IAJ I-iY lOUKNAL. VOL, VIII.-NO. 16&. NEW BERNE. N. C THURSDAY. OCTOBEK 17. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. I III I - ...a A III I afl -jjuc:.;z:3 iooalsl:. TUEE iMrOrTED.HOLLANOOIN X J.nliajaAiRum.atjetailby x v-, . S. H. Coward,' - f A.H. flolton's Old Stand. and, before eight day share passed not a wire will be" left - above the igrouixd-News aid Observer, " I?IR3T ctASSTAIlJTEB WANTED- novel way of treatirj . To repaint md make a good job of , a tr, kih wood-work -too mrdelUng, en la the,Berlui. Win. Johnston street, toside, aid to .com- September 2.; 1889. Da, Huaa Weber describes a treating consumption, Wochensohrift, September 2.1839. This consists in administering to the patient a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda before meals and following .it np with a glass of water containing EST part nmntlrr cortfwabkey, , , for pnrpoe; t reuu,, by I There is genera ted abont half a 8.H. iowaed;' nint mo e. 0.U of CO. which is t : ' - i i r. ... W7-" ' . . NO WELL-regulted family" can afford to be without a "Zab yanoe" Oook-Stove,; li-;-.'-" i Oct,Utf. r -'WHrmrftOATiB., . A. 11 if A n nntttam fat Alii at.fknri i h uua.' a m aa - aMHin. -w . a . i. i i -WiT inQ. mnlnti. graanaiiT aDSoroea ana exnaieu Py boro on the fourth -1 ... Ti. .Ii. jUW innna ' Wohnr rnnrh. ni no November (the 20th day) s - a prioioa ww mum. .(ui vuuinuv 1 1 vviui I tion Tbe Rot J M . m.7vuc ' - -v , , cases in some detail lavorawy ai- wa8 aoDointed to i : :;iT ,biDED8aELI.a ahjlwadi, by tbia treatment. Medica, riflea. at - Ook it tf. ! WHtiTT & Gates. flft L&teai 8tjU la Dvrbr Hata atf ' X ; pAE!0T0 & BAXTKB'B WE 0FFE8 60 barreli of aw Heaa Porkat1350Der barr.1 (to the aMvhanta.1. : Oct., l, it. I.OCAL NEWS. Tlie cotton market ia published on the fourth age. Verr Quiet in police circles No W, JEY BOBKUB&CO. o.Vpti it Elegant Line of Oanta' Fine Kid Majot' court yesterday A fesoe ia to be built around the ..; I latiftn ana xtoct raoer iurnina ,' .. .JU and neatly printed at the Journal oruea.; utva u your oraera. lij ;vL'.a.'.n.j' .ir'ii''r . The United ; States Supreme .fiPWt aasemWed on the 11th inst. for the Ootober term. AH the Jos tieea Fre present,' f f.i j,:--'ili i i in in i 'Avova the aoteable recruits to - the Democratic party President hhurch ,Mt night- Elllot."oC Harvard University, is entitled to preeminence. i Ta& State Fair opened most ' ispicioOBly Exhibits first rate ndttendapce verj large. 'Hurrah rWtheOldJIorth State! r , . iLt t- it-(..4& Mi25th. if desired. 1 ablara. .ThwaT the? intend to M,Jamew, -smoke Mahone oat If they have to jui in front of the theatre. A atroog north wind yesterday morn- inn blew a pretty bitt swell onNeuee river. Large wagon loads of home-raised hay .till oome in the city for market It has been a fine season for grasses and the farmers have reaped a large harvest. ": Huoh interest was manifested in the services at Hancock street Methodist There was one con version. A large number or people were present. We have been shown a letter from Evangelist Fife, who is how oonduoting a series of meetings at Reidsville, say ing that he will come to New Berne and engage fn a anion meeting under the auspices of the T. M C. A. November keys. The prisoner was taken by the mobandh&nged. . ,r J ' Norfolk - Virginian (telegram from Charlotte, N. &): Nine negro men and three negro Women were arrested Sat urday night, charged with robberies extending over several months, : Over 100 residences and business houses in this city have been raided by these thieves. In one instance $500 worth of jewels were taken from a store, and the fosses traceable to the gang aggregate nearly $100,000. The arrests were brought about by one of the gang selling a gold badge which had been stolen. They will be tried this week. Burglary in this 8tate is a capital offense. Proceedings of State Synod at Char lotte: The new Presbytery formed out of the Eastern portion of Orange Pres bytery was ordered to meet in CJoIds- Wednesday in for orsaniza- Atkinson, D. D., preaoh the opening sermon and to preside till the election of a Moderator. The new Presbytery is to be known as the Presbytery of the Albemarle, by order of the Synod. It begins with bright prospects of opening many avenues or evangelization. Durham Sun: A very serious acci dent occurred at Chapel HiU last Tues day. Mr. waiter Lloyd was accident ally shot in the face by Mr. Andrew Jones. It seems that an old pistol had been lying around in their room, un loaded, for sometime, and Mr. Lloyd had loaded it for some purpose in Mr. Jones' absence. Mr. Jones oame in on the day designated and pointed it at Lloyd, saying. "I've got you." Before Lloyd could tell him that it was loaded he, was shot in the face. doctor Hammond's patients ia young gentleman from Middle Alabama, who owns an immense cotton plantation not far from Belma. He was descanting on the pleasures of plantation life, when doctor Hammond broke in abruptly: "i wouldn't live on an Alabama plantation for tne whole Htace as a gift." "Ah! doctor," said the young man. pityingly, "you never went on a coon hunt, did you V" Exchange. LATEST NEWS. A COON HUNT. h..H h k-niulu tit AA 1 Waters and Miss Flor enoe Bryan, both of this city, were mar ried at the residence of the parents of the bride last night by Rev. Dr. Vass. We Join the friends of the newly mar - Prrmr tin "WnrtnnX knnnka once ,1 couple ia wishing them all the hap- J??9 wnero "f. ?" at erert man 'sdoor. oat he doesn't I ' w 8 . " his chm and everything lY:li-?A ...i P,ne8 and P'perity we know them to , ns! ht had to wlni forhlm If be happens to be oat." Personal. Mr. J. F. Ives has returned from the J Tbb Keara and . Observer says: Mexico has granted important con- North. MafiliTnAtAlwoneffroea Ferzeraonl Mr. Edward Bryan, of Charlotte, is nt PHIf Tanas vtii M-nnnna fhl In th City. r'l -i' " o-. iii iif jui. cam v awe id, ui uuauuuc, id m ili3 PWWr r the city. JUJjlj;fi0ailttylwr64neyWU peiir returned last engaged in raising cottony . I night from Raleigh. fim IrTfl X '1 ' ' ' I"' ' ' ulrfMri W 4 Boyd and family returned is,, Monday: aaj eov.Hill 5 lot JSiewl RevJ; t. L. C. -Vass and -wife re Torkl and 'party i i Ieate , this J turned from qhariotte. PlAft.h P.M. Faaraall. Esa.tof Trenton, is in . D , LUi U O. WU mm DUMUW V1W ,vwi ... -fnnrtt' A WHJns-fW AtlflnU. On.. "V 5 r"?v r""- " T. 'I . U.'W lf"B..'uA . TJ.II. ... tn -given aim. xie wiu bpobk an uinoi vitf Aii,.rtr :t Tnfa. PiedibEtpti6 r J - - r. r-z--.. -'77 , " gument mat 11 you 1" i j- k. lAtnim. unuiannrn; jno. . w. uor-i . .1.. - 1 1 . - lurst uuuu ms Micro WWrTOJdoV Rlohmondi Si M. Jonneon, Wil- ttiiar'tnat COL U JU. jw-Y eaitor (.. pi mngtorl Messenger. , the Progressive Farmer, baa accept-1 ed an invitation to deliver an ad-j ; zdress at the Atlanta Exposition; on a Utte 4thv-ist A. Bpefcial caf vill be sent on to JSaleigh for the one of - 'Colonel Polk and friends; who win . accompany Sim. '' ' ,J On last Monday In the Episcopal SOKTU CAROLINA NEWS. From theState Tapers. fair The newspapers say the Raleigh if the best ever held there. The Cross and White case will come up before the U. 8. Supreme court at the Ootober term. - It is Not Wh&t it is Cracked Up to be by a Jugfull. It there is one tning more than an other which ia craoked up to be what it is not, it is a coon hunt. To the fortu nate individual who has escaped ita en thrallment The Talking Machine desires to reveal its iniquity. The first requi site is a dark mgbt the darker the better. If it oan be induced to rain pitchforks the night beoomes perfect. You want about a dozen mongrel curs who are more than apt to bite the coon hunter than toattaok the coon; a half dozen darkies to carry pine-knots and the coon hunters. No coon hunt is entitled to the name unless the coon can be chased into swamp. The real eostaoy begins when the whole tea party gets into the swamp after the ring-taued demon. The deeper they get into the swamp the higher the eostacy. The writer has been in coon swamps where tne eostaoy was up to under five feet height had to swim out or drown A dense undergrowth of brambles and thorn-apple trees, with spikes as sharp as razors and three Inches long. adds immensely to the fun. When you have run, walked, crept, tumbled waded, swam, and climbed till your tongue hangs down on your shoulder. the coon will probably be treed in the biggest, bushiest, gnarliest, toughest old swamp oak in the eounty. The darkies come into play here. One gets on each side o the tree and ohops away. The rest stand around in a oirole, hold off the dogs, drink peach brandy and swear. Finally the tree tumbles and the dogs plunge in after the coon. There isn't any coon there, but they plunge in just the same and have a free fight among themselves. It is a well-settled principle that in the first coon tree which is out down there is never any coon. Ignorant peo ple who fail to see a reason for cutting down a coon tree unless the coon is in ar the never would be any coon in the tree you did out down first, and consequently the coons would shortly become extinct. People who are so dull that they can't appreciate the force of the argument wouldn't like a coon hunt anyway, so It doesn't con cern them. The don which locates the first coon hunt is always kicked for his painB, be cause there isn't any coon in his tree. As no one is ever at the tree when he locates it except himself and the other dogs, he can be picked out only by the lordlv air or nroDrletorshiD whloh he assumes oyer the tree and .a peculiar ferocity of demeanor. He says "this is mv meat" ae plainly as any dog can. Sometimes the coon hunt trips up in its oanine physiognomy. dog is lioked, bnt the DEATH OF OOV. PEBBY OF FLORDIA. AH OHIO BITES STEAMER SINKS, RAILWAY MAGNATES AT RICHMOND. SAD DEATH AT RUTHHBF0RDTON. RALEIUH FAIR. GOV. HILL SPEAKS AT CHARLOTTE AND QREENSBORO, SULLIVAN WANTS TO FIQHT AGAIN. A RAILROAD DISASTER. DIPHTHERIA AT PITTSBUa. Eebrvilles, Tex., Oct. 15.-Gov. Perry, of Florida, died here today. He had been suffering from consumption and oame to this plaoe several months ago for the benefit of his health. He died rather unexpectedly from a stroke of paralysis. CINCINNATI, Oct. 15 The steamer Minnie Bay, bound from Manchester to Cincinnati with 125 passengers aboard, struck a snag yesterday while rounding at Kramer's Landing, opposite Moscow, Ohio, and aank. The passengers became panio stricken, but the officers and crew lowered boats and yawls and safely tranarerred an tne passengers to Bhore. Richmond, Va... Oct. 15 Messrs, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Depew. Twomv bly, Webb and Cox, of New York, ar rived here this morning from Newport News, and were entertained by the Westmoreland Club by M. E. logalls. president of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. RCTHEBFORDTON, N. C, Oct. 15. Walter Fite, five years old, son of Wal ter L. Fite, fell in a boiler of hot sortr hum today and was scalded to death. Raleigh, Oot 25. The largest crowd ever seen at a fair in this State attend ed the State fair today. The chief at traction was the marriage of Mr. W M. Bateman and Miss Josephine Nowlee, of Washington county. The bride and groom were both attired in costumes of Southern cotton bagging and were at tended by four couples all costumed in the same material. Numerous presents were presented to the newly married couple by merchants of the citv. Mabion, N. C. Oot. 15 The iury in the Brown case said not guilty after being out sixteen hours. The State failed to identify the person who killed rage Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 15. Governor Hill and party, en route to the Atlanta exposition, arrived here at 2 o'clock today, and a large crowd of prominent citizens was at the station to pay re spects to the distinguished party. Gov. Uill and Messrs. Flower, Pearson, Collins, and Spalding made brief ad dresses. The party left here at 2:15 for Atlanta. When the train stopped for a lew moments at Greensboro this morn' ing a large crowd assembled, and call ing vociferously for Gov. Hill, be ap peared on the platform and made a short talk. Nm York, Oct. 15. John L. Sullivan announces that he is ready to fight again, and would like to have a match arranged as soon as possible. Ha is To the Officers of the People's Mntaal Assurance Fund of Loulsvillef Ky. Gentlemen It gives me great pleas ure to acknowledge the receipt of your check promptly and in full at maturity for the amount of insurance carried by your Company on the' life of my hus band , E. F. DeBruhl, deceased. I take pleasure in recommending the People's Mutual Assurance Fund to my friends and others wishing life insurance, as safe and reliable. Yours very truly, Mrs. Susan DeBbuul, 17dlw2t Beneficiary. Pec vlU r In the combination, proportion, and preparation of the ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely fail. Pecu liar in its good name at home, wbioh u a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in the phenomenal sales it has attained, Hood s Sarsaparilla is the most success ful medicine for purifying the blood, giving strength, and creating an appe tite. 3 Money to Loan. The New Berne Building and Loan Association baa on hand money to loan on good security. Persons desiring will please apply early to L. H. Cutler. President, or lDdwlw J. R. B. ( areaway, Sec y. Do you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or other humors? Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier 100 doses one dollar. 1 1 ill POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A raarvel of parity, HtreuKtU and HholnoneDtH. Mora ocoDorulcal iban the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude or low test, gnort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold ODly In can. IIOVAI. liAKlSI! l'OWDEK CO., 108 Wall St N Y. luueiidsu wed Irl Aw G. E. Thomas, Jr., ATTOAtNEY AT LAW. Ofkici: Craven street, near Pollock street. two doors north of Journal office. Practices In Craven. Carteret. Jones. Ons low and Pamlico oountle-. In the Supreme court or me Slate, ana in tne U.S. District and circuit Courts. October ISth, 1889. dwtf Just Received: A very fine lot of YOUNG HORSES, good workers and sound. For sale at VERY REASONABLE PRICES for Cash. Can be seen at the Old Gaston House Stables on South t ront, opposite Gaston House, where X. Brock will be pleased to see all his old friend and customers. JOS. L. HAHN. X. M. Brock, Manager. oclO d2twlm CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK AT Rat. Bam Jonea dosed his meetings Convention BOW In sesslonln IS ew in Durham last Sunday. sH went from . Corning Jnad, Of. Chicago Stating 0f gouthport, died yesterday morning J attempt to read c ' tl-t tha title ' Protestant Episcopal I at hia borne in that place, aged 77 years. I and the wrong do sr-tr-' ft TmliP.rt ''to thai S Kaieign ,unronioie::,;we-eeneiaiiea UOly UathOUO UHarcn, Una incop- Carolina have pledged themselves to go t---r-ch.la tn t.hA nntnrnrmAn: ana tar ioreiga missionaries. iae i.fw.u. t . u.vUU.v.w - r I . . knni ,a,w. n tht. iia the an ma traa if ha Kilns that the wordaybe omitted TT r:Z: polled -to stop and. i iV-,j;hrrfr down- oft his . , --rTxi:&iniZZ irovTmT." nMn themselves i heirs,, when i they ' L-OSARD WOOLSBY iSACON J id niaht. after a Tconflnement 'of hal W oent 01 no,l W . . Well, the ooon hunt progresses. Ton &s 'Wilmington Keviewr mm. mntlllvori can't run anv further and right one suffers just the same, vicar fcatiover fifty Syoung men North iousiy. u not otherwisei 11 aoesn t matter muon. any way, 101 ne uok tnai ia kicked would have treed the ooon in chase a family of t!:3 rcrn?W8!Horie; bat; I . . Lt 'of ."lie i'raBanacio .o fifreef1' as Wilmington Review: Mrs. P. L. T.3 . a Ikiii mS Skam aAAAaA S Ja . . - . i h'.-.v Cf -in J'J".!"'ri en the ooon goes up a trea again, just - - , r;j .; " J I I vera piwai iuc mu suuiuiivis. iuiiuwvu l 3 c-i tzn it fcr.tirncpt , cf 1,;::1; cr ctnra p -!.r IJLJZlzztdir ia to- i I designed by ten - It consists of a grate i AAtrMiaA- n kM rf nafi n nvfitant ' manrn tarn 1 awpffki I WIIM1W jaVOSV Wm . vavwww . aMuwwa . , . I from burning or being injured by; fires kindled In crates: both the tops and sides. It oan be made of polished brass or nickel, and Is adjustable, so as to fit ac ?ai,j;and ia both Ornamental and .'liiat "atiTwe' ii i . 1 ! Robert Berrier. who murdered his mother-in-law. Mrs. Walser. near Lex iiastca, a few days ago was arraigned for preliminary, examination on last He: Jay. Ilis counsel waived examl- nation and sent the prisoner to jail. A t crowd of citizens from the neigh toisioodof lira. Walser ' the woman rr- "-i rrrSor f hoi, remained at the jail r the entire evening. At seve o't v t a crowd of masked men oame to t a j -1, broke down the front door r -r t' "n rve' further damage i u i-ii luii t". j elierUI gave ' up the to lure vou on. It la fun for the coon but mixhty rough on the hunters. There is a succession of runs, rests, tree chop- nines, and fights. , , Sometimes yon get a ooon. ' The aogsana tne ooon nave an awful' good, time a when the ooon oauffht. They swao samples' and ex change' looks of hair. The little dogs ohooee the rings on the coon's tail, while the biggest dog chews his neck; vann ing the ooon throws a damper over the whole proceedings h is so lata yon can't oatoh another before morning, while if yen hadn't caught bim.you could have hunted for two hours more, That is the ' wont thing about a ooon hunt, The ooon sometimes allows him self to be caught and it breaks np the fun. : The most sucoeesful ooon Taunts are those where yoq don V, get any conn. ' ' . ' .. -L.-' With tCis brief introduction; The Machine will tell a little story. One of J. E. SMITH, Agt. WANTED! For which wa will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. uomeandseo us Derore seiline your I - seed. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS. ocl2 lm For Sale, anxious to meet Jem Smith, and wonld BasErtaL o00 Tons Cotton Seed vuvivv v waasoiw to vun a act Ultcbeil, put he is ready to meet any body that will challenge him. PrrTSBUBa.Oot. 14. A Gallltzen Pa.) speoial says: Diphtheria in its worse form is playing havoo with the lives of our little ones in this place. During the past two weeks the average number ol deaths was three or four per day, and the doctors report at least fifty cases down with the disease in town. Four families, with six or seven little ones each one month ago, now are childless fro n the sweeping fangs that fastened its death dealing substance upon their offspring. A committee has been appointed by the borough council to investigate all cellars and inspect the drainage in order to prevent the ravage kahway, H. J., October 13. What was one of the nearest approaches to a frightful accident in the annals of railroading ooourred here this morning to the fast Philadelphia express train on the Pennsylvania railroad; due here at li:i3 p. m. . The train is made up of two combination parlor cars and three ooaobes, and runs, at a high rate of speed. It passed the main depot here toaay lour minutes iate,running at tne high rate of sixty miles an hour. The engine.justasit reaohed the east end of the long bridge east of Main street, jumped the track, and was followed by five cars. The crash, as the whole tram len the traoa-, was terrific, and was was heard by people -at the depot, a quarter of mile west of where the aoci dent ooourred. -. The train ran along the ties ror two , hundred feet, when the couplings broke between the oars, and each oar took a shoot in different direo tionsv tearing up the rails and ties and digging into the tone-ballast roadbed. There are four tracks at this point, and the cars were twisted around in such a way as to completely wreck the roadbed and the oars themselves. : When the ears had finally been atop pad the passengers, who were naturally badly frightened, eame out of : the Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. Office of Gen'l Fkeight Agent, New Berne, N. C, Oct. 12th, 1889. NOTICE. The following described property, now in the warehouse of the A. & N. C. R. Co. at New Berne, will be sold at Public Auction on FRIDAY, NOVEM BER 1st. 1880, at said warehouse, to pay tue irmgat anu cnarges on tne same. Salt) to commence at 12 tn. S. L. DILL, G. F. A. The following are the names of con signees, articles in warehouse, and the amount of freight due: J B Meska, 41 bdle.iron $25 85 A J Denant, 2brls pipes 515 E G Cuthbert, 2 millstonee 11 76 Wyson & Jordan, 2 pkgs paper 25 Ransom & Wilson, 1 lot bags 26 H Murphrey, 1 bdl poles. 1 do tent. 1 pkg, 1 keg, 3 bxs, 2 stands, 1 poe castings a J W Denmark, 1 bx books 59 1 W Hancock, 1 iron safe 5 50 J B Watson, 1 lot buggy material. 25 S B Waters, 2 small brls vinegar... 5 43 j w Mes8ic, l Dri vinegar 8 24 J C Whitty, 1 condenser, 1 flue 5 42 J T Scott. Trenton, 1 hhd crockery .16 47' ur lj uuny, j ox pat. medicine. . . . 50 hd Owen, 1 trunk i 01 T R Jarvis, Sladeville, 1 bx medi cine, 1 show card 9 25 Brideeman & Co, Sladeville, ,4 bxs medicine, 1 show card ' a 25 T B Jarvis, Makeleyville, 1 bx hdw 81 u w JUcOauiey, 1 c mdse 4 21 Crabtree & Co, 1 pee pipe 85 G D Jarmon, 1 pkg castings 65 a Branch, uoose Ureek.l bxd trunk lift J C Whitty, 1 condenser, 1 flue 3 54 m a wuiison, 1 bx ink 76 Singer Mfg Oo, 1 pkg castings 25 John Murphy, 6 bx com soap paid A R Dennison, 1 car brickbats 5 00 Jno B Bell, 1 pa 4 cada tobacco 73 Jno O Whitty, 1 gin and feeder.... 4 31 R H Garris & Co, Harlowe, 1 bx seed is H A Steinheloer. 1 dust arrestnr. .50 AS Jno Mumford, 1 bx castings 61 A & N C R R. 2 trunks 86 J T Midyette, 1 bx paper 20 ij u juoore, l refrigerator 2 64 $165 80 Also, 3 to 4 tons guano. oolS ts K. R, JONES, AND One second-hand Vertical Boiler of thirty horse power, in very good con dition. Tbo boiler is made of extra I heavy iron, and has only been in use a I rwmm . . . iow j emu. xieeus uu repairs at present, i M . Two Vertical Center Crank Eot7ines II rV liAAfle Jf NaIiam of ten horse power each, fitted with ""J ltUUUIIs link, in good condition and ready for immediate use. Apply to JAMES REDMOND, ocl2 dwtf New Berne, N. Large Invoice of Full stock and large assortment Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. To Hand. Will be sold at a Low Price. JP. TTXieli, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. 1,000 PRESENTS To Be Given Away! wrecxeacart, unaoie to comprehend gHoes! Shoes! Hata ! Hats ! able thing ia that although the train Shoe 8 1 811068 1 Hata ! HatS ! was running as sixty miles an nour tne oniy persons who wer GUINN'S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER. Purely vegetable in comDOsition. safe to use under all circumstances, and to oure all blood disorders, rhnnmatiam. neuralgia, mercurial ailments, scrofu lous affections, swellings, catarrh and skin diseases. For that most loathsome and obstinate disease, syphilis, it is a specific, and as such has been used bv many physicians in the South, who have given their unqualified testimony re garding its peculiar efficacy in effecting n permanent cure wnere ail other meth ods of treatment and alleged speelfloa have utterly failed . Its wonderf at and admirable effects in rheumatism reoott mends it to that large class of sufferers ' wno nave nitnerto unavailiogly sought relief. For sale by - .1 T . K. n. DUFFY, New Berne, X, C Steamer Ilovcrd. . . J Wr-.it I! n large Drive inTobacco t. i j .i , .:. Proos ranging from 16c per lb. np. ' ' k If aW FIGS. A. ..SJrW.l' a.i a .t i -'.i J ".4 Cl .,,- ' una? war artus,.--. . . . -rtAMH i i with the medicinal virtues of nlanul - anown to oe tnost benetlolal to the human system, aols gently on the kid neys, liver -.. and ' bowels. ' eff eotuall v cleansing the system, dispelling eolds and headaohss, and curing habitual oonsHpation.,- V tounu anxiooi to plewa, Sj; F. TAYLOR'S, v, WHVMHV HUD JV444U VlWOr,' V. Foot of Middle street. On and after Mohday the I6ih dwei September the steamer Howard 1 run the following schedule: V' ' 'For Trenton 'every Monday iay tigiit bVjiock, and re. Tuesdsys and Saturdays. ...ji-liC, r-t.J