Silver 1 ; r A lot of very, haid- cane Sterling Silver- ITaauf actnred by Ul. Gorham If aa C::! JB3 Jeweler." Exccnlcr's Sale. - iKttB..i W. II Km. 1Bih I8fi0 ' ,-ja- I , - On the 29th Day of Nov. 1889, i: , TWELVB o'clock, I will teU at Pub llM'Anntim: at tha Pirn rt Hauu. ih the " vuy oi new tserne, ice louowmg pip-c-i Arty .OmI Dwelling House, with nine room, toner of Pollock and Hanoock f wck street, . - Om farm fire miles from New Berne, - oi the Bean fort road, called the Haaket 1 One form about nine miles from New , Berne, near Riverdale. called the Thorp Place, of 178 acres; 100 aorea dear. One farm on Neuse road, 13 milea from New Berne, called the Sassau 'Place, of 145 acres; about CO aorea The above properties will be sold for oath, and with a good title to tbe pur chaser. They are all well rented. Possession will be given on tbe 1st day of January, 1890. This is to close out the "balance of tbe estate of Hannah Xfchea, deceased. i- -vVm. COHEN, Executor. For further particulars apply to Wm. Cohen, cor. Middle and S. Front Bts. . ' - Watson & Sirekt, noylS dwtd Auctioneers. Well Md is made well HIS STOCK OF C::fs Furnish'g Goods IS COMPLETE. T&AT GENTS' SHOE ,W HANDMADE)J That (Ives such good wear is now in W".M stock and for sale. '- - . ,-- THE PLACE TO BUT GOODS LOW IS AT nODERTS & BRO. 'fS3W$ ksep constantly in stock Vrorlf Ions, ' i ! , w '1 Urv Gooda, ' - DosHfailto gtv us a trial when In jtoeo) pf anxtbiog in our line. , FLMOS I J S 5 VA 1 f sTM!ki5 ",f.l . ,:: w m ' ft V.Ws H35 1 A'm -Mr I m :m ' jUi ,1 r. i-ii .-.-. S &j LU. -'Mi'- (Distillers' Aftnt.7- Importer anil Wholesale Dealer is -- ; - .... t Liquors ana Ciders, GRAVEN STREET, NEAR COTTON EXCHANGE New Berne, N. 0., Keep coniUntly on hind a COMPLKT i STOCK 0( L1Q.DORS ana HO 1 US. Stock Is the largett In the Plate, and was parobased from nntjiauds FOR CA8II. Consequently am enabled to sill allow as any Northern Market. Have on hand lh faJlowlug brands or WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS EYE WHISKIES. Old Family B x x x z Oolden Crown, Old Century, Acme, LxiiiKton, &o. feo. Mitchell's Pure Old Scotch. Pure North Carolina Coro WhHkey. WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Scuppernong, Old Sherry, Blackberry, Madeira, Claret, St. Julian, Sweet Catawba, Rhine Wine, California Angelica Wine. HUM. New England, West India, Jamaica. BRANDIES. Apple, Peacb, French (James Hennesy), Qarretts Cognac Brandy, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger. GIN. Holland and Domestic. BEER, ALE, Etc., Etc. The Bergner & Engel Brewing Co. 's Celebrated Lager Beer, Imported Ale and Porter, ClausBen ft Son's Export Beer Wm. McEwan's India Pale Ale from Edinburgh. Agent and Bottler of the Bergner & Engel Brewing Co-'a Celebrated Lager Beer and Porter. Cordials, Augostina Bitters, Imported and Domestic 1 Champagne. Agent for I. Calvin Shafer Wild Cherry Book and Rye. CIGARS. A large assortment of Cigars and Cheroots Agent for the Virginia Standard Che roots, the best in the market. Will guarantee to sell as low as any houses North, and lower than any house in North Carolina, WE ALSO MANUFACTURE Ginger Ale, SarBaparilla, . 1 Lemon Soda, ... . Rose Soda,1 CalifornlaJSPear Cider and Mineral Water. . ': Our Ginger Ale is equal to any im ported and superior, to any procurable in tne otase.-, ..f yt , . Orders 'promptly filled and fcallsfaaV tloa guarabteedVf li fVv iSJAMESlEEDMOfe! . aigifcawu THE JOUKNAL. IrriTil md Departure Ilaili '" "- - lrijL closes; ' for North, West and Bouth, rl A. ft x ., For- Beaufort and (ho East, .at 5:89 p. m. ' . ; -- - .. -:. : , - ; Fox Washington, Swift Creek, Bydeaai Beaufort (Joannes, daily at w a. m .' . For Trenton, PoiloksviUe and Hays- 1.1- r, a. maa . . . . yuiB, wy ( k) a. m. ' ' . 1 s ' r for Grantsboro, Bayboro an 1 Van' daman, daily at S a. au: . , '' . ri:ft;OmcH0TJE8:',' :- In Money Order and Registered Let ter Departanent, from S a.m. to 4 p. m. In Hailinr Denartmeiit from B a.m so a d. m., and rrom Taw tons p.m. - , ' omoe oeea oonatantiy between tbei hours sxoept when mails are being die trututedorsent. isy.f It Is certainl j much easier wholly to decline a passion than to keep it within just bounds "and measure and thai? which few tan moderate almost anybody may prevent. LEMOS KLIXIR. IU Worfl Kffset the Livr, Stamach, liweli. Kidneys said. Bld Dr, Motley's Limon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cores alt Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion. Headache, Malaria. Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Chills, Blotches, Pimples, fain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by-disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M.D., Atlanta, Qa. LE1DOH HOT DROPS, For coughs and oolds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold bv druggists. 23 cents per.bpt tie. Prepared bv H. Mozlev, M.D.. At lanta. Ga. novldwly dear both sides, and all will be clear; hear but one, and yo will still be in the dark. 'The Jingling of the tiulnea Helps the Hurt that Honor Feels." But there are deeper hurts than those that honor feels. The seeds of disease are sometimes deeply sown, the system is secretly and surely giving away to some deep-seated malady. Especially among females are many sufferers from inflammation, ulcerations, prolapsus, and other displacements; weak baok, sick headache, nervousness and kidney diseases. For all these affections pecu liar to women no surer remedy than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, pre pared for their special benefit, can be found. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufac turers that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. - Beeoham's Pills cure bilious and ner vous ills. COMMERCIAL. COTTON. New Yoek, Nov. 25 .Futures closed firm. Hales of 78.600 bales. Not fi2 C-W.05: 3: f'Mayt k .10 28 10.83 10 83 10.48 10 02 'Dec'r,. 10.CJ June, Januiary, 10 03 February, 10 07 March .10.14 April. 10.20 Juiy, August, Sept. October, New Berne market quiet. Sales Of 43 bales at 9.65 to MO. , ..r 'DOMSSJTfO IHARKIT; '. gW BKkKi,VN. Oj Nov. SL-The fol Jewing are odaj's quotations' in this mtketi;,'.'4- WBOUaAIJt PBIOM. ' 6EM)CoTTOir----$8.20a8.2',,V. . . IUce Rough, 60a65o. ' Cotton 8EKD-18.C0al4.O0 per toh. . Eggs-16i cents per dozen. ' : Corn 4550 cents per bushel.' sUaJb-r65c bolted 1 , POTATOSS Bahamas 25b.; jams 40a50 cents per bushelv'1".'. ;. ' ," :: ;: " OnIons-HK.OO per bush.- ' ' Baart On foot, 4o."t6 Sci';',;-! Hams Country, llalSc. LHiM3ountrt.' lOalto ' -' t. OmOBCHa--tirownr40aC0c per pair; naif grown, suaB&c." " v ... , Pianctb ?5c.a$1.00 ner bushel. J OATS-New 'oroje8jojJiBing nCKB. Foddee New, 60a70e. : ' HAV-Crab grass, 8(a45; s Miss POBK New S18.00. Shoou Meat 8al0o. - v O. R.'s, F. B'e. B.'s and L. 0.-7c. :y FtOTOf8.00.50. J ?? . LAar-7. by the rieroo; w-P NArx-Basis 10'b,W.6.1 Z I ' BuA-Granulated 8o Oomta 1830o. Chebsb 12Jal5. -Bait 80a85c.persaok. ' v; .' j"? , Molasses and Snm-Ma45o, . - u . KXBOSCNn Bo. r.T U. t PowDmst3.00. . Bhot Drop, 11.40; book,' L65., i Hrois Dry, 8a6o.; green Jo. ! TALW)W-4o.irU. , DEEHlfIDK8Dry,il5a25o. ? t ,Wooirl8al8o. r ii j ' , BwnrAX-s"l8a20o. per lb , ? i SmiTS TtJBPKNTUiBMarket steady at 42io. per gallon.' ' 1 - 1 1 , , ; Rosin Market - firm' at Oa cents per bbk for ; strained and $1.00 for good strained.'''"'"",-" . , C i '' TAB-tl.lO 280)bs.V- , ' CfiUDt , TCBPEN TINE Market firm at 82.25 for virgin and yellow,, dip and $1.20 for bard.' " Staves R. O, hbd. dressed, 5l2alB per ll.'.:j ; ' - Timbeb Cypress,-18 in,,, and -over, in demand at 15.00 per M. w ( CHUfOLES West India, dull and n"m Inal; 6 inch $3 00a2.25r Buildin 6 Inoh koartl, t3.00;saps,Jl.BO per Help Yourself. w - - - . jFight your own battles, : Hoe your own row, . Ask no : favors ox Any one, and you II succeed a i thousand times better than one ! who is -beseechine soma one's1 influence and patronage,. . No one will help as you help your-' self , because ho one vWiU Jbe so heartily interested in your affair The first step will be 6ueh a long one; perhaps; but, carting your own way up tne mounting, . you make each one lead to I another, and stand 'firm while :you chop still another out' Men who have made fortunes are not those who have had $5,000 given them to start with, , but boys, who have started fair with a well earned dollar ortwov ' "; Men who acquire fame have never been thrust into popularity by puffs begged or paid' for, or given in friendley spirit. They have' outstretched their own hands and touched the public heart. Men who win love do their own wooing, arid I never knew a man to fail so 'signally as one who induced his affect ionate grandmother to spfeak a good word for him. Whether you work for fame, for love, for money or for anythig else, work witn your nands and heart ana brain. Say "I will," and some day you- will conquer. Never let any man have to say, "1 have dragged you up." Too many mends sometimes hurt a marrl more than none at all. Selected. Tbe Beat of Pain and Fleaanre, The nervous system, often suffers a diminution of vigor, end cauees mental annoyance, and even positive disturb ance, without diyeaeft in the fcneoi ium itself. It bets Us a ' tutre rtflctor, in many cases, of inaction in tbu stomach. and cooMoaently tff incomplete aasimi lation of the fcod bv the blood. This of courss weakens it, rn comovui with the rest of the tipsnes, and renders it le able to bear without suffering an ordi nary strain that would m-.tUo no im pression upon sU0b nerves. To supply a deficit or strength; una remedy su persensitivenees ia the, nerves incident to a lack or vigor, uoatetter's stomach Ditters is far belter adapted than any mere nervine or simple, tonio. since the offspring of its u&o, complete digestion is the vigorous and early parent of nerve forco and quietude. Malarial attacks, rheumatism, bowel, liver and kidney complaint succumb to the Bit ters. . : ,: :: Sleep is a generous, robber; gives in 8tregth what i tikes time. , " V; it ID- Good Advice. Sboivlng Retail, Edward Silvey, Chicago, gives testi mony: "My wifo had catanh twenty- five yeare; puffered severely, for six years before she began to use your rem edy. Unable to breathe except through the mouth; in a most en tioat condition Tried everything wJth'oU ieli'ef, when Dr. 8treeter;fldviiel her tb buy Clarke's Extract of FIS; iPaplllon) Catarrh Cure. Relief, "followed ' immediately She continued to Ufe it until she is now entirely cured. Her health has not been so good in many years." Price 81.00. Wash the baby with Clarke Flax Soap. 25 cents. F. S. Duffy, druggist, now has the Flax remedies on hand. The gardens of modern poetry too often betray a nearness to tbe drains Of the cities, ; Rheumatism and Catarrh. Rheumatism and Catarrh are both blood diseases, in many severe cases they have yielded to treatment with B. B. B.' (Botanio Blood Balm), made by Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Write for book of convincing proofs. Sent free. R. P. Dodge, Atlanta, Ga.. says: "My wife had catarrh and nothing did her any good. Her constitution finally raiiea ana poison got into her blood. placed heron a use of B. B. B., and to my surprise her recovery was rapid and complete.",,. ' -W. P. McDaniel, Atlanta, Ga., writes "I wan much emaciated and had rheumatism so bad I could not get along without crutches. I also bad neuralgia in the head. First class phy aioiaos did me no good. Then -1 tried B. B. B. and its effects were magical cheerfully recommend it as a good tonio and quiok cure." Mrs. Matilda 1 Nichols.- Enoxville. Tenn., writes: VI had catarrh six years and a most distressing cough, and my eyes were much swoolen. . Five bottles of B. B. B., thank Godl cured me.", John M. Davis. Tyler. Texas, writes "I was subject a number, of years to spells; pt . inflammatory -rhenmatism, which six bottle! of B. B. BJ, thank heaven, has entirely cured. J have not felt the slightest nain suce B. N. and F. 8. Duffy, whoiesale hod retail agentB,,NswJrnefN:0:-J9 .'i -f. &JMfcUst si. avrAtom. SaJijr. Tan Best Balvs In the .-world for Qatar, Bruises, . Sores, doors, Bait Rheum; Fever Sores. Tetter. Channel Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively1 cures piles or no pay required. . It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded.-' Price : 25 eents per box Fo sale br B. N. Duffv. ' Ian 17 .. .. . - - -' '. ,. f- .- it i. " A faithful friend ia the trao image H tbe deity, napoleon l. 1 - Hi t ..'( i. r 's 5 iw Prof ' Loinetto'n C1SCCYERY AK3 METKC -la (pita al aritilumtcd Imitstiom whkih tnim tha floor?, ftnlprautinlr(wultoltl)a OrifftniU, Inspftoof ha gtvmfm ntratwpmMmtAttnnft muni., mrampmmiiMiMmiB ur vnTKtui wHlia-D9 huattDnU to tnb" Inia of the fruit of hie Uliorn, (all of which dmnrmetxatfl tba tmlnahtK1 wimtriontf nd popalantf of hiBtMohhiir). t'nif. Louet-Ui'tArttff Nwr ursttnff Is KcwnlrMl fiMlftj In hotb HttmiflplmrHa at marking anKpoohht IVrnon Onlfcura Hih ProlietiiaaAntnoatfrMlffinM lOllROf iwopi - . r -.. .it ... , ... .. . . oiillf almltad hiaHyHUnn br onrroniHindano. atKmii juiBiii mi uaruw 1110 Riocm wnonavaua. that bia 8ynUmi ia vmti only lohitt-btino ftudied, nol ftrrivaru; tliataw wHinMliriil(niiwll fi'iHr,tmrf-f'rttM'''WtM7Mrd(ft JtorPiuaMiatu. 1.rm. .nil 'r.l iiinnI. ulitmM " Vrof. A. I.o 1 an 't lit, Ml Fifth Avenae. fi.V A Distressing Caas anal Happy Cuie. JJFor over a year I have had a bretUr -out on coy leg, whkh troubled i bid I coo Sd not walk; I bai'y ii of a purf 4 color, wiU trap u ttat blood would C.'IS : t U I be S tk, weight oa li. I tsooiaajeQiei to try Clarke's Extract cT Flax. (PaptUtt) Skin Cure, which I havedons. My 1 is now well ana I can walk twom Mt ont without any trouble. :gQ9d,A. Hayward." . i ... Clarke's Flax Soap makes the skin soft and preventa chsppinsr. ; Skia Cars $1.00. BoaD 25 cents.. Far salsbrT. Promises to do wronsr. and oaths to do wronj. have no. binding force whatever. ; ' , , - . A0VIOB TO BOTHERS. Mas. WrasLOw's BooThdjo Stsv should always : b used, for children teething. It soothes the child,: soften the arums, allavs all oaln. cures wind oolic, and is the bosk remedy, for diar bcea. Twenty-n e cents a bottiev c It is a Bin to make a-promiso-to sin; It is a greater sin to keep snch promise, With Ely 's Cream Balm a child oan be treated without pain or dread and with perfect saf etv. Try ths remedy. It cures catarrh, bay fever and colds ia the head. It u easily applied into the nostrils and gives relief with the first application. Price oOo. Blessed are the missionaries of cheerfulness. A rew idea embraced in Ely Hi Cream Balm. Catarrh is eured -by cleansing and healing, not ' by drying up. - It is not a liquid or snuff, but is easily ap. plied into the nostrils. '. Its effect is magical and a thorough treatment will oure the worst cases. Prios 50o. ' IE a. an... ' fOTOW RNEfOLORSTHAT JlfSlP'fttrtT-S., Sold bydruggistS - - 1LSU -s.--".-. jj .. rmttK8BB0HCTPAiNT9- colon, PEKKLKK8 IjAVNDKT BI;CISG.- - -; PEERLESS INK POWDEKS-S Klsnl 7 Colors. PEEKIiESS SHOE AND HARNESS P&KSSII6. PEEBLKSS EGO DIES-8 Colors. 4 4-i.. Dissolution of Copartnership Notice Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of A. L. urenory juo. U this. day nia solved by mutual consent Mr. 1 S. Perry retiring from th firro.:,:.,! Mr. At lu Greaert til oontinua the business under the same name, pay tbe debts thereof, and is authorised to make all collections.' A, I GREGORY, 1. 8.' PERRY. Newbern. Nov. 20. im-' Referring to the above, we hope by fair dealing and strlot attention to bust' ness to merit a continuance of the natrodaee bestowed on the old firm. 80 lw A. L. URJSUUUX a uu u HEADQUABTERS pob Breech-Loading , Gunr, Brass and FaDer Shells Powder and Shot. AT La H. CUTLER'S ittt k NEW BERNE, N.,C.;r Jl! i If I -cant sell out one way, I must try another way, and for this reason I have got in more goods. Tobacoo, Cigar and Frtiit. Apples. Grapes. Fies. Cran berries, Lemons, Oranges. A, fresh lot of Tobacoo and Cigars good: a fine lot of Durham Smoking Tobacco. Cut Plug, and granulated at five . cent for two oz., etc.etc. . . i - - v i Wm.-L. PALMER, nl8f - Middle St., New Berne. CLOSING OUT EHTIRE STOCK a r Wit '-ft- AT 4u r,i'r-i i;; AGENCY FOR lini Floriil: a cf t'.a : u&:, ' tf t' . t tT .S tc S to ever s. r :f ua ndJ, 1 ' i . ; i-1 my i i ; i:i JL s,i, and ri5 lLC2ir a w. .j; : - s V.J lv: Ci ' , na. " Tci ;tU 'tj,' X," X. a a If. New pemsM- Hi hb t i ? r .A Wuu...w,'ik..4.4l ' 'ii f1 'i - - We are bow ready "forryour orders rortheCelebrated; ;';,. . Daniel.f ra""Cotttia ' Gins, Feedefr and .Ccsdecscrs. ' Everybody using them unhesitatingly pronopnee them the BEST so takeno other. We guarantee full satisfaction.- ' Send fof pilots and terms. -. s . rrr' WBITTY ft GATES, -; ., - Agents for the Boss Power' Cotton" ' Presses, Roanoke Hand Presses, eto. : ' amrWdwtf , ' v i- ' ? OFiJ a A Old i Virginia Chcfool JustEcccivcd. 'av mitt. li .--i iLiir uiiii J ai -- ' 1 ' WHOLESALE GBOOEH, . ' ; NEW- BERNBL k. u : 8tate of North Carolina-Craven County. 1 SopariorlOourt Before tboasrt. Jab. 6." Harrison. Admr."bf Joseph Pate, '. To Milly Pats. Saliie Fields alias Sally ciuimo iLaievratoaiiso &.auo Thompsons and" Bebj.jTnompson, her i husband, William Henry uttenand . Take TTotice, That this is a niooeed- ing before the said court rtu-.selk the lands of said Joseph Pats: dr 6 end, to, make assets to pay his debt, eto., en-' titled as above; and you are required to appear before me at the Court House in Newbern, in said county, at 13 o clock, ' M.7 on 'the' 8th day" of "Ja'auaryV AD. , 1800, and answer or .demarn to the pe tition filed in said proceed Ihgs. This 23d day or November ,18Si v --Clerk 8upeiior Ccurt, nov24 Craved Co., NOrth Caroline. J, V.lSTEWAnTi I av ii i l-.-,'.'. l; r ft -,.1(7 t. -T 4fiuimC'i J5i V A-xAl hliit n Large atock of Fine Horeen(JI ttles ' constantly on bsni." SulUd uVrlving, , iuais ana iarm wwaw v. a . , m i, .s- Good and "aaf4f ;,aHDgi "and double teams.' . , Z- -- " Saddle horeeiffoi both ladies and gen tlsmen." ' Open.?aliday and '-late at alghs." l . ill ll ' V J h M Of , luajt -' miwi- aiisv dlf litis ta ulMl il.l .. ...v-Hiiit Nfti tn j,.-:t v US' .r.a . ' - -' ' j..TifT!UiW - ilnlJGV Mil fit 1 '1 1W it.t j-f wr.i1 U!iji !(ij -ii;.. DrCi:C-::.:;5. Foil stock: and large assortment. ! 'if- I lOJ-ita Prices as low as the lowest. j Ckll and examine my tXiotf!i Satisfaction guaranteed.'.' Ilotic; 0a $ Vftf-rf? Having been requested ly member of the Board of Commissioners of Cra ven county, -td call a meeting of the said Board of Commissioners of Craven county, to be held at the Court Ilouse on the 87th day -of November, A.D. 1889, for, the transaction of such busi ness as may be brought before the said Board of Commissioners. : i 1 J I, James A; Bryan, ChairniRn cf t-e iaid Board of CommiBsioners, d - 1 7 call a meeting of the said 1 m 1 cf Commissioners, to be held tst t" ) ' Id Court Houne in1 Taw ' .r, u u c'olock. A.M.. onVWi ,' a 97m day of Nove nber.'A-D. 1- J, when and where anr-rLsvro 1 ny have busi ness wi;h l'l ,j may appear sdir'!.9k r-at' m -aa,'..:? VV- Iawii.. is -rt-f I have hereT") set my 1 - 1, t tie 81st day of I . vc ji". ia;eryan... : .acf t, e Board of Cc J rV--r.rsof Crsv-1 ( CI I. Jl IV It 1 ' .rev,.. .,.t, .... ( . . . a.-fl. v.ituuoia aou -Auu.4 AlSDIOAI, 09v 1 They7mell.?fri; -

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