebllon said toiyem aUcs Commercial 'Law, Book-keeping and Penmanship. '' Experienced teacher in instrumeatai muBio.,, vooal musio nrominent feature; ;? . "v-.' iTultion." Inoludine s board, iwashlnff; llghts,eto.; $65 to $75 per session of juvemouthsv-ji-'c; mwm'V''' ''Hr. For Catalogue apply fc.laTi 1,a v lW.LRi8KINNEB1' Principal;"!' aug?4tf UvT'New Berne N. Cfi At my shop on UiddlCatreet. Plenty of water,hot or cold; and good large rooms-:; z'J'f?;y''-':- :"!(--"-'-7 junl dtf -"-'J- B. BBOWN. S- la a B'et Sekscted gck I ever kej t, I s:a S:II C!::r ..... largest Stock hofXlctliLi" in t!:ol City ! . h Men's gaits from $3.50 up. .Uoy's mild'a" rioai. oar ta'awalwa mm HeoVgoodSapes it tl.00. i Ladies Button an! Lace Shbei.'ll.00.' Hert'e and Boyi' HaU.lOc to 15c' ' ' 1 Bet'Plwuiel TJcderahirilSe. LnCS.W Undershlftl low a Wl iTi r juaoios-ynueiTests, iuijo. -s, . i OABPET3 will be Bold wry lowi Mj whole stocof Dry Goods and as I hare to make rocta for ' Remember the place. Si A. Tnojiis, Salesman.',',. ' oc3 dw firEg .IHSilWSSWI sani . Oe Ifjsjjsa jPintROiviua' DWASH OUT Sold bydruggistS Colors. PEEKLG88 SHOB AND MAKMK8S 9JUESSUS. "! Darringtoi1 Baxter. Dry Goods and Notions, MIDDLE STREET. Having just returned from the Jfor- thern Markets, where , we (jookf advan tage of some Extraordinary, Bargainij we are enabled to meet, most any de mand in our line, and we guarantee that our Goods and Prices can not be excelled. s , ' ' " Call and; examine' them while they are new. - - ,. Sheriff's Sale. . . C. J. Sohelkv 'V'-z-U P-i5 1 J.A. Patterson, M. Patterson and others, Pursuant to an execution in'my hands issued by E. W. Carpenter, O. S. O. Craven county, on the 80th day of June. 1880, in favor of 0. J. Bohelky vs. J, A. Patterson, Moses Patterson and May A. Patterson his wife,! will sell at Publio Auction at the Court House door in the City of New Berne, on Monday the. 4th day of November," 1889, -at 12 o'clock u,y at-i ma ' tikui, xiwe sou juieress which said Defendants" owned on the day of Jone, 1886, or at any time thereafter, in and to the following de scribed .. property,' to wit : ' The Hotel Albert and lots: of land on which the same la eituhted lying on the east side . IIIJJ). .1... , il.i.WL oi .juiuuio street in ue .uiiy oi,.asw Berne-s f-4jH.4.-H r-, g For a 'more particnlar description of whioh reference U made td a judgment of the Superior Court of Craven oounty. rendered in the "above entitled action. f h! rW 1M IBflQ -V -,.:,-.i.-J-v.''r. '-ft- tlinifim H' fn iiMitnn1 ii till. ni ii 'nyi iminti. .nsjSiilMii iot tne veieDratea-.n "'T-: f: DanM ' PrattM. Ootf ori Gins, 1 Everybody using them nnhesitatingly pronounce them the ;BEST so take no other; we guarantee lua satisfaction Send for prioes and termsr tgiHim GrATEsJg Acehta for the Dorm Power' Cotton Presses, Roanoke Hand Presses', etc, 2 X augl7dWt(;,iH;f S;V SJ: Vt. ,,.'".t? f - ' v saw mills; ainnlnf Xaglack and IlorsS Powt'rs K. For GIHNIMG BPfiOIALTiEil; Also GIB Alfif DKIL L8 and;.fcil v,; s STAND AUD IBIPLliJlllENTS. Bend for Catalogue. ', i A &. FARO.VH AR CO; (Ltd.l York, Pa ' lrOM"n Oiit'j-:al. A i V V v. k - ip;,r: i fc :.l'fl -aI-I Villi Hi -estafiJ "Eg (0 r -- r" ' ! V Knee Suits, four to eight yeais, fl.CU "f - . Uir.f . ' .4 1 1 - r rT. j : " - 1 A fuU line tf TAttui V si - Notions' will he , sold tt yTCED l&onnouB Stpek cf CIotMc . , p .. - ,f I . . .Opposite Baptist Churc' , ' 0 , - ' . ' j AtlantiotlT,o;,.::Urcad ,:; L ihi l.u D.PraAnn' r..U..J j i :.S'.. ,..t,Nw BaarN. C, Sept. fc.hf 18G9.s , r-'-.V-f vsi.4JasaBs',-xvJysAttv - Special Iicnrsta. Rites inJllilI ' : ' AND BETUEN TEE SAME DAY." 2?th;jLHHUAL FAIE 4 "'c TUB ' ' . . ( HOmClRQLIIllBHIClTLTUlliL SC&'t A. ft N, C; Coaches on abov dates'and tT tnia epewai Fair, Traia win gov Ithreugh to Baleigh without change.- " Forty minutes will be civen at Ooldsi borpfjbrfakfast.l-,ijr,5ji '-i Bound trip tiekets, inoluding admit sloa into tbe Fair, will e sold froaj- stationa named when tickets -are pur- :' chased at the following low rates: '.; , ' ' M'd City to Balelgh and return . ,I4 00 New Berne in KinstoBv I 9.80 ' Leave Morehead City Depot ...8:20 - f?! sJewierne.............M8:10 , ' ?. Klnston .-....,.'...........6.87 v" ' " 7'! z LaQrangev.r.r..3-' f '. ; Arrive Goldsboro Leave Goldsboro.rt....;....8:80' Arrive. Balelgh t m.,-10851 - Returning, leave Balelgh i Tickets will also he - - train pttpetvMth 0 l8thf inoiusv at ! . ! us1'" i ".1 .. STAT O WOBOTt CABoiBSA. '1 5 tiprlor s lT..Blnjnona, administrator offir; Hod- .! S0tJ " v,' .- yV t),.VM1'' Kaaoy Hodson,'3eo. T."flnds6n. iJohn K. . ..'.Bndson, Jas. B.Udon, jtark Plnoanay and Josephine hiawtfe, and K.tiMcb. Pet. Sell lands to makK atsetsSoUee. T Johns. budaonrJV'?'J, i -ii!', .w "Take notice, ThaV this proesetilng U to ob tarn an order of the eout to sell tbe lands ' uiweiBie u.a. unasonio make aiseu In the bandj of hl admlnWatan. to pay his debts and charges of administration, and that yos are required' to appear before me at the court house rn said Jones eonnty on ' the lib day of November. im. and answer rSemnr to the petition filed herein, , ;TbU19Udayof Beptenaber. 189. ' - r '-- THoa.. J, WflTAtaMLT" " ' - Clerk Bnperlor Ooflrt of ' sepia Sw Jones Qpnnty, North ClarOllna, R0ETH OAROIilNA, 1 . Craven Oounty. ; Bnaerlor Courts' Ths National Bank of New Berne JOMpb I Rhen, 3. u "FTlrhs'1Iiir t bu , unuivn or i noi, jiiieneii: J. W. Walker, trnstes of the ehlldren of Thos. J. Mitchell; Thos. J. Mitchell; Frsd O. MltobelU A. J. Mitchell; O. at. UDopr end . game M. Cooperr H. G. Toll and N nn te llef.adm'r of parah E. Mitchell; . E. H. . 4 Meadows and St A." Meadows; TieO. Allen ad Wm. Cleyej Geo. O. Mannlns, Samuel . A UMer and John 8. Kese tradlDf as John S. Beese ACOji O, Braker, Jr., fl. j. iBrakernd WD, Karls. tradlns as fi. J j Baker Bro, Isaae M. Frank, Xare Heoht, -r , Ferdinand A. Well, Ellas A. Weil, Henry Meinhardt, lsaad Meluhardt end Bamnel f Btewartf wm.foy., -M.;:tl.,ri' nut orortn oaioliriV-Crate ponntyjE Notice Is hereby given to the following dc ' " tondants Mn the above enUUstd ' aotlon, 16 Wl:leo. O, Manning Samuel B', Miller . and John 8. Eeese, trading ss John S. 1 eete . t C04 a Braker, Jr.; H.J. Braker and W. l. , f arls, trading as H. J. Baker ABro j Iaac M. frank, Dave Hecht, 1'erdlnand A, Veil," S11f,tSW,aiJBerr Melnhardt, ? Iso C Melnbardt and fUmuel Melnhardt, trading -as Frank t., that the above entltleil a Uoa waaoopmenced In the Buperlor Onrt Of this eonnty on the lath day of 8eplm .r, ' J8,and tbatthe.ohjeot of the aar eH to . toreelow certain mortgages held by t tl plaintiff the said National f n of i , Berne, on the personal propertr d real estate of the defendant Jos ; n L. i mm, y said real estate beln? In the emu. 17 l Orarenand commonly known-s the i hem ' farm, embracing tbe original fchem 1 .oe the-Hert land and fe ( rtr tract near xnew Berhe, N.C. AIh.j tunttraot of land knwn as the Bhem pianttivion, abont soven ) i-s from New Berne, N. C.and fully de,,. ,.d lnwldjnortfftKes, Yoaare Uieiefore r-.l. -fled and required to be and nrer I. . the Jatige of our Bnporlor O01 t, at a i t to be bald for the eonnty of (,.Hffl r , Ju Oonrt House Ii) New lrne oh tn 1 1 1 nn dy after the 1st iior !y. in hm i-umnr lKoU, and answer tbe Cwinnlalnt whHiii i. bedBiioHltpdlntheoilloeofthe t'loiir of . ' Bnperlor Court of s4 county -v ' Bmt thread" v of tlie i'prm, and V u 1 defendants t. notice ih. f, if 1 .. u answrt'.e" nd coiim ., u . , , tha plalntiirwlll apply to ther .( relief dmail!rl In ti.e'eititHi.iHi, -n ' oostnr tins action to be Uid ti Herein fall not. - , Ulven uniir Tff rnnd s1 court iliU kldayoff..tx.r, , r-l , Clerk 8np. Conn, Craven county, it. TliennrtftrHir.i.'d, j . Hfl A Lin r, 1 , mti. !, i . i i ,i. i . ' . . I..... .,... .1 i I. 9 y a i i 'e r ' IUf .C.,At. teak stomach. .'":--';;K,..'"i:Vi "t; ..i.-'Vi

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