THE JOURNAL. PROFESSIONAL. . 8TEAJUXXSS. . - . ' ii i 1 a f 1 V V IB isi ssowxsra m. F : ' " " i S:::::5 InioairEil DfeestioaDisordei '. $::::::. feirea DiastionDIsonlereiUreti; COLD BY -ALL DRUGGISTS. vrjy , L ::1CS 25 CEBITS. PER BOXK rrepmJcnlybyTnOS.BEECIU3,StJIeIenItocashiw,EngIan' , I. F. ALLE2? & UO;f Solo Agents u; rOH UNITED STATES, 38 4s 07 CAJTAI. ST., JIEW TOBS, , VVhft (it vour drup-p'isr. does"' not. k(Vt thmV will' maU. TWrTiam'. ' Pills on receipt of pricetut itfuire L-.(Pleasc-niention"thispapcrJ . , Can be.had HVII.'JTMypfFY Drag Stere, Jtfew Berne, N. 0. "It w-t ml &Hd.i4t j! feJ Jim" vM'3:,;(: v-vAirl'i N' J it - Ji MOP 5 tff 3 llfMllIraMSl li j ikens nS.OOPfiff'-'l Works of Charles- Dickens, handsomely nprintecl and, finely bound, and with a over 30 - illustrations, ' doubtless xseems..' fabulous , to many, but it isonaof the recent "The "1B6z " -Didkens. . Dickens. Th Works of Charles Dickens. "Bo" edition In tlx vol., imall 8vo, good type, a wlthmtmaron llloitrkUona. well printed on fair vt, olotn, $3.00. . tUt of Tola. 130 lUastratloiM. ' 1 Dotnb)r and Son, r: , ," DldOurtodtr Bhop, Bard Time.' - . ' . ITMiTid Ooriporfleld, , :. ChrHtmMStorlev Taleof TwoCltlefc - Vaoonunenlal Traveler. - j. Kletolai Nteklbr,1 w , Martlnfaoaalewlt, ' , ' 4, Mutual Friend, MttleDorrlt, Reprinted, Edwin Orood. 1 i. Pickwick PApers. Darnaby Hudfte, ' Slcetohet by Boa. .01rrTwtt, ftreet Expectations, Bleak Hmue. , Picture) from Italy . villus, aoz eaition 01 jlwck ; ena is printed - from the same plates as-Appletou'g Popular , Library ..Edilaoa" of -this sainc authior. jtheir . published price hpin('10,.0(i ft'setr. The mvev usedria'aV'ttiie lighter and a imiQ neaper, m (juauiy, uui ""both ar& good. ; ' Thebppinay boseenattne UUiUnUL Villa LNAMU.Vi uuywilMVU postpaid ior, 5 0 ce n t Sj . ,f(iOii. 28 UNION SQUAfiE,NY. mr-- 6T.10UIS.M0. IJiH'-W-Hin DALLAS.TrX. , AGiNT WANTED. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TABU: A'o. 18 a Ktfwt 6:C0 A.M.. Monday, October 14tb. 1B8U. . ooiwa SoHi&cLB. Goma Wkbi. No. 51. fewsonaef TroAnti No. 80. Ar. Lve. pm 3 80 4 OG 4 35 fl 00 7 56 4 09 4 40 015 $ m -' At tar.aliop- on- Middle etK?ot; Plenty ' ofwawhot or,colcl, and Kood larue iaiadtt' J. B. B UpWN. Going! Eabt. No. 1. Mixed Ft. & Poos. Train. Stations. Goldsboro La Grange Klnstou New Berne Morehead City Daily. 80HEPCLE Ar. Lre. 11 30 a m 10 43 10 45 10 08 10 18 8 85 - 8 60 am 650 a m 0 57 7 20 7 48 811 8 50 0 80 7 05 7 80 7 53 8 80 8 55 isii 9 15 10 Oi 10 81 10 SO 1100-11 05 11 17 11 41 1215-8 00 3 87 8 48 4 08 4 37 4 5L 0 01 510 n23 5 81 2 43 8 50 413 4 43 4 55 5 01 5 21 5 28 p m Stations. Goldsboro .Best's La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora - Clark's Newborn Rlverdale Croatan Havelock ; - Newport f; Wild wood ' Atlantio -Morehead City Atlantio Hotel Morehead Depot Going West " No. 2.t Mixed Ft. & , Pass. Train. 9 00 pm - 8 04 7 84 7 06 6 55 580 4 55 424 854 8 82 10 82 8 41 9 88 8 69 817 8 00 9 47 717 705 am 819 7 44 710 642 5 85 510 4 400 8 42 8 00 9 46 9 904 827 805 7 52 727 715 7 00 i Ths Real Secret of the unparleled wcee?i of Thk Chicago: T)Axur.WtMi Unaf. U i " found in two distinguishing tkdracttristia J. which more than wytliing. $lse havecon-r- : tributei to tl remarkable growth.. rst r. ' ftasT H m a Daily Pap? for Busy People, Thepeop'.e of tfiebusyWcst apprecuitkeln-1 1y the necessity of an uitcfligcnt tnowledgeT ' of the world's dftWaotaW'btrf fccirotoo ' - busy to- wastedffirt5re,'liia6'rri''Beaftbfeg a through a ciimbrtW WnmA-succt " fifewsi" ' ; : 'papef hi tlia'.twLtiewa.cfaitLtcrBture, ' Science, religion, politics,' and tUefhOusniic' nd-one tf ttf hlchmaketipTnodarn civ ilizaliort,"' 1 he jf want'news all the riews' f - tutth"' ''t intftconalrajnjirfover 'pow isoXUuitrivittlinduicoTiscqeiVfj. tittl. It 11 tiocauss.ynS CmCMlO-DAIUt, Nbws i " ail wheat 'and '.'it -thaff? tiiot , ifjcucu!..iioirir6Vttai?rwfltF.T parti.. c'lt rf r I..,. ,pwti pv r i 1 P . 4 .. .J at, Ann ' fndpnt 1 C 'fAro I nrfhpir,whlcgieSi it' free from the tmBV . it political nm.'4' ... u - 3," tlia'im'; t cw trn "y truly os. m if ial w to 'honest,' tuliticJfnithindthiS Dot.tNi.W3 hftsto1 r "(i tniltfoii a Wtek," ' if "Nfews'now. ad'U to ( UtS 'f frtptt- t t uii Ud ruluclion. . A DAY. . '-vr'tr too "lafTiki iL, i is fur Biile by i 't ffifj, or; Taeday, Thnr day an - Hatnrday. . -:'. f Monday, wedneaflay ana rnqar. - ' ' 1 . ; 1 1 ''. 'i. " . Train 60 oonnaots with Wilmington Wat don Train Vnnd North leaving Goldsboro 11:67 a. m., aad with Rlehmond 4 D n villa Train West; leaving Goldsboro 2:30 p.jn. - Train 6t connects with Richmond A UtavUIt Tram, arriving at Goldsbcro 8:10 p.m., and wltb Wilmington and Wel3on Train from the Jiortll at S:16p.m. . . - Train 3 oonneots with 'Wilmington and Weldoov Through Freight Train, North boondf leaving Qoldaboro at 10:00 p.-T3 , ' 8. L..OU1, "- '. Innerintandent. HOME AND FARM, . 4 u LOUISVILLE, KY. . ths. leading Agricultural loumal of 0i Smith mi Wt, : Made by frarmera for Farmers. T As a' recori of siiteessfuf agriculture, Boms Jsn Pakm has no eaual. Every tonic relatlnr toncullure is openfy discussed in Its columns by tbeiarmersthemseivesr No expense is spared in securing a full account of every notable, sue cess on the larm. u is distinctively tno ;-.v FARMERS' OWN PAPER! A record crf-thelrilany lift,' Presented Iff a, h ana language woicn maiw u piain to aax s ' its i la rut fVtNTRiRHTnRA SipVxt Contains the names of the most progressive farm irs of the South and West.- Tbey do no treat nf theoretical farm inir. but of the actual condl ttons which confront us to-day: B. P.. Johnson : onn m. BtaniT A poem thoa hast asked we to writs thee. As if I was Byron or Moore; . ... - Should the muses decline aid and slight - ' me, - . I'll the grores of Pvnassos ignore. But Til fteal op the aide ol the mountain, No goddess, I hope, to provoker - There is one standing now near that fountain- -.v.ii' Uad I but a toogne to invoke t "Fair, kind goddess of Poesy t listen I l crave thy sweet aid for a time Refuse me, and my eyelids will glisten. W ith tear urops, lor want or a r yme. For a fair one on earth having asked me To write ner a something so nice: So, please help me to do what she's tasked me. And I'll ever seek thee for advice." "What's the subject she'd have thee to. write on t What measure of all she'd prefer?" She said naught of measure; . cut 1 might, on 'Our first set together', suit her." "Or on anything else-1 should think fit, Which irives a wide scope to my pen, Provided thou'lt permit me to ink it, ' By favor of thine, now sua then. 'The subject I have already chosen; ivTis of a bewildering Fay, no was arowneu in a river, i uozms Besides it, sat singing a lay.' I "So, please help rm to tell the quaint story; And what shall I name it, I pray V" "I'll assist thee, but for my own glorjh, And name it, the Drowning i a j While the goddess is smiling, 1 hasten My unsteady pen 'over tile task; When completed I beg thee to c'jaston, Forget then who wrote it, l ass: THE DROWNING FAY. I sitting near the river's side, Watching the foaming, heaving tide; The waters acted mad, as they Swept on their course, 'mid the wild wind s plav. I was singing a song a sons to myself; Not thinking of fairy, sprite, nor ell A song of tho sweets tho Joved earth baa. And the sweetest thins that ever was. The most of my song I made as I sun". Which tho winds caught up and liuiricd along T6 fairyland, and brought thcro from A fir that could hear and was uot dumb (1 sang) They tell me that, of sweet on eaith For when it buds and blooms, then dies, Its perfume s wafted to the skies. "Who is it tells thee that, I pray?'' Aasked a golden-haired, brmUt-eyed lay, And down she dropped in the foamiu spray, Which made me quickly stop my lay. I imswered not; but a branou I drew From a tree, and iu the waters threw. The end I held iu my hand was small. 'Twas then I spoke to the' fairy tall. "Stand thou upon this bough, and try To keep thy eyebrows high and dry I For fairies all, whether short or tall, Or whether they are Urge or small, So long as they their eyebrows keep From getting wet though in the deep, Will never drown, so says their code Made, ana revised, as queen Mad rouo Upon a ro86 leaf to the moon, On errand for a love-stuck loon ." The fairy looked at me and laughed, As on the end ot the branch she sat. Which, oft I tried to draw ashore, And strove again, once more. once more; But not a jot did move it that. l seemed to know so much, thought she, 'Twas best to sit and look at me ; And sat there mid the foaming spray While I on-shore sang out my lay, - I bey tell me that, ot sweets on earth, The sweetest thing is a rose-bud's birth, Jfor when it buds and blooms, then dies, Its perfume's wafted to the skies. "Who is it tells thee that. I spray V Asked again the bright-eyed fay. X answered net; but sung this; There ia no part of mertal bliss, JNo sweet on earth, to me so sweet As face of her whose love-looks greet My halt-shut eyes, aa 1 recline As ease, 'neath shade, in summertime I sang and tamed my face away, Nor thought of fairy sitting there. Ana when I linisbed thus my lay, And turned to look at the sweet fay, bhe'd lost ner seat and wet her hair, Then, down she went, and np she rose; No use the bough was any longer, And down, and np. and down, the close Uf ner career was near: And stranger, W1Ma maiiriA '"mrtiA fuvtmia fn Howled the wind, and roared the wave Ttonnd the spot where, from my view, The fay sank downward to her grave The waters closed, and left no mark. Where, the fairy sank 'mid tho spray bo darki ' . The howling wind swept 'ver the spot. Where the fairy; met with ner san, saa lot! vr:.-K.;-:.. ' 1 heaved me a sigh, and turned away;. And, for . many ana many a long, ioug day." . ' ' - Did I often 'think of.,!'The Drowning (VTlin' rose hsa; one powerful virtue to "y.v- - - y:4.M r ,y,, . Above all the nowers ot tne neia: When its leaves are all dead and its colors Ifcvf are lost,.?:;''?.'-.! . A perfume still sweet it will yield." " Mrs. Geo. P, Bmooto, a hipbiy cnUlvatsd and eatimabla lady ef Preaooib Ark., write. ' nnderdateof April E.'SS: "Coring the turn, mer of 188T my eyes Became inflamed, aad my stomach and Uver hopelessly dieordevad. Nothing I ate agreed with me. I took chroa- to diarrhoea, and for soma tint my Ufa was despaired of by my family-. The teadfngphy ' aicians otthe aountry war eon suited, bat the medicine administered by them nevec did me any permanent good, and 1 lingered between life and death, the tatter being pre. terable to the agonies I waa enduring. Ia May, 1888, I became disgusted with jphysi ctana and their medicines. I dropped ahem all and depended solely on Swift's Specific (8. S. SX a tew bottles ef which made me penaentl j welh-well from then until sow." It Builds up Old People. My motner who- is a very old lady, was physieally broken down. The nse ot Swift's specific (S. 8. S.).bas entirely restored her to health. K. B. DIL WORTH, Greenvflle, 8. C. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mallei) free. SWltT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. GRE&T BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hardware, Cut lery, Locks, Hinges, Sawa, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron, Steel, &o., &c, also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., &c, belonging to the business of Geo. Allen & Co., will bo closed out during the next few weeks' at VERY LOW PEICES. All peidons indebted to Geo. Allen & Co., by cither note or account, are noti fied that ()i)ui nt must be made at an eariy d ly. Indulgence cannot be given. L S WQOD, supl dwtf Trustee. C. B. Thomas, Jr., ATTOttNIST. AT LAW. Or picx: Craven street, near Pollock street, two doors aoi lh ot JocBKa L offloe. Praetloea In Uaren, Carteret, Jones, Ons low and Pamlico coemUex, In the Bnpreme (Jours ef the e-tate, and la the U.S. DUtriot and Ureal. Conrta. . Oetober ltth, 1889. dtr BODOLTH DPFTT. B. B. NIXOH. Duff & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over B. N. Duffy's drag store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, On fow connty. apl9 dwly P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONEY BROKE ft. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty made in negotiating small loans for short time. WU1 practice In the Counties ot Craven, Car teret, Jonea, Onslow and Pamlico. United Htatea Court at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the State. febl dtf CLEMENT MANLY. O. H. OUION Manly & Guion, ATTORN 12 Y 8 AT t.AW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co. 's bank, Middle street, New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6 dwtf F, M. SIMMONS. H. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the connties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the rederal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. ap!3dwtf NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO U'E. ft- The 8teamer TAHOMA, ; The following schedule te tew la operation: Leave New Berne every Tuesday aad Friday morning at 7 o'clock. Returning Wednesday and Saturday evenings. All landings on Neuse and Bay rivers takes in both ways. ; ' ' For further information apply to JNO. 8. MANIX, Agent New Berne, Deo. 5, 1889. .Steamer llouard, Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Monday the 16th day of September the steamer Howard will run the following schedule: For Trenton every Monday and. Fri day at eifai t o'clock, and return on Tuesdays and Saturdays. J. J. LASITTEB, Manager. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Faat Freight Line inrin Nsw Bene, Baste. -t arella Points, and Norfolk, BattlBsara. Philadelphia. Raw York. Bos tea, Kte.-Tla Klisabeth CUjr. K . C. THE STEAMERfr Eaglet and Annie oi mis una will ma oa regular aohednle Unae, leaving New Berne every MONDaY. WEDNESDAY SPECIFICS Fcr Horses, Cattlo. Sheep, Dogs, Sogs, AlfD POULTRY. 500 Paso Hook on Trcafinrnt of Animals unil Chart Kent Free. cenns ( Fevers, ( onscailnii., Inflnmmntlon, A. .V. ! Siiinal IMruiiiuitis, Milk Fever. B. J!. Su-iiiuh, I.nmeucsg, Ubeuiiiatiatn. .t:.--Iircii!por, Nasnl 1)Ih hurues. 1). I). Hals or tii uhs. Worms. K.E.--ComIi, Ileavesj Pneumonia. F.F. Colic or fti-ipee, Bellyache. (,G...lli!)rnrriaee, Hemorrhages. II.I1.--I rimu y nnd Kidney Diseases. I.T.Ernpiivn Dieicnses, Mange. J.K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hazel Olland Medlcator, $7.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 60 doses), . .00 Sold by Droegists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Beoeipt oi Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. DR. J. D. CLARK mam tsaviik. a. OSes on Craven and Broad. a.rr. J. B. ORABTBES. BASIL MANLY. HOilEOPATHIO ff specific no. aa InuseJl) years. Theonlysnccessralnnsdyfar Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and ProBtration, from over-work or other cauM.. SI pervi&l,or6 rial, and large vial powder, for SI Soldbt Druooiotu, nr.ontpoBtp.ld on raeslptot Srice. Hui.iilir(ir,Jlc(llclaot.W isttsaSt., a. Y. All of our Veterinary Preparations can bo hrul nf J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. VV, cor. Broad and Middle streets. Newbtm, N. C. Notion ia heieby given that AN ELECTION will be held, at the various nraoincta nf tha CAtv of Nflvhfirn. An THURSD-AY, JANUARY 9th, A. D. QiF NEW BEENE, N. C. 1890, for tho purpose of submitting to w.irvn 1SK 11 the Qualified voters of said city, the v question of subscription, on the part of Capital, - - $100,000 nf "Tho Harolina Land nrl Rail- DUrplUS PrOfltS, - 80,71)0 way Company," as per order annexed Wkl A F, Brown : Henry Stewart : I h-Pi Ford ; Je6f. Weiborn Hugh X. Brook ; Job: iNHdirnri Kteejcs uavou si. a. uaiawin sncr E host of others make this journal indispensabl a oioreucr, ii equauy . - t:v. v .i- " i ' A HOME MAGAZINE.' ITKveW isut)Jeet"otinterest to the horoe-teaket I full v treated.'-. MarvMarsden.LOiaCatesbv, Mrs? Brown, nirs, Mary Marsden, LOia Catesby, frsS Daviess, Miss Cabell,. Miss MosbyJ- i"Wh- strown rnen abd women with matured reflective powers' should ne gleel their small ailments is really a nuzzle. Host, or otnerwise aensipie people thus bewilder conjeoture, it is one of the things wnicn, as tne late mented Lord Dundrtan exclaimed 'nO fellah can.: find out.'.' 4 Diseases ruica ft feiian . can, una ous.; uum uteresuiariy. " v v - ' i I grow faster than weeds, and, moreover-, eaiTii l.iTlura"" '', ' r V'.' j I h...t aha snnfhar Tnclnlnnt indiir'ag- - FAITH LATIMER Is in cliarre of our Children's Department, an- she has the peculiar iaculty ot being 00ta.i tprpatinnr nt-irl Instructive! ; . -A.': ;.'...'' "d:'!i r , THE MYSTERY OF THB MATI0NS k 1irit1lli itnr nfincnrinff in HOME Aim .. j -rr v. .... -,j Farut, by John li. Irnslck, ana is exciting wrae,. attcltlotl., Short stories Dy Qistmgutsnea wniers appear irora tune to time. BILL ARP'S LETTERS 'Appear in each Issue, and this humorous phQoso. nlii-r was never more interestinr than at thi. time. . .-'.--. c . '.Li, Vjl'-'f 1 IX ITS EDITORIAL TEPAKTMK!tf 'i beeet one another. Incipient indiges: tlon. a touch' ot biliousness, slight ir regularity in the habitof body-4-what Comdex and; serious bodilr disturb ance, not local,- but general, in. these not beget, if disregarded? Baffle ,nd drive off the foe at the nrst ODBet witn Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, aovereinn among preventives. A constitution in vieorated. a circulation enriohed. brain and stomaoh tranqullized by this national medicine, becomes welt nigh iMRANb Farm epeaks boldly and fearlessly la invulnerable. The Bitters counteract 'IliriSffittefc malaria, rheumatism and kidney com for the farmer ! Free Mart Belivery to 1 1 .-...n.mtmn nmonff tne ISTTTICIS. anu iff -l to -itust i nisi... iiuu..v. ,, i i or n ti.i F.;lr Trade and F irmers' Bights.". ril'.l. ordered liver try Beocham'i SPECIAL ELECTION l FOR THEj IITY OF NEWBERN. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Engine. Bollars, Saw Mills. Edging Cmt-oiY Machines, Weare prepared to do Oastlnga of all kinds witn promptness. Particular and immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimate. foT any desoilptlon of maoblnery . We are the agent for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for Q. A A. Bargamln's cele brated Indestructible Mloa Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work dona by us. Iy22 d2aw Wl y and FRIDAY (or Klliabetb City and return arriving on MONDAY, THUK8DAT and 8ATU fttlAl. These steamers, in oonneotlon with the Atlantio 4 N. O. K. K Norfolk Bonlbern K. K , New York.Phlla. and Norfolk R. R.ud the Pennsylvania K. k.. form a reliable and regular line offering superior facilities fot quiok truunoruulou so iransi-rs except at Kllaabeth whlob point freight will be loaded on oars ta go through to destination. Direct all kooos to be shinned via Eastern Carolina Dispatch daily aa follows: From New York, by Penn. R. fL. Plai a 'Nnrt.h Ulvr ?rom Philadelphia, by Phlla., W. A Baito n, u.. uooa nt. station. From Halilmore by Phlla.. Wll. A BalU.. K. H,. President St. Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern B. R. From Boston, by Merchant A Miner Trans gjrauunuu.; jew i or x and New England Hates aa low and time anmkerf ,n h other line. W. H JOYCE (Gen, Fgt. Traffio Agent. P. K. R.i. O n ir.l Trafflo Manager. GEO. BTEFHF3 Division rrelght Agent, P. W. sb, U. 1' Phlla. B. B. OOOKF, General Freight Agent. S T. P. A N. K. K., Norfolk, Va- .-a. H.C. HUDGI.NB, General Freight Agent. 9 8. R. K., Norfolk Va. feb20dw GKO. HENDERSON, Agent, Newberne. M. O. J. A. BRYAN, Pm. I. H. CUTLER, Vice Pres G. II ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL DANK of the Board of Commissioners of Cra ven county, paused at their session on Tuesday, the 5th day of November; A D. lBfiO: Ordered. Tbat an election be held in the city of New Kerne on Thursday, the 9th day ci January, A li. it, rorine purposed sno miuintrio the nualided voters of saldelty theoutetion ot subscribing, on the part of I bhIiI oily, tne sum or tou.uuu to tne capital 8look of the said "The Kaat Carolina Land and Railway Company." In eoupon bonds running tnirty yearn, to oe lsanea oy saia city, of the denomination of $600 each and drawing interest at tne rate or a per cent, p- r s n n n in, payable annually, and the levy nf four thousand dollars annually to tav aid interest and provide a sinking luna for he extinguishment of said prinolpal. And t Is furtner ordered tbat thirty days notloe shall be given of said election by advertise ment at the oourt house door and at each of t ho election precincts in said olty, and also I by publication thereof In the New Berne Daily Joints al. a newspaper published in said city, all s provided In the act of As sembly, entitled "An act to. Incorporate The Kusl i;ai onna ijanu ana run i way com pany,'" a id the atoresaia act amendatory tneieoi. By order of the Board of Commission ers of Craven county. J. A. RICHARDSON, Clerk. Newbern, Nov. 14th, 1889. covHdwtjiulO DIRECTORS. Ja8. A. Bryan, Thomas Daniels, L. H. Cutlir, Chas. 8. Bbyan, Gsobob Allsn, F. M. Simmons, O. H. ROBERTS. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES. MEANS $4 SHOE OR TBI r JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According Your Seeds .JAMBS MBANS S4 g&OB DiiiigntSMttyllao. It fits like a irocKnav anaKuiJlKis MOM BRKAKINiTDf . be- I Jng perfectly esy be flrrt time it u worn.- XI win uasry tne mon .fastidloaa. JAMESMJSAJiS BHUK I. ainoiuteiy tne r anoe or iu price wnicn is. ever been placed ex- .tenslvelyon the market in wnica ouraouny I conuuerea Deiore re outward linear Mtior tne james -eanB .gsexr auee. swansBtttoefornoys ijani r 1. arBANS St CO.. Boston. VnU like of the above sheas for sale b Howard & Jones. NEW BERNE, N. 0.- OLD DOQINIOn Steamship Company. SEMI WEEKLY LINK. fhe Old Domlnldn Ste-umshln Cew paay's Old and Favorite Water Route, via Albemarle and Chapeake -b, roB Korfolk, Baltimore, Sew Terk, Phlla. delphia, Boston. Provldenea, and Washington City. And all points, North, East and West. On and after MONDAY. AUG. Sth. Mas. until further notloe, tne Steamer MiNTEO, Capt, Soitligiti, AND Steamer HEWBERNE, Capt. fritdtett. Will sail from Norfolk. Va., for Hew Berne vl. Washington. Monday and FRIDAYS. aaUa. oloae oonneotlon with the Steamer ef tha N. T, K.B. B.Co., for Kinston Trenton, and all other landlnir on tha Nana Trent River. Returning, wiu sail from NEW BKBNE for NORFOLK direct. TUESDAYS andFRl. DAYS at TWELVE, M., (noon), maklnc oon neotlon with the O.D 8. B, Do. 's ships for New York, B. B. P. Oo.'s steamer- A sfrn- a.. aff. 1 . IKeVtiWiT it.iMs. ej ii As ieenta for owners we offer for sale On ensv and auoommodatlnk terms the follow ing d escribed Improved Beat .Estate In the City oi not uerno: .L, ho. t. - wnAKr rr.urn.itxx r uaiua POINT ; luolndes the piece ef land known a "THE ISLAND," and the wharf or roadway lending tbereto rront nasi Front stieet. Also, water space-now being filled In. The I location 1 the best In the city for all mann faoturlntr curnoses. while tha larve.t malt visiting our waters have ample depth of water for loading and unloading at the wharf,.'. -' . 'A' : ; No. a, TWO XlOtTBIlS AND tOTB ;AX UNION POINT, eccun'ed as dwellings. - I NO. 4, THK IKON FRONf WARJsTHOUBS ON URAVHN KTREET. ; J-,' - - :- - NOt 6. iiRIUK HTOKK ANU UWJlUuliI0U 6n CRAVEN STREET occupied by R.O.K. a fnlldeacWTitlon of this valuable nroner. tft together with the best term upon which the same will be sold, wlli-be furnished on application to the undersigned at their ofiloe ..... . or a thaw a, nTBirirT 'ieof dwtf ba and Real Estate AgtS. ItQUORllAniT. guuinrewopio mat is eurotri -aoe r.ninpii .ifnii unjt nta uuluch srcLiriL. It can be elven In a cud ef eoffe or tea, or in artlole of food, without tha knowledge of toe patient, u necessary!, it l aoeoiutei harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy oure, whether the patient Is a mode rate drinker or an aleoholle wreck IT A EVER FAILS. It operate so auleily and With such certainty that tha patient under go no inconvenience, and ere uei aware, nit complete reformation la .fleeted. 48 page doob 01 particular iree. Duny, R.N N.C. druggist, azent. New Bern. lanldwly : yil'UABLE" TRUCK liKD FOR SALE. - About FORTY ACRE?) CLEARED LAND. situated within two miles of the elty.sulU able ror iruoK raising. a great bargain, . Apply tO ; . - " ' (, . : naisni ninaai. .... maylB ' ' 4 Jieal EatAgentl. NOTICE The subscriber bavin duly anallflcd as administratrix of the estate of John Hughe, deceased, hereby notlfie all persons having ciaim against tne estate or in aaiajonn Hindi, deceased, to nreeent them duly aulhentioated.for payment, on .of before the 1st aay or November, im, or else wis notice w.ll be pleaded in bar or reoovery. - - Persons indebted to the estate must pay Wutuaimayt .. 1 jank u.iiuutiKH, Administratrix. J Row Bom, K. Om Oct. HO, lto.. . . . 0U1 W for Baltimore, Clyde Line Bhlpa for Phlla delphia, M AM. T, Co.' ships for Boston and Providence r ontliing effort to pleaaa our nation. nr almost perfect aervlaa fnrth. nat een year. 1 the best guarantee we eaa all shippers a to woat w will do for 1 In the future. Our ontliine efforts to dImh om-atKiM and onr almost perfect service forth past " .waa j offer them Order all goods car of n n n n n. tc. folk.Va. Paaienieriwlll And a snnd thiB r. abie rooms, and every oonrtesv and attan viuu wui ue paia mem oy tn.omoen. v B. B. ROBERTS, Agent afJSSSKS, CULPEPPER A TURNER, " &euia, nonoik, va. W. H- STANFORD, Vice-President. Nw York Otty. The fi. G. height Lino UESCHANTS.and SUFPEfiS TAS5 KOTICZ On and after ctober 15, 18SS, this lln Wll resume their regular 8EMI-WEEKLY TBIPfili I BTwkwr Baltimore and New Bem leaving Baltimore for New Berne. WED. iMiaSL'Ai, ttAl'CRDA Y, at SIX P. Mv Leavlna New Berne ior Baltimore, TCE8- This to toe only WMkCT line out of New Berne for Baltimore without otaann.and ami uinir retain trip irom Baltimore com slreev' to New Berne, stopping only at No auk. em. necting men for boston, Provldei.. Phlla 1 delphia, Richmond, and all points North East and West. Making CiosVeoniitetlon. ior s .1 points by River and HrU out of New Betii . - -. Aeo. are a follow: . REUBEN 06iJtR, Oen'l Manager,.' ran u, S9 Ht., BalUmore. n JA8- Wv.MeOABRIOK, Aat- Boriolk. Vol'. wharves y ..Philadelphia, 13 ijoatll ' Nwtn'rfe 8alW : rVi2--gf0if WeedairsAftitortays'' 1 . Ptilladelphla. Monday. Wdn,-H : i'toVSi. -sri -. attrday a..- -4 ,4 , ' : Through bill lading given, and rale - ante toallpolnUatthediUertrrtoL. nf, he ompanlsa4..--r':i-i-n-.).,) ';-.;.-..-.. . ..- AYOm BA.KARAOB Or :KVik A3 , - .lei 1 . . -.i 8,a.ORAT;Awt!1,'-i"- ; f. ''j i"'r''i- f "jJNer Bewe, Q: "

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