V A I LY OURNAL. w- VOL. VIILVNO. 193. NEW BERNE. N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. E J BU8CTES3 L0CAL8. - HOME-MADE PORK SAUSAGE fed uhrMfaiftltMni. .i.'M t -. . M.WEnmiD, LUST, S. R. STOCK Nottoe it bere ' by given that certi float of nook No. SM. A, N. C. B., hiTiifg been lost, application will be made foe duplicate, novl-lm.l Mbs. Hahft. rQ WELL-regulated family can I afford to be without a "Zeb Vanoe" Cook Store. Oct jU U. Wmrrr & Gates. BILL BEADS and Statements neatly printad at thia offioa. Call and leave your order with u. T OADE0 SHELLS.Club shells, wads. -S-JBreaob-loadiog fuu, Repeating n flee, at Oct. 11 tf. WHrTTT Gats. T ETTEB and Note Paper famished XU nd neatly printed at the Jourkal offlee. Give ns-Tonroreerm. 1 GEHXBiilfiLiSOin .hto rented the botweMwly bailtat Xo. 1212 OdnneoticoV yepo9,--Washington Poafc . V lae r. .iiO iinnS J -T-t . It U-probable that tbe Demo crats of Iowa will Dush Governor elect iWise for" the Senate in oppo- aitioirto Allison. ALL the telegrams of con gra tula tion seem to be addressed to Grover Cleveland, New York. It is mighty singular. He is only a private citi en New York Commercial Ad vertiser. "Thb first statue erected in this ooootry to a workingman will soon be QDTeiled in Sacramento. It is ia honor of E. J. Stevens, late mas ter mechanic of the Southern Faci fie, who bad lor years been in charge of immense railroad shops in Sacra mento. The funds for the monu mentw.ere contributed entirely by . wortuigmen."; y V aw aaa s nMaaw a As an instance of the quick way in which some things are done now adays, it is told that in a late di TPlfoe trial in Maine, at the moment 'when the Judge was decreeing the divorce, the clerk held in bis hand a telegram from the libellee asking to be informed as sootf as her has band obtained his divorce as she Aftd! another man were waiting to ) married as soon as it could legal 1 hi, done. .fit - rmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmm ' A Ck0d definition of tbe mission of tbe Democracy is that given by Got Lament in bis already cele brated interriew published In Fri day's Star. s ; Tbe discontinuance of unnecess- 'ary ijtion, the adjustment, of necessary taxation to that the bur- ; dene of Government shall beinstiy .Oiatributed, and that labor shall be encouraged and capttal, rainy pro- irf; There is no sincere Democrat that cannot subscribe to thld accategen : eralizatioa rof Democratic purposes ' Istt'ftw'i ' 4itri-. button" .- of publio ' bqrttena. fte w Yorkfltaf. " aasasaaaaaBBtaraaaaBtaawaM . . Qgg. wl$ fUest? pite on tnb - t eorio hreabari? -as drink will v isdf ripe promise in Washington. Tciterday afternoon I was passing iie.iBos.piInBi restaur- tbral fybnng ladles emerge from - ffo e!eSant vestibule and entei ' ft - pli:i3hacs:tliatha4 theeottains - V . 1 tzzir two-ona the daughter of CJ.lzi, States, Senator; the btbi: - sUarlirdatedr-andtho ward of membVl Mthe Briprimi pout V Al were drunk. Tney were not simpljf : " W.'Ww.t'r One idrppjJed inatienawnoarovetneramsnacKie - Two helDles dudes who-triedi to r'' alOT ' ' . Tedf an actloa which east perhftp , ' la wortb.aeolumnof tic, said a an .1a.ffertesBaJatataeiaSBV.IIt tt sfsttefcet ' "taiaed tf tbe testimony of thousands . . or r eer ie, t . f scrofula, a-lt rheum, and jother , s or ' gJractlotlS arising, front ,ia cure i ts or lo w condition of the twoa oie.. i,Jf ... 1. i Delia.:. bni . aiyel LOCAL NEWS. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. A. BlCBABoeoH Special eleolion. S F. E. Mohtoh Tuning and repairing. N. Whtitord Home made sausage. Tho building occupied by W. T- Bill ft Co., On South Front streeet is under going repaire. J. W. Stewart made tale of one of hie fine bay horses yesterday to Mr. Maoon Bryan of Yanceboro. Chrysanthemum shows are being given by the ladles in many of our sister towns. Can New Berne keep paoeV lneuoiasooro Argus ssys. ai me sale or tne '.messenger uuiidmg' in this city yesterday, our younjr friend and townsman Mr. Jos. Rosenthal be came the purchaser at tho sum of $5,500." Round trip tickets to FaytUeville, during tbe Centennial, will bo on sale at the ticket office of the A. & N. C. railroad from November 10 to 19 inclu sive, good until November 25. Fare for the round trip, 84 00; from New Berne to Goldsboro $2.00. from Goldsboro to Fayetteville 82 00. The electric lights will Boon be here. Arrangements are being made by which the gas works and the electric works ill be run under the same manage ment. The plans have not been per fected yet, but will be in a few days. We will tell the publio all about it at soon as definite particulars oan be had. Snipping News. The steamer Annie of the E. C. D. line will arrive this morning and sail at four o'clock this afternoon. The Eaglet of thia line will arrive tomorrow. I The schooner Cherubim is at Cong- don's mill loading lumber for the Weet Indies. The schooner Tillie G. Cruse, from Philadelphia, is discharging a cargo of lime at tbe wharf of the A. & N. C. R.R Sad Death. Mr. S. W. Venters, of Gum Branch, was in the city Wednesday and in formed us of the sad death of a little son of Mr. John Eoonce, aged three years. The little boy was playing; in a room where there was a tub of hot water with a strong solution of concen trated lye in it Going too near the tub, he fell into it, and his nurse, the only one present, instead of pulling him out, ran for help. When assis tance came he had been so badly burned that death soon resulted. Kayor Court. The following casos were disposed of yesterday: Lily Bright, charged .with violating chap. 5, sec. 1, of the city ordinance, keeping house of illfame: taxed with cost, or 10 days on the streets. Sylvester Gautier, oharged with vio Iafang ohap. 5, seo. 3, of the city ordi nanoes, being drank and disorderly; fined $5 and eost. s Augustus Duntson, oolored, chap. 8, seo. 11, of the city ordinances, disorder ly; submitted; taxed with cost, hareed Enoca oimmons, colored, c lth .Inl.ttno rh.n R . 11 AinrAr. r. . ly; submitted: taxed with cost. . ..TTTT-T- , -ejiyiwa -wooa. The liberal distribution of pension money h the Federal government n.Vu . ... maaeq many a po nigger pus ou airs - w.qana..Kw iw wuuudjr. dbvs Lwlr...U 1.1. iL. L It a 1 oolored people in Craven county have recently iecelved the amounts of their .t.iJA.w i. uni,.0 j clainxi for 1081 "K8 loet husbands, and outer penanai propeniy. An numoie loyalty and fidelity ot the Catholics to I heir through her attachment of kind cook in this city reoeived, a few weeks the constitution and laws of the gor-lness. Old Betty, withal, was no mean imnAraA AnUra mil f. ernment. their resooot for the ohief ex-1 actress. AtWilL the tears would as -n, - .... tuna did not "turn har ha.d' and canse " . . ; , . ,.fy ! " wuMUOTo, ipui m uvm and bngsr was purbhased. and as regu - u.i mm th ann rlmam thu innlr Mm dewn to her place , ot business. When supper is over that herse and boggy , is in waiting, at the door, and she drives bbme. Some style, that I PersdhkT. XKTm,l.mA m. nlAM.nl: n.ll vaatArriav - - nomjx. J!rana js.iorton, represent- live 01 tne noun piaw musio uouseoi Raleigh. , He Is here in Jthe interest of tnMbir' And renalrinar ntanot. .A. T..a I Bobaits have returned from Morehead c i i p.r- - - Oity.M;lheyh'td good Uick fishing and tttoaor alao eanAt three oonles. on tba banks; which will be brought up Itf ' JTannnth fltwrnn. hnhu flllad .T 'm!T. "WT " v ?iP!?. f0' T' witn. enure, eewaiaoHou; w nw em ploVerii ,ik ' nowK book-keeper at I the llverr stables of J. W. Stewart. Mr. Hi MA 3rote, YM how holds a position uvthe effloe of the. Attantid nd North Lasw..ll f 1 laaa H ..la.kli Ima aattfll Jala1JalWt aa-aaaiaiaaaaa aasaanaast UCIV . WSA WdStyronatareon.y,y Po'.. ,v . . . . a t .... r -t, ...... fii V At lUOiei. AIOSri;,. CU H. uoiuamiUli Charlotte; ,W. A. Boy kin, J, W. Read, I H. Y. If eneokea. Baltimore. NORTH CAROLINA'S WINTER FAIR Work Being Done at the Grounds. IMPORTAST SUGGESTION. Reasons Why Farmers Should Make County Exhibits, Etc., Etc The third exhibition of the East Caro lina Fish, Game, Oyster and Industrial Association will open en the 84th of February, 1890. As a matter ef course, it will be su perior to the first and second. as greater nrnratinn hv hMn mule: new! 1 ' l ueas nave oeea urawn out, bmim people in the surrounding counties are becoming more and more interested I every year. The rush in tne main Duiid-1 .a I ... . I "uu;" "D D"u"' last year will in a great measure be avoided this year bv the erection of the 1 iarjje building for flub, oysters and game Tbe Fair will be a big thing; let everybody prepare for it. A capital suggestion ia made by our Jones oounty correspondent, who is always level headed, in yesterday's issue. lie suggests that thevarlous Al liances in the county gather articles and combine them for a oounty exhibit He also suggests that an Alliance Day be appointed and prominent Alliance men be invited to address them. This. too, ia an excellent idea. We hope the directors have read these suggestions aui will give them careful considera ti m. It seems to us that if the idea ad vanced by the Journal some months ago, tout three or four good premiums should be offered for county exhibits. could be carried out, the oounty ex hibita would be a perfect euooess Let the directors set aside, say $500. Let it be divided into four premiums, I something like the following: First premium, $150.00; second, $125.00; third, $125.00; fourth, $100.00. Itseems to us this would inspire the farmers of at least a half dozen counties to make exhibits. Of course such premiums are not to be given unless the exhibits are really meritorious. But our farmers really ought to take a lively interest in the Fair, and exhibit their products, and the capaoity of their soil, forests, eto., etc., without any ex hortation, and it is more neoessary now than ever that they should do it. The exodus movement ie bound to take off a large number of the rery best la borers, and as they get off white far mers and tenants will want to oome in The Fair Association makes special 5uU.ws.uuv1 - the Fair and see what sort of products are on exhibition from various sections. Let the farmers arouse and watch every point of their interests. LATEST NEWS. DEOWNED IN WATER TUIRTIKN INCHES DEEP THE SELMA HTJBDRB CA8B COL. ALFRED RHETT DEAD OTHBB NEWS. Cuarleson, S. C.Not. 12. Col. Al fred Rhett, one of the most prominent flgure8 in th! war hutor7 ot lhU 8ute . 3 . 1 us oomnunaea ids vpniwenH irwn in Fort Sumter during the war. till Col. Gilmer and the Union troops made it untenable lor artillery ana wnen tne infantry reneyea mm. in 1004 1 . . . . r. r ii:ihnnn. ana tuiAft mm. xn anni 1 1 . " e.ew out 0f 9 bombardment Of Fort I tn 1 A II . oumwr, u aiiiui A committee from the Catholic Con Kress, in session in Baltimore, visited tne rresiaeni yeeterasy ana preeeniea . . J, ,r..iva of the - , . ... wuiive omcer, ana iuvibi mm w tend the sessions or the uongress. me president Drieny responaoa, expressing 1 his annreoiation of the compliment paid him by the visit, but his offloial duties ""u'"u' " . sessions of the Congress. The official vote of nearly all the conn- ties in Iowa has been canvassed, and Boise's plurality for Governor ie esti mated at six thousand. Tbe Repub S"""1 '.Tr rr"..7T" i iiGBn canaiuBttt ior ijieuteuKUfuurer- lican candidate for Lieutenant-Gover I iu u a A..A -1 nor will have about five hundred plu rainy. rality. The News and Obseryer of yesterday The News and Obseryer of yesterday says :"The city was startled about noon lyesterday by the sad news of the i xuaiisiicu aav vjcaaiwu anaaaav 0orn6r ot West and Johnston streets. Mr. Stone has for many years bees In charge of the pump housow and yester - davbe went there as usual to start tho pump. Shortly afterward Mn John I berT whioh was on the invitation of V. , - 1 1 . tin ,lulLt . IffLul.i. , . irrios waa kouik aomv iuuiuyoi.Hiiiaini.Diaa numu aoja. Aim I naaalnv h tha nntnn hmua fonad Mr. Stone's lifeless body in the branohlyears. Gov. Spaight was succeeded in fcl.. l,t h.th. nnmn knnu and from which the 'water 'is pumped, - There Is a pool here ana the water thirteen Inches deep. There were evl dences .that Mr. Stone bad slipped r r."- iSTZt DtFT.l. Har- .nod. bis family nhvsloian. after ex I aa&laBlaaM IkIm 1 naHtalaa MaAti Aeawasiaul ls I jaUlUtU Ulsl lOIUallUPa VUVHUWU SW I aajunu w i bit nvaauu. au t. uivu u I . : v. .n i wata, he was helpless anB- nwMe get out.;; Mr.Stonewai S8 ytart of age,' evening r8a;r;P v She and has long been a trusted employee of the Raleigh and Gaston Company. Kaksas City, Nov. 13 A blizzard is weeping over southern and Western Kansas. The wind turned to the north early in tbe evening and brought with it enow, which in some local i ties is drifting badly. At Arkansas City, near the Indian Territory line, a regular norther" is reported. At Wichita snow is flying,- and at Syracuse the blizzard is at its height. Silma, N. C, Nov. 12 From the coroner s inquest held over the re mains of Mrs. Celia Brown and grand - eon, who were found murdered near here Saturday, it appears that the viotims met their death at the hands of John E. Starling, a son-in-law of the i --..j a..-u- i i u fcj , .l...... u ,, u.a . auarel with her some months before the murder. Mrs. Brown owned a small nn nr nf nvAfxapv w Vi i t aV A kail m a a " yiwy. '" over to her grandson. By bis death Starling's wife becomes heir to the lnronertv. Thia. it aDDears. was motive for tbe deed. Starling has been com nmted w jail at HmithHeld to await trial. When arrested he wopt like child. He was asked to take a farewell look at the bodies of the deceased which he positively refused to do, saying he could not bear to look at tbem. The general impression is that Starling is guilty although there is no direct proof. No new developments have ap peared and the case is purely one of circumstantial evidence as it no stands. RAMBLES ABOUT TOWN. Looking back as we statsd,a century ago, in the rather humble two-story house of Col. Joseph Leeoh is a spacious parlor and ball room. He kept up an elegant hospitality, and lew, if any private houses in this State, up to this period, ever had under its roof so many distinguished people There Governor Tryon and his accomplished and grace ful wife, "Her Excellency" Lady Try on and sister, the beautiful and fascinating Esther Wake, with other ladies andgentlemen of Tryon 's court, were often entertained. Col.Leech.it ill not be forgotten, was with Trvon in oommand of the Crown troops at tbe battle of Alamance, 1771. There Gen. Nathaniel Green was frequently seen when in New Berne negotiating with John Wright Stanly for money to aid in supporting our troops in the Revolu tion. There Kicbard Caswell was a constant visitor. So also were Abner Nash, Francis Nash, John Wright Htanly, tticnard uogdell, Kichard Dobbs 8paight, F. X. Martin. John Hawks, architect of the palace, John Sit- gr eaves, 1 nomas Badger, Alexander Gaston, William 8hepard, Ell wood Pasteur, John Daves, Martin Blount, and numerous other prominent and eminent citizens in this and other States among them, George Washington What a procession of heroes, patriots and statesmen 1 What grace, loveli ness and beauty, if we could call back spirits from the "vasty deep" now would pass before us! Washington, there in the ball room, with iW, ,ni air 0f herolo devotion I which threw such majesty around the I Father of bis country, leading with Mrs. Biohard Dobbs Spaight in a minuet at a ball given in honor of the great chieftain during bis visit to New Berne. Miss Mary Leech had married the Colonel Spaight about two years neiore. if not equal ling the nail given by the citizens to Washington in the palace, it was never theless splendid and comprised much of the beauty and fashion of the town, uoi. Lieeon naa sparea neitner cost nor trouble to make the entertainment de lightful. Among the fairest of the fair, on that memorable evening, Mrs. Qn)rht' hnnt pre-eminently I conspicuous. Her form was faultless, aer iaw, aimwu or wit ma iiveii- . IovaIv. Th writer kn I qQl0 intimately "Aunt" Betty Eyler L ,eller,'' the servant of Mrs! Snateht and who waited unon her at neithls baiit ag weu at her wedding. dwtouvibuouuwhhoui mo lamur i 1 vi.u j .1 1 ttDUi IICI linui, nuiuu UWUIIDU BUUUl 1 1 fun thnnirh for VAnralivinir fn haraalf 1 1 . . n itnci baving her own time. This old - 1 oolored woman would often exhibit to her friends, bonnets and dresses as well i as piecea or luruuure once tne property ftf hr mj.trM.. to which h hn t aii; i , . . i t. : , - irwiy rubu i-yiu uw rjreo w,r irom a spring and tne next moment would i rouow sne neamest peaie ot laugnter I She' could represent the different char aoters at a ball and oould and did "trip I Z.m 1 J fv. .rT. . until prevented by the infirmities of old age.' It was interesting to hear her stories of "ye" olden time. Ia 1782 Biohard Dobbs Spaight was chosen, by tbe Legislature, Governor of the State, and Wheeler sUtes. "he was i j. . t .in . l HTO D8UV0 nOTSB uaroiiniaa CnOSen Mt Is not rery complimentary to the State that Her nrst seven Governors I from Caswell, in 1770, to Martin, in 1793, ana ail of the signers of the Decla But the historian certainly errs rela I tlve to the marriage of Gov. Spaight land Mary Leech, as wellae tothe I date of the visit of Washington to New I aarvlnr his eonitltntionkl term of threa 1 17SK h Ramnal Aaha. mil vatlnMl aa ha hoped for ever, from the cares of public la I life. About this time, being then - thirty-seven year of age, he married Una Mary Leech, ot Holmeeburg, n., and of on. ofThe oldeet and most infln - eatial famUies." .Now. to auote from anal I dk 4w-Bw WaiMt IwS Waakaa tka Slav. A Vl aaep I sjbj waa w m,a iu aiVf MVlat ! IUw iuy vj .v.l oi ni.i. inon ..m i l mm wM.mww Hwwa mm .wiva - to I WUsmii Blount V where-1 spent the is to be married next Thursday to Col. Speight. She is a lovely girl-" Thia would seem to make the mar riage in Newborn, where no doubt it occurred, on the 25th of September, 1789. Richard Dobbs Speight was born in Newborn in 1758, in a small house on the lot where is now the residenoe of Mrs. Alex. Holtod, corner Broad and Craven Btreeta. Therefore, when mar ried, he was 81 years of age. His father was an Irishman, Richard Speight. His mother was the sister of Gov. Dobbs, and under him his father held a prominent plaoe. Miss Mary Leech was generally called Polly, as most of the Mary's were in those days. Also, the Ann's were Nancy's, the Elizabeth's, Betsy's, tbe Margaret's, Peggy's, the Rebeccas ', Becky's, the Sarah's. Sally's, the Susan 's, Sukey 'e. The next generation was more dignified with proper names. In this generation there is less formal ity again, only the "ie" is substituted for the "y." Thus it is now Pollie and Sallie anl Susie, etc. Well, fashion rules the women and women oontrol the men in our generation. Again Wheeler errs when he states that Charles Spaight was born tn 13UU Mrs. John K. Donnell, his sister, was born in that year and died in 1831, just one month after her brother, who was younger and only a few weeks before his death had been elected to the Legis lature. They were both stricken down very unexpectedly to their family and friends. W. To be Continued Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh, 7 CHILDREN KlfJOY The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need ot a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Tuning and Bepairing. Mr. FRANK E. MORTON of the North State Music Co., Raleigh. N. C, is now in the city. All who wish Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. leave word at Hotel Albert or address him through the postoffice. noyl4 SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF NEWBERN. Notice is heieby given that AN ELECTION will be held, at the various precincts of the City of Newborn, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, A. D 1890, for the purpose of submitting to all the qualified voters of said city, the question of subscription, on the part of said city, of 150.000 to tbe Capital Stock of "The East Carolina Land and Rail way Company," as per order annexed of the Board of Commissioners of Cra ven county, passed at their session on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, l.D. 1889: Obderid. Tbat an eltctlon be held In the city of New Berne on Thursday, tbe ,th day of January, A D. 1890, for tbe purpose of sub mitting 10 ids qnannea voters or saia city tbe question of subscribing, on the part of said city, the sum of 150,000 to the capital 8 took of the said "The East Carolina Land and Railway Company," tn coupon bonds running thirty years, to be lamed by said city, of the denomination of (WO each and drawing interest at the rate or & per cent, per annnm, payable annually, and the levy of four thousand dollars annually to pay said Interest and provide a sinking fund for vne extinguishment or saia principal. And It Is further ordered that thirty days notice shall be given of said eleotlon by advertise ment at tbe oonrt house door ana at each of tho election precincts In said city, and also by publication thereof In the New Berne Dailt Journal, a newspaper published In said city, all ss provided In tbe act of As sembly, entitled "An aot to Incorporate The least (Jai ollna Land and Hallway Com pany,' " and the aforesaid aot amendatory thereof. By order of the Board of Commission ers of Craven county. J. A. RICHARDSON, Clerk. Newbern, Nov. 14th, 1889. novl4 dwtjaulO HEADQUARTERS FOR Breech-Loading Guns?, Brass and Paper Shells, Powder and Shot, AT L. H. CUTLER'S, NEW BERNE, N. C. AGENCY FOR WW ...151 If I can't sell out oae way. I must trv another way, and for this reason I have got In more goods. Tobacco, Cigars ana rruit, Apples. Grapes, Figs, Cran berries. Lemons, Oranges. A fresh lot of Tobacco and Cigars (good) ; a fine lot of Durham Smoking Tobacco. Cut f lug, and granulated at five oents for two oz., eto., eto. Wm. L. PALMER, nlStf Middle St., New Berne. Wanted. By Pamplloo Oyster Co., a good Male uook and servant. Apply from 13 to p.m., office Simmons & Qibbs. nlOdtf Executor's Sub. Nbv.- BwutK, N. C, Nov. 18th, 1889. On the 28th Day of Nov. 183?4 at TWELVE o'clock, I will sell at Pub lie Auction, at the Court House, ia tbe City of New Berne, tie following prof erty : One Dwelling House, with aiM rooms, corner of Pollock and Hanoeak streets. Also the double house oa Haaw cock street. One form five x ilea from New Beta! on the Beaufort road, called tbe HaakiiS Place, of 120 acres ; 75 acres clear. One form about nine miles from New Berne, near Riverdale. called tbe Thorp Place, of 173 acres; 100 sores clear. One farm on Neuse road, 19 milea from New rne, called the Saaaasi Place, of 14 j acres; about CO lone clear. The above properties will be sold fee cash, and with a good title to tbe par chasers. They are all well rented. Possession will be given on the 1st day ot January, 1S90. This is to close oat the balance of tbe estate of Hanaaa Cohen, deceased. Wm. COHEN, Exeoutor. For further particulars apply to Wrt. Cohen, cor. Middle and S. Front sts. Watson Sl Stkut, novl3dwtd Auctioneers. THE PLACE TO BUY GOODS LOW J IB AT ROBERTS & DR0. We keep constantly in stock Provisions, Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to give us a trial when ia need of anything in our line. ROBERTS ft BRO. OF Old Virginia Cheroots Just Received. They will sell. :f. Ulrica, WHOLESALE GROCEB, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. For Sale or Rent, HOUSE and LOT on the corner ot Neuse and Middle streets, now occu pied by R. C. Kehoe. One of the most desirable locations in the city of New Berne. Also, all of the Household , Kitchen and Office Furniture, including on a fine Organ and Iron Safe, foe above will be sold at private sale. Apply to R. C. KEHOE. At his office or house, from 10 a.m. novl2 dt; to 4 p.m. One bottle of Perfumery for every twenty-five Active Soap Wrappow returned to J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesalo and Retail Grocer, Foot of Middle Street, NEW BERNE, If. 0. Best Tobacco on Market K. It, JONES, A WD l 1. iw ftri t Dry Goods & Utz ' .s,:i. Full stock and large ajaotteeaM, -Prions as low aa the losytefciu , .;v Call and examine my ttookw -4 'u , Satlaf action guaranteed. " Ifri. 'i"'s)'i-" .'l 1