'1 4 THE JOmiNALv - I l ' -. ., tt .1 fc U li t .. J,-J.uC V n iv - an - u a . . I t, v-a vV nr. Umj mm . muvMU fault' sVW HUllQiMi aasu ism ? wa iuld 'Lang Syr,' Me, tank ' sad Brae, ami other Scotch Javerite of lb long ago, i ('j'r.f i - f hsT-ioO - When there were . indication t thai Eagland wan again about to tale op arm atounsa Russia, one la reminded of c i t ot these Jncident whica occurred duruur the L-Tt- o box.'- -imMn War , whan tha a!1lA tannna. 1 wara l. 1. 1 : ii TV i . n it..v , ouuiuaruiHy; tu jiuaiao . ; jotuoo.hnib. H. 6 (2 JIB, 1(1 h -.!,!. ul J t -), Ff-'tMl k i S l -Lr f 14 iica For ft r t j :J j liiFH. Night before the. storming ol tha '-MaJa- i t t el eiu. we of te t" ' b '! . U . f .... 'wf Ar ' 'rfc-Eju- las. ... ."" tri ? t-i-. . ie cm i t.t lemiera, Sole tt t fcttuad , (it )eM v. o t-iiOj ' T . : . . -,, v ill cm rnxncrs tills or r.. r c? j r jcs 23 ccrrs a'eqI; C.a be hadat i ! Li l v r.i ' tepMf ' . Eight :t:a:htrui'ull;'eoii3se injt ;:ic. -;Rates low. I7o extracharg(for4iangujc tt4 AtJCcoidingMCcliooll for Girls, l and Young Ladies. ; Fall. Tenn lopens;'Aug. 29th. For . Catalogue1 ith1 full particulars' address 5 ; fi it;ClSl!pn ! KlUSEYo Principal. the auldiera all aae "Annie Laarie,!f and Bayard Tarlo beantifullt "poetiswl ue laeiaent in aong waioa ve reprodaec J Give nt song 1 the.eoldlera jerle The otiter treaohea enardlBr: vs. While the heated guna of the cop-Ilied yrew weary n uoroharain j.S f ThedarkRadaalnailentaooff ! . . Lai (rim and threatenlnff under. - ' Aad the taWDj mounr of the Malakoff' " flo longer Oelched. ttt thunder , tv There waa a paoioT-the. gunlama aald, -rye worm ue ion w-morrow; Slog while we may, another day . virus . ' a n ui Druigenougn or aorrow. They lay along the battery! aide, Below the amok y eannou t 1 - Brav heart from , SeTerao and from Clyde. --m . ,i; 'And from the bank of Shannon, They aang of love and not of fame Forgot ww Britain' glory J..: " Each heart recalled a different name- But all sang "Annie Laurie." . Voice-after voioe caugbfc op the oug, '' Until rU tender Daasion . Rote like an anthem rich and atrong, ineir oattie-ave confession. Dear girl ! her name he dared not speak, cat a the song grew louder, Something upon the soldier's cheek w ashed off ine stain of powder. Beyond the darkening hill-tops burned ine Diooay sunset embers, While the Crimean talley learned now iSingiun love remember. And once again a fire of hell 1 Rained on the Russian quarters, With scream of shot and burst of shell And bellowing of the mortars. 4nd Irish Nora's eyes are dim For a sinner dumb and trorr. And Englith Mary weeps for him - vrno sang or "Annie Laurie." Ah I soldiersvt6 your honored rest Your truth and valor bearinir: The bravest are the tendereat, 1 The loving are the daring ( . KOBTH CAB'kta3,;a ' -t-Ki , f WveoiOoity. -aa)trter ConrC 1 .' Fetltlon to tell lands to make aMta,;,r 'jfantMi Barrtke-ai ks&ft orn lerfaet Green; - 1 r- Aiatptf ' . , , I , ' W. B. . Oreeb.etnUiietri-at-law.- j Iiinbedlenee toJnrtgmntof tfceSnftrt'oi ; . Ouurt. ruderd en Ui lttth of October. I889k tntlieabov entitled nti. tb nnierUned : will, on HOIDAT, DKC, Sid, 1889, at the Court lionte InNew Berne,ipcwatpnbllo 1 akl to lb hlgtafst bidder; ' ine following traot of land belonging to the estate oi Ml . Cbaol Oreen, deceased, to wit: A certain trant Of land lying end being In Craven county,, on the aouth nlde of Trent road, "ouio u. nu anajt wcatotxtew ttarn ojntnliig uie lunda of Mrs. Vletorla Perry, tue belri of J. H. Claypoole and other, con- tAlnlnv JUt anraa. mim nt I au f n 11 v iiMr4luut In t petition filed in the above salt. - i ' 1 i tract of land la valuable and conve- -.v. tfor l.r T 1 4 Will lermtof Bale: One-hall eaab: balance on ' a credit of alx months, etenred by noteeto - m approveo. s)iie reserve? nnm rou ay sent la made. - s. " . new uerne, ueu itn. ibuv. act oi wna u Taiuaoio ana codto r trnoklng and other faxmlnt: fcnr- - . I - ' V J? i ill commence at lle'clock, 11. - o2Std . Adm IAum 0. ttABRISONi'? i of Mohaelfareen, Aee'd4 Mv.t - C KjYfif AT f ACtiMEKtS ''""""i OALIAS.TEK. i.iouii.Mt. r AGENT WANTEli. a yw !,' If V" '4 i V. fff )il lit , 'V "r id in tm di - t' fjfi1 'er iraMed success LA.i. News may be Jinguiihittg tkaracieriUut: - 1 '- h.-ve cn- - ri! 'T:-iif UaDai!vFF'trforE-vPtilitt. . i" " Vf ?tel "yVv'' ct'"i yof -j Int.. . wU . t. i. world's daily dolnfs, but they are too I j to waste valuable time in searching f ' rt,i t:"ti''" she"" peTrw I ; l t t a x 1 Bftws of at, 1 '""itnrcjj i f "re, re' .,i,fuuavS, and i-et iu-u4r 1. 'i,.. VI.- .i it T"", ' -!t V t ' ' ' ' i3 .l n AUntIea, N, C. Rtllroad 1 Sflwl 8:00 A.M Monday, October Going EastV; Bohbdtju. ; Gorsor WartJ o. ojua. raatmgtr Train. No. Ou. Ar. Lre. . .-Btatlon. Ar.' Lve. V m, aw . UOtaBDOTO ' 11 8(J ID i 08 .-4 09 La Grange' U 10 43 10 45 ,4 P5v4 4Q .KinstonT ' Iff 08 10 13 NewBerse ' 8 85 ' 8 60 7 J4 f. nl . Morehead City a m 6 00 OOIHO EA8t? SOHEDPLK j 06 5tt W6T No.i.-- ; w , i0t2.t Mixed Ft. ft 7 --"X". - JHxed Ft. ft raw. irara. Dtations. f ass. Train a m v 8 B(J .vf Ooldsboro ,' 9 00 i d m B 6T- 7 05 I Best' ' 8 04 8 19 7 20 7 80 , L Qrangev " 7 84 - 7 44 7 A3 ;7 B J Fal ling Creek " 7 06 7 10 811- 8 80 Klneton' . 5 55 6 43 ,8 50 8 85. v Caswell T 580 5 85 15 10 01 ' Dover ' ' 4 65 5 10 10 81 10 85 '-t Core Creek h ' 4 24 " 4 80 il 00 11 05 Tuscarora . 8 64 4 00 U 17 11 41 - - Clark's . - 8 83 8 43 1315 8 00 Newborn 10 83 '8 00 8 87' 2 II r El verdale' 5 $ Ut 9 46 ,838t;t Croatan-' -88 988 4(1-413 HavelockV .86904 46i443' Newport' 81T "837 .4 SI 4 65 ,r ,Wildwood 3 ' 8 00l 05 5(15 01 Atlantic 1 7 47 T 52 5 1 J . 6 S 1 ... Korohcad City - 7 IT ' 7 27 5?1'.5,U At'antio Hotel .7 05 '7 15 51 ra T'ortbead Depot am 7 00 , "' , i mir ot an Hat.urdy r(V I Jt"-" ', V b aithuay and frldHy. -t-. t 1 15' " "i 'Irwin .'in Ja. . t Cancer ol the Nose. -' la l&i a sore appeared ea mr Boa, i t, arew 'dir. A at fatbee Aad- aan . - - ... i M 1 1A 1- - .1. 1 d, and eouauiutd my physician, Hi treat. aid a fo, aad the (ore grew larger aad wene in every wT,aatd 1 had eeaelnd M that i wu en-aie from ia efleeMi. I wu enuaded to tai 8. 8. 8.. and a few bottlaa seuedsae. Thiawat after ail toe doctor, tad etaar aaedieuMe bad JaiieeW-aaaee aen ao murs at tee narrw ' . rj MS8. M.T. HABIT. . UMaary, HaU CoaatytTexaa. . treaties ea Oaneaf nailed, free. i i , L - twin tribcina co Atuata, e. GnZAtJARGJUns. - The Btook of General Hardware, Cut lery Locks, Hinges, Saws,' Saddlery, Oart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fitting. Iron, Steel, fto., Ac, also Plowi,' Cultivators; Farm . Machinery Cotton Gin., fto., belonging to the baslnes of a - n ; Geo. Allen & Co.,s 111 be closed oat daring the next few weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Allen ft Co., by either note or account, are noti fled that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. 8. WOOD, . ., : : , Trustee. PROFESSIONAL. C Ea Thomas, Jr., - ATTOKSBI AT LATT. Or ricK Craven itreai. aear Pollock atreet. two door bm th el Jockmal offiee. Praotieea la X)i area, Oarterat. Jonee, One lew aad iPamUeeeoenUan, In the Bb preme Court of the ttuta, aad la the V. 8. District ana circuit Court. October Mta, ises. dwtf 8TEAMEXES.1 " !- BODOUfC BUtTT. ' ' ' B, . MIXOH. Diiit & Hixon, ATTORNEY 8 AT LAW, ? Hue w Berne, n. c. Office over R. N. Duffy's drag store. Branch Offioe: Catharine Lake, Ons low oounty. . aplSdwly i. j j a ; ; P. H. PEIaLETIEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND HONEY BROKER. Craven St.,' two doors South of Journal offioe. A specialty made In negotiating email loans for abort time. Will praetloe In the Oonntle of Craven, Car teret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlloo. United Btatee Court at Xtw Berne, and Bupreme Oonrt of the State. leDl au OhUOST UA5LT. O. H. OCIOH lianly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offioe 3d floor of Green, Foy ft Co. 's bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will praotioe in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme uoart oi t&e Btate, ana in tne reaerai Court. aplO dwtf EASTERN CARCUMA DISPATCH The rut freight Lt W j Raw Beanae, Esta4 . . areUat . Peteta, ad awaalk, Belai ewe FkUs4elahla, Pew laaw. , THE 8TEAMER? i j. f- Eaglet and ibfiio ' , W that una' wtUra am nfatmr sonedula Uma, : iaavvturRew Berne everv - and full) AX tor JUlanneth City, andretam arriving on MOMAY. THUttBDAT aa4 bATUKUAY. , Xheae swamer. in eonnaetlost with the Atlantic N. 0. B. K. Morfolk Boatbetm B. H., Mew York, rhila. and Borfolk B. aUaa4 the Penaaylvanla U. k., form a reliable aad regular line ottering: D Dor lor faelllUaa ins (tuioa uMuioriauoa no vanaier ezi which point f retail go through to deal! Direct ail goods t Carolina DUpaton daily aa followa t Krom Mew York, by Pann. B. R- nam ' North River. yH erom muaa.ipnia. try fMUu, wYAMUia, a. n., uoca t. Biauon, fwm tl'i re by Fhlla. WU. A Balk . M. K,. rrealdt.. SCUtatlon. Prom Morfolk.. by Norfolk Honthan B. Prom Boa ton. by Herchanu A Miner Traata porwuonuo Jiew xoraaadHewlkBgaMkd Rates ae low and time onlokmr t.,aa bv ut other Una. W. H. JOYCE (Gen, Fgt. Traffie r. K.K.I.U b u.l Xrafflo Manager. GEO. BTElHh 9, Division krelabt AsanL. r. w. a is. it rPhila, ' ' B. B. OOOKK, Oeneral Freight Aknt, H. T. P. 4 N. K. K., NorfoU.Va- ".-.a. H.O. HUDGlNS, Ueneral Freight Agent. 8. K. K., Norioia Va. , ; augldwtf i '. . v - HUnPHREYS' Da. BtTMraaarrs' Braonrica are sdsntifleally aad aareruuy pre arslopm IhirtvTAsra cUloisaspaeialoarafortbedlseasenamedt 1UM Bpeoiaca ouzv wiutuu. unisvuiif, ihitb tBgorradootug tha system, and araln fact and daedBiaaevorotga reatedleeef theWerid. xjTorranron,iiixj. w ccaa. nm eyerSn(fawun, iimammswoa... .V4 Vara. a. Worn Feyer, Worm Collo. . .2, PrlMValle.orTeethlnofInfaiit .3, siarraeac f, m. aaoioNa. h. l. oibbs, Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the counties of Craven, Jones. Onslow. Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal offioe. apiadwtf How to Purify f oar WelL Dr. Carl Frankel. ia tht Zeits chrifc for Hygiene, reports some experiments on the possible disin lection ot wells, comparing the tube well and the ordinary well. ' He With regard tb tnbe wells, from their mode ot cons traction they ' ard not liable to contamina tion from: surface imparities, as the ordinary wells are, aad Jt becomes' oi the greatest consequence to now whether they receive v inreotite micro organisms from merer distant sources. The result of these ex periments is that, as a rale, the) water entering tube wejls is absoi utely free from micro-organisms; But it still appears that growth o mioro-organlsms takes place iu thetube wells, and. a conslderattofl of all the circumstanceft points W the growth of ; pellicle of micro organisms clinging to; the sidel of tne tuDe. uence oneiway oi aa infecting, the tube wells Is to brush them clear, and them, completely pump- oh -the tarbid nqaid-in cases where this proceeding proves! inadequate; concentrated sdatiofl of carbolio acid and sulphuric acid dropped into the tube and left for a day or two will complete the die infection., Disinfection. ?of,j these wells by lime is quite unsuitable, as it forms ai mortar and seriously Jn4 terferes with the entrance oi water. The ordinary- well,: on the other band,, is inoapabio of disiarection, and & Dr.ii'rainket agret with flaffcre, that it is a hygienic' mo stroslty. OoneiderUip' how common these wells jire'Jn pnrreoantrydi tricts, i. they perhaps explain the occasional outbreak of terrible cases of diphtheria: in ? farm houses, T- Kr t rr , a flaw xorst xierara. . t Uyaentec: Searalgla, 9iawssi Ohildien or Adults. . .riplagBUlons Collo... , rbna.vomittng, Sirui tbache, Faoeaobe k Headache, ana I t, dm., j at taai ?xaae reims faieet raaaoouch. laje-fchaaaa, aluioas. or onchltis., Vartlao mtairnTPeriedB. : theagsatl rnyar ana fUae, Blln lffiailt Breathlna. ryslpeua, Braption. .2 .tt AIBOi vnma, pimp, !... ., inaTov nuadlnir. .j atavrrh Influansa, Cold tn the Head .i b'hoaplnc riongb, VlolenV Cough. ., ml SehlHty,f hyalcalWeakness . looey Disaaae v . , . rviPebHUyT.......... ...1. sir vveaanese, weiwamw. . esuea af tkeUeart,F&lvlt&Uun 1 . Sold by gmtosiorjertTOtpatd on receipt f price. Da- toiuTJaa y aiiu aj, qu pys) gperaVVa'lnKT. DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, HBYWBBJM, . O. OS3 jn Graven . treat, between Pollock and Broad. parT-ldAwi tatlon j ' . elgM Vlllbe loaded eaeanl t deatwctlon. febifldw GEO. HEUDKRBOH. Aawnt. Mewherne. H. a SPOIFIXTS- All of the above medicines are for sale at the drag store of F. S. Puffy end B. Berry, Middle' street, Sew cterne, a. u. 1 . ' ' t ' i Wllmlnirton A Wel d ii,- leaving (ioluubnrO !. 11 ii i tiicumona a d nvuie uoKtHOoro i.m n..m. i wtlh Klchmond A DsnvlllS , . oiu,oorod:iu pjn.,andwlt i '-'i Wei Jon Train from the ts with wn-nlnKtori end i f r-ifcht 'J ikIu, North viug uoluoouro at ill. uo p.n. - C L. . IDertetpcdont. .to tH; Front! i vk Ka WBii, hold, viciio,,t,. h one which Is1 artuumnteed to brtbit voa satisfactory rea-fttsor fat esse ef failure a return f purchase price. On -this aafe rjlan Von can bnv Tromr. onr" advertised bmggiat a bottle of - Dr.- King' New Dis covery lor rjonsumDtton . , it is guaranteed to bring relief in every taae,' whed wed fot any- affectloa of' Throat, 'Long or Chest, such aa Ckinsuinption, Inflanrmation of Luhgs, Bronchltia, Asthma Whooping Cough, Croup, etc.,' eto. It ie 'pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly aafe, and can always be depended upon, 7 Trial bot tles free at R, N. Ouffya, wholeeale and retau arngglat.; race per doaen. SS.UU. ! A, little seeing saves mach look lag, a little ' speaking saves much : 'Tha Meat of Pain and flea- The nervous system, often' suffers! m diminution of visor, end causes mental annoyance, and even poeiilve disturb ance, without disease in. the ssaonunt itself. It acts as a mere reflector; in many cases, of reaction ia the atoscch and consequently of incorpplfte piiaii' lation of the food by the blood, t It.is of course weakens it, In co"i with the rest of the tl r-nes, 'end rer .tors iK. lea able to boar wUhoat eu: ; ast ordt rsry strain that we'i ra to lm- SPECIAL ELECTION CITY OF KEWBERK. Notice 1 heieby given that AN ELECTION will be held, at the various preoinota of the City of Newborn, on THURSDAY, JANUARY VtB, A. D. 1880, for the purpose of submitting to all the qualified voters of said oity, the question oi subeoriptton, on tne part or said citv. of 150.000 to the Canital Stock of f The East Carolina Land end Rail- way uompany," as per oruerannezea of the Board ot Uommtssioner of era ven countr. passed at their session on Tuesday, the Othday of November, AD. 1888: Obdkbbd. That an election be held in the city of New Berne on Thursday, tbe 9th da v of January, A U. 1890, for the purpose of sub mitting to the qualified voters of said city the question of subscribing, on the part of sua city, .oe sum oi aou.wv to tne capital took of the aald "The Kaet Carolina Land and Railway Company," in enhpon bond running thirty years, to b issued by said city, at the denomination- of two each and drawing Interest at the rat of S per cent. ptr annum, pay ante annuauy, ano tne levy of four thouaanit dollar annually to nav aid tntereat and provide a alnking fund for the extinguishment of said principal. And It la further ordered that thirty days notice eball be given of said election by advertise ment at tne court nousa uoor ana at eacn oi the election preolaote la aald otty , and also by publication thereof In tha New Berne DAILY JoU!tnAJb newspaper nubllahad in aid city, all provided tn the act ef As sembly, entitled ' An act to inoomorata The least Oat ollna Land and Rat 1 way Com- Sny,- ana tne eioreeeia act amenoatory araof. f By order of the Board of Oommlwton- ers or uraven oounty. . J. A. RICHARDSON, Clerk. Newborn, Nov. 14th; 1889. " notladwtjanlO J. B. OBABTBEB. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. GEABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers In tMlHES ill) UCMSTS' SUPPLIES Builders ef Engines. Bollare, Saw HUU. Edging k Cmt-off HIacb.le, We are prepared to do Das tings of all kinds wiui promptness, Particular and Immediate attention given to repalve of aU kin da. We will be k lad to give nlans and estimate for any desoiiptlon of machinery. We are the aoents for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for G. A A. Bargamln's cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work dona by na. y32 dtew wiy . A. BRYAN, Fret. L, H. CUTLER, Vice Pre 6. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BEBNE, N. C. Inooepobated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Betan, Thomas Daniels, L. H. Cutlib, Chas 8. Bbtan , UBOBOB ALLEK, F. M. SlBKONS, O. H. Roberts, v r rRn5on upon b 1 a ! t ... v i. , r ' rn- r rv To supply "-'r a ea.' -3; -'!rnt U - i r-y - '-.e a. rt I 1 VALUABLE . CITY FI.QFERTY " as egenu for owners we offer for sale on easy aad eooommoaeung terms tne follow, lng described improved Beat Estate in th FOI NT ; inelndee the piece or land known ar "lttK UMiAJNU," and tne wharf or roadwa: laadlno thereto from ast Front itieel Alio, water space now being filled in The location is the best in the olty. for all maun factoring purposes, while the largest fiafl visiting our waters have ample depth of water for loading and unloading at the ho. I. TWO BOTJHKS ANf LOTB v tTNION POINT, fwinn'ert n111nir. tki. TBI V-,1 rtwONWABlliHOrj8fi 0 UxlAV H1.b-B,T. ,.v fiM -r -. No. 8. F 1CK HTOHB AND PWBLLINQ OK t aav t r4.r occupied by R. O. E. - Ai"ilntnrititlonof this valuable nroner. ty, toreiiier wish the bt term upon whleh tne HUiew!!i 1 ,,,). va, be furnished on app'tim .ion to tne umiersltned at their ofllee v dec dwtf In, and 1 eal Estate A1S, About! Sltlldl. 1 able i r i i. -V rv . : : ' n 1,aND. 0!V, sult- old Doninipn Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINK, rhe Old Dominion Steamship ca pany's Old aad raverita Waxei f Rant, via, Albaaurl amd ; Chesapeake OaauaA. FOB Norfolk, BalUnsore, Hew York, Phila delphia, Bostam, PrevMeavea, , aad Washingtoa City. And all points, North, East and West, On and after MONDAY, AUG. 6th, 1888 until further notice, tn Steamer MiNTEO, G&pt. Soillgiti, AHD Steamer NEWBERNE, Capt PritcHt. Will sau from BorfMk. Va lor New Berne via ' Wsshlngton, MONOAT and VltlDAYH. makrt.. dose euunecuon with the Bteameraref tha N. 4 I, It8, B.U for Klnston Trentcw! and all other landings on the NaimsaTanA Trent Rivera. ,i!ci ' Ketnrnlng, will sail from NJFWBEBNB for NORFOLK dlreot, TUKmDaYB andrT. 1)A YB at T W KLVE, M.. (noon), making eSa nectlon with the O. it. 8. u, nn.'a ahlna tor New York, B. 8. P. Oo.'a steameir for Baltimore, Clyde Line Ships for Phllaa delphla. m AM, T, Oo.'a ships for BortM and Providence Our untiring effort to please ourpatroma. and onr almost perfect servioe for tbe pS luurKtu y ears, is we neat guarantee we east offer all shipper aa to wnai wa win Am t them in the future. fo?k.dVaaU BOOd 01 0 D- 81 K Paasengers will And a inrvl tahi. able rooms, and every courtesy aad atten. uuu ,uin paiu tnam Dy the omoara. IX B. SOBKRTa. Axant Masaaa. ODLPKPPKR a TURNER, Agonta, aonout, va. . H- STANFORD. , Vice-President. Hew York Cttty, The Ii. C. FrcisblJJao UESCEA1TTS and SETPZE3, TAi Ask Your Retailer for the JAZI.ES nEANS $4 SHOE OR THE ' JAHES:1IEANS AooordJug jwt Needs. lis light nd rtyluS. , It flu like arocuns ana KEUUIKES IU - lUtSAKINa TJr."be- lnt perfcctlyessy tbe first dme It I worn.. Itwill eiUrfr the moot .MIES MEANS a SBOR U abwliitely tha Niw m i pno. wnjca its ever been plaoed ex- eiyon ue market m WHICH Curability egn.iasiea awors men out ward ipear- saobseforBoys i-. .rii J. KKAKS'dB CO- Besta?. tTall Uaee ef the above aheoa fer aale W . wfcMswaik: r Jatlnrenrance L Howard & Jones, rM v-, H I" BERNE, . C.. Liquor IIadItt; f liV C9LDEI1 SPECIFIC :- It Can ha atvan In smMrt ir n in articles of food, without the knowledge of " Fwu u neoaaaaryt is is aoeoiutei harmless aad will effeot a permanent and predy euro, whether the patient 1 a mode- raw onnier or en 'alcoholic wreck IT MCVKR Airj. It enarataa annnUily arut with such certainty that the patient under- vaDuinoonyenience ana re acts aware, hi complete reformation ieafteotad, tae wwm.-, u,i kivuira ! . ' " R. N. lotrr, druggist, aiebt. New rae, ' lanldwly The snbacrlber having duly qnallfltd as auiuiniHtrainioi toe estate Of Jobn ilugliaa, deocHx.,1, b... i,y notlflee all perton havlne olalnx imt thevRtate of tha aa'dJohn HuRha, i-ne& to present them duly utiiem , il, inr pnyment,on oif before the let day o' . -"I.Mr. 8(i,or else this notice , m ' 1 1 ir or recovery. Ffn-. i (. ,a to the estate must pay Wins.' - . On and after October 15, 1888, this line wl I reaume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TBLTO Birmr , Baltimore and New Berne VSS.SWSfSl. t Nw Befne. WD. uwu-ai, oaivtUJ&l,M OLi. r,tL. . oivnuai, as etut, jr. at This la tne only di rkyi iin. Berne for Baltimore without chatueandoa their return trip from Baltimore coma area. .in D.11W, awpping onty at Notfolk. eesu nepting then for Boston, Provideace, Phlla. delphla, Richmond, and aU points Horth East and West. Making eioee eounaZ! tor j point by Riyer and RrU out of Mew sr..? A ... & . .. m akcuvci wraj iirniinwi . t.'i RSUBhlN t OdlKR. Gan'l H.nuy i.a u iu,.nBTnlBl-aitimore, JAB. W. MOOARRIOK. Ao-t.. linwnlk trT wharves?13"1 tX" "'Phla, U bUttt New York dt Balto, Trana, Une.'Iler North river. . j:' H.. Sampson, Boston, 58 Central wrtairt 8. H. Hock well. PiviH.n.. u t"r Ship leave Boston, Tuesday and Batnrdatn. " New York dally.- , .! uuOTHHaaiQaiiuroaTBj Pnlladelphla, Monday. Wttniaa : ' days, Baturdaya. PlOVlflAnAPL RfttllHlM ajTkrouKh bills lading given, and rat as ewa. anteeo to all points at the adherent eOWaeieft UlO COIIkpfwAlsiwBa avoid bmeaKawb or -B ship via;h.. irJkBv' B, H. QRAT, Agent, " Mew haiieM kitUf DCDkiF sain nisi, inrv.77T7M ' ntn Dcnnc ANU rAWlUvU U..t xne steamer TiJJlIA,y MIDSUMMER SCHEDTJlX 1 Commenolns Thurariav tinning d urine: the months of July. Ancnaa k0'. Pr, the folio wlngkshd. ule will be in operation: ' iNew.Bsr!! .a ttraday mornbieat toding.. UW coke. tSSLZmm J at Washington. N.-aamiaiahtL' Mya waanington for Oeramkemairlval " H "SOU BaturoaVradnZ ikuius wiTOii vaai evenlne. . . ' Leave Ooracoke Bnnday after noon atrtw. na at Wuhi em -T.""00 amv Leave Washington Tuesday aaornlna e" rtylng at Ooraook. same day.' rl'V - . -Jave Ooraooke WtdnesdayJ mori. t" , " rtyin..tM.w hWyZJJ Xeave Sew Berne Thuredsy mornlneand " continue run ss described. w aa lus one Hip per week will be ir.-'-New Berne to Ooracoke anil . . SSPtJh i roliowln. t . 1 Ulsht. affording persona an ' ' opportunity of spendina a U J a .. . 1 . uuavueairaDie point On the r."n coast to enjoy aU the pieeaui suiumerrewirt. - 5 ' Pers'iii dHirinr to visit I enatia to do so by this L . ,, 1 trouble A pleasant Vlp to w ' 'V?? MJ T wsek'witt -lie W,; t , regular Jseuae sou Bay river route,- . to Ocracoke and retnrn ,. ' HUH'Vim..,, ...... " ' to WhuUhigtoi 'fOTT.".r Inform. ..), r-