THE JOURNAL. PROFESSIONAL. 8TEAMEB8. . r. r -jd tw4f, tt W!id . a 4 i tr a . L.ii !. and nui,knrii ttnMiO,tvnt,.ie. terT, ir ieaaauent, ult. Thl is no fiction. Every sn I . 1 iIT 1 m I ima. ,yrff . HgiKto-wttotjo"WorllH(pilngat)ox."-orllJAtakjaaa ejected, will qtuyrwere' wiftocompleic health. For rax stc:.:jl ch ; impaired digestion;'-disordered liver; (Iim ACT LIKS BGlC- ! will work wonder trpon the Vital Organ! Strengthening the muscular tvslem ; restoritir long-lost Corplulon ; bringing beck the koen mo of appetite, and arousing wiui men uatuuu ur ntM-in ucHpynm awarnwoiiaeninnaniianK 1 w fccta admits bv thousands, ia all ctasseatef aodetr. and one of the bestcuarai tm to the Ferrous ana DeDintacea is ux ttUHAv$ rn.L9 nave ins umiu I 3AU wmi . . . f . . . .- AtEal aiiiCll IN THE WOHLOr Fall direction with each Sox. -- PmaNd oarty by THOf, BSBCHAO. It. Bel, Laaeashire, Kna-laad. i Bold ty VrugviMa Axent for the United unaik B. r. rlur m vo sua ana aor tanii au, new ion, soia State. , Of fw druggist doe not keep them,) "WILL HAIL BEECHAJITS PILLS ON Can be bad at B. N. Dffft's Drug v mm 1 1 r ?ri:Al . '.'i ,7 . !SBUU Jirt , department. ' Healthy location. Eight teachers. Full course :lIonextra charge for languages. , A., Boarding School ladies Fall Term opens Aug. 29th. For Catalogue with full particulars address spau JOSEPH - C fo&inptefo" Hovels of the great Sir Waited Scott, "tho & wizard of the' NortV -Jneerless - 5:moflgomafer9j all f 01 jfcS.OO, ttajrUeeia icredible lrat it is ' &$Qt$bte STalet achievements of Al&en'srldteraryi Mevotyi&n,. v' Waverley 1 Novels. . s k Boot. The "Waverley Novels, by Sir Walter Bob Roy Edltlon.-complete lh 8 volumes. ' , -'Umalloatavo.with 49 illustrations, cl., price 83 1 Cv-V' Ht of Vol.-49 IUntnUons ,, Hewt of Hldlothiaa, " - iu Oount Bobert of Paris, - ,f.MiUdofJerair t WopdBtooJr. -! iltortanescl Nigel, ; .-s. : Ann of Oeicnteui, - v !9"enU,,B,w,1) ' ' , burgeon 'a Daughter. '" t,; :i r " ; I. Leitend of Montrose, , f V Ua Taltoman, - r Jhe Antiquary, i , a Ked Gauntlet, v etBonan'sWell. t4 A The Abbot, Bride of Lammermoor, The Betrothed, Feveril of the Peak, 5, Rob Hot, ' ' Old Mortality, The Monastery, The Pirate, The Black Dwarf. 1 Waverley, Guy Mannering, Kenil worth, Ivanhoe,. . ,, v ;X':JTJiU "Rob RoEditiori " of Scott's 1 Waverley ' Novels is jofearly identical with the " Pop 'tilarlibrary Edition of the .Vame Mtwithor"" published ,', by t ' J'Appleton at $10.00 fortiioset, y the .ipeJff;,onfrf ftt.We - 'blighter in vweight . and ; a little V T cheaper ' in 4 qtiaKty, but" bpth fc The DooTb may be seen at th ' " " 6(Gce of this naDer.or a soeeinien " Volume,etuinable;mll1beleiit i Btat o voktb! Cabolisa, : ..i- flrmvan flrnintv.-t --m " . . .if r.ii t., ' ThomaQreen,v Harriet Green, .. i u Aet ldtt for Divorce.; : : To Harriet QreeA, Defendant:-'; , . . Tak notice, hat you ate required to p- " in r at tha Vail Xarm, 18e8, of the- bnparlor - t urt Inandfor said oonniy, to be held at t.i Court llonae In the City of Sew Berne outha i:!th Monday" after th 1st Monday . lt hptei)ihr,, and plead,, an war r 0 "nrttne complaint. , a It an aciliin for- dlvoro frora th . biniua oi matrimony on the tTOnnd oManlr . tery. z .' 1 - lhl!7thday of8iiriterober.lW9. - , " Jfi. W. CanetNTER." .1 -i u ' Clerk bHn.Corrrt. 1 , s GxoH. WHrrB.'AtVyforPlalui.ju 28 0w cu Can Cavo Xlonoy I r fcuyinic your Alabastin. Ready .aed Faints, eto from wuircY & gates; i lave the colebrated VPaokeraV "n Irepzers be sure and tee " tny: - any other,.. .';'- , . If "1 i"-irkff every thini; In : 1 I 1 e, and ii,"if . ., 111 i ; C .VI 1.3. . t la. , ilaams In, and '"r. . 1 ' rs in Li iA...Ji- Pile In ft $tomwMlcHasw.Biguln Qrmiiie,Ce. Cnitis, Flushing t Hat,ltl btetcae on ft Skl.DIturbeIlwp, Frightful c inn rinsi vuc "in. inc ""icr tierer ll earnestly invited to try one Box of these . . . . . . . . . . n . a. . . ..... RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. Stere, New Berne, N. 0. in Music. Rates low. for Girls and Young KINSEY, Principal. tmC6,?!. 28 UNION SQUARE.NXM CT.L0UIS.M0i miaVjij:M 0ALIAS.TEX. AGENT WANTED. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad tlltE TABLfi No. 18 la E3eot 6:00 A.M., Monday, October 14th, 1880. Going East. -Schedule. Going West. No. 51. Passenaef Trains. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. pm 3 80 Goldsboro 1130 am 4 06 4 09 La Grange - 10 42 10 45 4 85 4 40 Kinston 10 08 10 13 6 00 6 15 New Berne 8S5 8 50 7 55 pm Morehead City am 6 60 "Daily, Going East. Schedule Going West i'Xott.-;: No. 2. Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Stations. Pass. Train, am 6 80" Qoldsboro 9 00 pm 6 677 05 , ; Beet's . 8 04 8 19 7 20"T 80 , La Grange 7 84 7 44 ' 1 48 -7 53 . Falling Creek 7 06 7 10 8 li 8 80 . KInaton. 6 65 6 43 8 50 1 8 65 ' Caswell ' 5 80 5 5 W 10 0M----DiBW 4 55 5 10 10 81 10 86 Core Creek ' 4 24 4 80 11 00 11 05 ' Tusoarora " 8 64 4 00 11 17 11 41 Clark's 8 82 3 42 12 15 -8 00 Newbbra 10 83 3 00 8 87 8 48 Eiverdale 9 41 9 46 1 48 8 50 ' Croatan 9 28 9 83 4 08 r 18 ; Havelook '8 59 9 04 4 87; 4 43 ::: Newport - 8 17 8 87 4 61 4 65 Wild wood ' 8 00 8 05 5 01 -J5 6 V i Atlantio 7 47 7 52 5 16 15 St Morehead City - 717 7 27 6 23- 5 28.;- Atlantic Hotel 7 05 7 15 ,581 poor Morehead Depot 'a m '7 00 Train SO oonneeta with Wllmlnrtoia A win inut o7uia .ing, leaving woiaaooro U:7. m., ftud with Rlohmond A D nvUle Train West, leaving Goldsboro p..m, ' Train 61. eonaaota with Richmond A Dnvin mrrinJ flnlif.hiiMt KOA . J .... Wilmington and Weldon Train from, th i ram x oonneoui wun Wllmlngtcn and Waldon Xhrougft- FrelKht Train, North. Xhe "Alliance to thr Front! ThU ProohksSIVB FARitiB. bold..viirl1ani. dare salve and progressive. It he opinion ami expresses them. l'ortr-eight oolumfis, eight tunes. AH Home-Print. Oiltolal orirnn of Norm Carolina and Virginia Btate Alli ances. The Mvest Bhper In th tfouthl Goe to nerly 1W) poetoiilcea. In North Orollna oi.rioi.iy vesui eena. jor sample copy. Ad' dres . - -' THIS ritOGUE3SlVB FAEMFtt , , . ; KalolgU, ... Ij. 'I i. ToLK, KiUtor. ' , , D, II, Browukb, unslnoB Manager. tf 1MB "WL' .... i f&iMMi 11 il f 1 El B H Cl t H f view poonu; teavuig woiaaDoro at iw.w p.m. " , lUivU ZKt -" . T V; 1.1' siiiTjupermtenden Mils. VAMIW HiVCHEK. I Be still, sad liearts, O hear ti anthem, So low and sweet. It's from siar In lyric stratus, aud-sogel whisper, in noatinij througu tt gates ajar. Methink) I see a white robed figure, WUb sort blue eyes son silken hair; She tuoes the harp with jewelled finger? , As up she climbs the golden stair. I hear her join the angels' welcome A lorioushout a glad refrain, And then she whispers back the message. Wep not, dear ones, we 11 meet again. ' I see her orowned with snowy petals, With, star-lit gems and strands of gold, And o her placid brow 'tis written, I'm safe within the Shepherd's fold. Full well, do 1 remember, Mamie, The time, the place, where first we met, 'Twas at the Normal on 'the campus," And thy sweet face I'll ne'er forget. I saw that fame was gently holding A jewelled wand for thee to bear; And Oh 1 to us, so hard it seemetb, That deah should blight a flower so fair. While we are sad, some hearts are bleed The silent room, the vacant chair, Must hold an anguish far exceeding The pain that distant friends would share. Dear mother, father, sister, brother, would I could help. thee beaf the rod, But U, the loss is not your darlings, . Ueie is the joy she's with her Uod. And after all these nights of sorrow, We'll hail a morning bright and clear, vv uen Mamie dear and all our loved ones. Mow far away, will then be near. 'Twill noube long the years are fleeting uniy a low more griefs and fears, Only a few more tired heart-beatings, Only a few more parting tears. So let us try with loving fondness, 1 o bear our heaviest burdens here. For by and by they'll be forgotten Within that brighter world ud there. There, no more hours of weary waiting i or tue coming or precious feet. There, no more hopes so - sweet are blighted By doubts and fears, and then defeat. Sometimes when trials seem to crush nie. 1 long to hear my King say "Come"; And oft I see through mystio shadows A vision bricht of home, sweet home. O glorious thought that sometime, haply, " aumo Bweei aay, mat's free irom pain, uur uoarest hopes will grow to ripeness, And surely wo shall meet again. Forest Home, N. C, Aug. 15, 1889. What Modern Light and Heat Sajg. Scarcely a day passes but some new development in science is heraled, some new invention to cheapen production, or some new application ot existing lorces is made. In the progress of gi electricity, and steam the path is marsea by new devices and appu ances. No sooner is a new process devised than' 'another one equal to it or even better comes oat, nntil it seems as though the range of im provement in certain directions had been fully covered. In the field of gas production the changes in the Iapt few years have been radical. Natural and fuel gas have come in to nse, new processes invented, until to day gas is produced at a lower figure than ever before, and the gas engine, though not a recent production, has been remodeled and improved until it stands high in the class ot transformers of energy. The steam engine, the dynamo, and ice motor nave an been subject to the same changes, nntil eachvear sees them more efficient and better suited to the demands made upon them. The electrio railway, whioh has now come into general adoption, has in so short a time been de veloped, into what is now a practical and commercial success that it scarcely seems possible, and yet it is claimed that a new application ol this will soon be maefe on which such high speeds will be attained that our present electrio street rail ways wll be to it in comparison as one to twenty. It cannot be questioned that no science has in the .past made such phenomenal development as applied electricity, ana it is predicted that the next decade will see even a greater one. . . fc m m A Woman' Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady In this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she stood Its severest tests, bat he vital organs were undermined and deatS seemed Imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could sot sleep, tJhe bought of us a bottle of Dr, Klncr'a New Discovery for Consumption. and was so much . relieved on taklnjr first dose thai she slept all night and with one oouie nas.Deen- miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Lather, Luts." ' Thai wrote W. C. Hsmrick C6.;. of Shelby, N. C Get a trial bottle at E . N. : Dnffv whole sale and retail diruir store.' ' Wholesale. 8.00 per dozen :: '; ... . : WMoinJconsists not in?, knowing many things, nor even in knowing them thoroughly, ( but in - choosing and following that! which condaces the most surely to onr lasting hap- niftpaa AtiA erlArtr v " ',4 'A letter! from MrJ. W. Baby, TJnlon uity, ina.i says: have ned yotar Clarke Extract of Flax (Panilloal Cough Cure and find it a complete cure for deep seated oold. . It has done more trua two or our moss skUlful nhvil Al.M. V4 nVIU.A k.j'.U. 1X71 Cough and vUh the aid of your Cough Cure tney had it very, light compared wlth-neishbors' children who? did not take It, I believe it to be the best'eough cure la the market. Bo it ia.'- A large bottle only 81.00. '-;''-.y;r :.Vs t. ', , t !- ClaYke'e Flax Soap for the Skin"; j It leads them all. Price 25oents. Consh Cure and Soap for sale by B N. Duff y4 diusfgiefc.-y- ' !:..':.:;.V..y ......I. ... Mil I . . For a disordered liver try Beeohani Cancer ot the Nose. ra 18T5 a ton appeared on my nose, and (Tw rapidly.- A my father had eaneer, and my bnabaad died of it, I keeame alarm ed, aad oouuUad my pbTslciaa. Hi treat ment did no good, and the sore fjrew larger and worn Inarery way.antU I had conclud ed that I was to" die from it effects. I was persuaded to taie S. 8. S., and few bottle eared me. This was after all the doctors and other medioines bad failed. I have had no return of th eaneer. MBS. M. T. MABEN. Woodbury, Hall County, Teiai. Treatise on Cancer mailed free. SWIFT SPBCUig CQ., Atlanu, Ga. GREAT BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hardware, Cut lery, Locks, .Hinees, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Sboxels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron, Steel, &o., &c, also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., etc, belonging to the business of Geo. Allen & Co.,-, will be closed out during the next few weeks at VERY LOW PEICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Allen & Co., by either note or account, are noti fied that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. S. WOOD, augl dwtf Trustee. HUMPHREYS mmm specifics For norsfls. Cattle. Sheep, Togs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Pace Book ok Treatment of Animals sns tasn sens ree. cross ( Fryers, Concesrlons, Innammatlon, A. A. i Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B. Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism. .. Distemper , Nasal Dlsrharges. U.D.Botaor Grnba, Worms. E. K. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F. Colio or Gripes, Bellyache. G. G.-4M.lacarrtage, Hemorrhages. H. H.-lri nary and Kidney Diseases. I. I.ErnptiTe Diseases, Mange. J.K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifies, Manual, Witch Hazel OU and Medlcator, 87.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 60 doses), . .60 Sold by Drnggista; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Prioe. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., It. Y. SUMPS-BEYS' HOMEOPATHIC fffl SPECIFIC No. ih a In as SB yean. Theonlrsneoeesfol remedy for Karvous Debility, Vital Weakness, 1 pervlaLorS vil and large ll powder, lor 5. olobt DBtroowrs, orsentpostptld on raoeiptof jriee,auuarui' aMUdM u.,lu ksaw sw, a, r. All of our Veterinary Preparations can be had of J. V. Jordan, DruRKiet, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets, Newbern, N. C. Insurance. INSURANCE ON Cotton Gins, Saw Mills, Country Stores, Country Dwellings Life, Fire, Marine, Accident, Fidelity Plate Class, Steam Boiler Insurance. The assets of the Companies repro ented by me aggregate over $100,000,000. WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Newbern, N. C. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agent for owner we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms the follow lug d escribed Improved Seal Estate In the Ciiyorne-v oerne: Kb. 1. WHAHK PROPERTY AT UNION POINT ; Includes the pteoe of land known ac -rtlHi iBL,A.JN D," aro the wharf or roadway leading thereto irom itaat jront street. Also, water paee now being filled in. The location 1 the beat In the oltv for allmann factoring purpose, while the largest piaft visiting our water have ample depth of water for loading and unloading at the Wharr. No. 2. TWO H0TJ8EB AND LOTS Al UNION POINT, occnp'ed a awelllnea. No. 4. THB IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON ORAViCN STREET. No. 6, BRICK STORE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN STREET occupied by R. O. E. Lodge. 1 A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with the beat terms upon which the amewlll be sold, will be furnished on application to the undersigned at their office 1 nSonth Front street. nrllvnv a ctxj ttttt decs dwtf In, and Real Estate Agi. J VH UABLH TRUCK LAND JOR SALE. About FORT ACRES CLEARED LAND, Situated within two mile of the city, suit able lor truck raising. A great bargain. Apply to . WATSON A STREET, may is . Real Est, Agents. The .Tucker & Smith Brand, Beit Shoe in' the Market for the price. It will cost nothing to call and ex amine. ly8 dliw&8ig:,iKin8ton, N, O. .ill Qnd aad J. e.i0U DiBIXIITi nTTT T Weaknas ef Body aai Kindt Effsot UUotf irm er r-Ma in Old or Toon. HMin Ml, , j. Hnai,afH limiiii . (niiKTHiri i im. iiV8 PHHi-n.fSoBf. Him TKKilma'r RmoIIU hi S . m toOliy fr.m gtatMt TmilwlM, IMn CMatriaa, I MMa writ. Urn., tat, tall npiui.tHw, aid pi-Mh aalla itNaM) ft, aMis8it jia.Mt MlglfM0,i,7 C. B. Thomas, Jr., ATTOaS KT AT LAW. Orrica: Craven (treat, near Pollock street. two doors noi ih of Jocknal office. Praciioea in Ciaven. Carteret. Jones. Ons low and Pamlico conmie, in the Supreme Court of th State, and In th U.S. U.atrlct and circuit Ooarta. October Wth. 1889. dwtf RODOLPH DUFFY. R. B NIXON. Duffy & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over R. N. Duffy's drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. apl9 dwly P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MOSFY BROKEIt Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty made In negotiating small loans for short time. Will practice In the Counties ot Craven. Car teret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. DnlLed States Court at New Berne, and Supreme Conn of the Stale. febl dtf CLEMENT MANLY. O. H QUION Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'s bank. Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6 dwtf F. M. SIMMONS. II. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practioe in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and lljdo, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl2dwtf DR7j. D. CLARK Km in '.Jror.r H'.i t Hons and Broad. ikr7-lciAWA dlrrcoo frt qjfjrnoo A MO TII can he HJ- LU ipuUV made working for us. Agents preferred who can rurnimi a horse and give their whole time to the busi ness. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in uvnn and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO., llXWJlaln St., Richmond, Va, N. H. Please slate age and 1 siness ei jrlence. Nevermind abont sending stamp or reply. U. F. J. & Co. aprSdtfm J. H. ORABTREE. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers In EMmiO WCHMSTS' SUPPLIES Builder of Engines. Boilers, Saw Hills. Edging A Cut-ofT Dlacklnes, Wear prepared to do Casting of all kinds wim prompmeas, Particular and Immediate attention given to repair of all kinds. We will be glad to give plan and estimates ror any aesonpuon oi maoainery. e are the agent for the tale of the Amer ican saw. Aiao lor u. or A. uargamur oeie. brated Indestruotlble Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work dona bv na. y23 d2aw wly GLANCE ! IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF " Bell The Jeweler " Will oonvinoe any one that we have in stock the Largest, Most Varied, and Complete'Llne of Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and Silver Head Canes in the State. It will be to buyers interest to see our goods before purchasing. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. II. CUTLER, Vice Prcs G. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. . THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bbyan, ' Thomas Daniels, L. H. Cutlir, Chas. Si Bryan, Qborob Allen, F. M. Simmons, O. H. Roberts. J. W.. STEWART -. Z't' " a i :, 1 Urge stock of Fine Horses and Jlules coutMtff on hand. Suited to driving;, drtfi and farm work. Uo4 ajid af aintle and doubl hortci for both ladiei and cen flriV V 6pn alf day and late at 3 EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCri The Fast .Freight Lln an warn New Oeraie. EuUi rt . araUat Polmu, and Morfolk, BaUaaaw Philadelphia. Hew Yark. Boata, Elevla KlisabeUl City. 1. C. THE STEAMER Eaglet and Annie oi mis line will run on regular sohedul Urns, leavlug New Bern every MONJIaY. W EUN fflDAT and rnlUA it.r h.l,i.iceth Ctty. and ralorm ariivlni! on Mu.MJAV. THL'K81AY and 8ATl'uiAY. Theee HleamerH in ronnectlon with th Atlanitc a J. c. H. ii. Norfolk boQiharn K. K , ew Yors, PI,:Ih. Norfolk Kajut the l'fuua Ikl) a n. K , lorm a reliable and, regular huh uilen,i niperlor UoUlUe for quick iraiinniuiiiuu No tiept at Kllaabeth City, ak. which point : rt-ixni 1,1 be loaded on oars to go through lo dotlusiu.u. Direct ail goons lo be shipped via Eaalaria Carolina InrpHU'L cmly aa follows: Krom New York, bv Penu. R, K., Plat V. 'North River. F rom rMjhadelphla. o Phlla., W. A Baiirj K. K., Dock si. station, r'rom bal'iuiore by Pnlia.. Wll. A BalUi. H. U,. Iresident St. station. From Nu:f.:!i, by Norfolk Sontbern B. R. From hot, i iy Merchant a Miners Trans-. portal rtatlou . .; New York and New EnalmnA Rates ss low und time auiokar t an hT ur other lino W. II - JOYVK tGon, Kgt. Traflio Agent. 1'. K.K.I. U u rsl lialtloManaeer GEO. Si' hi lib s, Division rrelght AganU P. W. h. K i ., ,'hlla. B B. (H)OKh , 'i. ueral Freight Agent. K Y- P. A N. It. K., Norfolk, Va il. l lil'lJtil ns, tjenernl Frelkht Agent. I S. H. K.. Noifolk Va. (I X). UKN'DERSON. Agent, Newberne. N. O. lebJO dw old ooLiinion Steamssiip Company. SEMI WEEKLY LINE. fhe Old Uouilulou Steamship Coaw J pamy's Old and Favorlta Water Route, via Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. roB Horfolk, Ualtiiuore, New York, PhllM delphla, Uoston, Pro vldence, aud Washington City. And all points, North, Eiait and WestJ On .-.ud after .MONDAY. AUG. 5lh, 1889,1 until furtner nollue, tue Steamer MiNTEO, Gapt. Soulligite, AMI Steamer NEWBERNE, Capt. Pritchett. Will Ball from Norfolls. Va., lor New Berne via WsslilnKton, MONDAY si" ami KK1UAY8. maklna cloBe connection with the Hleamer of th. N. & T. K. P. B.Co., for Klneton Trantn, and all other landings on the Nense an 1 Trent Rivers. Returning, wllStaall from NK.w nr.Rnia for NOKKOLK direct, 1 TEHDAY8 and KR!i. UAYHat TWELVE, M., (noon), making ooii nectlon with the o. O. M. m. ivi' .ki. for New York, H. H. P. Co.'s steamer, for Baltimore, Clyde Line hhlps for Phils delphla, M.AM.T, Co. 'a ships for Bos to a. and I'rovldence iw. Our uunrlnK efforts to please onr patrons, and our almost perteot sorvlce fourteen years, is the beet guarantee we oa a oiler all shippers as to wnal we will do ft or them in the future. Order all gooua care of O.I). 8. S.Oo., Hoi', folk. Va. Passengers will Ond a good table, comfort ablo rooms, and every courtesy and atten tlou will be paid them by the offioera. E. B. ROBERTA, Agent. MISSUS. CULPEPPER A TURNER, Agents, Norfolk, Va. ff. )! STANFORD. Vice-President. Haw York City.. titelXFreighi Lino HEECHANTS and SHIPPEHS, TAEEINOTICU On and after October 15, 1HB8, this line wit resume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS BETWEEN Baltimore and New Berne Leaving Baltimore for New Berne. WED NESDAY, bATCUDAY, at BIX P. M. Leaving New Berne lor Baltimore, TUES LAY, SATURDAY, at BlX P.M. This Is me only Dl RECT line out of New Berne for Haiti mom wl thou tcnange.andoa their return trip from Haiti more come dlreo to New Berne, stopping only at Norfolk, con necting then for Boston,, Phila delphia, Richmond, and all points North East and Went. Making close connection, lora .l points by River und Rrli out of New Beiii-. Asenfs are as follows: REUBitN roJIER, Ueu'l Manager, W. AloOARRICK, Agt.. Norloik, Va. W P.Clyde i Uo., i'hlladelphla, 12 BontU wharves. . New York A Hallo. Trans. Line, Pier North river. E. Sampson, Boston, 5S Central wharf. S. 11. f.ockwell. Providence, R. J. Bhlps leave Boston, Tuesdays and Baturday. ' " New Vora dully. ' Balto , Wednesdays A Saturdays " Philadelphia, Mondays, Wednes days, baturdays. " " Providence, Baturdayi. Tkroutja bills lading given, and rales guar anteed to all points ut the diUerent offloea of the companies. AVOID BREAKAGE OP BULK AN SHIP VIA N. C. LINK. B, II. GRAY, Ageni, New Beine.N. O. NEW:BRNE andpamlico line. The Steamer TAHOMA. MIDSUMMERSCHEDULE.' Commencing Thursday, June 27th, and con tlnulug ditrlUK the niouihs of July, August and part of September, the following sched ule will be In operation: .. TT Leave New Berne on Thanday morning at Six oolook tor Bayboro and lntermediat landings. w Leave Bayboro Thnrday night for Oera coke, arriving ihore Jr'rlday morning: arriv at Washington. N.c, same night. - Leave Washington for Ocracoke on arrival of Bteatner Oreenvllle Saturday mornlna. reaching Ocracoke thateveulng. ,n. . Leave Ocracoke Bunday afternoon, aifTlT ng at Washington same night. T7s rtvlncr .1 1 lnroi.nIu a. ma .1 Iav Ooraooke Wdneay morning tor - -ma win ua mraeimm unw Dnrnn its a uiraAAira an u..a.i a. raLDrnln tha fn.ii a a.!.... " . nignu affording pnoni in ijc.ilent DDuOrLliniT.v Ar nruartH in . 4 J a- a. a. . - wwim ruiiiiaw J 00 or thin line wittTmUw. ;i One trio Der wak will ha ii- S-.- nxuMiwug nay river rout. . ; Pan loOtMAbkait L- V ai, -. UUMllara..u...... . . ; " -- . V tv to WuhlnM. 2 - r . . ma atnm ,uv V - -T - "UV1 IMWIIUKblUU BPPty fO .( K?- . . 1 -.u. JNfL H. MA MIT : V l.