THE JOTJBNAL: 'professional. BTKAMEtt. . 3 -r i -4 - Fcr :::..-.M:;lTj:;L'::::feDisiri!erea liver. :- FHICL; 25iCEiJ3fERi BOX. " Prepawi lily by .THO&Bl ' Who (ityaurr drnggUt doei no fills on receipt xjf $xitt-t inpttrtjirft. (Pleaso! mcntioa this paper.) ' Can be had e;:1J.. DtFtx DfiOftfif H. aisii p ' Ti T r -i ' 1 : v;uaries jLM5jcen8, , nanosomeiy printed anct: finely- bound, and aotlbwesa seenvfatiulous tof many, but it is one of the recent happy products of Alden's Lit erary MewtyrtUm. The Boz" Dickenst pleketie. The Works of Charles Dickens. . " Bo. " Bdrtlos in tlx vols., smU 8ro, rood type, wit numaroq uiQMrauoa, mi prawn on uur list of tIkWl30JUburtitlM. 1 Dombey Mid Som, i Mntnl Friend, Little Dorrit, I Times. RADrintad. Kdwln Drood, ; lJewiek Paper. Baraabjr Rudm, SkatalMtbrBo- lOUwTwIrt. Great Expectation!, Bleak Bouh, Picture from Italy. t DCopeTflld, ' ChrUtma Btorhw, Tele of Two Cities, .UaoorrimerelaLTreveler. tteholM tnekltr. Martin Ctaanlewlt, ., Ancrieaa Koto.. ' This " Boz" edition of Dick ens is r printed from the same . plator as Appleton's Popular w .1 1 iraru i-. ni i.ii in in . i.iiim mh ir ftuthoheir" published price 1 beingSlO.pO aeet The paper JusecT is- a ftnfle lighter and a Jittlef cheaper in quality, but ltlvaregood..- , The books may be seen at the ? difice of this paper,ora Bpechnen volum4 fetirnable, will be sent postpaid for 50 cetltS. Jath Booms Beadv 'At toyshop on IfidAIe street ' Plenty f-water,.not or - eold and good large iunldtf , , . J, ,B,; BROWN. - "ft Rsal8eertf fcstinpsTsIldelsuccfia r ' voTTRa Cbicaoo Dailt News jaay bs , ' "found ia na iUHHeuitking taitaetmttiai vwhieh morerthan.anythkig las'IaTe eon. ? tribnted to toemerlsble growth, : ; . Flisr 7f btUailrflifieforBuiffP , ThepeofUiebojyWeaprdwtoke; h the necessity of an intelligent knowledge u of the world's dally doings, but they ire too borttn wistdJaniabUti through aounbroui a Wanket-eheet " news-, ' 1 - papex foe the Keal news .of. art,' Mtcnrtnre, science, religion, politics, and the thousand- j and-one things, which nticlem city. " UuatioiVMTrwantriewa-Hulffleiiewt put they don't want k concealed in an frver powerinemassofthttriviAltmdincoriseqnf ual.tilt tobedaUsir-THE Chkaoo Daily - iUcircnlo)tiroyffT i WewpaptA The peopl demand tnv5 partita, indepf ndent newspeper,which gives. . 1 5,7 the news, and gives bM from &e tds 1 'of partisan bias. iVith ao mere political an 1 ' aTtoplndtlieta.; . r i d,a,l5'dcntnewspaplaytrttlyBa;. ' "gni.le.'pUiosofitertnd niend't.tohonest v , ' Vienof every ihadeof polUical foUhj and this t l w'. y Tiis Chicago Dail New? has by c ;a clrcnUtion of over "a mWleit 4 weei.'l, C-icAGO Dailt News now adds to . t' 'i to comprehensive elements ofpoon' J - f , in iu nnrmralleled reduction t,f to CJNB CENT' A DAY..j; ; is t -1 '.";lrM tarvi InaC. Ao Pam v fJ"WisIgsalby . all W". A Vnr Cent per copy, or tii "l .M, fl j.oo per, ' 1 rem-, or rr - r The fanner ' , indnif '.. as well as tiis n taen.U4 . ' ,1 1 .n,to kav his IKtropt' it ' .'S'.'m' ..-lAdJics " . LAWBni,'f fubllshtr "The tut CMcajW i 1 -r- . - m ni mniliiifl atTjl Xi SBUlft 28 UNION SQUARE,NY.Mt(nua- eti.omS.Mo. EE22EBESSa oalustex. AGENT WANTED. Sitsa UWjW ISfV ' , T. " Atlantic & N. C. Kailroua TIME TABLE Eo. 18 III Effeot 6:00 A.M.. Monday, October 14th, 1880. Going East. Sohkdulk. Going West. No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. pm,you uoiaeDoro nau am 4 0ft!i09 -IaGraLge 10 42 10 45 4 83 4 40 Kinston 10 08 10 13 6 001 6 15 NowBerno 8 35 8 50 7 oft m Uorehead City am 6 50 Daily. Ooura East. Mixed Ft, & Schedule Going West No. 2.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Paw. Train. Stations. Goldeboro a m 6 67 7.20 748 811 8 60 680 7 05 9 00 8 04 p m 8 19 7 44 710 6 42 5 85 5 10 4 80 4 00 8 42 Best's La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark's Newborn River dale Croatan Havelock Newport Wild wood Atlantic Uorehead City Atlantic Hotel 7 80 7 58 8 80 7 34 7 06 5 55 5 80 4 55 4 24 8 54 8 82 10 82 0 41 9 28 8 59 817 8 00 7 47 717 8 56 916 10 08 10 81 10 88 11 00 11 05 11 17 11 41 IS 15 8 00 8,00 9 46 9 83 9 04 8 87 8 87 8 48 4 08 487 4 51 0 01 016 0 28 3 48 8 60 418 4 43 4 55 6 01 0 81 6 28 8 05 7 62 7 27 715 7 00 705 a m 5 81 Morehead Depot . TOesdaT.Thur davan Maturday. f Monday, Wednesday and ynday. . Train SO connects with Wilmington a Wei omi.TrsJa hfind North, laavtnir nnlHatwtm 11 tkl nk, and with Riohmond 4 D nvllie train Weai, leaving Ooldiboro 2: 3(J p..m. Train si- eoaoseta with Kiohmond A Danvine T rata, arriving at Ooldsbero 8:10 p.m., and with WUmlnaVm and Weldon Train trnm th. Uorth at Ikli p.m. . Train S eonneets with wllniiugton and ffffwuu larouKQ iitbikul ithi n . Nnn.n Douna; leaving uouisnoro at 10:00 p.n. S. L. Dill, Snoerlntnder t. HOME AND FARM, tVJSVlLLE, KY. ' 111 Leading Agrtcnrturat Journafef tho Soutf) and West. MfidV Ftrroairs for Farmers. . 1 Aaa record oT successful snicnUure. Boirs ijin FAjnc kaauai, Every topic relating agricuUare is openly discussed in Its column b v the farmers themselves. No expense is spared U.'secirririg A fall account of evei reverv notaoie sue ccsA.osrtha fam., It Is distinctively the C?3 JFARMERS' OWN PAPER, A record of their daily lift, presented In a form end laagnage which make it plain to all. IT8 CI8T OP OONTRIBUT0R8 Contains the asmes of the most nroarresslve farm irsof the South-, and Westr- They do not treat ot tneoreticai isrmmg, cue oi tne actual condi tion which confront ua to-day i Bi F. Johnson Waldo r. Brown : Henry Stewart : jonn m. X. P. Ford ;Jfeff. Welborn ; Hugh T. Brooks f John C. Edeatr Steele's Bavou : T. B. Baldwin and a iiost of orneT nui . . "r . . . . . I i , . u l , his ioarnal mdUt)ensable Moreover, u is equally v . . . - .lKA HOME MAGAZINE.' 1 r Every subject of hiteresttothe home-maker 1' fully treated. - Mary Marsdea , Lois Catesby, Mrs! Brown. Mrs. Daviess, Miss Cabell, Miss Mosby; Alice winstoa and a score of ethers will contnbj - FAITH UTIHER ' ra in fhknm of ou Children's Deflartment. anl She has the peculiar faculty of being both i teresting and instructive. . ... . -.--.. i . THE MYSTERY OP. THg NATION Is.A'thrullnr (torv hnoearina- ht Rows A wit Fask. by ioha B. fcmlck, and is exciting wid attention, i short stories by distinguished writers appear vom time to time, wr.t.-v-, i - . ' wi:. - vri LL MPI LETTEHa i vf Arroear lneach issue, and this humorous ehllosoV plier was never more interesting than at thi "'r its tsDWonui tounurfff . . - a a. . a. -,. Hom Atm fasm speaks boldly ana leanessiy 10 behalf of "Farmers" Rip:hts'r, It favors a r vision of the tarlll in behalf of the farmer ;-betteJ roads for tbe furmer i Free Mnil Delivery to thj fnrmer t Co-operntion emont; the farmers, and aim is to " Hunt Trust." it mono is v i Mrslr Trade sat rrBersBltkts.M 'WU J if HIM Works of I I 1 HTnJlmi U tg WOODWORK"2 AfTAe-HMEMTS &3) lieu f tk AnhUaa. I - Their eeneral opinion EoslUh traveller be that -fee ia ; either a lunatio or a magiel&n; a ! ! lanatit if. on closely watching his t movements, they discover he paya Iittlft '.attentiou to thingi around him a confirmed lunatic, if he Roea oat sketching, and spenda ha time in spoiling .good paper .with scratches and .hieroglyphics; and a magician, when inquisitive about ruins, and given to picking up atones aud shells, gathering sticka and leaves of brushes, or buying up old bits of copper, iron, and silver. In these cases, he is supposed, by am ot ma magical powers, to eon vert stones and shells Into dia monds of immense price; and the leaves and sticks are charms, by looking at which he can bestow com lor ts upon his friends and snakes and pestilence upon his uckless enemies. If a traveller pick up a stone and examine it carefully, he will be sure to have at bis tail a host of malapert little boys deriding him, though keeping at a very respectful distance, in deference to his magical powers. Should he indeed turn round sud denly and pursue then! a few steps, tney ny in an agony or Tear, the very veins in their naked little legs almost bursting, and they never stop to look back till they have got well amongst the crowd again, where, panting for breath, tbey recount to their auditors the dread ful looks that devil of a Frank gave them, making fire come out of his eyes and adders out of his mouth. How Errors Spread. Ia one of the sittings of the Aca demy of Dijon, in 1817, M. Ballot gave, on the authority of M. Her mann, at otrasburg, tbe following explanation of a tact in natural historr, which on tbe credit of that celebrated naturalist, had been re ceived lor the preceding forty or fifty years in the elementary books of the science: la the year 1761, the father of the naturalist, Hermann, visited, for the recovery of his health, the baths of Bar. He remarked, upon the surface of the water, a fat sub stance which-resembled melted tal low; he sent an account of this ob servation to his son, who wrote on the subject to Gueltard, in Paris. The latter read Hermann's letter in the Academy ot Sciences. Some time after Hermann convinced himself that this pretended mineral tallow was a mere cheat of tbe con ning attendant of the bath, who, in order to procure more customers for his baths, threw balls made of clay and tallow into a kettle. The Strasburg naturalist immediately nformed his Paris correspondent how he had been deceived, and begged him to destroy his first communication. Qneltard read this second letter in the academy, and here the matter rested for the time. Ten years later, Hermann, to his great surprise, lound his original observation printed under his name in the Journal de Physique for May, 1774: but he was still more surprised to find it also in Eirwan's Elements of Mineralogy, from which it was copied into other works, and men tioned as a newly discovered sub stance under the name of "Bitumen Sevum." In spite of Hermann's repeated protestations, this gross error continued to be DroDatated for years. Tbe Verdict Unanimous W. D, r. D. Suit, Druggist, Blppus, Ind., tea- r. "I can recommend Electric Bitters titles as the very best remedy. Every bottle sola has Given relief In every Upe man took six bottles and was etued of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abra ham Hare, druggist, BeUville, Ohio, af firms: "The best selling medicine I ever 1 a . nanaia in my zv years' experience t-lectnc Bitters. Thousands of Others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the' Liver, Kidneys said city, all as provided in ihe act of As or Blood. " Only a half dollar a bottle at I sembly, entitled "An act to Incorporate R. N rtnflVa wfcnlafiala and fal t dmo "me ruiaicai onna Land ana nauway com U.N. VMJB wnoiesaie and retail arng , ad the aforesaid aot amendatory win, ' uni Biau,Ao.vv vvt uuacjj, if jivio sale. The good man does not need to tell others of his goodness: they will Qnd it one. and tney will nave con fidence in him and reverence him. aiaeauasi a Arsaa aw . . Tn T?BCT HaT.ww 1b tha'. watM ' for Chit.: Bnii. Borea s Ulciert, J fisit Bhenm, Fever Bores, TtW, Tp4 Hands, OWlblalnJ. Uorns, and BUS Erupdora, nd positively oureapUe or no pay required. . It Is guaranteed to giva perfect satiafaotlonor mbaey r funded. Prioa SS cents per box. Tor tale by B. N. DbiIt. " , ' Jaa J7 He travels safe and not nn pleas- , t t - , k iJ antlj WOO IS guarded Vj pOyerty anrt PnA( hv lnvft xv - - . ,7 " jT 7 j ': i i "Another wonderful discovery hu oeen made and that too bv a lady la this county. uisease rastenec us clutches upon her ua for seven years sha stood its severe si tests, but her vital organs were nndermlneAsnd death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed Incessantly and could not sleep, f Bhe bought or vs a botue 01 ur, Stair's Kew Discovarv" for Chnsnmntion. and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has len miraculously enred, ; Her name is Mrs. Luther' Luta."1- Thug 'wrote WrC: Hamrick Co.V of Shelby: N.' Oi Get a trial bottle at Rr N.- DnfTv's whole sale , and retail dxog store. Wholesale, b.ou per dozen -. ' -; .y?'w:;'-,:-- . Mr, fceo. p. Smaotaj a BlgHlTeolttrated tad estimable lad; ot Praecott, Ar., writed uDuaraaten jtpni bh:- iinnng uieeinn- , bmt of U8T my eye Mctma inflamed, and my stomach and Urer hopeless); disocdered. Kothiog I aU arreed vlth me. I tank ehran- i teAiarroosa, saa tortome time bt life-was daspaindotbf siylaailr. Tbeleadturphy aioUae of the eoantrr w4re eocmUed, hot - toe nedietnes admUistered by them saver did me any pet assent good, sad I lingered . between Uie and dssth, the latter being pre fertbie to the aaoales t wse eadurinr. In Kay, 1888, 1 became disgnsted with physi elans and their medtoissi . I dropped saem all ss4 depesdbd solely on Swift's Speeioe (8. 8. fcW bettleaot wnleo- made me ' perineiUlweUweU lwn It Builds up Old People. Ky mother who is A tetr ld ladr, was phyiieaUy broken down. The ossot Swift's Bpeciflo (3, S. S4.AM eatirely restored her to " health. B. B. DIL WORTH, OreenTille, 8. C. Treatise on Blood sad Skin Disesses mailed fees. .-SyriFT.SFSCU'ICCOnAllaata.aa. GREAT BARGAINS; The Stock of General Hardware, Cut lery, Looks, Hinees, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron, Steel, &c, &c, also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., &o., belonging ti tbe business of Geo. Allen & Co.r, will be closed out during the next few weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. AU persons indebted to Geo. Allen 6 Co., by either note or account, are noti fied that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L S. WOOD, augl dwtt Trustee. HUMPHREYS' rii- Empmn' SPEcmca are scientifically and carefully prepared prescription ; used for many yera in private practice with ucoes,and for over thirty year tued by the people. ETery single Spe elBo 1 a special owe f or 0 dlaease named. These Specific cure without drugging, trarg lnnrrMtnclnr tbe intern, and are In fact and aeeuiAP sovereign icnvuie. ui mo v oriu. unvnvMitirRrpititos. ctjbks. nucrai. vers, txmgemon. innanvmntion . . . erma, Worm Fever, Worm Collo . .'i 'in rinllcorTeetliuutof Infants .2. iaTThea, of Children or Adults 2, JsenterTi oriping.niuou uouc. . elera Morbae, Vomiting eeshs. Cold. Bronchitis earsTgla, Toothache, Eaceacbe. .. . fleadaobes, StokBeadacne, Vertigo yspessi a. BUloui Stomach. .. . .... pressed or Palatal Periods. WHIM, too Profuse rerioos. . Fever and us. Chills. Malaria. . new, nma or Bieeuiug-. errona Debility 1 Wa b nnu. Wpttlnr Bed. Iseases sf tkeHeart,Palpltatlon l.Oi Sold byPruggtata, of prio. Da. Hcmt rtcnly bound in clo or sent postpaid on receipt Sukphbiys' Manual. (144 pages) vtalilv IvMinrf In ninth Ann firold. mailed free. Hamphrevs' MedicineCo.109 Fulton St. N Y. SPECIFICS. AU of the above medicines are for sale at the drug stores of F. 8. Duffy and R. Berry, Middle etreet, New Berne, N. C. , SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF NEWBERN. Notice is heieby given that AN ELECTION will be held, at the various preoinots of the City of Newborn, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, A. D. 1890, for the purpose of submitting to all the qualified voters of said city, the question of subscription, on the part of aid city, of 50 000 to the Capital Stock of "The East Carolina Land and K ill- way Company," as per order annexed Of the Board of Commissioners of Cra ven county, passed at their Heuaion on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, A.D. 1889: Okdxrid. That an election be held In the city of New Berne on Thursday, tbe 9th day I of J a annary. A 1). 1890, for the purpose of gab. mi t ting to the qualified voters of said city the Question of subscribing, on tbe partof said ottv, J , tne sum or sou, uuo to iae capital tbe said "The Kast Carolina Land and Railway Company," In coupon bomls runnlnar thlrtv veara. to be Issued bv said I olty. of the denomination or ssuo eacn ana gmviui luLnjeH as hi. (Abo ui uyervoui,. ptr annum, payable annually, and tbe levy of four thousand dollars annually to pay said Interest and provide a sinking fund for the extinguishment of said principal. Ana It Is further ordered that thirty days notice isi.rt.n iffivnnraai!iniinnhvarfvri.. I meat at ths court house door and at each of the election precincts in sal.i icity. and also v?vR!-?,a'w.KM - 1 tnerflOI. By order of the Board of Commission ers of Craven oourity. J. A. RICHARDSON, Clerk. Newborn, Nov. 14th. 1HH9. novll dwtjaulO VALUABLE CIH PROPERTY As acents for owners we offer for sale on easy ana accommodating terms tne follow ing described improved Real Estate In the Vivy oi ne-v nerni: NO. I. WR.AKF rKOfKXY AT UNION POINT : Includes ths piece or land known a THE ISLAND." -are) tbe wharf or roadway leading thereto from East front street. Also, water spaos now being filled In. The location la the best In the elty for all mann factoring purposes, while the largest nafl "nl,l wuiyvm, want Ul wqiaa .-iBll I visiting onr waters have ample depth of I w,te "r loading and unloading at the I wnarr. - 2?;DS?S "fitmM I No. & brick btorb and owbllinq i y una. van nxxukAi- oocupiea oy a,y. .jsv I ?Ci 11 description of this valuable proper- togeiner witn in neat terms neon wnion same will be told, wlli be furniibed on I appuoation to tne nnderaignea a(Vheir omoe i noovus rqos street. 1 f i fT naieun einuii, 'Ins. and Real Estate Agis, aec wwnjif. situated within two miles of the olty, suit ante ior trnca raising. . A great bargain, - APPiy iO , . r. - annttha A. amnwmn mayll v, Beal Sst, (ntsv G. H. Thomas, Jr., ATTOitNKY AT L.AW. OfFica: Craven street. Dear Pollock street, two doors noi tb o' Joubnl office. Practices In 0 aveo. Carteret, Jone. Ons low arid Pamlico eounlle, In tbe Supreme Court or the Htate, and In tbe U B. Uislrlct and i.lroult Courts. October 10th, 1889. , dtf BODOLPH DCFFY. K, B. NIXON. Duff & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over B. N. Duffy's drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. ap!9 dwly P. H. PELLETLEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONEY BROKE It. Graven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty made In negotiating imall loan for ihort time. Will practloe In tbe Conn tie ot Craven, Car teret, Jonee, Onslow and Pamlico. United Btatee Court at ftew Berne, and Supreme Court ot tbe State. febl dtf CLEMENT MANLY. O. H QUlON Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co. 's bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will praotioe in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6 dwtf r, M. SIMMONS. B. L. OIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl2dwtf DR. J. D. CLaRK HKNTIHT, NBWBaUUI, I. O. ran- n Oien Piret nd Broad. J. B. ORABTREE. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEER, Founders and MachinitD Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builder ot Engines Boiler. Saw nilll. Edging At Cut-off Machines, Weare prepared todo Casllnga of all kind with promptness, Particular and immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimate for any descilptlon of machinery. We are the agents for tbe sale of the Amer loan Saw. Also for O. A A. Bargamln's cele brated Indestructible Mica valves. We give satisfactory gnaran tee for all work done bv us. ly 'n d2aw wi y J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L, II. CUTLER, Vice Tres G. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jas A. Bryan, Thomas Daniels, L. H Cutler, Chas a. Brvan. George Allen, F. M. Simmons, O. H. Roberts. Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OB THE ' JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Needs ? JAMBS MEANS 4 SHOE i light and styUsh. It fits like stocking, and REQUIRES ,HO" BREAKING IN." be 1 tnf perfesuy easy the first time It worn, it win satisfy tne most istMions. JAMES MEAN S . SHOE is absolutely the Jsnoe oi its price wmcn as ever been placed ex- , teuslvely on the market jnwnicn aurauiuty s cousiuerea Detora mere out ward Appear- kfbr the James Hess stSShoeforBeys c 3. BTEANS eV CO., Boston. BbIi Uaea of the above shoo for sale of Howard & Jones. ' NEW BERNE, N. C- l UQUORllAnirT mAunfswow motets kit ton cube DHXlrfE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be alven In a ennof eonVe or tea. or In artloles of food, without the knowledge of the patient, If necessary; It Is absolutelt harmless end will effect a permanent and speedy oure, whether the patient is a mode rate drinker or an aloohollo wreck IT MEVKR FAII. It operates so ouleilv and with such oertainty that the patient under goes no lnoorrvenlenoe and ere he la aware. nis complete reiormauon is enected. is page book ofparttonlars free, 'B.S Duffy, druggist, agent, New Berne, ,W.5M;t ! " laniawiy NOTICE- The subscriber havine dulv onallfltd aa administratrix of the estate of John Hughes, aeceaaed, hereby notinea all persons having lelalms atralnst the estate of the said John Hugnes, aeceaaed. to present them duly anthenticated.for payment, on or before the 1st day o' November. ' 880, or else this notloe w 11 be pleaded in bar of recovery. -Persons Indebted to' the salate must nav wlthontdelay ;. t t . j a n w , HUOHEH, Adminutratrlx. KW Bern, M, On Oct. i VH.. ooSl w. Na.rOXV IV-'Mt- VA 1 fcJ as ii in a ibbie.. r . a- & l EASTERN CAROLINA '01SMTCH j e .The F ast Freight Mac bs wans New Barm. EuUi tt trolls Polau. and Nerfolh, StaiUasMare Philadelphia. Mew lark.. Beateat, Etc.-Tim Kllaabeta City. H.C THE 8TSAUEBb Eaglet and Annie 01 mis una wul ran oa regular aohedola time, leaving Maw Bun avarv MONDAY. WsUUilSDAt ly an BB1 arilvlng on MUNUaY, At sad SA'1'Utti.lAY. These atcamrs in connection with the Atlantic t N. C. K. H.. Norfolk Hoolhern H. K., .New York.PhilM. aud Norfolk it. h sad the Pennsylvania a. h . lorm a raUaMTaa4 regular liue offering kuperlor laolUMea. faf qulok trani-ortallon No transfers except at Elisabeth City, a which point r reight ill be loaded oa ears to go through to dasllnation. - ; Direct all goods to be snipped via Casters Carolina Dispatch caily as follows . Prom New York, by Penn. K. Bw Plai it XNorth Elver. rroin I'huadolphla. by Phlla., W. A Ballu K B., Does. ht. StaUon. from Uul'l'tiore by Pnlla., Wll, atBaltt, tt. R,. Preei... i bl. Station. From Norfu.. by Noriola Bouthern R.R. From Bosiou. l, Merchants A Miner Trane poruiilon Co.; New York and New EngtanJ Rales as low snd time qnlokert an by any other line W. H JOYCE (Oen. Fgt. TraJhc Aawnt, P. h. K.i. U b.i 1'rafflo Manager. GEO. 8TE1 nb s Division r reight Agent. P. W. 4 B. !: i ., i'hlla. . B B. (JuuKr , Meiieral Freight Agent, N T. P. 4 N. h. K,, Noifols.Va H.O. HUWil.vs, ueneral Freight Agent. W B. K. K., Norfoltt Va. UK(.i. HENDERSON, Agent, febiMdw Newberne. N.O. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SEMI WEEKLY LIKE. rhe Old Dominion Steamship Cos pany's Old and Favorite Water Route, via Albemarle and .Chesapeake Canal. FOB Norfolk, Baltimore. New York, Phlla dclphla, Hoitoa, Provldaae, aud Washington City. And all points, North, East and West, OD .nd after MONDAY, AUG. 5th, 1888, nil! furtner nolloe, tne Steamer MiNiEl), C&pt SonUig&ts, Steamer NEWBERN Capt Pritchett. Will sail from Norfolk, V a.. lor New Berne vl i Wpshlngton, MONDAY ct and KHIOAYH. matin, LtOlH M. A ouuntroiiou with the Hteamer of the 1 . K. H. B. CO., for Klnaton Trantnn. and all other landings on the Neuae and Trent lilvers. Returning, will sail from NEW BERNh for NORFOLK dlreot, TUESDAYS and R HI OAYrtat TWELVE, M., (noon), making eon necllon Willi lue u. U. a. ti, Co 'a ships for New York, B. b. P. Oo.'s steamer for Baltimore, Clyde Line Ships for Phlla rlelpbla. M AM. T, Co.' chip for Boston aud i'luvlduuoe (Jur untiring efJort to piease onr patron, and our almost perfect aurvloe for the past lourteen y ear, la the best guarantee we can ofler all oblppera aa to wnai we will do for luein !n the future. Oi dor all goods car of O. D. 8. 8. Co.. Nor folk. Va. Paissongnrs will find a aood table, lumihrt. able roraiis, aud every oonrlesy and atten tion win oe paia mem Dy the officers. E. B. ROBERTS, Ant SKsha. CULPEPPER A TURNER, AgenU, Norfolk, Va. .. n- STANFORD. Vice-President. New York Olty. The U. 0. Fi eight Lino L'EBCHAITTS and SE1TPSES, TAKE NOTICB On and after i ctober 15, im, this line wll resume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TEIPS BETWEEN Baltimore and New Berne Louvmg Ba.limore for New Berne. WKD- MiSl'AY, OATORDA Y, at BIX P. M. Ujsviuk New h. rne lor Baltimore, TUE8 OAY. oATUkUaY, at p,1X P.M. Thlbls lue i ui UlhECl line out of New Berue mr Baltimore wltnout change,andon mulr return u In Horn Baitluiom noma Cran io New Berne, otopping only at Noifolk, con ueciiug uion lor boatou, Provldenoe, Phlla 'ifloLla, uietiniouti, and all points North lias, and Webt Making cioee connection, lord ipuinuuv River and Rrll out of New lien. . .-V. u; are follows: UEL lit r U-. . l.U. (jen'l Manaeer. Ml Llnht ML . Haltlnnra jArt. vi . .mci ARKlcK. Ant.. Nnnollr v. w 1' i ijuo & Co., 1 uiiHdelohla. 12onOi wuarvee. .New orK & Balto. irans. Line, Pier Norlii nver. E. &ainioii, Boston , 53 Central wharf, .s. H. t-.ockwell. rrovidenoe. R. I. Ships leve buaion, Tuesdays and Uatnrdaya. " Mu, V . j...... " Balto . Wednesdays dcBaturdaya " Pniiaoeiptila, Mondays. Wednee da a, Saturday a. ' i coviueuoe, Maturdaya. I hrough nil Is lading given, and raieavnar. auieeo to all point at the ditterentomoea of iue uuuipun lea. AVOID HHKAKAUR or BULK AN - SHIP VIA N. C. LINK. B. H. GRAY. Agent. ' Npw Berne. N. 0. kl.vai lj l-a l skin mil, inn n ,r ii cn uliuil AI.UJAMUUU UNt. The ateamer TaHOMA. MIDSUMMEUBCHEDULB,' I; Commencing 1 hursilav. Jnna27lh mdni,. tinulug uurluK the months of July. August and part of beptember, the following sohed- uio n in m ujic t n LIU 11 . i.eave mew Berue on Thursday morning at Hlx o'clocA for Bayboro and Intermediate landings. Leave Bayboro Thursday night for Ocra coke, arriving here Friday moraine: arrlrev at Washington N. U.,ame night. tave wasnmgton for Oct. coke on arrival of steamer UreeuvTlle BatDroaj mornlaa. reaching ucracoke that evening "" Leave ocraooke sund .y afternoon, arrtv ng at.Washl gton same night. iave Wehlugton Tuesday morning. ar riving at uoi acoke same day. Leave Ucracoke Wednesday mornlnc for Bayboro. arriving at New Berne WedueW, Leave New Berne Thursday morntoa- andl continue run as described. TtT1 Thus one trip per weak will ha ai.w new nerna io Ucracoke snd Washinstoat -n'"! Uie following WednaJdarJ night, affording persons an " sieeu" T opportunity oLapending a few daysatthe most desirable point on tha Knn TEJiffr eoast to enjoy aU UiepleMuretlncldulai to an ocean summer resort. . -" Persons deainno- mtri.ii wu..l.2- -Tl' enabled to do so byitnut ' Uneia liui .Wflord- .faJJP' per wilt be Vade aveHW O .h ka-...,. I: 1... f) for furtbttr InformatWn r ''" .! ' . k, TlUA CI J iformatldn apply to 4 fin a. ti&xiit AtSiC I.O, June tiBtCl-'t w " ilhs)i Lku. S1.1.1F sew Bene, lf.oH June arista. ,. " 'V EM EB

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