0 PTE- 'AILY RNAL -.TffiA'W; B ?I0iillSM9llKSE BERNE. N. C WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. T ft In 1 "1, Ex President Cleveland re- asiNESsnJCxra. 1 wrt TTVOS liii 4nt ranaivaA aAjttha O lot of that fine beef fey express from for Oak View, his country seat near lha West, which win b "ta Washlnetoo. He made answer that TilE FIFE HEETIJfttS. ceired an offer of nearly $ 150.000 UnioB 8erTic8 theuapices of the Young Men's Christian A- NOKTH CAROLINA SKWS. From the State Papers. -bnl ohoic ameked pork sausage. Oak View is not for sale, as he smoked sllporksausagr,lankTord anil exftetfta to occupy it himself some HOCR eociation at the Baptist . Church. CONDtNSED NOTES. A fire occurred in Philadelphia Mon day which resulted io mother and four ehildrca beine? burned to death TliaPd wan nN bawiaa th. Ranfljf. I J L . X . , . I I L.-l li time id the Tatare. Mr. Cleveland u. u;.u ... ,.. aotl JL nnlhor familv vnoijt in or rt bb sutbat cifioatsKof stock aA h.U wile werealajs fond of at 3 0c.ock p. m. a large congregation, ma1 hi8KWjfm 008 ch'ld WMt St uaTB nrincioallv ladies, assembled to loin in J ' r"9 "AT: during his Presidential devotional exercise. s jS&fiZ i3'e N , , .1 term were passed at the pleasant Befre the talk by Mr. Fife a large ,g,iumM cured, killed his eon with s O WELL-regulated 'ny oan 1t .... number of requests by various persons large butcher knife, and attempted to afford be without a 'b Vno,Mittle cottage. It seems strange, fof tijM kill his wife, who escaped by locking Cook Stove. however.' that Mr. Clevelaud should j j herself in her room. The lunatio thtu Octll tf. " WHITtY & OATI8. 'MiZnZltt v Z I con8ret,OD started out in a general killing expe- Tittl. HEADS and butement. neatly' .Mdrte property when he b3Wed io prayer. dul0Bf and attein ed take tbBa i ri.tii t thi offla. .all and CU sell It for : five tlinea what It Mr. Fife's talk was directed to Chiis- of several persons, and finally he had leava vonr orders with u. cost him. Tho rftnt tenants rl tians He uraed them to do all in their w be kiUed before 8l0P coal,i be Pul r' OADEO SHELlWub by tbe help of God, to show JLBtsWhdSeciJans,,-" R'pwthjgLDf., Henry S. ; Iiindslev. for many sinners the way of eternal life; urged B,til : l: - ;'" " yearsjirie-Qlihe leading phvsicians them to fully coi IN STOCK: Ground Alum Salt. Fine Table Salt, Pocket Salt, Lard in Tierces and Tins. nftrvAfc;L ; WHitrr Oiksju I EWEB and Note Paper furnished J n l naatlv nrin-ed at-the iQU&Xk) JTJ3T RECEIVED .-A new Jot of, Job BtookCWod -bHc frc'.pfces. Cl adsesffpletvfa;! LOOT' 8c' eout nitres S earsj6jue.Q.i ihe leadmpr phjfiici: or vYaabington-.p-Ny York World. 06A;INEWS. - m i t lMvi .Tsn ibf'8tnaliJ things will NEW ADVERTISEME ATS. F ULBICH Salt. cto. - Tl 0 MOSKLT Adininiutr'ro notice. Iavj BBaM80N Branson's directory. eyerpajWjjapd; aft agKregation oi am ail things aometiqtos has a tremendoM . Ghrattioiai;1'" effect.- Thb motto of Ban jptegp for two Put youf coal ashes on the sidewalk and have a good pavement. J. K. Willis, the marble man, was filling orJers fr5m Hvde coanli vester- Gharlotte day. Owing to the illness of Prof. Skinner the lesson of his vocal class which was to bis murderous career A TRAGIC AFFAIB. .i . II . , i . U Hill llk uow tuui A J- V CIU wvi them to fully consecrate themselves to Dout five o'clock this evening, A. E. Qod.so that they would be willing to Posey, Eq a prominent young lawyer accept any position in life, do any- of this place, shot and killed Mr. Fur thing, to bring siani rs to Christ. After man Forest, also a young man and resi ,,,, ,, , , dent of Hendersonville. A difficulty Mr. Fife's remarks many pressing had in the C0Urse of theday Constians signified their desire to be between Forest and Sherman, the pro true, devoted servants of tha Master. prietor of a bar room, and Mr. Posey Night Service, 7;30 o'CLOCK-If it was employed ss counsel for Mr. Sher . .v.,. , man in the trial which followed. Dur- were po381ble, there was the largest inK the progre69 0f the trial Posey and audience. yet, to hear Mr. rife last Forest become involved in a dispute on night. The building was packed and a matter connected therewith. Aftertbe men even stood outside tha doorwav to conclusion of the trial the parties met . TTlrieli, WHOLESALE GROCEB, MIDDLE STEEET, NEW BEBNE. K. t. Agent for Gun Powder, j Administrator's Notice. flavins qualified as the AdmlnUtrator of the estate of MUeo Richardson, deceased. lth the will annexed, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate settlement, end all persons hold ing claims against the said estate will pre sent ihem on or before tbe 4th day of De cember. 1K00, or this notice will be plead In oar oi their recovery RuBKKT U. M08KLEY, Administrator with the will annexed of MUeo Rloha'dson. Deo.3,188P. Iaw6w to have been held tonight will be post- :rn6"ntWpMt hat heen hell on- earth MnnA irf t0Wl11- '$9? ' The new building for the 8. H. Gray 4er th consequences are unhappy, nufaoturing company is going up. 'ff-jBiUi liegO BOD. - ' It will be the same size of the one r.'." '-'.I, , . blown down. '"fiincft oar editorial on the "Offl- , . t . . . IT ' , Trinity College is to be removed to 'oeft.otin House of Eepresenta- ,Wgh The Conference voted on the tlTes" was written, we learn with question Monday night and deoided gret pleasure 'that Milburn was as above stated. elMte Chaplain, ". j Rer. Mr. Thurber has been assigned ' ',' , "' " .a -4 -r- to St. Peter's churoh, oolored, as pastor v--$artnVOf the Bads In the FlftJ- f0r the ensuing year by the conference first Gongre8S Will be to tarn out recently held in Wilmington. quiry meeting many went out, but still enough were left to fill the church com fortably full. Service again this evening at 3:30 o'clock and tonight at 7:30 o'clock. This will be the last night of Mr. Fife's meetings as he leaves in the morning. on the sidewalk above the Globe hotel. Posey 's office, when the alteration was renewed. In the fight which ensued, Posey shot Forest twice in the ohest which resulted in the letter's death in a few minutes there' after. Posey is confined in tha county jail. Shipping News. The steamer Eaglet, of the E. C. D. line, sailed yesterday with a cargo of cotton, lumber, naval stores, etc The Annie, of this line, will arrive tonight. 1 he Duties of the Day. Editou Jouenal: That Eastern North Carolina has tbe shortest crops that has been gathered in for many years is a patent fact; that it is no fault of tbe husbandmen, nor of the soil or olimate is equally true. That it is tbe direct visitation of Di The eteamer Tahotna will sail for vine Providence is to all right thinking Inwnr Naiim nrl Raw rivAr nt 7 nVi: people beyond dispute. Excessive rains i i hi i Friday morning. and hail have been the destructive I no-Ants of an Almiohtv Dower, sent ibe steamer Newberne, ot the O. u. no doubt, in Almighty wisdom and line, sailed for Norfolk yesterday with goodness, to teach a lesson to the objects I a cargo of general freight. otinnnite love ana mercy. The steam tug Ooeanic, Capt. S. F. L. ,.pB i. -1 luo"u,UB" v' u ' H triA rARuha will fall with fiTAAtar or less "Onljra Farmer's Daughter" will be Blockaom, of the Brandy wine granite I weight upon nearly every one in this came into section. The farmer reels it first, but She will also appear part yesterday afternoon to "coal up," ? weight or. it win quicmy De trans 1 1 ! n..., r l.iil l . t immu uwm uoiuuia uu uiuicn ,u Dv.ey arupoei s iv uD VUIl,UBO uub so gionB None are exempt; but th worst plsy "Fate." barges, one of which brought stone for or the burden falls upon those who are 'Tha TTino- rf ha St, " r!nr,tain I the light-houses in Albemarle and in debt and depended upon the results K'Mhu there Were : four men Of Arthur Kafer. and the "Swift Fools." Pn"oo sda. Tbe other was in port to . meet their obligauons " ' r . , l .... ' . . J J. V. IUCOD BID noil uicn uici UDiuiru DJ VktMal' .ttrltlor jnbt)il' ..;:jlte PU UIwHoe Smith, baseball olnbs, 1 - " OU6 "B " the misfortune and many are sorely , ... ..t. rnbtrdd r mntnh onmn on t.hn Audam I iuuiuer iruui ouuw niui. Idineonraeed. Now I would not, if I could, intrude sermon on the subject. That is more oreek, I legitimately the work of the minister and more properly delivered from the 'sacred desk. But I would throw out a gentle hint to both debtor and creditor that may be of some service to them, seventeen Southern UBmocrats. Ill they have not got ''Onfcof practice pTewntad at tf.e theatre tonight by Miss works, Wilmington, Del. itheylu prove themselves experts aeuie unene. In this business. iWilHngton Mes nlftTud r mkirM onmn on tha AnariAmw lumber from Blades' mill Green jesterday afternoon. Score. 19 to -4, n favor . of the "King of the stats;"-" We are requested to state that there will be a tournament at Rachel Ire land 'Senear Willis" bridge, Craven oounty, on December. 20, given by the young men of the neighborhood. Mes- . uun wuiis ana uuncan wuiisare Personal. Mr. I. W. Brock, of Cypress Jonea county, is in the oity. At Gaston House: R. B. Williams, N. C;John Biddle, Tom Lane, Fort maii f ROYAl tiM J POIVDEH Absolutely Pure. This po 1 never varies. A marvel of p rlty.dtre, . i and wholesomeness. Mora eoonom'cal u,.,u the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the Mul titude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powde'S. Hold only Io oaaa. Royal Uaki.nu I'owdkr Co., 1U6 Wall t, f v. tuue23 dsu wed fri kw Benefit of St. Johns Lodoe. NEW BERNE THEATRE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th and 7th- Grand Lyrio Production of Newton Beers LOST IN LONDON, A Great Play; A Great Company, in troducing JACK TUCKER. The English Comique in his Humorous Songs and Grotesque Dancing. A Special Lyric Feature of the Presen tation will be the celebrated North Bri tain Pan Pipe Singers, who will posi tively appear. All New Scenery by Lafayette W. Seavey: Tbe Heart of Blaokmoor; Home af the Stuart King; Fate of Coraus; Illuminated Snow Son sation; Job's Vision; a Wonderland of Dissolving Beauty. Newton Beers. Proprietor. L. C. Jonec, Manager, Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c. 3 5t Barnwell, J. T. Winfield, Washigton. and through them to all other people N. 0.:G. J. Tucker. R. S. Ouinntrlv. lf indeed there be any who do not be- Rfl!i.Trr w M R,i,tw..Mp, r! lng . one or the other of these classes. Treaidentlal tickets -Abraham EiiInVCieVjre B McClellati, An dteV: Johnson 'and. , George . , H. Pendleton. Thtf last of these four haa'&qt diedv'Cincinnati Eu The first naval -battle that has bccnrrfC tfei herBtate? since the Ute Civil war took place on the the managers. CljM$e. ' Wtteeif' V$ ' By mlsteke.tha aolo of Mr. W.W.Clark nxW;an4 'UarylaiJi SObOOner was not mentioned in the report of tEe in wMCn'ine'latte,r' was rundown dedicatory services of the church of the nfl'Snnkv tfthftt JjucMSUfot, D!?cipleon Bnnda,. Mr. Clark, it is peaceful, UentCrWturwtheys- elf known, ha. a fine tenor voice, and ywuvtw, .VT7 J his solo was a very enjoyable feature of ter shonld stir bad blood be- tll.tB0.rt,' If W hBOnpeCOIlie, lft ir fe Pa. of Morebead Citv. ta Sn'r' more pattoi.ee with his debtor!. j. . I t i nnr.it run Tmtr.aT titr New Hillinery Goods! Great Reduction In Prices ! A Full Line of HATS, Etc, PUSH WILL TELL I Remember that our success guaran tees you the s i rue high grades as ever; the same quantities; measure and weight always just and generous; but that PRICES ARE LOWER THAN EVER. Less profit and more patronage is our idea of future trade. We don't worry about patronage. Make Prices Right, and trade will be sure to follow. Goods in our line have been too high; there's no denying it. We aim to bring them down to a proper level; we are going to mate ( The Luxuries otiLile AS CHEAP As the Necessaries! - At any one of our Establishments' be found a rill Latest Styles ! LARGE AND FINELY SELECTED SI8CI OF B. Felton, Beaufort; Philadelphia. W. H. Stookly, List of Letters Remaining in the postofBce at New Berne, Craven county, November 30, 1880. Henry Bosner, Rev. M. A. Canady, Willis Dellamar, Mr. Willis Dixon, Miss Judith Eubanks. Mr. Simon It has long been said, and never yet contradicted, I believe, that "a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling." And in all times of stringency in fluan oial matters this is demonstrated Then it is all important to keep the sixpences nimble in times like these now upon us. Let every debtor feel doubly bound to pay as far as he can, as soon as he can, and as much as be oan. ibis most necessarily satisfy every reasonable creditor and encourage him to wait with You are invited to call and examine our stock. Scarborough & Koonce Pollock Street, Opposite Episcopal Church, d3dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C. DB. G- K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offije, Middle street, opposite Baptist church, dec3 dwtf NEWBERN, N. C. MbJtMti- ItWntionAShTine ta the'oftyj and reports that the gray Jackson, J. D. Ja flr-ffilL ' . '".wL'tf month siro. From 'seven to einhtthon- w- ,Kom .IV811 k.eSoaaw mmm. o V M O mWVm BJWJ ,"'Mii1. irroanffh last Satnrdav nnrl HtWte ! MjM&ti&ftlk W-1 Monday by hook and line. It is surely ble that there, jjiyibjlsome stormy a remarkable occurrence. timetjlstlhel!brtnhtolt to likely S'themkaf findson, who killed Capt. Wf 'ISe rli6b1r,?$tS)a Itf Xlie Weseott at Trenton on Saturday night, llgHto'jw-keP brouht thls city yesterday -i.i!4iji.rx-j.r iiitnTofl and confined lit tha Jail here. There iiwur a. 1 1 era bsli iiiiiiiiiiii skaas naaaaiam jLUiaia3Ba Hudadn'a Oiiii:i..J.n.t;i. were threats at Trenton of lynching by uucftwwHa. wtw v some nennle, whila others. I, 1 r -i , . , ' Jackson, J. L. Jones, Bryan Markiss, T. Sutton, Henrietta Sanders, W H Slaughter, Charles Scott, Miss Allen Smith, Jane Wqite, Butler Wise, W- W. Willinms, George C. Wil lis, Miss Mamie Whitman. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertiaed,and give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. Wm. . Clakkb, P. M. vt-1 . . ' . . .... at eaunuwa id tue dixit oi us dook, until the better times come. A differ ent course will destroy tbe confidence of esch in the other, and double the severity of the misfortune on both. If this coarse is pursued with strict punctuality, the short crops of 1889 may prove the greatest blessing to this seo tion of the State that has been expe rienced in many years. It will restore much of the lost con fidence of oar people in each other It will do more to abolish the mortgage system than tbe legislation of a decade. The mortgage has been relied upon to supplement personal integrity until it has about failed to be able to sustain Itself, and therefore oan be no longer relied anon to supplement anything, Now then let personal honor and honst A. L Gregory & Go., , PSKSnasiiT" rHiraraOHW'H'ex' . dfci Usaiflnl .Masai prefbundly . . T, T jl'U fcal ESSS? l&WxfA9 Flrfl 3n&1na Company, held the wading Ihe iUWuant ift such corrections and additions as tl .1 V!. M .. 1 . . . ... . ... m - r ivuo a wo uuuoo cuuuvjr j 1 1 am compiling an editorial book or o . .,. it ..v . luui. ' ..j t.i.i mirnnaA nten to tha front and annntcv UMimmmmmmammmmmmmm I visa ble ta bring Hudson here. lia9 wnwu ua wrreoimi x any r-Tr-r "r "";; ;:wr.r . 1 be able to obtain, so as to oring tne "" . tm i..- nivontnrv. niri nnaaihia. nn in therefore, pay as mucp as he possibly ttxooytuxx u whxpw-. rjlT'.ii fu.r oan on his indebtedness, even unto the lM ..." - ! a tnn niiaI tnAAtinff at thA Na r" " . r ' : I ut.tAaiAM Ia a is and out of an impending calamity, may officers Let the friends send into me by mail M arawn, unaer rrovwenoe, an m- the? I ueuunoi" kwu iuo uiiuuic Bixpougo i tii w Ltt.M bIaiw I Will UV !( UD(t UCIU tUQ 1WT OUI14 ing. C. traUon's programme foBwe:iessioiy?r m. h. Raleigh, n. o. m,artAnmnv nmPnrl. I HMtw secretary js. wroca: treasurer, tr. a. newspapers inenaiy, win 'ments since tLJ'-ine'ortWMM - Ring..N.u.. I In the oars, sometimes a roaring, bos WBcmpwwaiuwr . rina sound are caused bv catarrh, that I MABMKD m we nave on nana a copy ot-ttrauson si ,jii ji..-.ki-. .... i Hinnndant fmm nnshnrn .lUasinessj xJirectory I oomnaon disease. Loss of smell or hear-1 gends us the followinn marriaae no more complete than any I ing also result from catarrh. Hood's Wevera c they MveTraaMeorTO At the residence ufj. a. PUtman, in Continental Fire Ins. Co., OF NEW YORK. Net surplus over $1 800,000. Assets over $5 .000,000. Losses at the Boston and Lynn Fires, 8110.000. PRINCIPAL HOUSE : iEtna Fire Insurance Co. .p-e Middle st.. opposite s.h. OF HARTFORD, CONN'. BRANCH HOUSES: Capital $4 000 000. N. W. Cor. Queen and Pasteur St. ' Assets over 89 000,000. (R R Depot). Losses at the Boston and Lynn fires, S. W. Cor. South Front and MiHril flf. 880,000. ' The above are without question two Wholesale and Retail LiquOI Since tblfeetOnVasd M; Small wood; representative,, Jule please copy the above, ifi - lete-8tilJ0tii8- FosfcXi Braheoa' Buaine I i " In M in mil 'if nnlwi Wshave on han Tna Dcst retaarkftMe fefttiire 1 the veraict they nave Tejiaereor oni former edition. i tL8ftMWfiPWCWflBtoah Ww,-tt.Mfr!lVrto-J cares by purifying r-'n reDresMtatlvei2 ien .'Ibe fhtxa &001 MtX Wev reooiniae the blood'. If you suffer from catarrh. "fe?r!il! ihivdiffioBUyiof, making. It ientirely -try Hood's SarsapariUa the peouUar EcpuUIcanpartyjreNser ... Do yon suffer with catarrh? , You can be cured if you take Hood's Sarsauar ilia, the great blood purifier. Sold by all druggists. l ! SwensborovN C, on Nor, 26th 1889, at 9 oclock. p, m.. by Rev iT. 0. Loving. Mr. R. L. Williams, of I Florence, 8. 0., and Miss Ida V. Pitt- i'l soraVpoftcy.; i-iiJSS-K--uf. 7 ca3 Ei'Jcr than the s rebuke UinnWefflcer j The left immediately for Florence, ui-f w tivnAt- av-i. nn.V i Jn.Mi ithsir - future home. May peace, and 1 Al MID iobiuvuuw vi Us JSe mwirwan on Nov. 20th 1889. by O. D. Mattocks, Esq, Mn J. A Mattocks, Jr..' and Mist Etta p: mrget, notn or uasiow oounty r- 19 . x I rflRUel MX1U' ilDWB LIU LID I Ha A. UV i UOIIIBI Ul I WUUUD11UI VlCirainiUU. , WWUVti X 1 ICW I ASJ U -aww anawvMwwa aw - -lcrancelawyera, ------- -- - r !?""". , -".T ".uiaraea nax- uosp , u good ror to uttty waisoa, wiuow oi we .ate . vym oi ouier iurormwBHi?Mvs;:i"f ttfc, Prloa W cents. vu&tl'w Watson. , ' ' i f f hi"torT Of, tea COnntrtolnoe, ooroxies inu tneir pasvori anq u iwoo . -t mlnlater."., Alar hotels and, board inir maUoasea,or B,ttt UlseasefA-xllrysip- V. I r - -1 tytetet;rtPtyT elaa,.',Ecaema,PImplet t-onslgbUy d, . P, f: -sr6aj Wd so tM blotches,, humiliating, eraptioatv bolla r ' ' . ..ip . rr5T men I . w.,.,..!. .... , CBUUUuics, vovver, vvu,.-mi iitjiuwriniB poi fot la re;:;." 7f.3-il jst:ca la t Foreign and Domestic Wines LIQUORS Porters, Ales, &c. We are ofTering (o the Retail Trade great inducements in INSURANCE Tobacco and Cigars ! The attention of families is called to the Celebrated Imperial Beer, for which we are agents. Satisfaction guaranteed money refunded. BootU of the strongest Insurance companies doing business in this country. WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Newbern, N. C. Agent Bottled Electricity! Nature's Great Pain Remedy !,,, Cures Headache Instantly, and has restored Hearing and Eyesight. The only remedy that will cure Ca tarrh. Also, ELECTSIO BELTS for sale. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Middle Street. Dealers. Jobbers of Ciararsi and To bacco, NEW BERNE, n5 augl6 dw Bkntfit of St. Jonss LonaW ' NEW BERNE THEATRE. Wednesday & Thursday. Deo. 4 & 5, H Positively Two Performances Only, ' The Event of the Season. Grand tour of the charming and dUtln ' ; guished artiste, : . T Miaa AUK I, AIDE OilERJB,i,i,, Now in the fifth year of her smut cess as the leading emotional American star, supported by Mr. CHABLKS MoktJ 1 her and a company of representative players. In tbe greatest of American ' oomedy dramas. J:jtr jm-yA WEDNESDAY RVENINai at l' Only a Farmer's Daughter!? . Amerioaand Europe's farorite play t' THURSDAY EVRWWri v'1 Bartley Campbell's Great Play. jr:i'tJ51r.1 xlliWo T. DeWITT TALMAGE'S NEW AND BEST BObK, GATHERED GEIIS! . It Is a handsome Ootavo book, of TOO Danes, handsomely bound In sloth and Bold, with twenty tall MB iUnstraUoks, oonuMrjlns Masnifioent (Wnm. x...Jl ' '"k" mlWJHSaSiiMtfc Dhernalla. Or lvZZEZISVW- paid, on raeelpt of pries. Prloa bound In oloth, tUO, half inula ti. Iftv oar eent. dlsoount to aganu. Raad SO eanU for Pros pectus Rook and paekas ot olroolais. and wfwina sums v.,.' Price 50 and 95 nanta tUMj .1 .: B0 eeats. A few .'!!" j 01 J"?"' fotoworkatonetTAddress J.8 Kill. VIE, gts now OB aAle at BellV Jewelrr'W .1 'i mi 1

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