. . --': A " MAI,, VOL. VIIL-NO. 191. : . V XtlW BERNE. N.-C.. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. 0. x: O UOKED TOSGUES just reoelved. - LOST, R. R. STOCK Notice i .here by given that certificate of stock No. 203. A.. fc N. O. R., hsv.Bg bean lost, applioi.ionw.il be made for duplicate. X TO WELL-raaulated family can IN sfford to be without a ?Zst Vance"! C00k.8t0Ye.Vv ..'-'H--'V- Oct 11 tf. -" ' WBITTT GAMS. TILL HEADS end Statements neatly J printed t this 'em leave your order wlttt v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R C. KKKOB-'For sale or rent. C. E. 8L0VKJ SmoSed tongue.. . -. . . The regular Tueadsy night prayer meeting will be held at Hancock street Methodist church tonight.. Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. II. C. A. wilt meet this afternoon at i o'clock, at the rooms of the Y. M. O. A Assistant Lecturer, R H. Hunter, of ill ad Tues-Court House in. New Berne at It) o'clock The sirvice. at the Y. .21 a A. hall were unusually interesting last night There was an attendance of about forty. The .object was "Strangers Made Citi- sens.! Strong, pointed talks were male, and the meeting was altogether vervain teresting, LfiT ftUBd b made Of this ideal The ministers of the city ore rt quest' that Srnuteoesa ia 1 an ezoase! for meet with the executive an4 de- nrma pauUh T?.ninir n Vialf or . otional committees of the Y. M. 0. A. Sew Church. V ; , 1 -. Messrs. N. S. Richardson and E. R. Uessio, of this city, returned yesterday frQm Pamlioo county, where they at- T OADED 8HELLS,CUii ihelUwads ? Alliance, w LBreaoh loading guns, ' R,peg peope?of Crayen ooutty rifles, at . v - -1 i ?9f dayNoymhr,.ihft, I9lh at the f ETTER and Note. Paper .farnWhed JLi and neatly -mted at the JOUEKAL . office. Give ns your trder ..-,X i : ""i i HTHB Democrats elected th Got. Thanksgiving Proclamation. NORTH CAEOLINA, EXSCUTIYE DKPAETMENT Whereas, in the oreamble of our tended the eerrloee of the dedwaUoa of at Henderson thli week. the pp!, of 8tata of North Caro. Amity church (Disciples) wMCB u The r flnn fimw-mtor U tW lma, are grateful to Almighty God. the about sixteen mile from thia city, years old. It is a neat and brixbt little Sovereiga Ruler of Nations, for the Rers.A.J Holton and J.B.Partona paper. prn.un Q1 ueAmera u wod n.. i-w,. tv. .Mmi, lf,dirk wh . a. tni.. ..ill m4 the existence of our civil, political 1, 8 " o.. ""- edge our dependence upon Him for the sens of that community. , ,. contmuance of those blessings to us and to. tv., tk.Urnw. .r."" our posterity, ana - 1 or tnis countr. nas KeocnDtne same wi. tu. i j j oovu noon ana eTening, wn or j uue wees potato seea ior sixij years. Dv gtatute to set anart. b v nrocldmation and the singing exceptionally good. Al Bmithfield Herald: It is reported that a day in every year as a day of solemn stood manv of the neonle In that section I Mr. Julian 8. Carr is opposed to moving and public thansgiviog to Almighty sneak of enmintr over to the dedication l? $: 0 are a great many God for past blessings, and of supplicn- r I BUI HIT MdthAjliU.1 in tha Virata I tirtn M. Hitt .nnhniiari tinHnaaa n .4 oerno, waiua I m.i t rr.t.i.... .j:.lcr nvr na a fttatn and Natinn . UB1U1D U. llttWUGil. 1UIIUUI CUl'l - ..WHBVH Altrt. A .v.. n.fnni nmh.n'iiFMon mr,A INow. therefore. of the church in New takes place the 1st of December. hearty invitation is extended them, with the assurance of a warm and hos pitable reception. : , It Is. not every editors who can - correspond with a college girl. MeoklenDnrrTimes. Did she say at their rooms this evening akfive o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for the meetings of Evan gelist Fife, who will be in New Berne on the 24th inet. Jim Williams and H. D. Brinson, two white men, got into a fight at Long wharf on Sunday afternoon. Williams . Th$ Richmond Times has Billy Mabonfr worked tip ' In a bottle. ; Whether-U is hermeti'callySealed rtmck Brinson on the head with a ta 1,nt it tUkra I. .Matewl VlK ,r0n Wm0a CUt W tDe 0006 ana In it he will Stay there. made a bad hurt. They were brought before R. P. Williams, Esq., and both bound ovet to court In the sum of $200 each. r Both gave bond. Postmasters are often nonplussed to make out some of the peculiar and il legible hand writing on some of the the most was shown - r prJlRS.LAWRBNOK refuse .to re . eigVas matron of the asjlam. ; In ' - her letter she says that to resign . onder'the cir.cnmstauces would im u"',plflj Aconsoionsness of fauare in her ietter4 receive. One of -' ?datles. ' U 1 "5 i'v ' Linilarwe hsye jet seen v ' " " ' ib8mbm I as yesterday by Postmaster Clarke , . - jaAHOHis.,is Deateo on nis own letter the p08tmark of Chicago Lgronadby an overwhelming major-1 tad was plainly addressed to "B ity. ThiB is, perhaps the event of Pfenningbausen, New Berne, N. C greatest importance In national I Now If yon are not ashamed of your affairs resultintf from the elections name, Mr. Pfenihghausen, come out i w tr mi.... I and get your mail and let us see what J i youlookke . o f v.a vwvowuu i Jtayor'a Court, i rfesiaeni:uampoen,wrtXice-rreEi- The following cases were disposed of ;;- dent; and Carlisle lor Secretary or yesterday StatO. . How .does that ' SonndTl James Davis, colored, chap. 5, sec. 4, . With 'these names can we not 04' the city ordinances, disorderly, sub ' w!fAf"ahfRfir f!nrr.nifil. m!tted ? taxed with 008t i $ " "'" "" 1 ' . ""' ' " . : : v A YBRY noted legerdemaini8te disorderly, submitted ;taxed with . died a Tew'dajs agtt in New- York. - , -His occupation was gene. The 1 slight of hand' 'displayed in the manipulations of the.7 Montana re f , tarns broke his heart and he gave ' "f: op the. ghost. 1 ' ' V v . I. FlCKait Is elected Governor ot cost. . M assaohnsettSr "Bat that i;aaseii maae a smenaia nzm. an i - Week of Prayer at the Y. M. 0. A IVesdojr--How to Get Rich. Matt, yi 19-20. Leader, W. M. Rountree. Wednesday One Thing that is Every thing. Mark, x : 17-22. Leader, D WiUU. fFriday-rShe Beet ' Walk. Gen. t 121-24! Heb. zi: 5. T.nftrtnr. John R. y??n8 ThomaB: ' .... s. SORTH CAEOLWA SEWS. From the State Papers. I ' ROYAL IM'M . 73 The Sunday-School Address by Mr. J. S. Thomas. A large congregation beard the ad dress of Mr. John S. Thomas, at St. Peters church, on Sunday afternoon. The'iubiect was "Who are Soldiers T' By way- of preface he made a few re marks upon the value of the Sabbath. He illustrated the subject, "who are sol Mr. Albert Fairbrother, editor of the Linooln, Neb., Call, were married in Oxford on last Tuesday morning. Raleigh Call: Gov. Fowle returned today from Charlotte where he attended the meeting of the board of regents for I, Daniel G. Fowle, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby ap point Thursday, the Bath of November, 1889, as a day of solemn and public thanksgiving and supplioation, and I earnestly invoke the people of the State the institution will be located at Char lotte, o Snow Hill Baptist: Sam Lofton, who lives at Shine, about six miles from here, was shot last Satutday night by Abe Stocks. Stocks had been unruly during the day and the policeman, .1.1. .L Q.T.n Un.4 . , . - - , . W1W UIO HBIDIB1IUD Ul kjaiil UU1HJU, UQU aiersr ' oy comparing vne natue-neia o arrMted nim and wa9 about t0 patriotism and principle with the battle- look him up, but upon his field of faith in God on the one hand promise to behave himself he was allowed to go He left for borne, hnfc Anm. han.k ftfter nioht in nnmnnnv temporal tnings, on tne otner ne natties with John Howell, and called for Sam for the cross of Christ. He closed the I Lofton, and as soon as Sam made his aidrees bv SDeakina forcibly and elo- appearance. Stocks shot him without a quently of the power and influ IIUUH1U1 . VI. .1 1 r T r . I ffathAP An rhad nav in thAir pAartAAhva the perpotuity of our institutions and the continuance of God s blessings to us; and whilst thus engaged, let us not forget to ask His blessings upon the poor and needy amongst us, and to con tribute liberally to the helpless orphans that are dependent upon our care and to the institutions which have been or ganized in our midst for maintenance. ence or tne Hundaj-aonooi. Many complimentary remarks were made concerning the young speaker by those who were present. The Sunday school voted him thanks, which action was recorded upon the minntes. momenta notice. Stocks made good .his escape, and up to this wiiting had not been apprehended. The wounded man is in a critical condition, and Drs. Grimsley and Sugg who examined the wound,' say there is but little hope of his recovery. Done at our city of Raleigh, this the 2d day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and in the one hundred and foufteenth year of our American Independence. Daniel G. Fowle. By the Governor: 8. F. Teltair, Private Secretary. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Toll powder never varlM. A raaml of porlty, strength and wholeaomsnaaa. More . economical tbau the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with tbemnl- mluuh or tow test, snort weight, alom or phosphate powdt-rs. Sold only In cans. tVUIAI. BAKING 1'OWDEK CO.. 108 Wall t lune23 dsu wed frt w 500 Tons Cotton Seed WANTED ! For whioh we will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Come and see us before selling seed. E. H. & J. A, MEADOWS. ocl2 lm your LATEST NEWS. NAVASSA RIOTEBS INDICTED DOUBLE MURDER JOHNSON COUNTY POST MASTER AT SEL1IA ARRETTED -THE SNOW 8T0HM. Personai. A letter from Miss. Hatohie" Harrison informs us that, haying accepted a posi tion as teacher in Boston, she will not oe in new Berne wis winter. I Baltimore, Nov. 9. The United Rev. H. W. Battle left yesterday States grsnd jury today indicted morning for Henderson, to attend 'the eighteen of the 124 Navaesa rioters for Baptist State convention, which meet. EgX tomorrow. Mrs. Battle accompanied 8re charged as principals and him as far as Goldsboro, where she took eleyen as having abetted the murderers. the train for Clinton. She will visit Raleigh, Nov. 9. News of a horrible her parents for several weeks. Mf. double murder come from Johnston n-in- j-,.- i . ,rr.i. c . county. An aged and respectable lady T ao"7" lwloro" 7"' u"" named Mrs.Celia Brown resided in this College tonight. . county about fonr miles from Selma Captain F. T. Bryan and Mrs. Speight, I with her little grandson eight years of who have been visiting H. R. Brvan. This morning both were found r.. Toiiu a a I murdered about 200 yards from the jh.,. --. ... house, where they had been dragged ing. Uaptain Bryan will vtsit in uaieign for conoealment. They had been killed a few days and then return to his home with a gun. No clue has been obtained One Fact is worth a column of rhetoric, said an American statesman. It is a fact, es tablished by the testimony of thousands of people, that Hood's Sarsaparilla does cure scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases or affections arising from im' pure state or low condition of the blood. It also overcomes that tired feeling, oreates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system Try it. 3 600 TONS COTTON SEED. We furnish Sacks on application, and pay Highest Market Price for seed. will exchange Meal for seed. For Sale or Bent, 100,000 BRICK. 500 Tons flgric'l Lino rh Mama. - Thr la -ab endid atnffi "w . i-ii ine steamer newoerne, ot tne u. u. KIUUIO V a J ug; nui IOHU in BasselU- New England out of the wilderness. line; will sail for Norfolk today at 12 Thesteamer Kinston arrived from np Neuse yesterday with cargo of cotton, i. naval stores, eto." ? The steamer Annie of. the E. C D. IVivv -yMowu aiuh ;u9u ivcu i juie rauea yesteray who iuu cargo 01 UUwbVUa uv jungle Ui, UllO HUB Wilt eoqli uppearrjn botl'mlds.to'ie-".."1" morning and tail this after- nMv mnn hAnrr.v hand shut ph. with 1 nm o wooa. . 1,,! MRW.T. PiTffVi'the drunimeT , meting h&m jast - at iWashinxton Js.X O. : jno one ootton. The Eaglet of this to the mnrder and no cause can be as signed. Josiah Stanoill, postmaster, and Jesse Creech, assistant postmaster at Selma, were arrested there this afternoon by ueputy juarenai upenuren, on a war rant sworn out by Postoffloe Inspector Carraway, charging them with opening a registered letter and taking money Iheref rom. Both men have been under surveillance some days. They were brought here this afternoon and United States Commissioner Fu.nell held each in $300. Creech gave bail late tonight. A tfilocram tonichn nnnnnnnfla the, Come to New Berne. death from heart disease, at Washing. The accounts of the f reeling weather ton, of Emmitt Nichols, son of ex-Con. in the North remind us that it iaabout gressman, Jon Nichols. The body will tha lim fn, mnv of the aeonle nn De Drought Here tomorw. " . r 1 r- . m n m. vuuuunuun, xeiau, iiov.. ine deenest snow that has fallen here in They wish to spend the winter season twelve years, is on the ground now: it All trains on the in St. Louis. L. J. Moore, E?q., is attending court at Kinston. At' Hotel Albert: Clinton S. Eimes, Goldsboro: Rev. J. F. Love, Jas. T, Lincoln, Bayboro; Dr. Charles B. Wood' ley, Trenton, N. C. ; P. S. Danoe, Vir- ginia; Frank E.Morton, Raleigh; J. W. Ramses. Harvey Walker, Harry L. Boteler, Baltimore; J. 0. Eepler, Massa chusetts; E. W. Carpenter, City. Confticrnmanta nnlirritaH nf fWtsin HOUSE and LOT on the corner of Corn, Rice, and all produce sold in thia Neuse and Middle streets, now occu- maraet.l pied by R. C. Kehoe. One of the moet desirable locations in the city of New Berne. Also, all of the Household, Kitchen and Office Furniture, including one fine Organ and Iron Safe. The above will be sold at private sale. Apply to R. C. KEHOE, At his office or house, from 10 a.m. novl3 dt; to 4 p.m. For Sale, .CTeettogs of warnnd sympathetic! , 'friendshlp-and good-wilt, thaa .Mr, w Mtoionary ? Conoert Exercises were ifjelfayetteTille Observerj ; jheld a; the i JB,;!hurohr Sunday . . "gep 'Cinignii-berore , an unusually large ana JX W to be hoped that the effort BPpreoiatlye audience. The prograai 'fvVnlon'! nnn In f; nnnfarlili-afal l-t..i.:' li-iS--. retetan rdar!ii f 'tho': Centennial I musio.ireoltaUonB, and reports from the ,. ceiebrauoit at i'ayettevuie wui . oe wmj, .v .; y1: rnWi i : 1m. Berne Bocietyic From the report the Society showed to be in a prosperons d work In missionary many to be seeking a milder climate. wish to spend the winter season in a healthful Ideality ', where blizzards is six inohes deep. ata unknown: whera outdoor amnse- tort wortn and Denver are blockaded . . ,v.. .v. aurtn vt sun, auu, mere are eieae en' rr,eii BMyVD..JVjw. gines in the snow drifts seventy-five peopie are nuepiwuio nuu w buhuuuu- mues nortnwest of this place. The . . . . I a r .. . . , . m, , . . lngs are pleasant. larutB are ninir leet aeep. xnis is tne Wa rum m uT that New Rarne and the worst snow storm that bas ever visited Buccessinl.' The caase ia a;' noble, piJanthtopioone andappeale iliidoiiii riViriod-wok.;.ita r tcauat. ree. n aireoiness txo gdyanpemenf every x generou( ard, s benevolent I oaosai i rcsrt. Wilmington Messenger..: i of. the . Tirnss are people who 8nb8crj,b (or a paper and hang: on as long nhe. will : ho1 longer' thei r It1 wants. rt;striht,:v5;rm?n Wa have received a communication from George, W. Smith; Eiq; pf ,May yllle, Joneslcountin which he com' plains of the crookedness of . the East Carolina railroad which is being graded , r -s ia a 1 aJtai "go o2f denqnicing He:.iwTattHa':M'tty i ) ( r r- tcrlte for "ttcr wlih thd 1 Lla piper, 'and j anl have oroikedltnear the Hollr Shelter csa'al pocoein." ( And then he goes on to lay , t-t With never a cent of that the people understood that it was c. u. w . ary Truth. to be straiahU Bq says, "the railroad we voted for ' was the Wilmington, .Tm.WtitS r::;'-3 Ct the Kcrtb, Onslow and New Berne railroad.;: It sr ,,,.,1. va vr in-Jica. i was to have no croois, oniy to eurgawi -j-, p .v. I it was to ce straigns to uacasonviue, BblsllUw kV A vilVttoviaiQ auia' wa canuw tv the fair grounds at New Berne. If we go by the conditions voted for we will have no trouble in getting the (63,000 but if it has too many blacksnake crooks, 1 out for injunction bills." FrolaUy-our Correspondent is rather f) rsrticular about the road being 8' ,,'&. It might go. through his house, itif 3 5 3.003, it depends wbcllier z '7, ml it tria te a V !-t f:r tho c:lored r""-.f.r tih.','i tl:fv ., j c r-1 'tit! 1. 3 ' r ' a t' a line of the roni surrounding country offers extraordl nary inducements to winter visitors. New Berne is situated most admirably for a winter resort. The climate ia mild. The thermometer The SEA-SIDE HOUSE, Beaufort, N. C, containing 13 rooms. A large dining-room, kitchen and out houses; also a cistern holding 3,500 gal lons of water. Lot contains 99 feet front and 2T0 feet deep; excellent garden spot; also water lot about SOU feet to the channel, con taining wharf and bath-house. tor further particulars apply to oc22 lm. CHARLES LOW EN BERG Dr. Eugene Grissom, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, RALEIGH, N. C, Offers his professional services to the public, and will also treat in person, or through correspondence, the various forms of nervous diseases. Office: over Lee, Johnson & Oo.'b drug store. Residence: 410 Elm street. n'lw Sftat.! Sfiifttifia!! thn Pan Handle. I jut. a. x. ijyon, tne oesc Known pno tmrranhnr in thn thrnn Str.nr.nn nf Smith m. TU.i mm 1 r wreut mmuv inen. Carolina. Georgia and- Florida, sayB Some of theareatest men that ever! "I have suffered excrutiatine pains lived were of imall atatnra and insitr-1 from Sciatio Rheumatism. Steoninir on regisiereainiflcant appearance. The reader will uneven surfaces of sidewalks would V. P. BURRUS & CO., Cotton and Corn Commissi Merchants, Market Dock, M3W BERNE, N. O William H. Oliver, AGENT FOR THE 2VEerin Board of Underwriters OF PHILADELPHIA, NEWBERN, N. C. All communications in regard to loaa or damage of veseels or cargoes sent to me by telegram or otherwise will re ceive prompt attention. about 0 on the 9th of November. I readily recall many Instances, very give me perrect agony, various reme nMOH nana rA nnr irrnvlnir In the I small are Dr. Piorce'a Pleasant Purga- dies had been tried, but wi h no effect, . I,. r J I IITQ A OUVIO, UU, WOT g AIM lUUlO )lm I . wu.iwmvovi wig UOO Ul UUIUU D neias near tne civy. - vur riven tmu i m,, . tv.- v. u. nM.f..hiAn. PinnAor Rlnnt Ronar mhinh v.. woodland aboun a in game r; tne I pills which ere so difficult to swallow I lieved me of the least semblance of sportsmen. No finer or more beautifull and so harsh in their action. The Pel-1 pain, ana given me the entire use of hfifit of water ia seen anywhere than I'wa are s-enue ana never cause consti-1 my iimos. i conscientiously commena - : ml : S x.1 TDI II i. l 1 s v. w..i .. i W. n.. twin, pawon. or uver, stomaon ana nowei and : fishing evnld be mada an amnie1 ment the year round. Our streets and I . Painting FoTtralts. J.ln... ... .ft. IMM MHlHM I ' r P ... .., 1. . , a Oarliverystablee have the best horses drawing and minting Monday, No vsm-Ulie D0ttl6 CI reriUIlierV . . . . J- - m,. ' ... I V.. 4.V mwiA 111 ....I. .V. I and vehicles, uessrs. m, ..tu utreet, j. "' m . i w, :suw.rtand,M.Haha& every iwenty-nve op iiw.w. wiiyuvM.,yi. i tnaenoe on jonnston etreec. iocou-tm oner;. ne'.oew' woammoiiiMmivifS' I w- yy;."1." it to the pubiio. A. T. LYON. No. 123 Cherry street, Macon, Ga, For sale by R. N. DUFFY. New Berne, N. C. Merchants Can be supplied with OCTAGON SOAP, Factory Price, by WHOLESALE QEOOEB, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK AT Active Soap Wrappers returned to J. F.TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Foot of Middle Street, t, NEW BERNE, N. O. of Messrs.; Perry and flford.i.Pto t IW old-time reputation for good table WT nothing of the occasionally typhoon board. llt&: rooms are - neat and airy, ( swept Paoiflo. ' The hapless voyager. The fiotet ;? Albert la well knowni. who- ahaketa np by the heavinge of the It .peaks for iteelf. It offer, the modem LffiSMffl oonveniencee moa h kuuu bvjuuiuuiuua-i fni , Hnatnttar'a Rtnmanh Fijr thai' tion. as are to be had any where. i finest stomachic, and tonio that erer TaktniT New Berne, all In all. wa warmea, reguiaiea apaquietea tne nn -- ' : ' 1 . i. i r .-. i j - , . . . . . .,1. At . . .l. - . i bibb jateiior. k nuurunu luiuu ana yentuie tne aiseruon maw tnwe are ew n ... B t.v'.u ni k.fn.li. 1 rt.x plaoe. in; the country that offer better clM B wi,e pTOyUi6nby snnnlvinirtl.flm.1 cSfa AOPaCCO Oil Liarget advantage, a. a winter reaortjrS I .elves witn a sufflclenoy of this ineorn ' t . j - ; ;,V :;w W1p?'w aiciM ot aiootneywBo A UIUUK UUU AepamUg. CIUI.DBEN MJOT ,: fv A S I will mariners.- emiirranta to the Want:. I t ,, . The ploasnnt flavor; gentle action and and other, "about to seek fresh field, t 1 Mr. FRANK E. MORTON of the soothing: effect, of Syrup of Figii when and pasture. V new. " Malaria. the North State Musio Co. Raleigh, N. O in need of a laxative, ana u tne tatner aoourge or newly cleared and mining I win be in the city Monday, the ; 11th or mother be costive or btuous tne most districts, is completely conquered and I November. All won wish Piano, and grntifyir ; rc J: follow its use, so thitl surely averted by the Bitters, i Liver. Organs tuned and repaired, leave word iiistuet t i. n!y remedy rnown and bowel and kidney complaint and In I at liotel Albert or address him through every lai... j t ,olu have a come., , icipient rnaumatism u annihilate., I ; Itne postotuoe. "ix'tK-i-v- novo doe J. E. SMTH. Agt. armpfe wo?w mate s but Cfrzc::s; nhaiiTes golden sfzci7;l: It can be alven In a cud of oofra or t&. e IU articles of food, without tha knowlei f tbe pkMn, If necesnary; it i alwoh, r harmleM and will afleot a permanent I peedy eure, whether tha ptWt ia a !. anniter or n irainoiio wmr . tKVEB FAIT8. It eperates so nl With luoh eermtnty that the pai.wi goesnolneonvenlanee. and f hr bU complete reformation la eiixutod. boolt ofjjartieulars fre.. B. N. Dully, druggist, apnt, ' N.O, ' . i - 1 V

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