CI03niO OUT eiitireSstock AT J. E. SUITII, Agt. One second-hand Vertical Boiler of thirty horse power, la rerjr good con dition. The boiler is made ot extra heavy iron, and hai only been ia on a few year. Need no repairs at present. i Two Vertical Center- Crank Eagines of ten bores power each, fitted with link, in good condition and ready fox immediate use. Apply to 4 . - v -JAMES REDMOND, ;. ' ooH dwtf v. - New Berne, N. C Cottcm. Dinners. Attention! We arc now ready for yonr orders (or the Celebrated Daniel Pratt Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. '.' Everybody using them unhesitatingly pronounce them the BEST &o take no otber. We guarantee full satisfaction. Send for prices and terms, WHITTY ft GATES, Agents for the Boss Power Cotton Presses, Roanoke Hand Preecee, etc. augl7dwtf Atlantic & N. C. Kailroad. Oma of Geh'l Freight Agent. New Bkbhb, N. C, Oct. 12th, 1889. NOTICE. The following described property, now in the warehouse of the A. & N. C. tt. Co. at New Berne, will be sold at Pualio Auotwn on FRIDAY, NOVEM BER 1st, 1889, at said warehouse, to pay : tha freight and charges on the same. Bale to commence at 12 m. 8. L. DILL, G. F. A. The following are the names of con signees, articles in warehouse, arid the amount of f reiaht due: J B Meeka. 41 bdls iron $25 85 A J Denant, 8 brls pipes 5 15 EG Cuthbert, 2 millstones 11 76 Wvson ft Jordan, 2 nkgs paper 25 Ransom ft Wilson, 1 lot bags 26 H kfurphrey, 1 bdl poles, 1 do tent. 1 pkg, 1 keg, 3 bxa, 2 stands, 1 pee eastings 2 96 J W Denmark, 1 bz books 59 F W Hancock, 1 iron safe 5 50 J B Watson, 1 lot buggy material. 25 S B Waters, 2 small brls vinegar... 5 43 J W Messio. 1 brl vinegar 3 22 J O Wbitty, 1 condenser, 1 flue 5 42 J T Scott, Trenton, 1 hhd crockery . 16 47 Dt L Duffy , 1 bz pat. med icine . . . . 50 Ed Owen, 1 trnnk 1 01 T R Jarvis, Sladeville, 1 bz medi cine, 1 show card 3 25 Bridaeman ft Co, Sladeville, 4 bzs medicine, 1 show card 2 25 T B Jarvis. Makelttville. 1 bi hd w 81 D W McCauley, 1 c mdse 4 21 Crabtree ft Co, 1 pee pipe.....'. 25 G D Jarmon. 1 pke castings 65 B Branch. Goose Creek. 1 bzd trunk 50 J C Whittr. 1 condenser, 1 flue 3 54 M B Willison, 1 bz ink 76 Rinsrer life Co. 1 nks cae tines 25 John Vurobv. 6 bz com soap paid A B Dennison, 1 car brickbats 5 00 Jno B Bell. 1 oa 4 cads tobacco 73 Jno O Wbitty. 1 gin and feeder. ... 4 31 S H. Oarria ft Co. Harlowe, 1 bz seed 4S H A SteinhelDcr. 1 dust arrester.... 50 45 Jan Mnmford. 1 bz castings 61 A&NCRR. 2 trunks J T Midvette. 1 bz paper 25 LG Moore, 1 .refrigerator 2 64 500 Tons Cotton Seed For which we will pay tile HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. - Come and see us before selling yonr seea. E. H. ft J. A, MEADOWS. ocl2 lm THE JOTJENALr Arrival in A Departure Sails at MAIL CLOSES.1' " For North, Wast and South, Tim A. 14. u. B. K. at 9:00 a.m. For Beaufort and . the East, -- 5: SO d. m. .'.'-'iuv- For Waahingtoa.Swift Creek, Hyde and ueeaTor Counties, daily at m a. m. For Trenton, PoUokarille and ' Maya Tille, daily at 1M a.nul 3 vj - .For Grantsboro, " Bayboro an 1 Tan aamera, daily at a. m.-r OFFICE HOURS: la Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to t p. m . In Mailing Department from 9 a.m to 5 d, m. , and from 7:80 to 8 cm. Office ODen constantly between the a hours except when mails are being dia- triDutea or santsus .v-'-. 1,000 PRESENTS To Be Given Away! Shoes! Shoes! Hats! Hats! Shoes! Shoes! Hats! Hats! Large Drive in Tobacco Prioes ranging from 15o. per lb. up. Dont't forget to call and examine my stock of various other Goods at LOW PRICES. Yours, anxious to pleapo, J. F. TAYLOR'S, Wholesale and RetaillGrocer, Prior, of Wi Ml" rrwt. SheSidat Want to be ta the fashion. Charlie I see, Mamie, that dia- moada are no longer fashionable for engagement rings. , Pearls, are all the rage now. . Ot conree, you want to be in the fashion t : Mamie No. I1 never, did care much for the edicts of fashion. Yon may get me a diamond engagement ring, Charlie. If they are no longer fashionable they must be cheaper. . . Charlie hadn't the courage to ex plain that a pearl engagement ring cost 75 per cent, less than' a dia mond. ..,..' - Si rt" in r rn j J y J VALUABLE CITT PROPERTY TOR SAL. Pursuant (o a Judgment o! the Superior Court xf Craven county, lor nsitlllon, 1 will ell at Public Auction, at tha onrt House In Newborn, on Tuesday, the :ijili day of NovemiHir. lfRi, alia o'oiock. m.. ina iO' of Und situated on Hancock street, i n nld city, being the "Oliver House and Iiot." hiom as lot Number 89 In the plan of said city ot ixewDem. TerniB or eie, rM,. H. O. STEVKNauN, Commissioner. Oct. 25th 1889. . dim Administrator's Sale OK A VALUABLE TR&CT of LAND. NOBTII CAROLINA, I Crven uouniy. j fciiiirror court. Petition to tell lauds to make assets. James C. Harrlton, Adm'r of .M ichal Orcon, .i -., Against W, R. N. Green, et als., beire-at-law. Iu obedience to a.iudement ot t,l e Superior Court, rendered on the 16th of October. 1S89. in the above entitled suit, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, UKt . d, 18HU, at the Court House In New Berne, en pose at public tale, to the highest bidder, toe following tract of land belonging to the c.tate ot Mi chael Green, deceased, to wit: A certain tract of land lima and belli); In craven county, on the south side of Trent road. about one mile and a half west of New Heme adjoining the lands of Mrs. v loiorla Perry, the heirs ot j. i. ciajpooie ana otoers, con taining o acres, more or less.tuiiy uescrioea lu the petition filed in the above suit. ids tract or land is vaiunoie ana conve nient for trucking and other farming pur poses. Hate win commence at u o ciock. r.i. Terms of Hale: One-half cash: balance on a credit of six months, secured by notes to be approved. Title reserved until full pay' merit Is made. New Berne, Oct. 18th. 18S9. JAMtS U. HAKK1SON, o23td Adm'r of Michael Ureen, dee'd. ' . " ?he London J'og. If it were not for the too frequent presence of fog the i atmosphere of London ot a great part of London would no donbt be, for a great city, exceptionally pure. And it may be as well to point oat tnat what it is customary to call "London fog" is not quite correctly named or properly understood. London, while it undoubtedly gives some special properties to its fog, has but little to do with originating it. The real and essential basis of a London fog is a sea or rirer mist,' blown by the direction of the wind on to the city. London lies but a short dis tance from both our east and south coasts. On the east there is nothing but low lying country beUeen it and the month of the Thames, nothing to prevent this sea fog being driven by the prevailing wind over the metropolis. When it reaches the city the cloak of watery vapor prevents the regular diffusion and dissipation of the smoke of the city into the surrounding atmos phere, and for a time the sea mist, mixed with London smoke, hangs over ns and gives us what we call London fog the essential basis of which is water, not smoke. The same thing can bo observed to proceed from a southwesterly direc tion. V Uereulean Strength' . ;...' . Continually on the strain, or overtaxed at intarrala. Is far less desirable than ordinary vigor perpetuated- by rational diet and exercise, and abstention from exoess. Professional pugilists and ath letes rarely attain extreme old aga. As ordinary vigor - may bo retained by a wise regard for sanitary living, and for the protection against disease which timely and judicious medication affords, so also it may be lost through prolonged sedentary labor, uninterrupted mental strain and foolish eating and drinking, the chief and most immediate sequence of all four being dyspepsia. For this condition thus, or sft any way induosd, and for its offspring, a failure of mu cular and nerve power,- Hostetter'i Stomach Bitters is the primest and most genial of remedies. Not only in digestion, but lose of flesh, appetite and sleep are. remedied by it. Incipient malaria and rheumatism are banished, and kidney, bowel and liver complaint removed by it. " - "- . . ' - Having just returned from 'the Northern Market with the Largest an J Best Selected Stock I ever kept, I am going to .-, n - - -j . ; Sell 0r:::4i:r f.ny C:d In lb C!!y! - - - - ' ' ' :. r largest Stock of Clothing in Uhe City ! Men's Baits from $2.5fiT up. Boy's Knee Suits, four to eight years, 11,00 ' Fine line of Ladies' Cloaks aniNaw Marke ta-also' Dolmans - ' -C Child's Cloaks, four to twelve jears, $1.25. ' - ' Men's good Shoes at $1.00. t " Ladies' Button and Lace Shoes, 85c. to $1.00, Men's and Boys' Hats, 10c to 15o. ; ' Best Flannel Undershirt, 45e.- - UnderBhirts low as 18c. , . ; -Ladies' TJndervests, 22Jo. . ' v. ' CAEPET3 will be sold very low. Afull line of Trunks and Valises. -" My whole stock of Dry Goods and Notions will be sold, at SEDUCED PEICE3, as I have to make room for my Enormpus Stook tf Clothing. iy BememDer the plaeo. -rr ' u . - A," , J. A. THOMAS, Salesman. . ' " - Opposite Baptist "Church, ', .j v - oc3 dw - j. 1 . NEW BEENE, K. C. . v . t : li Bueklea' Arnica ttadv. Tbi Best Salvk in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. His nurantd to give perieot 8atiara-t!oti ot m nn re funded. Trice sl r. jr b Va salebr R. N. Dn Vn l7 Hew Berne High Schcjj FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. The best medical writers claim that he successful remedy for nasal catarrh must be non-irritating, ealy of applica tion, and one that will reach all tbe re mote sores and ulcerated surfaces. Tbe history of the efforts to treat catarrh during the past obliges us to admit that only. one remedy has met these condi tions and that is Ely's Cream- Balm This pleasant remedy has mastered catarrh as nothing else has ever done, and both physicians and patients freely concede this fact. The most distressin g symptoms yield to it. Also, 3 to 4 tons guano. $165 89 oc!5 ts a. . . . . -r i Sale ot Valuable Land in Jones County. P' UQUORHABrrT fAiimrwom muen Bin -cm cuke D'HaiifES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be alven In a cud of coffee or tea. or In article of food, without tbe knowledge of tbe patient, lr necessary; it li absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a mode rate arinaer or nn aiconono wreca. li BEVKR FAir8. It operates so quietly and with suoh certainty that the patient under goes no Inconvenience, and ere he lata ware. nis complete reformation is enectea. J page dooe oi paruouiars iree. K. N Duffy, druggist, agent, New Bertie H.O. Janldwly Pnrtnant to Indumenta of the Superior Oonrt of Jones county, we will sell at Public Auction at the Court House in Trenton, vn Tmcadar. the itoth day of October, A.u. 188V, at IS o'clock. Midday, the following lnda.TlK A tract of land situated In said Jones mnnt. ntu Trenton, on Trmt River. An- tolna'a Branch and Crooked Run, belng4he sama lands which were devised to James He Daniel by his father Jamts MoUanlel in the 7th artlele of his Will, which Is recorded In tha -offloa of the Banerior Court of said Jnnaa eonntr. to which reference is made for fall description (except the Conner tract and the Commons tract). Also the Mills and Mill Peat known as the McDaalel Mills, near tbe town or Trenton, together with all the buildings and Improve mentsof every kind on tbe above mentioned lmds. Terms Cash. O. H GUIO.V, M DaW. STEVENSON. Sept. 21th, 1889. Commissioners. Stats or Worth Carolina, 1 Superior Jones County. ) court. V. M. ftlmmons, administrator of L. li. Hud ann. va. Nancy Hudson. Geo. T. Hudson. John E Hudson, Jas. B. Hudson. MaVk Dleoswaj ana Josephine mi wue, ana r . uinvu. Pet. to sell lands to make assets, notice. To John S. Hudson: Taka notice. That this proceeding Is to ob tain an order of the cou-t to sell the landt of the late L. B. Hudson to make aisets In tha hands of his administrator to nay hit debt and charges of administration, and that von arareanlrtd to appear Deioreme at tha court house In said Jones county on the 4th day of November, im. ana answer or demur to the petition filed herein. This 19th day of September. 188. . THO-8. J, WHlTAKEB, Clerk ftUDerlor Ooflrt of sepESa- Jonss County, North Carolina, K. R, JONES, AND Dry Goods & Notions Full stock and large assortment. , Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. . Piao'a Cure for Con sumption 1 also the best , Cough Medicine. If you bare a Cough without disease of the Lungs, a few doses are all f you need. But If you ne-; gleet this easy means of aafety, the alight Cough " tnay become a aerioua ' I, matter, and several bot ; ties will be required. The Sterling Go. Manufacturers of 1 .''''''yjrf" J New Berne, K. O. Dieliens! 03.00 - M rvrorks rdf .Charles ; Dicfena, luuidflOmely Saved from Consumption. Several physicians predicted that Mr. Asa B. Rowley, druggist ot Chicago. would soon have consumption caused by an aggravated case of catat rh Cus tomers finally induced him to tiy Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papilloo) Catarrh Cure. He says: "The result was unprecedented. I commenced to get well after the first application, and am now, after a few weeks, entirely cured." It will do the same for you. Price $1.00. Try Clarke's Flax Soap for tbe skin and you will use no other. 25 cents. All of Clarke's Flax reme dies are for sale by F. S. Daffy, druggist. COMMERCIAL, B. & L. Association, Series No. 2 of the New Berne Build ing and Loan Association is now open. All parties wishing to take shares of stock in tbis series will apply at once J. K. B. CARBAWAY, - sep27 dim See. ond Trees. to I. Ptool ,u s kemedv ?or tatarA to the F"! i Best, Easiest to XJke, and Cheapest ; I I J Bold by dmmrlsts or sent br malL i I Ma vJfcft HaieUlM.Warreii, fa,f. JJ, THE STEEIoT:MOS, f ''- '' WBJOIl'VOa ': '' 'vv" Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, . FINISH and adaptability for etantf; ing in Tune nave ne equal., Every Piano Warranted for Five Years i And sattafaotlon pwranteod ta erery rmrohases. ' j. Also Manufacturthe WoRLO-RjtxoWKao STEI1LIJVG ORGAN "Factories, Derby, Conn. COTTON. New York, Oct. 26. Futures closed firm. Sales of 73.500 bales. October, 10.65 April, 10.18 Nov. 0.99 May, 10 24 Deo'r, 10.01 June, 10.81 January, 9 98 July, 1036 February, 10 05 August, 10.43 March 1012 Sept. - New Berne market firm. Sales ( 51 bales at 9.60 to 9. 56i. DOIIICgTlU RSAM.BVRT. Eggs 15o. Corn 48a56o. Oats New crop, 80u37o., includiug sacks. Fodder New, 60a75e TrantRTlHi Firm. Virgin $2.25 yellow dip, 12.25; hard. $1.20. Spirits Ttjbpentink 45o. per gallon KOSIN BUaH&C. Tak-I 1.50 per bbl. of 280 lbs Bmuwax I8s20o. per lb. Bur On foot, Be. Hams Country, llal2c. Lard Country, lOallc. Hat Crab grass, 35a45. Onions S1.00 Der busb. Potatoes Bahamas 8Uo.; jomsSOo, r SAN UTS 1 25 Der bushel. OmOKKNB Urown 30a43r. pair half grown, wwabc. Meal 65o. bolted. Wool 12al8c. 3tavbb B O. hhd. dressed S13al0 par at. 1TMBEB jyprss, 19 in. and over In demand at 85.00 per M BujNaiJtB West India, dull and u m tail; 6 inch 93 00a2 25 Building iaah hoarts, $2.25; saps, $1.75 ner li TWnoLiBAUi ratrikw. Ifase Fobs New $12 SO. Bhotjldxb Meat 8alCo. . 0. R.'s. F. B's. B. 'sand Li 0.-7aTi. Ptorrt8.00a6.60. " : Lakd 7o. by the tierce, , . MaILB Basis 10's, $2.60. : BDOABOrannlated, 8o OoiTtB-18a20o. halt ouaooo. nersaca. , . i, Itoiasau and 8TBOTf80a5o. f noT Drop, 81.60;"buok, $1.75. Hmts Dry, 8a0o. V green So, ' Tallow lo.rwr lbv- o: :-x'li a Deer HlDH8-Dry, 15a25o. Bath Booms Read At my shop on Middle street. P.enty of .water, hot or cold, and good large Junifltf 5 , J. B, BROW, T-1 sn?al For, Sale,' The 6ea Bouse, Beaufort, 0., con tainlng 13 rooms. ; A large dining room kitchen and Outhouses. ..Also a oistern holding 8.560 gollona of water. .'Lot contains 99 feet front and 270 feet deep excellent garden spot. Also water lot I about ,00 feeta Vft s oc22iwlm EST HNELORSTrlAT ITHEnMUT iWASH out norFade SCAN'S) "ONLY RISING Sold bydruggistS A1BO PEEBYjESS BBOXZI! PAINTS-0 Colors, , PKEKLKKS LAUNl'RY BM'IHO. PEERLESS INK POWDEB.S-6 Kinds 7 Colors. PEERLES8 SHOE AND HARNESS DltESSINU. PEERLESS KC10 DYES-8 Colors. printed and , finely bojindj' ahtt with over -iSOilliistrations, doubtless seems I fabulous I to Fall Term commences fint Monday in September. : Three Departments: Primary, Inter mediate and Academic. ' niany, but it is one of theTrecent Building large, commodious, and fnr- J , , . " . if t , nisnea wita a weu equippea ijaooratory I nuuuv luviuuuus va oiuvu a jliw. and Library, and neoessary appliances PanMtism. v ota first-class High School. ,v 9 f""'",, JThe "Boz" Dickens- faculty consists of live, experienced and progressive toachera. Instruction thorough and oraatical. Special attention paid to VOICE CTJL- Iture. and to physical, moral and spirit ual di'vi-lopcuent. . Discipline mild, but firm. Special inducements offered to poor boys and girls desirous of procuring an education. Bording facilities good Expenses reasonably. For circular of information, address jv28i wtf O. T. ADAMS. Principal, Dickens, the Works of Charles 'Sickens. " Bos " Edition In six vols., small gro, gooa type, with numerous lllnslratlons, well printed oa fair paper, cloth, $3.00. , ' ' . Ust of Tolsv-130 iaostratlona. ' L Dombey and Son, -rut Lunibj oavp. . lime. Vance Academy, s Boarding and Daj SchooJ, 1 DSTid CopperBeld, Ohrlstmaa Stories, Tale of Two Cities, Tjnoommerolal Trayeler. Nicholas Nlekleby, American Notes. 4. Matnal Friend, UUle Dorrlt, r Reprinted,, .t X . KdwiaOrood.'.. li Plekwlek Papers. , Barnaby Rod re, . . v Sketch by BoL) , , , S.rJllTCT Twist, Creat Expectations , Bleak House, . ... ' -Pictures from Italy ' This "Boz" ens is printed For Hale and Ft male. editionof Dictv;""-. from the "earner plates as Appieton s rouiar Library Edition of this same J ia ft T.riflA licritfir ana A " Special attention paid to Mathematics ... .-, i .. i ..i.. v.a ' - Commercial Law, Book-keeping and Utile cneaper in . quiuijf,- uue Penmanship. Experienced teacher in j both are good. , instrumebtal music Vocal musio a) mi.i.i prominent feature. I xue uiu-iuajf wbooum wio , - Tuition, ineiuding board, washing, omceof tnispaper.oraspecunen fife'm'onu;;.565 w perwion tl volume, returnable, willbe sent postpaid for 50 contS. s ( , ' For Catalogue apply to W. R, SKINNER, Prinoipal, g2ua4 tf Jew Berne, N.C. Steamer Howard, GUINN'8 PIONEER BLOOD I dependent Steamboat Line. Boperior Court RE NEWER. Purely vegetable in composition, Bafe to use under all circumstances, and to cure all blood disorders, rheumatism, neuralgia, mercurial ailments, sorofu lous affections, swellings, catarrh and skin diseases.. For that most loathsome han't obstinate disease, syphilis, it is a specific and as suoh has been used by many physicians in the South, who have given thnr unqualified testimony re gardiDgTts peculiar efficacy in effecting a permanent cure Where all other meth ods of treatment and alleged-speoifics have utterly failed . Its wonderful and admirable erJects in rheumatism recom mends it to that large class ot sufferers who have hitherto unavailirgly sought relief. For sale by ' R. N. DUFFY, New Berne, N. O. Superior Oonrt. Ta Fall Term. 1888. The New Open Franklin Is the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL Heating Stove to uae. f Call and see hellratf:.y4:,' u On and after Monday the 16th. day ol September the steamer Howard will run the following schedule; For Trenton every Monday and Fri day at eight o'clock, and return on Tuesday and Saturdays. J. J. LASITTER, Manager. NORTH CAROLINA, I . Craven County. Anna E. Bmallwood and Margaret S. Small- wooa, .. vs. -. - Jesse Brooks. S.'H. Gray. Alexander S. Fierce, Toe B. H. Gray Manufacturing Company, ana James F. uasseti. . . iv To Alexander S. Fleree and James 7. Bassett. Take Notioo, That this action, entitled as above, la Instituted for the purpose of fore closing morttaa-es on certain lands situated In Said Craven county) on the south side of Nensa river ana rauy - acseriDea in saia mortgages, which are recorded In the offioe of the Kegister of 7)eeds for said county, in Book No. 74. folios 10 and ll. and Book Ne. 79, folios 419, 60 and 461, to whloh referenee ts made. And you are required tt appear at the oonrt House in Newbern, In said oounty, on the Twelfth Monday after the First Mon day in September, 1889; and answer or demur y me oompiaini in saia aeuon. . wi. , This uctooer Mtn, iKtw. - t' - JLW CAAPENTSR. .- ' 1 ' ' Clerk Hop. Court, QBIKK A Stvs6i, 4 - ' , . , Att'is for Plaintiffs. ool4 d6w ; Sheriff's Sale. O. J.' Sohelky- ', " J. A; Patterson, M. Pattersboand others. Pursuant to an execution in my bands issued bf E.. W. Carpenter. U. V. G. Craven countyon the 80th day of Junej 1889, in favor of C. J. Sohelky. vs. J. A. ratterson. atoees ratterson ana may a, Patterson his wife, J will sell at Public Auotion at tbe uourt House door in the City of New Berne, on Monday the 4th dsyof November, 1889, at 12 o'clock. M., all the right, title and interest which said Defendants owned . on the day of Jane, 1886,. or at any time thereafter, in ana to tne following de scribed property, to wit: The Hotel NRTH CAROLINA, The National Bank ofNew Berne , Joseph X. Bhem,! 3. B. Hnahea land . - MuisMr, tisoiion ei i noa. j. asitnnwi; W. Walker, trnstee of tha ehUdran of Thoa. ' J. Mitchell; Thos. J. Mitchell; Trad. O. Mltohelb A. J. Mitchell; O. M. Cooper and ," Bailie M. Cooper: H. O. Tnli andNannl ; B. Tull; Hattle T. M ttohell; J. U H. Mlsll Her, adm'r of Sarah E. Mltchsll; K. M. Meadows and J. A. Mradowa; Geo. Allen and Win. Clave; Geo. O, Manning, Samnet B. timer and John o. Seese, iraauij a John B. Beeae Co.; O. Breker. Jr., H. J. - - Braker nd w. D. Farls. trading aa M. Baker Bte.i IsaaaM. Frank, Dava Heoht, Ferdinand A. Well. Kliaa A.- Well, Henry Melnhardt. Isaac MsiDhardt and Bamnel - Melnhardt, trading as Frank A Co.; J. W. Stewart; wm. Foy- , - , , Btateof North Caiollna Craven county. , Notloe Is hsreby given to the following da- - fendanta In the above entitled action, ' to wit: Geo. O. Mannlns. Bamnel B. Miner and John B, Reese, tradlngas John 8. Beese a CO.; V. Braser, jrj t. J. Braaer ana w. v. Saris. Uadlna as H. J. aaaer Bro.: jsaae M. Frank, Dave Heoht, Ferdinand A, Well, mias 'A. weu, Jienry , jseiDnaraw asaaa Melnhardt and Pamuel Melnhardt, trading : . as Frank A Co., that the above entitled tlon waa commenced in -the Bnperior Oonrt of thla eonnty on tbe 19th day of September, lwy. ana tnat tne onicec oi tne mid is io . foreclose certain mortgages held by the said . BlalntUT the said National Bank or new.' erne, on the personal property and cm tain real estate of the defendant Joseph lu Bheia. said real estate being in the .eonnty ot -Craven and eommonly known as tbe Mism farm, embraolng the original Rhem place -the Hart land and the Carter traet near New ' Berne, N.O. Also that tract of land known as the Rhsrn plaetatlorn about seven miles ' from New Berne, N, C, and fully described in saia mortgages. xou are tnererore rti . fled and required to be and appear bt-mre the Judge of our .Superior Con it, at a cunrt to be held for the eonnty of craven at tha -Oonrt House In New Berne on the 12th Mn day after the 1st Monday in Septentlier. 1889 and answer the complaint which will be deposited In the office of tba Clot k of tne Superior Court of said eonnty within tha fint thiee days of the Term, and let the said defendants take notice that if they fail to answer thesald complaint within that term, . the plaintiff will apply totheeonrt for the . relief demanded in tbe eomplslnt, and tha cost of this action to be taxed by the clerk. . uerein ran no. - .. . w Given under my nana ana seal ot said MurtthlsSddayofeotober,li9. ' Olerk Ann. Oonrt; Craven eonnty, N. O. , The nndersltned. James O. Harriscn. Pub-. lie Administrator, has duly qualified ss Ad ministrator, with the- will annexed, of to . estate of Joseph Pate, deoessed, and benoy glvos notloe tbat he requites all ji-- . having einlmsairalnst tha estate or i I Jihk'i ,i le, deceased, to preDt t . I the sal4 Administrator duly uibet' i for payiuent on or before the 1st day i t -tember, lbttO, or else ibis, notloe - ...i estate n; ust pay,. EIIGIIiES, Qlnnlna Knglncs' and Horse Powers yor GIHNINQ 8PKClAtiTIE5; Also QK 1 KILLS arid M STAK1A.U1 JUIPLEMENTg. 4-, .- Send for Catalogue') A. B. FARdTJIIAIt CO. (Ltd.) Tork, Ia JAS. O. HABBfqON. Aamlnl8t.rr. - - With the will arm. d, Newbern, N.O., ;Aug.i'Jth. 18 9. a ...aju augXl Albertand lot; ?ff l.ndhich tha P.6t,OTtI. same is Bituatea, lying oa tne.easi sue of Middle, street in the City of New Berne. - r . ;-. a" ' ' ... i- Fora'more psrtioulsr description of wbiob reference is made to a judgment of the Superior Court of (Jraven county, rendered In the above entitled action. This Oct. 8d, 1889. - . . v V ; VW. B. t ANE. 8heritT. r "' nndTThlfcVHnt. ontniiin. 1 ... ' "f fap. . . m wm .1.1.1. v.M.n. I Jt NaV a at h. ' fc -i Saigrtfras, rccVroyal, t?; r;.. tUre'ca, Epcraiaint, ll?. BonKhtforNetCuah.on recnlpt t Ival, wllii"Utimre lor Comn UrokeraKS, etc, by V vcjycn a oixe 80 & .88 t-T"' rt,, ITr- "V

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