v - . . U ST. ,. i J. SAL li 4 tlx cviiaina t 1 diti'.r. except Monlay at , for . moutUe. Delivered to i .a ... . ioer ot Mwnti per month 1 1. i IS 1 1. jY JOCKNAU t M colama paper, I published every Thurnday at fl,U er annum .' A.UVIETIS1NO BATES IDAUUTHOne oohonedUy 11.00; 60c for eoco. sobeqsent cotton. " 1 ,. " . . AdrertltemeaU under eod of "BuHneeo uOMla." 10 cents par for flnt. and oento for f very snboeqaent Insertion i Ho kd Teniae menu Ulblia.edbotireen owl matter t ny pnoe ' ; SoUoeo(jltrrlMorIMUkt.noUoxoM tea line will b lneertod trot AU addition SMtUrwWbeeJtartedioentSMr lino ' i Par meats for tratulent advertisement -moot be nod la odvanoe kesrtuar adver wUwmenU ntll bo collected promptly the ' and oi oMb nonlb ' . - . OommualooUons eonUlnlan newi of a dle- eoaaion of oeal motion are solicited. Mo vommnoteatton moot bo exDected to bo pnb , liahodtoat contains oblecUononle oereono Ilea withholds tne porno ., of tbo author, or - kat will make mot tuaa ono column ofth ' a per . - r.. - Any peraon feellnc amrieved at anv anony ,.moue eonnnnnioauon oan obtain the name o . aavnor oy application at this office aud ooviniwttoml&tuoRTie'vandooxMto t THIS JOUKNAL. a . KUto-. Haalneoe tfeuaager. . V t HAJLPKK. . m Dvnnv w ftnT 18 IRAQ v . . , aeeeoad-ci tur v,.a l FlB-OFF -LIGHT. We hare received, through the -courtesy of W. G. Brinson, Esq., of VSTew, Berne, a copy of the 'Solid 1 Mnldooo," pablished at . Duray, ? 'Colorado, by Day & Atkins. It is ,:'aa brieht as a etar, and as sound as , it ik bright. .FonowingwegivetwQ- or three specimen paragraphs ; i MIu the October North American . Eeriew Jeflf., Davis gives Lord Wolseley a thorough turning over. Jeff's advanced age has not im r paired - his intellect, and only the .brightest minds earth have any business monkeying with the 'old "Secretary of War Proctor wrote th OnTArnnr of North Carolina In regard to the proposed removal of Gerommo's oand to tne western portion of bis State, and the Governor Immediately suggested to . Proctor the propriety Df locating th Renegade - Apaches npon the portions' .-of Vermont now being : abadonned ' by -white people. It was a happy and appropriate hit." uwjiio in the Senate Mr. Har rison said ; 'I earnestly hope and - pray that no President will ever be . mean enough to violate civil service rales.' But then Mr. Harrison is President by proxy only, he isn't a real President." . Jk, . NICK KETTLE OF FISH. f M0ntaUft went Republican after all !'' Indeed! On what ground tfg she claimed as Bepublican 1 Not on the popular vote, for that is conceded to the Democrats. Bat they Bay, "four hundred employees of the Anaconda Mines who could not read or write English voted the Democratic ticket because told to do so by their employers, and bat for this there Would have been no Democratic majority in that State." -This is a bold assertion that is notr fcnpportei by the evidence in . Jthe case. Bat suppose it is true, 'cwhatthenl ; It used to be said that "what is 84Q8 for the goose is sauce for the gander.'' They Bay, "'men who cannot read or write Eoglish cannot be expected to understand the Issues iu an election." Apply this to Republicans, and how many votes . will the G. O. P. get in the South 7 ' Ninety-nine hundredths of them vote- without the least conception tf the political issues involved. The .' : Republicans claim on that score is ' ; nonsense. The only thing apparent on the Burface is the fact that quali- flcations for votes in Montana were not strictly enough drawnfto meet the present emergency. The law ivy was framed by Republicans, and if it has 'worked against them its ' , taeatue the' popular majority is on . V the side of the Democracy. We would be very dull, if in the ' lieht of experience we were not pitpare'Oo see Montana counted 1 ai Republican.' Memory has its uses. ,.,Tbft Wessons of 187C, when Haves was counted in, despite the 'lc9tloiif..TUden, have not been . forgotten, and those ot iss, wnen worklnti men were driven to the terrible alternative of , being sold like Bheep in the shambles, or - see their wives and children one in want and. wretchedness ate, freab; la the minds of the people."- J j Bach has! been', the ) brazen jtZrontary "of oppression , that It Is eo wonder many assume tnat tne 134 that thlsisa government of ttina eneenSary lore, Ectwe cannot believe that so great de generacy witlever befall a peoj who were bSrn free and bare ever been'ealoas of their liberty. -.:. The ote of .Jilontana must stand as "deposited at Jhe polls. The 'rote of an unlettered white man for the . Democrats is as good" as : the rote of aa ignorant blackmaa for the.JJepuolicansj and upon that issue we are ready to go before the country. - Let the' Republicans join i88ueitthey dare! :; v-t'i,: Motatrs and Danghtcrs.' - " It is a curious fact that ' mothers of ability frequently have helpless daughters,' , and , that-; mothers who -are by , no means what is 'called "capable" in Yankee land and "clever" in England,: have daughters who can turn their hands to anything. 'c .VI. . The reason, however, is very simple. The capable mothers, feel ing a certain pride in their capa bility, are loth to allow their daughters to help them. They da sire .them fofeel that mother makes the best' cake, does' the nicest needlework, orders' the honsebetter than anyone else; that her dealings with tradesmen are to the advant age of the family; that' she cannot be cheated in the quality of goods; that she can entertain guests more charmingly than her daughters can. , i Iu this natural delight in beiDg esteemed by her girls, she forgets that time flies, that they will sopn Decome women, tnat she must crow old. She does not teach them to tread in .her (ootsteps, bat represses any of them who are inclined to do so. She is very apt to saj: Ycu cannot do it as it should be done, my dear,'' and so -the girl becomes timid. She depends ou her mother, otten even for the arrangement of her hair, the purchase of her ar ticles of finery. She comes to her mother to ask what she shall Bay when she writes a letter; she sits blushing in the background while mamma talks to her friend she remains a child in feeling long after girls who are brought forward are women. And fall this wonld he very pleasant if -time could stop and the family circle remain as it is forever. Alas ! this cannot be. Changes come with the years; the girl mar ries and the head of a family oi her own. She has no mother to guide her, or to advise her. It is too late to learn what she should have been taught in her teens, or .211 !. M o earner; ner win is gooa, out sue cannot regain her lostground. All she can do is to teach her daughter to be as much like he own lost and adored mother as possible. The little creature is pushed for ward, is advised, has lessons in everything, and the ' hereditary ability crops out in her after skip ping a generation. The daughter oi the woman who "never could do" a thousand things. tnat it is neeaiui that a woman should do, is one of the most wond erfully capable women alive. Prob ably she repeats her grandmother's mode of procedure, making her own daughters incapable thereby; and so the game of lifes goes on. : I believe it is possible for mothers who are useful in this world to make their daughters,- even more useful than themselves, and they should remember this. The pride cf being all in all at home, the de sire to remain in every respect the head ot the house, should not blind a mother to the fact that her daughter's future happiness must depend on the daughter's being able to take the same position in the home ot her husband; and that the greatest tribute a woman can offer to her mother's memory is ex pressed in the words:- "She taught me all I know. - She made me all I am." New York Ledger. ! A. Valuable Remedy A letter from 8. P. Ward well, Boston, says: "I nsed Clarke ' Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure in June last for Hay Fever with great satisfaction, and find it ia the only thing I have Been which would allay, without irritating the inflammation of the nostrils and throat. Its soothing and healing prop erties were marked and immediate. Large bottle $1.00. Clarke's Flax Soap is the latest and beBt. Try it. 29 cents. Ask for them at F.' 8. Duffy's drag store. ' ' , ; You cennot exhaust ; excuses. They are more numerous ' than the hairs on your head. Bui you can take them up; and bind them in one bundle, and mark, it ."Lies, Lies, Lies. ' m ; 1 ' A SAFE INVESTMENT. , :,Tr . Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return Of purchase price. On -this safe plan you can bay from our advertised DruggkM bottle of J)t. King's Now Dis covery lot Consumption. .Itisgnaranteed to bring relief In every case, when used for any .affection of Throat,' Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It Is pleassnt and agreeable to -taste,- perfectly safe, nd can always be depended upon, t Trial hot- ties free At R. JN. Daffy's, "wholesale and rptAlJ drOggist, Price per dozen, $8.00. i -.:: ' 3 1 Wit.:--: 3 r i ia t j it tie Lc... U tLizjt'.av. :t3 Lie L..1 eury out Eucces3,aad tLeir is valuable, as" they have ta tauci clothing of the sick wi.3 a there, ad strangers,- when dyiag there, often leave quantities of clothing, etc. ; They had a room xuu or leathers, which 1 were : sent there, for pillow makine. and tbe.v were in despair, aa they, could not externnuate me motns . until they were aavisea to. try- common salt. They sprinkled it around, and in a weea: or ten. aays were altogether -a '. no pi ma motns They are never troubled : nowi- :1a? heavy velvet carpets, sweeping them with salt deans ana teeps.them from moths, as particles of the salt remain In the carpets -and corners. Salt js not hurtful to any one, and . bar no oaa emeu. . Here is a little hint I add, .which, - perhaps, every one does not know: Forcleaninsr wash basins, baths, etc,' use the name thing,' common dry: salt. Rub: little of the salt with jour ;; fingers on me pasin. ,uiten a sort or scum Is noticed in the basins in a marble washstand mthe bathroom: the salt takes it off easily, .and leaves the Dasin shining and clean .Philadel phia Press. j , ,' , t - , .f I" f aB-SJSSi ii 1 1 i 1 1 , i.iaf -" - ( Confidence Begets Confldence. A mendicant approached a - be nevolent looking gentleman the other day and said t " ?. , s r . , I , "Dear sir, 1 have lost my leg."; 5 The benevolent-looking old cen- ueman repaea, as he hurried away j - "My dear friend, I am)very sorry, butl haye not seen anything of It A B. B. B, (Botanle Blood Ralm.)' If you try this remedy you will say B8 many others have said, thatjt is the BEST blood purifier and tonio. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa for book ot convincing testimony. '! . P. Davis; Atlanta, Qa. West End), writes: "I oonsider that B. B. B, hat permanently oured me of rheumatism and soiatioa." - 1 ; R. R. Saulter, Athene, Ga., eays: "B. B. B. cured me of an nicer that' had resisted all other treatment." ; ' t E. G. Tinsler. Columbiana. Ala.: writes: ''My mother and sister had ul cerated sore throat and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them'.. Jacob F. Sponcler, Newnan, Ga., writes: (B. B. B- entirely oured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. I used six bottles." , - r ' . t Chas. Reinhardt, No. 2026 Fountain street, Baltimore, - Md., writes: "I Buf fered with bleeding piles two-years, and am glad to say that One bottle of p. B. B. cured me-" 3. J. Hardy. Toocoa. Ga.. writes: "B. B, B. is a quick cure (or catarrh.: Three Dottles cured me. . I had been troubled several years." - A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says;. "One oottie or u. b. o completely cured my cniia oi eczema." W. A, Pepper. Fredonia. Ala., writes "B. B. B. cured my mother of ulcerated sore, throat." 9 B. and f. 8. Duffy, wholesale and retail agents, new Berne, ft. G. i A plant must sprout and grow before it will blossom, and children snouia not be forced to bloom be fore they get their growth. Many: peculiar points make Eood'g Sar-sapu-Ula superior to all other medicines. Peculiar In combination, proportion, v ' '' , ana preparation of ingredlentSfijy' Hood's 6arsaparlUa possesseay", the full curative value oi the jari Vjr best knowp.teniediesFVrjFViOt the . Vegetable! klng'yYOrdom. 1 Peculiar 4n JuT "trenglli and economyw-XjBtood's 8ar saparllla fafctQ0 only medi cine . f, (.vwhloh can truly besaldj'jA V'OneHttndredDoses OnerJQk Jr Dollar." . Medicines In 'fV larfier xA smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not S produce as' good results as Hood's. S Peculiar In its medicinal merrta, Hood's SarsaparlBa accomplishes cures faith- Arto nnVrwiwn. fuiil tiAAttrnn fAi tfaaTf 4 Xa& title ot The greatest iloodlt purifier ever discovered." jf,-T. FcouIlarlnlts"KQodname Jiome," there is now of Hood's Sarsaparilla y old in LowelL wher 'S JtOtismadei than of allr ' rpther. Wood purifiers. AVpecuUar ta.JU phenome- S enal reeord of sales abroad, -Arno other pronaratlon i ha.rVvr attained such nonu- , -A t"jr "UO reiameu iib yvymiinj t pjrand confidence nmohg U classes, Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but be euro to get the Peculiar Medicine,', : Hood's Sarsaparilla SeUlvsndragglita $ 1 MxtOrlS. trepeteionlr ' by C. t HOOD, 00., ApoUiec1i, Lowell, Uh. ( .100 Doaes One Dollar 13riJLociF- . Do a uenerai Banking huainess. . A j, HeW t Bawomh Hocs, nA Middle Street, fourth door below Hptol Albert: : fV ) VTCXV BERNE. K' C k Ql4"ia . n"o.f ""I'J independent . Steamboat Line, On and after Monday the 16th day oi September thfl steanior Jloward will run the following schedules -1 f -Tor Trenton, every Monday and Frji flay at eight Vcloclt,' and re tprn on Tqesdajs and Saturdays.-: fit & Tor eculiar J.J. tASlTTEH, Manager, 1 V: . Jhrenots u the most elegant faro '.TKEUfXATIVEANO NUTRITIOUS JUICE . - . ,- oF-tHg- ; FIGS Of CALIFORNIA, vj Combined with ; the ' medicinal , . '; virtues . of plants known to bf - most beneficial jo the humaa system, forming an agreeable V and effective laxative' to'perma-" tiently cure -Habitual .Consti '.pationr.and.the many ills'; de .pending, on a VeaYorinactive ; condition 'of the v : - -; Sl. - f. KIDSEY5,t!VER AND BOWELS. 1.-, ItMthei&ostexcenentremedyknevita : V. k ; CWUSf THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY - Whea eae it Biliout or Conetipatti - ' 60 THAT" i' - : tURI BLOOD, REFRESHING 8LEEP, , - HEALTH and STRBNOTH V t ' 1ATURAU.Y FOLLOW. ' ' ' "' Evry one is using it and all are? ' debghted with it , ; " r - ' 1 ; . v - ASK VOUR ORUQGIST FOR - ' T SYHTTP OJF PIGS 1 ', MANUFACTURED ONLY BY - CALIFORNIA'FIG SYRUP CO. 5 -' SAIt FRANCISCO; AU lOUmiUI. Kt ' V , HW YORK. H. f. CataphH CREAM BALM LysV, Cleoneee ttie 1 ma I- f - m Alloys PlH end HAvrrvrlWy InAsQimntlnnr Heals Iho Sar. , Ittetoree llie Sense of Taete, and Smell, HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURE A Dortlolo Is attDlInd; into each noetrll and ia agxeeaMe, 1'rlce 50 cents t Draeelats; by maiinreinlslered. (10 rt. KLY bRUTHERH. oe warrea oireei. new xoxk. laniwwiy cnnB- P. IS.1 Du Bjf ruggist. agenit Ne w Berne. N..O.-, .. , -, marl dwly JOE K, WILLIS, PROPRIETOR . V EASTERN' NORTH CAROLINA Uarbb 7crlis, :i JSTetv Berne, N. O. r D . Italian and Amerioaa Marble and all qualities of materially '-v- 'Orders solicited and ' given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed ''-'-"' fr fVi"r j. 1 Trp f O. E. MiLLBtt Is my agent at Einston and iALBZ.. Fields regular traveling agent u ii, si1- a - ' Tb JIi2h; Am Davis, ; Simple Durable and tight Running ' '.The only vertical feed Machine.1 All sewing don without basting. h: Sjt -j; M; HtNES, Agent.' Haw Berne, N. 0. fJ, - E.''y'H.'k CUTLER . ,4 Has on hand a Tall Lbe hf r; Heating ' and ; Cooking :$-v&-; stoves; lr--- Gash, Doors and Blinds. Line, Cement, , i ; And all kinds of . - " f ;J Building Ilr.tcrials 4t;E0TI0H-?2ICEl C3 6; 23 Hi jr - - 1 I 1 R W at V mvj. -i av f I o 1 Wk I A "ill"! IIK flill. vm i. p l M iilLl i 7- isov: Remember that our success guaran tees you the ume .high grade as ever; the same quantities; - measure ana weight always just and generous; but that . - I FftCES ARE LOWER THAN EVER. ' Less pro&t and more patronage ia our idea of future trade. Wo don'tworry about patronage f - ' -: . llake Prices Bight, and trade will be sure to follow'. Goods in our line have been too high; there's no denying it. We aim to bring them down to a proper level; we are going to make r-V. . '-4 ;. f The, Luxuries pi life ; As the Necessaries t At any one of our (Establishments will ,-" bo found a ' ' " I LARGE AliD FINELY SELECTED STOCK Foreign and Domestic Wines LIOTJOKS PorterSrAles.'&c. k i ; FALL:STOCKiiI 'Vi- pouring j i? freight... Large and every Dspartmeat. .r- ? ! Gal) and Bee - for;(your8eIl. ,T -lTo,: trouble ta . Oar stock "of JSHOEtf and RUBBER GOODS can scarcely be excelled, " Onr prices; are LOW, and oar (ioods .will bear the. taet 1 ' ' " - - 4sk Tour 'Retailer for the ,,-1 JTAHES HEAIIS ' vuU i i , OR TUB t . ' ' I ; T AlIESV IIE AXTs - " .'xVBa.SHOE..-l'- AccordineT to lour KeedSe -j-f .JAMES WEANS C B3tOBf Rii light auditjrUaa. It flu like fetocWnur, end 3tFQITItE ing peneouy easy tbe nnt time It laworn. ItwllliallsfytheJnntt LlbUdlons. JASlitS MifiAw8i only shoe of it orioe whloht 5iun; is aixoiutely the; bu ever been placed ex-! temlvelyon the market rawDico anraomijr: eoBtuwna neiure mete out-, rtfjrtheJam'ef Appear-i leawtaShoefta-Bayi "j0 -.- ,, i J. MEANS k tlO., Boetou. i pull line of the above ahoso-for sale 1 j CHoward 7& JbnbV j '-J f-i W 1 :t'i4i" .s; ul0Q;0i0Q TONS COTTON SEED, . we will furnish Backs on application. '. We will exchange Meal foreed. - If yon want highest price for your seed write or call on ... a;P..DUnr.DS:QGO.,ll Cotton and Corn Commles'n Mercrjante? ik V"1! Mimnm-flnnr rt;44 t1 V' SEW DERSXS, N. O C r, In Hotel Tull iJulldlnjf. ' School books and school Supplies a j specialty ana at uymg prices. Royster's candy, the boat in town; fruits, oigara, tobaooo and snutl, , , Headquarters for f 'Jug tackle, crockery, g' sware, etp.' , . . , Agent for .tie. New Davis Cawij Machine. ' ' ' : ; ' i. ' , - ; ,! J y Ropoctfally,' ' J CisUos, IT. 0. - , , . . . a c ' - - .-"i- ..T7aar otteuLi to the EcUIlTraJs great inducements- in v : - .. . x Tobacco and Circ! -.- The attention of families is cal!4 ta the Celebrated - " ' i ' j' . ' - .w Iripsrial Eccr,1 . for which w axe agents.'; ';- . SatUfaetien g:uarnte4 or money reianded'. A. Li Grccrif; G C:., U f Mlf CltI HOUSE : J v . ' E. side. Middle St., opposite 8. n. -fioott. - ' BBANCn HOUSES: ; ' -N.-W. Cor.: Queen' and : Pasteur Sta. - s (K. 9. Depot). 6. W. Cor, South Front and Middle St Wholesale and Retail Wcraoi Jobbers ..of .Cigars;, And-lTo- i. 'h H baccoi - NEW. BERNE, N. C. , pa. rm ii Runt i: n iifi . by . every. , , -r;, -,; Complete in : examine and i'l ; show .Goods. Baargage transfer 3 7 Baggage taken safely and promptly to and from any part of tho city.' wagons will attend Kailroad. Cram ers and Ferries. ' . " Orders left at 'In Office wilt' lava good attentipn.snd. quick diepitiduf-. . .i-::, OIK WAttT,- Willi- tlnl. ll,MJ,n"K. iBtnr i j" Atfv - .OU I IUUU1III ,LUU.vi . r; o'T i, W! V :. s v-. ti-rocerieSi --v jy -a r - i tr- J Tt( - . ( v .- Js-v;. ' r. Drw Goods. . .. - t Don fait to give Wa ' trial .wLea 1? neea or anything in our lins. : ; -Thof Ilansidd E:t;:, ; "' -'ICFormeriy Centrarnofcl).- . . .1, ! Ji' ;;-r CAPT." al.L. JtZtFiiy Provrieto'V QtO. E. rmiiAir,';.'..".4.AsBt Ue . I This hotel, vhlch has just been t vt la t --, feot order, thoroughly renovated, t pointed,-eto., Is situated Ip the rftil t ... t oftho city, on le eeelly accenM.-ia t t 1 pieces of linnlnfR. ndIth)n o.; 8 ..,t dmuuoe Of toe oupliol, pootuilice auJ v t bunne, ..'".- j , ; liio table Is well snirHed llh ihe e'-' vln'i that cnnboobifinedlu thoi c surtuuiidlng country; the mti m and -well vnnt)ntJ o-J Jnsi.au evry eomfort and coiivrjUM jMimeonitftli ntiyevlti-'Bn.,i.,..'- , for board by tlie auy.-wng or bi.' re-totiBi-i ' ,i T . ; . 'lie n "dT m1o of Ke T'tpt t o'nliy luvitK-i tK.ep u ,h u v. lti-igii. end ei nrfd r II IjiiBU.,, nu i . , rii'ut" duilnjt t i"U-ely. i, 'f. tiiiiu.' . -.j .,-.J.;.. , S S Mill.' i'. 1 VU. .VJ.-'-'W. . ; - i U If v 1 ..-v.' v. tl.3 people la to be relegated to the 4, " .,t . 5. " t '' r' V