Mam MIC, 8- QURNAL., a. C-1 XEW BERNE. N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. OC ,5. MUST R fwlotef Job: iiockJ Good . wot k, w 1 prices. Call aad mo mnpleo, Iootll . T OST.R. B. STOCK-Notfeo here JLby civett that WtiOoei t Meek - N8, AtN.C.R.,hvlngbwkst. v0..t eppneetioa wOi to Bid for duplicate. ofl-lifcluiWi vwU-HiBlWi'. NO WELL-ragulatad really eaa afford to bo without a "Zeb Vanoe" Cook Store. Oct 11 tf. Whitt.&Gatisv ILL BEADS and Statements neatly nrlntad at this offloe. Call and leave jour orders with ut. LOADED SHELLS.Club shells.wads, Broaob- loading guns, Repeating BR and. N(He,.PDar,,farnl lahed BNAL and aeatlyfyrirfedaf the Jot office. Give us Tour order. callad JAisrerio W the Atlantic port oi the Nicaragua ?anal. , ,., BtatefPBrazttdroailiOBed of ,;JJ$tf iota, whlah are embiaioned nine tars. '.. - "TV:.' 13 n i. " a -1 THX Jorefltigation of the Civi .;fieTlo Commission ought to be ..OMOfthe terjst jobs of the 9 Wtij-m Oonsi-S $ York fcSIE'JMf W.' Woddi J-ir TMtM.JM several " pXbtliHplrited ttei?iiiofler to give 'KttfojUadmark. -, - - IJe Washington correspondent fcyjtttrii Of ladles those husbands ate OffldaU of the Administration spea&of tbem, as "the court ladies ot4llliepablie December namber of tbe roinoi wilt contain an article by HoBirard ft, JPbelps On divorce. rerhapl t6 ine minister to Kog lan4,wiiLaBwer tbo qaestioD, Is a'iMi'ii'iy ; v iFiAT tMoeat art medi otnal'aajr tbe Bepttblicaa organs. From th ntimWrroIf Soees taken e'llAibidrastlO Quality of the pfa jsio Wibutlnfer that. 4he : patient is Tery,sjfiteriUhyUlenAaerican1 ic3PTjBLiOAir; -jfflmp&vj rises; to. remark 1 that Mr. Hariri sob's administration has gifen .Watisfaction," Jndglng from tbamiutt (he late, eleetiotts .we ;lhcllitk to say it'bas-il jLtiroiai Ituurison approach- rimen JiTj'itespcl ''iniiomioed ;Jd!likteittd4 of brealTog the : sbli4 Booth; ftottpiilirlfoi went Uff4kttbe wrong end and -knocked a !ar hole;f a ' tbo solid esfc-Maeoii;'Srew8.;; '.., ' liHK next step after 1 the .. Ballot JlUform! tkw for iho improYenient bt : A&Uo&ai ana Btrto polities, eboald ,iO ua uwywui vc wnfipv ,ffW (UWJpraVen ifta; HvecofrOpti ase of money in e:ocuoos.;,1ibe eteai T - Mmtdenee . . .- - r --- ' " hit m Af lanrtMlalitwl ipeiJUiiwac2e;?,atfiXV'bB , rice as colonel f of." the iBixtyiiiibtli NottAfJarolina JSegiment. Wuh - w higton Post. ' To citizens of the United. Slates edd&t$otiji'$h ; the Demooratlo-and- BeDnWltiala I p&rcilr'jierH lafjrnity la the ispatcheat from 1 EkxUz ,ediJstriompb. ' rf.t Ui riH:5(RatS?iolouiartlea: ; In; Hi l; . w .-t, it lacs t?;V Eeonblloi;:; LOCAL NEWS. xaaoargiTing jqbi a wees irom to- dar., Thai! ITnian SarvicM at tha BaDtiat bhttrch tonight, at 7:80 o'clock, will bo eoadsoted by J: V. Williams Subject. boofOing ta tho Lore of God. Acts 8: Joaepb Wearer, colored, was before ibomaxocl yoatarday, charged with Btipglopd aflij boiaJtrpu laoguaxe on tha.itrtet.1eijibinitted the case and was nnea post. , By refeJncce,ot9. ibe adveitisement wiirboTen, ib'at Watson & Street, it auoiiiJrieer?. WilUell alot of furniture, at the r0slienoe of Mr. Il 0. Kehoe to tfa'aiW 6olock, An acoident toClerment bridge across Trent river, a mile or two above the oily, rendered it impacsable yesterday. Sjme of the machinery connected with the draw was broken. We suppose it will be repaired immediately. The large barge, spoken of in yerter dajV,jQ0EHAL aa being unable to get through the draw of the railroad bridge, Wf polled op to the bridge yesterday and rials were used to bring the lumber from Blade's mill to load her. She oarries about 400,000 feet. Messrs. Rudolph '.Ulricb. anl T, F. Hargii left yesterday afternoon for Mr, T. H. Mallieon's, a few miles from the city. They will spend a week in that section hunting that is, if they don't kill all tbe game before a week passes. Mayor Williams went along also, and well bet he gets his share of the game. Mr, Frank W. Hanoock.ex-President, will represent the North Carolina Phar maceutical Association at the meeting of the Soath Carolina Association which met in the city of Charleston on yester day. Mr. Hancock for several years ha been representing Parke Davis & Co., of Detroit, one of the largest drag manufacturing establishments in this country. The onion meeting at the Baptist oharch continues to increase in interest. Last night Dr. J. D. Clark led and spoke earnestly and powerfully on preparing the way of the Lord. Effect ive and appropriate remarks were also made by brethren Ipock, Robert Han- oocki C. T. Hancock, Barrington, Whittjr Lodge and Ball. The meeting will be continued tonight as usual. The yacht Trophy, of Washington D. 6., came into port on Tuesday, having on boird Commodore Barber, owner of Asphalt works at Trinidad Cuba, and a party Of friends. ' The party took the train here for Brunswick, Ga , from which place they wi(l go by steamship to Cuba. The yacht, after taking on a supply of coal, proceeded to Brunswick, where she will wait for the return of tbpajtky. . ; "That advertisement I inserted in the JoDKMAJb ? certainly paid," aaid a com- merolal row merchant- yesterday to a JOUgKf reporter. . "It Isn't everybody thakeos;how to advertise,' aaid be, "bat live, attractive advertising in a newspaper pays. There la a great deal UIUW irVlUIU VI Ml A.IIMPVU.VHn Exactly so. That man has sound horse sense. He aaid "business is right risk." Bar. Libsrtus Van Bokkelen, D. D., formerly of this town, died in Buffalo, N. Y., on the first instant. Mr, Van Bokkelen was a son of Adrian H. Van Bokkslea, of Now Berne, and was well known to our older citizens. He was & , founder of St.- Timothy's school, Cantonsville, Md., State superintendent of publid Instruction of Maryland, and formany years rebtor of Trinity church Col. Bailers' remedy was in demand itbCxAt6n' Bxcbaneft Teaterdar: A if colbred'Sromaa u L a cart came down wn-imeipiirpie toptarmpewnton ane signified a wUimgneas to part' With at iTisj-'riasonable trlcd of a Pennf BDieoe. Qafte''pnmb'er of perinies; y ere thpa Invested, and vwltfab a, ood cistern at hand; a . verr omntuoua lunch was Milystanders of ' OolSellersr ftmitfly,' raw w iA ""M TherWBSetlar of lh iS.t E. 'Church WorlLnietyatfbe parsonaee last nlgh'tweVnw attended. While-4he older beads met p, on toonx, to ojaaald the aff airs! of the Society, the young folks bad eiati control 16f ' two Other large rooms, ax re and various amnaements were" engaged in. Whet) the, business, meetlngvwae over rddnff and old Joined In oandy pulling. tbe jnUesursaof i whloh were street of course. 2s ajraWati t I Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an Aroerloaa .statesman, It is a faotr es tablished by the testimony of thousands of neoDle. thatHood'a Sarsaparilla does sir. fit , jc. t ' oar scrofula,, salt, rhauon and i other dSf!esee or affection arising frOtri lm r :r state or low conditfphof the blood. It also ovsroomes : thai tired i feeling", creates 'a ' rood'UppetlW;,, and! ives rgtbTto every part of tbe system. Public Address. The oongregatlon of St.. Patera' church, oolored, were much pleased with the Sunday-school address by Mr. J. S. Thomas about two weeks ago, and they have Invited him to dell W another aaaress oeiore me oongregauon ana ma i public at the church tonight at 74(0 o'clock. Mr. Thomas has aeoeoted the invitation. Seata will b provided for all who attend. The ad drees will no doubt be very entertaining and initrue- tive. Sbippiog News. The Steamer Tahoma will sail for all landiogs down Neuse tomorrow morn ing at 7 o'clock. The steamer Annie of the E. O. D. line will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Eaglet of this lice will arrive to morrow. Tbe steamer Cleopatra arrived yes terday from op Trent river with cotton. The steamer Carolina arrived from Polloksville yesterday with cotton She will leave for Bell's Ferry this morning at 7 o'clock. The steamer Howard arrived from up Trent yesterday with cotton seed. Stockholder' Meeting. Today is tbe time appointed for s meeting of the stockholders of the At lantio and North Carolina railroad, tbe object being to consider the question of extending tne roaa lurtner into tne terior of the State. This is an imnort- ant question. The meeting should have a full attendance of the stockholders. Bnt we suppose the Fayetteville cen tennial celebration, baring, unfortu nately for us, fallen on 'the same date. has absorbed the attention of a great many of those interested in the stock holders' meeting. A special train will arrive from Golds- boro at 10:45 and return at 5 o'olock this evening. We hope the meeting will adjourn to another day, when a full attendance may be had. Personal. General Robert Ransom left yester day for Fayetteville to attend the cen tennial celebration. Mr. Charles Barker, of Stella, is in theoity. Mrs. James A. Bryan, Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Roulack arrived in the city from New York last night. Mrs. L. E. Cleve has returned from a visit to Philadelphia. At Hotel Albert: W. Buckner, Rich mond ; Jaa. H. Saunders, J. T. Beall, Chas. H. Brues, F. F. Burgess, Balti more; Dr. Leinster Duffy, city; Col. W. L. Durant, Philadelphia; W. S. Greer, Wilmington, Del. ; H. MoGee, Clearfield, Pa.; J. C Caddell, Raleigh; Lee Francks, Onslow. M. E. Church. Election of Officers. The following are the board of stew ards and other officers, elected for Neuse Street M. E. Church for 1890: Stewards T. A. Green, chairman; D. L. Roberts, B. G. Credle, J. If. How ard, J. A. Meadows, Geo. Henderson, Samuel Parsons, D. S. Willis, A. B. Powell, G. T. Adams, Dr. N. H. Street, N. W. Jones. Treasurer B. G. Credle. Supt. Sunday-school J. E. Willis Recording Steward B. G. Credle. Distriot Steward T' A. Green. Newly Appointed Trustees John Suter, L. H. Cutler, Q. L. Wadsworth. HANCOCK STBEET X. K. OHUHCH. Stewards R. O. E. Lodge, 8. R. Ball. M. M. Ipock. Supt. Sunday-school W. B, Barring' ton. Trustees D. M. Hollowell. Thoe. H. Meadows. Sam '1 Curtis, B. F. Delemar, Thoa. A. Messio, A. L. Dixon, Joseph Barker. 4 -r- ttesolutions of At a meeting of the board of stewards! held Tuesday night, Nov. 19th, 1989, the following preamble and resolutions were offered by T.A.Green and onani - mously carried: wnereaa, uw laiuuut ana veurvva preacher and pastor, Bro. I Craw- ford, has served bis allotted term or four years in such a satisfactory man- ner to our cnuron ana people, ana, change Is Imperative, therefor be tt rf Resolved, That W do SlnoerelT re - sret that he must leav OS.' and WS dO hereby sender him Oof gratitude lor nis pastorate oar swa as lauaiai aai minUtration of the work of Christ tons and our entire oongregatlon doring the past four years. ' We must say he haa Berved us well now at tne sacred aesc and atound our family altars and fire sides. He nas been to us.a pastor ii deed and we can ney er forget himi i 2. We do hereby tender aim anoVh beloved wife, their earnest Sabbath school, , it j .v., .wi. ,r"r.Lr usefulness churoh- work nor loat sight of by ourneonle. 8. We cheerfully eommeneV htm .atad his Interesting family to God a people everywhere, n and especially to tbe sympathy and love of any oongrega tlon he may oe appointed to serve 4. That these teaolutions be recorded on oar . minute book and rm oopy be furnished, our beloved pastor,- eiae one be sent to the New Berne Daily Jop JUL end Raleigh Christian Advocate for publication. . ; . ; . r .j . new Berne, N. u., mot. is, wwi RAMBLES ABOUT TOWN. The reference to "Carl and his school- metee." to , in yesterday a article, alls to mind a letter received from a little boy who resides in the -billy Jo,'. 6irce7e' is noing'the woods there that bites and acra chea, lor any where else about there, except d0 tL u w.hwi -neT. flht' boys." Hs begs for more bear stories, Bitting talking with DsnielStimson at his mill about the time the boy's letter was received, Mr. Mallison happened to be passing in the street, and hs was stopped and tbe information given him. "Well," he replied, "the bear stories are not quite exhausted. I can add a few to those published. A bear," be continued, "came a few nights since within seventy-five yards of my houee for water, and I have seen tbe tracks in my fields, though I have killed none lately. A colored man tiled a gun on the lakes last week and killed two. I saw the meat for sale at Croatan station, and I learn it is now frequently in the Newbern market. 'But now for a clincher for the boy, and he should have been there to. ride ith them. I was informed by two farmers of integrity that they came recently across a she bear in the woods, who had her two cubs on a bent sap- pliog, and she standing on her hind feet swinging them up and down with her fore paws." Mr. Stimson and the writer both cried "tough!" Mr Mallison replied: ''That is ten der, to this; hear me: A sow was put in a pen near the lakes in the woods. A beafi taking the scenti came out of- lhe in-ipoooain, reared up on the pen, and peeping over, beheld a hog. a mere shadow. Thereupon tbe bear made for a oom field near at band, gathered an armfull of corn, and returning to the pen threw it in and walked off in dia gust. But it was not known whether the bear had quit the drag or designed fattening his own pork out of the field of the owner of the hog." "Well, I declare," said Mr. Stimson, that bear should not be molested;" and the writer concurred. It is due to Mr. Mallison to state here that he would not vouch for the truth of the latter story, and that he denied the ownership of the poor pork. How ever, his known integrity, courtesy and hospitality would clear him of any sus picion in the matter. To sum up, we be lieved (that is. Mr. Stimpson and tbe writer) that Mr. Mallison thought the first swinging story the fact, tbe second doubtful, and that if he was the owner of the hog in the pen it will never be known. Referring to bear meat, the first historian of North Carolina, Lawson, says: ,lhe nesh or this beast is very good and nourishing, and not inferior to the best pork in taste. It stands be twixt beef and pork, and the young cuba are a dish for the greatest epicure living. I prefer their nesh before any beef, veal, pork, or mutton, and they look as well as they eat, their fat being as white as snow and the sweetest of any creatures in the world. If a man drink a quart thereof, melted, it never will rise in his stomach." The old historian is correct as to the looks of bear, and as to the taste, we are satisfied with the assertion. He states that he learns that panther meat is "hard to down, ' and so would be bear meat with some, notwithstanding the sweetness of its fat. Lawson, though generally conceded as aiming at trutb, baa given some rather "tough" fish stories, and as the writer designs furnishing one to which be would respectfully oall the attention of the Hon. T.J. Jams, he will give the others precedence. "There is another sort of these whales or great fish," observes the historian, "though not common. I never knew of above one of that sort, found on the coast of North Carolina, and he was contrary to all others ever found before him; being sixty feet in length, and not above three Or four feet in diameter. Some times Indians in America will go out to sea and get unon a whale 'e back and or plug up his spouts and so kill fm." Pretty good, isn't it, for a new North Carolinian ? During the last fair in Newbern, the writer happened to mention to Gov. Jervie, the size of a turtle oaught at Beaufort, when he held up both hands with the exclamation, "I could soon 'The LZ V-T la A. at I.U i. A.l ala,a i. . tt from letter to tha editor of tn Centinel, Newbern, dated Beau fort w, a. May S3. 1823: 1 "A turtle of a very ucommon kind I was caught last week, by tbe whale and i narnolse men.In one or their shark nets. ft t, f feet 8 or 4 Inches in length, and from the end of one fin to the other, in Uidth, is 9 feat, and 2 8 18 feet through ajtBe body. The back is blaok, whioh with his' sides, are in 8 squares; the l Hr nartia black and white, and tha Kill aamhla that of tha hawk. Ha Ly-d, abertir after he was taken, and the skeleton is nreserved 1 hy not get one for the next fair? But as astonishing as the size of this turtle seemr, see what the world had In ages past " An1-Ancient Mobster. -According to Nilaion, the great Greenland or right wawrivi viwmi iui I Ysted, in the Baltic indicate that the than oo or body 87 times larger and heavier than that of the common right whale." W. - ft. V. SvaU'a..a,J 1 V n jil J ..,!l(aaiaji,JMwa I Th pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effeote oi 8yrup of Figs, when to need of S lajtatlv: and If the father ec another be ooitlv or bilious the most gratifying result follow Its tie, so that it is the best family remedy known and kt every ramiiy tnouia nave a ootue. . Craven Circuit. The stewards of Craven circuit are requested to meet at the parsonage near Cove on Friday. Nov. 22 d 1889. J. F. Washbukn. P. C. The worst feature about oatarrh is its dangerous tendency to consumption. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures catarrh by purifying the blood. 3 For a disordered liver try Beecham'u Pills. HARRIED. Wednesday night at the residence of Mrs. Rebecca Willis, on Broad street, by Rev. L. W. Crawford, Mr. F. M. Chad wick and Miss Mary R.Jones. At Stella. Carteret county, at the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Nov. 17. 1889, Mr. Thomas McGinn, formerly of this city, but now of Ooracoke, to Mies Lena Mattocks. DIED. On Wednesday morning, November 20, 1889, Mary Ethel, infant daughter of Cicero and N. M. Duncan. The funeral will take place this morn ing at 9 o'clook from the Catholic ohurch. Furniture at Auction. THURSDAY Nov. 21, 1889. Watson & Street, Auctioneers. We will expose to publio sale at the residence of R. C. Kehoe, Esq., a large lot of Household and Kitchen Furni ture. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms cash. novl9d3t A Fine Florida Tonic ! Mr. Foster S. Chapman, one of the landmarks of tbe Georgia drug trade now of Orlando, Florida, writes: ""I can hardly select a single case of the many whom I haye sold Guinn's Pioneer Blood Renewer. but wbat have been satisfied ; and I find it the best remedy for skin diseases I have ever sold, and a Fine, Florida Tonic. r oster s. chapman, Orlando, Fla. For sale by R. N. DUFFY. New Berne, N. C. At New York Cost: A Large Lot of SAMPLE HATS, Latest Styles, All Shapes, AT Barrington & Baxter. Dr. HcCormack Is now in the City stopping at HOTEL ALbhiKl, and is ready to receive patients. Electricity is Life. Electricity Is Health. It Is Natnre's Cure for nearly ail Diseases. It goea directly to the teal of tha trouble, without any of the Injurious effect of drusa. The only expert electrical physician and graduate oi an ftieoiricai Medical Col lege In Patterson Is Dr. McCORMACE, 144 Broadway, PATERSON, N. J. There 1 soarcely any form of Chronic or Aouve jjiaeaae taal electricity will not re lieve and eure. and the afflicted should oall at Hotel Albert and be convinced. Patients alio treated at their home. Special attention paid to lady patient by a graduated lady electrical physician. IR. McOORMACK treats many patients for tbe regular physicians of other schools where eieotrloal treatment Is indicated, and Invariably with satisfactory results. UK. MCUUttMAUiv has permission to refer to tne eaiwr or ma uaii ana other well. known oltleen a to the efficacy of hi elec trical treatment. CONSULTATION FREE. His daughter is with him and will attend ladies when desired. novl7 For Sale or Rent, HOUSE and LOT on the corner of Neuse and Middle streets, now oocu pied by R. O. Kehoe. One of the most desirable locations in the city of New Berne. Also, all of the Household, Kitchen and unioe furniture, including one fine Organ and Iron Safe. The above will be sold at private sale. Apply to R. C. KEHOE, At his office or house, from 10 a.m. novl2 dt; to 4 p.m K. 11, JONES, ass Dry Gccds C Notions. Full atook and large assortment Noes u lew as the lowest. Call ahd exitnine my stock. Batiaf action guaranteed. ' !x ' ' v J fSvr POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl powder never varlei. A marvel of BtrenuU) and vholMomituu. Mara .rlty, economical than tb? ordinary kinds,. and cannot be aold In competition with tbe al titude or low teat, abort weight, alnm or phogpbate powderg. Bold only In cans. Roy MAKING I'OWDEB CO., 1U8 Wall t Iune23dau wd Mil Y PUSH WILL TELL! Remember that our success guaran tees you tbe same high grades as ever; the same quantities: measure and weight always just and generous: bnt that PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER. Less profit and more natron as n la nnr idea of future trade. We don't worrr about patronage. Make Prices Right, and trade will be sure to follow. Goods in our line have been too high; there's no denying it. We aim to bring them down to a proper level; we are going to make The Luxuries of Life AS CHEAP As the Necessaries! At anyone of our Establishments will be found a LARGE MB FINELY SELECTED STOCK or Foreign and Domestic Wines LIQUORS Porters, Ales, &c. We are offering (o the Retail Trade great inducements in Tobacco and Cigars! The attention of families is called to the Celebrated Imperial Beer, for which we are agents. Satlti action guaranteed er money refunded A. L. Gregory & Co., PRINCIPAL HOUSE : E. side Middle St., opposite S. H. Scott. BRANCH HOUSES: N. W. Cor. Queen and Pasteur St. (R. R. Depot). S. W. Cor, South Front and Middle 8U. Wholesale and Retail Liquoi Dealers. Jobbers of Cigars and To bacco, NEW BERNE, N. C. augl6 dw J. W. STEV7AI1T. Large stock of Fine Horseejand If also constantly on hand. Suited to driving, draft and farm. work. - t Good and safe single and double teams. .. : ; ig;pst:: i Saddle hones for both ladies Mdftn. tlemen. ' Open all day., and " lata- at J - !: 1. . : , ighU eeplt d!t i i ",i'i..-j,i lv i ; "v