- - " a i Kf. 4 .v VOL; VIII.--NO. 189; SEW BERNE, N.' C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1689. PRICE 5 CENTS. ft B BOSIirrJ IQCJLL3. UCSWEEAT. Hominy. Crushed! LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I F. E. Mortow Tuning and repairing. Y.heat. 01 Flakee, VermloeUi, F&rlev. V l.t Pe, Macaroni, Okrm and Tomt:: :.L.i4U' Kama, -.Breakfast Scries, fcuear Cured Bhonidars, Corned rosf rvwi mniea ii.erriD.ineese.. all kinds Canned Goods, While Beane,! AHout eight nearoes rrom along the Olive., Capers. Curry Powders, Pick lee, I line of the A. & N. O. Railroad - lef for Cataop, ia uwinw lfieelteippi and other States Teeterdar. i,..t nnari ptaonu. rrniui. .iuhuu. i Lv.rorated Apple. Tapioca, , Cora 1 aT.R.dotph, buggy manufacturer, ke spoke about fifteen minutes In elo- a ia a - m wis. ax is .. a. quent . terms, d ireotlng hi . ramarke principally to young men. It wae both TheTlT.0. A. Entertainment Lut aright.-. That wai a rich treat furnished by the Tonne Men's Christian Association. The exercises opened with a piano solo that was ezqnuitely , rendered by Miss Katie Dannietsv. Then came General Battle with an old man's talk to the Young Men's Christian Association. It was a happy and appropriate selection. Purch. Jelly, Cider, Boiles OxToogTtea, will have some of his excellent buggies Pickled Lamb Tongues. Chipped Beef, on exhibition at Hyde county court f resa jraoen wiu wusaa, k wmv ad Coffee. Chooolate, Choioe Teas, Coooeato. iJ?s i DM,TKB? I - The members of the Y. M. u. A. ex ' HOIIND---A bnnoh ot key.? .Owner tend their sincere thanks to the Urge . i ... - "---" :i . .1 r x can rettnesamoT iwyinKiuiai tnd aDoreciauve andienoj tnat creeled .;-.t nA T..i.,...t i..a . office and paying rorinis aavriismeai.i ,,&wiBIBei)l at the theatre last ., An far fain m Ant nPAtrrAttojl tntfihAn i - a - profitable and entertaining. ' This was followed by a trio by Measra. Baxter, Humphrey and Barrington In whioh the 7o o aTATip mm W'it fT undist.many obli- MiM Maude Moore appeared upon the hTJkl'SSS:iSt N.kaldedin tage w ieoite "How he saved St. No.888. AiH'.0;!Rw,1iiDgbeenIcet, the programme. Michaere." every one's face was ra- applloalioa wltrbemade for .duplicate, 1.. ' . diint with pleasure. Her rendition ;ovl vTor The Eioston free Press of November the 7th say;' "Cotton has been selling on the Kin gston market since Monday at 9J, which U the beat price paid on any market on (heA.fiN,O.UK " .a mint ike in the etcond . rt . i - -rTfT.ritriT3.wl iitttnnia neatlt I tmtnl "ur enu- " " ' )Jy wlrtri this offlo" call and Md in Na Berne during the week at lMour ordara with OS. ; . ;T - ? I Drices raosioir from 9 50 to 9.90, U.oU UAUBiU DaBiViliOioo sneu,wmue,i ""! i Kepeaiins I is a eooa martet. out not tue oest on "WJManlated family can I afford to be wfathonta "Zab yanee" s A N ElcaWitowf nts Fine Kid xx ororei at : ';' v.;, "wt'-;.: . gone, is a good market. the A. ft N.O. Railroad. . . lBreaoh loading ' ritles, at .. o ' ..- o V Oct. it tf.'"-'-'- .; Whutt Qatis. " mHE Tjiteas Stvle In berbv Hats at 1 0ur Winter Fair. .1 - j, ' BABBJB0T0H dfc Baxtke'8. . I - The offlolalsof the East Carolina Fiab, T EtTEB andiiote Paper :lfaraIshed0ter, Game and Indua.trial Associ - AJ and neatly printed &l the Journal tion are interesting themselves in get' wncerruive us your oraera. - i ting everything In readiness for a sue- ; , TBtntMA telegraphed to CleTe- he,d Uad. Foraker bas Burrendered if a week beginning February 24th. An additional building, BtJxSU. is bsing erected on' the grounds for fish, oysters' and ' game, In the centre of which will be. bnlll sn aquarium for the display tf live 'fish and animate. Ebttjbns roqi - Virginia place the Democratic majority at orer OjOOa and th giBUtnreiflally xhie' -wiU be'i blk improvement over O-thuda PemootaUo '" ' . 1 last year in giving more room for other f I dUnlav'a In th main traildinff AB iar M oeara irum wx ;w I Let even one commence now and be do not like Harrison' admini8tra-loathe Ibokouf for something to be ex- noon tion. They sat down won iU and! hiblted. The date is some time off, but the man who inherited hw grand I U ie not any too early to make a begin father's) hat ia i:Wl--ywa(B and Cfbaerver;oS? wti , I Personal, Miss Mary Brown waa admirable. Now expectation rose to the highest pitch as Miss Badcliff came f of ward to sing "Orpheus " This splendid composition grew in popular favor as Miss Radoliff revealed its beauties in limpid tones of rarest mel ody., The quartet by Miss Badcliff, Mrs. Williams and Messrs. Clark and Adams was one of the gems of the evening. In such ah array of muaioal talent it would be dirfloult to decide what part was beBt executed, but taken aa a whole the quartet was superb. The reoitation of .''The Burial of Moses," by Mr. J. S. Thomas, evinced unusual powers of elocution, and then Miss Badoliff's second solo in whioh "Wooing" was rendered as it only could be by the queen of song. This finished the pub lished program. Miss Mamie Amyett aocompanied Miss Radoliff's solo, Hi&j Hattie Dale the quartet and Miss Chattie Oredle the trio. All of the entertainment was highly creditable to the Y. M. C. A. and pleasing to the large and cultured audience. That Fishing Frolic. It was a good one. On Tuesday after- I. S. D. Sauls of Qoldsboro, T. F. Hargis, of Baltimore, T. H. Mallison, of Craven county, and W. F. Rountree James Thomas, Rudolph Ulrioh, Dan Jones and C. A. Battle, of New Berne, ntt nnr rinnt tnr tVia nlAnanraa nt tmnt left, vesterdav I a.vt- . .j i j ,lEKrple f rHalifax county, m0rnlng for Spartanburg, S. C. She CitTi The day wassuminerty, and the Y, l.iwfw- I will teach in a school 'near spartan- windjUBt Arriyedat Morehead attempted assasainauon on eieouon i ourg. Y c!at. bv net-roes, of several white Capt. S. H. Gray returned men) the pegroea nrett on we party from ambushed nydered two of gh last night1 from New York. " Mr. W. J. Pope, revenue officer, came them. .Mrs. D. N.'.Kilburn returned Jaet Rtt.t.t Mahokk irot ao riled when 1 -ltf-t Iromla tUlt North' the election returns began to cbme ,Mr P90' f-lef f "nd Hanah two parties, Messrs, Ulrich, Jones, Sauls it was found difficult to procure boats tor the mgnt at a prioe wnloh an up country gentleman would oonsider all reasonable. After considerable palaver" two boats were procured and every thing made ready to "tackle" the fish. The sportsmen divided into t ' , 1 aaaoava auiai v w vvmamw ivu farawMai - m- in mas ne wfn ou nnu buv lM,TOr . wuriams and Capt. .Dare named Harrison, vy nen ine genue i Roberts wsnt V down to Morehead City man of that name op In Washing-1 iMt night to pull in the trout. tan hn had been boostin IT Mabone I : H. L. GIbbe, Esq.. left last jnight to I rt'3ta tetnrha he fert as if aome ton4 Hyde county court. .a...-la i ..wt i.iau aa I Juage peymour nas returnea rrom wvv. r I nrilmlnnfnn ,. w J,- I 1 AS novel Aiuori . reww juaiioii,, Rennblieana wiftantroduoe pr,;E.:P. Mallet, Beaufort; p. S. Mal- ' a blU in the Fifty first Congress ' in le Morehead City; J. K. Broaddus and other party,wh0M timid sonis kept arAHAfTrlAfhlannftrTialftttofeon. ""yanceboroj.E. P Burton, J.H. uke little oats near the shore, lilt . favor of Federal pupervislon ofcon Kuglertphila4elphi8 4 L..Houghton, ted the old nothiB mt and Hargis, going out beyond the bar, and Messrs. Rountree, Mallison.Thomas and Battle contenting themselves with trying their luck in the channel a few hundred yards from. the railroad wharf, The bold sportsmen, who ventured out on the deep blue ocean, "hooked during the night about three hundred as nice grey trout as were ever led into temptation by the cunning of man. The them iilnttra A-3 i.1 I J A at Al f M ...nA..t knf 4i.wttf nf l Z. r Z i '-'Zr 0 '8U ue iu awngo notniag ventureu cawwwM. -- u.f.B. uuMDeget Baltimore,, K. I nothing gained.'.' The next morning the pecome mw ahb-AemwwiiMiiuooaing.vs. w. uarpenter, pity; a. l. .noCe89fur irentlemen Ief the dtr aatia. .:' -a- ia .uilir.n. h.ii-r n v -. ' 4 tawwturgtm V; v. . I tied with the sport, and; Messrs. Roun IZnforce the Laws. :' ' tree 'and Mallison returned to their w; nnhURh on iha aflfiond naffn'of ihfa homes because of the pressing demands Ala the bHl.r-AugU8tavnromwe. paper the Opinion; of Attorney Oenerair IT- II I I I III I - - I rtawMann nti lh nhnatSnn inf whn IV11 1 VYeUDOTUay morning, -DngQi BDU Tea PfimoctatiO Yictory. In thlS tha laws enacted for the ma. early, Jones Thomas and Battle board 13 a awsBDinz oner a rcKuinrttMUon or ovsters a&d other nan." - i"u - """" y.oM ' T 'wrttrAt VATtond frflm i.thnl . rhnra Ia conalBrahIfl comnlalnt.- in "'u" iouoiwur u mi Ti,.- 'Vi,.. t' Ithefaotthat noh-residenta arebomlnc the anchor was cast and the fun began, ' . ' . 11 Lito'' Pralloo'' tovSid, and: earn ink' off I can's 4esotibe.it .Ewiv iww'as we XtIffliES nature 01 lannne'B ,t e- rii ; u,,; quantities,; from the rite we ,eel nibble,iatanUyierk and faat. CM Jaru:y De pprf Ciateq. . It -afhral bade. ?; If "this work: is allowed say "confound the look." Bat, elr!ye5rpr?2CS all expectations. to continue, the oyster grounds of Pam- p8n8nt "m. .MtbA same. In, about L; r . ZTJ TWSU, lr, v-;. I Ho sound will soon be bare-the beds l 1 u" " j ' iT?' will be destroyed. It has taken onir a tl af ta avsur.ciflat Jnjnbe of tiLbLLiina ToUni wubThera to SOUTH CAEOtMA SEWS. From the State Paper?. Work on the water works for Golds- boro is progressing. Wilmington Meuenger: A brilliant sooial event, occurred at St. James Episcopal churobin this city last even ing at 0 o'clock in the marriage of Mr. Theodore . Marburg, of Baltimore, and Miss Fannie D. Grainger, of Wilmington. Elizabeth City Carolinian: The Eliza-1 beth City Fair opened auspiciously. Never before in the history of this Fair have so many entries beeu made so early. The exhibition hall was quite lull early this morning when this re port olosed and the exhibits were very fine and attractive. Raleigh News and Observer: The Boyle case has not yet been carried up to the Supreme Court. The papers in the case have all been prepared by the defence, and have been served on the Solicitor. Ia oapital oases the law provides that they may be taken up in the 8upreme Court at any time. The oase will probaffly be taken up in the near future. Nashville Argonaut: A cotton fac tory is to be erected at the Oxford Orphan Asylum, to be operated by the orphans, and also a pants f aotory ia con templated. Charlotte is going to erect a tabernaole for Sam Jonea meet ing, to be held next spring, whbb will seat 4.000. Quite a number of white people have left Johnson county for Arkansas, and others oon template following if reports are favorable. tools are not all dead. Greenville Refleotor: The other day we saw Mr. B. F. Erwin bringing a large load of peanuts In town to be hipped. In conversation be told us there was more money to be made rais ins peanuts than cotton. He aaid his peanut crop this year was only li acres. from whioh he has already shipped over a hundred bushels (about 120 we think he said) and has a few bushels left. When it comes down to making comparisons, we nonestiy believe toe farmer oan make more money on any thing he will plant than ootton. And it is going to take a wholesome diversi fioation of crops and a closer sticking to the farm to bring about better times in this country. Wilmington Star: We have bad f re quent occasion to comment on the new discoveries of valuable minerals and stones in this State in localities where their presence was not suspected. Sev eral days ago we made mention of the discovery of a copper vein in working a sewer in Kaleigh, of slate and whet stone deposits in the neighborhood of Durham, of coal in uranvuio county and since then of the discovery of coal in the same county at another place, The Hendersonville Times of last week notes the purchase of a traotof sixty acres in Henderson county upon which the purchaser has discovered several valuable minerals. Every day gives additional evidenoe of the extent and variety of the mineral resources North Carolina. oatesof members of the Legislature. After the State canvassers adjourned the Secretary of Slate issued certificates of election te the members of the Legis lature, including the six Bepublioans of the Silver Bow delegation. The clerks of the different counties had already issued certificates and the Democrats-elect refused the secretary's certificate. Make no Mistake. If you hat e made up your mind to buy Hood 'e Saraapa rilla do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Saruauarilla ia a dbcu- liar medicine, poaaessing, by virtue of Us peculiar combination. croDortion and preparation, cuiative power supe rior to any other article of the kind be fore the people. For all affections aris ing from impure blood or low sLate of the system it is unequalled. Be sure to get Hood's. 5 Tuning and Repairing. Mr. FRANK E. MORTON of the North State Music Co.. Raleigh, N. C, will be in the city Monday, the 11th November. All who wish Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired, leave word at Hotel Albert or address him through tne postomce. uovHdac filled with the fruit of the season. B 1 use of the Royal Baking Powder the crest is Shipping News. The ctsamer Eaglet, of the E. CD. line, arrived yesterday and will sail this afternoon. The Annis of this lino i T No . u-. -luj--- nut arrive tomorrow. and appetizing than a well-nude ansa M. . I 11., .1 . .. 1 mi ine steamer Tahoma will an ive this rening and sail Monday for Bayboro. The Hchoouer Sallia and Ellen, Capt. Lloyd, ia at Broadhum'd wharf, load ing lumber for Georgetowu, D. C. The steamer Manteo, of the O. D. line, sailed for Norfolk yesterday with full carsoof general freight. LATEST SEWS. with, 'Royal BaWni Kowaer always rendered light, flaky, tender sad di gestible. Dumplings made with it, baked oa, boiled, will be dainty and whoksoase,andsBSSj be eaten steaming hot with perfect faspnaity. Rccsnr. Onemotft Sonr; ltni ! it three teaspoon, of Royal Bakiar Pi aaiaaS teaspoon oi salt ; rub mat rub id apiece of pa I then add one lami r the butler is veil mind. Mar hi aattaaal r of soft fcscaat ( t tmfc potaaa,paadaa ii ere. i the Sour: after t knead to the contisfHM-w t off pieces of dough iarra enon.h quarters of an apple (or ocfaer fruit as desired) i ana iay in an carmen ami for fl steam until the fruit is tender. Bake If I . In all receipts callin? for cream of 1 and soda, substitute Roval BakJna PrrarrW. Less trouble, never fails, makes more appea tizing and wholesome food and is more eco nomical.. Royal Baking Powder il ipedally made for use in the preparation of the finest and most delicate cookery. Dr. Eugene Grissom, t PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON. RALEIGH, N. C, Offers his professional services to the publio, and will also treat in person, or tbrougn correspondence, the various forms of nervous diseases. Office: over Lee, Johnson & Co.' drug store. Residence: 416 Elm street. q71w 7"e5txite3.! 600 TONS COTTON SEED. We furnish Sacks on application, and pay Higheat Market Price for seed. will exchange Meal for seed. 100,000 BRICK. 500 Tons Agric'l Lino Conaignmenta solicited of Cotton, finA lifT-lA nf DAAimA.n Uorn.Kice, and all produce sold in this UAAt uuiiuc ' a CAAUiUCAj market for every twenty-five 17. P. BURRUS & CO., Active Soap Wrappers nnd'n Merchant., returned to of J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesalo and Retail Grocer, Foot of Middle Street, NEW BERNE, N. C. Best Tobacco on Market rm fcca.VifStaia wWI-W' fevryean for oyster pirates to almost wabs, alut aftoroakerr tod one ctlTed'-wltlvdiep gSora t; the destroy about; 160,009 -acres-of oy.ter ln4' f bJi;? mite rionBcrJleneral narriflon ground, in Chesapeake bay' How long t-ir'-trffdmitnart hia tc-a wllf take to ruin less, than one-tenth waa eome for nw There were about C...1 E. -icq W greaj jaf S. ; ...L.B V . , .. .. flfw flahinir hnata mt. and It warn aatl. f c: Ix ii r:r JcfT' rl'i r- ' about a I TLcrab r t' i ccstlc"t;ca t: ... '..r v L Labile 1 f for y . . v . i mar nnmnar m mnrm in ramnnn sinTiiici r i "ar - -ara- t . t r.DruWican..patti m Mi.-. . M va Uated that -about lO.OOOtronl-We IhcaVaia.jTheresuIt hwLofgtmenue totheipleK n ttat LLiLsasaweaDautnppn ot; E,i9 COuntyi;Ynt.hould be en T opinione are ezpreaiea as w wny net Cica tta s:ia XOCK oourasedahdeaiefulIyhuBbandedr The rtui twwii.. - I . .-'--' ........ U. . A arla aaiAa ''V IPLat aMAaaaV aalsKasiILtA la iVaS ' redd r ullio "confl' depredaUon. oMion-resldehto ,ott the UHJ " i"-""- Oyster seaa .noma do .topped, s i - . - -t - r There are prohibitory laws; enaoted kV"r ""v by the Ceglslature of.Korth Oarollna. ! neM dd w reaoa taem, and. deep It ia tthe duty ot the locar authpritiee walr no na ffna ngDU naa w iA rWinrta fa anforceihese lw. It Is "ee re.ortea so. ; Aotneiv tatoryv tie duty of the county oommlssion6rst rWpolse to arrest the violators oi tne . law ana region, unui recenuy, ana cepi ine bring them' to acoount. (See jhapter trout tbinhed out;' but of late year. SC3,.9ctioti 4, laws oi aa rpoise flsperie. : have beeii esUb Wby do not the commissioner, of I,, ,r. - .r. . . . . Tt.ria r,Aint Bnfnrca tha laws enacted "shed, whioh have destroyed. number. . ' . . ., l , . i . . I i . i. i., ..4 kk.. .il n.v lor the protection OI one OI IU OUUI lUt luwui auu uvui auu viau bluii iuu Interests of the people ot mat county, have wonderfully Increased, Boat charge, at Morehead ri exhorbitant, I) te ' f J ti a nti. .ntiAii .nri I but the sport ia fine and the fish are as i,t. ..i t t a Ixxntive.. and if the father 1 : ' 1 -v j.; n, r,V. r,T ia j,ive or biliou. the most I Keep your blood pure and you will - j ; r ulis follow its uss, so that I not have rheumatism. Bood'e Barsa j t qlet f -r.'.'y remedy known and I parllla puri3.es the blopd, and tonea the t.vry f..;aily ehould have a botua, , ,r: I wnoie system! THIS ELECTIONS ini PETERSBUEO FIRE BX-BEOBETAEY BAYARD MARRIED APPOIMTMINT, XTO. WNcnrNATi, Hoy. 7. unoffloiai re turns, including a few of&oisl returns have been reoeived from all the coun ties in Ohio. They show a plurality for Campbell of 11,154. Chicago, Nov. 7. A special dispatoh from Des Moines, Iowa, to -the Journal, Republican, says: While the Democrats olaim that their entire Scate ticket is elected, indications today are that the result on the State ticket, except Gov ernor, is doubtful, and that the Repub lican, wilt have seven majority in the House and one in the Senate. Richmond, Va., Nov. 7. A dispatch from Petersburg, Va., says that a terri ble fire started at 3 o'clock this merning in Oed. H. Davis & Co. 's dry goods house on Sycamore street and spread with inoredible rapidity, burning down in a Hihert time the whole iron front block and adjoining properties. The flame, leaped aoross the street and de stroyed the Odd Fellows' Hall and five or six other buildings. Lieutenant Criohton, of the polioe force, was in one of the burning buildings when a wall fell in on him; he was burned to death.. Haifa block on each side of Sycamore street, from Tabb street west, to gone. The estimated lose fs $750,000. Insuranoe has not yet been ascertained. Assistance wae asked this morning from Richmond and two .team engines were sent from here. . WABHiKQTONt D. C, Nov. 7.-The President today appointed Wm. W. Bates, of New York, to be Commis sioner of Navigation. Hon.' Tboe. Vi Bayard, ex-Secretary of State, and Miss Mary Willing" Oly met, were married at i ociooa wis afternoon at the bride' residence, No. W17 H street; in - the pretence of a most dis tinguished oompany, '. Rostov. Nov. 7.The tote of the town of Uoshoid, receivea( today, com nletse the election return, from the an tire Bute, ana maxe ni socai lootinss for Governor , Braokett (Rep.), 128,901; Russell (Dem.)' iao,l7: : Blackmer (Pro. 18,wh;' warss ixaDori in. Braokeifs plurality, B,M. d " HtLENA. Mont. ; Nov. 7.-The Silver Bow mandamas oase wa.V finished to day, Judge DsWoIf denying the right of the minority or the board or canvas ears to" atneaL from the order , el .Abe court atrectinir tne canvassers to count the vote oi tne tunnel creoinofc -.-jij .: The court issued a mandamatory or der, and Hall and. Irvin, counted the tote Of ine disputed prectnoi lot MO' Hatton, Democrat. This, deai.onv. also covers the legislative contest,, and hy it the Democrats seoure ten of the eleven, members of .ta tyiyer Uow delegation! Scat! Sciatica!! NEW BERNE, N. O William H. Oliver, AGENT FOR THE Marine Board of Unriermitors OP PHILADELPHIA, NEW BERN, N. C. All communications in regard to lose or damage of vessels or Cargoes sent to me by telegram or otherwise will re ceive prompt attention. Mr. A. T. Lyon, the best known pho tographer in the three States of South Carolina. Georgia and Florida, says: i nave guttered excrutiatmg pains from Sciatic Rheumatism. Stepping on uneven surfaces of sidewalks would give me perfect agony. Various reme dies had been tried, but wl.h no effect, until I commenced the use of Guinn'sl Pioneer Blood Renewer, which has re lieved me of the least semblance of pain, and given me the entire use oi nnM v A .S4.. my limbs. I conscientiously oommend I wall UC SUUUllcu VVlUa is. A 1 1 LI. . a tn T TTZ-vTaT I Merchants WANTED AT ONCE, 500 Cords Cypress wuuu. ror further information en quire at the offioe, foot Craven street. 3dwlw S. H. GRAY MFG. CO. For Sale, The SEA-SIDE HOUSE. Beaufort. N. C, containing 13 rooms. A Urge dining-room, kitchen and out houses; also a cistern holding 3,500 gal lons of water. Lot contains 09 feet front and 2T0 feet deep; excellent garden spot; also water I lot about 800 feet to tne enannel, con taining wharf ana bath-home. For further particulars apply to oc22 lm CHARLES LO WEN BERG No. 128 Cherry street, Macon, Ga. For Sale, One second-hand Vertical Boiler of thirty horse power, in tery good con dition. The boiler is made of extra heavy iron, and has only been in use a few years, needs no repairs at present Two Vertical Center Crank Engines of ten horse power each, fitted with link, in good condition and ready for immediate use. Appiyto J AMES REDMOND, ool3 dwtf - Nw Berne, N. C. OCTAGON SOAP, Factory Price, by JF. TTliricIi, WHOLESALE GROCEB, ' MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. L. CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK AT ' Baggage Transfer. Baggage taken safely and promptly to and from any part of the city. ' . Wagon, will attend Railroad, Steam er, and Ferrie.;;'1 Orders left at" ray offioe will have good attention and quick dispatch. fJiv:.; '.. J. STEWART, mug! oroaa street. 500 Tons Cotton Seed WANTED f For which we will pay fhe HIGHEST UA.KK.llil- rttlClS. 'f...:'' Come and see u. before selling your seed. f " , t y ' t' J. E. SMTH. Ast. V? aJOUORllAU: oiAune we?a mvisserc DHWfftSCOLDEt!S::r;. Itean be alven In a enrtef eoif. or t In articles of food, without tl k . tb patient. If neoeaaaryt It la f harmless and will affect a per speedy eure, whether thapatm. i . faw onnwr or an aiconono KBVKU FAITA. Itoprl paw with auoh eerUlntr that tii e T goeanolnoonvenleho. anil p i Qtaoomplateveformattou ise.-.i Oook or purtloulars fre. .R.N- Dutly, drugulst, a ent. r r - ?. . t . ... f 1,' f v